The word edge in a sentence

Synonym: border, bound, fringe. Similar words: acknowledge, budget, ridge, drudgery. Meaning: [edʒ]  n. 1. the boundary of a surface 2. a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object 3. a line determining the limits of an area 4. the attribute of urgency 5. a slight competitive advantage 6. a strip near the boundary of an object. v. 1. advance slowly, as if by inches 2. provide with a border or edge 3. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary 4. provide with an edge. 

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1 Sloth turneth the edge of wit. 

2 Idleness turns the edge of wit. 

3 Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. 

4 Don’t go near the edge — it isn’t safe.

5 The plates have a gilt edge.

6 He stood on the edge of the cliff.

7 She lived on the extreme edge of the forest.

8 He is canting the edge of a beam.

9 Elsa stood unnoticed at the edge of the crowd.

10 Trees and bushes grew down to the water’s edge.

11 The deck represents the cutting edge in CD reproduction.

12 He fell off the edge of the cliff.

13 a knife with a sharp edge/blade.

14 Sloth turns the edge of wit.

15 I sat down at the water’s edge.

16 Don’t stand so near the edge! You’re frightening me.

17 The drunken man teeteredon the edge of the pavement.

18 The plates have a blue stripe round the edge.

19 There was an edge of sarcasm in her voice.

20 The knife has no edge.

21 The bowl has a chipped edge.

22 He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision.

23 He lives at the extreme edge of the forest.

24 Stand the coin on its edge.

25 That knife has a sharp edge.

26 I tried to edge away until I was clear of the crowd.

27 Be careful he doesn’t edge you out of your job altogether.

28 Clamp one end of the plank to the edge of the table.

29 He fell,([] striking his head on the edge of the table.

30 The girl poised the glass on the edge of the table.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word edge, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use edge in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «edge».

Edge in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word edge in a sentence.

  1. Leading edge slots are fitted.

  2. Route 30 at the edge of the park.

  3. But I caught on the edge of the netting.

  4. The leading edge of the outer wing is black.

  5. Their habitat is often on the edge of woods.

  6. The edge bears the lettering «E Pluribus Unum».

  7. The Providence Riverwalk, at the edge of downtown.

  8. The gill edge is fertile, and cystidia are absent.

  9. I-696 follows the southern edge of the Detroit Zoo.

  10. The cheilocystidia are found on the gill edge; in P.

  11. This bill has a hooked tip and a sharp cutting edge.

  12. A gold border is situated partially around the edge.

  13. At this time the mintmark was also moved to the edge.

  14. The rough edge of Dylan’s singing unsettled some but was an attraction to others.

  15. The face is smiling and has wrinkles under the eyes and at the edge of the mouth.

  16. Barnes stumbled forward to a fast-turning leg break that caught his outside edge.

  17. Located 3 degrees southeast of 38 Leonis Minoris, NGC 3432 is seen nearly edge on.

  18. As I-94 continues easterly, it passes into the western edge of the Ann Arbor area.

  19. Although not a method actor, she believed the intense role had left her on edge in her personal life.

  20. Plunketts Creek is in the southern edge of the dissected Allegheny Plateau, near the Allegheny Front.

  21. All compulsory figures had the following: circles, curves, change of foot, change of edge, and turns.

  22. The northern edge of the Plunketts Creek drainage basin is formed by Burnetts Ridge and Popple Ridge.

  23. It is the first hill mass north of Waegwan and its southern slope comes down to the edge of the town.

  24. The United Verde open pit, about 300 feet (91 m) deep, is on the edge of town next to Cleopatra Hill.

  25. He did not read the arm ball, which went straight on and took the outside edge, leaving England 39/2.

  26. The leaves themselves are 25–45 cm (10–17+1⁄2 in) long, with 8–22 deep lobes on each leaf edge.

  27. The upper wing is grey with a white leading edge, and the collar is completely white, as is the rump.

  28. A 6th-century Anglo-Saxon iron sword was found towards the edge of the long mound (at G on the plan).

  29. The explosive force pushed him towards the edge of the airbag and the crew was concerned he had died.

  30. The waiting room at Llantrisant was so close to the platform edge as to risk accidents to passengers.

  31. At one point, gunners aboard the Frankford saw an immobilized tank at the water’s edge, still firing.

  32. Easterly wind shear initially dislocated the circulation center to the eastern edge of the convection.

  33. Distribution of bioluminescence along the gill edge corresponds to the position of the cheilocystidia.

  34. The second bomb, likely dropped by Best, landed at the aft edge of the middle elevator and detonated in the upper hangar.

  35. Highly mobile and migratory, this shark is most often found over the edge of the continental shelf down to 50 m (164 ft).

  36. The album’s hard rock edge included conspicuous guitar contributions from Robert Fripp, Chuck Hammer, and Pete Townshend.

  37. Noisy miners drink together at the edge of lakes and dams, and from cattle troughs, often perching on a submerged branch.

  38. As he matures, a male spends more time at the edge of his group and associates with outside males or even other families.

  39. Green Park is a London Underground station located on the edge of Green Park, with entrances on both sides of Piccadilly.

  40. On the eastern edge of Cheboygan the highway intersects F-05 before following State Street through a commercial district.

  41. Her deck was 4–6 cm (1.6–2.4 in) thick, connected to the lower edge of the belt by 4–5 cm (1.6–2.0 in) thick sloped armor.

  42. From there, it runs on the northern edge of downtown near the Dow Event Center, spanning the Saginaw River on the Henry G.

  43. As they moved southwards, Nansen tentatively identified a headland as Cape Felder on the western edge of Franz Josef Land.

  44. By September 1864, the Confederacy had essentially no chance of a military victory, and incumbent President of the United States Abraham Lincoln had an edge over George B.

  45. Situated on the edge of the Somerset Levels, along both banks of the River Parrett and 10 miles (16 km) from its mouth, it was at one time a major port and trading centre.

  46. Here, I-82 also forms the western edge of the Yakima Firing Range, a military training and exercise facility that stretches across the plateau to the Columbia River Gorge.

  47. Millennium Park project manager Edward Uhlir said «Frank is just the cutting edge of the next century of architecture», and noted that no other architect was being sought.

  48. Heads were protected by bascinets: open-faced military iron or steel helmets, with mail attached to the lower edge of the helmet to protect the throat, neck and shoulders.

Synonyms for edge

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word edge has the following synonyms: border, boundary, bound, margin, sharpness, , adjoin, abut, march, butt, butt against, butt on, inch and edge in.

General information about «edge» example sentences

The example sentences for the word edge that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «edge» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «edge».

Definition of Edge

the rim or border of a place or thing

Examples of Edge in a sentence

As the hikers reached the edge of the forest, they realized they would be walking across a large field next.


The kindergartner cut the edge of the triangle on the paper so that he could glue it down on a piece of construction paper.


Years ago people believed that after you reached the edge of the ocean, you would fall off the Earth.


Painting the edge of a wall is difficult because you don’t want to get paint on the floor, ceiling or door frame.


Since the desk was slanted, the pencil rolled off the edge of the desk and onto the floor.


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Baccarat is another game where house edge is minimized.

Баккара-это еще одна игра, где край дома сведен к минимуму.

It also maintains an edge longer than other lower-carbon steel formulae.

Она также поддерживает край дольше, чем другие формулы из более низкой углеродистой стали.

The payback percentage is simply the house edge subtracted from 100%.

Иными словами, процент выигрыша — это преимущество заведения, которое вычитается из 100%.

That means I got the edge.

But a disc requires an edge.

Не шар, а именно диск, у которого должна быть кромка.

Another unique feature is their ergonomic overflow edge to ensure full safety.

Еще одно уникальное свойство — это их эргономичная переливная кромка, обеспечивающая 100% безопасность.

This sharp edge could harm occupants in a secondary impact.

Эти острые края могут явиться причиной телесных повреждений водителей и пассажиров в момент вторичного удара.

Sandy with crystal water and vegetation that reaches the edge.

Сэнди с кристально чистой водой и растительностью, которая доходит до края.

Like all casino games, roulette has a house edge.

Как и во всех играх в казино, рулетка имеет край дома.

Custom color combinations on the chip edge are usually distinctive to a particular casino.

Пользовательские цветовые комбинации на фишек (пятна по краям), как правило, являются отличительным признаком конкретного казино.

Although most blades have a single sharp edge, double-edged blades called lancets also exist.

Несмотря на то, что большинство лопастей имеют одну острую кромку, существуют также двойные лопатки, называемые Ланке.

Sound industrial relations can give countries an edge in attracting FDI.

Хорошие отношения между администрацией и работниками могут дать странам преимущества в деле привлечения ПИИ.

A «tail» emerging from its southern edge extends further eastward.

«Хвост», выходящий из ее южного края, простирается дальше на восток.

Hard Paper board in edge and corner protect.

З) трудная бумажная доска в крае и угол защищают.

But even so there are instances where Apple owners have a slight edge.

Но даже в этом случае есть ситуации, когда у владельцев устройств Apple есть небольшое преимущество.

Perhaps most importantly, Russia has the edge in next-generation warfare.

Возможно, важнее всего то, что Россия обладает преимуществом в военном деле нового поколения.

Meanwhile Gazprom is losing its technological edge.

В то же время «Газпром» теряет свою технологическое преимущество.

Free sample Waist Trainer. Superbly finished with full edge stitching.Velcro fully stitched.

Бесплатный образец тренера по талии. Великолепно закончено с полной строчкой края. Липучка полностью сшита.

Marginal edge 11 is in this case the extreme outer edge of the sealing tape 1.

Краевая кромка 11 является в этом случае крайней наружной кромкой уплотнительной ленты 1.

The laser cut edge is basically a heat sealed edge, but the laser cutting allows very intricate shapes.

Лазерная режущая кромка в основном представляет собой теплоизолированную кромку, но лазерная резка позволяет создавать очень сложные формы.

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edge — перевод на русский


That you could be sort of hovering on the edge of a quite a twilight world in that you went up against any such a breach of commas…

Ёто было что-то вроде висени€ на краю достаточно сумеречного мира any such a breach of commasЕ

So, we rented a place at the edge of a village called San Crispin on the coast.

Мы арендовали домик на краю прибрежной деревушки Сан Криспин.

«To the north, the stone fence at the edge of the forest…»

На севере каменная ограда на краю леса.

I got in one of those cars… and Buzz, one of those kids, he got in the other car… and we had to drive fast… and then jump before the car came to the edge.

Я был в одной из тех машин… а Базз, один из тех ребят, он сел в другую машину… и мы ехали очень быстро… а потом я выпрыгнул перед тем как машина подошла к краю.

He’s waiting at the edge of the swamp.

Он ждет на краю болота.

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I’m incredibly on edge.

Я на грани!

Maybe just a little around the edges.

Они перешли все грани.

My nerves are on edge.

Мои нервы на грани.

— He’s on edge.

— Он на грани.

We appear to be out of danger, but the entire crew is on edge and so am I.

Мы, кажется, вне опасности, но вся команда находится на грани, как и я.

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Be on the edge of town after the saloon closes.

Будь на границе города… после закрытия салуна.

Maybe at the edge of water, like this.

Возможно на границе воды и суши, как здесь.

You and I must go to the edge of the oasis.

Нам нужно идти к границе оазиса.

We’re on the edge of their scanner range, out of visual contact.

Мы на границе действия их сканеров, вне визуального контакта.

That’s the Sea of Tranquility… and your mountain’s right there on the edge of that.

Она — ладно, видишь там, где тень пересекается… там белое пятно? Это море Спокойствия… и твоя гора там на его границе.

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Now you got the edge on him.

Теперь у тебя преимущество.

At night, we’ve got the edge on them.

Ночью мы получим преимущество.

I’ve got the edge.

У меня преимущество.

We got the edge.

У нас есть преимущество.

That means I got the edge.

Это значит, что у меня есть преимущество.

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It gets cold in Edge City, so I packed some of Clark’s old jackets…

В Эдж Сити холодает, так что я упаковала тебе старые куртки Кларка.

Well, I’m glad I could clear it up for you Mr. Edge.

Что ж, я рад, что смог заинтересовать вас Мистер Эдж.

Have you ever heard of a man named Morgan Edge?

Ты когда-нибудь слышал о человеке по имени Морган Эдж?

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I have a little nest on the edge of a town called Bridgefield, a town that’s full of millionaires.

-Сэр Альфред. Я свил гнездышко на окраине Бриджфилда. Это рассадник миллионеров.

On the edge of the city was a civil defense radio station.

Я помнил, что тут недалеко, на окраине находился городская радиостанция.

«A mountain-sized monster lives at the edge of our village. »

«Чудище размером с гору поселилось на окраине нашей деревни.»

-The enemy is massing on the edge of town.

-ѕротивник группируетс€ на окраине города.

My dad’s a janitor. That’s how we got to have an apartment on the edge of Central Park.

Мой отец дворник, и поэтому мы живем в квартире на окраине Централ Парка.

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— She’s just a little on edge.

— Оставь ее, а то будет нервничать.

Pronto, not like last time. It puts my nerves me on edge.

Быстро, а не как в прошлый раз, не заставляй меня нервничать.

Well, I asked, but I think my wanting to know just puts her on edge.

Да, я спрашивал, но, думаю, подобные вопросы заставляют её нервничать.

He’s got Adler on edge.

Он заставляет Адлер нервничать.

A killer put everyone on edge can’t believe she is dead

Неизвестный убийца заставил всех нервничать. Не могу поверить, что она мертва.

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I was all on edge.

Я был на взводе.

It’s hot, and we’re both on edge.

Жарко, и мы оба на взводе.

The boss is sure on edge lately.

Хозяин на взводе последнее время.

Everybody from the director down was on edge.

Все, включая директора, были на взводе.

— Well, I am on edge, you know!

Я на взводе, поймите!

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Excuse me my dear, returning to the hospital after all these years my nerves are on edge, forgive me.

Прости меня, дорогая, возвращение в клинику после всех этих лет… У меня нервы на пределе, прости.

I’m just a little on edge lately, that’s all.

Я просто в последнее время немного на пределе, вот и всё.

Look, Mr. Hawkins, people are on edge.

Слушайте, мистер Хокинс, люди уже на пределе.

I’m on edge.

Я на пределе.

He was already on edge, and then… that damn clown popped a balloon in his face

Он был уже на пределе, а этот чертов клоун лопнул воздушный шарик прямо у него под носом.

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Just test the edge of it with your finger.

Пощупайте лезвие пальцем.

Won’t hold an edge?

Тупое лезвие?

If you want a true edge you have to used tempered steel.

Хотите, чтобы лезвие было острым? Используйте закаленную сталь.

And eminence has dulled my edge.

И высокое положение притупляет моё лезвие.

(Bertie) No, it’s on a knife edge, I tell you.

Все равно, что ходить по лезвию ножа.

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