The word eager in a sentence

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Without the insolvency law, that promise may have backfired for some eager entrepreneurs.

Без вступления в силу законодательства о банкротстве, это обещание может иметь обратный эффект для некоторых нетерпеливых предпринимателей.

Large wildlife is another wonderful thing that forests offer eager photographers.

Богатая дикая природа — еще одна замечательная вещь, которую леса предлагают нетерпеливым фотографам.

Beijing is eager to diversify its investments.

Даже не смотря на то, что Пекин стремится к диверсификации своих капитальных вложений.

Others are eager to read your creation.

О тех, кто взял на себя труд прочитать ваше творение.

Advocates and drug policy experts said they are eager to see a follow-through.

Адвокаты и эксперты в области политики в отношении наркотиков заявили, что они хотят увидеть последующие действия.

Prominent mathematicians were eager to prove that mathematics had no contradictions.

Выдающиеся математики жаждали доказать, что их наука не содержит в себе противоречий.

He seemed very eager to see you again.

Мне показалось, что он очень хочет снова с тобой увидеться.

Seppius however is eager for audience.

Сеппий, тем не менее, готов к аудиенции.

Patients motivated and eager for pregnancy.

Пациенты, сознательно заинтересованные в и стремящиеся к беременности.

He seems eager to meet you.

Он, похоже, жаждет встречи с тобой.

People are eager to start bidding.

Я думаю, что публике уже не терпится начать торг.

Me and my brother enlisted eager for adventure.

Я и мой брат записались, потому что искали приключений.

Probably eager to tell me about his apprenticeship.

Наверное, ему не терпится рассказать мне про свою учебу.

After all, your only problem is the eager self-identification with whatever you perceive.

В конце концов, вашей единственной проблемой является ваша готовность отождествлять себя со всем, что вы воспринимаете.

Suddenly they all seemed eager to be somewhere else.

Внезапно они все захотели оказаться где угодно, только не здесь.

Various families were eager that their daughters should better themselves.

В разных семьях очень хотели, чтобы их дочери стали жить лучше.

People eager to participate in and contribute to continual improvement.

Стремление сотрудников участвовать в непрерывном усовершенствовании и вносить в него свой вклад.

More family or friends are often eager to help job seekers during interviews.

Более того, родственники или друзья часто и с охотой стремятся помогать соискателям во время собеседования».

You must be eager to know what this secret is.

Вам, должно быть, не терпится узнать, что же это за тайное знание.

Japan was eager to share its development expertise with emerging donors and recipient countries.

Япония готова поделиться своими специальными знаниями и опытом в области развития с новыми донорами и странами — получателями помощи.

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стремящийся, нетерпеливый, энергичный, полный страстного желания, горячий


- (for, after, about) страстно стремящийся (к чему-л.), жаждущий (чего-л.); нетерпеливый

he is eager to begin — ему не терпится начать
eager for fame — жаждущий славы
he is eager for knowledge — у него тяга к знаниям
he is very eager in his studies — он очень увлечён своими занятиями
I am not eager to defend them — я не стремлюсь /не рвусь/ их защищать
he is eager for you to come — он очень хочет, чтобы вы пришли
eager for revenge — жаждущий мщения

- редк. напряжённый

an eager look — ищущий взгляд

- энергичный, острый

eager fight — острая схватка
eager pursuit — энергичное преследование

Мои примеры


students who are teachable and eager to learn — студенты, которые являются обучаемыми и жаждут знаний  
a young salesman eager to clinch the deal — молодой торговец, которому не терпится заключить сделку  
eager for fight — рвущийся к драке  
eager readiness — напряжённая готовность  
eager desire — горячее желание  
eager welcome — энергичное приветствие  
eager activity — активная деятельность  
an eager beaver — деловая маша или колбаса  
eager-beaver — восторженный человек  
eager evaluation — энергичное вычисление  
eager fight — острая схватка  
be eager — загораться  

Примеры с переводом

She is eager to see his new apartment.

Ей не терпится увидеть его новую квартиру.

She was eager to get started.

Ей не терпелось начать.

I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible.

Мне не терпелось как можно скорее вернуться к работе.

He’s a bright kid and eager to learn.

Он — парень способный, и тянется к знаниям.

The low prices still pull in crowds of eager buyers.

Низкие цены по-прежнему привлекают толпы жаждущих покупателей.

He was eager to talk about life in the Army.

Ему страстно хотелось поговорить об армейской жизни.

Our men are ready, sir, all armed and eager to be at the enemy.

Солдаты находятся в боевой готовности, сэр, они все вооружены и жаждут броситься в бой.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the new counselor is eager to develop a trustful fellowship with the troubled teens at the center…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

eagerness  — рвение, пыл
eagerly  — горячо
overeager  — очень обеспокоенный, страстно жаждущий, чрезмерно пылкий

eager — перевод на русский


Father’s eager to get home.

Отец хочет ехать домой.

Because I’ve got one in my pocket and he’s very eager to meet you.

А что? Просто один сидит у меня в кармане и очень хочет познакомиться с вами.

He seemed very eager to see you again.

Мне показалось, что он очень хочет снова с тобой увидеться.

Ever since Lady Glossop eloped with the conductor on the 73 omnibus, Sir Roderick has keenly missed the comforts of connubiality and has been eager to remarry.

После того как леди Глоссеп сбежала с дирижером,… с которым познакомилась в 73 омнибусе, сэр Родерик лишен семейного комфорта… и хочет вновь жениться.

Despite our worries, he isn’t eager to get a new job

Несмотря на наши заботы, Он не хочет переходить на новую работу

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«He seems eager to communicate.

И, похоже, стремится к общению.

The Pentagon is eager to resume research on the naquadria you found at the warehouse.

Пентагон стремится возобновить наше исследование с Наквадрией, которую вы нашли в складе.

And also someone who was very eager to leave Atlantis shortly before the weekly dial-in to Earth.

А также тот, кто очень стремится покинуть Атлантис незадолго до еженедельного соединения с Землей.

King francis is eager for a rapprochement with your majesty.

Король Франциск стремится восстановить отношения с вашим величеством.

Azi-the man that you intimidated into finding jamal— He is very eager to testify against you.

Ази — человек которого вы запугали очень стремится свидетельствовать против вас.

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— Are you so eager to get there?

— Тебе так не терпится там оказаться?

I’m so eager to meet the count.

Мне так не терпится встретить графа.

I see he’s eager to leave.

Я вижу — ему не терпится уехать.

Now, I know everybody’s eager to get back to class-— Ha.! but I thought it might break the ice if we had a little ‘Q’ and ‘A.’

Хотя всем не терпится продолжить занятия… для налаживания контактов, я готов ответить на ваши вопросы!

— People are eager to start bidding.

Я думаю, что публике уже не терпится начать торг. — Что?

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The Duke is most eager to meet Your Majesty.

Герцог жаждет познакомиться с вашим величеством.

We were able to find a host both willing and eager.

Мы смогли найти носителя, который жаждет послужить нашему делу.

-He’s eager for it, by the way.

— Он её жаждет, между прочим.

-Too eager, maybe.

— Чересчур жаждет, мне кажется.

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«С нетерпением…»


С нетерпением…

«Waiting for you eagerly and longingly.

«Ждём Вас с нетерпением и тоской.

Please. I know you’re all eagerly waiting for dessert.

Думаю, вы все с нетерпением ждёте десерта.

— I waited eagerly for the results of the analysis of Jean-Louis.

Я с нетерпением ждал результатов анализа Жана-Луи.

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So eager… ready to give everything he had in one great burst.

Такой нетерпеливый… Готовый за одну великую вспышку вдохновения отдать всё, что у него есть.

You’re far too eager and curious for a Hobbit.

Для хоббита ты слишком уж нетерпеливый и любопытный.

You’re so eager, Arne!

Ой, ты такой нетерпеливый, Арне!

And if we do, then our eager young intern here can hold the saw.

И в этом случае наш нетерпеливый интерн сможет подержать пилу.

He’s too eager.

Он слишком нетерпеливый.

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If you’re so eager to be on our side, you have to kill Uchimoto first.

Если ты так готов быть на нашей стороне, вначале убей Утимото.

And only for those eager to believe whatever comes easiest.

И только тем, кто сам готов поверить во что угодно.

‘Like a ship all too eager to neglect its rigging:

Как корабль, что готов менять оснастку

Dobson’s eager to make peace with his assailant, but his grandmother hasn’t forgiven Dusty and has vowed to kill him if she ever meets him.

Добсон готов помириться со своим обидчиком, но его бабушка не может простить Дасти и клянется убить его при первой же встрече.

Seppius however is eager for audience.

Сеппий, тем не менее, готов к аудиенции.

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The army is eager to fight.

Солдаты рвутся в бой.

New acquaintances, new temptations. Of course there appear women who’re too eager to chaperon him.

Незнакомые люди, и совершенно… естественно, что находятся женщины, которые рвутся его опекать.

Tell him we have gold, men and ships at his disposal, and are eager to do battle and share some of his glory.

Напиши, что у нас есть золото, войска и корабли, они рвутся в битву, чтобы разделить с императором его славу.

-And most eager to find Dooku they are.

И рвутся Дуку найти они.

Eager to hunt.

Рвутся на охоту.

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Not that I’m eager to occupy one of those graves.

Не то, чтобы я горю желанием занять какую-то из тех могил…

You’re so eager to marry me off.

Ты же горишь желанием выдать меня замуж.

All participants are eager to walk the footsteps of the 34 th, 53 th and 62-second period, who risked their lives on the mountain.

Все участники горят желанием пройти по следам героев 34-го, 53-го и 62-го годов, которые рисковали своей жизнью на этой горе.

And while I’m not eager to make a legal ruling in what is clearly so intensely personal a conflict, apparently that is the only way to settle this?

И хотя я не горю желанием применять закон там, где столь очевиден личный конфликт, в данной ситуации это, видимо, единственный способ урегулировать спор?

I know you’re probably all just as eager to keep playing as we are.

Уверен, вы горите желанием продолжить игру, не меньше чем мы.

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She seemed quite eager, and since she’s not one of these… fat, self-indulgent little blobs, I doubt that it will do any harm.

Ей очень хотелось и раз уж она не похожа на этих… Жирных, потворствующих себе маленьких кубышек, я не думаю что это ей повредит.

I see why you were so eager to find it.

Теперь я понимаю, почему Вам так хотелось его найти.

I’m eager to resolve this matter.

Мне бы хотелось закрыть это дело.

But the Polish soldiers… protested this, so eager were they to fight the Russians.

Хотелось перейти на марше в наступленье! Штаб князя в городе нашёл себе квартиры, а в Соплицово шёл обоз и командиры.

He was eager to meet some of his people.

Ему хотелось встретиться с представителями своего народа.

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Eager is not a new word among many beginners and veteran English speakers and writers. You are unlikely to go a day or two without encountering this word. Here is the good news: this post aims to discuss all basic aspects of this word, including the eager definition, meaning, and usage.

Eager means «having or showing intense desire or keen interest in something or someone.» The adjective describes someone excited about something. Use the word in sentences describing someone showing impatience or anxiety over something. The word «eager» also means «a high wave caused by tidal flow.»

As popular as it is, there is more to the word «eager» than most people assume. You will be surprised how little you know about this word. Should we bet on that? Well, read on as we inform you about the different meanings and other vital information about the word «eager.»

men phone read newsWhat is the Definition of Eager?

«Eager» is defined as keenness or excitement to do or obtain something. The word also describes «having or showing intense desire or expectancy.»

Let’s look at these sentences to explain:

  • The students were so eager to meet their new teacher that they couldn’t concentrate on the test.
  • For weeks, I have been eager about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial verdict.
  • Paul was so eager to get started that he almost missed his guests’ arrival.

The word also refers to something brittle, inflexible, or inductile. This is one of those meanings you will rarely think of. However, it is very applicable in the metal and manufacturing industries.

Here are some examples in sentences:

  • The metal is more eager than I thought for this project.
  • The quality assurance team has noticed that the local industry rarely applies eager raw materials.
  • It is surprising how eager materials attract more production industries.

What is the Meaning of Eager?

The word «eager» also means showing interest or keen desire, or impatient expectancy.» It describes feeling impatient and ready to receive something. You can either be anticipating a good or bad thing.

Here are some example sentences:

  • The eager child could not stop jumping up and down while waiting for the door to open.
  • The eager students spent time decorating the classroom for their new teachers’ arrival.
  • I have been eager for the test results, but I hope for the best.

Other Meanings of Eager

The meanings of «eager» explained above are the most commonly known. However, there are several other unknown meanings you will be interested in. Read each section below to learn something new.

Eager is a computing theory meaning «not engaging lazy evaluation; calculating results instantly instead of deferring calculations until when desired.» Here are examples in sentences:

  • An Eager algorithm works very well in this area.
  • Try employing an eager algorithm for this problem.
  • The experts require you to employ eager techniques during research.

Eager also means not rigid or resilient. It refers to an item that is not flexible. Note that this definition goes beyond metals. Below are some sentence examples:

  • Her character is too eager for my liking.
  • The metal is too eager for this project.
  • That is the most eager person I have seen on this list.

Eager also refers to a high, often dangerous wave caused by tidal flow. Here, it applies as an alternative or variant for eagre. Another meaning of «eager» is «tending to ask questions for information or knowledge.» Finally, eager means ambitious or a particular goal

Below are some examples:

  • Everyone has been eager to hear about the appointment of the new C.E.O.
  • Mike seems eager to work on this project, and I cannot wait for it to bear fruits.
  • I am eager to meet our new manager and impress him with my novel ideas.

Obsolete Meanings of Eager

This word also has some outdated meanings. These meanings are no longer applied. However, they play a significant role in the history of «eager.» Again, these meanings no longer apply.

Here are some archaic or obsolete meanings of eager:

  • Sharp, sour, or acidic (this was the first meaning of obsolete applied in the late 13th century).
  • Keen, bitter, or severe.
  • Tart or cutting.

Words that Rhyme with Eager

If you plan to use the word «eager» in poetry or song compositions, you may also benefit from learning its rhyming words. These are words that sound the same as «eager.» Here is a list of such words.

  • Reader
  • Speaker
  • Fever
  • Leader
  • Meager
  • Cleaner
  • Beaker
  • Heater
  • Dreamer
  • Eater
  • Healer
  • Dealer
  • Teeter
  • Leaser
  • Beamer
  • Cedar
  • Keener
  • Beater
  • Beaver

How to use Eager in a Sentence?

You can use «eager» in a sentence as an adjective. 

This word has several meanings, some of which are archaic. Therefore, when using it in sentences, you should steer clear of the archaic meanings lest you want to write confusing sentences. It is also worth mentioning that eager is used as a noun when referring to a high wave caused by tidal flow.

Synonyms of Eager

Synonyms are words with similar meanings. The synonyms may not apply to all the different meanings of a particular word. Therefore, a word with multiple meanings can have several dozen synonyms. Below are some synonyms of the word «eager.»

Synonyms of eager with the meaning «strongly wanting to do or have something.»

  • Anxious
  • Impatient
  • Thirsty
  • Keen
  • Raring
  • Yearning
  • Aching
  • Longing
  • Antsy
  • Excited
  • Hopeful
  • Intent
  • Restless
  • Zealous
  • Desirous
  • Enthusiastic
  • Itching
  • Voracious
  • Wishful
  • Ambitious
  • Hankering
  • Athirst
  • Heated
  • Restive
  • Stoked
  • Vehement

Synonyms of eager with the meaning «having an enthusiastic expression.»

  • Ardent
  • Avid
  • Earnest
  • Fervent
  • Fervid
  • Passionate
  • Dedicated
  • Intense
  • Motivated
  • Diligent
  • Fiery
  • Burning
  • Feverish

Synonyms of eager, meaning «ambitious or driven towards a specific goal.»

  • Aspiring
  • Budding
  • Pioneering
  • Progressive
  • Wannabe
  • Pushing
  • Aspirant
  • Likely
  • Prospective
  • Energetic
  • Longing
  • Intending
  • Endeavoring
  • Expectant
  • Impassioned

The Opposite of Eager: Antonyms

You may also benefit from learning the antonyms (opposites) of eager. Here is a list of opposite words for eager.

  • Unenthusiastic
  • Averse
  • Indifferent
  • Uninterested
  • Disinterested
  • Dispassionate
  • Listless
  • Casual
  • Passionless
  • Phlegmatic
  • Apathetic
  • Tepid
  • Reluctant
  • Uneager
  • Hesitating
  • Blasé
  • Spiritless
  • Unimpressed
  • Emotionless
  • Lukewarm
  • Unmoved

10 Examples of Eager in a Sentence

Forming sentences with the word «eager» is relatively easy if you know its meaning. Below are some more example sentences with the word eager.

  1. If the new hospital addresses all the challenges of its former, patients will be eager to visit it.
  2. The eager students spent hours rehearsing for the new play.
  3. The fans were eager about the arrival of the new team for the season.
  4. John is eager and willing to please and follow instructions without a fault.
  5. I listened with an eager ear, thirsty for information and knowledge.
  6. He seemed eager to talk all night, which made the all-nighter a success.
  7. After the rules came out, Harry was more than eager to comply.
  8. In eager anticipation of their newborn sister, the kids barely slept that night.
  9. I am eager to find out more about the new international students.
  10. I wasn’t eager to listen to the endless banter at the end of the interview.

How Do You Spell Eager?

The correct spelling for this word is «E.A.G.E.R.»

Learning a new word would not be a success without learning how to write it. The key to mastering the spelling of a new word is writing it down and practicing. Eager is an easy word to spell.

How Do You Pronounce Eager?

The correct pronunciation for eager is «ee-gr.»

Learning how to pronounce a word by reading its pronunciation is almost impossible. Therefore, the key is to say the word out loud. Listening to pronunciations of the word will also come in handy. The internet is a great place to start learning how to pronounce new words.

How Many Syllables Are In Eager?

The word eager has two syllables. 

The two syllables in the word «eager» are divided into «-ea and -ger.» The stressed syllable in eager is «-ea.» Therefore, when pronouncing the word, the first syllable is longer, like an «ee.»

History & Etymology of Eager

The word eager stems from the Old French word «aigre,’ in the late 13th century. 

The word «aigre,» an Old French word, means «sour, acid, harsh, bitter, lively, or forceful.» Eager also has Vulgar Latin roots. It is derived from the Latin word «arcus» or «Acer,» meaning «keen, sharp, pointed, acute, zealous, or piercing.» The modern meaning of eager, «full or keen desire,» came up in the early 14th century. Even with the new meaning, the word maintained its secondary meaning of «pungent or sharp-edged» until the 19th century.

lamp woman readingWhen Was Eager First Used?

The word’s first use dates back to the late 13th century, meaning «harsh, bitter, or rough.» However, this meaning became obsolete after the 19th century. 

The word’s modern meaning, «keen desire or excitement,» was introduced in the early 14th century. The earliest meaning of eager is not currently applied.


Eager means wanting to do or have something passionately or impatiently, especially something interesting or enjoyable. It is a relatively common English word with multiple meanings. Despite its several meanings, it is still an easy word to apply. Therefore, you can easily use it in conversations and sentences; just make sure you have mastered the eager definition, spelling, pronunciation, and meaning.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Synonym: anxious, desirous, keen, ready, wanting, willing, aloof, indifferent, listless. Similar words: at the age of, imagery, manager, teenager, menagerie, league, colleague, have a good time. Meaning: [‘iːgə]  n. a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary). adj. 1. having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy 2. marked by active interest and enthusiasm. 

(1) She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arrive.

(2) We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.

(3) Haig was desperately eager for an affirmative answer.

(4) The boy was eager for success.

(5) Marion spoke, eager to break the tense silence.

(6) Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.

(7) They’re eager to please .

(8) He was eager to get into politics.

(9) She listened with eager attention.

(10) She sounded very eager to meet you.

(11) She is eager for success.

(12) They were only too eager to help us.

(13) The government is eager to attract foreign capital.

(14) She is eager for her parents’ approval.

(15) The boy is eager to ride his new bicycle.

(16) He was eager to get out of the ruck and distinguish himself in some way.

(17) Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.

(18) The President is eager to avoid a head-on clash with Congress over his health policies.

(19) The girl in the shop is always eager to please every customer.

(20) I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible.

(21) The other banks are going to be very eager to help[], provided that they see that he has a specific plan.

(22) Many states bordering on the EU are eager to join.

(23) All the children listened to his adventures with eager attention.

(24) When two people are in love, they are eager to have more sweet kisses. But why they are in quarrel, they are hurting each other by the mouths that once used for kissing? Every time when I was upset or tired, I can only kiss by myself.

(25) He was eager to match his knowledge against mine.

(26) He’s a bright kid and eager to learn.

(27) We are willing, nay, eager to go.

(28) The child is eager to have the candy.

(29) There is a great deal of difference between the eager man who wants to read a book, and the tired man who wants a book to read. 

(30) Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them—we «bear a charmed life», which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.

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