The word education in greek

What is education called in Greek?

Paideia, (Greek: “education,” or “learning”), system of education and training in classical Greek and Hellenistic (Greco-Roman) cultures that included such subjects as gymnastics, grammar, rhetoric, music, mathematics, geography, natural history, and philosophy. …

What are some cool Greek names?

Here are 12 of the most beautiful Greek names to get you inspired.

  • Nefeli – Νεφέλη
  • Achilleas – Αχιλλέας
  • Calliope – Καλλιόπη
  • Iasonas – Ιάσονας
  • Phaedra – Φαιδρα
  • Leonidas – Λεωνίδας
  • Zoe – ζωή
  • Alexandros – Αλέξανδρος

What were schools called in ancient Greece?

Education for Greek people was vastly “democratized” in the 5th century B.C., influenced by the Sophists, Plato, and Isocrates. Later, in the Hellenistic period of Ancient Greece, education in a gymnasium school was considered essential for participation in Greek culture.

Is education a Greek word?

1. Education Meaning of Education- The root of Word education is derived from Latin words Educare, Educere, and Educatum. Word educare means to nourish, to bring up. The word educere means to lead froth, to draw out.

What are the seven goals of education?

Frizzle from The Magic School Bus….My goals for education are the following.

  • To have the basic skills needed to build upon to accomplish whatever task or job is assigned in the future.
  • To be a critical thinker.
  • To be able to troubleshoot or strategize.
  • To be a moral person.
  • To be a good citizen.

What are educational goals examples?

Here are some educational goal examples:

  • Think positive to stay focused.
  • Stay resilient.
  • Make time to read.
  • Manage your time.
  • Find time to relax.
  • Strive for excellence.
  • Build a strong network.
  • Build good study habits.

What are examples of goals?

20 Personal SMART Goals Examples

  • Walk 30 Minutes a Day, 5 Days a Week.
  • Improve Your Listening Skills.
  • Speak up to Increase Visibility.
  • Improve Presentation / Public Speaking Skills.
  • Improve Your Emotional Intelligence.
  • Start Networking.
  • Volunteer Regularly.
  • Improve Your Time Management Skills.

What are educational goals and objectives?

Educational Goals are general statements of what the program intends to accomplish and broadly describe the kinds of learning the provider hopes participants will achieve—they describe learning outcomes and concepts in general terms.

How do you describe your educational goals?

Describe your educational goals. Explain your choice of career and what qualifications, skills, and talents you feel you have for your chosen field. Include your plans for financing your education. (If necessary, you may add one additional page for your educational goals.)

What are some good educational goals for college?

Below are six smart goals for college students, as well as some criteria for setting new goals for yourself.

  • Set S.M.A.R.T.
  • Set a Goal for Grades in Each Class.
  • Plan Homework/Study Times for Every Course.
  • Visit With Each Instructor at Least Once Per Term.
  • Take an Extra Challenging Course.

What is your educational plan?

A Student Education Plan is your roadmap to success. It lists all the courses necessary to achieve your academic goals. Students without an educational plan run the risk of taking unnecessary courses, wasting time AND money. Your major and/or your career goal.

What are your goals and aspirations essay?

A career goals essay refers to a piece of writing that explains which career path you wish to pursue and what you want to achieve. In the essay, you’ll write about your career aspirations, relevant achievements that put you in a better position to fulfill your goals and ways your ambitions can help you go even further.

What are some good health goals?

  • 1.Get adequate rest daily.
  • 2.Get regular physical activity.
  • 3.Eat more plant based foods.
  • 4.Eat more whole-grain breads and cereals.
  • 5.Choose healthy fats.
  • 6.Achieve/Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Be free of dependence on tobacco, illicit drugs, or alcohol.
  • 8.Maintain a cheerful, hopeful outlook on life.

What are 5 healthy lifestyles?

These 5 habits are:

  • eating a healthy diet.
  • getting regular exercise.
  • not smoking.
  • staying at a healthy weight.
  • limiting alcohol.

What are smart goals in nutrition?

SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. BY Danielle Underferth. You’ve made the decision to improve your health through nutrition and exercise.

What are good daily goals?

Goals To Nourish Your Mind

  • Stay offline one day per week.
  • Meditate every morning.
  • Read 20 pages per day.
  • Journal every day.
  • Get up when your alarm goes off.
  • Limit screen time after work.
  • Start a gratitude journal.
  • Try the one-tab challenge.

What are the 5 smart goals?

By making sure the goals you set are aligned with the five SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound), you have an anchor on which to base all of your focus and decision-making.

What are the 3 types of goals?

There are three types of goals- process, performance, and outcome goals.

How do I set goals in my life?

Set your goals and make them happen

  1. Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards.
  2. Write it down. Carefully.
  3. Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also seems to increase the likelihood that we will stick at them.
  4. Break your goal down.
  5. Plan your first step.
  6. Keep going.
  7. Celebrate.

What are the 2 types of goals?

Types of business goals

  • Time-based goals. Long-term goals.
  • Performance-based goals. Performance-based goals are short-term objectives set for specific duties or tasks.
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative goals.
  • Outcome- vs. process-oriented goals.

What kind of goals can I set?

  • #1. Career Goals.
  • #2. Financial Goals.
  • #3. Personal Development Goals.
  • #4. Spiritual Goals.
  • #5. Educational Goals.
  • #6. Relationship Goals.
  • #7. Physical and Health Goals.

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This education should be carried out in collaboration with civil society organizations.

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Οι εκπαιδεύσεις αυτές να γίνονται σε συνεργασία με εκπροσώπους της κοινωνίας των πολιτών.

Education— professional training, entertainment, athletic and cultural activities.

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Εκπαίδευση- επιμόρφωση(επαγγελματική κατάρτιση)- ψυχαγωγία- αθλητικές και πολιτιστικές δραστηριότητες.

Basic education is very much compulsory for all.

If your office provides an education program, take advantage of it.

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Αν η εταιρία σου έχει πρόγραμμα εκπαιδεύσεων, αξιοποίησέ το.

Culture- environment- ecology- education— services of general interest.

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Πολιτισμός- περιβάλλον- οικολογία -εκπαίδευση— παροχές κοινής ωφέλειας.

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Η κατάλληλη γνώσις και εκπαίδευσις είναι καλά πράγματα.

In 1983 he published Financing Adult Education and Training.

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Το 1983 δημοσίευσε την εργασία:

Η χρηματοδότηση της εκπαίδευ­σης και επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης ενηλίκων.

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Because higher education in the U.S. is not free.

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Η τριτόβάθμιά εκπάιδευση στό Ηνώμενό Βάσιλειό δεν εινάι δώρεάν.

They haven’t got all the education locked up in that one cheesy university.

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Δεν έχουν όλη την γνώση κλειδωμένη σ’αυτό το παλιό-πανεπιστήμιο.

The first in the region to conduct education fully delivered in English;?

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πρώτη στην περιοχή για τη διεξαγωγή εκπαίδευσης παραδοθεί πλήρως στην αγγλική γλώσσα?

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We are all concerned about our children’s education.

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Μας απασχολεί το μάθημα των παιδιών μας.

USRobotics Networking Education— What is a switch?

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USRobotics Συσκευή δικτύωσης ΕΚΜΑΘΗΣΗ— What is a switch?

Promote life-long education and training for girls and women.

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Προώθηση δια βίου εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης για κορίτσια και γυναίκες.

Committee on Culture and Education Katerina BATZELI(PES, EL).

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Εpiιτροpiή piολιτισού και piαιδεία Κατερίνα ΜΠΑΤΖΕΛΗ(PSE, EL).

In short it was an education which prepared you for life.

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Γενικά, ήταν ένα μάθημα που σου έδινε κουράγιο για τη ζωή.

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As the number of people participating in education has increased,

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The UCLA Child Anxiety Resilience Education and Supports.

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Education is essential, but it is not the end goal.

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Οι γνώσεις είναι απαραίτητες, αλλά δεν είναι ο τελικός σκοπός.

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The care and education of the children become a public matter.

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περιποίηση και η ανατροφή


παιδιών γίνεται δημόσια υπόθεση.

Education is important, but you are more important.

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Οι σπουδές είναι σημαντικές, αλλά εσείς σημαντικότεροι.

Results: 150006,
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Table of Contents

  1. What Greek word does school come from?
  2. What subjects did they learn at school in ancient Greece?
  3. What were Greek schools called?
  4. What is the Greek meaning of curriculum?
  5. What is the root word of curriculum?
  6. What is the short form of curriculum?
  7. What are curricular activities?
  8. Can you say curriculums?
  9. What does curricular mean?
  10. What are co curricular activities examples?
  11. What is the plural form of Oasis?
  12. What’s another word for Oasis?
  13. What is an example of a Oasis?
  14. Is Oasis a common noun?
  15. What is more than one oasis called?
  16. What does Caravan mean in English?
  17. What does Oasis mean in the Bible?
  18. What is the color oasis?
  19. What does an oasis symbolize?
  20. Can you drink Oasis Water?
  21. Does Coke own oasis?
  22. Which is the largest oasis in the world?
  23. Can an oasis dry up?

Paideia, (Greek: “education,” or “learning”), system of education and training in classical Greek and Hellenistic (Greco-Roman) cultures that included such subjects as gymnastics, grammar, rhetoric, music, mathematics, geography, natural history, and philosophy. …

What Greek word does school come from?

The educational ‘school’ comes from the Greek word ‘scholē’, which means “leisure.” The school in “school of fish” comes from Middle Dutch schole and is related to Old English scolu, meaning “multitude” or “school of fish,” and to Modern English shoal in the same meaning.

What subjects did they learn at school in ancient Greece?

Children were trained in music, art, literature, science, math, and politics. In Athens, for example, boys were taught at home until they were about six years old. Then boys went to school, where they learned to read and write. They learned to play a musical instrument, usually the flute or the lyre.

What were Greek schools called?

Education for Greek people was vastly “democratized” in the 5th century B.C., influenced by the Sophists, Plato, and Isocrates. Later, in the Hellenistic period of Ancient Greece, education in a gymnasium school was considered essential for participation in Greek culture.

What is the Greek meaning of curriculum?

Stemming from the Latin verb “currere,” meaning to run, the noun curriculum verbally translates as “racecourse.” Historically, the word curriculum has been used to describe the subjects taught during the classical period of Greek civilization. Hilda Taba in 1962 defines a curriculum as a plan for learning.

What is the root word of curriculum?

The word “curriculum” began as a Latin word which means “a race” or “the course of a race” (which in turn derives from the verb currere meaning “to run/to proceed”). The word’s origins appear closely linked to the Calvinist desire to bring greater order to education.

What is the short form of curriculum?

Summary: Curriculum Abbreviation There is one common abbreviation of curriculum: curr. If you want to make this plural, simply add on an “s.” Note that context will differentiate this abbreviation from that of the word current.

What are curricular activities?

Curricular activities are those activities that are a part of the curriculum. Co-curricular activities are those activities that are outside of but usually complementing the regular curriculum. Extracurricular activities are defined as those school-based activities that are not tied to the curriculum.

Can you say curriculums?

Q. The plural of curriculum is curricula. In American English, the plural is curriculums. Both are correct, although in academic writing, there is a tradition of using the Latin plurals.

What does curricular mean?

Meaning of curricular in English relating to the subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes: The document describes the school’s curricular aims in clear language.

What are co curricular activities examples?

Examples of co-curricular activities might include National Honor Society, student council, school sports teams, math clubs, chess clubs, talent shows, spelling bees, writing competitions, debates, mock trials, school newspapers, and drama productions.

What is the plural form of Oasis?

oasis. noun. oa·​sis | / ō-ˈā-səs / plural oases/ -​ˌsēz /

What’s another word for Oasis?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for oasis, like: refuge, haven, sanctuary, relief, desert garden, spring, retreat, garden spot, watering place, wadi and hideaway.

What is an example of a Oasis?

The definition of an oasis is a fertile place where there is water in the midst of a desert or a place of calm in the midst of chaos. An example of an oasis is an underground spring in a desert. An example of an oasis is a calm and peaceful room in the midst of a chaotic house.

Is Oasis a common noun?

Oases is the only way to make the noun oasis plural. Confusion arises because some mistakenly believe that all nouns ending in s should form a plural that adds es to the end of the word.

What is more than one oasis called?

Oases (more than one oasis) are irrigated by natural springs or other underground water sources.

What does Caravan mean in English?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a company of travelers on a journey through desert or hostile regions also : a train of pack animals. b : a group of vehicles traveling together (as in a file) 2a : a covered wagon or motor vehicle equipped as traveling living quarters.

What does Oasis mean in the Bible?

Oasis. ō-ā′sis, n. a fertile spot in a sandy desert: any place of rest or pleasure in the midst of toil and gloom:—pl. Oases (ō-ā′sēz).

What is the color oasis?

Blue Oasis is a deep, subdued, orchid blue with a violet undertone. It is a perfect paint color for an accent wall or as a kitchen base cabinet.

What does an oasis symbolize?

The dictionary defines an oasis as a fertile spot in a desert where water is found, therefore supporting vegetation. The oasis has been used symbolically in the book to mean abundance and hope.

Can you drink Oasis Water?

It really depends on the oasis, and the water source. Many desert aquifers (below ground water stores) are heavily mineralised and in cases may not be fit to drink. In others the water can be very pure. If the water is not heavily mineralised and good quality then you can boil the water an drink it.

Does Coke own oasis?

Oasis is a non-carbonated bottled soft drink, a product of Orangina Schweppes. In the UK it is manufactured by the Coca-Cola Enterprises in conjunction with Coca-Cola Company subsidiary Atlantic Industries and in the Republic of Ireland it is distributed by Coca-Cola HBC Ireland.

Which is the largest oasis in the world?

Al-Ahsa Oasis

Can an oasis dry up?

They don’t evaporate and dry up very fast because it is very cool underground and the water has no where to go, so the only water that evaporates is the very small amount you see near the surface.




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How to Say Education in GreekAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say education in Greek, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Greek better.

Here is the translation and the Greek word for education:




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Dictionary Entries near education

  • editorial
  • educate
  • educated
  • education
  • educational
  • educational game
  • educational institution

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«Education in Greek.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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  • academic discourse
  • design a course
  • electronic resource
  • fluency
  • graduate school
  • kindergartner
  • principal
  • pulpit
  • summer camp
  • textbook

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WordReference English-Greek Dictionary © 2023:

Κύριες μεταφράσεις
Αγγλικά Ελληνικά
education n (formal learning) (επίσημη εκπαίδευση) εκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ
   (σύνολο εκπαίδευσης) παιδεία ουσ θηλ
  What education do you have? A college degree?
  Τι εκπαίδευση έχεις λάβει; Έχεις πτυχίο πανεπιστημίου;
  Αυτή η πρόταση δεν είναι μετάφραση της αγγλικής πρότασης. Το Υπουργείο Παιδείας ενέκρινε τα νέα βιβλία για την πρώτη δημοτικού.
education n (instruction, training) (άτυπη προετοιμασία) εκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ
  He received his education on the job.
  Ναι, έλαβα κάποια εκπαίδευση στις τεχνικές πρώτων βοηθειών.
Επιπλέον μεταφράσεις
Αγγλικά Ελληνικά
education n (pedagogy classes) παιδαγωγικά ουσ ουδ πλ
  She gained a master’s degree in education.
  Πήρε πτυχίο μάστερ στα παιδαγωγικά.
education n (informative experience) (μεταφορικά) μάθημα ουσ ουδ
  Walking through the hospital with him was a real education.
  Η βόλτα μέσα στο νοσοκομείο μαζί του ήταν αληθινό μάθημα.

WordReference English-Greek Dictionary © 2023:

Σύνθετοι τύποι:
Αγγλικά Ελληνικά
adult education n (tertiary or further education) τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ
  There is a growing number of adults entering adult education.
advanced education n (tertiary or further study) ανώτατη εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
board of education n (schools: administrative body) υπουργείο παιδείας ουσ ουδ
  The court said that boards of education could not segregate children by race.
classical education n (education in classical humanities) κλασική παιδεία ουσ θηλ
  The ability to solve crossword puzzles quickly is just one of the advantages of a classical education.
(mixed-sex schooling) μικτή εκπαίδευση, μεικτή εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
    συνεκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ
complementary education n (alternative learning opportunities) πρόσθετη εκπαίδευση, συμπληρωματική εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
continuing education n (adult education) ανώτερη εκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ
  Continuing education courses are required for renewal of many professional licenses.
formal education n (structured schooling or study) (εντός σχολικού συστήματος) τυπική εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
    επίσημη εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
further education n UK (tertiary education, adult learning) ανώτερη εκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ
general education n (nonspecialized course of study) γενική εκπαίδευση, γενική παιδεία επίθ + ουσ θηλ
graduate education (US),
postgraduate education (UK)
(studies higher than degree level) μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές επίθ + ουσ θηλ πλ
  After I obtain my Bachelor of Arts degree I’ll be going on to graduate education.
health education n (teaching people to improve health) εκπαίδευση για την υγεία φρ ως ουσ θηλ
    αγωγή υγείας φρ ως ουσ θηλ
  Health education teaches people how to live a healthy lifestyle.
higher education n (university, etc.) τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
  He worked in higher education for over 40 years.
  Εργάστηκε στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση για πάνω από 40 χρόνια.
integrated education n (multicultural and interfaith schooling) διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
lack of education n (ignorance, not being informed) άγνοια, αμάθεια, έλλειψη παιδείας έκφρ
  A lack of education about contraception can lead to many unwanted pregnancies.
lack of education n (having little formal learning) έλλειψη ακαδημαϊκής μόρφωσης έκφρ
  Her lack of education did not prevent her from achieving a successful career.
Phys Ed,
Phys. Ed. (US),
abbreviation (physical education) φυσική αγωγή επίθ + ουσ θηλ
  Phys Ed is just as important as more academic subjects.
physical education n (school sports lessons, gym class) φυσική αγωγή, γυμναστική ουσ θηλ
  Students take physical education in addition to math, English, languages, science and history.
  Εκτός από τα μαθηματικά, τα αγγλικά, τη γλώσσα, τη φυσική και την ιστορία οι μαθητές κάνουν και γυμναστική.
  Αυτή η πρόταση δεν είναι μετάφραση της αγγλικής πρότασης. Το μάθημα της φυσικής αγωγής διδάσκεται στο Δημοτικό, στο Γυμνάσιο και στο Λύκειο.
primary education (UK),
elementary education (US)
(junior, elementary schooling) βασική εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
    πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση επίθ +ουσ θηλ
primary education,
elementary education
US (first few years of schooling) βασική εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
    πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση επίθ +ουσ θηλ
  In the US, most kids learn how to read and do arithmetic in their primary education.
RE n initialism (religious education) θρησκευτικά ουσ ουδ πλ
religious education n (religion as school subject) (σχολείο) μάθημα θρησκευτικών ουσ ουδ
Σχόλιο: πολλές φορές αναφέρεται απλά ως «θρησκευτικά»
  All pupils have lessons in religious education during their first year in secondary school.
school of continuing education n (further education college) ινστιτούτο επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης ουσ ουδ
Σχόλιο: δεν υπάρχει ακριβής αντιστοιχία
  Many adults turn to schools of continuing education to learn new skills.
school of continuing education n (adult education college) ινστιτούτο επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης ουσ ουδ
Σχόλιο: δεν υπάρχει ακριβής αντιστοιχία
school of education n US (teaching college) κολλέγιο ουσ ουδ
    παιδαγωγική ακαδημία επίθ + ουσ θηλ
  If you want to be a teacher you’ll need to go to a school of education. A school of education can prepare you for a teaching job.
  Αν θες να γίνεις δάσκαλος, θα πρέπει να πας σε παιδαγωγική ακαδημία. Μια παιδαγωγική ακαδημία μπορεί να σε προετοιμάσει για να δουλέψεις σαν δάσκαλος.
scientific education n (grounding in the sciences) επιστημονική εκαπίδευση ουσ θηλ
secondary education n (education at high-school level) δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση έκφρ
special education n (specific-needs teaching) ειδική αγωγή φρ ως ουσ θηλ
state education n (public education) δημόσια εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
technical education n (study of practical subjects) τεχνική εκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ
tertiary education n (higher and further learning) τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση επίθ + ουσ θηλ
vocational education n (training for a career) επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση ουσ θηλ

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