The word emerge used in a sentence

Synonym: appear, come into view, come out. Antonym: submerge. Similar words: emergency, emerging, at the mercy of, energy, undergo, urge, undergraduate, large. Meaning: [ɪ’mɜːdʒ]  v. 1. come out into view, as from concealment 2. come out of 3. become known or apparent 4. come up to the surface of or rise 5. happen or occur as a result of something. 

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1. The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land.

2. The flowers emerge in the spring.

3. The baby’s head was starting to emerge from the womb.

4. Several facts started to emerge from my investigation.

5. Hopes grew that a workable peace settlement might emerge.

6. What sort of picture is starting to emerge ?

7. The winged adult mosquitoes emerge from the pupae.

8. A general pattern began to emerge .

9. On studying the different historians’ accounts, common threads emerge.

10. Problems with this drug are now beginning to emerge.

11. After the elections opposition groups began to emerge.

12. When did sociology emerge as a distinct discipline?

13. Two weeks later the moth will emerge in its adult form.

14. We assume that competent doctors emerge at the end of an obstacle course of traditional examinations based on facts.

15. We were confident that the Allies would emerge victorious .

16. The facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge eventually.

17. A pattern is beginning to emerge from our analysis of the accident data.

18. The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane.

19. The points at which stress and anxiety emerge can be mapped.

20. It’s difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.

21. No one could emerge from that avalanche alive, unless one believed that man could rise from the dead.

22. She’s the most exciting British singer to emerge on the pop scene for a decade.

23. Leaders emerge from a bruising contest.

24. Tough—minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. 

25. The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge.

26. The seeds of change in Eastern Europe were beginning to emerge.

27. The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.

28. The basic facts of the story are starting to emerge though the details are still fuzzy.

29. The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.

30. A general consensus on the problem is beginning to emerge.

More similar words: emergency, emerging, at the mercy of, energy, undergo, urge, undergraduate, large, target, surgery, surgeon, at large, largely, farmer, former, forget about, summer, camera, by and large, in charge of, formerly, cameras, performer, American, take charge, numerous, merchant, come round, consumer, customer.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word emerge, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use emerge in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «emerge».

Emerge in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word emerge in a sentence.

  1. Troubles rapidly began to emerge.

  2. They emerge at dusk to graze on grasses.

  3. Adults emerge in May, and the young in June.

  4. Adults emerge in May and their young in June.

  5. Despite the progress, StarCraft was slow to emerge.

  6. In adults, 66% of all cases emerge without disability.

  7. They are red or orange, and emerge from the leaf axils.

  8. New deities continued to emerge after this transformation.

  9. When ready to emerge, several different strategies are used.

  10. By the 1440s and 1450s comparative regularisation of spelling had begun to emerge.

  11. The young are semi-altricial, and covered in white down when they emerge from the egg.

  12. Eventually, the Union and the Empire engage in battle, and the Union emerge victorious.

  13. The 1953–54 season saw Edwards emerge as a semi-regular player in the United first team.

  14. It is only with the Peasants’ Revolt that Richard starts to emerge clearly in the annals.

  15. Nuptial flight (meaning that virgin queens and males emerge to mate) does not occur in Nothomyrmecia.

  16. These fruit bodies are initially hypogeous, but emerge from the ground as the stipe continues to expand.

  17. Menzies told parliament that «no conceivable injury to life, men or property could emerge from the tests».

  18. This period (1799–1947) also saw Mysore emerge as one of the important centres of art and culture in India.

  19. These frogs are typically fossorial species that emerge after heavy rains and congregate at a breeding site.

  20. The individual identities of the Pankhurst children began to emerge around the time of their father’s death.

  21. The most influential local bands to emerge from this period included the Normaltown Flyers, and Dixie Grease.

  22. An isolated case of H6N1 likely from a chicken was found infecting a dog, so other AIVs may emerge in canines.

  23. He added that a line of stones appeared to emerge from this putative circle and head in the direction of Coate.

  24. The meticulously designed buildings composing the larger Chacoan complexes did not emerge until around AD 1030.

  25. The local lordship was weak or absent, and so Crompton failed to emerge as a manor with its own lord and court.

  26. He had dictatorial and autocratic tendencies, as well as a fierce temper that could emerge as rage on occasion.

  27. The dead rise from their graves around Michael’s feet; some emerge to walk towards Heaven, others towards Hell.

  28. She said Taylor did emerge from her home showing evidence of having been beaten, but it was well after morning.

  29. Some combtooth blennies emerge to feed on land, and freshwater eels are able to absorb oxygen through damp skin.

  30. Young animals emerge from the nest after four to eight months and may weigh only 50 g (1.8 oz) and measure 6 cm (2.4 in).

  31. A fifth Tiger halted on the main street short of the ambush site, apparently waiting for the British to emerge from cover.

  32. Jersak argues that if Germany became involved in a world war, Hitler recognized that the Axis would not emerge victorious.

  33. A dry line began to emerge by this time as some drivers drove through standing water to keep their tyre temperatures down.

  34. They emerge at the museum and begin fighting each other until Egon realizes the slime’s negative energy is controlling them.

  35. As the factory bell rings, the cigarette girls emerge and exchange banter with young men in the crowd («La cloche a sonné»).

  36. The first to emerge were expensive calendar prints, printed with multiple blocks on very fine paper with heavy, opaque inks.

  37. Jayson Greene of Pitchfork wrote that «the songs are the most intriguing ones to emerge from this Wyoming project thus far».

  38. Pakistan overcame a dismal start in the tournament to eventually defeat England by 22 runs in the final and emerge as winners.

  39. Popular representations of John first began to emerge during the Tudor period, mirroring the revisionist histories of the time.

  40. Sometimes we say ‘dynamically balanced’ instead of ‘equal’ to express the view that either player is as likely as the other to emerge from complications with an advantage.

  41. Local field offices will continue to accept any legitimate physical evidence, related specifically to the parachutes or to the ransom money, that may emerge in the future.

  42. Tensions began to emerge within the band, expressed in incidents such as the on-stage fight between Avory and Dave Davies at the Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, Wales, on 19 May.

  43. Co-starring Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor, the film had worldwide earnings of over ₹1.74 billion (US$23 million) to emerge as the year’s eighth highest-grossing Hindi film.

  44. Biko stepped down from the presidency after a year, insisting that it was necessary for a new leadership to emerge and thus avoid any cult of personality forming around him.

Synonyms for emerge

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word emerge has the following synonyms: , come forth, issue, come out, go forth and egress.

General information about «emerge» example sentences

The example sentences for the word emerge that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «emerge» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «emerge».

From behind the columns of the flanking courtyards, the men of the crew began to emerge, dressed in white, coifed with heavy turbans, long black beards down their chests, long sideburns on their shoulders

But they couldn’t ignore the asteroid for long, in another Earth year at most, the natives will notice the direction it will emerge from its close encounter with Cynd and become alarmed

Herndon had no way to observe for himself what direction the asteroid would emerge, but he was confident the Al-Harron’s crew was skilled enough to nudge that asteroid so it would need little correction to strike its target, the Kassikan

the products of the factory emerge enriched,

that emerge, worrying their way out of flesh,

She took a small step forward, hesitated, her breathing was deep, and he heard a shudder emerge from deep in her throat

As usual, Joris is nowhere in sight when I emerge for breakfast

A story began to emerge; a story of what was to take place in the future

Fingerprints on the mirror emerge

He’s standing by the rail near the foredeck when I finally emerge

Andrea’s dragon was the first to emerge

Before the battle begins, a White would always emerge and join forces with the side of Light

If the insane ones got wind that a White would soon emerge, they would try to stop it, or his Rider

He saw a way of saving the village and was about to do a deal with the government which meant names would emerge in the near future

He was bent over a large screen, watching a pattern emerge as he slowly tweaked some dials

Little towns here and there began to emerge

I tried staring into my surroundings without focusing on anything in particular and that helped a distant crumbling ruin to emerge from its orange terraced soil but the stillness made me feel I was being monitored or that something nasty was about to happen

reluctant brother, who was in no hurry to emerge

As soon as the Scather ship landed, his men would emerge from their hiding place and attack

Two boys emerge from the crowd and, grinning from ear to ear, they hold out two bottles of blue wonder

When Titania was in charge of the store counter, Hipolyta would duck across and into the clothing store then emerge a while later, always with that notebook in hand

Harry rose and walked back through the corridors they had navigated upon their arrival, to emerge into the fresh air at the doors of the Main Building

From within the light, all he could see was something dark and massive beginning to emerge, growing larger and larger until it towered over him

Through this shaking, the true Church will emerge

He half expected to see the entire Dark Army emerge from behind a giant root and overwhelm them all

Did life emerge from man or woman or both? Did it begin with a thought or desire? Did it come from the ovule or the spermatozoid? Everything that exists is made out of an assemblage of infinitesimal particles, some of them called quarks

keenly for your near and dear ones to emerge out of the crowd

Then I saw his neck emerge, then the belly and I

surprised me, if a gunman was to emerge out of the dark, and

your hero’s better nature will emerge

But this was just a part of Mother Nature’s way of assisting her children so they could flourish and emerge into stronger, wiser, and more enhanced beings

She hoped the weariness in her voice did not emerge as dismissal

” I picked a vantage point out on the flat roof of a house pointing north where we thought that the Turks might launch a probe against us or even where one of their patrols might emerge from

Further to this, the designer had to anticipate the languages that would emerge, as well as the numbering system that would be associated with the letters of the alphabet that would be used

They emerge from the flames charred

Suddenly he saw a black speck emerge from the hole the explosion had

I don’t think it was very popular at first, but it gained support when the first superstars began to emerge – Khan and Millicent

Still, the people had to hold on to the belief that one day they’d emerge back onto natural Terra Firma, in a world cleared of radiation

He would emerge with his head and his spirits high, and he would fight every battle that he was given

Monique and our team have provided a means for escape, a way to gradually emerge back to their prior reality

All Nathan wanted to do was to dive under the duvet and emerge in a year’s time when all of this may have blown over

Just as he was beginning to resign himself to the prospect of being committed to this role, he heard a voice emerge from the gentle noise of the billions

High Achievement is the result of hard work and (exceptional) effort, a product of the choices we make, or don‘t make, for that matter; not of group expressions; within groups, (however), there must necessarily emerge exceptional talents exceeding the normative standards of each group

of the cosmos, where life is born, and where all things ceaselessly emerge

This is not some recent phenomenon, although it may oftentimes appear that way in light of the many enhancements that continue to emerge without reprieve, but a cross-generational work in process, rather, that often assumes different sizes and shapes yet whose fundamental principles remain constant

However, she felt too endangered to emerge from the cave and seek a wolf alone, in case someone discovered her walking

He recalled watching her emerge, naked and streaming water, long hair falling over those gleaming breasts, and the triumph in her eyes as she gazed upon the moonstone in her small palm

Patty was the first to emerge from the exit at the airport

) When he did emerge into the busy happy home, with the love of his parents and grandfather embracing him, the sounds of his children in his ears and Lucia’s tender warmth through the nights, it seemed a beautiful dream

Now, was the right time to emerge into the open

She locked eyes for a moment with the tall man then, in synchronized motion, they turned to look aft into the foam of the wake at the figure thrashing there, then forward again, still in unison, to see Truman emerge from the door of the wheelhouse

The Castle and Village seemed to emerge from a deep fog

When battle would be joined, the true feeling of his men would emerge

“Yes, and the more time that passes before those events are formally recorded, the greater is the likelihood that completely different interpretations will emerge

They are the only snakes in the world that build nests for their eggs, which they guard ferociously until the hatchlings emerge

Their message also seems to have evolved from that crack of doom that came to Man as he stood perched on that anciently “sharp edge of extinction;” to the more morally oriented message of correct behavior that came concurrent with Man’s increased civility that allowed his civilizations to emerge and advance; to the words of encouragement for those who couldn’t understand the injustice of the ever more complicated rulership of our latter-day past

They shouted and yelled with joy when they saw Ainatunarit’s Army emerge from the winter grey dusk

As soon as the process was complete, the warnings ceased all at once, and your brain released the fight-or-flight state, relaxing your body and allowing your natural happiness to emerge

Together with this music, the voice of my real self could emerge again

Hyacinths will emerge from black earth still chilled by snowmelt, or three in a pot on windowsills overlooking puddles and the grey remains of snowdrifts

Finally, just before the pigs swooped into Bertie Shakespeare Drew’s back yard, never to emerge therefrom again, so great had been the shock to their nerves—Faith and Walter jumped off, as Dr

At about 1045pm, one of the two barmaids left her post and went down into the cellar to emerge a few minutes later with a crate of drinks

Valentine? Someone who has received many love letters and written many love letters and has come away learning that no matter how good looking someone is, no matter how confident or popular, everyone has his and her own insecurities in love which are bound to emerge at some point for the purpose of emotional growth and securing mature resolutions for greater harmony and unity in love before we move onto the heavenly days that can come in what most of us call the “happily ever after” ending

Finally, near dusk I saw three figures emerge from the trees onto the sandy beach

Then, out of the light, figures began to emerge and draw near

Although the door was left ajar, we didn’t have the angle to see inside, so we waited about a half-hour, then saw Devin Billingsly emerge with only a flashlight in his hands

other then the first one to emerge

Is it normal for a few drops of white liquid to emerge from the

Maggie was last to emerge from the tunnel, and she looked around to see a part of the city she had never imagined existed

” Such “rights” as may emerge will be fashioned by courts some of which are not bound by constitutions at all

and the clear light of sattva will emerge

Q: The world and the waking state emerge and subside to-

They thought they might be able to muddy up the waters sufficiently to emerge with a Gore win

It did not take long after his election to see the real Barrack Hussein Obama begin to emerge from under the clouds of his campaign oratory

will emerge, the light of unconditional awareness

Once in a while, at “irregular times,” from out of the masses left free to develop themselves, there does emerge true greatness, and much else that is beneficial as well

shell of ignorance breaks open and you emerge into the realm

emerge, because it is there, you encourage the deep to come to

emerge and obscure and complicate

M: For the centre of your being to emerge into consciousness

Who says despotism cannot emerge from a grassroots movement of the people, by the people, for the people? History demonstrates otherwise

Therefore, everything from love to friendship to poetry to literature to art to music to meaning to purpose to intention to agency to beauty to values to philosophy to spirituality to religion to all the virtues—all these qualities are nothing more than illusions, side effects, secondary phenomena that emerge from the underlying matter

Yet in less than ten years after the first antibiotics were produced, antibiotic-resistant bacteria began to emerge

Her voice refused to emerge and she knew it would come

Her mouth opens, but nothing comes out, except in her eyes, a cloud of emotion begins to emerge

warm blankets hoping that the world would emerge from the ash a

years when its international guide, Stalin, was allied with Hitler, the American Communist Party, seemed to emerge triumphant during

of Homeland Security but some things that emerge is disgusting to

To see his daughter emerge must have ripped his heart apart but discipline prevailed and he kept his promise to the Lord

The ingrained habits of dependence of clients in particular and the lower orders in general emerge with dramatic clarity…

This attitude toward texts is generally thought to emerge from the tradition of biblical exegesis, where the biblical text is assumed to be true, in accord with the basic articles of faith, and hence, as needing to be interpreted within those parameters

Esau (the hairy one) was first to emerge, with Jacob hanging onto his heel

Raymond and Laila emerge from the car running inside the house as the others join his family at the poolside

As Theramin will be conducting the ceremony, he will be the first to emerge from the room downstairs, walk down the aisle, and take his place atop the topmost tier of the podium

Even as she knew she could easily emerge from

Overall, I had good parents, and their parenting allowed me to emerge from childhood with plenty of hope for the future

I was lucky to emerge with my head

It may take time to find it, but if you keep it gnawing at the back of your mind, different ideas emerge in your head over time

Then you must picture exactly where you wish to emerge, and keep in mind any rotation your body will need in order to arrive with the correct orientation

Emma and I waited for the rest of the party to emerge, but they never did

She went to the boat and soon emerged with a camp quilt, started down the beach

This view emerged from the assumption that women generally do not enjoy sex, and that they only engage in sex to have children

Sams’s phone rang as he emerged from his shower

Aldous emerged, smiling at Kira’s old lady griping

slowly emerged again from the rear of the car

companions emerged onto a short landing at the end of which was another heavy

“You!” he shrieked, pointing at the unkempt little accountant as the man slowly emerged again from the rear of the car

Danton and his companions emerged onto a short landing at the end of which was another heavy wooden door

As they emerged the large female dragon looked them over

When she emerged he had already gone downstairs

As they emerged Kate was taken by surprise at the sight before her

Tears were streaming down his face as he emerged from the cave

As they emerged from the opening and came down the last path there was an audible gasp from those below

As the people emerged, they could see that there had been a terrible battle

Two hours later they emerged from the chamber; and the difference was extraordinary

When Jackson and Sarah emerged from the cave, there was a remarkable change in them

Towards lunchtime father emerged from his pit and stumbled down to the kitchen

Queenie called to Jake one day and told him that the egg on her hatching grounds was of such a size that they would have to make a new opening if the newly emerged dragon was to be able to leave the cave once it hatched

And as I moved through the deepening shadows, delicate frescos emerged depicting the life of Christ and covering every centimetre of ceiling and walls

As he emerged from the bathroom he found her sitting on the side of the bed

finally emerged from the folds of his military fatigues, desperately

‘Hey, what are you doing?’ Omi said as he emerged from the waves like the

They emerged in a large, low-ceilinged room with two men and one woman in it

Here is an enigma: this song emerged from the depths of my mind repeating

of leaves and a coyote emerged from the brush along

They spotted the first glider as it emerged from the clouds and made a beeline in the direction of the Queens Hold

Covered in green blood, the warriors emerged from the trees announcing their victory with shouts of “Uwah!” At Lord Tarak’s direction they left the mopping up to the Light Brigade and headed out towards the Ohmu Inn

But a new Kai emerged and took the reigns of leadership of Miners Hold with gusto

“This sucks!” She stormed to the bathroom and emerged shortly, dressed as when she arrived

parted as though something had emerged, but there

been provided, and emerged to a hearty pub breakfast, served with

After about an hour’s stroll, the road emerged in more open

The hallway was dark by the time she emerged

suddenly emerged from the bush, ‘What in the

They emerged from the elevator at a level that was probably quite a bit higher than the one they started out at

and hacked at the Bolg as soon as they emerged

For twenty decades the problem was considered solved, but recently a new human parasite had emerged in the Gengee area about eighteen hundred miles to the southwest

All the other girls had gone by the time she emerged from the scanky stage door into the alleyway backing onto the club

as Oliver, and one of the men who had just emerged from the

When they were done, very late indeed, the twins emerged to the raised eyebrows and appreciative whistles of each of the men lounging in the great room

They passed through the wispy clouds of gray smoke and emerged at the door to the Dining car

They emerged between the train carriages and before entering the next, their own, Harry stepped out onto the steps used for entering or exiting the train car

The tension between them is not as acute as it was when Helen first emerged from the lower barn, the packing has helped, but there is still an sliver of ice to melt

The two companions headed toward the exits, but before they emerged onto the street, a carriage driver approached them and Mr

Harry emerged from his rooms into the common area of the suite before Mr

Cruttwell emerged to formally welcome them

It was July twenty-fifth and after mid-day when he emerged from his room with letters for the post in hand

‘ As Hipolyta passed a blind alley to her right and was about to leap the last step to join her sister, two more of the young thugs emerged and cut off her path

The stained glass fan, cast a delicate pattern on the wooden floor, as the first rays of the lavender sky emerged over the blanketed hills

When they emerged on the other side, greeted by towering purple and red sandstone cliffs, plunging over one was a shimmering blue ribbon of water, into a motionless pond below

And then, before they could react, the children were enveloped in black smoke, and when they emerged, they had become creatures with red eyes and dark red skin, and were now under the control of Justice

He opened the only door and emerged into a high ceilinged open room, well-lit and ventilated

She emerged in moment and ushered them in with a faint smile to Harry

Chloe and Hannah emerged from Mandy and Hipolyta’s cabin with their eyes slightly reddened; Mandy had her handkerchief at her eyes

Belgium, the sun emerged for the first time in days and

But slowly a picture emerged

took a selection into the change room and emerged with a

Able to survive the rupture, momentarily anyways, the child had lived while her newborn creation emerged — a disease that quickly began feasting on its mother’s flesh

happier to see the sun then when it eventually emerged

just as he emerged from the crowd, an authoritative hand

emerged from the Abbot’s house deep in consultation

Etienne had emerged from the tavern and was heading

Many of the kind called Melolanthe were about, named for the apple blossoms that also emerged this time of year

she emerged an hour later wearing a silvery gown that Nausicaa had left for her

No sooner had it settled, then another pod emerged

both emerged out of his clinic laughing, much to the surprise of

Kit emerged, as an apparition that was far more real than the forest around me

Thus we emerged out of IIT Madras, which is a beautiful

Rather, the fearsome callers merely drifted along only to disappear into the gloom from which they emerged

Masses of Falmer had emerged from each of the four paths, trapping the two Bretons in the center of the crossroads

He ran to the harbormaster’s building, but soon emerged

When she eventually emerged they walked together to the entrance – there was nothing more to do

As the man stepped to the side, a form emerged from the haze and light — and cries of terror DRAFTChapter 16 359

The four with whom the Elf had attached herself emerged from the bowels of the lower decks onto the ship’s main promenade and the Elf had to squelch a yelp of surprise

In a moment they emerged once again wearing the white smocks and carrying the appurtenances of their adopted offices

When Buddhism migrated to China, it met with Taoist philosophy, and from this encounter emerged what is known as Zen Buddhism

She at last drew back the flap and emerged from her tent newly clad, flattening out the wrinkles in the soft leather and smacking loose stray dust and dirt

The newly emerged disc rose and shone with white light despite the storm

There were other portals through which people emerged

He then began to wind his way down the hill, through the thickening foliage and emerged at the edge of the orchard

Funny, he thought, how different someone can look over time when nothing has really altered in their appearance, as if the hidden depths emerged as an augmented reality only visible to him

Jannson emerged from her bedroom with a sheepish expression on his face

He tried to talk, but not a sound emerged

His smile lit his homely face and he attempted to say something to me, but no sounds emerged

He was manoeuvring around it now, and as he got even nearer the grid pattern became more detailed, until finally a highlighted rectangle emerged amid the complexity of lines

Unidentified object emerged through spacial portal, was its basic interpretation – a to-late-to-do-fuck-all- about-it analysis of the situation in any case

We emerged from a gully and moved on to a flat piece of land just in front of us lay the village if that’s what you could call it really there was just a collection of mud brick houses

Aspen blinked in surprise, and then looked behind her as Mars emerged from the SUV

As we moved slowly toward Bethlehem, a few clouds floated across the expanse and I was thankful when the sun emerged, if only for a few moments

The screams and wails from their wounded grated on our nerves and in the stark white light from the flares you could see an arm that had emerged from the pile and was raised to heaven

Soon, they both emerged

It emerged officially, about 200 years ago, when technology was still primitive and where proponents of the theory were unable to test some of their hypotheses

Evolution goes on to say that the Earth finally formed some 4 billion years ago and life emerged by chance about 2

horrendous monsters that had ever existed emerged from the hallways the noise(es) had emanated

the entrances him and his peers had emerged from

on the soldiers emerged from the doorway he had entered minutes earlier with a silver plate set

A second later he emerged, a bottle of vodka in

“But you emerged a better man

hills, they watched entranced as two badgers emerged to eat the

I emerged from the experience much stronger and resilient, even though I thought I already had strength and resilience

The larva then becomes a pupa by spinning a cocoon and emerges in about a week as a hungry adult

A Bangladeshi man emerges from an outhouse, picking his way around pools of raw sewage

He emerges with a bottle of Jack, holds it up for all to see

Barney comes running over, the ball in his hands, giggling as the two men chase after him as Molly emerges from the house carrying a tureen of potatoes

Suddenly, an image emerges on the screen that I must admit is rather frightening

In the midst of this story, another story emerges

You must be the first person your dragon sees when it emerges from the egg

Eventually, the track emerges from the woods and we find ourselves in a totally different landscape

«I think Thom should just prepare the minutes of this conversation and have it in the captain’s in box when he emerges from that meeting,» Delos said

Tearing himself free, he emerges into the clear space of the country lane and turns a full circle before he is able to pinpoint the direction that he should be heading in, towards the target location, the focus of his anger; Jock Cascarino

In the giant play of humanity, every new existence begins with a dream, a thought, an intention that emerges in the mind and is treated by the same

you about, that emerges from Kipseli Square

The dragon emerges from the fire lake and approaches the spot where the intruder had been standing

He never emerges so effectually from this obscurity, his conduct never excites so much the attention of any respectable society, as by his becoming the member of a small religious sect

Romans 11:25 one can see that it is prophesied that Israel’s blindness will end at some point and that they will recognise and embrace their Messiah at a point in time, when the fullness of the Gentiles emerges or when the determined number of Gentiles (or people from nations other than Israel) have entered into God’s Kingdom

the deep place of nothingness within where a geyser of images emerges,

The dream that emerges from the nothingness within is a self -perfecting,

Obviously this will only be where a pattern emerges or the defendant (usually the man) bragged to his friends about his «victory» and never was serious about marriage and only used the engagement as a way to get her into bed

The same soft beat of reggae fills the air, in the shimmering heat of the afternoon when the only movement is children at play and, in the evening, when the entire population emerges, sitting in lawns, visiting neighbors or patronizing open air establishments

The man who emerges is tall and slim, with hair cut close to his scalp

I climb the stairs carefully, stopping just before my head emerges

We walk into an old boiler room with machinery that emerges from the darkness so suddenly I hit it with my knees and elbows

Tobias emerges from the men’s bathroom a few minutes later, his red Amity shirt replaced by a black T-shirt, and his short hair glistening with water

Tobias emerges from a door hidden behind a length of white cloth

Gradually another memory emerges, an incident forgotten until now, from the time when I was only nine years old

It emerges crooked and small

Then Evelyn emerges into the lobby, her posture regal, like a queen returning to her kingdom

easy to remove the baby as soon as it emerges

At the crucial point the “F” word emerges from under the wreckage, still in disguise for a time perhaps, but ultimately unable to conceal its true identity

pure being emerges as the natural state

When the new emerges,

If you believe there is more to life, then you are experiencing an epiphenomenon—a mental and illusory side effect that emerges from matter

Everything emerges as a side effect of randomness, of natural processes

So it emerges from bit: matter emerges from information

The woman calls out to the man, yet no sound emerges from her mouth

And emerges, for the very lucky, as the finest, Most precious and mature love of all

The inner light begins to glow, it emerges to prepare the soul

As they continue to watch, she hears a crackling noise followed by a series of high-pitched squeaks, and a small beak emerges from the depths

The mutation of a species emerges which happens to be

the cave emerges a BLACK BEAR

wisdom of the group itself that has been grasped as it emerges and begins to act

conflicts that explode within the group itself and to reinforce the wisdom that emerges as a

The self-knowledge that emerges is just as rich and complex and cannot

In other words, what emerges is love and

are revealed through an experience of joy, that emerges to testify to the

When the Choral SELF emerges in a group, it is then possible to

The theme emerges

dimension that continually emerges through their rebellion, not with the tools

which focuses the beam that emerges as collimated

Slowly another dark figure emerges

But, if I have billions of air molecules together and vibrate them, sound emerges from the compression waves traveling through them

The butterfly emerges from its cocoon

But the soul that survives time and emerges into eternity must make a living and personal choice between good and evil as they are determined by the true values of the spiritual standards established by the divine spirit which the Father in heaven has sent to dwell within the heart of man

The question that emerges out of this affirmation is: for whom? Considering the fact that incentives do not pour down from the sky and that somebody has to invent them, a question immediately appears: for what reason? We are all educated according to the logic of incentives and its opposite, from a very early age

The kingdom of the divine brotherhood is still alive and will eventually and certainly come forth from this long submergence, just as surely as the butterfly eventually emerges as the beautiful unfolding of its less attractive creature of metamorphic development

The stream that runs past the Well emerges from the trees here and meanders its way through the soft green grass and hawthorn bushes

and a glimpse of hope emerges

The inner senses from which emotions are translated are by far more influential—packed with simultaneous knowledge that emerges as a single word outside

emerges did they show the Egyptians how to build pyramids?

emerges from the building blocks of neurons (nerve cells) composing the brain

#1: “Some speculative new physics theories suggest that time emerges from a more

because it emerges from the building blocks of

We experience mind because it emerges from the building blocks of

Now, the first and most important fact that emerges out of the footage is

Reading the book again at your request after so many years have passed since my Soviet exile does have this effect; every distant experience now emerges alive and real

thoughts like this, an egoless state emerges were you feel there is no difference between what

With five year smoothing, a more reliable figure emerges,

what emerges as more and more people dredge up what they have to

Teresa, slowly and nervously emerges from the van

emerges with grease markings on her hands and face, as

The silhouette of a mountain emerges from a haze

A cult of «priests’ (commentators and pundits) emerges to defend common wisdom and «well known» «facts» against intellectual revisionism and non-conformism

But finally the theory settles down and a consensus emerges: a leader is born

Instead the kingdom of self emerges; I will rule myself

Precedent does suggest that political appointees are expected to resign when a new government emerges

Creativity emerges when the brain has the capacity to connect with the cause in developing insights for the things that happened

Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion

The spirit in the crystal emerges out of light reflections casting and curing diseases

The truth emerges more readily from errors than from confusion

Data of Satan emerges out of temptation

into the meditative process that the true form of war emerges

come of yagya then emerges as God-realization, the culmination of this

With this the final outcome of yagya emerges

action emerges, absence of all desire is the means

In fact, the real form of the “war” that is the theme of the Geeta emerges only when a worshipper is imersed in

From the door the elf in black who had spoken to Loki emerges

When sexuality is the fusion of our diverse systems of interaction – the consummating bodies, the compassionate heart, the communicating mind, the communing soul – a higher synthesis emerges, an organic wholeness evolves

We are the level It emerges from

All questions of protogenesis aside (origin of the imaginative idea), once an idea emerges into 145

If the fruits, descendants, of an idea are heterozygotic, therefore only to be determined by the participation of agents and the accompanying environs in which the imagiton (imaginative concept) emerges, then imagination implies choice – the freedom to pursue, or not, an imagiton

What ethic will rule those who have survived? Who will get to live forever; who will decide; who will you side with? And when this class emerges as the survivors of the best-connected, what new worlds will their virtually evolved desires, emotions, and values create? Will this anointed caste blueprint a hedonistic utopia of cart-thru mansions, pseudonymous casual second skin sex, and designer pleasures? Will there be equality this 165

“From the communal predilections of the heartmind, the basis for the construction of love emerges – a conceptualized ethic derived from one’s willed sense of a community of caring

Similarly, the cat predates, the bird builds its nest in the optimum way and in perfect order, the bee builds a solid hive and sucks the nectar of the flowers, and the baby soon moves its lips to suckle the moment it emerges from its mother’s womb

But if from this violence emerges life, life celebrates its chance to live no matter how it got here

But a philanthropic society emerges from a culture of love that seeks to recreate all public institutions into incarnations of our best selves dreaming the ideals of our common-union

This is why people with advantage are never self-made, because society has been responsible for the creation, maintenance, and access to the infrastructure upon which all individual genius emerges

This is the only true solution to the Only Party System that emerges from all multiple party political structures: the Just No Vote campaign – we will not vote in nor sanction nor heed any election and its victor until we have true democratic voting, i

Something is emerging from the woods—a hundred bodies are creeping from the darkest shadows outside of Juneau

But alas, my people have been made to African-American adult could rebuke any African-American believe we are simply a race of black men; no longer African; child because we were one community—a village, if you no ethnicities to speak of; no sufficient argument for our will—of displaced Africans; a people still emerging from the humanity

where late night meets the crawl of emerging city streets,

The men below were firing, killing them as fast as they could, but more kept emerging from the brush

Their dragons were emerging at the same time

When at last I caught up with the others, they were on the lip of a wide plateau of sandy rock and there, emerging from the wiry scrub, stood a tidy cluster of stubborn ruins and dry stone walls that seemed determined to stand forever

Each time I stopped to catch my breath, a great canopy of emerging stars pin-pricked the sky and told me night had come

As young Alan blossomed, finding girls and music and the dreams of unchecked possibilities breasting the far hill scapes of his world view, so too Ken determined to be a part of his son’s emerging life

Nelson is a specialist in the emerging

Helen came to her senses as if emerging from a deep dive in

Every table is taken, the place being full of loud teenager girls and the emerging surliness of young men in their late teens and early twenties out on the prowl

A host of small dark shapes could be seen emerging

Silver shadows of clouds, hung on the emerging crimson sky, the mountains hazy purple outline, etched with a dusting of newly fallen snow, sent wave after wave of untold joy pulsating through her chilled body

Allcock did not answer, but turned to face the party emerging from the Library

So she focused on the picture that was emerging before her

Emily figured he was probably on the verge of emerging from his shelter after she had buried Whimly and the demons beneath the avalanche of rock

It also symbolizes emotions and thoughts that are emerging out of and submerging into your subconscious

The currents were emerging from it

‘Len?’ And then the man appeared, emerging from behind a partitioned

A research project commissioned by the Canadian government into the emerging religious sect, The Transcenders; studying their media-net output, the testimonies of those who had been rescued from their clutches

If we consider the complexity, not just of the message that was hidden in this wrapped ELS, but also of the design properties, we see the following aspects emerging from this code and can therefore draw the following logical conclusions:

Terese had salvaged the desk from piles of furniture and other gilded items that were gathered for a bonfire, one of the more disturbing practices emerging from revolution

Also I would never be able to see the new world that seemed to be emerging from the horror of this war and that would I hoped be fairer and better for everyone

When he stepped out he noticed at random places other people emerging

The evening felt cold for October in Idaho; the change in climate was palpable since emerging from TIAR

Emerging from a narrow tunnel-like waterway under the trees, which I had traversed for the last hour, winding in and out among the mangrove roots, amid the semi-darkness made by the dense foliage overhead, with its stifling, steam-like atmosphere, heavy with the foul smell of putrefying mud and rotting vegetation, I reached drier ground

That fearful “Golgotha,” the slaves, and the terrible rites of human sacrifice: there was little room for pity; rather for thankfulness that the corrupt rule had come to an end at last; that Kumassi, henceforth, would not be a place to associate with deeds of cruelty and blood; and that in time, the thousands of Ashanti subjects would gain confidence, emerging from the cloud of a bloody fetish worship, to be taught a measure of self-respect by the presence of the English flag now floating over their head

there is a clear recognition that life itself is a dream, emerging from a

The ―Articles‖ were created by chosen representatives from each of the states to secure the freedom, sovereignty and independence of an emerging nation

After falling into his usual trance, where he stood amongst the familiar pathways, Brock witnessed a shimmering shadow emerging from the far recesses of his psyche

By now Rachel had heard the noise and was emerging from the second floor

William could see the tears emerging from her eyes

individuals who are gradually emerging within the African American Community

That rather conspicuous moment in American History witnessed a troubling transformation in American political thought that subsequently ushered the moral and intellectual decline of traditional liberalism that would (eventually) invest it with an entirely different meaning; not to mention a peevish intolerance for liberal values deemed inconsistent with the emerging New World Order

Transitional elements, as emerging possibilities present themselves, are oftentimes prone to violence because of rising expectations; unlike a society‘s wealthier segments who, lacking little in the way of material comfort, are ―stable‖, as a rule, or (ironically), the abject poor who, (temporarily) resigned to their wretched living conditions, are equally ―at ease‖ in a dormant stage of transition waiting for such an opportunity when there will be reason enough for hope or ―change‖

Emerging accusations of pedophilia directed against the Catholic Church have promoted a groundswell of opportunity for the political left, that for years has sought every means to discredit an institution that arguably remains the final bastion of traditional religious and moral values in modern times

We are in the throes of Western Civilization‘s greatest crisis; the challenge for its own (immediate) survival! What makes the times we live so unlike others is an emerging death-wish that, assisted by socially ―passive‖ dynamics, ―conscience‖ and self-hate, is unconsciously seeking its own destruction

There has been a great deal of anxiety and political unrest emerging from both sides of the political aisle recently that, in spite of the record breaking voter turnout this last presidential election, appears to be devolving into a state of utter confusion if not outright cynicism and despair

The triggering device behind these uprisings has been, among other things, a growing perception of (native) French complacency, indifference and (perhaps) bigotry by a (weary) nation that has grown accustomed to its creature comforts; supported by emerging working classes who feel deprived of its social and political rights as well as uncertain of their own proper role in French society

It was that part of him that could be seen to be slowly emerging from his cocoon

The emerging sun painted the water of the Caribbean and the sky above it a deep burgundy

Emerging from its chrysalis into a world of bright sunshine the moth stretched its wings, pumping their tiny veins full of blood

She moaned, and turned her chair to give him vantage, wanting the build-up to linger but, as she diddled, he swelled and grew to full height like an emerging sapling and, within moments, she was overcome with a spasmodic orgasm

Emerging from the bathroom, she saw every available chair, including the one at Mike’s side, was occupied by a prostitute

In case of discovery by the soldiers, the students and teacher could flee up through this pothole, emerging in this cave

Kormos was an emerging Wood Sprite, he was a born leader and very intelligent

There had been precedents surely but that had been another time entirely, when the Territories were still young and the people dumbfounded by the then newly emerging order of the world; one common rule for all, under one religion

He woke up suddenly, as if emerging from a fitful sleep, having seen a nightmare instead of a dream

A large green mass was emerging at the side of the pond

The distinctive shape of a Wyvern’s head could be seen emerging from the bubbling foam

The emerging Wyvern seemed to have softer features, like a female

Everything would be put in motion if the hours passed without him emerging

Ruby’s eyes adjusted to the emerging sight but lingered on a familiar shape

Warrior classes, emerging from them, began to drive the nomads from the disputed prime grazing lands and confine them to the less desirable hill country

“Among the genes turned to ‘high’ in people…are those that influence how fast that electrical signals jump from neuron to neuron and therefore how fast the brain can process information…This pattern of gene activity, it appears, began emerging when the Australopithicus species did

“This pattern of activity, it appears, began emerging when the Australopithicus species did” approximately 2

I can see brown-tinged water rushing through one pipe, disappearing into the machine, and emerging clear

“You okay?” says Uriah, emerging from the crowd to touch my shoulder

atmosphere by world industry was 13 times smaller than now, but the climate at that time had warmed up, as a result of natural causes, emerging from the 500-year-long Little Ice Age (1300–1850)

Emerging from arrivals at the airport in Miami, we got separated by the crowd

In the years that followed, he appreciated the emerging paradise, especially after we’d sunk a borehole that yielded abundant water for the sprinkling system and the garden flourished in that hot, dry climate

This time they would fail, as they had partnered with the wrong side of history and because the facts of our current success in the Battle for Iraq in the War against Islamic Fascists, were emerging

Doctors diagnosed depression that had been hidden for years, emerging now in these old haunts

I’ll top up the water level, keeping emerging roots wet up to the rounded bottom of the bulb

His mentor, Kosmo, was familiar with the Communist press, and the old man saw a version of it emerging in America

established Babylon as the capitol of his emerging empire

carve out large land grants for the Indians complete with mineral and oil rights, allowing them to keep their culture(s) in parallel with the emerging America? Exceptional as that might have been for its time, historian Ellis tells us in American Creation, it almost happened, or at least it became a priority for President Washington in 1790

Emerging at the bar, he grabbed a chair from the nearest table

We set off down the river around the north side of an island in the middle of the river and through a bewildering maze of channels among the mudflats finally emerging near an island south of the large island west of my peninsula, late in the afternoon

The emerging reestablishment of the Jewish nation was small, but soon many

As the top came nearer I could feel the radiant soothing warmth of the light emerging from the lamp, but could not actually see it unable to open my eyes, instead using that last bit of strength to climb the stairs

With the sense ‘I am’ emerging, ‘That’ is obscured, as with

Momentarily emerging from a coma at the end of his life, Thomas A

I held onto that promise like a prayer when I saw something emerging

With a fist she broke the cover of the sarcophagus, emerging glorious and burning

For I see the terror emerging in the pack members’ faces

development, «the possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this

«The possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this late date is

On the road near the plot, the kid was emerging

Despite an emerging body of research about

The first thought of smal and emerging businesses is to rush

several bales of hay, emerging with a shabby, much re-charged

the kids emerging from behind the tree, carrying the smallest child

relates to the emerging discoveries in the field of quantum physics

read is decided by you, me and other emerging writers

I boasted about the fat profit margins in television, and he vowed to be part of that emerging industry despite his admitted first love for small-town newspapers

Trolls and ogres were emerging into the clearing, forced into view by the rough shoving of those arriving behind them, and the crowd of them shook the bushes and trees around them while filling the air with guttural snarling

“Now! A Shiganzhu child climbed a roof to fetch his pet, and they have taken him! Lemukjin Township, northwest coast of Felion! Now they have jumped, emerging above Verzaclon City, where there is a larger audience for their depravity! Here!”

added, as two of the guards grabbed the emerging Yigal and jostled him to the end of a line of

That is why they have been seen emerging from the oceans, in the arctic areas, in the mountains, and in the deserts

Independence has been copied by emerging nations around the globe, its themes adopted in places many of us have never heard of

the Diaspora Mission that the emerging churches should consider from home as

churches which are emerging in India and other countries

Nepalese migration has been one of the emerging issues of country

Emerging from the bathroom—washed and in clean shirt and trousers—Swann found the little man still nursing his icewater at the kitchen table

of both the stage one was in before and the one that is emerging

The cavalry officer shouted a command and the fighting patrol wheeled around levelling their lances to charge the emerging enemy down

structure we have today, emerging around 40,000 years ago

emerge — перевод на русский


America on the March brings you a special event. When war ended last year, numberless plans were proposed for the advancement of peace and prosperity. But from among them has emerged one which has captured the imagination of the world.

Весна в Америке предлагает вам нечто интересное окончание войны в прошлом году, внесло множество идей … для достижения мира и процветания и вот появился человек … поразивший воображение всего мира

The great powers in a joint statement issued today, announced the appointment of an international commission… to decide which nation will be awarded sovereignty rights… over the island that emerged from the ocean only a short time a go and will be known as Atoll K.

которая решит, какая нация получит права на остров, который появился на поверхности океана не так давно, и теперь будет известен как Атолл Кей.

If the Earth were started over again intelligence might very well emerge but anything closely resembling a human being would be unlikely.

Если бы жизнь на Земле началась заново, то, возможно, на ней появился бы разум, однако маловероятно, что он был бы похож на наш.

The, er… secret, Your Majesty, is emerging again

Ваш… секрет, Ваше Величество, он появился опять.

But, suddenly, a new contender has emerged.

Но, внезапно, появился новый претендент.

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When you emerged from a closet with my daughter.

Когда ты вышел из кладовой с моей дочерью.

By your own estimation, I emerged from my maturation chamber before I was fully assimilated.

По вашей собственной оценке, я вышел из своей камеры взросления прежде, чем был полностью ассимилирован.

Buster emerged from Oscar’s trailer with a newfound sense of manliness… and then received a serendipitous gift.

Бастер вышел из трейлера Оскара с новым чувством мужественности и получил подарок от судьбы.

When I first saw you, you looked like a boy emerged from the sea.

Когда я увидела тебя в первый раз, ты как будто вышел из морской пены.

I realized, Michael that I had emerged, not through the doors of Kenner, Bach Ledeen not through the portals of our vast and powerful law firm but from the asshole of an organism whose sole function is to excrete the poison the ammo, the defoliant necessary for other larger more powerful organisms to destroy the miracle of humanity.

Я вдруг понял, Майкл что я вышел не из дверей компании «Кеннер, Бах и Ледин» не сквозь врата нашей огромной и могучей юридической конторы а через задний проход некоего организма чьё единственное предназначение — извергать яд динамит, дефолиант,необходимый для того, чтобы другие, ещё бОльшие и более могучие организмы смогли уничтожить человечество.

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Except, in the end, one small pattern emerges from it all. The only certainty.

Но в конце концов, появляется итог всего этого.

His problem is especially dangerous because the female lives in a burrow from which she emerges only on hunting forays.

Его проблема особенно опасна, потому что самка живет в норе из которой она появляется только при охоте.

The pattern is emerging.

Появляется общее правило.

Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen… emerges as raw experience for those who watch it.

Вот почему то, что появляется на телевизионном экране, это обнаженные переживания человека, смотрящего его

The baby is emerging head first.

Ребёнок появляется головой вперёд.

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It was conceived out of memory and half-forgotten impulse, and it emerged from the shadows of abstract emotions, until it was born full-grown from… the mechanical realities of my fingertips.

Этот образ возник из моей памяти и полузабытых импульсов, вышел из тени абстрактных эмоций, и воплотился на бумаге при помощи механических навыков моих пальцев.

The fraction of inhabited planets on which intelligence emerges is called f sub-i.

Доля обитаемых планет, на которых возник разум, f с индексом i.

Your image, still damp, unchanged since the day I left it, emerges once again from the night.

Твой все еще затухающий образ, не изменившийся стого дня, как я уехал, возник снова — на одну ночь.

But now, the interim government has called early elections and the man who sold the country has emerged from hiding to throw his hat in the ring.

Но сейчас, временное правительство назначило досрочные выборы и человек, который продал страну, вдруг возник из своего подполья, и вновь втупает в борьбу за власть.

In another, a giant emerged from an enormous egg.

В другой, гигант возник из огромного яйца.

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When the person emerges he has unknowingly undergone a ten-fold reduction.

Когда человек выходит из-под душа 10-кратно уменьшенный все, что его окружает — также 10-кратно уменьшено!

Looking back, we marvel at the rings and see the sun emerge from behind the giant planet.

Оглянувшись, мы восхищенно взираем на кольца и видим, как Солнце выходит из-за края гигантской планеты.

When he emerges from the car twenty minutes later… incredibly, he is no longer Chinese, but Caucasian.

Когда, через 20 минут, он выходит из машины… он уже не китаец. Невероятно, но теперь он кавказец.

A brave, perhaps foolhardy individual, prepared for who knows what, steps into the time tunnel and emerges who knows when.

Смелый, даже отчаянный человек, подготовленный для неизвестно чего, шагает в тоннель времени и выходит неизвестно когда.

A well-dressed man with a depraved face emerges from the mansion and looks around in a frightened manner, then he runs to the car.

Из особняка выходит хорошо одетый мужчина с порочным лицом, пугливо оглядывается и торопится к машине.

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In addition to Jerry Seinfeld, who is widely regarded as the frontrunner for the job, comedian Chris Rock has emerged as a strong possibility.

Помимо Джерри Сайнфелда, который считается главным кандидатом на эту роль, комик Крис Рок стал вполне вероятным претендентом.

He fought the Balrog and emerged stronger than ever as Gandalf the White.

Он сразился с Балрогом и стал Гендальфом Белым, сильнее, чем прежде.

And like the steel you have emerged stronger.

И ты как железо, стал крепче.

He recently emerged as the De facto leader of the organization.

Недавно он стал фактическим лидером организации.

‘Cause war will mean the extermination of both empires, Your Royal Highness, and the Daleks will emerge as the supreme rulers.

Потому что война будет означать уничтожение обеих империй, ваше королевское высочество, и Далеки станут верховными правителями.

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I’ve been set out here to enlist the support of emerging nations like this.

Меня направили в эти места, чтобы заручиться поддержкой развивающихся общин, таких как эта.

Did you know that there are amazing opportunities to be had in the exploitation of emerging third-world countries?

Вы знаете, какие удивительные возможности открываются в развивающихся странах третьего мира?

I mean, what you said about emerging growth markets and how they’re like wolves protecting their young.

То что вы говорили о росте на развивающихся рынках, и как они словно волки защищают молодняк.

A year ago, Liam was awarded an N.S.F. post-doctoral fellowship in emerging third world cultures.

Год назад, Лиама наградил ННФ пост-докторской стипендией в изучении культуры в развивающихся странах третьего мира.

He works in emerging markets.

Он изучает развивающиеся рынки.

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Running in the early mist with the members of the Shield Society, I felt something emerging as slowly as my sweat.:

Делая по утрам пробежки вместе с членами Общества Щита я чувствовал, как вместе с потом возникает

— She emerges, and disappears.

— Она возникает и тут же исчезает.

But by leaving time after time and cleaning away everything unnecessary— sometimes a world eventually emerges that surpasses your dream picture.

Но ко времени отъезда необязательно всё вычищать — Иногда в мире вдруг возникает то, что превосходит все ожидания насчет кадра мечты.

And then from that nothing something emerges, something else. The Phoenix.

И тогда из этого ничто возникает что-то другое.

The figure emerges from the darkness like a goddess.

Из темноты возникает фигура. Словно богиня.

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After 1 35 million years’ gestation, it emerged from its shell and flew away.

После 135 миллионов лет созревания птенец выбрался из скорлупы и улетел.

You aren’t the first boy or girl that I’ve sent into that… Sticky, sweet house, but you are the first to emerge.

Вы не первые мальчик или девочка, которых я отправила в этот… приторный домик, но вы первые, кто выбрался.

But since I emerged unscathed, I would have been happy to leave it at that.

Но поскольку я выбрался невредимым, я бы с радостью оставил всё, как есть.

After going underground in an incredible attempt to keep Owen Cooper alive, everyone is waiting, praying, for heroic civilian Walter O’Brien to emerge from the tunnel with news of the child’s condition.

После спуска под землю в невероятной попытке сохранить жизнь Оуэна Купера, все ждут и молятся, чтобы гражданин-герой, Уолтер О’Брайен выбрался из туннеля с новостями о состоянии ребенка.

Once you emerged from your country cocoon, I knew it was just a matter of time before you realized you could do better and moved on.

Когда ты выбрался из деревенского кокона, я понял, что очень скоро ты поймёшь, что достоин лучшего и уйдёшь.

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But new leaders are emerging… for whom Black September wasn’t violent enough.

Пришли новые лидеры, они считают, что предыдущим зверствам не доставало жестокости.

A new lawyers will emerge… new commanders, financiers…

Будут новые юристы… командиры, доктора.

In other news tonight, new details are emerging in the case of a missing Colorado infant.

В других новостях. Новые детали по делу о пропавшем младенце из Колорадо.

Now I say this not as Flick Moyers, gallery owner, but as Flick Moyers, lifetime supporter of emerging talent.

И сейчас я говорю не как Флик Мойерс, владелица галереи, но как Флик Мойерс, которая всегда поддерживает новые таланты.

More details have emerged about the shootout in Manhattan. Leslie?

Открываются новые детали перестрелки на Манхеттене.

Показать ещё примеры для «новые»…

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появляться, возникать, всплывать, выясняться, вставать, выходить


- (from) появляться, показываться; выходить (откуда-л.)

the sun emerged from the clouds — солнце вышло из-за облаков

- мор. всплывать, появляться на поверхности

the submarine emerged — подводная лодка всплыла

- выйти, подняться, выбраться

to emerge from poverty [slavery, ignorance] — выйти из нищеты [рабства, выбиться из невежества]
to emerge into notice — заставить себя заметить
he emerged from the ordeal triumphantly — он с честью вышел из этого тяжкого испытания
on emergeing from boyhood he … — едва выйдя из отроческого возраста, он …

- выясняться, явствовать, следовать; выявляться

from this report he emerges as an able administrator — отчёт рисует его как способного администратора; из сообщения явствует, что он способный администратор
from these facts it emerges … — из этих фактов следует …
no new idea emerged during his speech — в своей речи он не предложил ничего нового

- всплывать, возникать, появляться (о вопросе и т. п.)

here emerges the question as to … — тут возникает вопрос относительно …
there emerged a necessity of … — появилась необходимость в …

Мои примеры


when land first emerged from the sea — когда суша впервые появилась из моря  
animals emerging from a long period of inactivity — животные, выходящие из длительного периода бездействия  
to emerge from a cocoon — выходить из кокона  
to emerge unscathed — выйти сухим из воды  
to emerge from poverty — выйти из нищеты  
to emerge as law — обретать силу закона  
to emerge as the leading contender — стать ведущим претендентом  
emerge from desolation — восстать из руин  
contradictions emerge — возникают противоречия  
difficulties emerge — возникают затруднения; возникают трудности  
emerge as a world power — превратиться в мировую державу; стать мировой державой  
emerge as force — появляться как сила  

Примеры с переводом

Eventually the truth emerged.

В конце концов правда выплыла наружу.

The flowers emerge in the spring.

Цветы появляются весной.

The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

Солнце вышло из-за туч.

What results emerged from your talks?

И каковы результаты ваших бесед?

He felt new emotions emerge.

Он почувствовал появление новых эмоций.

She emerged from the divorce a stronger person.

После развода она стала сильнее.

A hand holding the magic sword emerged from the lake.

Из озера появилась рука с волшебным мечом.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

emergence  — появление, возникновение, выход, выявление, всплытие
emergency  — аварийный, экстренный, непредвиденный, случай, авария, критическое положение
emergent  — выходящий, новый, получивший независимость, неожиданно появляющийся
emerging  — появление
emerged  — появившийся, возникший

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: emerge
he/she/it: emerges
ing ф. (present participle): emerging
2-я ф. (past tense): emerged
3-я ф. (past participle): emerged

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