The word energetic in a sentence

1, This world belongs to the energetic

2, The elderly man is quite energetic.

3, He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.

4, Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition.

5, Quasars are the highly energetic cores of distant galaxies.

6, I don’t associate him with energetic sports.

7, Blackwell is 59, strong looking and enormously energetic.

8, Energetic, fashion-minded person.

9, May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!

10, We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad.

11, Aaron Copland was an energetic promoter of American music.

12, Ten year-olds are incredibly energetic.

13, I’m feeling quite energetic today.

14, The heart responds well to energetic exercise.

15, He is an energetic boy; he enjoys sports.

16, I think I’d prefer something a little less energetic.

17, You should exercise more so as to keep energetic.

18, She seems remarkably energetic for a woman her age.

19, This revolutionary expansion required energetic nation-building policies.

20, For the more energetic ,( we offer windsurfing and diving.

21, He is constitutionally energetic.

22, The company is trying to create a young energetic image.

23, The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament.

24, I don’t feel energetic enough to rush about, so I’ll sit down.

25, Her son was an energetic, assertive boy, always ready to argue.

26, I tried aerobics but it was too energetic for me.

27, He knew I was energetic and dynamic and would get things done.

28, Though no longer in the first flush of youth she’s still remarkably energetic.

29, We look for applicants who are numerate, computer-literate and energetic self-starters.

30, He completely departed from the text and extemporized in a very energetic fashion.

энергичный, активный


- энергичный, сильный, активный
- сильнодействующий

energetic(al) remedy — сильнодействующее средство /лекарство/

- энергетический

energetic(al) particle — физ. частица большой энергии

Мои примеры


a woman who is energetic and resourceful — женщина энергичная и находчивая  
an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue — энергичный напористый мальчик, который всегда был готов поспорить  
the most energetic chemicals — сильнодействующие химические вещества  
energetic respiration — энергичное дыхание  
energetic block — энергоблок  
energetic space — энергетическое пространство  
energetic ion bombardment — бомбардировка энергетичными ионами  
energetic particle bombardment — бомбардировка частицами высоких энергий  
energetic chain — энергетическая цепь  
energetic collision — энергичное столкновение  
energetic compounds — энергетические соединения; энергоёмкие соединения  
energetic concealment — меры маскировки путём снижения излучения энергии  

Примеры с переводом

All men are energetic when they are making a beginning.

Все люди очень энергичны, когда приступают к какому-либо делу.

The children are energetic workers.

Дети — энергичные труженики.

Singing is a real upper. It makes me feel dizzy and energetic.

Пение — это настоящий допинг. Оно меня пьянит и наполняет энергией.

I don’t associate him with energetic sports.

У меня он не ассоциируется с подвижными видами спорта.

The class system is essential to energetic common college life.

Групповая система играет решающую роль в создании активной общественной жизни колледжа.

He fought energetically against apartheid.

Он энергично /активно/ боролся против апартеида.

They mounted an energetic campaign.

Они развернули энергичную кампанию.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She has an energetic personality.

We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Definition of Energetic

active; having high levels of energy

Examples of Energetic in a sentence

I stayed up late last night, so I had a hard time being active and energetic.


The peppy little cheerleader always looks energetic on the field.


If you give him something fun to do, the energetic toddler won’t get into as much trouble.


The music was energetic and kept the partiers dancing all night long.


Making his way through the energetic crowd, the protester tried to keep up with the activity.


Other words in the Energetic category:

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word energetic, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use energetic in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «energetic». In addition, we also show how different variations of energetic can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are energetically and energetics. If you click on the variation of energetic that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Energetic in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word energetic in a sentence.

  1. The walk is relaxed but energetic.

  2. Supernovae are more energetic than novae.

  3. Anastasia was a vivacious and energetic child.

  4. Antiochus XII was the last energetic Seleucid king.

  5. In office Bruce pursued an energetic and diverse agenda.

  6. Bertin is presented as strong, energetic and warm-hearted.

  7. The Rix children grew up in a gifted and energetic family.

  8. On training exercises, Badcoe was aggressive and energetic.

  9. In all three arenas, he was known for his energetic approach.

  10. Photons climbing out of a gravitating object become less energetic.

  11. Fast and energetic, the porbeagle can be found singly or in groups.

  12. Sasha Fierce, uses an energetic sample of Major Lazer’s «Pon de Floor».

  13. Manuel responded to this outrage in a characteristically energetic way.

  14. Suffolk Punches are known as good doers, and tend to have energetic gaits.

  15. Augerons are light gray in color, tall, strong, well-built, and energetic.

  16. A more composed and energetic second set inspired an enthusiastic response.

  17. Hill was energetic and a good organiser, with progressive views on education.

  18. Anastasius revealed himself as an energetic reformer and an able administrator.

  19. Ultraviolet and X-ray telescopes can observe highly energetic galactic phenomena.

  20. Pedro’s character was marked by an energetic drive that bordered on hyperactivity.

  21. This combination of brightness and distance implies an extremely energetic source.

  22. The movement of the Suffolk Punch is said to be energetic, especially at the trot.

  23. They are the most energetic and luminous electromagnetic events since the Big Bang.

  24. The eldest of four children, he was described as bright and energetic in his youth.

  25. At the time this was the most energetic earthquake swarm in Hawaii recorded history.

  26. He recorded an energetic instrumental take-off on Chuck Berry’s «Memphis, Tennessee».

  27. Lewis’ charismatic, eloquent, and energetic oration style is reflected in the writing.

  28. Likewise, positron-electron pairs annihilated each other and emitted energetic photons:.

  29. The Protestant movement had been energetic, but lacked central organizational direction.

  30. The film was not well received, but India Today lauded Khan for his energetic performance.

  31. The 184 nm UV light is energetic enough to break the water molecule into OH and H radicals.

  32. Smith was a large, energetic man, possessed of a constant desire for the company of others.

  33. Radio France Internationale described his vocal performance as «clear, powerful and energetic ..

  34. The most energetic eruption episode took place on the 19th July 2019 with three major explosions.

  35. Even Thomas of Marlborough noted that Norreis was energetic, entertaining, and full of enterprise.

  36. M87 is a very strong source of gamma rays, the most energetic rays of the electromagnetic spectrum.

  37. Although still young, Henry was increasingly gaining a reputation as an energetic and capable leader.

  38. Wingfield is widely credited with popularising the new game through his energetic promotional efforts.

  39. He has been described by the scholar Ralph Griffiths as a «capable, energetic and well-connected man».

  40. The breed tends to have clean legs, with no propensity for blemishes or injuries, and energetic gaits.

  41. Similarly, photons falling into a gravitational field become more energetic and exhibit a blueshifting.

  42. Some of the energetic particles are trapped near the equator of Ganymede, creating mini-radiation belts.

  43. The energetic legislators finally reached school reform with Chapter CCCXXXV of the Public Laws of 1894.

  44. The decoration of the book is famous for combining intricate detail with bold and energetic compositions.

  45. Others concluded that GRBs occur in other galaxies at cosmological distances and are extremely energetic.

  46. Krueger called for an energetic defense, but the cautious commander of XI Corps, Major General Charles P.

  47. A non-live instrument, the Roland TR-808 drum machine, provides the song’s heavy and energetic disco beat.

  48. It also protects the moon’s equatorial regions, where the field lines are closed, from energetic particles.

  49. Mackenzie chose his political positions impulsively and replaced rational arguments with energetic actions.

  50. He pursued an energetic campaign in Henty, but lost to his Liberal opponent by fewer than 3,000 primary votes.

Energetically in a sentence

Energetically is a variation of energetic, below you can find example sentences for energetically.

  1. Both echolocation and flight are energetically expensive processes.

  2. Concentrated O2 will allow combustion to proceed rapidly and energetically.

  3. Large sums had to be spent quickly, and Hanna energetically built a businesslike campaign.

  4. Flight is very energetically expensive, requiring several adaptations to the cardiovascular system.

  5. With a non-Ohioan, the nominee, Hanna worked less energetically for the Republicans than he had in 1880.

  6. Although many of the voters were members of the Polk clan, the young politician campaigned energetically.

  7. In these, the 6s and 6p orbitals remain similarly sized and sp hybridization is still energetically favorable.

  8. It can be an energetically demanding process, with the adult losing as much as 83 g (2.9 oz) of body weight a day.

  9. The scarcity of food makes fighting energetically costly, so encounters between males usually only involve display.

  10. The vice president welcomed the president’s initiatives and worked energetically to accomplish White House objectives.

  11. It was barely energetically favorable for helium to fuse into the next element with a lower energy per nucleon, carbon.

  12. Migration is highly demanding energetically, particularly as birds need to cross deserts and oceans without refuelling.

  13. Sigma bonding has been calculated to show a great antibonding character in the At2 molecule and is not as favorable energetically.

  14. He was energetically involved in organisations such as the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts and the Australian Historical Society.

  15. These cascades are made energetically favorable through the formation of new base pairs, and the entropy gain from disassembly reactions.

  16. Patrick Doyle of Rolling Stone felt Eminem delivered a triumphal act by «constantly bouncing across the stage» and singing energetically.

  17. When Thespis ends at the orthodox Gaiety closing hour, and the opera has been energetically rehearsed, few happier entertainments will be found.».

  18. At this point, the neutrons are arranged in complete shells in the atomic nucleus, and it becomes harder to energetically accommodate more of them.

  19. The English verb «to beaver» means to work energetically or to be «as busy as a beaver», and a «beaver intellect» refers to a slow but honest mentality.

  20. Commonly occurring sexual dimorphisms such as size and colour differences are energetically costly attributes that signal competitive breeding situations.

Energetics in a sentence

Energetics is a variation of energetic, below you can find example sentences for energetics.

  1. The details of the energetics are still not fully understood, but the end result is the ejection of the entire mass of the original star at high kinetic energy.

Synonyms for energetic

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word energetic has the following synonyms: gumptious, industrious, up-and-coming, enterprising, physical, brisk, lively, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking, zippy, canty, driving, high-energy, indefatigable, tireless, unflagging, unwearying, strenuous, vigorous, active, dynamic, dynamical and spirited.

General information about «energetic» example sentences

The example sentences for the word energetic that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «energetic» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «energetic».

Venna could be as energetic as Tdeshi, but she could be languid as Ava also

He was bold and determined, he was energetic and he was virile

Energetic hiccups are a part of the

and an energetic soul who is one of the trustees to our

Alan was probably a bit older and more mature in most ways, but Nuran was much more sexually experienced and aggressive than he, much raunchier and probably more energetic

Your immune system is not only physical, it is also an energy system that responds to energetic entrainment

Establish the energetic imprint of peak physical health and immune building so that viruses simply won‘t gain entry

there is an energetic component to our emotions

The most powerful example of this energetic connection

it does so, I am convinced that the energetic basis of

It’s important to understand that when this energetic

He refrained from saying anything so soon after this breakup, “He’s an energetic farmer,” she continued, “I don’t think I could have settled into my house without him

’ Kim said, erupting into the room as only an energetic seven year old can

She still should have been energetic and lively, that was something she should have inherited

He was a little more energetic about it than she, but that was probably because of his age

He was so energetic that he didn’t mind taking machines all apart and combing the city for parts

Piishain was nonetheless intelligent and energetic

The next morning saw her bright-eyed and energetic, excited to get back to her brother at the Legion’s camp in Hjaalmarch

Though Carius was a bit frustrated as he well knew who he would likely find skulking about and shamelessly eavesdropping, he was no match for Liulfr’s energetic conversational abilities

into an actuality by the energetic output of the

With a deeper understanding of the importance of life’s “little things,” enriched by his time spent at war in Iraq, Jacob offers a philosophical, light-hearted, and insightfully energetic tone to his writing style

Can we wonder, then, that these ignorant Negroes were demoralised at the sight of hard tack and bacon? They broke open the boxes and devoured the first square meal of three years, with so much gusto that certain gentlemen looked on with disgust and called them pigs, and energetic pressmen were speedily making copy on the “lazy Cubans’ hate of work and love of eating

Sharon agreed, and as her spirit helpers and Michelle disconnected the energetic

on to say that this also had to do with Sharon’s death and that when Sharon left she exited on an energetic level through my heart and

there was an energetic hole in my heart

Those of the Agogeia students who were energetic, athletic students, and showed exceptional stamina and strength; those who exemplified martial prowess both with blade and bare hands, those who were blessed with possessing a sharp and decisive mind, those having proven their faith to be unfailing with a stone-hard dedication to the Pantheon, those were in the end chosen as fit for service in the Army

But he was so outspoken, so emphatically energetic

The forest was awash in energetic activity

The flower rang loudly, connecting the leaders to the flower, in a circle of energetic light

She would get real energetic when she was juiced

Health will make the world perfect dynamics and energetic, all mankind will also let the world and all mankind release the positive enterprising spirit’s color

He did need to rest quite a bit, but when awake he seemed vibrant and energetic belying his years

If there was ever a time in recent history to strengthen our values and commitments, it is now! Churches need to search for strong energetic, Bible believing leaders

When one had had enough of the moderate climate, one would seek energetic living that the changing seasons anyway bring about

Roger has received great satisfaction from his energetic work in international education

Inside the shelter, their offer of help was quickly accepted and they soon found themselves surrounded by a group of energetic three and four year olds

“I was young, energetic, and at the time it

The self-object can withstand destructive forces; it can maintain its shape when stretched and can dissipate energetic modes without giving up its

A relentlessly energetic businessman, his every step from the North Carolina farm of his birth to his present prominence has been marked by a stubborn will to succeed and a sure instinct for dealing with his fellow man

After a few more hours of rest, Nuke was healthier, younger, and more energetic than he had been in weeks

stimulant that will allow you to feel more energetic and

were appearing less energetic, random

By understanding religious motivation, one can recognize the energetic pursuit of power to spread their ‘religion

She was both beautiful, energetic, and brilliant

unique and cannot be repeated and is full of energetic, transformative and

It takes only a negligible amount of energy or disturbance to stir the oceanic energetic void to generate universes

collimated beams of energetic particles that are seen in

The problem is that the lazy and inept now outnumber the energetic and productive

of the galaxy energetic astrophysical jets, with velocities approaching the

Her mental and energetic levels could not regain their previous strength

The wolves were energetic and howled when he entered the hall adjoining their cages

The energetic halfling used a small knife to cut himself a wedge of the heavy loaf

Wotan assisted Sharon’s energetic aid by using his magic to ignite a modest campfire for the band

After all these years, I’ve discovered that I write better in the morning, when I’m sufficiently caffeinated and energetic enough to grab my muse by the heels and pin her to a page

Here is a lover of action, someone who is well-liked, energetic, confident, but at times can be unpredictable, and is easily bored by the daily grind

The shower left him energetic, too energetic

Late on the evening of the day of Pentecost, when, largely through the energetic and inspiring preaching of Peter, two thousand souls were added to the kingdom, Andrew said to his brother: «I could not do that, but I am glad I have a brother who could

One of the ways to calm down your dog if he is overly energetic, is to teach him some dog tricks

Choose songs that you really like and are lively, so that you can also become more energetic

It was at that precise moment that Harry Travis sensed that the energetic J

The presence of two happy, energetic preteens was a welcome surprise

She was beautiful and energetic

The Siamese is good with children, especially energetic

Much learning in any physical or energetic form is done so through reading, but much more is grasped and carried out when a form is placed within a situation and made to exercise judgment from within the confines of that reality

There is little that is stopped in an energetic process because of physical mucus

These things being in top physical order should dictate your use of your perceptions, skills, senses, and other abilities when considering actions to take while you may be in an imbalanced stage of physical or energetic health

The Bearded collie (herder of sheep) is highly energetic,

The Bichon should be walked daily because it is energetic

The Cairn terrier is highly energetic, small, jolly,

compounded with the fact that the setter is very energetic

exercised; this is an energetic dog

-The bird should be active, energetic and attuned to its

He was also independent-minded, energetic and a runner but his penmanship resembled that of doctors, so he took up typing

Cynthia appeared energetic and confident throughout the

For a long time, innovative, energetic and imaginative people have felt that the basis of many of the listed horrors above has to do with the breakup of the community

Jennings’ life tells of an energetic, ambitious young man who saw his place but simultaneously learned all he could – especially the ability to read and write – so that he could be released from the bonds of imprisonment

“Much more than that: when the Identity inserted multiple portions in the same place and time, their individual influences were highly energetic and complimentary; in relative terms, their ideas manifest quickly

I understood that an objective awareness of our natural energetic state would have us fail to (subjectively) appreciate the degree of protection we really needed to survive physical journeys

“This is a two-way street: We also mean for you to offer to your world, in terms they can understand, the processes by which these physical selves translate the essence of their physical experiences back into the energetic view, while remaining in flesh

“One such awareness is of our unbreakable energetic connection to our immediate source

This is the way mankind learns—by their own standards—and the massive energetic Identities who came through the gateway to help Saa-ra retrieve Kai-tahr agree: their time is over; they are going home

“To a great degree, the energetic momentum of impeccable choices can metaphorically move aside the lesser of intruding events, but sometimes people just snap

I suddenly understood what he had meant; I was holding most of it in my hand, and had the rest in my head: The “introduction” Bonnie had said I could make was a comprehensive breakdown, for popular consumption, of why the emissaries were here—my crappy behavior making that a personal expertise—who they were in historical terms, what they were in energetic terms, what they would know, what they were able see and do, and to where their efforts would be focused

“Much more than that: when the Identity inserted multiple portions in the same place and time, their individual influences were highly energetic and complimentary; in relative terms, their ideas almost immediately manifest

I understood that an objective awareness of our natural energetic state would have us fail to subjectively appreciate the degree of protection we really needed to survive

“We mean for you to offer to your world, in terms they can understand, the processes by which physical selves translate everything they know back into the energetic view, while remaining in flesh

” She stretched her legs to straighten her jeans, and said, “Beliefs are the energetic engines of our creations, but they are not us; they are conveniences that lead us to knowledge

This is the way mankind learns, and the massive energetic Identities who came through the gateway to help Saa-ra retrieve Kai-tahr agree: their time is over; they are going home

Subdued by the fierce tone of the small but energetic pilot, Manheim could do nothing but sit back and swallow her anger as Ingrid climbed the steps towards her room

The 2000 motion picture, Steal this Movie, is a great remembrance about a charismatic, energetic, brilliant leader during the Vietnam War

After several more moments of his increased pace, Chance eventually exploded in climax, with energetic gasps thereafter

energetic red end of the electromagnetic spectrum by the object’s receding

To this end he worked with persistent diligence and he was, above all, successful in his energetic pursuit of aid from his allies for the building-up of the Polish forces

That roll proved as energetic, making Ingrid grin

Ingrid wished that she could indulge herself right now and pull some more energetic maneuvers before landing, but she was the head of the program and had to show the example and be responsible


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