The word embrace in a sentence

Synonym: accept, adopt, clasp, clutch, comprise, contain, cover, enfold, grasp, hold, hug, include, involve, press, take up. Similar words: trace, face to face, brand, brake, brand new, branch, member, resemble. Meaning: [ɪm’breɪs]  n. 1. the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection) 2. the state of taking in or encircling 3. a close affectionate and protective acceptance. v. 1. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory 2. squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness 3. take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one’s own. 

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(1) She saw them embrace on the station platform.

(2) I just want a warm embrace and nothing more.

(3) She gently released herself from his arms/embrace.

(4) Dear, you now and embrace who, say the familiar forever.

(5) They were locked in a passionate embrace on the station platform.

(6) They were locked in a passionate embrace.

(7) We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms.

(8) The marriage signalled James’s embrace of the Catholic faith.

(9) He managed to disengage himself from Martha’s embrace.

(10) The President’s assets embrace $ 600,000.

(11) John gently disengaged himself from his sister’s tearful embrace.

(12) Closing her eyes, she melted into his embrace.

(13) He enfolded the child in an affectionate embrace.

(14) He managed to free himself from her embrace.

(15) Many people are unwilling to embrace new technologies.

(16) This was an opportunity that he would embrace.

(17) She detached herself from his embrace.

(18) The monarchy was notoriously reluctant to embrace change.

(19) He leant over to embrace the child.

(20) He held her tightly in his embrace.

(21) He held her in a warm embrace.

(22) He released her from his embrace.

(23) He drew her into his embrace.

(24) They held each other in a tender embrace.

(25) He opened his arms wide to embrace her.

(26) Sally found it difficult to disengage herself from his embrace.

(27) Someone makes me comfortable, so I want to rely on him; while another one makes me feel lonely(Sentencedict), so I want to embrace him.

(28) No matter what age, the characteristics of young people always embrace the ideals and illusions. This is not anything wrong, but a valuable quality.

(29) If the whole world betrayed you, at least your mother will not give up. Still remember childhood mother’s embrace is the most beautiful paradise.

(30) I want to spend the rest of my life,to embrace the beauty of nature.

More similar words: trace, face to face, brand, brake, brand new, branch, member, resemble, assemble, assembly, remember, celebration, membership, embarrassed, face, pace, place, space, rack, palace, crack, track, at peace, in place, surface, replace, racial, racism, face up to, attract. 

объятие, объятия, охватывать, обнимать, обниматься


- объятие; объятия

an embrace of iron — железные объятия
to hold smb. in one’s embrace — держать кого-л. в объятиях
in the embrace of terror — объятый ужасом


- обнимать, заключать в объятия, прижимать к груди
- обниматься
- использовать, воспользоваться

to embrace an opportunity [an offer] — воспользоваться случаем [предложением]

- принимать, воспринимать

to embrace a doctrine [a theory] — принять доктрину [теорию]; стать сторонником учения [теории]
to embrace a course (of action) — принять программу действий
to embrace a cause — стать сторонником какого-л. дела /какой-л. идеи/
to embrace smb.’s cause — ≅ стать под чьи-л. знамёна

- избирать, вступать на путь

to embrace a profession — выбрать профессию
to embrace a soldier’s life — стать военным, избрать военную карьеру
to embrace Christianity — принять христианство

- включать; заключать в себе

the treaty embraces the following provisions — договор включает следующие положения
to embrace all the cases in a single formula — подвести все случаи под одну формулировку
his assets embrace $10 — у него за душой всего 10 долларов

- охватывать

to embrace a situation — видеть все аспекты ситуации
from the terrace the eye embraces the whole valley — с террасы можно охватить взглядом всю долину

- арх., поэт. окружать

embraced with fire — в кольце огня

- уст. принять, подчиниться

embrace thy death — умри безропотно

- пытаться повлиять на присяжных или судей путём подкупа или иными незаконными средствами

Мои примеры


a politician who has been embraced by conservatives — политик, которого консерваторы приняли с распростёртыми объятиями  
an island in the embrace of the sea — остров, объятый морем  
to detach oneself from smb.’s embrace — высвобождаться из чьих-л. объятий  
to embrace with joy all the sufferings — принимать с радостью все страдания  
passionate embrace — страстные объятия  
tight embrace — крепкие объятия  
a loving / tender / warm embrace — тёплые, дружеские объятия  
an embrace between the two women — объятия двух женщин  
to embrace / espouse an ideology — поддерживать идеологию  
to embrace an opportunity — воспользоваться случаем  
to embrace a doctrine — принять доктрину  
deadly embrace — тупиковая ситуация  

Примеры с переводом

He embraced the opportunity to study further.

Он воспользовался возможностью продолжить обучение.

He held her in a warm embrace.

Он держал ее в теплых объятиях.

She had to embrace the life she disliked

Она была вынуждена избрать жизнь, которую не любила.

They embraced different parties.

Они стали сторонниками разных партий.

They embraced one last time before going their separate ways.

Они обнялись в последний раз, перед тем как пойти каждый своею дорогой.

Charity embraces all acts that contribute to human welfare.

Милосердие включает все действия, которые способствуют благополучию человека.

Rocks enclosing, in an embrace, a valley.

Скалы, заключающие в свои объятия долину.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Charity embraces all acts of generous giving.

…gradually fading in the primaries, the former front-runner watched helplessly as the trimmers rushed to embrace the party’s newest rising star…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

embracing  — охватывающий, обнимающий, включающий в себя
embraceable  — соблазнительный
embraceor  — лицо, пытающееся повлиять на присяжных или судей путем подкупа или иными
embracer  — лицо, пытающееся повлиять на присяжных или судей путем подкупа или иными
embracive  — всеобъемлющий, ласковый, любящий обниматься

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: embrace
he/she/it: embraces
ing ф. (present participle): embracing
2-я ф. (past tense): embraced
3-я ф. (past participle): embraced

ед. ч.(singular): embrace
мн. ч.(plural): embraces

Embrace Meaning: To “embrace” means to hold someone or something close in one’s arms, typically as a sign of affection or support. The word can also describe accepting or supporting a particular idea or change. To embrace is to show acceptance, love, or enthusiasm.

  • She embraces her daughter with a warm hug after a long day at work.
  • He embraces his new identity as an entrepreneur.
  • They embrace the opportunity to travel the world together.
  • She embraces the challenge of learning a new language.
  • He embraces his partner in a loving embrace.
  • They embrace the change and move to a new city.
  • She embraces her fear of public speaking and gives a great speech.
  • He embraces his love for cooking and starts a restaurant.
  • They embrace their differences and form strong bonds.
  • She embraces her creative side and starts painting again.
  • He embraces the idea of living a minimalist lifestyle.
  • They embrace their cultural heritage and pass it on to their children.
  • She embraces her inner strength and leaves her toxic relationship.
  • He embraces his passion for music and becomes a singer.
  • They embrace their love for each other and get married.
  • She embraces her natural beauty and stops wearing makeup.
  • He embraces his hobbies and becomes a collector.
  • They embrace their spirituality and find inner peace.
  • She embraces her role as a leader and makes a positive impact.
  • He embraces his role as a mentor and helps many young people.
  • They embrace their love for adventure and go on a road trip.
  • She embraces the idea of a plant-based diet and feels healthier.
  • He embraces his vulnerability and opens up to his friends.
  • They embrace their mistakes and learn from them.
  • She embraces her independence and starts her own business.
  • He embraces his role as a father and takes care of his children.
  • They embrace their love for animals and become activists.
  • She embraces her talents and becomes a professional dancer.
  • He embraces his role as a husband and supports his wife.
  • They embrace their love for nature and become environmentalists.
  • She embraces her artistic abilities and becomes a sculptor.
  • He embraces his inner child and starts playing again.
  • They embrace their love for books and become librarians.
  • She embraces her sense of humor and becomes a comedian.
  • He embraces his athleticism and becomes a professional athlete.
  • They embrace their love for fashion and become designers.
  • She embraces her education and becomes a teacher.
  • He embraces his entrepreneurship and becomes a successful business owner.
  • They embrace their cultural diversity and become ambassadors.
  • She embraces her passion for cooking and becomes a chef.
  • He embraces his role as a grandfather and spoils his grandchildren.
  • They embrace their love for animals and become veterinary technicians.
  • She embraces her athletic abilities and becomes a gymnast.
  • He embraces his writing talent and becomes an author.
  • They embrace their love for music and become musicians.
  • She embraces her love for photography and becomes a photographer.
  • He embraces his role as a coach and helps his team win.
  • They embrace their love for science and become researchers.
  • She embraces her creativity and becomes a graphic designer.
  • He embraces his role as a volunteer and helps his community.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word embrace, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use embrace in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «embrace».

Embrace in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word embrace in a sentence.

  1. She rejects his embrace and runs away.

  2. I can not embrace her for the last time.

  3. The two embrace as Pete emotionally dissolves.

  4. If you embrace it, it can be a very beautiful thing.

  5. Pete saves Jackie from the Cybermen and the two embrace.

  6. Doc admits that he needs and loves Suzy, and they embrace.

  7. Wong had been one of the first to embrace the flapper look.

  8. Swift did not fully embrace his popularity, but he enjoyed it.

  9. They step to the window, gazing into each other’s eyes, and embrace.

  10. Greaney seems to embrace that style, and it works really well here.».

  11. When he leaves, Sahil and Jai embrace, but do not talk about the rape.

  12. He frequently called upon both sides to embrace a spirit of co-operation.

  13. Satin attempted to embrace the promise but also the balance implied by the term.

  14. They are interrupted as Armida appears, and wrests Almirena from Rinaldo’s embrace.

  15. The two bodies were placed in an embrace in a single coffin, as they had requested.

  16. That art has come too far to embrace a throwback like Hoodwinked as lovably quaint.

  17. Consequently, he left political life to embrace religious life by becoming a priest.

  18. He finds Andy on a beach in Zihuatanejo, and the two reunited friends happily embrace.

  19. However, after Parr discovered the pair in an embrace, she ended this state of affairs.

  20. When she moves to kiss him on the mouth, he turns his head away and they embrace instead.

  21. While nu metal was widely popular, traditional metal fans did not fully embrace the style.

  22. Aman meets Naina, and they embrace while he tries to persuade her that he does not love her.

  23. Out of compassion, Buddha taught people to be good and persuaded them to embrace his doctrines.

  24. Several of the lines in the episode proved difficult for both fans and cast members to embrace.

  25. For this reason alone, it was never in serious doubt that Elizabeth would embrace Protestantism.

  26. His stylistic range now began to embrace a more contemporary rock sound as well as soul and funk.

  27. Struggling to simultaneously embrace and blow up the world, they were never more inspirational.».

  28. They are joined by her daughter Riya and Rohit, who tells Naina that he loves her as they embrace.

  29. By joining Climate Alliance, cities and municipalities embrace the following voluntary commitments:.

  30. Charismatics are apologetic towards Branham’s early ministry and embrace his use of the «sign-gifts».

  31. In «all things», Scully begins to embrace pragmatism, although she still clings to her skeptic roots.

  32. Smart soars beyond individuality to embrace that vitality, but at a cost of all human relationship.».

  33. First, Woglinde pretends to respond to the dwarf’s advances but swims away as he tries to embrace her.

  34. Jackson wrote that once Tyler withdrew, many Democrats would embrace him for his pro-annexation stance.

  35. Branham’s embrace of the serpent seed doctrine alienated most of the members of his Pentecostal audience.

  36. Babb is best known for his presentation of exploitation films, a term many in the business would embrace.

  37. David lambasts the mother and society in general; the two embrace in a kiss before going to bed together.

  38. In these years, Eliot gravitated away from his Unitarian upbringing and began to embrace the Church of England.

  39. The design implies that Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China and prospers in the embrace of the motherland.

  40. The appeals court said judges must embrace a pro-government presumption that the Guantánamo evidence is reliable.

  41. In accordance with their wishes, the couple’s bodies were positioned in an embrace when buried in the same coffin.

  42. Scarpia triumphantly strides toward Tosca When he begins to embrace her, she stabs him, crying «this is Tosca’s kiss!

  43. This was partly a homage to a similar piece by their leader, Malevich, and a symbolic embrace of the Communist ideal.

  44. Although sympathetic to the plight of western farmers and urban, unemployed workers, Innis did not embrace socialism.

  45. His compatriots also held him in contempt for his perceived eagerness to embrace the French colonial rule and culture.

  46. Weaver believed that the Populists’ embrace of free silver would be the main issue to attract new members to the party.

  47. VHEMT members who strongly believed that «Civilization [is] headed for collapse» were most likely to embrace these views.

  48. If the greedy record industry would embrace that concept I truly think people would pay for music and consume more of it.

  49. The latter reportedly saw the opera twenty times, and said he would have «gone to the ends of the earth to embrace Bizet».

  50. Tyndall soon joined this new BNP, and became a close confidante of Jordan, who helped Tyndall to further embrace neo-Nazism.

Synonyms for embrace

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word embrace has the following synonyms: bosom, embracing, embracement, , encompass, comprehend, cover, espouse, adopt, sweep up, hug and squeeze.

General information about «embrace» example sentences

The example sentences for the word embrace that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «embrace» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «embrace».

Definition of Embrace

to clasp someone or each other with affection; hug

Examples of Embrace in a sentence

I have come to appreciate warm people who embrace me just because they’re happy to see me.


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