The word embarrassed in a sentence

He has the grace to look embarrassed

I felt very embarrassed but I acted the fool

I felt a little embarrassed by the thought of such closeness

Apollo is also embarrassed when he realizes he’s been staring at her this entire time

but the volume is low because we’re embarrassed

embarrassed that neighbours in identical rooms

He was embarrassed and confused

What was it Auntie Agnes had said? Every now and then get up out of your seat and have a good stretch? Trouble was I’d only just sat down and now I was far too embarrassed to make a fuss

During cleaning it became clear that at some time in the distant past part of the church had been a temple dedicated to Pallas Athena and although it was not unusual for the locals to mix their beliefs, the church authorities were rather embarrassed and the work came to a standstill until it could be determined who would provide funds for the work to continue

“You guys could have warned me! Oh, I’m so embarrassed!” She was still blushing, and James found it rather fetching

My neighbour nudged me, shaking his head, me thinking he meant it embarrassed him to sing in public

in clothes that would have embarrassed a sixteen year old

Embarrassed at his lack of care he began to apologize when he heard Tarak robustly laughing at his improper outburst

His reaction to her touch was most apparent and he stood there embarrassed, trying to cover himself

She was all the more embarrassed because almost all the others had such full and shapely boobs

It had been on the news primarily because Laurentia had been embarrassed internationally because the experiments that had perfected that surgical technique had been carried out in the same labs where she had been resurrected in silicon

Harry was surprised and a little embarrassed as some diners were turning their heads from other tables

Ged looked slightly embarrassed at this point, the rueful half-

Killer, was that he was embarrassed

Embarrassed that Heather slapped him in

Embarrassed that he charged and missed Roman

Embarrassed that he fell into the water and was too drunk to swim

though, he was embarrassed that the man he called the geek janitor saved his sorry

Mostly I was embarrassed, but I was still in

Angie just sat, eyes enormous, listening to her husband’s halting, embarrassed recital

” He said a little embarrassed still

seem to be moved or embarrassed by the scene

The moment is gone and he smiles the spare part smile of embarrassed exclusion

embarrassed and was pointedly trying not to look at

She was embarrassed by his embarrassment, and seemed insulted by his refusal

“Something’s wrong with him, I mean more that just being embarrassed

Emma couldn’t help but laugh, even though she knew Crystal was embarrassed

He was embarrassed by his outburst as soon as it had been

embarrassed, until he looked up saw that she was

Emma nodded, feeling embarrassed, that she had put the poor woman in that position

She was actually embarrassed, by his comment «I dreamed once, I saw the second coming, the sky was much like it was this morning, filled with those wispy clouds

“So is there’s sex at this party?” He would be too embarrassed, he would have to stay behind

If it wasn’t for the drugs he would have spewed by now and even if he didn’t, he would have been too embarrassed to participate

Alan was embarrassed to see that Marcue was doing Nalu on the ledge where he and Kaha had been sitting

embarrassed, and believed her without hesitation

have been embarrassed to be offering his visitors such

embarrassed by the attention

They were embarrassed to admit it afterwards, but she disarmed them with little more than a smile

more than a little embarrassed at the way she seemed to

«Sorry,» he replied, embarrassed and once more fumbling as he sought to cram the weapon back into its sheath

embarrassed, because she seemed to be the only slave passing through the open doorway

She didn’t seem embarrassed by it

Nerissa felt too embarrassed to tell him it was garlic

that it would have embarrassed the storm of the sea breaks the

Though everybody laughed to see it, I didn’t feel embarrassed

embarrassed about being in the gym at all

» Her eyes now slid to the floor, too embarrassed to look at him

To see or use a handkerchief in your dream indicates that you will be disgraced or embarrassed in some way

Denalin looked up more than a little embarrassed

The self-centered self needs things, is afraid of things, feeds on compliments, wants to be right about everything, and is embarrassed when viewed in an unflattering light

“Deni, dear, you remember I cautioned you about making a habit of staring into the eyes of a Lascorii?” Deni nodded, embarrassed that her new little habit hadn’t abated

She shook her head impassively and as her belly gave a great rumble — one that actually slightly embarrassed her — the physician was confident that sustenance would make her bounce back in relatively short order

To be self-conscious in a negative sense is to be uncomfortable, nervous, or embarrassed about how we think others see us

Embarrassed, his mind searched within his host body but that didn’t harbour memories of laughter either

Penelope offered an embarrassed smile before looking back toward Carius

The Elf nodded, a little embarrassed that that fact had so easily not sunk in completely

She was simultaneously embarrassed by her very candid expressions of worry, and deeply frustrated

Danny was embarrassed, but in a strange new way

now sat embarrassed and ashamed, as I had taken away her source of pride

Roidon was jolted out of his thoughts, obviously startled, foolishly embarrassed

Anyway I was thinking how he wouldn’t let his mother come to the station to wave him off in front of the lads in case she embarrassed him

” His voice trailed off and he went quite I think he is a little embarrassed and didn’t mean to go on like he did it was just a way to get it off his chest

Sebastian suspected he was a little embarrassed about their altercation earlier and wisely said nothing

But when she met one guard’s gaze he looked away, perhaps indifferent or embarrassed – she couldn’t be sure

I could tell my fourteen year old son was very embarrassed that He should be speaking of such matters with His Mother

Raiya was quiet; Torbin guessed she was embarrassed by Roidon’s current condition: he was babbling away in incoherent bursts, seemingly exited about heading towards space

I did not want to dwell on this subject not only because it embarrassed me but because of Frank I didn’t know if she was over his death or not so I said

” I was totally taken back by this discloser not to mention embarrassed as I stuttered

But to give the Captain and Lieutenant their due they looked most embarrassed and sheepish about the situation as the Captain said

‘ Shelagh laughed loudly, putting her hand over her mouth, embarrassed

Maureen stood, undecided, embarrassed now

walking at exactly the same pace as she had been, while the dogs stood around looking embarrassed

“Good therapy,” I said, a bit embarrassed

He was embarrassed by the dawning realisation that he’d simply enjoyed having strong opinions

“I have no idea,” he said, embarrassed by his lack of preparation

He would be embarrassed

” Halon answered, embarrassed

Saldon was still embarrassed by the half-naked women, though managed to hide this when a woman danced for him, removing one piece of her flimsy clothing at a time

The two deputies waved and nodded, but otherwise looked embarrassed

With agility that would have embarrassed a cat, he hopped from one slick perch to the next

“Good morning Balzar” Halon said after clearing his throat, embarrassed at his thoughts of a moment ago

” Halon explained, embarrassed that he was so deep in his thoughts he had not seen his friend arrive

I simply could not ask those types of questions without becoming thoroughly embarrassed

He said, ―Mom, Pop, I want you to meet the best damn man that ever shit between a pair of shoes!‖ I was really embarrassed, but they didn‘t seem to think anything was wrong with this statement

Wondering whether he should feel pleased at the dedication or embarrassed of his own pajama-clad state, Sespian waved the lieutenant to a seat opposite the desk

The cabin quietened as they stopped talking, each a bit embarrassed at what had been said

He was close enough to hear her quiet sobs, and embarrassed by this unintentional intrusion, turned to leave, disturbing a nesting Blackcap

The new members swore by it until they got seriously embarrassed on the mean streets, and then discarded theirs also

Dogs cannot run well on polished floors and we had great fun with them as they skidded around with foolish and embarrassed grins on their faces

It took some time before either badger could look at the other without bursting into a fit of the giggles, but at length their laughter subsided and both turned away as though embarrassed

As Soffen cried for her cubs, for Grey and Brock, for the life now lost to her forever, Slikit stood at her side in embarrassed silence

Maks was embarrassed

The soldiers looked embarrassed, but the commander ordered all five to go to the ground floor

“Kate!” Helen was quick to yell somewhat embarrassed

смущенный, растерянный, стесненный, запутавшийся в долгах


- затрудненный (о движениях)
- стесненный (о материальном положении)
- смущенный; сконфуженный
- сбитый с толку, растерянный

Мои примеры


customers who were too embarrassed to admit that they had been stiffed by an Internet company selling sexual aids — клиенты, которым было стыдно признать, что их обманула интернет-компания, продающая сексуальные игрушки  
a loudmouthed boor who embarrassed his family at every social event they attended — горластый хам, который позорил своих родных на каждом светском мероприятии, которое они посещали  
become embarrassed — теряться  
be embarrassed by the question — быть озадаченным вопросом; быть смущённым вопросом  
feel embarrassed — чувствовать себя неловко; засмущаться; конфузиться  
he was not in the least embarrassed — он нисколько не смутился  
law embarrassed transactions between individuals — закон затруднил заключение сделок между частными лицами  
be confused / embarrassed — смущаться  
embarrassed about — стесняться  
be embarrassed — оконфузиться; конфузиться  

Примеры с переводом

There was an embarrassed silence.

Последовало неловкое молчание.

You have no idea how embarrassed I feel.

Ты не представляешь, как я себя неловко чувствую.

Unexpected laughter embarrassed the speaker.

Неожиданный смех смутил докладчика.

I was angry and embarrassed in equal measure.

Я был в равной мере и зол, и растерян.

I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.

Мне было неловко за беспорядок в доме.

She felt embarrassed by his persistent attentions.

Она была смущена его настойчивыми ухаживаниями.

She was afraid that I might be embarrassed.

Она боялась, что мне будет неловко.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Everyone became embarrassed and conversation dried up.

She was acutely embarrassed by his public display of temper.

As a teenager, he was embarrassed by his parents’ nonconformity.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

embarrass  — смущать, стеснять, конфузить, затруднять, обременять, запутывать
unembarrassed  — непринужденный, легкий, не обремененный, нестесненный

Similar words: assemble, assembly, array, barrel, arrange, barrier, depressed, ambassador. Meaning: [-st]  adj. 1. feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious 2. caused to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable 3. made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride. 

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1 A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed.

2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.

3 He always mumbles when he’s embarrassed.

4 He embarrassed me with a difficult question.

5 His bad table manners embarrassed her.

6 I was embarrassed by their compliment.

7 She was embarrassed by his exhibitionism at the party.

8 Lori gets embarrassed if we ask her to sing.

9 Paul was looking flustered and embarrassed.

10 Our progress was embarrassed by lots of baggage.

11 I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.

12 I get embarrassed easily.

13 They wolf-whistled at me, and I was so embarrassed I tripped up.

14 He looked embarrassed for a moment,[] then quickly regained his poise.

15 I’m embarrassed of myself.

16 He became embarrassed when a journalist asked him pointed questions about his finances.

17 I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it.

18 She seemed embarrassed for a moment but quickly recovered her poise.

19 I, in my turn, became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.

20 Stuart gave an embarrassed cough .

21 He seemed a mite embarrassed.

22 He looked a bit embarrassed.

23 The revelations in the press have embarrassed the government.

24 The long sleeves of her dress embarrassed her movements.

25 I said «Sorry», very feebly, feeling rather embarrassed.

26 He was embarrassed by debts.

27 He was embarrassed by many debts.

28 He didn’t even have the grace to look embarrassed.

29 Embarrassed, she gathered her things together and left.

30 When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed.

More similar words: assemble, assembly, array, barrel, arrange, barrier, depressed, ambassador, narrative, asset, arrangement, assert, assess, passenger, harassment, assessment, combat, bar, bare, barn, barely, member, or rather, embrace, terrain, used to, resemble, remember, snack bar, crash. 

embarrassed — перевод на русский


Oh, come on, this is embarrassing.

Да ладно тебе, это неловко.

Oh, this is rather embarrassing.

Это довольно неловко.

I mean, it is embarrassing.

В смысле, это так неловко.

I never was so embarrassed in all my life.

Впервые в жизни так неловко.

We mustn’t embarrass poor little Leon.

Бедняга Леон не должен чувствовать себя неловко.

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It’s embarrassing to hear another man sing it.

Стыдно слышать, когда её поёт кто-то другой.

I feel so embarrassed.

Мне так стыдно.

Leave! Everyone is watching, I’m embarrassed. Leave!

Уходи же, ну все смотрят же мне стыдно, уходи быстрей.

You can’t imagine how embarrassed I am to tell you all this.

Но почему вы так огорчены? Ты не представляешь, как мне стыдно говорить все это тебе.

How embarrassing!

Как ни стыдно!

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Don’t let that embarrass you.

Пусть вас это не смущает. Нам это нравится.

If you see me like that, it embarrasses me.

Меня смущает, что вы так обо мне думаете.

I’m telling you that to postpone admitting what always embarrasses me.

Я говорю Вам это, чтобы отбросить то, что всегда меня смущает.

I think it embarrasses him to be thanked.

Но думаю, это его смущает.

I’m embarrassed.

Это меня смущает.

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— I’m a bit embarrassed, sir.

— Я немного стесняюсь месье.

I’m embarrassed.

Я стесняюсь.

…the only thing you have to know is to shout «Taste the red watermelon» I don’t know, I feel embarrassed.

Не знаю, я как-то стесняюсь…

Please, don’t look at me. I’m embarrassed.

Не смотри на меня, я стесняюсь.

I’m embarrassed to them!

я их стесняюсь!

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«Embarrassing, being stood up, isn’t it?

«Неудобно, если пропустить всречу.

Yes, I’ve been so embarrassed about what happened… in front of your guests I couldn’t get out of there soon enough.

— Вы звали? Да. Мне было так неудобно перед вашими гостями.

I’m so embarrassed…

Мне так неудобно…

This is embarrassing…

Это очень неудобно…

It might embarrass her.

Неудобно получится.

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He’d be embarrassed, and so would I.

Он будет смущен, и я тоже.

Though yet embarrassed by the pride, envy, luxury, and ambition o its upper state.

Хотя и немножко смущен гордыней, завистью, роскошью и амбициями высшего сословия.

Maybe he was embarrassed.

Может он был смущён.

— I’m embarrassed to greet you in this…

Я смущен, что приходится принимать вас в таком виде.

At first I was very embarrassed… because my parents are deaf.

Сначала я был очень смущен … потому что мои родители глухие.

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— Oh. — You needn’t be embarrassed, madame.

— Вам не стоит смущаться, мадам.

Stop being so embarrassed and critical.

Хватит просто сидеть, смущаться и критиковать.

No need to be embarrassed.

Не нужно смущаться.

Don’t be embarrassed.

Нет нужды смущаться.

Even Saint Cipriano said that every woman should be embarrassed, just at the thought of being a woman.

Даже Святой Чиприано сказал, что каждая женщина должна смущаться, только от мысли о том, что она женщина.

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Are you trying to embarrass me?

Хотите меня смутить?

You wanted to embarrass me by bringing them together.

Ты хотела смутить меня тем, что они встречаются.

She lets her knowledge out a bit at a time so as not to embarrass me.

Время от времени она выпускает все свои знания на свободу только чтобы смутить меня.

Embarrassing the Minbari?

Смутить Минбар?

She went out of her way to embarrass us.

Она делала все, чтобы смутить нас.

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— You embarrass us.

Ты позоришь нас.

— Muriel. Muriel, you’re embarrassing us again.

Мюриэл, ты опять нас позоришь!

You’re gonna fucking embarrass us.

Ты позоришь нас.

Brian, you’re embarrassing me.

Брайан, ты же меня позоришь.

You’re embarrassing me in front of my friends.

Ты позоришь меня перед друзьями!

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Are you trying to embarrass me? We’re all out of Pike’s.

Хотите меня опозорить?

You’ve done everything to embarrass me except kneel down, you camel.

Ты всё сделал, чтобы опозорить меня. Ты не конь, ты верблюд.

If i win this trial, try not to embarrass me.

Если я выиграю это дело, обещай не опозорить меня.

He won’t embarrass me.

Он не захочет меня опозорить.

You tried to embarrass her.

Ты пытался ее опозорить.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word embarrassed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use embarrassed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «embarrassed».

Embarrassed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word embarrassed in a sentence.

  1. I don’t think we embarrassed ourselves».

  2. Shuler, «even embarrassed GOP regulars».

  3. She was embarrassed by the entire incident.

  4. He was embarrassed to learn that Moore was in the audience.

  5. The matter proved to be a hoax, and the administration was embarrassed.

  6. The hippo lost most of his hair and was too embarrassed to leave the water.

  7. He accused Borglum of delaying so that the Association would be embarrassed.

  8. Sivanandam and Naidu feel embarrassed and are reluctant to question her further.

  9. The local air commander, Air Vice-Marshal Arthur Tedder, was greatly embarrassed.

  10. Cuomo was embarrassed by Pinkerton’s reception and the personal nature of its songs.

  11. He had many eccentric habits, and often embarrassed his officers through his actions.

  12. The snub caused an international incident, to which an embarrassed President Dwight D.

  13. Đính felt humiliated and embarrassed, having promised his colleagues that he would be successful.

  14. She is left with no choice but to relent, release the spells and leave, vanquished and embarrassed.

  15. He made them skate to his level and pass and finish up to his level or they would be embarrassed.».

  16. Roy was furious, and felt that head coach Mario Tremblay deliberately left him in to be embarrassed.

  17. Greeley returned to New York, and the episode, when it became public, embarrassed the administration.

  18. Lennon was depressed and got intoxicated; he left Ono embarrassed after he had sex with a female guest.

  19. She is so distracted and embarrassed that she prefers to go home in her ham costume, which saves her life.

  20. These rumors, in particular of her supposed relationship with Dietrich, further embarrassed Wong’s family.

  21. Priestley’s son, William, now living in Philadelphia, was increasingly embarrassed by his father’s actions.

  22. In the scene McTeague is too embarrassed to examine the teeth of a young woman and Potter has to take over.

  23. The pedestrian walkway at the ground floor, however, was prone to sudden gusts of wind, which embarrassed Pei.

  24. Once there, Nick is embarrassed that he recognizes no one and begins drinking heavily until he encounters Jordan.

  25. A quiet individual, Baker was embarrassed when bank executives brought important clients by his office to see him.

  26. The LM triumph embarrassed the LCL, and Eastick survived a leadership challenge from Heini Becker in the aftermath.

  27. Rovers agreed to allow the financially embarrassed Olympic to keep all available gate money, instead of sharing it.

  28. Kishimoto, the film’s chief story supervisor, admitted that he was embarrassed writing romance scenes in the series.

  29. An embarrassed Bohr fired off a note to Nature defending Meitner and Frisch’s claim to the priority of the discovery.

  30. Although embarrassed by his poverty, he briefly dated a Swati woman before unsuccessfully courting his landlord’s daughter.

  31. Kimball argues that Disney «played the role of a bashful tycoon who was embarrassed in public» and knew that he was doing so.

  32. A sometimes irascible man, he was reportedly embarrassed by any fuss surrounding his celebrity and was known to exclaim «Mush!

  33. The defiance of the Poplar councillors generated widespread interest and sympathy, and the publicity embarrassed the government.

  34. Vorster, the Prime Minister of South Africa, was embarrassed by Le Roux’s public comments and forced him to deny having made them.

  35. Under cross-examination, Johnson admitted that «I don’t always write what I think», and ended up being embarrassed by Barnes’s lawyer.

  36. This led to antagonism between Cope, who was embarrassed by the mistake, and Marsh, who brought up the mistake repeatedly for decades.

  37. He was prescribed antidepressants, but felt uncomfortable and embarrassed about taking them, and tried to hide the fact from his friends.

  38. The earls of Pembroke and Surrey were embarrassed and angry about Warwick’s actions, and shifted their support to Edward in the aftermath.

  39. He said he did not want to speak to the Englishman owing to the Bodyline tactics England were using, leaving Warner embarrassed and shaken.

  40. Governor Eden was certainly embarrassed by Spotswood’s invasion of North Carolina, and Spotswood disavowed himself of any part of the seizure.

  41. He embarrassed visitors by insisting on their joining him in his supplications […] Obsession with a fixed idea is a common form of insanity.

  42. Navy expeditions to open trade in Japan, opposed French designs on Hawaii, and was embarrassed by Narciso López’s filibuster expeditions to Cuba.

  43. Farrar was struck by Green’s intelligence and vitality, though he was embarrassed by her habit of explosively losing her temper at minor slights.

  44. The Australian Government and RAAF were embarrassed by the rapid withdrawal from service of aircraft that had been acquired at considerable cost.

  45. Cameron have suggested that Raw authorised the resupply flight after being embarrassed by the willingness of the Americans to conduct the mission.

  46. After the match, Punk began wearing a black mask, since he considered himself always pure unlike his followers and was embarrassed by his baldness.

  47. Boddy mocked Hearst and Chandler in his pages, and often embarrassed the powerful, once displaying a photograph of a city official picking his nose.

  48. At the Liberals’ 1978 annual assembly in Southport, he embarrassed the leadership by making a theatrical entrance and taking his place on the platform.

  49. Tchaikovsky, too embarrassed to ask for another copy, decided to write the libretto himself, modelling his dramatic technique on that of Eugène Scribe.

  50. The play was ruled an error, and Musial was embarrassed enough by his complicity in the gimmick to avoid pitching again for the remainder of his career.

Synonyms for embarrassed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word embarrassed has the following synonyms: abashed, chagrined, discomposed, discomfited, uncomfortable, humiliated, mortified, ashamed and had egg on his face.

General information about «embarrassed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word embarrassed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «embarrassed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «embarrassed».

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