The word effective in a sentence

эффективный, действующий, эффектный, боец


- действительный; действенный; эффективный; успешный; полезный

- действующий, имеющий силу (о законе и т. п.)

effective date — дата вступления в силу (о договоре)
to be /to become/ effective — вступать в силу

- эффектный, впечатляющий

effective speaker — оратор, владеющий аудиторией
effective picture — эффектная /впечатляющая/ картина

- фактический

effective revenue — реальный доход
effective rate — фин. фактическая ставка (налогового обложения)
effective demand — эк. фактический /платёжеспособный/ спрос
effective forces — воен. наличный боевой состав; кадровые войска

- имеющий хождение (о деньгах)

effective coin — звонкая монета
effective money — наличные деньги

- лингв. завершительный, результативный, эффективный
- тех. полезный, рабочий (об объёме и т. п.)

effective area — а) рабочая поверхность; б) полезная площадь сечения
effective power — эффективная мощность (двигателя)
effective head — гидр. полезный напор
effective resistance — эл. эффективное сопротивление
effective cough — кашель с мокротой


- воен. боец
- pl. численный состав (армии), эффективы
- pl. боевой состав

Мои примеры


a decline in the effective demand — снижение действительного спроса  
They confused increased equipment and expenditure with the quantity of effective work done. — Они спутали рост количества оборудования и расходов с количеством реально выполненной работы.  
the nucleus of an effective team — ядро успешной команды  
the first effective shot — первый результативный выстрел  
effective cure for headache — эффективное лекарство от головной боли  
effective manpower — готовая к работе людская сила  
to become effective — вступать в силу  
handicap to effective joint working — препятствие для эффективной совместной работы  
effective laxative — быстродействующее слабительное  
effective medication — эффективное лечение  
effective / efficacious remedy — эффективное средство  
effective / good speaker — хороший оратор  
effective rate of interest — реальная процентная ставка  

Примеры с переводом

The operation was effective.

Операция прошла успешно.

The law becomes effective next year.

Закон вступит в силу в следующем году.

Aspirin is effective in controlling headaches.

Аспирин эффективен при борьбе с головной болью.

The painting had effective colors.

Картина отличалась яркими красками.

The effective rate of interest will change next quarter.

Реальная процентная ставка изменится в следующем квартале.

The resolution is effective as of…

Резолюция вступает в силу с…

One of the greatest and most effective balls pitched is the «bean ball».

Один из самых лучших и действенных бросков питчера — это бросок в направлении головы отбивающего.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Minority groups need more effective parliamentary representation.

The Johnson family has effective control of the company, owning almost 60% of the shares.

…the actor’s distinct baritone and his clear and rotund elocution are especially effective in dramatic readings…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

ineffective  — неэффективный, недействительный, безрезультатный, неумелый, недействующий
effectiveness  — эффективность, действенность
effectively  — продуктивно

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word effective, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use effective in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «effective». In addition, we also show how different variations of effective can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are effectiveness, effectives and effective—he. If you click on the variation of effective that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Effective in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word effective in a sentence.

  1. There was no effective state government.

  2. He had an effective second game as well.

  3. His resignation became effective June 30.

  4. McKinley and Hanna made an effective team.

  5. Infantry Regiment, effective May 14, 1861.

  6. Macaulay’s fielding was also very effective.

  7. However, they appear to be just as effective.

  8. Trumble was particularly effective in England.

  9. Macdonald was a popular and effective teacher.

  10. Some behavioral measures may also be effective.

  11. The effective date of the lease was 1 January 1876.

  12. The Partisans had an effective intelligence network.

  13. The Romans had no effective answer to the elephants.

  14. His bowling was more effective but used infrequently.

  15. He was often effective in the most important matches.

  16. The Washington administration appointee resigned, effective at the start of 1836.

  17. The dispute was so out-of-hand that only outside intervention would be effective.

  18. Conversely, gas grenades are effective against mutants, but do not damage robots.

  19. The Islamic world had become more united under effective leaders such as Saladin.

  20. In randomised controlled trials, medications have not been shown to be effective.

  21. It proved particularly effective against the V-1 flying bomb over England, and later Antwerp in 1944.

  22. When she finds that is not effective, she gets him to change his mind through guilt—if he accepts Dr.

  23. He defeated New Zealand in his first series, but opinion was divided as to how effective he had been.

  24. Research shows that mTOR inhibitors may be particularly effective for cancers with mutations in PTEN.

  25. Clair’s requested number for the second Wabash expedition, was sufficient for an effective operation.

  26. On hearing the news from Dundee, Aberdeen promptly surrendered, ending effective Scottish resistance.

  27. There is a narrow range of effective and safe dosages of lithium thus close monitoring may be needed.

  28. Analysts maintained that Rhodes had only two or three effective shots, though his technique was good.

  29. The French force was stretched too thin for an effective defence and was penetrated at several points.

  30. Although not particularly successful with the bat, critics singled him out for his effective fielding.

  31. Some claimed that the heavy-barrelled version of the M16 rifle was a more effective light machine gun.

  32. As a young man Gerard Olivier had considered a stage career and was a dramatic and effective preacher.

  33. In 1943, the revolutionary Mark 14 gunsight was introduced, which made these guns even more effective.

  34. For the U.S., this need prompted the development of effective combat air transport for the first time.

  35. Its effective temperature is 3,100 kelvin, and it has a visual luminosity of 0.0004 solar luminosities.

  36. Community-based conservation efforts outside national parks are also effective at protecting giraffes and their habitats.

  37. Commercial rotary rigs can be effective for large-diameter holes, and can also be used for subglacial drilling into rock.

  38. As a result of the losses it had suffered, the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) had ceased to be an effective fighting force.

  39. This would place his ships beyond the effective range of the German guns, but keep his opponents within range of his own.

  40. These orders became effective on 24 November, and were to be executed without a major regrouping or movement of reserves.

  41. It was effective nonetheless; during the 28-year operation of the Marienborn complex no successful escapes were recorded.

  42. It was not until the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars that the need for effective forward defence was addressed.

  43. His batting style was nonetheless attractive and effective and he was especially strong on the leg side and when cutting.

  44. It is radiating 171.4 ± 9.0 as much power as the Sun from its outer envelope at an effective temperature of 4,408 ± 57 K.

  45. Laxatives did not improve their condition, and the researchers found that only long periods of training proved effective.

  46. Another reason for removal of the island was that the IJN found that it was too small and cramped to be of effective use in controlling air operations or conning the ship.

  47. As a treatment for otitis externa, it is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.

  48. With Maurice Tate, whose emergence as a pace bowler was encouraged by Gilligan, he established a bowling partnership which proved effective over the following two seasons.

  49. Hearing this, Diệm agreed to declare martial law effective on the next day, without consulting his cabinet, and troops were ordered into Saigon to occupy strategic points.

  50. It is presumed that the clay channels were not sufficiently effective, thus leading to the switch in construction materials and the implementation of stone-lined channels.

Effectiveness in a sentence

Effectiveness is a variation of effective, below you can find example sentences for effectiveness.

  1. However, judgements on his effectiveness have varied greatly.

  2. The effectiveness of such a blockade was therefore questionable.

  3. Further studies are needed to confirm or refute its effectiveness.

  4. Shen also wrote about the effectiveness of the new invention (i.e.

  5. Author Ethan Mordden described the effectiveness of this opening:.

  6. Their effectiveness was confirmed during the invasion of Yugoslavia.

  7. The large capital investment was not repaid in military effectiveness.

  8. He was, however, impressed by the effectiveness of Anderson’s attacks.

  9. This attack was a large-scale test of the effectiveness of firebombing.

  10. Contemporaries were somewhat divided on his effectiveness and personality.

  11. The effectiveness of the guns depended in part on the layout of the turrets.

  12. Balancing the effectiveness of the player’s powers was considered difficult.

  13. We do not believe in the effectiveness of the ordinary suffrage organisation.

  14. GE and Snecma also tested the effectiveness of chevrons on reducing jet noise.

  15. The effectiveness of the decoy sites is uncertain, and they were closed in 1943.

  16. But she recognised that an embassy’s effectiveness often depended on social capital.

  17. The Japanese official history produced after the war praised the effectiveness of No.

  18. Health and dental organizations worldwide have endorsed its safety and effectiveness.

  19. It also forced drainage commissioners to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the canals.

  20. Horses often drew artillery and steady animals were crucial to artillery effectiveness.

Effectives in a sentence

Effectives is a variation of effective, below you can find example sentences for effectives.

  1. Degraded by revolt and fifth-column activity, the 27th ID numbered about 2,000 effectives when the German attack began.

  2. In preparing for a second summer’s campaign, Joseph’s army grew from 195,108 effectives in the summer of 1778 to 308,555 men in arms in Spring 1779.

  3. This amounted to most of Austria’s two-hundred thousand effectives, leaving much of the Habsburg border regions with the Ottoman Empire under-guarded.

  4. Habsburg military strength never dropped below two hundred thousand effectives between 1779 and 1792, when Austria entered the War of the First Coalition.

  5. According to Crawley and her colleagues, the producers’ repeat broadcast strategy had no negative effectives of the program’s ratings and appeared to be a success.

Effective—he in a sentence

Effective—he is a variation of effective, below you can find example sentences for effective—he.

  1. In the second half, he was less effective—he struck out batters half as often, and in September, he compiled three blown saves and a 4.76 ERA.

Synonyms for effective

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word effective has the following synonyms: actual, existent, effectual, efficacious, hard-hitting, trenchant, impelling, impressive, telling, rough-and-ready, efficient, potent, strong, stiff, powerful, useful, utile, competent, good, in effect, in force, operative and operational.

General information about «effective» example sentences

The example sentences for the word effective that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «effective» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «effective».

Definition of Effective

obtaining operational, functional, productive success of a given task or procedure

Examples of Effective in a sentence

Allowing the cashier to use a calculator when totaling sales made her a much more effective and efficient employee.


My boss would be much more effective if she actually chose a side during an employee dispute rather than riding the fence.


Being an effective athlete requires a strong work ethic, determination, ambition, and natural ability paired with blood, sweat and tears.


Her weight loss efforts were effective because she was able to lose over fifty pounds by eliminating all grains, dairy, nuts, processed sugar, and artificial sweeteners in her diet.


The criteria that determines how effective an employee is can be ambiguous and subject to one’s opinion.


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You’re not very subtle, but you are effective.

Ты действуешь грубо, но эффективно.

Wasn’t very effective.

Не очень эффективно.

Amateur, but effective. Where were we?

— Непрофессионально, но эффективно.

Membership in the union that represents seafarers effectively because it is controlled by seafarers in the democratic way.

Членства в профсоюзе, который эффективно представляет моряков потому, что он регулируется моряками в демократическом ключе.

The S.I.U.’s economic strength, used effectively but without abuse, has meant much to seafarers;

Экономическая сила МПМ используется эффективно, но в меру, это многое значит для моряков:

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By taking this drug and making the hallucination stop, I am effectively killing him.

Приняв это лекарство и решив остановить галлюцинации, я фактически убью его.

— Yes, effectively.

— Да, фактически.

The clinical fact he’s alive when effectively this man, his tissue and I presume his neural and vascular systems are all in a state of decomposition.

Клинические данные говорят, что он жив в то время как, фактически, этот человек, его ткани и полагаю его нервная и сосудистая система полностью в стадии разложения.

Oliver Cromwell effectively became the most powerful man in Britain.

Оливер Кромвель фактически стал самым влиятельным человеком в Британии.

As the bank effectively owns this place now, it seems only right that you should be one of its fixed assets.

Так как банк фактически принадлежит это место сейчас, кажется, только правильно, что вы должно быть одним из ее основных активов.

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Effective immediately, you will render any aid and assistance which Undersecretary Baris may require.

С этого момента вы предоставите любую помощь и содействие, которое может понадобиться заместителю министра Барису.

Effective immediately, I’m stepping down as commander of the SGC.

С этого момента я складываю с себя полномочия командующего КЗВ.

Effective immediately, the major and his team will be providing backup in any 4400 cases requiring armed intervention.

С этого момента майор и его команда обеспечивают прикрытие в любых случаях с 4400, требующих вооруженного вмешательства.

And I wanted to assure you that, I intend not being right again, about everything, effective immediately.

И хочу уверить вас, что, гм, я больше не собираюсь быть прав ни в чем, с этого момента.

Effective immediately

С этого момента.

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It has proved effective for Vulcans.

Их эффективность у вулканцев уже доказана.

Your projectile weapons have proven effective in battle.

Ваше огнестрельное оружие доказало свою эффективность в сражении.

For example, crtal meth has been shown to be very effective.

Например, кристальный метод доказал свою эффективность.

This humanitarian stuff, we get lost in it, we’re not combat effective.

Эта гуманитарная помощь, мы завязли в ней, мы потеряли боевую эффективность.

It’s proven very effective in the treatment of child molesters,serial rapists.

Она показала высокую эффективность в лечении растлителей детей, серийных насильников.

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Put a 24-hour security on Mr. Khan’s quarters, effective immediately.

Поставить круглосуточное дежурство у каюты мистера Кхана немедленно.

Mr Chekov, log Mr Spock’s Starfleet commission reactivated, list him as science officer, both effective immediately.

Мистер Чехов, занесите в журнал, что полномочия мистера Спока в Звездном Флоте возобновляются. Внесите его в список как Научного Советника. Это необходимо немедленно.

Defence of the dome, its conception and implementation, effective immediate.

Безопасность купола. Планирование и имплементация. Приступить немедленно.

You report to traffic duty, effective immediately.

Вы переводитесь в дорожную полицию. Немедленно.

Security says to clear kitchen aisle of all obstructions and traffic, effective immediately.

Очистить проход в кухню от возможных преград и движения, немедленно.

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That was a very effective demonstration.

Это была очень действенная демонстрация.

It’s a very effective programme.

Это очень действенная программа.

— And apparently still effective.

-И, как видишь, еще действенная.

Effective. At least thus far.

Действенная тактика.

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Very effective.

Очень эффектно.

Very effective, but why take it out on me?

Очень эффектно, но зачем забирать у меня.

Very effective, I’m sure.

Очень эффектно, мистер Воул.

Effectively? Yes… yes!

— Ну как, эффектно?

— Well, it’s effective.


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We haven’t got as far with humans, but this may prove effective for us.

Мы не заходили так далеко с людьми, но полагаю, это может оказаться полезным для наших целей.

As my most effective asset in the field I’m almost embarrassed that you’re not on my payroll.

Будучи самым полезным человеком, жаль, что вы не работаете на меня.

It’s just that you’re my husband and I know that when you get upset, you know, you get effective.

Просто ты мой муж и я вижу, когда ты чем-то расстроен, ты стараешься быть полезным.

For such things, a friend’s advice is most effective.

В таких делах совет друга бывает самым полезным.

And I can be a very effective one.

А я могу быть очень полезным другом.

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This order is effective immediately.

Приказ вступает в силу немедленно.

Effective immediately, without pay, I regret to inform you of your suspension from the FBI.

Вступает в силу немедленно и обсуждению не подлежит то, что я вынужден сообщить тебе — ты временно отстранен от обязанностей агента ФБР.

Tell the others, martial law, effective immediately.

Скажи остальным, военное положение, вступает в силу немедленно.

Your new assignment is effective immediately.

Твое новое назначение вступает в силу немедленно.

Based on discoveries in the caves… this cease and desist order is effective immediately.

Что касается этих пещер, этот приказ о запрещении противоправных действий вступает в силу немедленно.

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— Not effective.

— Не действует.

— Not effective?

— Не действует?

— Yes, it’s effective,

-Да, это сильно действует. — Что верно, то верно.

This drug is only effective for a few moments.

Он действует всего несколько минут.

Clearly your charms are very effective on a lovesick pachyderm.

О, твое обаяние явно действует на нашу слониху.

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effective and essential strategy to

some time on your hands, are you being effective with your time, or are you being lazy? If you are being treated the way you want to be treated, pay attention! How are you being? Your life is going to move in a certain

question is only effective if you are honest with yourself

Attracting and trapping snails is one of the most effective natural snail controls

Along with simple activities such as dance, yoga, pilates and wobble boards, Tai Chi is one of the most effective things you can do and has both physical and social benefits

Recognising the void that suddenly lands on the senior citizen in terms of emotional support hitherto provided by joint families, Government, NGOs and Associations of senior citizens can institute this highly effective “treatment” programme

There was a limited budget and time constraints, and too many variables to meld together an effective color scheme

· Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine all have effective remedies for dealing with stress

Shirodara, an Ayurvedic purification technique in which warm sesame oil is poured over the forehead continuously for an hour, is particularly effective

developing an effective communication with Him

Traps can be made more effective by using the various fermented products on the market such as apple cider beer (fermented apples), vinegar, wines, whisky, etc

Biological Controls: The use of beneficial organisms offers an effective system of integrated pest management

The use of beneficial organisms offers an effective system of integrated pest management

For the five years that Nichols has conducted trials on his technique, it has been completely effective on whitefly and a broad spectrum of small bodied “infestation” insects without any damage to the treated plants

Department of Agriculture officials and from representatives of the agriculture industry for the most effective ways to expedite equipment development

The scent of these soaps makes them very effective against any insect

Bronners Peppermint soap is a very effective tool against roaches

Poisons have no effect on egg cases and must be present when bugs hatch to be effective

They can be set in place to water as long as necessary, and are especially effective if placed on a timer

Milky spore disease is highly effective against this and most beetles

This is a simple system that can become your most effective control method against the ants

Any natural soap that has a strong fragrance will work, Peppermint is very effective for this purpose

for them the means Must be repeated to be effective

You live in the same world and handle your responsibilities in a more effective manner

Yoga can only be effective if you practice it properly

Aging alters effective redistribution of blood flow during aerobic exercise

With this knowledge comes the search for safer, more effective methods of pest control

He could cause less pain but he knew that Travis would need more for this Yant to be effective

Moving to Ireland had been an effective strategy for a long time

The life support is the only fail safe, and it had proven effective against all rogue silicon takeover efforts to date when Lula was launched

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous

‘I wouldn’t go that far, Kate! Andy was very effective as the adulterous husband too, but let’s face it, in his case it was only a matter of being himself

without elders to work together in an effective way! The rebuilding of the temple, as

The lanterns are very effective and we make a good speed, pounding along the deserted tracks

A daily dose of vitamin A is proven to be an effective way of reducing the appearance of

To be useful and effective to the skin and body, vitamin C should be in the form of L-

vitamin c is evidently very effective, researchers suggest that it is best to combat factors in increasing skin ageing using multiple antioxidants and not relying on a few that has greater publicity

constantly getting safer, more effective and more dramatic

improve their image the safe and effective way today

I wouldn’t say it is a comfortable experience in any way at all … but it is without doubt effective

I’ve had my doubts about how effective this whole quest would be if I couldn’t remember where the places were

It was amazing to watch these dragons fight; they were all singing as they battled! It was some kind of a war chant, but it was very effective

Despite his apparently uncaring treatment of her the previous day, Annie still firmly believed that her brother loved her and that he would, in time, learn to engage with the world in a more constructive way now that he was the effective head of the household

The two-bar was not effective in heating such a large space, but Annie’s great-aunt assured her that the rooms were lovely and cool in the summer, which would be a blessing worth waiting for

Following are the techniques I have used to quit and why they are effective

Following up with positive statements has proven to be effective for many people because they help reinforce a positive outlook after clearing out the negative emotions

For affirmations to be truly effective, they need to repeated

If you find that you are still struggling to make affirmations work for you, there is still another option that can be effective when the others have failed

effective way I have used in my

While there are many keys to effective meditation, the essence of the practice is learning to focus your attention as you choose

rations, a small but effective arsenal and assorted medical

made the chemotherapy more effective, and their

this simple procedure, which is incredibly effective

purpose to be met in the way which is effective

what is the most effective way to show them?

have proven to be simple, but effective at keeping cattle

But it’s much more effective to enlist a surrogate on

about how remote healing was just as effective for her

plugging the security holes, there are other less effective methods that you can

constructive way now that he was the effective head of the

The two-bar was not effective in heating such

This process is a very effective tool to move your life towards a more

It’s a very effective birth control

All of this was of course a complete fabrication, but was effective

The effect is instantaneous; bar room brawling at its most effective

were magical ways of predicting the future and how effective that

Although the ball did not hit the intruder, it was still effective

His conduct has been honorable however and his approach, though unorthodox, has been inspired and effective

‘I guess it would be effective whether one of them is

’ It was an effective way of buying a

more carefully and come up with an effective plan of

“No, we have the technological power to make phones that can carry voices over thousands of miles and starships that can carry souls and frozen zygotes over tens of light years, but no mind control more effective than video advertising

On the return path light from the suntower was synapsed into the nerve endings, giving him an effective mind-link with the most powerful information storage and manipulating entity on the planet, and with any other minds so linked

therapy and Prozac have proven effective in treatment of OCD

«Sure, we can tell him all this, and I’m sure a little of this distraction would be as effective on him as it is on me

That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the

group is one the easiest and most effective ways of bringing the

True apostles will release the other gifts of the body and prepare them to be effective in ministry and

effective in working with the other parts of the body

Simple but effective

The time was also fast approaching when the diagnostic port might be effective

She knew it was all a simulation, but the pleasure of body contact was still effective and she had missed it in the last month

With a lot of effort on your part, an effective plan of action, and appropriate follow through,

be a more cost effective solution

3 Benefits of an Effective Sales Funnel

most effective means of leading the mob

is only going to be a fraction as effective as it could be when working as

Those that are effective

effective in the street as the communists are

to find the most effective one or two forums that will generate you the most

I however have found that a wholesome life combined with understanding leads to a calm inner strength which is far more effective in navigating and steering these phenomena than what can be achieved by ineptly interacting with them

The bloodstone also made the symbols more effective

Neither of these approaches is effective for most campaigns

more effective? What referral programs could you implement? There is

“It may be cruel, but it’s effective and ensures a morally clean society

Guessing her intention, Homer snatched away the sack that made such an effective sling

and an effective weapon used by skeptics to chal enge the

strength and limitations; it’s one of the more effective ways to obtain

«You think gangs didn’t exist back when I was young? We had all sorts of them roaming the streets, and the police weren’t that much more effective than they are now

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