The word encountered in a sentence

Definition of Encountered

to have come into contact with something, generally unfavorable and unexpected

Examples of Encountered in a sentence

The soldiers encountered stiff resistance in the town, but they managed to defeat the enemy and continue advancing.


Having encountered a hunter in the middle of the woods, the young buck had no choice but to flee as quickly as it could.


We encountered some bad weather on the way here, but our arrival was only delayed by about an hour.


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Some of the delays encountered were due to difficulties with Inspira.


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Некоторые возникавшие задержки были обусловлены проблемами, связанными с системой<< Инспира.


Technical problems encountered throughout the reporting period were addressed to the Umoja implementation team.


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Возникавшие в течение отчетного периода технические проблемы решала группа по внедрению системы<< Умоджа.


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We encountered enthusiast entrepreneurs and frustrated entrepreneurs.


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Мы встречались с предпринимателями- увлеченными и разочарованными.


The most commonly encountered full-sphere systems are cubes or rectangular cuboids.

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Наиболее часто встречающимися видами являются стеганные и набивные поддоспешники.

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The most commonly encountered is the clear cell variant.

The most frequently encountered barriers of this kind in the project region are.


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Наиболее часто встречающимися препятствиями такого рода в проектном регионе являются.


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It’s a long time since I last encountered the brothers Bloom.

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Много воды утекло с тех пор, когда я последний раз встречался с братьями Блум.

This note highlights the main difficulties that will be encountered by national statistical organizations.


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Настоящая записка описывает основные трудности, с которыми будут сталкиваться национальные статистические организации.


Particular focus was placed on progress achieved and problems encountered.


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Особое внимание было уделено достигнутому прогрессу и возникавшим проблемам.


However, although very rarely encountered blank icon rectangular or square shapes.


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Однако, хотя и крайне редко, встречается заготовка значка прямоугольной либо квадратной форм.


Our lawyers will help you to find the correct solution of the encountered problem with minimum expenses.


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Наши юристы помогут найти правильное решение возникшей проблемы с наименьшими затратами.


Cardinal Rohan, is this the woman you encountered in the grove?

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Кардинал, с этой женщиной вы встречались в роще Венеры?

This is a general problem encountered in the production of the pan-European reports.


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Речь идет об общей проблеме, возникающей в ходе подготовки общеевропейских докладов.


To find out if the species they encountered posed any threat.

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Чтобы выяснить, не представляют ли угрозы виды, которые им встретятся.

Efforts noted and difficulties encountered in cooperating with the working group(III);


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Отмеченные усилия по обеспечению сотрудничества с Рабочей группой и трудности, возникавшие в этой связи( III);


Surely in med school you must have encountered a cadaver or two.

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Я уверена, в медицинской школе ты должна была сталкиваться с трупами.


Alt.(j) Exchange information and experiences on problems encountered and successes achieved;


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Альтерн. j обмен информацией и опытом по встречающимся проблемам и достигнутым успехам;


For Staphylococcus aureus, the rifamycin-resistant mutation most commonly encountered involves codon 526.

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Для золотистого стафилококка, рифамициновоустойчивые мутации чаще всего встречается с привлечением кодона 526.

The term is a neologism rarely encountered before the year 2000.

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Everyone should know by now that when I encountered saliva, I would… go berserk!

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Все должны уже знать, что когда я сталкиваюсь со слюной я… я неистовствую!

Hal was disconnected before the Discovery encountered it.

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Хол был выключен раньше чем» Дискавери» встретился с ним.

The main obstacles that might be encountered in developing an export strategy were also identified.


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Были также названы основные препятствия, которые могут возникнуть при разработке экспортной стратегии.


Results: 4624,
Time: 0.0378





  • Use the word ENCOUNTERED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

1 in 4 who tried LSD without supervision encountered its darker side.


In winter I met her in Egypt, in spring I encountered her in London, and now, she’s here again.

Why, there’s a hundred murders, robberies… every crime encountered we ain’t ever solved… though we know these fellas did them… but we ain’t got nothing on ’em.

I just encountered Mr. Jaffe in the lobby, all of a twitter.

I have encountered the bodies by chance, — after two months of wandering in taiga.

Gentlemen, in the whole course of my life, I’ve never encountered anything so grim.

Citizen, you cannot imagine the extraordinary enthusiasm that we have encountered on the road.



When Maria entered Scotland she encountered hate and repulsal everywhere.

Really, this is the worst impudence I have ever encountered.

On our way out of the jungle, we encountered a magnificent wild stallion.

Well, he’s the nearest thing to primordial man I’ve ever encountered.

I encountered him a few times in the foyer or on the stage or outside the Opera, but that’s all.

This is the most shameless piece of hypocrisy I have ever encountered.

The most amazing source of inspiration I’ve encountered, Miss Louisa.

Yes I’m all right but Doctor Watson here seems to have encountered the monster.

The most diabolically clever way of administering a lethal dose I’ve ever encountered.

When enemy planes are encountered… do not engage them.

To their pirate stronghold, the ‘Last Hope’. Most ruthless of all was Captain William Kidd… He encountered the great London galleon the Twelve Apostles…

When I encountered Lord Blayne at sea… I did my simple duty as a loyal subject…

But you’ve encountered such cases very often… you described them perfectly in your book.

You know, I have encountered a variety of infatuated women in my time.

I’ve never encountered such fuzzy thinking.

Two nights together had these gentlemen Marcellus and Bernardo, on their watch in the dead, vast middle of the night, been thus encountered.

I must admit he exhibits the most extraordinary capacity for middle age… that I’ve ever encountered in a young man of 24.

We have encountered unforeseen difficulties.

You understand now my fear that you might have encountered the Natividad.

We have often encountered worse fakes than this.

I’ve encountered this sort of thing before.

This is the most contemptible bit of impudence I’ve ever encountered.

Today we encountered a fearsome storm.

And, uh… tell him that I miss him… and to say hello to Judy… and the only part of Switzerland that we’ve encountered is a hospital.

Oh, then you have encountered other women?

I was thinking about everything we’d encountered so far.

Our navy has never encountered one of those marine monsters before.

Cmdr. Mathews’ submarine encountered it.

I mean failures we encountered there.

And in space, you encountered an exponential time displacement.

Some of which I had never encountered before. But in mathematics, there is always a solution.

You will also investigate the phenomenon encountered by the Byrd expedition of 1947, a polar oasis consisting of a body of warm water completely surrounded by this vast desert of ice.

«Why should I fear grief, when I have encountered it so often?»

Can’t we surmise the burglar might have entered a presumably empty house, suddenly encountered Mrs French and struck her, then, realising she was dead, fled without taking anything?

No, sir, from what I’ve encountered you’d only be confused by the answers.

Now, uh… here is where we encountered the electrical storm.

There is more evil around us here than I have ever encountered before.

‘In view of the singular lack of appreciation you have encountered,

Sentence using the word encountered. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use encountered in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for encountered.

  • She had at once encountered trouble. (8)
  • He had, he said, encountered incredulity. (10)
  • The first name his eye encountered was his own. (10)
  • Nataly was not so generously encountered in idea. (10)
  • He encountered Mr. Caddis, and it was an encounter. (10)
  • On his own doorstep he encountered Hilary coming out. (8)
  • She encountered obstacles to imaginative composition. (10)
  • The spectacle which they encountered there was appalling! (1)
  • In effecting their purpose they encountered many difficulties. (7)
  • Wherever she encountered them Cecilia talked Nevil Beauchamp. (10)
  • They made their bow to the first knot of ladies they encountered. (10)
  • At last, in coming down, he encountered her on the stairs, going up. (9)
  • Again he encountered the shrug, and he would have it a verbal matter. (10)
  • How was this vast conceit of a not unreal paternal love to be encountered? (10)
  • Once again I have encountered that demon of misfortune which dogs my footsteps. (8)
  • The first object he encountered was John Raikes in a state of great depression. (10)
  • Ammiani stepped in with combative gaiety, but his stiff glance encountered no enemy. (10)
  • Riding with Weyburn and the joyful Leo, she encountered Mr. Eglett and called out the news. (10)
  • Ay, but to combat these dolts, facts had to be encountered, deeds done, in groaning earnest. (10)
  • In that strip of gloom between the beds it encountered another hand, which squeezed it rather hard. (8)
  • His face flying up just then with the cork which he was extracting encountered the expression on Mr. (8)
  • I would not have challenged Machiavelli; but I should not have encountered the Florentine ruefully. (10)
  • Claret or brandy had done its work on him by the time I encountered him some hours later, in the Park. (10)
  • They encountered only the effigies of past Piersons very oily works, and fell back on the dining-table. (8)
  • Mr. Bosengate encountered in full the gaze of those large brown eyes, with the white showing underneath. (8)
  • Lady Jocelyn rose on his entering the library, and walking up to him, encountered him with a kindly full face. (10)
  • He cried out against his scheming sister in an agony, and while he did so, encountered Miss Carrington and Miss. (10)
  • He encountered her eyes fixed on his own, so dark and deep, that he stopped, and broke into a gentle perspiration. (8)
  • They occasionally met ladies driving, and sometimes they encountered a couple making a tour of the island on foot. (9)
  • As he threw his eyes round again, they encountered those of a monk opposite fastened on him in penetrating silence. (10)
  • Returning to dress for dinner on a thick and murky evening of February, Beauchamp encountered his cousin on the steps. (10)
  • After this the baptisms of no more offspring were to be found anywhere, as if that single mind had encountered opposition. (8)
  • The assailants actually retired, and if they afterward renewed the movement they encountered none but our dead and wounded. (7)
  • I felt about until my hand encountered a stout branch, and to this I tied Modestine, a haggard, drenched, desponding donkey. (2)
  • And she swept round into the library, where she encountered the phantom with a little whoop as it started into sight before her. (9)
  • They encountered here with a jocose old friendliness, and a profession of being tired of always meeting Miss Anderson and Mr. Mavering. (9)
  • To make matters worse, we encountered another donkey, ranging at will upon the roadside; and this other donkey chanced to be a gentleman. (2)
  • Continual other dangers and losses, of whose frequency, gravity, and magnitude the general public has no adequate conception, are encountered. (21)
  • At this, almost the first time she had ever yet encountered a distinct rebuff, Barbara quivered, as though she had been touched lightly with a whip. (8)
  • During his lonely journey he had encountered Indians, and a poisoned arrow received in the running conflict had necessitated amputation of his leg. (21)
  • Philosophy did not seem to catch her mind; and fine phrases encountered a rueful assent, more flattering to their grandeur than to their influence. (10)

Also see sentences for: encounter, encountering, encounters, encourage, encouraged.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for encountered. Now that you’ve seen how to use encountered in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Learn how to use encountered in a sentence and make better sentences with `encountered` by reading encountered sentence examples.

  • Ebullient, intelligent, multi dimensional, she was the best bartender I’ve ever encountered.
  • On a few visits I have encountered many deer so yeah, there is nature in this nature preserve.
  • This was the first place I had ever encountered this native Sconnie delicacy.
  • Have you encountered failure after failure in the way you relate to men.
  • Other Dutch Bros I’ve encountered are professional but no, not here.
  • The WORST service I’ve encountered in a McDonalds so far in the continental USA.
  • Sorry to say this is the poorest customer service department I have ever encountered.
  • Worst service I’ve ever encountered.
  • She was the ONLY friendly and pleasant Budget employee that I encountered.
  • The first few times I’ve encountered that I thought it was just a bad day.
  • Service is some of the best I have ever encountered.
  • All the staff I encountered was incredibly friendly and happy to be there.
  • All of the staff we encountered were super friendly and helpful.
  • In fact, she was the best bartender I’ve encountered in years.
  • I first encountered Piola in Playa del Carmen, in Mexico.
  • Every person I’ve encountered who works there is very friendly, too.
  • This is the most unprofessional, inconsiderate, and backwards policy that I have ever encountered.
  • Besides the service issues we’ve encountered, this is our go to Greek spot so check it out.
  • The place was slammed but everyone that we encountered was friendly not flustered.
  • This place has the worst customer service I ever encountered.
  • I can’t say the last time I encountered such horribly rude staff.
  • Every staff member we encountered was rude.
  • All staff members we encountered with were super nice.
  • In all my years of training, I’ve never encountered anything like it before.
  • Best customer service of any business I have ever encountered.
  • Jesse is by far the best hairdresser I’ve encountered in Las Vegas.
  • The technician was probably one of the nicest and most helpful people I have ever encountered.
  • Everyone I encountered were super friendly and helpful.
  • Although this location is very busy and I have always encountered a line, it moves decently.
  • I have always encountered nothing but friendly staff.
  • They have the least competent servers I’ve ever encountered at this location.
  • Quite possibly the most unprofessional and careless caterer I have ever encountered.
  • Anthony Alberto is one of the best car salesman I’ve encountered.
  • Bar none the best eyewear selection I’ve ever encountered.
  • Without exception, everyone we encountered was friendly and eager to please.
  • Best server I’ve encountered food was great but I’d def go back just based on service.
  • These schmucks have encountered my wrath a few times.
  • Allow me to list a few of the issues encountered over a 2 night stay.
  • 00 extra never encountered this before.
  • Many of these were things I had never encountered before.
  • I have travelled the globe and I have rarely encountered such natural splendor.
  • I encountered little to no vibration.
  • Vet and vet techs are some of the best I have encountered.
  • I had to tell him the problems I encountered in my room.
  • Rochlin and ALL of the staff I encountered were amazing.
  • Melanie is perhaps one of the very best massage therapists I have ever encountered.
  • I’ve not encountered the issues others have with waiting on ingredients, or slow lines.
  • In my entire time living in Toronto I have never encountered such a rudeness displayed by the staff.
  • The bar staff was quite comfortably bilingual and everyone I encountered was quite nice.
  • Before that everyone we encountered was an ass.
  • Not only is the food at the pantry amazing, but Janel is the best server I have ever encountered.
  • All the dealers I encountered were also very fun to talk to and made losing money fun.
  • Overall, a good story, the best of the new adventures I’ve encountered so far.
  • It’s exactly the same problem encountered with the original IGI and Hitman 47.
  • The best plumber I have encountered.
  • Have you encountered a person undergoing extreme mood swings, or sudden behavioral changes.
  • All the staff members we encountered were friendly.
  • Kubby is one of the most thorough Dr’s I have ever encountered.
  • The new people that I have encountered have all been fantastic.
  • Everyone I have encountered is amazed by his skill and what he has done.
  • She is absolutely the most undeserving student I have ever encountered, in any profession.
  • Dr Lee was one of the more knowledgeable Optometrists that I’ve encountered.
  • And not one person we encountered that day impressed me.
  • What I really love about this place is that all the workers I have encountered are very nice.
  • I’ve been to this location multiple times and have only encountered one friendly employee.
  • Actually, all of the staff I have encountered in this Smith’s have been quite personable.
  • Telephoned to order flowers for delivery on the same day and encountered one of the rudest people.
  • The fees are high for the quality of referees as far as I’ve encountered.
  • I’ve been in here several times and despite being non Hispanic, I’ve never encountered an attitude.
  • CrossFit has by far improved my fitness greater than any other form of training I have encountered.
  • Everyone we have encountered here has been friendly and very helpful.
  • Everyone we encountered was super nice, however the problem was getting someone to attend to us.
  • If you have spent any time at a spa or a resort, you may have already encountered infrared saunas.
  • I then drove to the salon where I encountered unlocked doors but no one inside.
  • The pizza here is fantastic the spelt crust is by far the best wheat free option I’ve encountered.
  • The bed is indented like some bad hotel beds I’ve encountered but it helps the dolls rest easier.
  • In all the times I’ve been here, I’ve never encountered a nice employee.
  • I’ve tried many places around the valley and this is by far one of the best I’ve encountered.
  • You will see real friendships, and 1st loves that we have all encountered.
  • Barista Dylan was one of the most pleasant people I encountered in quite some time.
  • I haven’t encountered many that were very good, in my opinion.
  • Have never encountered such attentive and kind staff.
  • I’ve never encountered a grumpy employee, no matter what time of the day or night I arrive.
  • Never in my life have I encountered a manager like that.
  • They are the nicest and most punctual serviceman I have ever encountered.
  • The other guy who wandered around was perhaps the most clueless person I have encountered in ages.
  • Every single person I encountered was INCREDIBLY rude and uptight from the start to the beginning.
  • But the ladies that I encountered working at this location were exceptionally friendly and helpful.
  • What we actually encountered was astonishing.
  • The worst customer experience I’ve ever encountered, even outside car rental.
  • Needless to say this was the worst experience we have encountered at Bachi burger,.
  • Everyone I encountered was pleasant to be around.
  • So just be prepared because we’ve encountered this before.
  • Best of all, our server was the funniest and most accommodating server I’ve ever encountered.
  • Though I liked her character more than any other encountered.
  • G and Jaycee are the best best technicians I have ever encountered.
  • Even when issues were encountered, they handled them quickly and professionally.
  • I recommend this location as everyone I encountered asked me if I needed help.
  • The 3 staff members we encountered were friendly and jovial.

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