The word drama in a sentence

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I love both comedy and drama.

Мне нравится как комедия, так и драма.

And that could be drama or comedy.

Но это может быть и драма, и комедия.

And then drama is another one.

She clearly has a tendency for drama.

У тебя, очевидно, есть склонность к драматургии.

Her complex stories combine intrigue and suspense with engrossing family drama.

Ее сложные психологические истории объединяют в себе интригу и напряжение с увлекательной семейной драмой.

I thought he was great in this drama.

Я думаю, что она хорошо поработала в этой драме.

I’d love to act in a historical drama.

Денис: Я бы с удовольствием сыграл в какой-нибудь исторической драме.

That being that all drama is conflict.

Исходя из вышесказанного, можно сказать, что драма — это и конфликт.

The reminded us that we humans are addicted to drama and fear.

Они напомнили нам, что мы — человеки — пристрастны к драме и страху.

The writing provides a good balance between drama and humor.

К тому же, картина очень хорошо держит баланс между драмой и юмором.

This day-to-day drama has produced tension, but also triumphs.

Эта повседневная драма вызывает напряженность, но в то же время дает определенные положительные результаты.

Police believe incident was a «family drama«.

Полиция предполагает, что инцидент мог произойти в результате «семейной драмы«.

Nor is it a classic drama.

И он совсем не похож на классическую драму.

Another problem is that friend drama spillover gets in the way of effective organizing.

Ещё одной проблемой является то, что побочные эффекты драм между друзьями становятся на пути эффективной орг-работы.

Pastors, please spare us your drama.

Пасторы, пожалуйста, избавьте нас от своих драм.

Actually, no drama, period.

На самом деле, никакой драмы, и точка.

I thought you said no more drama.

Я думал, ты сказала, что больше драм не будет.

My concern is keeping drama out of the firehouse.

Я беспокоюсь о том, чтобы в этой части не было драмы.

They want the drama, plus…

Им нужна драма, и к тому же…

Acting in comedies is more difficult than doing drama.

«Сниматься в комедии вообще намного труднее, чем в драме.

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Synonym: dramatic event, dramatic play, play. Similar words: dramatic, dramatically, as a man, damage, frame, rampage, grammar, program. Meaning: [‘drɑːmə]  n. 1. a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage 2. an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional 3. the literary genre of works intended for the theater 4. the quality of being arresting or highly emotional. 

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1. She had an audition for drama school.

2. It was good drama, but historically inaccurate.

3. Millions follow this hospital drama twice a week.

4. A new hit drama will be stagged next week.

5. He has written a historical drama.

6. He lectured on modern drama.

7. Her life was full of drama.

8. She entertained the children with stories, songs and drama.

9. She has been acclaimed for the TV drama «Prime Suspect».

10. The school encourages free expression in art, drama and creative writing.

11. He plays a Russian spy in the comedy drama ‘Sleepers’.

12. Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.

13. Last year, the programme scooped the Best Drama award.

14. We ought to start up a drama group.

15. It is drama featuring fictional characters.

16. This is a drama that does not play well.

17. He went to drama school on a scholarship.

18. It was a courtroom drama set in the 1960s.

19. We discovered a mutual interest in drama.

20. The biggest makeover has been in TV drama.

21. After leaving drama school I joined a repertory company.

22. He acted his part very well in the French drama.

23. The company was striking out in new directions in the field of drama.

24. A storm — tossed ship was painted on the backdrop for the first act of the modern drama named Pirate.

25. The show was a wonderful amalgam of dance, music and drama.

26. Life is like a theatre. Everyone is the protagonist of its own drama.

26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

27. «Kathleen» was, as its 1892 subtitle asserted, «An Irish Drama«.

28. He feels that there is not enough stress on drama at the school.

29. The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English drama.

30. Our English course is divided into modules on poetry, drama, and novels.

More similar words: dramatic, dramatically, as a man, damage, frame, rampage, grammar, program, alma mater, a matter of, scramble, framework, draw, drag, drain, draft, programming, draw up, draw out, drawer, draw on, draw in, drag on, drag in, as a matter of fact, drawing, draw back, withdraw, withdrawal, carbohydrate.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word drama, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use drama in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «drama».

Drama in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word drama in a sentence.

  1. Russell’s drama film The Fighter.

  2. He received a drama degree in 1989.

  3. The period drama met with poor reviews.

  4. Jane Campion’s psychological drama Holy Smoke!

  5. EST, temporarily replacing the legal drama L.A.

  6. Chandor-directed crime drama A Most Violent Year.

  7. It was his first experience directing a TV drama.

  8. Tolstoy dedicated his Don Juan drama to Mozart and E.

  9. Winslet studied drama at the Redroofs Theatre School.

  10. Rohani classified the genre of the show as comedy drama.

  11. In short, Quatermass II was the perfect cold-war drama.».

  12. Mil Gaya (2003) and the romantic drama Veer-Zaara (2004).

  13. In the radio drama adaption of the original trilogy, Jabba is played by Ed Asner.

  14. She also produced and starred in the HBO period drama series The Deuce (2017–19).

  15. She also had a guest role in a 1993 episode of the medical drama series Casualty.

  16. Responses to Hoult’s next film, the romance drama Newness, were more enthusiastic.

  17. The hospital drama Casualty, formerly filmed in Bristol, moved to Cardiff in 2012.

  18. The opening soliloquy of Richard III has its roots in the self-declaration of Vice in medieval drama.

  19. The following year Olivier appeared alongside Vivien Leigh in the historical drama Fire Over England.

  20. The romantic drama Break of Hearts (1935) with Charles Boyer was poorly reviewed and also lost money.

  21. He received praise for his performance as a basketball coach in the sports drama The Way Back (2020).

  22. Thomas Todd Manning is a fictional character from the American daytime drama One Life to Live (OLTL).

  23. Ranaut later played the eponymous lead in the musical drama Rajjo, a critical and commercial failure.

  24. In the same year, Bana starred in a British drama, The Forgiven, playing the murderer Piet Blomfield.

  25. In January 1978, Kerry arrived at Indiana University, studying theatre, drama and telecommunications.

  26. They considered several options, including a family drama, before deciding on the idea of Dark Angel.

  27. Also in 2002, he played a man involved in a love triangle in the romantic drama Bending All the Rules.

  28. Early in 1919 his role changed again, when he was made junior drama critic under the direction of C.E.

  29. A fourth film with Tracy came in 1947: a drama set in the American Old West entitled The Sea of Grass.

  30. In 2013, TV Guide ranked The Wire as the fifth greatest drama and the sixth greatest show of all time.

  31. Pierce wrote that the network was «pinning its hopes on the new sitcom» along with the drama Platinum.

  32. Other reviewers agreed that the score contained passages of great beauty, but was ineffective as drama.

  33. Fr Aidan Troy, head of the board of governors of the school, expressed concern that the drama could reignite the problem.

  34. Changeling is a 2008 American mystery crime drama film directed, produced, and scored by Clint Eastwood and written by J.

  35. He wrote them in a stylised language that does not always spring naturally from the needs of the characters or the drama.

  36. In 2016, Dunst co-starred in Jeff Nichols’ science fiction drama Midnight Special with Michael Shannon and Joel Edgerton.

  37. In Nerkonda Paarvai, a remake of the courtroom drama Pink (2016), she briefly played the wife of Ajith Kumar’s character.

  38. After attending a drama school in London, Olivier learned his craft in a succession of acting jobs during the late 1920s.

  39. The following year, he appeared in the legal drama Sleepers (1996), based on Lorenzo Carcaterra’s novel of the same name.

  40. Detective Michael Tritter is a recurring fictional character in the medical drama series House, portrayed by David Morse.

  41. He began his career in the sketch comedy series Full Frontal before gaining notice in the comedy drama The Castle (1997).

  42. Pradeep Sarkar’s drama Lafangey Parindey (2010) starred Padukone as a blind girl determined to win a skating competition.

  43. In 1954, Cooper appeared in Henry Hathaway’s Western drama Garden of Evil, with Susan Hayward, about three soldiers of fortune in Mexico hired to rescue a woman’s husband.

  44. Entertainment Weekly’s Kate Ward wrote that the episode had «all the drama with plenty of pitch-perfect comedy», citing scenes between Marc and his boyfriend Cliff St.

  45. She took on smaller parts where she played the love-interest of Ajay Devgn in the action film Singham Returns (2014) and Salman Khan in the drama Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015).

  46. The Rhinemaidens are the only prominent characters seen definitely alive at the end of the drama; the fates of a few others are ambiguous, but most have certainly perished.

  47. Hawke’s next role was in the Generation X drama Reality Bites (1994), in which he played Troy, a slacker who mocks the ambitions of his girlfriend (played by Winona Ryder).

Synonyms for drama

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word drama has the following synonyms: dramatic event, , play and dramatic play.

General information about «drama» example sentences

The example sentences for the word drama that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «drama» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «drama».

drama — перевод на русский


/Drama in four parts by/ /Hanns Kruly and Emil Rameau

Глаза мумии Ма Драма в четырех частях по сценарию Ганса Кроли и Эмиля Рамо

The Drama by Jerzy Górski

Драма Ежи Гурского

The play that follows is neither comedy nor drama.

Последующая пьеса – ни комедия, ни драма.

This is a serious play, a realistic drama…

…это серьёзная пьеса, реалистическая драма.

The curtain had fallen on the Polish drama:

Польская драма закончилась, занавес опустился.

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Fourthly, I don’t love you, therefore there will be no jealousy, drama, complications.

В-четвертых, я не люблю тебя, поэтому не будет ревности, трагедии, осложнений.

And now, here are the first pictures of the family drama

А теперь мы имеем возможность показать вам место трагедии.

Worthy of a Greek drama!

Достойная древнегреческой трагедии.

Don’t make a drama just because someone you know cuts off.

Не делай трагедии из-за того, что кто-то, с кем ты знакома, сбежал.

Mama drama’s got to go 17

Пора забыть о маминой трагедии

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But just a heads up, there might be some… some drama with my parents, tonight.

Возможно, у меня тоже будут сегодня проблемы с родителями.

Family drama, Doesn’t want to burden me-— the same old story.

Проблемы с семьей, не хочешь впутывать меня… все та же история.

No, I don’t like the drama that goes with them.

Нет, мне не нравятся проблемы, которые они приносят. Это точно!

Girls and drama.

— Девочки и проблемы.

Girls in L.A. love their drama, don’t they?

— Да. Девочки в ЛА обожают свои проблемы, не так ли?

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Play it for drama and suspense.

Упирай на драматический эффект, используй все наши возможности.

Miss Harper told Daddy I was the best drama student at Riverdale High.

Мисс Харпер сказала отцу, что я самый лучший драматический актер в Ривердейле.

Drama actor.


Drama classes, a new life.

Драматический класс, театр, новая жизнь.

Drama Club, anyone?

Драматический кружок здесь.

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I’m not a drama critic.

Я — не театральный критик.

Oh, good, because I’m in drama club, and I really want…

О, здорово, потому что я хожу в театральный кружок и я, правда…

Try the drama department.

Попробуйте театральный факультет.

You’ve got to get it through Drama Club.

Должен одобрить театральный совет

Well, don’t worry about the Drama Club. I’ll work it out.

Ну, не волнуйся, театральный совет я беру на себя

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Listen, let’s not turn this into a drama.

Послушай, не надо драматизировать.

Leave out the drama or I’ll start crying.

Перестань драматизировать, а не то я заплачу.

You drama queen, as if you’re the only one with problems.

Почему все нужно драматизировать? Только у тебя проблемы?

Stop being such a drama queen and be reasonable.

Ну не надо так драматизировать! Давай будем разумными Мне очень жаль, ладно?

Stop being such a drama queen!

Хватит драматизировать!

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It’s too much drama, right?

Слишком драматично, правда?

It’s too much drama.

С ними все слишком драматично.

There was plenty of drama.

О, все было драматично.

As if it wasn’t enough drama in a contestant reaching the final question,

Словно то, как игрок добрался до последнего вопроса, было недостаточно драматично,

You can see one going… what appears to be right through the other… and there’s a lot of drama in the way galaxies evolve… and the way they interact with one another.

галактика ARP148 Момент, в котором две галактики взаимодействуют довольно драматично.

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That’s night time drama.

А это уже вечерний сериал.

Why don’t you just watch TV drama instead?

«Почему бы тебе просто сериал не посмотреть?»

It’s one scene in one episode of a middling NBC drama.

Простая сцена, обычная серия, проходной сериал на Эн-Би-Си.

Thank you for drama.

Спасибо за сериал.

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I can fight my own battles. What he delivers, Jill, to my mind, is quality drama.

Его работы, Джил, покоряют меня уровнем драматизма.

— Don’t be such a drama queen.

— Не надо столько драматизма.

Yeah, way too much drama.

Ага, столько драматизма.

We’ll always be deprived of the real dramas.

Мы всегда будем лишены подлинного драматизма.

Is there less drama this time?

Не отвечай. В этот раз меньше драматизма?

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So drama is the best medicine…

Итак, театр оказался лучшим лекарством…

Today, the theater inaugurates a new drama.

Сегодня театр меняет декорации.

— Are you interested in drama?

Интересен театр?

-You’re not going to school and you want to go to drama class?

— Ты ни в школу не ходишь. Из кружка кулинаров ушла, а теперь ещё и в театр захотела?

We both love drama.

Мы обе любим театр.

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Отправить комментарий

драма, драматургия


- драма (пьеса)
- (обыкн. the drama) драматургия, драматическая литература, драма

to succeed in the drama — преуспеть в области драматургии
the masterpieces of French drama — шедевры французской драматургии /-ого театра/

- драматическое событие, драма

drama of ideas — драма идей (об истории научных открытий и т. п.)
fraught with drama — наполненный драматическими событиями
to make a drama out of a trivial incident — драматизировать пустячное событие, раздувать значение банального происшествия

- эффект, нечто броское, эффектное

her mourning was just for drama — она носила траур только ради эффекта

Мои примеры


a drama with a lachrymose hero — драма с плаксивым героем  
a drama enacted on a darkened stage — драма, поставленная на затемнённой сцене  
the deeply emotional charge of the drama — огромная эмоциональная энергия драмы  
epic drama — эпическая трагедия  
drama festival — театральный фестиваль  
classic drama — классическая пьеса  
comedy drama — комедия положений; трагикомедия  
cup-and-saucer drama — пьеса с чаепитием; салонная комедия; салонная пьеса  
documentary drama — инсценировка на документальной основе; документальная драма; мини-драма  
drama-lover — театрал  
leg drama — кордебалет  
legitimate drama — пьеса всеми признанного достоинства; драматический театр; настоящий театр  

Примеры с переводом

I prefer drama to comedy.

Я предпочитаю драму комедии.

The new drama plays for three hours.

Новая драма идёт три часа.

John started off in heavy drama.

Джон начинал с трагедии.

She studied drama in college.

Она изучала актёрское мастерство в колледже.

Maggie’s life is always full of drama.

Жизнь Мэгги всегда полна драматизма.

His presence rays life into every part of the drama.

Его присутствие вселяет жизнь в каждый эпизод драмы.

There’s J.B. Priestley’s classic drama showing at the Garrick Theatre.

В театре «Гаррик» идет классическая драма Джона Бойтона Пристли.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Jacobean drama

Elizabethan drama

The drama has some comic moments.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): drama
мн. ч.(plural): dramas

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