The word dull in a sentence

Synonym: blunt, boring, dingy, dreary, dry, flat, gray, inactive, slow, sluggish, stupid, uninteresting, bright, keen, sharp, vivid. Similar words: adult, schedule, indulge, adultery, modulate, undulant, credulous, pendulum. Meaning: [dʌl]  v. 1. make dull in appearance 2. become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness 3. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping 4. make numb or insensitive 5. make dull or blunt 6. become less interesting or attractive 7. make less lively or vigorous. adj. 1. lacking in liveliness or animation 2. emitting or reflecting very little light 3. being or made softer or less loud or clear 4. so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness 5. (of color) very low in saturation; highly diluted 6. not keenly felt 7. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity 8. (of business) not active or brisk 9. not having a sharp edge or point 10. blunted in responsiveness or sensibility 11. not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft 12. darkened with overcast. 

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1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. 

2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 

3. The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.

4. He had grown staid and dull.

5. His head hit the floor with a dull thud.

6. After a dull start, it should brighten up later.

7. She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.

8. The house was dull, old-fashioned and in bad condition.

9. The first half of the game was pretty dull.

10. Her eyes looked dull and sunken.

11. The work gets a bit dull at times.

12. A dull red flush suffused Selby’s face.

13. I have a dull pain.

14. I feel a dull ache in the shoulder.

15. Life in a small town could be deadly dull.

16. Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.

17. There’s never a dull moment when John’s around.

18. Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here.

19. A dull pain began to throb behind his lids.

20. I abhor the dull routine of existence.

21. That was dull, wasn’t it?

22. I felt she found me boring and dull.

23. The conference was deadly dull.

24. I am dull of

25. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

26. The room is dull.

27. The book was so dull that I didn’t finish it.

28. My life is dull.

29. No, it was dull.

30. It is dull today.

More similar words: adult, schedule, indulge, adultery, modulate, undulant, credulous, pendulum, undulate, on schedule, incredulity, incredulous, indulgent, modulated, adulation, indulgence, fraudulent, adulterate, incredulously, fraudulence, bull, full, mull, pull, Bull., behind schedule, fully, bully, skull, bullet. 

скучный, тупой, унылый, тусклый, пасмурный, притуплять, притупляться, делать тупым


- тупой, бестолковый, тупоумный

dull brain /intelligence/ — тупоумие
dull curiosity — тупое любопытство
dull with drinking — отупевший от пьянства
dull with old age — плохо соображающий от старости
to be dull at mathematics — туго соображать по математике
it was dull to have brought him here — было глупо привозить его сюда

- неповоротливый, тяжёлый, медлительный; вялый

dull style of the team — неизобретательный стиль игры (этой) команды

- подавленный; печальный, хмурый, невесёлый

dull mood — невесёлое настроение
I feel dull — у меня плохое настроение

- унылый, печальный, приводящий в уныние; безрадостный

dull landscape — унылый пейзаж

- хмурый, пасмурный (о погоде и т. п.)

dull day — пасмурный день

ещё 13 вариантов


- делать тупым, вялым; утомлять
- затуплять, делать тупым (нож и т. п.)
- притуплять; уменьшать

to dull smb.’s senses [pain] — притуплять чьи-л. чувства [боль]
to dull the edge of appetite [of pleasure] — испортить аппетит [удовольствие]
to dull the edge of hunger — заглушить голод
sorrow is dulled with the passage of time — со временем горе притупляется
time dulls the memory of the war — со временем память о войне стирается

- делать смутным, неясным; делать тусклым, блёклым
- наводить мат, делать матовым, матировать
- тускнеть; становиться матовым

the varnish dulls — лак тускнеет

- редк. хмуриться, делаться пасмурным (о погоде)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

It’ll be dull today.

Сегодня будет пасмурно.

It sounded pretty dull to me.

Это звучало довольно скучно / глупо для меня.

The pain was dull but persistent.

Боль была тупая, но постоянная.

The sky was a dull grey now.

Небо стало тускло-серым.

He drank some alcohol to dull the pain.

Он выпил немного алкоголя, чтобы притупить / приглушить боль.

She found the work very dull.

Она считала эту работу очень скучной.

When other people were merry, Mrs. Varden was dull.

Когда все веселились, миссис Варден грустила.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The pain has changed to a dull throb.

The bird is dull brown and gray in colour.

As marriages go, it certainly wasn’t dull.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dullish  — скучноватый, туповатый
dullness  — тупость, непонятливость, бессодержательность

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dull
he/she/it: dulls
ing ф. (present participle): dulling
2-я ф. (past tense): dulled
3-я ф. (past participle): dulled

срав. степ. (comparative): duller
прев. степ. (superlative): dullest

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Political campaigns are tedious and dull affairs that involve a lot of paperwork and drudgery.

«Политическая кампания — это утомительный и скучный процесс, который включает в себя много бумажной и тяжелой работы.

Time spent with them was never dull.

Когда мы с ним проводили свободное время, то никогда не было скучно.

It should be reiterated that dull pain occurs in acute pyelonephritis.

Следует еще раз повторить, что тупые боли имеют место и при остром пиелонефрите.

I cannot imagine you were a dull child.

Я не могу представить, что ты была тупым ребенком.

Especially dull, looking like diamond dust.

Особенно тусклых, похожих с виду на алмазную пыль.

Lord knows, life is dull enough.

Он понимает, что жизнь — очень скучная вещь.

Life would be dull if everything were easy.

Но жизнь была бы скучной, если бы все происходило слишком гладко.

What makes physical work less attractive is just a dull burden.

То, что делает физическую работу менее привлекательной, — всего лишь скучная нагрузка.

You only lose energy when life becomes dull in your mind.

Вы теряете энергию только в том случае, если жизнь становится скучной в вашем сознании.

Someone has to ensure that dull but necessary tasks are done.

Кто-то должен следить за тем, чтобы скучные, но необходимые задачи выполнялись.

They were so dull they couldn’t cut through butter.

Они были на столько тупыми, что не смогли бы разрезать масло.

He described his dull, monotonous and proper life.

Он рассказал мне о своей жизнь скучной, однообразной и достойной.

A pleasing interruption to an otherwise dull year.

Год был бы скучным, если бы не это приятное вторжение.

And I thought the evening would be dull.

А я уж было подумал, что вечер будет скучным.

Whereas I am dull, imperfect and ordinary.

А я, значит, скучная, небезупречная и заурядная.

He said people who valued military experience were dull.

Он сказал, люди, которые ценили военный опыт, были тупыми.

Never buy tea that looks dull.

Никогда не покупайте чай, который выглядит скучно.

He quickly learns but prefers short and varied training sessions over dull repetition.

Он быстро учится, но предпочитает короткие и разнообразные тренировочные занятия, а не тупое повторение пройденного.

So his life is very dull.

Но, к сожалению, его жизнь очень скучная.

Embargos are dull and war is exciting.

Эмбарго — это так скучно, а война увлекательна.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dull, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dull in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dull».

Dull in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dull in a sentence.

  1. There were few dull moments.

  2. Suddath of Time called their duet dull.

  3. Most larks are fairly dull in appearance.

  4. Juveniles also have dusky bills and dull legs.

  5. The crown and nape are a darker dull turquoise.

  6. I am an old man, A dull head among windy places.

  7. In flight, the beating wings produce a dull sound.

  8. At other times, the female bill is pink or dull red.

  9. Their dark eyes are lined with dull, reddish bare skin.

  10. The coloration quickly fades to a dull gray after death.

  11. It also varies as its nape to back is a dull grey colour.

  12. Normally a clutch of two dull, white, oval eggs are laid.

  13. The fur is a dull brown above and dark, leaden gray beneath.

  14. Each rendered piece had to look like real metal, shiny or dull.

  15. After death, the coloration fades quickly to dull gray or brown.

  16. On Psyk’s Popcorn Jungle, Paul Coates wrote, «This movie is dull.

  17. He found most of the teaching there dull, save for lectures by E.

  18. They are dull green with serrated margins and a white undersurface.

  19. The tortoises have a large bony shell of a dull brown or grey color.

  20. Crocodilian teeth vary from blunt and dull to sharp and needle-like.

  21. The serrated leaves are dull green with new growth a paler grey green.

  22. The irises are dull brown or grey, and the peri-orbital skin is black.

  23. The mosaic tiles are mostly colored red, green, and blue on dull gold.

  24. The juvenile is dull grey-brown above and grey-brown washed white below.

  25. The cotyledon leaves are a dull green with no visible nerves or markings.

  26. Abdomen deep dull black, slightly shining on the sides and about the tip.

  27. Its nostrils and the cere are bright or dull yellow and the bill is black.

  28. The colours look dull when the bird is perched but become vibrant in flight.

  29. Its flanks are bright red or orange, fading to pink or dull red on the belly.

  30. The grey feathers of the sides of the crown may be suffused with dull orange.

  31. Other areas of the panel, however, have been described as dull and uninspired.

  32. Club’s Ignatiy Vishnevetsky called it dull and «occasionally heavy-handed».

  33. Darwin found lectures dull and surgery distressing, so he neglected his studies.

  34. The juvenile is duller than the adult with a dull yellow bill and brownish legs.

  35. The bare skin around the eyes is dull orange, the legs and feet are yellow-brown.

  36. At this time, the bill becomes pink or dull red and the legs turn flesh-coloured.

  37. Its legs are a dull red-brown, and its thin bill is pinkish-gray with a dark tip.

  38. The drums are largely untreated with sound effects which left them sounding dull.

  39. He had difficulty attracting his own clients and found the work trivial and dull.

  40. Punk balked at Laurinaitis’ promotion and verbally attacked him as a dull yes man.

  41. Both sexes have plumage ranging from dull grey to sandy brown, and pale brown legs.

  42. On the cap underside are small yellowish pores that turn dull blue-grey when bruised.

  43. The centre of the breast is a dull brown-yellow, while the sides are a reddish brown.

  44. The chin is a dull cream, merging with the throat, which then browns towards the base.

  45. At that time lead had few (if any) applications due to its softness and dull appearance.

  46. The immature American goldfinch has a dull brown back, and the underside is pale yellow.

  47. Spin gave Loveless a mixed review; writer Jim Greer felt it was «standard-ish and dull ..

  48. The back and upper surface of the wings are a dark dull blue with a moderate green gloss.

  49. The cap surface is dry and dull, coloured red to red-orange, and yellow towards the margin.

  50. The scales are pink to brownish red, fading to a pale brown-gray or dull yellow in maturity.

Synonyms for dull

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dull has the following synonyms: arid, desiccate, desiccated, bovine, drab, dreary, heavy, leaden, humdrum, monotonous, lackluster, lacklustre, lusterless, lustreless, colorless, colourless, spiritless, unanimated, blunt, blunted, dulled, edgeless, unsharpened, boring, deadening, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome, uninteresting, deadened, dense, dim, dumb, obtuse, stupid, flat, mat, matt, matte, matted, soft, subdued, unpolished, grey, gray, cloudy, insensitive, muffled, muted, softened, sluggish, inactive, thudding, unreverberant, nonresonant, unsaturated, , muffle, mute, damp, dampen, tone down, numb, benumb and pall.

General information about «dull» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dull that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dull» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dull».

Definition of Dull

not sharp

Examples of Dull in a sentence

Dull pencils could not be used and had to be replaced with sharp ones.


The chef needed to sharpen his dull knife before he could complete his meal.


Dull from the constant movement, the windshield wiper blades had to be replaced.


Brandishing his pocketknife, the boy began to sharpen the dull blade.


The ice skater’s new blades helped her move much faster than the old, dull blades she used to compete in.


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