The word education in french

  • 1

    1. ) воспита́ние; о́бразование ); обуче́ние ); подгото́вка );

    faire l’éducation de qn. — воспи́тывать/ воспита́ть кого́-л.; занима́ться чьим-л. воспита́нием;
    les problèmes de l’éducation — вопро́сы <пробле́мы> воспита́ния;
    le ministère de l’éducation nationale — министе́рство ∫ наро́дного образова́ния <просвеще́ния>;
    une maison d’éducation — воспита́тельный дом;
    conseiller d’éducation RF — заве́дующий воспита́тельной ча́стью

    2. ) воспита́ние; разви́тие ); упражне́ние ); трениро́вка ◄о► );

    éducation physique — физи́ческое воспита́ние; физи́ческая культу́ра, физкульту́ра
    l’éducation professionnelle — профессиона́льное обуче́ние, -ая подгото́вка, профподгото́вка
    l’éducation de la volonté (du caractère) — воспита́ние во́ли (хара́ктера);
    l’éducation de l’oreille (de la mémoire) — разви́тие <упражне́ние, трениро́вка> слу́ха (па́мяти);
    l’éducation sentimentale — воспита́ние чувств;
    l’éducation des sens — упражне́ние о́рганов чувств

    3. ) образова́ние;


    (connaissances); о́бразованность, культу́ра, культу́рность ); воспита́ние, воспи́танность );

    il a de l’éducation — он воспи́тан;
    il a une éducation parfaite — он получи́л прекра́сное воспита́ние;
    il manque d’éducation — он невоспи́тан, ∑ ему́ недостаёт воспита́ния

    Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif > éducation

  • 2


    éducation surveillée юр. — надзираемое воспитание

    2) воспитанность; культурность

    3) развитие

    БФРС > éducation

  • 3

    Dictionnaire médical français-russe > éducation

  • 4

    1. образование

    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > éducation

  • 5

    Dictionnaire de droit français-russe > éducation

  • 6

    Dictionnaire Français-Russe d’économie > éducation

  • 7




    культурность, половое воспитание, воспитание, воспитанность, разведение, развитие



    выучка, дрессировка

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > éducation

  • 8

    Mini-dictionnaire français-russe > éducation

  • 9
    éducation ŕ l’environnement

    1. экологическое образование

    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > éducation ŕ l’environnement

  • 10
    éducation (formation)

    1. воспитание

    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > éducation (formation)

  • 11
    éducation surveillée

    2) служба Министерства юстиции, занимающаяся проблемами юношеской преступности

    Dictionnaire de droit français-russe > éducation surveillée

  • 12
    éducation nutritionnelle

    диетологическое воспитание, обучение рациональному питанию

    Dictionnaire médical français-russe > éducation nutritionnelle

  • 13
    éducation sanitaire

    Dictionnaire médical français-russe > éducation sanitaire

  • 14
    éducation sexuelle

    Dictionnaire médical français-russe > éducation sexuelle

  • 15
    éducation des consommateurs

    Dictionnaire Français-Russe d’économie > éducation des consommateurs

  • 16
    Education sentimentale

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > Education sentimentale

  • 17
    éducation alimentaire

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > éducation alimentaire

  • 18
    éducation antique

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > éducation antique

  • 19
    éducation artistique

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > éducation artistique

  • 20
    éducation au développement

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > éducation au développement


  • Следующая →
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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • ÉDUCATION — UNE PRISE DE VUE sur l’éducation ne peut se révéler que vertigineuse, tant sont aujourd’hui accusées l’ampleur, la diversité, voire l’incohérence du champ recouvert et des perspectives qu’on y trace. Et il sera vain de penser conjurer la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Education — Éducation Ces moyens mnémotechniques mis à disposition des enfants visitant le Field Museum de Chicago permettent d apprendre les pays formant l Asie et leurs contours géographiques …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Education — • In the broadest sense, education includes all those experiences by which intelligence is developed, knowledge acquired, and character formed. In a narrower sense, it is the work done by certain agencies and institutions, the home and the school …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Education —    Education has been a priority for Israel since independence, although there was already substantial growth of Jewish education under the British mandate. During Israel s earliest years, the educational system was characterized by tremendous… …   Historical Dictionary of Israel

  • —, established in 1996, is a not for profit ministerially owned national company located in Adelaide, South Australia. It is governed through a Board by nominees from the Australian Government, higher education, school education, and… …   Wikipedia

  • education — ed‧u‧ca‧tion [ˌedjʊˈkeɪʆn ǁ ˌedʒə ] noun [uncountable] the process of learning, for example at schools and universities, and the process by which your mind develops through doing this: • The most important element of business education is… …   Financial and business terms

  • Education — Ed u*ca tion (?; 135), n. [L. educatio; cf. F. [ e]ducation.] The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • éducation — ÉDUCATION. s. f. Le soin qu on prend de l instruction des enfans, soit en ce qui regarde les exercices de l esprit, soit en ce qui regarde les exercices du corps, et principalement en ce qui regarde les moeurs. Bonne éducation. Mauvaise éducation …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

  • education — EDUCATION. s. f. Le soin qu on prend de l instruction des enfants, soit en ce qui regarde les exercices de l esprit, soit en ce qui regarde les exercices du corps. Bonne education. mauvaise education. l education des enfants. prendre soin de l… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • Education — allergy bullying bullycide bullyproofing car schooling digital native dipstick dormcest dropout fa …   New words

  • education — 1530s, childrearing, also the training of animals, from M.Fr. education (14c.) and directly L. educationem (nom. educatio), from pp. stem of educare (see EDUCATE (Cf. educate)). Originally of education in social codes and manners; meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


This development also reflects women’s advancement to increased education.

Cette évolution reflète également les progrès des femmes en matière d’éducation.

This is an important element in the education of new generations.

C’est un élément important de l’éducation des nouvelles générations.

I have received a quality education with permanent beneficial effects.

J’ai reçu une formation de qualité avec des effets bénéfiques permanents.

Candidates are encouraged to complete at least a high school education.

Les candidats sont encouragés à suivre au moins une formation secondaire.

The university also offered doctoral studies and continuing education courses.

L’université propose également des études de doctorat et des formations permanentes.

It is all a question of climate democracy and therefore of education.

Tout est question de démocratie climatique et donc d’éducation.

He receives there an austere education and begins his political initiation.

Il y reçoit une éducation sévère et commence son initiation politique.

However, getting an education is challenging for many children.

Toutefois, recevoir une éducation est un défi pour de nombreux enfants.

Very good for small batch production or prototyping or education.

Très bon pour la petit production par lots ou prototypage ou éducation.

Although secular, the school offers courses in religious education.

Bien que laïque, l’école propose des cours d’éducation religieuse.

But the vast majority of children receive a low quality education.

Mais la majorité d’enfants reçoivent une éducation de mauvaise qualité.

Kodály was also passionate about the musical education of young people.

Kodály était aussi passionné par l’éducation musicale de la jeunesse.

Applied also announced an innovative education initiative at the event.

Applied a également annoncé une initiative d’éducation novatrice à l’événement.

Children from low-income families gain access to improved education.

Les enfants des familles à faible revenu ont accès à une meilleure éducation.

Yet the innovators themselves benefited from public and private education.

Les innovateurs eux-mêmes ont toutefois reçu une éducation tant publique que privée.

To increase motivation and the level of education of our employees.

Augmenter la motivation et le niveau d’éducation de nos employés.

The education students were paired with an elementary school class.

Les étudiantes en éducation étaient jumelées à une classe de niveau primaire.

Only the rich families could afford an education for their children.

Seules les familles riches pouvaient payer une éducation à leurs enfants.

Take advantage of tight spreads, fast execution and free education.

Profitez de spreads serrés, rapidité d’exécution et éducation gratuite.

Runs 56 schools which provide quality education to 46,500 children.

Dirige 56 écoles qui fournissent une éducation de qualité à 46.500 enfants.

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WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
education n (formal learning) éducation nf
    études nfpl
  What education do you have? A college degree?
  Quelle éducation avez-vous reçue ? Une licence universitaire ?
  Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. J’ai fait des études universitaires.
education n (instruction, training) formation nf
  He received his education on the job.
  Il a fait sa formation sur le tas.
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
education n (pedagogy classes) pédagogie nf
  She gained a master’s degree in education.
  Elle a une maîtrise en pédagogie.
education n (informative experience) révélation, leçon nf
    apprendre⇒ vtr
  Walking through the hospital with him was a real education.
  Faire le tour de l’hôpital en sa compagnie fut comme une révélation.
  Ce tour de l’hôpital m’a beaucoup appris.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Formes composées
Anglais Français
adult education n (tertiary or further education) formation continue, formation pour adultes nf
   (loisirs surtout) cours pour adultes nmpl
   (Belg) formation continuée
  There is a growing number of adults entering adult education.
  Il y a de plus en plus d’adultes qui suivent la formation continue.
advanced education n (tertiary or further study) enseignement supérieur nm
basic education n (level of schooling) éducation de base nf
    enseignement de base, enseignement élémentaire nm
board of education n (schools: administrative body) (France : au niveau régional) rectorat nm
   (France : au niveau départemental) inspection académique nf
   (Belgique) pouvoir organisateur nm
  The court said that boards of education could not segregate children by race.
business education n (knowledge of business practices) affaires nfpl
business education n (training in business skills) formation commerciale, formation en commerce nf
    études en commerce, études commerciales nfpl
classical education n (education in classical humanities) études classiques nfpl
  The ability to solve crossword puzzles quickly is just one of the advantages of a classical education.
(mixed-sex schooling) (homme/femme) enseignement mixte nm
college of education n UK (teacher training school) institut de formation des enseignants nm
   (France, depuis 2013) ESPE (école supérieure du professorat et de l’éducation) nf
   (France, de 1990 à 2013) IUFM (institut universitaire de formation des maîtres) nm
complementary education n (alternative learning opportunities) formation complémentaire nf
continuing education n (adult education) formation continue nf
  Continuing education courses are required for renewal of many professional licenses.
education program (US),
education programme (UK)
(academic course) programme pédagogique nm
  The charity runs educational programs for underprivileged children.
formal education n (structured schooling or study) éducation classique, éducation en bonne et due forme nf
further education n UK (tertiary education, adult learning) enseignement supérieur nm
general education n (nonspecialized course of study) enseignement général nm
graduate education (US),
postgraduate education (UK)
(studies higher than degree level) études de troisième cycle nfpl
  After I obtain my Bachelor of Arts degree I’ll be going on to graduate education.
health education n (teaching people to improve health) éducation pour la santé nf
  Health education teaches people how to live a healthy lifestyle.
higher education n (university, etc.) enseignement supérieur nm
  He worked in higher education for over 40 years.
  Il a travaillé dans l’enseignement supérieur pendant plus de 40 ans.
integrated education n (multicultural and interfaith schooling) éducation interculturelle nf
lack of education n (ignorance, not being informed) manque d’information nm
  A lack of education about contraception can lead to many unwanted pregnancies.
  Le manque d’information sur la contraception peut mener à des grossesses non désirées.
lack of education n (having little formal learning) manque d’instruction nm
  Her lack of education did not prevent her from achieving a successful career.
  Son manque d’instruction ne l’a pas empêchée de mener une brillante carrière.
    manque de formation nm
  Son manque de formation n’a pas empêché Christiane de mener une brillante carrière.
also US: phys ed,
phys. ed.
abbreviation (physical education) EPS abr, nf inv
    éducation physique et sportive nf
  Phys Ed is just as important as more academic subjects.
  L’EPS est tout aussi important que les autres matières scolaires.
physical education n (school sports lessons, gym class) (France) éducation physique et sportive nf
   (France) EPS abr, nm inv
   (familier) sport nm
   (familier) gym nf
  Students take physical education in addition to math, English, languages, science and history.
  Les élèves ont des cours d’éducation physique et sportive en plus des cours de mathématiques, de français, de langues, de sciences et d’histoire.
primary education (UK),
elementary education (US)
(junior, elementary schooling) enseignement primaire nm
   (France) enseignement du premier degré nm
primary education,
elementary education
US (first few years of schooling) premières années d’école nf
  In the US, most kids learn how to read and do arithmetic in their primary education.
  Aux États-Unis, la plupart des enfants apprennent à écrire et à compter durant leurs premières années d’école.
religious education n (religion as school subject) éducation religieuse, instruction religieuse nf
    cours de religion, cours d’éducation religieuse nm
   (Can) éthique et cultures religieuses (ÉCR) loc n
   (Catholicisme) catéchisme nm
  All pupils have lessons in religious education during their first year in secondary school.
school of continuing education n (further education college) centre de formation continue nm
  Many adults turn to schools of continuing education to learn new skills.
school of continuing education n (adult education college) centre d’éducation pour adultes nf
school of education n US (teaching college) (France, depuis 2013) ESPE (école supérieure du professorat et de l’éducation) nf
   (France, de 1990 à 2013) IUFM (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres) nf
  If you want to be a teacher you’ll need to go to a school of education.
  A school of education can prepare you for a teaching job.
scientific education n (grounding in the sciences) éducation scientifique nf
  Il a reçu une éducation scientifique poussée.
    études scientifiques nfpl
  Il fait des études scientifiques : il a choisi la chimie.
secondary education n (education at high-school level) enseignement secondaire, secondaire nm
special education n (specific-needs teaching) éducation spécialisée nf
state education n (public education) enseignement public nm
technical education n (study of practical subjects) enseignement technique nm
    études techniques nfpl
Note: enseignement ou études selon que l’on donne, prodigue, reçoit, bénéficie de, suit, etc.
tertiary education n (higher and further learning) éducation supérieure nf
vocational education n (training for a career) formation professionnelle nf
    enseignement professionnel nm

I am thinking

more specifically of education, health and culture.

Je pense plus

sp�cifiquement � l’�ducation, � la sant� et � […]

la culture.

For example, a country seeking technical

support on prevention education for youth might end […]

up talking to four cosponsors

Par exemple, un pays cherchant un

appui technique pour l’�ducation pr�ventive des jeunes […]

peut finir par s’adresser � quatre coparrainants.

Expenditure on health, education and social services […]

is covered to the extent it is financed «out of the pocket» by households and not reimbursed.

Les d�penses

li�es � la sant�,l’�ducation et aux services sociaux […]

sont comprises dans la mesure o� elles sont financ�es


� de la poche � des m�nages et ne sont pas rembours�es.

According to the researchers, this could be cut in half with a more

comprehensive early child care education system.

Selon les chercheurs, ce co�t pourrait �tre r�duit de moiti� gr�ce un

syst�me plus complet d’�ducation pr�scolaire.

It means we need

to do much better on education and training.

Nous devons donc faire mieux

en mati�re de sensibilisation et de formation.

However, it may seem much more attractive when the cost per

student in the education system is calculated.

Il peut cependant para�tre beaucoup plus int�ressant lorsqu’on calcule

le co�t par �l�ve du syst�me �ducatif.

4.4.4 Combating poverty also requires in particular

employment and education policy measures […]

for groups that are disproportionately


at risk (e.g. single mothers, people from a migrant background, elderly people with low pension entitlements, people with disabilities, etc.).

4.4.4 En outre, la lutte contre la pauvret�


exige en particulier des mesures li�es �

l’emploi et � la formation pour les groupes […]

disproportionnellement menac�s par la


pauvret� (par exemple, les m�res isol�es, les personnes issues de l’immigration, les personnes �g�es percevant une faible retraite, les personnes handicap�es).

V. Non-formal education should be developed in quality, comparable with the formal education sector, leading […]

to the establishment of an equivalency programme.

V. Il conviendrait

d’atteindre une qualit� de l’�ducation non formelle comparable � celle de l‘�ducation traditionnelle, permettant […]

d’�tablir un programme d’�quivalence.

The outcomes of this project could serve as background material for considering the issue of competence

in ESD in the education sector.

Les r�sultats de ce projet pourraient servir de r�f�rence pour examiner la question des comp�tences en mati�re d’EDD

dans le secteur de l‘�ducation.

Table 4 shows

the levels of education in 2001 for each […]

of the Local Boards in Northern Ontario.

Le tableau 4 montre la structure professionnelle de 2001 pour chaque

Commission locale se trouvant dans le Nord ontarien.

The informal meeting of education ministers will highlight […]

the important role of teachers and school leaders.

La r�union informelle

des ministres de l‘�ducation insistera sur le […]

r�le important que jouent les enseignants et les chefs d’�tablissement.

We cannot imagine that a complete lack of norms in this


field might promote

the freedom of education, which is only meaningful to the extent that it allows for an education of good quality.

On ne peut en effet imaginer qu’une absence totale de normes en


la mati�re soit de

nature � promouvoir la libert� d’enseignement, laquelle n’a de sens que si elle permet un enseignement de qualit�.

In arts education, there is not always […]

a product to show.

En l‘�ducation artistique, il n’y […]

a pas obligatoirement toujours de produit � exposer.

This change is having an impact on all areas of

society including education, which is exposed […]

to greater competition at all levels.

Cette �volution se fait sentir dans toute la soci�t�,

y compris dans l‘enseignement, confront� � tous […]

les niveaux � une concurrence accrue.

Facilitating incoming mobility seems to be a widespread means of enhancing the

attractiveness of higher education in Europe.

Faciliter la mobilit� entrante semble �tre un moyen r�pandu de renforcer

l’attractivit� de l’enseignement sup�rieur […]

en Europe.

The creditors are most often children who need the payments to cover their basic necessities and the costs related to their school education.

Les cr�anciers sont le plus souvent des enfants qui ont besoin de ces aliments pour subvenir � leurs besoins de base et couvrir leurs frais de scolarit�.

The business world has an important role to play

in supporting quality education and family life.

La communaut� des affaires a un r�le important � jouer pour

appuyer le monde de l’�ducation et les familles.

To be a genuinely competitive, knowledge-based economy, Europe must become


better at producing knowledge through research, at

diffusing it through education and at applying it […]

through innovation.

Pour �tre une �conomie de la connaissance v�ritablement comp�titive, l’Europe doit renforcer son


aptitude � produire des connaissances par la recherche, �

les diffuser par l’�ducation et � les appliquer […]

gr�ce � l’innovation.

Other efforts to support the

integration of HIV into educationsector plans, the mainstreaming of HIV into country-level processes, and the increased role of education in national AIDS […]

responses generated


further dialogue, understanding and partnerships.

D’autres activit�s destin�es � soutenir


l’int�gration du VIH dans

les plans du secteur de l‘�ducation, l’int�gration du VIH dans les processus nationaux et le r�le accru de l‘�ducation dans les ripostes nationales […]

au sida ont suscit�


la poursuite du dialogue, et renforc� la compr�hension et les partenariats.

Accountability is necessary to maintain and enhance public

confidence in the education system.

La responsabilit� est une mesure n�cessaire pour donner au public une plus grande

confiance dans le syst�me d’�ducation.

Civic education« is taught in professional-oriented […]

high schools twice a week as a mandatory subject in fourth year.

Des cours d‘�ducation civique sont dispens�s […]

dans les lyc�es professionnels deux fois par semaine, � titre de mati�re obligatoire en quatri�me ann�e.

With the decline of

public funding for higher education and research, the share […]

of the private sector has drastically increased.

Avec le d�clin du

financement public de l‘enseignement sup�rieur, la part […]

du secteur priv� a tr�s fortement augment�.

I identify

with my country — and education is probably the most important […]


Je m’identifie

avec mon payset l’enseignement est probablement une […]

ressource essentielle.


research shows that the education of girls has a positive […]

bearing on the whole of society, including the fight against poverty as such.

En outre, des

�tudes r�v�lent que l‘�ducation des filles a une […]

incidence positive sur l’ensemble de la soci�t�, y compris


sur la lutte contre la pauvret� en tant que telle.

In each region, the aim was to reach the top 10-20% of the

population (in terms of education and income) as well […]

as potential travellers to the euro area.

Dans chaque pays, l’objectif �tait de


toucher les couches sup�rieures (entre 10 % et 20 %) de la population en

termes de niveau d’�ducation et de revenus ainsi […]

que les �ventuels voyageurs dans la zone euro.

They benefit from the various education and health programmes […]

dedicated to refugees.

Les enfants r�fugi�s

b�n�ficient de services d’enseignement et de sant�.

I also obtained enough education to mould these ideals […]

to the harsh politically correct and liberal work environments that


dominate today’s corporations.

J‘ai �galement assez d’instruction pour mouler ces […]

id�aux � l’�pre environnement de travail politiquement correct et lib�ral


qui pr�vaut de nos jours dans les entreprises.

Subjects discussed included

creativity and arts education, quality education in the arts, the current status of arts education from the perspective of formal, informal and nonformal education and from a perspective […]

of life-long learning.

Les questions abord�es ont touch�

la cr�ativit� et l’�ducation artistique, la qualit� de l’�ducation artistique, le statut actuel de l’�ducation artistique du point de vue de l’�ducation formelle, non formelle […]

et informelle, et


du point de vue de l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie.

What does education mean in French?

[edykasjɔ̃ ] feminine noun. 1. ( par l’enseignement) education.

Where does the word education come from?

Etymologically, the word “education” is derived from the Latin word ēducātiō (“A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing”) from ēducō (“I educate, I train”) which is related to the homonym ēdūcō (“I lead forth, I take out; I raise up, I erect”) from ē- (“from, out of”) and dūcō (“I lead, I conduct”).

What is the best definition of education?

Education is defined as the process of gaining knowledge. An example of education is attending college and studying. The process of training and developing the knowledge, skill, mind, character, etc., esp. by formal schooling; teaching; training.

Why is school a waste of time?

What are the Most Common Arguments as to Why School is a Waste of Time? Many people believe that the school system is flawed, and that it doesn’t teach children necessary life skills. School days are too long, and it can be very hard for children to actually focus for so many hours straight.

How do you kill creativity?

13 Ways Companies Kill Creativity

  1. Playing it safe.
  2. Restricting freedom.
  3. Rationing time and resources.
  4. Micro-managing.
  5. Limiting group diversity.
  6. Putting people in the wrong jobs.
  7. Providing no feedback.

Do schools limit creativity?

Schools can diminish creativity by the teaching style they use. Most of the subjects in school like math, science, and history (as I mentioned above) require structured right or wrong answers. While classes like art are available at schools they are usually taught as an elective and not a core subject.

Does school make you dumber?

No. School gives you an opportunity to become much smarter. Whether you take that opportunity or not is up to you. But nothing in school is making anyone dumber.

Can you die from doing too much homework?

Although studying itself does not sound very fatal, it comes with consequences. Sitting for a long time, lacking sleep, and overstressing, are three serious consequences of overstudying which can actually lead to death. According to CNN “sitting too long can kill you, even if you exercise”.

Who is the first teacher in the world?

One of the most learned men of all time, Confucius (561B. C.), became the first private teacher in history.

Who discovered exams which country?

Ancient China was the first country to implement a globally standardized exam. Called as the imperial review, established in 605 AD by the Sui Dynasty, it was intended to select qualified candidates for specific governmental posts.

Which country has invented zero?

The first recorded zero appeared in Mesopotamia around 3 B.C. The Mayans invented it independently circa 4 A.D. It was later devised in India in the mid-fifth century, spread to Cambodia near the end of the seventh century, and into China and the Islamic countries at the end of the eighth.

Which country invented study?

Answers. If we were to go by historical sources, then exams were invented by an American businessman and philanthropist known as Henry Fischel somewhere in the late 19th century.

Why is it called the World Wide Web?

The first web browser – or browser-editor rather – was called WorldWideWeb as, after all, when it was written in 1990 it was the only way to see the web. Much later it was renamed Nexus in order to save confusion between the program and the abstract information space (which is now spelled World Wide Web with spaces).

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