The word emphatic used in a sentence

Asked by: Prof. Christiana Bins

Score: 4.6/5
(18 votes)

Nicole’s mother was emphatic when she told her not to come home late again. When something is emphatic, it imparts emphasis. A sentence is made emphatic by adding an exclamation point, and the word carries with it the important and urgent feeling of that punctuation mark.

What is a good sentence for the word emphatic?

Martha was very emphatic about what she saw. But he disposes of this doubt in a very emphatic and significant manner. All their work is an emphatic protest against this supposition.

How do you use emphatic order in a sentence?

The following is an example of a paragraph using emphatic order: After looking at all the brochures and talking to several salesmen, I decided to purchase an SLR camera. For several years I had been dissatisfied with the results I was getting from my point-and-shoot camera.

What is a emphatic statement?

An emphatic response or statement is one made in a forceful way, because the speaker feels very strongly about what they are saying. … If you are emphatic about something, you use forceful language that shows you feel very strongly about what you are saying.

What does emphatic mean?

1 : uttered with or marked by emphasis an emphatic refusal. 2 : tending to express oneself in forceful speech or to take decisive action.

34 related questions found

What is the example of emphatic?

The definition of emphatic is something that is said or done with strong emotion or action. An example of emphatic is the response of children when asked if they want ice cream.

How do you show emphasis in a sentence?

If you need to emphasize a word or a particular fact in a sentence, you can use italics to stress it. That said, italics and other font changes lose their impact if overused.

What are some examples of emphatic stress?

Emphatic stress is a stress placed on a particular word in a phrase or clause for clarity or emphasis. In WAEC’s, NECO’s, NABTEB’s and JAMB’s Use of English exams, the word that is emphasized or the word that carries the emphatic stress is usually capitalized. Example: Tammy’s girlfriend is always STUNNING.

What is affirmative sentence?

An affirmative word, phrase, or sentence expresses the validity or truth of a basic assertion, while a negative form expresses its falsity. The sentence, «Joe is here» would be an affirmative sentence, while «Joe is not here» would be a negative sentence. The word «affirmative» is an adjective.

What is an emphatic sentence structure?

The emphatic form consists of you inserting some form of the word «do» before a main verb in order to emphasize the fact that something «did» in fact happen. The form is more commonly used in a negative way.

What is emphatic order sentence?

Emphatic order asks you to organize your paper in the order of how strong your examples are (hence the word «emphatic» or placing emphasis on certain information over other pieces of information based upon importance).

Do does emphatic use?

The emphatic do is a particular use of the verb do (do, does, or did) to add emphasis to an affirmative sentence. The emphatic do is far more common in speech than in formal written English. Unlike ordinary auxiliary verbs, which are typically unstressed in speech, the emphatic do is almost always stressed.

How do you change a sentence into an emphatic sentence?

Emphatic sentence is made using the auxiliary ‘do’.

And also in the base form of the verb:

  1. I am emphatically happy.
  2. She does not have emphatically likes a biscuit.
  3. She showed emphatics to come to my party today.
  4. He emphatically broke my compass.
  5. Ram is emphatically busy today.
  6. She is emphatically intelligent .

How do you use conscientious in a sentence?

Conscientious sentence example

  1. Alex was conscientious and he would never ask his employees to do anything he wouldn’t do. …
  2. She was conscientious with regard to her duties as examiner. …
  3. He was a hard and conscientious worker and became widely known for his ability in debate.

How do you identify emphatic stress in a sentence?

Emphatic stress is the placement of articulatory prominence or emphasis on a word in a sentence. In responding to questions on emphatic stress in examinations, interrogative sentences will be provided as options. The interrogative sentence that contradicts the emphasised word is the correct option.

Why is emphatic stress used?

Emphatic stress may be used in a sentence to compare, connect, or clarify things. Usually emphatic stress singles out the word that the speaker considers the most important, and in this case even a function word may become stressed. … The interrogative sentence that contradicts the emphasised word is the correct option.

What is sentence stress?

: the manner in which stresses are distributed on the syllables of words assembled into sentences. — called also sentence accent.

What are some examples of emphasis?

The definition of emphasis is special attention put on something to give it importance. An example of emphasis is bolding the font of a particular word in a document to bring attention to it. An example of emphasis is a woman wearing a low cut shirt in order to bring attention to her cleavage.

What does an emphasis look like?

For emphasis, writers can vary the look of their text in a number of ways with bold, italics, underlining, and all-caps. Although some writers seem to like using all-caps, their use SHOULD BE AVOIDED ALTOGETHER.

How do you emphasize something in writing?

Still, especially for academic writing, italics or underlining is the preferred way to emphasize words or phrases when necessary. Writers usually choose one or the other method and use it consistently throughout an individual essay. In the final, published version of an article or book, italics are usually used.

What does Bullheadedness mean?

: stupidly stubborn : headstrong.

What is the noun form of emphatic?

emphaticalness. The quality of being emphatic; emphasis.

Is empathetic a adjective?

Empathetic is an adjective that describes someone or something that exhibits empathy. Empathy is a high degree of understanding of other people’s emotions. Empathetic and empathic are interchangeable, but sympathetic has a slightly different meaning.

Which of the following phrases might be used to express an emphatic view?

The most common emphatic intensifiers in English (in my opinion) are “really” and “very much.” I am sure you have heard people use these words frequently, in fact I used one in the title of this post.

Emphatic means forceful and clear. Nicole’s mother was emphatic when she told her not to come home late again.

When something is emphatic, it imparts emphasis. A sentence is made emphatic by adding an exclamation point, and the word carries with it the important and urgent feeling of that punctuation mark. If a baseball team defeats another by 10 runs, the victory is emphatic because like strong speech, the victory is clear and forceful.

Definitions of emphatic

  1. adjective

    spoken with emphasis

    emphatic word”


    emphasised, emphasized

    accented, stressed

    bearing a stress or accent

  2. adjective

    sudden and strong

    emphatic no”




    characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)

  3. adjective

    forceful and definite in expression or action

    “the document contained a particularly
    emphatic guarantee of religious liberty”



    assertive, self-asserting, self-assertive

    aggressively self-assured

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘emphatic’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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The meaning of «Emphatic» in various phrases and sentences

Что значит emphatic?

It means making an impression in a visibly distinct and striking way

Что значит emphatic?

Emphatic =Strongly expressed.

I asked her to go to dinner with me. She gave me a simple “no.”

I asked her to go to dinner with me. She gave an emphatic “NO!!!!”

The protesters were so emphatic that the police policy needs to change that the mayor finally agreed to change the law.

I want to start working immediately after high school, but my parents are emphatic about my going to college.

Что значит emphatic ?

empathetic means caring

Что значит emphatic win/victory ? ?

A win by a very large margin or a win by a lot. (E.g. Did you win the football match?
It was an emphatic win — the score was 9-1 to us.)

Synonyms of «Emphatic» and their differences

В чем разница между He was pretty emphatic about me leaving. и He was pretty reluctant about me leaving. ?

These sentences have the opposite meaning:
emphatic about me leaving = he really wanted you to leave
reluctant about me leaving = he really didn’t want you to leave

В чем разница между emphatic и assertive ?

Emphatic = say something clearly and forcibly
Assertive = Have a confident and forceful PERSONALITY

В чем разница между emphatic и explicit ?

emphatic is making a point forcefully, «with emphasis» (they share the same root word). Explicit is being clearly defined. It leaves nothing implied and no room for interpretation.

Translations of «Emphatic»

Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? an emphatic final hit

I’d love to help, but there isn’t a single, easy translation. Could you put it in a sentence so I can understand the context?

Other questions about «Emphatic»

I’d like to know what «emphatic» means in the text.

@fleetu Yes: the language (wording) of some legislation is its content; legislation is, after all, nothing but words — and it’s the exact phrasing of those words that amount to the law’s content. Bust insisted more and more firmly that the wording used in Biden’s proposed legislation should never be allowed to be passed and become law.

About emphatic expression
I do study English!
I will study English!
What’s the difference between them?

Actually you usually don’t say «I do study English» — just «I study English» is fine

«i don’t want~» is too an emphatic expression?
what is the «do not want~»‘s formal expression?

There isn’t really a more formal way to say «do not want»
You can use it any almost any situation.

I want to make an emphatic sentence that our Chinese had some rules in the past. How should I say?
“We do have some rules in the past in China.” or «We did have some rules in the past in China»
And did I use the correct grammar in the above sentence?

You must use the past tense: «China did have some rules in the past.»
Your past tense sentence is also okay.

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: tending to express oneself in forceful speech or to take decisive action


: attracting special attention


: constituting or belonging to a set of tense forms in English consisting of the auxiliary do followed by an infinitive without to that are used to facilitate rhetorical inversion or to emphasize something


Example Sentences

They were emphatic about their political differences.

the governor issued an emphatic denial of all charges

Recent Examples on the Web

Hsieh was emphatic that every person who worked at Zappos embraced and modeled 10 core values.

Shep Hyken, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

Even his takes at the plate are emphatic.

Journal Sentinel, 7 Mar. 2023

South Carolina thumped UConn in the championship game last April, the 64-49 score glossing over just how emphatic the victory was.

Billy Witz, New York Times, 5 Feb. 2023

Despite those difficulties, Honig is emphatic that Trump must be prosecuted for his crimes against democracy, but not by a state court prosecutor for a single episode.

Scott Turow, Washington Post, 1 Feb. 2023

The ease of the Celtics’ 124-95 victory probably have had more to do with the significant step up in competition than whether Doncic was ill and/or injured, but the result was no less emphatic.

Dallas News, 5 Jan. 2023

Finally, the student from Israel was emphatic: Arendt was wrong.

Jordi Graupera, The New Yorker, 3 Jan. 2023

Whether or not this fact-checking crew could actually work is an open question, but Topol is emphatic that public health cannot take a hands-off approach to misinformation going forward.

Simar Bajaj, Smithsonian Magazine, 30 Dec. 2022

Terry is emphatic that no-one be told about this.

Jon Blistein, Rolling Stone, 21 Dec. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ’emphatic.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


borrowed from French & Late Latin; French emphatique «forcefully expressive,» going back to Middle French, borrowed from Late Latin emphaticus, borrowed from Greek emphatikós «expressive, indicative,» from empha-, stem in noun derivation of emphaínein «to exhibit, display, indicate» + -t-, verbal adjective formative + -ikos -ic entry 1 — more at emphasis

First Known Use

1602, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of emphatic was
in 1602

Dictionary Entries Near emphatic

Cite this Entry

“Emphatic.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
7 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Emphatic was an American hard rock band from Omaha, founded by guitarist-songwriter Justin McCain in 2004. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Three of Southampton’s final five matches are away from St Mary’s, and one of the two remaining home assignments is a Manchester City side that will probably want to end their season in emphatic fashion on the final day.


Haspel earned emphatic support from GOP lawmakers as well as intelligence community members from both Democratic and Republican administrations.


It was an emphatic response from City after their bid for a quadruple came to an end with a shock defeat to League One Wigan on Monday.


In Minnesota, the answer is more emphatic «no»:


My view, which I have been propounding for some time, is an unequivocal and emphatic yes!»


«The Vice President now and while he was the running mate for the NPP was emphatic on the issue about borrowing in Ghana saying that the country need not borrow and that we have the resources here in Ghana and that when they win power they will not borrow.


But in spite of emphatic efforts, some training endeavors fail to capture the interest of the learners and do not make their intended impact.


My kids automatic response when I asked them if they had to potty was always an emphatic «no»… and then they would most often wet themselves a few minutes after that.


His comments came after an emphatic 3-0 victory for Chelsea away at Fulham, featuring one of the goals of the season from David Luiz.


I loved Amy Poehler’s impression of Brit actors doing an American accent in a pedantic, emphatic bass growl, the announcement that Wes Anderson arrived at the ceremony «on a bicycle made of antique tuba parts» and the fact that Boyhood «proves that there are still good roles for women over 40, as long as you get hired when you are under 40».


Fascinating… no mention of Steven Hawking’s emphatic statement that there is no heaven?


An even more emphatic answer obtained in Latin America where between 80 % (Panama) and 94 % (Mexico) favoured extradition.


In the same way, my condescending acquaintance and I can both be «called» (with emphatic finger quotes) as missionaries to Costa Rica, even though we are so vastly — and I mean vastly — different.


Vaping has been given an emphatic thumbs up by health experts after the first long-term study of its effects in ex-smokers.


Regardless of their emphatic materiality and simplified modular construction, both his outdoor work at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas, and his recent indoor sculptures seem calculated to destabilize the viewer’s experience of their seemingly static quality as objects.


If it were Arsenal of last season we could have struggled to regain the lead but in this occasion, we didn’t panic, we continued playing our game and finished in emphatic fashion.


Gunners are unstoppable at the moment, with just one draw and defeat in 8 premier league games, Arsenal retain their top spot with an emphatic win over Norwich.


Hot Mess, however, with its jagged contours, abrasive yellow background and hot-pink markings, may also be seen as a sincere homage to formalist abstraction, in its ad hoc approach, emphatic design, crisp draftsmanship, and coherent expression.


There are several types of grammatical moods including indicative, interrogatory, imperative, emphatic, subjunctive, injunctive, optative, and potential.


However, nearly a year and half since Purina bought Durango, Colo.-based Zuke’s, the company’s founding executives are emphatic about one thing — the 20-year-old brand remains true to its origins as an innovator of natural pet nutrition products.


A love song tailor-made for hairbrush karaoke sessions, this is the track to play when you finally ask out that person you’re crushing on — and they give you an emphatic yes!


Hazard leveled the scores merely five minutes later with an emphatic finish from the middle of the penalty area, taking advantage of Southampton’s crumbling defense which had looked so assured for much of proceedings.


The 20-year-old French international then capped off the counter with his first goal for Barca, powering an emphatic finish past Courtois…


His six goals have included some emphatic finishes, while he has also claimed three assists in Serie A.


The head of the Senate GOP caucus, Minority Leader Len Fasano, R-North Haven, has been peppering state Democrats for months with vocal criticism, and the Sept. 2 letter comes as an emphatic slap back at him.


Called «Ballerina» in its European run — where a girl-specific title and lack of emphatic punctuation clearly aren’t turn-offs to family audiences — this modestly budgeted but appealingly energetic piece of aspirational fluff is best when its modern sensibilities mesh with its old-fashioned themes, and jarringly off whenever it feels the need to kowtow to contemporary kidpic tropes like slang, fart jokes, and anachronistic references.


Although Rose and the Bulls are down 53-49 at halftime, the 26-year-old point guard had this great pass to Pau Gasol, who finished with an emphatic dunk.


I have, in fact, diarized it with emphatic flags to remind me that it is one of the things, if not THE thing that I should do almost immediately.


Pound enjoys best one-day rise since October 2011 as FTSE 250 hits an all-time high Investors cheered the emphatic and unexpected victory of the Conservatives by pouring money into the stock market, spurring a rally that resulted in the value of British companies swelling by more than # 50bn.


Meanwhile, Guardiola has also voiced his support for Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger, widely criticised following City’s emphatic 3-0 win over his team in Sunday’s League Cup Final at Wembley.


The Liberals were less emphatic during the campaign than the NDP, but they did promise to toughen the federal environmental assessment process for approving mega projects.


You are less emphatic about clinging on to loving thoughts of what love should be.


He latched onto the end of Michail Antonio’s cross and found the back off the net with an emphatic acrobatic effort that found the top corner of the Palace net.


A lot of XIII-2 is an emphatic reaction to criticism that XIII was too linear.


He will probably suggest some of his own — small children can be quite emphatic about what rules they think are important!


This is a negative rhetorical question in the Greek which means that the implied answer is an emphatic no.


Mather is emphatic, «it’s about science, not about being a hero.»


But back to the blockbuster — Fred’s emphatic response that founders have a responsibility to go public and that liquidity is good for all stakeholder (employees, investors & the company).


Along the years, one can see a natural transition in his works from emphatic monumental African figures to abstract expressionism which he saw as the most rigorous and serious form of painting.


Thursday night, UH added another emphatic slide.


It’s now seven concessions in two games for goalkeeper Robert Green, after heavy defeats at home to Man Utd (2-4) and away to Bolton (3-0), the latter more emphatic but also their most recent, and that could have a seriously adverse impact on the mood of the West Ham dressing room ahead of this mammoth clash.


In fact, to date, none of these efforts to exclude providers from Medicaid have gone into effect because of successful legal challenges and emphatic push-back from the Obama administration.


Among religions «based on a revelation,» Christians and Jews are emphatic in saying that they do not have «exclusive possession of the truth.»


It was hardly an emphatic result though and the fact they lost Diego Costa to a muscle injury during the game suggests that Chelsea might just drop some more points after the international break.


either verbally or with an emphatic head shake ask baby questions that give her a chance to say no or yes, like «Do you want a drink?»


What he got instead was an emphatic defense of Brown by broker Paul Smith.


Our U18s got their season underway in emphatic style, beating Brighton 5-1 to give them the ideal start to the new campaign.


«Bearing in mind the data presented [in his recent article], the answer is an obvious and emphatic, NO.»


Torturous father-son relationships involving Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper drag on for two-and-a-half hours of overly emphatic filmmaking and forced storytelling.


Although distressed by Cameron’s obstinate Euroscepticism, the Commissioner is otherwise emphatic in his approval, comparing him to the young Tony Blair of 11 or 12 years ago when Labour was in opposition.»


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