The word drill in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word drill, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use drill in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «drill».

Drill in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word drill in a sentence.

  1. An early steam drill was developed by F.

  2. Specific maneuvers in the drill can include:.

  3. The Old Street drill hall was completed in 1887.

  4. Black shale and coal form layers in one drill core.

  5. Electrothermal drill designs date back to the 1940s.

  6. Fossils of animals have been found in the drill cores.

  7. In one drill core, this sediment layer is 54 metres (177 ft) thick.

  8. As with non-coring augers, extensions can be added to drill deeper.

  9. A cable-suspended drill has a downhole system, known as a sonde, to drill the hole.

  10. Mechanical drills typically have three cutters, spaced evenly around the drill head.

  11. Only one lifeboat drill had been conducted while the ship was docked at Southampton.

  12. The repositioning and cleanup of the drill rig delayed the project by nearly two weeks.

  13. At some point in the drill, the band converts from Spread formation to Block formation.

  14. They can be placed anywhere on the drill that does not rotate, so they do not add length to the sonde.

  15. A lathe was used to drill 3.25-inch (8.3 cm) holes in the blocks for the control rods and the uranium.

  16. When the core is removed, the core barrel is lowered back into the borehole and reattached to the drill.

  17. To avoid this, the drill can be run back down the hole, warming the water and hence the surrounding ice.

  18. The water supply for a hot water drill can come from water at the surface, if available, or melted snow.

  19. A weight repeatedly dropped on to a rigid drill string can also be used to provide the necessary impetus.

  20. Endangered primates such as guenons and the drill are hunted at levels that far exceed sustainable levels.

  21. In an attempt to heal the rift, Anne invited the King and Queen to see Gloucester drill the «Horse Guards».

  22. This design was intended to help move particulate matter away from the nose, as a hot-water drill tends to.

  23. Once the core is removed, the core barrel is lowered to the bottom of the hole and reattached to the drill.

  24. Members of the Hungarian special forces served as drill instructors in the training sequence, firing blanks.

  25. During its first winter of service, the 22nd remained at Hall’s Hill and became proficient in military drill.

  26. The halftime drill always begins with the band running into place at the command of the drum major’s whistle.

  27. Recruits were required to attend a minimum of 40 drill periods in their first year and 20 per year thereafter.

  28. In May 2005, 5,000 volunteers participated in the $1 million evacuation drill, which included mock explosions.

  29. For a coring drill, the cuttings chamber can be emptied each time the drill is brought to the surface to retrieve a core.

  30. Thermal drills, which cut ice by electrically heating the drill head, can also be used, but they have some disadvantages.

  31. In his autobiography, Gretzky describes how at practices his father would drill him on the fundamentals of smart hockey:.

  32. The drill then begins with the band playing the opening notes of the War Hymn and stepping off into the initial formation.

  33. As the borehole deepens, drilling is paused periodically to add a new length of drill pipe at the top of the drill string.

  34. Tools can be designed to be rotated by hand, via a brace or T-handle, or a hand crank gearing, or attached to a hand drill.

  35. In the 1940s some patents for piston drill designs were filed in Sweden and the U.S., but these drills are now rarely used.

  36. They then attempted to drill holes into the safe and explode it with gunpowder, but failing that, cut off one of its sides.

  37. While he held an impressive record on the drill field and baseball diamond, Crane generally did not excel in the classroom.

  38. The RAM drill was developed in the early 2000s, and was originally designed for drilling shot holes for seismic exploration.

  39. Dewey wrote, «The emphasis is put on helping the child to express his ideas; but such work provides ample opportunity for the required drill in the mechanics of writing.».

  40. When attempts at returning to the drill sites and looking for rocks proved fruitless, Penfield abandoned his search, published his findings and returned to his Pemex work.

  41. Powered augers designed to drill large holes through ice for winter fishing may be mounted on a snow vehicle, or a tractor or sled; hole diameters can be as high as 350 mm.

  42. The first cable-suspended electromechanical drill was invented by Armais Arutunoff for use in mineral drilling; it was tested in 1947 in Oklahoma, but did not perform well.

  43. At one point in the drill core, carbonates were found mixed with volcanic rocks; presumably this is a place where hyaloclastite accumulated and was reworked by sea currents.

Synonyms for drill

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word drill has the following synonyms: exercise, practice, practice session, recitation, Mandrillus leucophaeus, , bore and practise.

General information about «drill» example sentences

The example sentences for the word drill that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «drill» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «drill».

сверло, дрель, бур, упражнение, тренировка, сверлить, бурить, высверливать


- сверло

twist drill — спиральное сверло

- бур; бурав

rotary drill — турбобур
drill bit — а) тех. пёрка: б) горн. буровая коронка
drill maker — горн. а) заправщик буров; б) бурозаправочный станок

- дрель; коловорот

hand drill — ручная дрель
electric drill — электрическая дрель

- с.-х. сеялка
- зоол. брюхоногий моллюск (Urosalpinx cinerea)

ещё 9 вариантов


- сверлить, высверливать, просверливать

to drill a hole — просверливать отверстие
to drill a hole in smb. — разг. застрелить /«продырявить»/ кого-л.

- бурить

to drill for water [for oil] — проводить разведочное бурение в поисках воды [нефти]

- упражнять, тренировать (тж. спорт.); натаскивать; обучать

to drill smb. in Latin — натаскивать кого-л. по латыни
to drill knowledge into smb. — пичкать кого-л. знаниями; ≅ вдалбливать науку в кого-л.
to drill smb. in what he has to say — втолковывать кому-л., что он должен сказать
to drill a dog to do smth. — натаскивать собаку
I can’t drill (it) into him that one doesn’t do such things — мне никак не удаётся втолковать ему /вбить ему в голову/, что так не поступают

- упражняться; тренироваться (тж. спорт.)
- обучать строю; муштровать

to drill troops — обучать строю; разг. тж. муштровать войска

- заниматься строевой подготовкой; проходить строевое обучение
- с.-х. сеять, производить рядовой посев

Мои примеры


a whine like a dentist’s drill — звук, похожий на жужжание бормашины  
to drill to body size — сверлить на проход  
to drill to a depth of — бурить на глубину  
hammer drill — ручная электрическая дрель с перфоратором  
to drill for oil — бурить нефтяные скважины  
to conduct a drill — проводить тренировку  
fire drill — пожарные учения  
air-raid drill — воздушные учения  
evacuation drill — учения по эвакуации  
drill team — буровая бригада  
double-boom drill carriage — двухманипуляторная самоходная установка  

Примеры с переводом

The team were well-drilled.

Команда была хорошо обученная.

Drill a hole in each corner.

Просверлите отверстие в каждом из углов.

We drilled French verbs every day.

Мы каждый день зубрили французские глаголы.

Drill a hole into the wall.

Просверлите в стене отверстие.

I want to keep my drill handy.

Я хочу иметь дрель под рукой.

She was drilling the class in the forms of the past tense.

Она муштровала учеников по формам прошедшего времени.

There was a bad hole drilled in his chest.

Грудь у него была прострелена.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I need a longer attachment for the drill.

Oil whooshed up when the drill hit the well

The sergeant was drilling the new recruits.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

driller  — бурильщик, сверловщик, сверлильный станок
drilling  — бурение, высверливание, обучение, посев рядовой сеялкой
drillion  — огромное число, тьма
drillship  — буровое судно

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: drill
he/she/it: drills
ing ф. (present participle): drilling
2-я ф. (past tense): drilled
3-я ф. (past participle): drilled

ед. ч.(singular): drill
мн. ч.(plural): drills

Synonym: condition, discipline, exercise, instruct, practice, prepare, teach, tool, train. Similar words: brilliant, primarily, dried, drift, drive, driver, drink to, drive up. Meaning: [drɪl]  n. 1. a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows) 2. similar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored 3. systematic training by multiple repetitions 4. (military) the training of soldiers to march (as in ceremonial parades) or to perform the manual of arms. v. 1. make a hole with a pointed power or hand tool 2. train in the military, e.g., in the use of weapons 3. learn by repetition 4. teach by repetition 5. undergo military training or do military exercises. 

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1. Drill a hole in each corner.

2. This drill can bore through rock.

3. Drill three holes in the wall for the screws.

4. Sandra winced as the dentist started to drill.

5. The soldiers drill every morning.

6. I need a drill to make a hole.

7. The soldiers have started to drill for water.

8. He was excused from drill.

9. You’ll have to drill into the wood before you can fix the shelf.

10. He used a drill to bore a hole in the door.

11. This drill has no bite.

12. The drill has variable speed control.

12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

13. New recruits have three hours of drill a day.

14. She had to drill to the office .

15. What’s the drill for claiming expenses?

16. What’s the drill for getting money after four o’clock?

17. Drill a series of holes in the frame.

18. There’ll be a fire drill sometime this morning.

19. Drill 20 holes, each 5 cm deep.

20. You should drill some manners into the boy.

21. Lucy is quite handy with a drill!

22. Keep the drill steady while it ascends and descends.

23. A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.

24. They are going to drill for oil nearby.

25. This new drill works a treat on hard metals.

26. There have been proposals to drill for more oil.

27. They probed in/into the mud with a special drill.

28. Are you finished with that drill?

29. The parents often drill some manners into their child.

30. The drill takes about three hours to recharge.

More similar words: brilliant, primarily, dried, drift, drive, driver, drink to, drive up, driveway, drive out, drink up, drink down, drive home, will, kill, pill, spill, still, skill, chill, killer, pillow, kill off, fill up, fill out, fill in, million, billion, illegal, skilled. 

drill — перевод на русский


And let’s get that drill.

И везите сюда бур.

— Since the operation began 3 days ago, the drill has cut its way 57 feet closer to Leo.

-С тех пор, как 3 дня назад началась спасательная операция, бур продвинулся на 57 футов ближе к Лео.

I don’t know why they have to use a drill at all.

Я не знаю, для чего они вообще используют бур.

It’s that drill.

А вот и бур.

This is the fifth night the big drill has been pounding and grinding its way toward Leo.

Это уже пятый вечер с тех пор, как большой бур начал вгрызаться и пробивать путь к Лео.

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Give me the hand drill.

Дай мне ручную дрель.

Every morning I take my drill and…

Я, как утром встал, сразу за дрель!

— Dad, you got a power drill?

— Есть дрель? — В гараже.

A general anesthetic, a cranial drill and a pair of torceps.

Общий наркоз, дрель и пара щипцов.

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You have just heard the voice of Sam Smollett, the man who is in charge of the drilling job.

Вы только что слышали голос Сэма Смоллетта, человека, который отвечает за бурение.


Бурение идёт на всех участках периметра.

Why has the drilling stopped?

Почему остановлено бурение?

Cease drilling, a Quark is being attacked!

Прекратить бурение, Кварк подвергается нападению!

Why has the drilling stopped again Toba?

Почему бурение опять прекращено Тоба?

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This is no drill.

Это не учения.

This is no drill.

Повторяю. Это не учения.

This is not a drill.

Это не учения.

This is no drill.

Это — не учения.

The executive suite wanted you to declare it as a fire drill.

Они хотят, чтобы ты объявил это как пожарные учения.

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Drill a little hole and insert a pipe!

Просверлить маленькую дырочку и вставить трубу.

— No way to drill?

— А просверлить никак?

Drill a hole in the lock box…

Просверлить дырку в замке…

Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head.

Игон, это напоминает мне временя, когда ты пробывал просверлить отверстие в своей голове.

You’re gonna need two, three hours to drill through that.

Тебе понадобиться 2-3 часа, чтобы такую штуку просверлить.

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Drill what?

— Что сверлить?

Drilling holes in his head is not the answer.

Господи! Сверлить людям дырки в голове — это не выход!

Ed’s pa staked us to a starter home in suburban Tempe and I got a job drilling’ holes in sheet metal.

Папа Эд подкинул нам домик в пригороде Темпе и я устроился на работу сверлить дырки в листах металла.

One of the last times I went out with you, we were walking around… and you went up to some old lady on the street… and started drilling her about her spiritual life… and she got frightened and threatened to call the police.

Один из последних раз, когда мы гуляли с тобой… ты подбежал к какой-то старушке… и стал сверлить ей мозг насчет ее духовной жизни… а она испугалась, и грозила вызвать полицию.

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I can’t have done. That’s much bigger than my drill bit.

Края отверстия намного шире сверла.

It doesn’t look as if it was drilled at all.

Это вообще не похоже на след от сверла…

I have blunted two diamond drills on it.

Я затупила об него два алмазных сверла.

-High impact phason drills.

— Высокопрочные фазонные сверла.

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And this is no drill.

И это не тренировка.

That’s their fireboat drill. They’re all boys off our boat.

Тренировка на случай пожара.

Practise drill.


This is not a drill. Please proceed to the nearest exit.

Это не тренировка, Пройдите к ближайшему выходу,

All right, lads, this isn’t a drill!

Так, братва. Это не тренировка.

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You know the drill!

Ты знаешь что делать!

You know the drill.

Вы знаете, что делать.»

You all know the drill!

Вы знаете, что делать!

All in under 14 minutes. You know the drill.

Вы знаете, что делать.

I know the drill.

Я сам знаю, что делать.

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George, the inventor of the sea drill lies yonder.

ƒжордж, там покоитс€ изобретатель морской буровой установки.

One is a harpooner, the other a drilling foreman in the Caspian.

Один — гарпунщик, второй — буровой мастер на Каспии.

He’s got a racetrack, shooting club, drilling rig companies, an oil company.

У него есть ипподром, стрелковый клуб, компания по производству буровой техники и нефтяная компания.

The drill room’s flooding’! — Get back down there!

Вода в буровой рубке!

That’s a drilling module, right?

Это буровой модуль, верно?

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understand the most critical element, I’m going to drill it into your head

What impressed her the most was that they were able to call up such learned information and drill so deeply into the science behind it and get the 3-d plot

It was several minutes while he got the arms deployed and the drill started

The drill bottomed out, he had to unship and install the collector tubes and then the motor itself

‘Boys, run around the backyard twenty times,’ Ish ordered in his drill sergeant

It’s logged and you know the drill

drill sergeant came for inspections—and now he remembered that he stood only

seen him drill through the words of countless pages, he rarely opened one these

“What concern of yours is that? Did your father not drill prudence into you along with

sugar-cane, as it is managed at present, is all hand labour ; though, in the opinion of many, the drill plough might be introduced into it with great advantage

The drill had penetrated

“How are we going to proceed with this? Ky here is going to drill a hole in it

Handling it rather like a soldier would handle an assault rifle, he dropped the rear handle onto his boot, loosened the chuck at the business end and dropped a shiny, black drill bit into it

” he announced as he lifted the whole drill back to waist height

“Where’s the best place to drill this thing?” asked Mark

“How ’bout I drill the middle of the surface?” suggested Ky, “It’s safer than drilling near an edge

Ky dropped his goggles over his eyes, lifted the drill into position and braced himself against it

They all watched intently as Ky aligned the drill again

After a few seconds he released the trigger and pulled the drill away

“There’s no way this is Earth technology,” said Chris, “We can make stuff that’s pretty resistant, but to take on a diamond tipped drill and remain unscratched? And how would you make a large, contiguous block of such material?”

“This isn’t a drill

While we where here on Salisbury plain the training really intensified the route marches got longer and the whole physical training side was stepped up as well as firing practice and tactical problems bayonet drill and obviously fatigues and working parties

He knew the drill well, for it was the same

I was wondering if you have a drill and screwdrivers, that sort of thing?”

With image feed into his visual field, Gerrid was able to carefully control the drill at the node point until it got through the casing

I knew by now that a friendly drill sergeant was a bomb waiting to explode, and made sure to stand as far away as possible from the scene, minding my own business

Soon after our arrival we were issued with R1 (SLR) rifles for drill purposes only, which we kept in the above boxes when not used

Our rifle drill never included bayonet drill, which is a pity for it is a wonderful sight to watch a thousand men on parade receiving the order to install their bayonets onto their rifles

Those PT Sergeants were excellent people, being much friendlier than the drill instructors

There was also a display drill which 700 men took part in

I told him not to try and make a trench for the footings; just drill holes in the solid granite where the footings would go then drive rebar into the holes, set his blocks over them and pour the concrete into them

I used to drill wells around a suspect site and interpret the data from them to track the contamination to its source

“Okay! Boys, you know the drill,” another familiar voice heard in the background

It was under a few millimetres of concrete but it had taken the best part of an hour to drill the holes and set up the charges

Marches boomed impressively from the loudspeakers, and the honor guard briskly went through its drill

Now face down on the deck, arms and legs spread, you know the drill

What’s on your mind? New ways to drill us to death? Make us more miserable? Take away our cir rations? What is it that’s had you daydreaming?”

Daily close order drill was held by way of rehearsal

bill would allow us to drill for natural gas off the US coast but that hasn»t received final approval

Cuba and China have formed a joint venture to drill for oil just 50 miles off the coast of Florida

Everyone else has off shore mining and our decisions to not drill do not have much effect on the mining

foreign oil would have required them to develop or mine or drill or build and those are not the activities

“Is that the same as an attack drill?”

Again she repeated the attack drill, but this time she shouted,

drill with the skill of an expert Kendo fighter

debate class on a drill to improve their

water you do not dig small pits all over the place, but drill deep

We repeated the drill by the apartment’s pool Sunday AM and early afternoon until she poured me on my flight to LAX

It is hard to understand why our government is unwilling to drill for oil

Cuba and China have formed a joint venture to drill for oil just 75 miles off the coast of Florida

Every one else has off shore mining and our decisions to not drill do not effect the mining and use of oil

(President Bush -43- has finally rescinded that) A recent House bill would allow us to drill for natural gas off the US coast but that hasn‘t received final approval

―For heavens sake, if we can‘t drill in the National Petroleum Reserve – an area specifically designated by Congress for oil and gas production – where can we drill?‖

All others were taught subjects such as singing, dancing and military drill

mm) wood drill bit

The hole drill for these is half the diameter of

bit and drill into the studs both sides of the

Decide on the best position and drill a size hole

dishwasher: Then drill a 2 inch (50 mm) wood

Then drill another hole the

Next mount the water filter itself and drill out

Drill out these holes

for a drill bit about half the diameter of the

after trying the first drill out

top most anchor and drill the hole being careful

Drill this hole

Now I’ve seen how they respond when the call is not a drill, and they did well by anyone’s standards

(when you drill a hole to get fresh water and the water floated at 100 Fahrenheit, very

Frank was in the middle of yet another drill with the pike

Sergeant Pain was berating Dick yet again, and they could talk a bit as long as they kept up the drill with their pikes

At first John looked the wrong way, but then he spotted Frank at the edge of the drill field

Out here on the drill field, John was as good as anyone else

The drill involved the student kneeling on the ground, sword in its scabbard, waiting for the blow to be dealt

company that manufactured drill bits

Trask unlocked his tool chest and took out a battery-powered drill, chucking a three thirty-seconds bit

He even sent forces to the bridge to begin cutting the defense walls with a laser drill

A hot white spark could be seen where the enemy was carving into the door with a laser drill

” Hayley picked up a large power drill and struck a pose

Hayley winked and rubbed her hand over the drill

drill bits with maxi-

is usually just a 3mm drill bit with a

“How do you think I sank that second ship? Drill holes through it with my penis?”

But once you are able to make that high leveled elemental drill and use it to bring that boss down, it will be all worth the effort

the mean and scary God they tried to drill in my head

There are some giant multi-national corporations that drill for oil or mine for rare metals and pollute the land

Your eyes drill though his glasses a little above eye level with you

«No one yet, this was just a drill,» said Peter

Don’t get me wrong—it would be way cool to drill six rounds of

„Anyone got a stick of dynamite? A pneumatic drill

You have to really drill down and igure out why this is happening

definitely not a drill

been on my last outing with a female that I had virtually forgotten the drill

`I know the drill

They had figured this out prior to the box’s arrival and had built a large square container, inside contained a sealed laser cutter, minute drill and sealed cell sniffer

They then measured to the micrometer the thickness of the lid and cut with the pinpoint laser, a micron size hole depth until 1 micron of gold lid remained, a sort of pilot hole, they then inserted the drill and through it centre the hair like sniffer and continued the last stage until the sniffer was now fully inside the box

He pulled the drill piece out and looked at me

You don’t need dynamite, all you need is a drill and voila — you have air

The air is there, they just have to drill small holes

I left the class and returned with a roasting pan, a drill and a big block of ice

34 bus, going over the Charles River when a harsh voice drilled into his ears from behind

The keyboard was a little wooden plank with some holes drilled in it and an optical fiber coming out

had it drilled into me to believe I would never be good

They were drilled ten hours a day in fighting techniques

Six months straight they drilled them, never letting up

had been drilled in exercises

The new ones were just drilled into plain lumber with grooves cut in the bottom for the fibers

He had four officers working for him, but he tended to be a little over enthusiastic about his job, and he constantly drilled and trained them like they were his personal army

This fact was drilled into us for the courts were very fair in those days (procedurally) and would act when needed

“Those are the kind of brutes we’re drilled to subdue

After we received our Golf Gti’s a rumour started that a small hole drilled in the inlet manifold (or something) would increase the air mixture of the fuel injection and thus more performance

But when she dropped Eddie Ralston»s name, Langdon, who must have been assessing the plausibility of what was being said, suddenly lurched forward and drilled Mia with a force ten glare

For emphasis I drilled another round just over his back

He turned the stick on its head and saw that a large-headed nail had been expertly drilled into the ground-most tip

Because there’s still large fields that haven’t even been drilled, much less taken real advantage of

The kids at school tormented me for spouting the “Christian convictions” my father had drilled into me (my brothers wisely kept their mouths shut), but when I sang, they admired me

drilled from the Atlantic ten years earlier

Finding the well that had been drilled for them was a

McGarrah found out that there was a Reserve JAG company that drilled in Jackson, 200 miles north, one weekend per month

drilled out that it is already clear

drilled for the bottom anchor

Here beside the door are several addresses carved into the stone, and this drilled sapphire slides up and down on its platinum rod, indicating which of the addresses is on the other side of the Plane door

For long moments his eyes drilled into the hills at midlevel

help his ears to hear even slight sounds, as his eyes drilled the night ahead of him

The next few weeks dragged by and Lorna thought that the time to depart was never going to arrive Two days before she was due to leave, Lorna drilled Sally in looking after the house and gave her a few hundred Rand with a promise of more on her return, provided that her house and garden were in good order

believe get mixed up with the things that were drilled into me,

workings of God had been relentlessly drilled into us throughout

He drilled them briefly in clock orientation and signals

He’d cut and drilled a new pipe for the hold-down, and transferred the old holes to the bottom of his chest

He went to the large line and drilled a hole below the tee

Barrad’s well drilled footwork carried him to safety, but the giant now seized the initiative and stormed forward in an attempt to finish the Su-Katii quickly

Should she be discovered, she decided to herself resolutely that she would make an attempt to throw the vial onto the crystal; in the past she had been constantly drilled by Zerch to plan every step of her actions and come up with backup plans as far as possible

case, with holes drilled on the speaker side for the sound

I was overtaken with a strange feeling, like someone drilled through my skull, to the core, and dug out my soul

The God they drilled in my head did not add up

I resisted the God they drilled in my head

and drilled in my head everywhere

But they had drilled their God into my skull

Moses was drilled in the art of statecraft

His brother always drilled in his head never to be caught slipping or with your pants down

It shows cowardice and Terry made sure he drilled in his sisters’ head that same thing his mother drilled in his: We Cottons ain’t soft

Every other member of staff had it drilled into them that when these alarms sounded they got out and double quick

The tousle-headed youth stared about him eagerly and curiously, noting the rows of barracks along the walls, the stables, the tiny merchants’ stalls, the towering blockhouse, and the other buildings, with the open square in the middle where the soldiers drilled, and where, now, fires danced and men off duty lounged

I then drilled a sizeable hole and requested our teacher to hold the paper towel over the hole

One of our mates went for a walk through the yard without us and within like 30 secs one of the other group drilled him with a couple of massive hits

Apparently they were drilled through and hit by objects from the manager’s office

With moves my brothers had drilled in to me on how to fight hard and dirty, I made sure I drew blood

may have a hole drilled into its skull or have its skull pried

The glass drones had determined that there was a shaft drilled straight through the center of the mountain to the caverns below

That point was quickly drilled into a German Bf-109 by young Tom Allen, who sent it crashing in flames into the sea after firing only three short bursts

“She was probably drilled not to

First heavy clevis bolts were drilled into the rear of the

fix these poles in place ‘U’ bolts were drilled into the rock

Nancy then drilled Draemel with her eyes

“The description of the world that has been drilled into you from birth is the one we’ll deal with

We would certainly be drilled by the

Those green eyes of her drilled into his eyes, nearly hypnotizing him

He paid for an experimental surgery that drilled holes in her head in order to drain the fluid or relieve the pressure on her nerves, but she still didn’t get her sight back

The sun drilled directly into the tops of skulls

It’s odd because it has only drilled in one location, at a shallow depth, but an extremely large diameter hole

from drilled posts in a boulder to a shaggy earthbank

We weren’t able to remove that one right now, but we drilled holes in an effort to relieve the pressure and drain some of the hemorrhage

The find of shells with holes drilled in them suggest that humans were adorning themselves with jewelry as long as 100 thousand years ago

And it is best drilled this way

other sounds in the phrase? Music of the language may be specially drilled with

Writing may be drilled as follows: look into the textbook you have used to drill reading,

We have actually drilled it through the whole life

And – well, the better you’ve drilled speaking, the better you will speak

When she spoke, it was with a melodious young voice, but her tone was firm and her eyes drilled into Whitehead’s eyes

His face, drilled by pain,

I’ve had it drilled into me

He followed as if they had drilled together for years

and drilled a hole through the loose end in which he inserted

it into the hole drilled into the candle

been marked near the bottom of the candle where he drilled

He wasn’t sure if they actually got home faster than they made it out, but the oversized cross drilled and slotted brakes were still smoking when she pulled into the driveway

Jeremiah drilled the holes deep, and packed them in a

of holes drilled in the top, presumably for ventilation

She wrapped her hand around the automated sampling gun, a new model with self-directing needle, and repeated the line drilled into her during medical training: taking blood was simple and nearly painless

Alan Day, a tall forward with a lethal left boot, drilled the ball

Small candles in iron holders drilled into the rock spilled meager illumination into the chamber, all the light needed for the more than three score vampires who filled the benches

The wells that have been drilled have yielded a number of discoveries

Obedience was characteristic for nearly all Germans; it was drilled

The task could be solved if we have sections of 2 or more spherically shaped bodies appearing on the hour and minute through openings drilled on the dial corresponding to the hours and minutes indications

representation of who you are” were caveats drilled into me as a little little girl that stay

They drilled into my mind, stilling the breath in my throat, freezing all thoughts

“James has already drilled me on this

The hunger and thirst in Ramadan help in causing rupture of relations between man and and Satan, and man’s spirit will be drilled on such favorable separation all during its day of which he feels no shame before his Provider at all

Liam drilled his fist into Darek’s chest

Windzer drilled the shaft of his scythe into the dirt

Every move was drilled into us so hard, we could do it in our sleep

“Well, in that case you’re going to need this,” John said, taking off his tennis shoes and opening a drilled hole in it and taking out the silver stake

of which can be drilled down and re-searched with other search terms

In the sun-flamed light drilled him

The bullets drilled into the back of the old ZAZ pick-up

Here the local militia drilled and passed in review

better than everybody else, because a child was constantly drilled that he or she is,

of the waxing moon are learning, drilling,

He pauses once more, his eyes virtually drilling holes in the deck he is gazing at it so emphatically

The news that night was not good and there would be a complete fire ban on the Sunday and that meant no outside drilling are welding or BBQ’s and absolutely no open fires at all

“How ’bout I drill the middle of the surface?” suggested Ky, “It’s safer than drilling near an edge

At this point his vision became so distorted he couldn’t make out what was happening to him, but the sound of drilling was unmistakable – and the stark realisation that he was in the presence of a sentient lifeform

the cafeteria reverberated around and across the room, bouncing off the walls and slowly drilling its

He needs to stop tinkering and allow some drilling, preferably in ANWR and the American gulf coast

Leading them all was our RSM looking splendid with his medals and short drilling stick

We fatherly assailed the Police Band after the funeral for they made the severe mistake of questioning our drilling capabilities which we saw as a mortal insult

Our skills in driving fast and kicking the (you know what) out of criminals and terrorists grew at a rapid pace but the drilling suffered at the same rate

when I’m drilling holes through the wall

It’s my favorite camping tool, and you can make it yourself by gluing some parts of aluminum cans together and drilling some holes

Popping shots, drilling the table clean

A good part of their time over the next two weeks was spent drilling the two little girls and their mother in a series of English phrases and reminding the children that they must avoid speaking Polish whenever strangers, especially policemen or soldiers, were present

‘Why are they doing that?’ asked Russell, as the insects started drilling in yet another position

Ft worth were not contaminated by nearby gas drilling , as the EPA has maintained and has instructed

leases affected by the Department of Interior»s drilling moratorium for an additional twelve months

Serendipitously it would seem, additional information came to his attention from other oil-well drilling test cores in the Gulf of Mexico further narrowing a beginning investigation

The fear is that the environmentalists will use this as another reason to stop drilling for oil in Alaska

refineries and drilling for oil but the Department of Energy has the responsibility of developing plans

plants and oil refineries and curtailed oil drilling this department is partially responsible

When the gulf oil spill occurred the Interior Department was involved in stopping the drilling so it is also involved

And when you consider the lack of action in constructing power plants and oil drilling, it seems logical

A bill was passed by the Republican Congress in 1995 to permit drilling for oil and gas but President

Presidential executive orders issued by the President George Bush (41) exist to stop offshore drilling on

However, that bill permitted drilling 100 miles off the coast or between 50 and 100 miles if

Thus, drilling within 50 miles of the coast was prohibited and that is where the oil companies have explored

A Bush plan for drilling was to begin in 2010 but Ken Salazar stopped that

That effectively stops any drilling for another several years

The Department of the Interior has placed a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf

Drilling, mining, logging and such activates

research drilling information and production

production, producing well operations, drilling

contaminated by nearby gas drilling , as the EPA has maintained and has instructed Range Resources to continue to operate the wells as they continue to fight the EPA in federal court to overturn their ruling

The Environmental Protection Agency is the main problem in our not having nuclear power plants, oil refineries and drilling for oil but the Department of Energy has the responsibility of developing plans and objectives for energy production in our country

Since we have stopped building nuclear power plants and oil refineries and curtailed oil drilling this department is partially responsible

If so, and when you consider the lack of action in constructing power plants and oil drilling, it seems logical than the Department of Energy is not doing anything that helps us

We should open up the barren wasteland of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and our own offshore waters to oil and natural gas drilling

Presidential executive orders issued by the President George Bush (41) existed to stop offshore drilling on our Outer Continental Shelf until 2012

A bill was passed by the Republican Congress in 1995 to permit drilling for oil and gas but President Clinton vetoed it

We can not get a bill through the Senate that permits drilling for oil in Alaska

In 2008 the Democratic Congress passed a bill permitting drilling for oil and claimed they had solved the problem

However, that bill permitted drilling 100 miles off the coast or between 50 and 100 miles if adjacent states permitted

President Obama revealed a plan to open more acreage to exploratory oil and gas drilling but the plan creates reduces more acreage than it adds

Then there would have to be seismic surveys and federal air permits obtained before drilling could start

Trent Franks (AZ-R), said, ― the ironic reality is that the administration‘s new policy actually closes more offshore drilling sites than it opens

To add to the problem the moratorium issued due to the Gulf oil spill has also stopped drilling in Alaska

Royal Dutch Shell was awaiting Interior Department approval to start drilling five offshore wells this year but the moratorium will move that into 2011 because of the winter weather

The only real decisive measure taken by Obama was to issue a moratorium that stopped all drilling – everywhere — claiming that the action was taken after having reviewed a study from seven experts on oil drilling

«The decision to impose a temporary moratorium on deep-water drilling was made by the secretary, following consultation with colleagues including the White House

We know that 23,000 high paying jobs were lost during that time and we don‘t yet know how many drilling rigs were moved to other locations

We also don‘t know yet the effects of the new rules placed on drilling by the Interior Department but those rules will not facilitate oil drilling

He has ―not succumbed‖ and no drilling has been approved as of February 18, 2011 and so Judge martin Feldman has ordered the Obama administration to grant a set of five permits for deepwater drilling in the Gulf within thirty days

The idled 33 drilling rigs have been operating for years without safety problems and the new rules are just another opportunity for the government to reduce our oil output

Obama reversed or scaled back nearly every major offshore oil opportunity that has come about since the price spike of 2008 – effectively reimposing a moratorium on drilling off the coasts

One of those new taxes has existed since 1926 and permits a percentage depletion allowance and the other has existed since 1913 and permits deductions for intangible drilling costs

These two deductions recognize the costs incurred by companies in drilling and mining

The government has interfered with drilling for oil and has stopped previously approved leases

He government has stopped oil drilling in the Gulf

In that same chapter it is reported that drilling sites in Alaska were stopped and, of course, Anwar is still off limits in Alaska

Also in Alaska the approved drilling in NPR-A was stopped

With the Endangered Species Act rescinded and the Environmental Protection Agency abolished that should allow the states to allow logging, drilling for oil, mining coal, mining shale for oil, constructing nuclear power plants and oil refineries and fixing our energy problems

They had been holding the drilling platform that

of this place a four-way riser after drilling out

drilling his squad watched their movements

Moshe suddenly felt the commander’s eyes drilling into him

He was drilling in Dulce, New Mexico, when he supposedly uncovered a massive underground lair where aliens were conducting experiments

‘liberals’ [Or is it ‘liberal’-socialists?] attack proponents of capitalistic successes and programs by hurling all manner of class-envy invectives at Capitalism: “It helps the rich; it ignores the poor and the homeless!” This and variations on the theme are their constant thrust, whether it is against tax reduction, ‘protection’ of forests, environmentalist antagonism against oil drilling, opposing nuclear reactors, or support of programs to improve the welfare infrastructure of the country in order to obtain their objectives of influence and power

There was nothing better to do than watch regiment 114, endlessly drilling

That company developed lasers long before anyone else was even thinking about the technology of drilling and cutting with light

Fortunately the exchange of personnel had happened before more Special Forces soldiers appeared—who were now drilling futilely into the defense walls

The banging and drilling was louder than ever now

were drilling in my head on television or in the church

kept drilling it in my head that he was the God of Fear

“Heavy handed much there hombre,” he tries to rub out the sting from the blow, “I guess you’ve gotta be to deal with this cunt, right?” He is clutching his arm to his side, his stare drilling into your glasses

The nuke plant stock you bought for almost nothing is still doing well, the genetics engineering company is kicking ass, and you bought some off-shore oil drilling companies when oil was down to eight bucks a barrel

A minute or so later, she hears buzzing noises and in the dark hole in reality above her, a few pinholes of light grow and coalesce into a single image—a spider-like digger robot drilling its way through from the opposite side that the colonel just exited, rebuilding the collapsed tunnel

―And drilling for water,‖ another added

expected to start their drilling

sub-categories within categories before drilling down to pages within that

for sub-categories within categories before drilling down to pages within that

The drilling and inserting took around 8 hours they all expected the sniffer to be rooting around finding cells amongst the decaying 2500 year old teeth for hours

Choral drilling can be quite a lot of fun, and it can make some bits of language more memorable

He has classes of over twenty thousand (20,000 that’s right!) and uses choral drilling as part of his method – getting his students to shout phrases out loud

He has classes of over twenty thousand (20,000 that’s right!) and uses choral drilling as part of his method — getting his students to shout phrases out loud

The convoy you are using for cover includes drilling equipment and pipeline materials they will need to exploit the pocket

around with a little booklet that was a minefield of information about drilling

Perhaps the boss didn’t consider what the drilling and refining of oil was doing to the environment

dust in the air and an unbearable heat that was drilling down on his shoulder

She wasn’t as drilling as Lezura, but she got the job done nonetheless

In 1982, Englishman William Hall committed suicide by drilling holes into his head with a power drill – it took eight holes

Yet, I made it through the drilling, filling and billing as a child

There were seemingly endless drills on the forms of gestures and

I actually came to look at those twist drills George put out last month

The emptiness of it all drills down into Billy’s marrow

scared freshman (several of whom wouldn’t be back tomorrow) with bunting drills

It was during those monotonous drills that Roman walked in

Our drills continued, and then there was a walk-through of our bunt

The many faces of Heron’s disinterest and displeasure would prevail until the lessons ended and he could look forward to joining his father and eldest sister in combat drills just outside the town walls

The small collection of soldiers present for training gave her a few intrigued glances, but returned to their drills as she disappeared through the first door she found facing the courtyard

Homer quickly learned that real fighting was nothing like his father’s drills

He showed me drills and bits that made the precise holes needed in wood

“In the drills, we were always told to go straight to the storm shelter and stay there

Before the estimated nuclear strike, predictions for these complexes (this was only one of many hundreds being burrowed by automated drills throughout the world) ranged between twenty square kilometres to as much as fifty

Use it as an aid to train your slave to perform slave positions and position drills

Her oral drills on the rules of verb formation and grammar were a highly effective form of brainwashing

Quarters: living space of the crew; assembling of all hands at designated stations for muster, drills and inspections

Frank was very glad for all the drills he had had back in his time

A vice president said, “Well, sir, we’re looking at new shapes and sizes for our drills

The drills we did repeatedly together with Annah at the


There were always battle station drills, but in November of 1963 we had our first battle station announcement that was not a drill

philosophies or running practice drills

Drills are closely related to Mandrills and Baboons,

Drills have a scent gland on their sternum which they

Drills can live up to 30 years

Drills in the wild may number as few as 4000 but probably no

He used to play volleyball with her at the beach, practice drills and shots

with set abilities, but through drills and practice mixed

He couldn’t help but admire the men who sank the shaft using only hand drills and gunpowder

Do the “fetching” drills with a list and with a recording

in a bus or on a train, I doubt that you will do the wardrobe drills

“The Chief will then take charge and carry out the drills he has practised with the squad, but this

Those soldiers were busy at the time practicing their battle drills and musket loading

endmills or twist drills)

drills, changes of vectors while under way, reverse polarization procedures and

arms and combat training interspersed with space and battle drills

Rote drills, boredom, a constant authoritarian presence looking over his shoulder — all of it a carefully choreographed act to make him want to become the star of the arena

Ministries were everywhere, but they were meaningless drills that covered up sin

Monday morning the company drills intensified

They wanted our drills razor sharp

With that done, the RSM ran us through the drills we practiced to put on a show for the audience

tia drills when a comrade handed him the paper

Boat and fire drills were carried out on all the ships I served on

RR&L said we’d need some special drills and some tools but he knew where to get them and we can rent them and this will take a week, two at the most

difference between them in drills so that you can improve these

In return he would supervise Paddy Cronin, Andre and the other boys in the use of his drills

He would prepare the drills and then Paddy, Andre and other of the boys would drill downward into the stone

He never did explain why you had to hold drills and electric sanders in the

It helped him focus, whether during sword-training drills, working on his footwork, or any of the other mundane chores his uncle had insisted he perform as part of his training

“Highness she is doing drills by the waterfall,” the Yogini answered, falling to

The Kinnaras started neighing ensemble and more squads rallied to this call; far-flung ones breaking through with archaic mortars and drills

composed of mostly shooting and passing drills

unfun rules and drills all day long; and it’s not the stupid blood-n-

A flea drills into the skin it lives on for its sustenance; just as we drill into the living skin of the Earth for water and oil

customs and security with their power drills and saws, etc

Twice a week for four months the guy had run her through small weapons training drills

drills before class starts

Quaid grew up in the generation that hid under its school desks in atom bomb drills

After all the drills and all the false stories about hidden bombs to which he’d responded, this situation was becoming more and more like the real thing to him

Problem: The drills weren’t designed for construction projects

You do have two drills, but you’d still only get 3 holes done before needing to recharge

We’re sort of like that with our children, bringing them private lessons and participation medals and beauty pageant tiaras as if we suspect they don’t have the ability to succeed at stuff without our forcing them into repetitive drills and buying expensive costumes and spending long weekends at competitions and pageants

Turning up the cuffs of his dress-coat—he had placed his overcoat on a chair—Holmes laid out two drills, a jemmy, and several skeleton keys

the seed sown in drills, and all the rest of it—it was all splendid if only the work had been done for themselves, or for themselves and comrades —people in sympathy with them

And what about real estate? It used to be that from eight to eight the whole city was musique concrète: drills jackhammers belt-sanders electric saws and the pizzicato plink of hammer on nail

People who sent her Christmas cards were running their hands over her drills and disc rippers, all those curvy, twisty shapes, grudgingly offering half what anything was worth

When he wasn’t doing paramilitary drills, Hugo was attached to a farm detail, where he worked among prickly pineapple plants, weeding and harvesting in the broiling heat of the Hawaiian sun

But I stay calm until my head is locked into the stereotactic frame and the doctors position their bone drills next to the injection sites

He had been in the cellar of a naval academy with five hundred men running drills above his head

That means that McDuff first settles on a big global trend or theme and then drills down into what he thinks is the best investment according to his thesis

He then drills into sectors charts

After a few more drills, they closed ranks and faced the park exit

Perhaps some Latin drills, as well

This would alert investors to the possibility of Exxon seeing higher maintenance Capex to improve drills and other machinery in the near future

5 drills deeper into the apparent overpricing of high-volatility stocks), whereas low-beta stocks tend to be stable, dull stocks with a value bias

In another recent study, Phalippou drills into PE funds’ salient and less salient fees and costs and discusses various ambiguities in performance reporting (e

• After an overview, this chapter drills into each path and also contains essays on related topics such as rebalancing and diversification return, looking beyond the Sharpe ratio, and time diversification

Lynch explains that the real benefit of two-minute drills is that they make you know your companies

«Were there any drills or any inspection before the Titanic sailed?» he was asked

A sailor takes a fancy to wear shark-bone ear-rings: the carpenter drills his ears

The herd of improved cows such as Pava, the whole land ploughed over and enriched, the nine level fields surrounded with hedges, the two hundred and forty acres heavily manured, the seed sown in drills, and all the rest of it—it was all splendid if only the work had been done for themselves, or for themselves and comrades —people in sympathy with them

It must often occur to one who sees conscriptions, drills, and military manœuvers taking place, who sees police going about with loaded revolvers, sentinels armed with bayonets,—to one who hears from morning till night, as I do (in the district of Hamovniky,[28] where I live), the whirring balls and the concussion as they strike the target,—to ask why these things are tolerated

) Why do kindly men and women, who can have no manner of interest in war, go into ecstasies over the exploits of a man like Skobelev? Why do men who are under no obligation to do it, and who receive no pay for it, like Marshals of Nobility in Russia, devote months to the service which demands such unremitting labor, wearying to the minds as well as to the body,—the enlistment of recruits? Why do all emperors and kings wear a military dress, why do they have drills and parades and military rewards? Why are monuments built to generals and conquerors? Why do wealthy and independent men regard it as an honor to occupy the position of lackeys to kings, to flatter them and feign a belief in their special superiority? Why do men who have long since ceased to believe in the medieval superstitions of the Church still constantly and solemnly pretend to do so, and thus support a sacrilegious and demoralizing institution? Why is the ignorance of the people so zealously preserved, not only by the government, but by men of the higher classes? Why do they so energetically denounce every attempt to overthrow popular superstition and to promote popular education? Why do historians, novelists, and poets, who can derive no benefit in exchange for their flattery, paint in such glowing colors the emperors, kings, and generals of bygone times? Why do the so-called scientists devote their lives to formulate theories that violence committed on the people by power is legitimate violence—is right?

Often when one sees conscription levies, military drills and maneuvers, police officers with loaded revolvers, and sentinels at their posts with bayonets on their rifles; when one hears for whole days at a time (as I hear it in Hamovniky where I live) the whistle of balls and the dull thud as they fall in the sand; when one sees in the midst of a town where any effort at violence in self-defense is forbidden, where the sale of powder and of chemicals, where furious driving and practicing as a doctor without a diploma, and so on, are not allowed, thousands of disciplined troops, trained to murder, and subject to one man’s will; one asks oneself how can people who prize their security quietly allow it, and put up with it? Apart from the immorality and evil effects of it, nothing can possibly be more unsafe

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