The word endowed means

имеющий постоянный доход от дарственных вкладов, пожертвований и завещаний


- имеющий постоянный доход от дарственных вкладов, пожертвований и завещаний (преим. о благотворительных учреждениях)
- одарённый, талантливый

Мои примеры


endowed with a good sense of humour — одарённый хорошим чувством юмора  
he endowed churches and monasteries — он делал дары церквам и монастырям  
to be endowed with genius — обладать гениальностью  
nature has endowed him with a variety of talents — природа одарила его разнообразными способностями  
richly endowed nature — талантливая натура  
poorly endowed — малоодарённый; малодаровитый  
endowed institution — благотворительный фонд  
endowed with reason — наделённый разумом  

Примеры с переводом

The man is endowed with reason.

Человек одарён разумом.

In 1937 Mellon endowed the National Gallery of Art.

В 1937 году Меллон передал свою коллекцию в дар Национальной художественной галерее.

The ordinary reader is endowed with considerable wisdom and knowledge of the way of the world.

Обычный читатель наделён немалой мудростью и знанием того, как устроен мир.

The wealthy couple endowed a new wing of the hospital.

Эти состоятельные супруги профинансировали открытие нового крыла больницы.

This hospital was endowed by the citizens of Strasbourg in the 16th century.

Эта больница была построена на деньги жителей Страсбурга в 16-м веке.

We are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil.

Нам сказали, что этот человек наделён разумом, и способен отличить добро от зла.

Humans are the only mammals not endowed with a natural defense against the elements, such as fur or a thick hide.

Люди — это единственные млекопитающие, не наделённые естественной защитой от стихии, вроде меха или толстой шкуры.

According to Greek myth, Cassandra was a visionary who was endowed with the gift of inerrant prophecy but fated to never be believed.

Согласно греческому мифу, Кассандра была прорицательницей, наделённой даром безошибочного пророчества, но обречённой на то, чтобы ей никогда не верили.

Возможные однокоренные слова

endow  — наделять, одарять, обеспечивать доходом, делать вклад
unendowed  — не обеспеченный капиталом
overendowed  — изобилующий, наполненный, полный

  • 1

    иметь все, что полагается, значительного размера (у женщин, скажем, бюст). «The blacks are normally well-endowed…» (нет, эта фраза не для использования в официальной обстановке, хотя и вправду негры — мужики здоровые!). The National Endowment of Arts (Национальный фонд поддержки искусств) — название фонда не имеет отношения к этому словарному гнезду и никакой улыбки не вызывает, разве что у читателей нашего словаря.

    American slang. English-Russian dictionary > (*)ENDOWED

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > endowed

  • 3

    1. a имеющий постоянный доход от дарственных вкладов, пожертвований и завещаний

    2. a одарённый, талантливый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. skillful (adj.) able; accomplished; clever; dexterous; expert; gifted; good; skillful; strong; talented

    English-Russian base dictionary > endowed

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > endowed

  • 5


    1. имеющий постоянный доход от дарственных вкладов, пожертвований и завещаний (

    о благотворительных учреждениях)

    2. одарённый, талантливый

    НБАРС > endowed

  • 6

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > endowed

  • 7

    1 (a) одаренный; талантливый

    2 (n) имеющий постоянный доход от дарственных вкладов; постоянно получающий средства

    * * *

    Новый англо-русский словарь > endowed

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > endowed

  • 9

    English-Russian smart dictionary > endowed

  • 10

    одаренный, талантливый


    Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > endowed

  • 11


    obdarjeny · обдарьены

    Dictionary English-Interslavic > endowed

  • 12
    endowed fund


    фонд, обеспечивающий постоянным доходом



    The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > endowed fund

  • 13
    endowed fund

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > endowed fund

  • 14
    Endowed chair

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Endowed chair

  • 15
    endowed institution

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > endowed institution

  • 16
    endowed with

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > endowed with

  • 17
    endowed with reason

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > endowed with reason

  • 18
    endowed with reason

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > endowed with reason

  • 19
    endowed with reason

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > endowed with reason

  • 20
    endowed school


    шко́ла, существу́ющая на благотвори́тельные сре́дства

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > endowed school


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

См. также в других словарях:

  • endowed — index resourceful Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • endowed — 1700, pp. adj. from ENDOW (Cf. endow) …   Etymology dictionary

  • endowed — adjective provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature) (Freq. 1) a well endowed college endowed with good eyesight endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights • Ant: ↑unendowed • Similar to: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Endowed — Endow En*dow , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Endowed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Endowing}.] [OF. endouer; pref. en (L. in) + F. douer to endow, L. dotare. See {Dower}, and cf. 2d {Endue}.] 1. To furnish with money or its equivalent, as a permanent fund for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • endowed — adjective Pertaining to an endowment, as with an endowed chair at a university …   Wiktionary

  • endowed —    see well endowed …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • endowed — un·endowed; …   English syllables

  • endowed with something — endowed with (something) born with a particular quality. He was endowed with an exceedingly quick mind …   New idioms dictionary

  • endowed with — (something) born with a particular quality. He was endowed with an exceedingly quick mind …   New idioms dictionary

  • endowed institution — index foundation (organization) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • endowed with consciousness — index cognizant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

When you’re stuck on a really tricky math problem, you might ask your best friend for help, especially if she happens to be endowed with impressive mathematical skills. Endowed means «provided or equipped with.»

When you have a special ability, you can say you’re endowed with it. You can also be endowed with a quality, like beauty. Endowed is often used to describe something you’re born with, though it can also refer to something that’s been learned. Endowed traditionally meant «provided with money,» especially when it came to a woman’s dowry, the money she brought into a marriage. It’s still used this way when someone donates, or endows, money to an institution.

Definitions of endowed

  1. adjective

    provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature)

    “a well-
    endowed college”

    endowed with good eyesight”

    endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”



    supplied with a dower or dowry

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Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Forcing change does not work and is not in conformity with the free will with which you have been so gloriously endowed.

Принудительное изменение не работает и не находится в соответствии со свободной волей, которой вы были так славно наделены.

And yet, in the highest sense, they are all freewill endowed.

И тем не менее, в высочайшем смысле, все они наделены свободной волей.

Already it is possible to judge how richly was endowed by nature the young master.

Уже по нему можно судить, как богато был одарен природой молодой мастер.

The BDL is endowed by law, with the prerogatives to fulfill its mission.

BDL наделены по закону, с прерогативами для выполнения своей миссии.

Here children endowed by fate find warmth and understanding.

Сюда приходят дети, обделенные судьбой, и находят здесь теплоту и понимание.

Not to someone so poorly endowed.

She founded or endowed many charities.

Он принял участие или организовал множество благотворительных акций.

Not «those who endowed«.

Надеемся, что не с тех, кто «обогатился».

The funds also endowed seven professorships.

Кроме того, дипломы были вручены семи магистрантам.

We have naturally endowed nice-looking women that are amazing to look at.

«У нас, естественно, есть красивые женщины, на которых приятно смотреть.

Nature lavishly endowed this small country.

Природа щедро одарила эту маленькую страну.

The nature endowed our country lavishly with it’s richness, beauty and diversity.

Природа щедро одарила наш край своим богатством, красотой и разнообразием.

Now, according to modern ideas, the average life expectancy is a genetically endowed species.

Ведь по современным представлениям средняя продолжительность жизни является генетически закреплённым видовым признаком.

Nature endowed him with excellent genetics — his muscles grew very quickly and very proportionally.

Природа наделила его великолепной генетикой — его мышцы росли очень быстро и весьма пропорционально.

Despite the fact that the totem endowed the people of his year with a proud character, they are great friends and wonderful parents.

Несмотря на то, что тотем наделил людей своего года гордым характером, они — отличные друзья и прекрасные родители.

Two sisters, twins, whose names were not disclosed, nature has not endowed attractive appearance.

Двух сестер-близняшек, имена которых не разглашаются, природа не наделила привлекательной внешностью.

Nature has endowed them with just one tooth, but it is deadly.

Природа наделила их всего лишь одним зубом, но именно он смертельно опасен.

Because he created us with a spiritual need and endowed us with the ability to express love.

Потому что он сотворил нас с духовными потребностями и наделил нас способностью выражать любовь.

The king endowed his continental possessions with great autonomy in tax matters.

Король наделил свои континентальные владения большой автономией в вопросах налогообложения.

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The view generally entertained by naturalists is that species, when intercrossed, have been specially endowed with the quality of sterility, in order to prevent the confusion of all organic forms.

For this purpose, they divided the term of his life between them, and each endowed one portion of it with the qualities which chiefly characterized himself.

The act released his physical energies without unfettering his will; his mind was still spellbound, but his powerful body and agile limbs, endowed with a blind, insensate life of their own, resisted stoutly and well.

Instead of men endowed with divine authority and directly guided by the will of God, modern history has given us either heroes endowed with extraordinary, superhuman capacities, or simply men of very various kinds, from monarchs to journalists, who lead the masses.

Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men; which both in affection and means, have married and endowed the public.

Perhaps the men she carried had asked her to do too much, had stretched beyond breaking-point the enduring faithfulness which seems wrought and hammered into that assemblage of iron ribs and plating, of wood and steel and canvas and wire, which goes to the making of a ship — a complete creation endowed with character, individuality, qualities and defects, by men whose hands launch her upon the water, and that other men shall learn to know with an intimacy surpassing the intimacy of man with man, to love with a love nearly as great as that of man for woman, and often as blind in its infatuated disregard of defects.

The side turned up to the public view, presented the spectacle of a gentleman, possessed of considerable reputation as a speaker at charitable meetings, and endowed with administrative abilities, which he placed at the disposal of various Benevolent Societies, mostly of the female sort.

He saw that the soulless thing within was endowed with a kindlier and more noble nature than he himself possessed.

After Pagolo died, he fought under his brother Vitellozzo, and in a very short time, being endowed with wit and a vigorous body and mind, he became the first man in his profession.

Janetta was then only fifteen; naturally well disposed, endowed with a susceptible Heart, and a simpathetic Disposition, she might, had these amiable qualities been properly encouraged, have been an ornament to human Nature; but unfortunately her Father possessed not a soul sufficiently exalted to admire so promising a Disposition, and had endeavoured by every means on his power to prevent it encreasing with her Years.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

At this dim inceptive stage of the day Tess seemed to Clare to exhibit a dignified largeness both of disposition and physique, an almost regnant power, possibly because he knew that at that preternatural time hardly any woman so well endowed in person as she was likely to be walking in the open air within the boundaries of his horizon; very few in all England.

1. A man who has, or claims to have a large penis (usually used as an inaccurate self-description).

2. Someonee who is wealthy.

Used largely by ignorant people who have to try to use big words to make them feel smart, even if they don’t know what the words mean.

Person A: Don’t be all trying to clown and shit nigga; I’s endowed, so you best recognize, bitch!

Person B: Whatever it is that you THINK you’re endowed with, it’s obviously not an extensive vocabulary. And by the way, what does endowed mean anyways?

Person A: Dude! You’s ignant! Endowed means I got a big dick!

Person B: No, that’s incorrect word usage; endowed means being gifted with anything, not just a big dick you fuckin’ ignoramus.

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(n.); endow (v.)

An investment fund comprised of donated money. These investments are capital and earmarked for development. Sometimes the funds are in the form of smaller donations. Other funds are granted from large philanthropic (planned giving) organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The latter and many other philanthropic organizations are large endowments that in turn disburse funds to other endowments. Endowments are often tax-free or lower-tax investments.

Endowments are often associated with universities. Other endowed organizations include public television and radio, museums, theaters, hospitals, and non governmental organizations (NGOs).

I didn’t find out who Helena Rubenstein was until my late 20’s. For many years, the Helena Rubenstein Foundation was the primary endowment for NYC broadcasts of Sesame Street and other PBS children’s shows.

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1. most often refered in colloquial terms as ‘highly endowed’ meaning and also implicating that a male is well ‘hung’ see ‘hung’b. Large Genitals


To equip or supply with a talent or quality

b. To imagine as having a usually favorable trait or quality

3.Provide source of income

Middle English endowen, from Anglo-Norman endouer : Old French en-, intensive pref.; see en-1 + Old French douer, to provide with a dowry (from Latin dtre, from ds, dt-, dowry. See d- in Indo-European Roots).

1. «Man is he highly endowed or what?»

2a. «you were endowed with a great voice!»

b. «they endowed the dog with human intelligence»

3. «Im financially endowed…»

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Translation examples

  • наделять

  • одарять

They impose obligations on States and endow individuals with rights.

Они возлагают обязательства на государство и наделяют индивидов правами.

Every person is endowed with a capacity for to possess civil rights and duties from birth.

Любое лицо с момента рождения наделяется правоспособностью.

France, moreover, was reluctant to endow the Conciliation Commission with powers that were too broad.

Кроме того, Франция считает, что было бы нежелательно наделять согласительную комиссию чрезмерно широкими полномочиями.

For here again we are talking about the legitimacy that endows the human entity with dignity and makes it worthy of respect.

И в этом случае мы говорим о законности, которая наделяет человечество достоинством и делает его заслуживающим уважения.

Bringing in major corporations is simply to endow the pickpocket with some of the virtues of a pirate; this does not really help.

Привлечение в страну крупных корпораций просто означает, что вора-карманника наделяют добродетелями пирата; на самом деле, это не выход.

Foreigners are endowed with fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Charter, regardless of the length of the stay in the CR or the immigration status.

Иностранцы наделяются основными правами и свободами, закрепленными в Хартии, вне зависимости от срока их пребывания в ЧР или их иммиграционного статуса.

They had their own Constitution which endowed them with a status and a governance system that were very much post-colonial.

Они имеют свою собственную конституцию, которая наделяет их статусом и системой управления, которые в значительной степени отвечают постколониальным требованиям.

It embodies the electorate and is established to determine the law and budget of the State, to endow Government with democratic legitimacy, and to hold the Government to account.

Он представляет интересы электората и избирается для того, чтобы принимать законы и бюджет государства, наделять правительство демократической легитимностью и контролировать его действия.

The Council increasingly endows itself with new mandates in flagrant violation of the Charter and rides roughshod over the powers of the General Assembly.

Совет все чаще наделяет себя новыми мандатами, грубо нарушая Устав, и совершенно не считается с полномочиями Генеральной Ассамблеи.

64. In 2008, Ecuador became the first nation to adopt a constitutional provision endowing Nature with inalienable, enforceable rights.

64. В 2008 году Эквадор первым из государств принял конституционное положение, согласно которому природа наделяется неотъемлемыми и юридически закрепленными правами.

Your knowledge endows you with responsibility.

Твои знания наделяют тебя отвественностью.

Well, let’s not endow me with superpowers.

О, не стоит наделять меня суперспособностями.

A building to which the Constitution doe’s not endow sovereign power.

Строение, которое Конституция не наделяет достаточной властью.

The story behind each piece is part of what endows it with meaning.

История, которая стоит за каждой картиной, наделяет её глубиной.

And at his touch the reborn shall be endowed with extraordinary supernatural powers.

И своим прикосновением он будет наделять вновь родившихся необычными сверхъестественными способностями.

Probably because we share a similar look so I endow you with an interest and an intelligence that you may not even possess.

Возможно, потому, что у нас похожие взгляды, я наделяю вас интересом и интеллектом, которым вы, возможно, даже не обладаете.

No more intoxicating desire exists endowing you with the vigour to meet the challenge awaiting you

Нет более опьяняющей страсти не существует… одаряющей Вас энергией… удовлетворяющей ваши желания

Asked by: Aimee Hills

Score: 4.5/5
(51 votes)

1 : to provide with money for support The millionaire endowed a scholarship. 2 : to provide with something freely or naturally Humans are endowed with reason.

What is an example of endowed?

To endow is defined as to provide a quality, a talent, an asset or funding. An example of endow is when a parent passes on his intelligence to his child and the child is endowed with intelligence. An example of endow is when you give money to a university to build a library or set up a scholarship fund. verb. 5.

What is the nearest in meaning of endowed?

Provided or furnished with something, especially something desirable or useful. blessed. equipped. graced. endued.

What is endowed in civics?

-Literally evidence of itself. Term. Endowed. Definition. GIven as a gift.

Are endowed with definition?

1 : to furnish with an income especially : to make a grant of money providing for the continuing support or maintenance of endow a hospital. 2 : to furnish with a dower. 3 : to provide with something freely or naturally endowed with a good sense of humor.

17 related questions found

How do you speak endowed?

Break ‘endowed’ down into sounds: [IN] + [DOWD] — say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘endowed’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

What endowed like?

If you’ve been endowed with something, it means you’ve been given a gift — most likely a gift that can’t be returned or exchanged, like a sense of humor or athletic ability or trust. We usually use endow to refer to an ability or a quality, but you can endow someone with money, too.

What it’s like to be endowed?

Endowed means «provided or equipped with.» When you have a special ability, you can say you’re endowed with it. You can also be endowed with a quality, like beauty. Endowed is often used to describe something you’re born with, though it can also refer to something that’s been learned.

What is self endowed?

naturally possessing a certain quality, talent, physical feature, or other advantage, especially a sexually attractive feature: She bunched up the blouse behind her to look at herself and sighed at her modestly endowed body.

What does naturally endowed mean?

Noun. 1. natural endowment — natural abilities or qualities. endowment, talent, gift. natural ability — ability that is inherited.

What does Sufferable mean?

able to be tolerated or suffered; endurable.

What is endowed with reason?

«Endowed with Reason and Conscience»

To be endowed with «reason and conscience» means to be enriched or furnished with two different attributes.

What does endowed school mean?

a school set up for charitable purposes and endowed with funds (cash, shares or property) by its founders. Many were brought in to the state sector after the 1870s reforms.

What is the opposite of well endowed?

Opposite of rich, affluent, or financially prosperous. destitute. impecunious. impoverished.

What is the opposite of endowed?

Opposite of endowed with skill, ability or intelligence. untalented. clumsy. incompetent. inept.

How do you pronounce unalienable?

Break ‘unalienable’ down into sounds: [UN] + [AY] + [LEE] + [UH] + [NUH] + [BUHL] — say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

What word can I use instead of would?

synonyms for would

  • authorize.
  • bid.
  • decree.
  • enjoin.
  • exert.
  • intend.
  • request.
  • resolve.

What type of word is possessed?

spurred or moved by a strong feeling, madness, or a supernatural power (often followed by by, of, or with): The army fought as if possessed. The village believed her to be possessed of the devil. self-possessed; poised.

What is the opposite of Sufferable?

Opposite of able to suffer or endure. insufferable. insupportable. intolerable. unbearable.

What is a Usurpa?

Noun. 1. usurper — one who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another. supplanter.

пожертвований и завещаний


When you’re stuck on a really tricky math problem, you might ask your best friend for help, especially if she happens to be endowed with impressive mathematical skills. Endowed means «provided or equipped with.»


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To provide with a dower or a dowry.



To give property to (someone) as a gift; specifically, to provide (a person or institution) with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits.



Followed by with, or rarely by of: to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality.

Еще значения (3)



Usually in the passive: to naturally furnish (with something).

She was endowed with a beautiful voice.



Provided or furnished with something.



Founded by an endowment.

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When you have a special ability, you can say you’re endowed with it. You can also be endowed with a quality, like beauty. Endowed is often used to describe something you’re born with, though it can also refer to something that’s been learned. Endowed traditionally meant «provided with money,» especially when it came to a woman’s dowry, the money she brought into a marriage. It’s still used this way when someone donates, or endows, money to an institution.

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  • Normal — по умолчанию (1);
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Примеры использования

Близкие по звучанию слова

Вы можете улучшить свое произношение слова «endowed», сказав одно из следующих слов:


Тренируйте свое произношение на словах, близких по звучанию «endowed»:

Советы для улучшения вашего английского произношения

Разбейте endowed на звуки — произнесите каждый звук вслух

Запишите свой голос, произнося endowed в полных предложениях, затем прослушайте свою речь. Вы сможете легко отмечать свои ошибки.

Работайте над своей интонацией. Ритм и интонация важны для того, чтобы другие поняли, что вы говорите. Послушайте на Youtube, как говорят носители языка.


Совершенствуй произношение

В разделе YouTube вы можете прослушать как произносить endowed

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