The word downtown the city centre in ny

Downtown is a term primarily used in North America by English speakers to refer to a city’s sometimes commercial, cultural and often the historical, political and geographic heart. It is often synonymous with its central business district (CBD). Downtowns typically contain a small percentage of a city’s employment. [2][3] In some metropolitan areas it is marked by a cluster of tall buildings, cultural institutions and the convergence of rail transit and bus lines.[4] In British English, the term «city centre» is most often used instead.

Midtown Manhattan in New York City is the largest residential and central business district in the United States.[1]



The Oxford English Dictionary’s first citation for «down town» or «downtown» dates to 1770, in reference to the center of Boston.[5] Some have posited that the term «downtown» was coined in New York City, where it was in use by the 1830s to refer to the original town at the southern tip of the island of Manhattan.[6] As the town of New York grew into a city, the only direction it could grow on the island was toward the north, proceeding upriver from the original settlement, the «up» and «down» terminology coming from the customary map design in which up was north and down was south.[6] Thus, anything north of the original town became known as «uptown» (Upper Manhattan), and was generally a residential area, while the original town – which was also New York’s only major center of business at the time – became known as «downtown» (Lower Manhattan).[6]

During the late 19th century, the term was gradually adopted by cities across the United States and Canada to refer to the historical core of the city, which was most often the same as the commercial heart of the city. «Uptown» also spread, but to a much lesser extent. In both cases, though, the directionality of both words was lost, so that a Bostonian might refer to going «downtown», even though it was north of where they were.[7]

Downtown lay to the south in Detroit, but to the north in Cleveland, to the east in St. Louis, and to the west in Pittsburgh. In Boston, a resident pointed out in 1880, downtown was in the center of the city. Uptown was north of downtown in Cincinnati, but south of downtown in New Orleans and San Francisco.[7]

Notably, «downtown» was not included in dictionaries as late as the 1880s.[8] But by the early 1900s, «downtown» was clearly established as the proper term in American English for a city’s central business district, although the word was virtually unknown in Britain and Western Europe, where expressions such as «city centre» (British English), «el centro» (Spanish), «das Zentrum» (German), etc are used. Even as late as the early part of the 20th century, English travel writers felt it necessary to explain to their readers what «downtown» meant.[8]

Although American downtowns lacked legally-defined boundaries, and were often parts of several of the wards that most cities used as their basic functional district, locating the downtown area was not difficult, as it was the place where all the street railways and elevated railways converged, and – at least in most places – where the railroad terminals were. It was the location of the great department stores and hotels, as well as that of theaters, clubs, cabarets, and dance halls, and where skyscrapers were built once that technology was perfected. It was also frequently, at first, the only part of a city that was electrified. It was also the place where street congestion was the worst, a problem for which a solution was never really found.[9]

But most of all, downtown was the place where the city did its business. Inside its small precincts, sometimes as small as several hundred acres, the majority of the trading, selling, and purchasing – retail and wholesale – in the entire area would take place. There were hubs of business in other places around the city and its environs, but the downtown area was the chief one, truly the central business district. And as more and more business was done downtown, those who had their homes there were gradually pushed out, selling their property and moving to quieter residential areas uptown.[10]


The skyscraper would become the hallmark of the downtown area. Prior to the invention of the elevator – and later the high-speed elevator – buildings were limited in height to about six stories, which was a de facto limit set by the amount of stairs it was assumed that people would climb, but with the elevator, that limit was shattered, and buildings began to be constructed up to about sixteen stories. What limited them then was the thickness of the masonry needed at the base to hold the weight of the building above it. As the buildings got taller, the thickness of the masonry and the space needed for elevators did not allow for sufficient rentable space to make the building profitable. What shattered that restriction was the invention of first the iron- and then the steel frame building, in which the building’s load was carried by an internal metal frame skeleton, which the masonry – and later glass – simply hung off of without carrying any weight.[11]

Although first used in Chicago, the steel-framed skyscraper caught on most quickly in New York City in the 1880s, and from there spread to most other American cities in the 1890s and 1900s. The apparent lack of a height limitation of this type of building set off a fervent debate over whether their height should be restricted by law, with proponents and opponents of height limits bringing out numerous arguments in favor of their position. The question of height limits also had a profound implication for the nature of downtown itself: would it continue to be a concentrated core, or as it grew, would height limits force it to spread out into a larger area.[11] In the short run, the proponents of height limits were successful in their efforts. By the 1910s, most of the largest and medium-sized cities had height limits in effect, with New York – despite several concerted efforts to enact them – Philadelphia, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Minneapolis being notable holdouts.[12]


Ultimately, though, it would not be height limits per se that restricted skyscrapers, but comprehensive zoning laws which would set up separate requirements for different parts of a city, and would regulate not only height, but also a building’s volume, the percentage of the lot used, and the amount of light the building blocked, and would also encourage setbacks to reduce a building’s bulk by allowing additional height per foot of setback – the exact amount depending on what zone the building was in. New York City was the first to do this, with the 1916 Zoning Resolution, which was prompted in good part by the construction of the Equitable Building in 1915, a 40-story building with straight sides and no setbacks, which raised fears of the downtown area becoming a maze of dark streets that never saw the sun. What was worse, at least to real estate interests, the building dumped 1.2 million square feet (111,000 m2) of office space on what was a sluggish real estate market. To many in the real estate industry, the zoning law was an example of a «reasonable restriction.»[13]

Once New York had passed its law, other cities followed, although proposed zoning measures did meet stiff resistance in some places, often because of the inclusion of overly restrictive height limits, and sometimes because the entire concept of zoning was seen as undemocratic and bordering on socialism.[14] Eventually, a model law, the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act of 1922 was drawn up for the guidance of cities wishing to enact zoning regulations, which are now part of virtually every American city.

Central business districtEdit

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the downtown area was the business district of the American city, but beginning around the 1920s and 1930s, as cities continued to grow in size and population, rival business districts began to appear outside of downtown in outlying districts. This was the time when the term «central business district» began to appear as more-or-less synonymous with the downtown area. The phrase acknowledged the existence of other business districts in the city, but allocated to downtown the primacy of being «central», not only geographically, in many cities, but also in importance. And in many cases, the downtown area or central business district, itself began to grow, such as in Manhattan where the business district lower Manhattan and the newer one in midtown began to grow towards each other,[Notes 1] or in Chicago, where downtown expanded from the Loop across the Chicago River to Michigan Avenue. In fact, the instability of downtown was a cause for concern for business and real estate interests, as the business district refused to stay where it had been, and shifted its location in response to numerous factors, although it generally stayed fairly compact – in the early 1930s even the largest took up less than 2% of the city’s space, and most were significantly smaller – and remained the primary business district of the city.[15]

Real estate interests were particularly concerned about the tendency of downtown to move because the downtown area had by far the highest land values in each city. One commentator said that if Chicago’s land values were shown as height on a relief map, the Loop would be equivalent to the peaks of the Himalayas compared to the rest of the city. In 1926, Chicago’s central business district, which took up less than 1% of the city, had 20% of the city’s land value. The same relationship was true in St. Louis in the mid-20s (20%) and Los Angeles in the early 1930s (17%). So when a downtown area started to shift its location, some property owners were bound to lose a great deal of money, while others would stand to gain.[16]


One way in which downtown changed from the late 19th century to the early part of the 20th century was that industrial concerns began to leave downtown and move to the periphery of the city, which meant that downtown’s businesses were chiefly part of the burgeoning service sector. Brand new firms followed the older ones, and never came to downtown, settling at the edges of the city or the urban area. Industrial districts developed in these areas, which were sometimes specifically zoned for manufacturing. There, land was considerably cheaper than downtown, property taxes were lower, transportation of supplies and finished products was much easier without the constant congestion emblematic of downtown, and with the improvement of the telephone system, the industrial firms could still keep in touch with the companies they did business with elsewhere. As a result of this migration, manufacturing was no longer a significant part of the downtown mix of businesses.[17]

Another sector which began to move away from downtown even before the turn of the 20th century were the great cultural institutions: museums, symphony halls, main libraries and so on. Not only was the high cost of land downtown a factor, but these institutions wanted larger plots of land than were available there, so that their buildings could themselves be easily perceived as works of art. Organizations such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New-York Historical Society, the American Museum of Natural History and the Museum of the City of New York, all in Manhattan, moved out of downtown, as did the Museum of Fine Arts, the Boston Public Library, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Detroit Public Library and the Detroit Institute of Art, and most of the cultural institutions in Pittsburgh. Public reaction to these moves was mixed, with some bemoaning the loss of a counterbalance to the overall materialism of downtown, while others, particularly those involved in real estate, looked positively on the availability of the land which the cultural institutions left behind.[18]

The loss of the major cultural institutions left downtown as a place primarily dedicated to business, but the loss of another sector, retail shopping, defined the type of business that was done there. The great retail outlets like the department stores had always had the tendency to move closer to the residential districts, to make it easier for their customers to get to them, but after 1920 they started to congregate in secondary business districts on the periphery of the city. The growth of chain stores such as J. C. Penney, F. W. Woolworth, Kresge and W. T. Grant, contributed to the increased importance of the outlying shopping districts, which began outselling those retail stores which had remained in the central business district, and provoked those stores to open branches in the secondary districts in attempt to go to where there customers were instead of having them come downtown to them.[19]

Entertainment venues also contributed to the decentralization of commerce which affected the importance and influence of downtown and the central business district. Theaters, vaudeville houses, dance halls and night clubs had been primarily located in downtown, with nickelodeons spread throughout the city. When film became the dominant medium, and exhibitors started to build movie theaters to show them in, they at first built those venues downtown as well, but, as in retail shopping, chain exhibitors such as Loews began to construct them in locations convenient to the mass audience they were seeking; again, it was a matter of bringing their product to where the people were. By the late 1920s, movie houses outside of downtown far outnumbered those in the central district. Not all the movie theaters in the periphery were palaces, but some were, and the net effect was that downtown was no longer the entertainment center of the city.[20]

With the loss of manufacturing, the major cultural institutions, much of the retail shopping in the city, and its loss of status as the entertainment center, the nature of downtown had changed considerably. It was still the location of banks, stocks and commodity exchanges, law and accounting firms, the headquarters of the major industrial concerns and public utilities, insurance companies, and advertising agencies, and in its confines continued to be built new and taller skyscrapers housing offices, hotels and even department stores, but it was still steadily losing ground as decentralization took its toll. Its daytime population was not keeping pace with the population growth of the city around it, and property values, while continuing to rise, were not rising as fast as those in the secondary business districts. Downtown was still the central business district, and was still the most important area for doing business and commerce, but it was no longer as dominant as it once was.[21]

Cause and effectEdit

The causes of decentralization, which decreased the importance of downtown in the life of American cities, have been ascribed to many factors, including each city’s normal growth patterns; advances in technology like the telephone, which made it easier for business-to-business intercourse to take place over a distance, thus lessening the need for a centralized commercial core; the rise of the private automobile, which allowed shoppers to go to peripheral business districts more easily; a strong increase in streetcar fares; and the continuing problem of congestion in the narrow streets of the downtown area.[22]

As much as people disagreed about what caused decentralization, they were even less in agreement about how decentralization would affect the central business district, with opinions varying all the way from the belief that it would diminish downtown sufficiently that it would eventually consist of only offices and the headquarters of corporate giants, to the belief that decentralization would lead to the (perhaps deserved) death of downtown entirely as unnecessary, a victim of its untameable traffic congestion. In between were those who saw a diminishment of the area’s influence, but not enough to prevent it from remaining the «Sun» that the outlying business districts revolved around. Others doubted whether decentralization had as strong an impact as it was credited with. Positions were taken that downtown was a natural part of the evolution of a city, or the unnatural result of a de facto conspiracy by merchants and property owners, so the question of what decentralization would do to downtown became bound up with the question about the area’s legitimacy.[23]

Decentralization also increased the incidences of rivalry between downtown and burgeoning business districts. In Los Angeles, for instance, downtown and Wilshire Boulevard battled for dominance, and in Cincinnati the rivalry was between the old downtown centered around Fountain Square and the one on Canal Street. The diminishment of downtown by decentralization caused these battles to be between areas that were now more relatively equal.[24]

The Great DepressionEdit

Like almost every other aspect of American life, the Great Depression had a major effect on the country’s downtown area. Downtown was just coming off a major building boom, in which significant amounts of new commercial and office space, hotels, and department stores had been built. By 1931 there were 89 buildings of 30 stories or more in Manhattan, and between 1925 and 1931, office space nearly doubled; in Chicago, it increased by almost 75%, in Philadelphia by almost two-thirds, and by more than 50% in New Orleans and Denver. In the 1920s, 500,000 additional hotel rooms were built in New York, and from 1927 to 1931 there were 84 large hotels built there, an increase of hotel space by two-thirds.[25]

When the boom was over, and the Depression had begun to have its effect, much of this new space became unneeded excess. Owners of smaller buildings who could not keep a sufficient number of tenants to pay their overhead, tore down their buildings, but whereas in the recent past they would have been replaced with taller buildings, now they became one- and two-story parking garages or ground-level parking lots. These were widely known as «taxpayers», as they generated enough revenue for the owner of the lot to pay the taxes on it. Rents fell, sometimes as much as 30%, and non-payment of rent increased. Even with the «taxpayers» taking away commercial space, vacancy rates rose precipitously. Owners went into default, and downtown real estate lost considerable value: 25–30% in the Chicago Loop – although values in other parts of the city, including the outlying business districts, fared even worse.[25]

Downtown North Adams, Massachusetts, population 13,000. This scale and style is typical of many small cities in the United States and Canada.

Department stores were hit hard; most managed to keep their doors open, but few made money. Hotels which needed to have large staffs, and required high occupancy rates to make a profit were also deeply affected; in Manhattan the hotel occupancy rate fell from 1929’s 70% to around 50% in 1933. Room rates were slashed, revenue dropped, and many hotels closed or defaulted. By 1934, 80% of hotels in Manhattan were owned by their creditors.[25]


The slow recovery from the effects of the Great Depression began in the mid-1930s, decelerated at the end of the 1930s, and picked up speed with the start of World War II, so that by the early 1940s the country was for the most part out of the Depression. Excess commercial space began to be used, vacancy rates dropped, department store sales rose, hotel occupancy rates went up, and revenues increased.[26]

Despite this recovery, the daytime population of the country’s downtowns did not rebound. For instance, in Chicago between 1929 and 1949, the population of the city grew 7%, and that of the entire metropolitan area by about 14%, but the daytime population of The Loop only rose 1/3 of 1%. With a few exceptions, such as New York City, this pattern was typical across American cities, and was tied to the slowing down of the rate of growth of the cities themselves. Cities in the US grew much more slowly than during any other period in the history of the country, and some even lost population. Metropolitan regions grew faster than the cities inside them, indicating the start of the decades of urban sprawl, but they too grew at a slower pace than usual. Downtowns also had less daytime population because people now went to the outlying business districts, which were closer to their homes by car, for their shopping and entertainment, to do business, and to work. The increased use of automobiles over mass transit also damaged downtown, since the streetcar lines converged on downtown, while the roads went everywhere. All of these factors contributed to the lesser recovery of downtown relative to the city as a whole and the metropolitan area.[26]

Another sign that downtowns were no longer as central to city life as they once were include the decreased portion of retail trade that took place there as compared to the peripheral business areas, which profited by the growth of the chain stores, to the detriment of the big downtown department stores. Furthermore, the «taxpayers», which many people had expected to disappear once the economy improved, remained in place, and even increased in number. In the Loop in Chicago, by the early 1940s, 18% of the land was vacant or was used for parking; in Los Angeles at the same time, the figure was 25%. Demand for commercial space was so light that it did not make financial sense to construct expensive new buildings, and banks began to refuse to make loans for that purpose, redlining whole neighborhoods in the central business bistrict.[26]


The typical American downtown has certain unique characteristics. During the postwar economic boom in the 1950s, the residential population of most downtowns crashed. This has been attributed to reasons such as slum clearance, construction of the Interstate Highway System, and white flight from urban cores to rapidly expanding suburbs.[27] Due to well-intended but ineptly executed urban revitalization projects, downtowns eventually came to be dominated by high-rise office buildings in which commuters from the suburbs filled white-collar jobs, while the remaining residential populations sank further into unemployment, poverty, and homelessness.[28] By the 1990s, many office-oriented businesses began to abandon the tired old downtowns for the suburbs, resulting in what are now known as «edge cities». One textbook, in explaining why edge cities are so popular, stated:

The big central city comes with dirt, crime, subways, stress, congestion, high taxes, and poor public schools. Edge cities are not immune to all of these problems (especially congestion) but for now they largely avoid most of them.[29]

Since then, between 2000 and 2010, downtown areas grew rapidly in population. In U.S. metro areas with at least five million people, the population within two miles of the city hall grew twice as fast as the overall population in the metro area.[30][31]

Relative geographyEdit

The terms downtown and uptown can refer to cardinal directions, for example, in Manhattan, where downtown is also a relative geographical term. Anything south of where the speaker is currently standing, in most places, is said to be downtown. Anything north of the speaker is uptown. In the common New York City phrase «We’re going to take the subway downtown», downtown refers to traveling in the geographic direction of south. A person standing on 121st Street and walking ten blocks south could also be said to have walked ten blocks downtown. The term uptown is used to refer to the cardinal direction north. Such concepts derive from Manhattan’s elongated shape, running roughly north–south and nowhere more than 2 mi (3.2 km) wide. As such, transportation on the island travels in the uptown/downtown directions. The other boroughs are wider, and «downtown» there refers to Lower Manhattan, Downtown Brooklyn, or some more local business district. Mercantile efforts to promote the South Bronx as «Downtown Bronx» have met with little success.[32]

In some North American cities, downtown is the formal name of the neighborhood in which the city’s central business district is located. Most major North American cities are located on major bodies of water, like oceans, lakes, and rivers. As cities expanded, people built further away from the water and their historical cores, often uphill. Thus the central business district of a North American city, or the historical core of the city, is often located «down», in altitude, relative to the remainder of the city. Many cities use the Manhattan model and continue to use downtown, midtown, and uptown both as informal relative geographical terms and as formal names for distinct districts. However, the city of Philadelphia uses the designation Center City, not downtown, due to the business district’s central location, as well as Philadelphia’s age and circumstances; «Center City» corresponds to the City of Philadelphia prior to its amalgamation with Philadelphia County in 1854, leaving it without a unique name, unlike the former boroughs surrounding it; the center of the city is also where Philadelphia City Hall is located within the city’s original plat. New Orleans uses the term Central Business District (or CBD) for their downtown due to the historical French Quarter district taking up what would usually be considered the city’s historical downtown district, and another area of the city south of the CBD being referred to as «downtown».

Major downtownsEdit

United States
(50 most populous American cities)

  • Downtown Albuquerque
  • Downtown Arlington, Texas
  • Downtown Atlanta
  • Downtown Austin
  • Downtown Baltimore
  • Downtown Boston
  • Financial District, Boston
  • Uptown Charlotte
  • Chicago Loop
  • Downtown Colorado Springs
  • Downtown Columbus
  • Downtown Denver
  • Downtown Detroit
  • Downtown Dallas
  • Downtown El Paso
  • Downtown Fort Worth
  • Downtown Fresno
  • Downtown Houston
  • Downtown Indianapolis
  • Downtown Jacksonville
  • Downtown Kansas City
  • Downtown Las Vegas
  • Downtown Long Beach
  • Downtown Los Angeles
  • Downtown Louisville
  • Downtown Memphis
  • Downtown Mesa
  • Downtown Miami
  • Downtown Milwaukee
  • Downtown Minneapolis
  • Downtown Nashville
  • Midtown Manhattan, New York City
  • Financial District, New York City
  • Downtown Brooklyn, New York City
  • Downtown Oakland
  • Downtown Oklahoma City
  • Downtown Omaha
  • Center City, Philadelphia
  • Downtown Phoenix
  • Downtown Portland
  • Downtown Raleigh
  • Downtown Sacramento
  • Downtown Saint Paul
  • Downtown San Antonio
  • Downtown San Diego
  • Downtown San Francisco
  • Downtown San Jose
  • Downtown Seattle
  • Downtown Tucson
  • Downtown Tampa
  • Downtown Tucson
  • Downtown Tulsa
  • Downtown Virginia Beach
  • Downtown, Washington, D.C.
  • Downtown Wichita


  • Downtown Calgary
  • Downtown Edmonton
  • Downtown Halifax
  • Downtown Montreal
  • Downtown Ottawa
  • Downtown St. John’s
  • Downtown Toronto
  • Downtown Vancouver
  • Downtown Victoria
  • Downtown Winnipeg
  • Downtowns in Canada

See alsoEdit

  • Concentric zone model
  • High Street
  • Inner city
  • Main Street
  • Urbanization


Informational notes

  1. ^ The movement of the two districts towards each other was stopped at first by the difficulty of building very tall buildings in the area between them, because the bedrock of Manhattan schist was so deep there, and later by zoning regulations. In effect then, contemporary Manhattan has two «central business districts», the one in Lower Manhattan, usually referred to as the Financial District, and the one in midtown, usually called Midtown Manhattan. «Downtown», therefore, is now primarily a direction, but can also be said to encompass most of Manhattan below Central Park, even though this includes residential neighborhoods such as the Lower East Side, Greenwich Village, Chelsea, the Flatiron District – located around one of the city’s very first «skyscrapers», the 22-story Flatiron Building, and Gramercy Park.


  1. ^ «Marketbeat United States CBD Office Report 2Q11» (PDF). Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 8, 2013. Retrieved May 18, 2013.
  2. ^ «Demographia United States Central Business Districts» (PDF).
  3. ^ «Suburbs (Continue to) Dominate Jobs and Job Growth». Retrieved December 12, 2021.
  4. ^ Caves, R. W. (2004). Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. p. 193.
  5. ^ «Dowtown». Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved January 19, 2019.
  6. ^ a b c Fogelson, p. 10.
  7. ^ a b Fogelson, p. 11.
  8. ^ a b Fogelson, p. 12.
  9. ^ Fogelson, pp. 13, 188, 191
  10. ^ Fogelson, pp. 13–20
  11. ^ a b Fogelson, pp. 114–38
  12. ^ Fogelson, pp. 151–52
  13. ^ Fogelson, pp. 160–66
  14. ^ Fogelson, pp. 166–72
  15. ^ Fogelson, pp. 181–88
  16. ^ Fogelson, pp. 185, 193
  17. ^ Fogelson, pp. 194–95
  18. ^ Fogelson, pp. 195–97
  19. ^ Fogelson, pp. 197–99
  20. ^ Fogelson, p. 200
  21. ^ Fogelson, pp. 198, 200–01
  22. ^ Fogelson, p. 201
  23. ^ Fogelson, pp. 201–06, 216–17
  24. ^ Fogelson, pp. 209–13
  25. ^ a b c Fogelson, pp. 218–21
  26. ^ a b c Fogelson, pp. 221–26
  27. ^ Ford, Larry (2003) America’s New Downtowns: Revitalization or Reinvention? Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003 pp. 242–43. ISBN 0801871638
  28. ^ Frieden, Bernard J. & Sagalyn, Lynne B. (1989) Downtown, Inc.: How America Rebuilds Cities Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 287–90. ISBN 0262061287
  29. ^ McDonald, John F.; McMillen, Daniel P. (2011). Urban Economics and Real Estate: Theory and Policy (2nd ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 143. ISBN 9780470591482. Retrieved December 14, 2020.
  30. ^ Staff (September 27, 2012) «Populations Increasing in Many Downtowns, Census Bureau Reports» (press release) United States Census Bureau
  31. ^ Kneebone, Elizabeth & Raphael, Steven (May 26, 2011) «City and Suburban Crime Trends in Metropolitan America» Brookings Institution
  32. ^ Feuer, Alan (June 23, 2008) «Washing ‘South’ Out of Bronx Mouths; Hoping That ‘Downtown Bronx’ Will Sound More Uptown» The New York Times


  • Fogelson, Robert M. (2003). Downtown: Its Rise and Fall, 1880–1950. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. ISBN 0300090625

External linksEdit

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Downtowns.

  •   The dictionary definition of downtown at Wiktionary
  • International Downtown Association

Почему так называется центр города? — вдруг ниоткуда такой вопрос появился в голове. Наверное, не совсем «ниоткуда» — недавно слышала (не в первый раз) разговоры Енькова о развитии городов, а по большому счёту, и цивилизации. Еньков говорил о реках на территории России.

downtown [ˈdaʊntaʊn] прил



downtown [ˈdaʊntaʊn] сущ

деловой район, деловой центр города

(business district, business center)

деловая часть города

(downtown area)

центр, центр города

(center, city centre) —

Ну центр и центр, но никак не объясняется, почему «down».

down [daʊn] нареч

вниз, внизу

(downward, below)


Получается город внизу, нижний город. Всплывает сразу в голове «Нижегородская ярмарка». И тут же всплывет местный маркет

Земля в городе дорогая, но этот монстр как стоял, так и стоит «для истории» в качестве «достопримечательности».

Что там интересного — только местные корзинные изделия — плетёные из какой-то местной травы очень симпатичные изделия, плетут их  негритянки, исключительно их монополия. Дорого!

Тут говорится, что раньше это был рынок рабов — не очень убедительно, но кто его знает?

Но вернусь к нашим нижним городам. Почему они «нижние»? — Потому, что расположены у воды, в данном случае — на берегу океана, понятно, что это ниже других окружающих земель. Там, как и в других «нижних городах» был центр обмена, торговли и цивилизации.  Сейчас это так же — центры городов, старинные и престижные центры. Во всех американских городах и городишках теперь центр города называется downtown, хотя они могут быть расположены не у воды, а высоко в горах.

А ещё есть  противоположное название для жителей внутренних земель, видимо, оно сохранилось тоже с тех времён, это

hillbilly [ˈhɪlbəlɪ] прил



hillbilly [ˈhɪlbəlɪ] сущ





Надо сказать, что хиллбилли словечко очень пренебрежительное и унизительное. Буквально, это «Билли с холмов» — нецивилизованный, неотёсанный, неграмотный и т.д.

Вот так лингвистика выводит на понимание цивилизации-империи.

Об этом уже давненько писал и Игорь Грек, у него первого я прочитала о распространении цивилизации по воде.
Поэтому мы сейчас живём, как говорят, по римскому адмиралтейскому праву, поэтому всякие важные политические договоры часто подписывают на воде, а не на суше.

ПС. Вспомнился рассказ моей сестры, как перед президентскими выборами в 12 году Путин приезжал в их посёлок рядом с Питером.

Сначала сказали, что приедет по автомобильной дороге — нагнали кучу охраны, потом прошёл слух, что приедет по ЖД — и туда нагнали охраны. НО он приплыл (!) по Неве — и все были в восторге от такой оригинальности.

TEST III 1. Choose the correct variant. 1 Russia is … country in the world. a. the strongest c. the largest b. the most large d. larger 2 Great Britain… by the North Sea. a. washes c. is washed b. was washed d. was washing 3 In its narrowest part the English Channel is called a. La Manche c. the Thames b. the Strait of Dover d. the Severn 4 The UK consists of… parts. a. two c. three b. five d. four 5 Northern Ireland is a part of a. Great Britain c. the Irish Republic b. the UK d. the USA 6 People living in Scotland are called a. Irish c. English b. Scottish d. Scotlander 7 The United Kingdom is a … monarchy. a. absolute c. constitutional b. state d. democratic 8 The island of Great Britain is surrounded … water. a. from c. with b. at d. by 9 The climate on the British Isles is generally a. severe c. continental b. hot d. mild 10 The longest river in the UK is a. the Thames c. Thames b. the Severn d. Severn 11 Russia … a vast territory. a. occupies c. is occupied b. occupy d. occupied 12 The arctic climate is… one. a. cold c. the cold b. the coldest d. most cold 13 The USA… by the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. a. was surrounded c. is surrounded b. surrounded d. surrounds 14 Slavery was… 1865. in the USA in a. abolished c. restricted b. diminished d. down 15The wealth of new Zealand … agricultural activities. a. due to c. is due to b. due d. is due 16 Australia is the … manufacturer of wool. a. world’s leading c. most leading b. country leading d. great stock 237 Продолжение таблицы 26 The best way to go around NY is … . a. by foot c. on foots b. on feet d. on foot 27 Tourists come. Liberty. . the Statue of a. seeing c. see b. to see d. saw 28 Traffic on even-numbered streets… east. a. travel c. travels b. is travelling d. are travelling 29 The word ‘downtown’ … the city centre in NY. a. connote c. connotes b. doesn’t connote d. don’t connote 30 Weber started writing music a. on himself c. of his own b. about himself d. his own 31 The first performance was a. a failure c. failed

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2) Творческая работа в тетради . 1. Выписать толкование основных (ключевых) понятий из статьи К.Д. Ушинского «Наше Отечество»: Родина, Отечество, матушка-Россия. 2. Сравнить толкования, данные К.Д. Ушинским, с толкованиями В.И. Даля: Отечество – родная земля, Отчизна, где кто родился, вырос; корень, земля народа, к коему кто, по рождению, языку и вере, принадлежит. Отец мой выходец из Дании, а моё отечество Русь, русское государство. Даль был убеждён, что «моё отечество» – не «отечество моих предков».) Матушка-Россия – земля, отечество многих народов, разных по языку и вере. В России более шестидесяти губерний и областей. Народу более всего русского, есть много народов других. Все они составляют землю Русскую, должны стоять друг за друга, как односемьяне. Это зыбка твоя, колыбель твоя и могила, хлеб насущный, вода животворная. Русская земля тебе отец и мать. Родимая сторона – мать, чужая – мачеха. Родина – родимая земля, чьё место рождения. И кости по роди не плачут. Где кто родится, там и пригодится. Кто на каком языке думает, тот к тому народу и принадлежит.

  • #1


Is there any difference between the words : Downtown and City Center ?

— Which train should I take to go to Downtown?

Is »Downtown» AE expression?, do we use it BE as well?

Many thanks

    • #2

    I grew up learning predominantly BE and have always referred to «downtown». As a matter of fact, the term «city centre» is a relatively new phrase (in the last two decades — at least in Canada).

    I have a suspicion that «city centre» has arisen as cities have grown. With sprawling cities with many bedroom communities, «city centre» is more specific than «downtown» in a geographic sense.

    In terms of your question, however, I would certainly understand both of them to mean the same thing if you were to ask me which train to take and I suspect that most people would.

    • #3

    «Downtown» is what is most commonly used.
    For example «downtown LA» is the area where all of the skyscrapers are located, the heart of LA.
    If you said «the city center of LA» you might get a funny look.


    • #4

    Downtown sounds very AE to me.

    • #5

    Downtown sounds very AE to me.

    It’s funny that you say that, because when I saw the word in the title of this thread I immediately thought of that old British song by Petulia Clark!

    To answer the question, downtown is the term most commonly used in the U.S. to refer to the commercial district of a city, where the tallest buildings are. Some cities may choose to refer to their downtown area as a city center, but that’s not a generic term.

    • #6

    Brits never use «downtown» — in fact, I didn’t know what area of a city it refers to until reading the definition posted above! It is definitely classed as AE, the sort of thing we only hear in American TV or films. We use city centre.

    eg Which train should I take to get to the city centre?


    • #7

    I grew up learning predominantly BE and have always referred to «downtown». As a matter of fact, the term «city centre» is a relatively new phrase (in the last two decades — at least in Canada).

    I have a suspicion that «city centre» has arisen as cities have grown. With sprawling cities with many bedroom communities, «city centre» is more specific than «downtown» in a geographic sense.

    In terms of your question, however, I would certainly understand both of them to mean the same thing if you were to ask me which train to take and I suspect that most people would.

    Perhaps we should start referring to Canadian English as a separate entity to BE and AE. If you use «downtown» then you did not learn BE — we always talk about the city centre. In fact «downtown» sounds to me like an area away from the city centre to me, and I thought of it this way for several years before realizing my error.

    By the way, the starter of this thread has used the AE spelling of centre for the BE term city centre.


    • #8

    In Philadelphia, the term used is neither downtown nor city centre, but is instead a variant on the latter: «center city»
    His office used to be in center city on Two Street, but now it is in West Philly near Penn.

    This is one of those Philadelphia singularities (such as referring to squares instead of blocks) that is copied by those other places that have been influenced by Philadelphia (e.g., any number of other towns in Pennsylvania.)

    In New York City, «downtown» refers to the southern part of the island of Manhattan, and it is also used to indicate any point south of where one is standing:

    Most large law firms in New York are in midtown Manhattan, but some are still downtown near Wall street.

    After we left Columbia University, we headed the short distance downtown to the Upper West Side.


    • #9

    After we left Columbia University, we headed the short distance downtown to the Upper West Side.

    Now there’s an interesting sentence!

    looking-at-the-stars said:

    For example «downtown LA» is the area where all of the skyscrapers are located, the heart of LA.
    If you said «the city center of LA» you might get a funny look.

    I agree. I think the unique problem with «city center» in L.A. is that the city is so spread out. Los Angeles stretches over five hundred square miles, compared to 65 square miles for Paris and 47 square miles for San Francisco. This is just the city of Los Angeles; the county, which is all part of the Los Angeles metro area is over 4,000 square miles, and the metropolitan area includes several neighboring counties. It’s a bit tricky to imagine one «city center» for thousands of square miles of metropolitan sprawl.

    Speaking of San Francisco, it’s common to say «I’m going into the city» or «I’m going to the city» rather than «I’m going downtown.»

    • #10

    It’s funny that you say that, because when I saw the word in the title of this thread I immediately thought of that old British song by Petulia Clark!

    Cliff Richard used to think he was Elvis, too, and it’s Petula, by the way.
    Downtown Train (Tom Waits) is my favourite. In BE going, into town or down

    into town

    is about as close as it gets to our love of all things American, in this case.


    • #12

    Perhaps we should start referring to Canadian English as a separate entity to BE and AE. If you use «downtown» then you did not learn BE — we always talk about the city centre. In fact «downtown» sounds to me like an area away from the city centre to me, and I thought of it this way for several years before realizing my error.

    By the way, the starter of this thread has used the AE spelling of centre for the BE term city centre.

    You’ll note that I said «predominantly» BE, Liliput. And you’ll also note that I spelled it «centre» instead of «center» so there must be a BE influence in there somewhere!:) It sounds, though, like other of your compatriots do use «downtown/down town» so I stand by my neurotic (AE/BE) Canadian education.;)


    • #13

    By the way, is it to go downtown or to go to downtown?

    Harry Batt

    • #14

    I rather think it depends upon the local usage. If you live in a town and not a city you will go uptown or downtown depending upon the choice that you make. Every will understand. Unfortunately in the AE we don’t have «au centre ville» which eliminates the problem. New York City is another matter. The geographay of the city is well known by its residents who know where downtown, midtown and uptown are located. Listen to a TV Police show and you will hear these words.

    • #15

    By the way, is it to go downtown or to go to downtown?

    In Canada, you would always hear «to go downtown»

    Harry Batt

    • #16

    Maybe geography has something to do with it. In Minnesota we go «uip north» to the lakes to go fishing. Never has anyone said «down south» To myself anything north is «up» and south is «down.» I say downtowni in Minneaplis because the center or loop is north of my neighborhood.

    • #17

    By the way, is it to go downtown or to go to downtown?

    to go downtown (AE East Coast … not Pa. :))

    Harry Batt

    • #18

    Mac It would be «go downtown» or go uptown, except when a particular part of the city is identified as one or the other. In Minneapolis we have a neigborhood which is called Uptown. It would be and is proper to say, «Well, I’m off. I’m going to Uptown.»

    sound shift

    • #19

    I’ve never heard anyone round here use «downtown» in the sense of «in the city centre».

    «Down town» is used in parts of the UK, but only to indicate movement: «I’m going down town» [two words] means «I’m going to the town/city centre».

    We don’t have «uptown» either.

    • #20

    In the parts of Canada I am familiar with we also use ‘downtown’ (and incidentally, Macunaíma, never ‘to downtown’ — I guess the preposition rules in this case, i.e. we go down, not to down).

    • #21

    Funny, the first thing I was thinking of was also the Petula Clark song.

    But as opposed to «downtown» the word «uptown» also existed (x decades ago — maybe only AE?). However, I am not sure if this word only had a geographical meaning, like «outskirts», or «the suburbs», or if it also implicated the social status of the people living there. (Similar to the right and the wrong side of the railroad tracks.) Does anyone know?


    • #22

    I’m from California, and we would definitely use «downtown» for the city center. Uptown also exists- doesn’t anyone remember Billy Joel and Christy Brinkley? She was his «uptown girl» and yes she was rich, from the right side of the tracks. It may have existed more in the past, but in a proper urban setting I’d say it still exists to this day.
    Generally speaking it is always «to go uptown/downtown»- never with «to» unless it’s a place name like a pp mentioned.
    I had never heard city center until coming to Europe.


    • #23

    I think that in Australia I saw «CBD» (= Central Business District) for the same concept. Is that used anywhere else?



    • #24

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard «Central Business District», but «Business District» by itself is used. You might also see or hear «Financial District». It doesn’t necessarily mean downtown, though.


    • #25

    As noted earlier, in New York «uptown» is a directional word meaning «north of where you are presently standing» and «downtown» means «south of where you are at present.» Since Billy Joel is a New Yorker, I would think that in his song «Uptown Girl» he meant that she was from the well-to-do uptown (that is, further north) neighborhoods in Manhattan, especially the wealthy Upper East Side.

    Matching Mole

    • #26

    Using simply «town» is fairly common in BE. I’m going into town doesn’t just mean you are going to a town generally, but specifically means the town centre, for shopping, entertainment, etc. The very central districts of London are also referred to as «town», by some people, if they are coming from the outskirts (even though they may still start off in London technically), and the direction is «up» quite often. «I’m going up to town, are you coming?» (This works in other towns too.)

    On road signs, «city centre» and «town centre» are used.


    • #27

    I think that in Australia I saw «CBD» (= Central Business District) for the same concept. Is that used anywhere else?

    I am familiar with the term CBD, but only from studying geography, I’m not sure it’s used much outside this context. I wouldn’t say I was going to the PLVI (Peak Land Value Intersection) either.
    I believe London’s financial centre is referred to as «The City».
    I agree with Matching Mole on the use of town:

    Using simply «town» is fairly common in BE. I’m going into town doesn’t just mean you are going to a town generally, but specifically means the town centre, for shopping, entertainment, etc.

    However, I tend to talk about going into town in my hometown (which is a city) and use city centre if I’m in a different city, especially a larger one. I’m not sure why.
    I seem to remember that Billy Joel’s uptown girl had been living in a downtown world.
    In Petula Clark’s song all the entertainment is downtown.

    • #28

    As noted earlier, in New York «uptown» is a directional word meaning «north of where you are presently standing» and «downtown» means «south of where you are at present.» Since Billy Joel is a New Yorker, I would think that in his song «Uptown Girl» he meant that she was from the well-to-do uptown (that is, further north) neighborhoods in Manhattan, especially the wealthy Upper East Side.

    That is my impression of Billy Joel’s song. «Uptown» had more to do with wealthy section than real direction. Although, US newscasters are famous for saying ‘Upper’ and ‘Lower’ Manhattan. Similar to Brits saying West End or East End.

    It can take on so many different meanings.


    • #29

    <This and the three posts that follow were split from another thread and added here.>

    What exactly does that mean? The geographical center, or like.. the most popular area in the city?

    I live farther away from the center of the city than Robert does.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2009

    • #30

    Outside the U.S. the «city center» usually refers to the business center which is normally called «downtown» in America. The difference from American cities is the city center usually also has housing for people to live.


    • #31

    Downtowns have places to live, if you count apartments that are the size of the average bathroom. :p

    <Comment relevant to topic of the other thread deleted.>

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2009

    • #32

    Downtowns have places to live, if you count apartments that are the size of the average bathroom. :p

    I live farther away from downtown than Robert does.
    Would be what you’re looking for; however, I wouldn’t say it. I’d say:
    Robert lives closer to downtown than I do.

    I mean in other countries it’s fashionable and expensive to live in the city center. It’s not cheap poor housing. It’s an expensive and desired area to live and work. People with less money may work there but live outside the city center. That’s different from American cities. «Downtown» is only an American expression. In other countries «city center» should be correct.


    • #33

    I mean in other countries it’s fashionable and expensive to live in the city center. It’s not cheap poor housing. It’s an expensive and desired area to live and work. People with less money may work there but live outside the city center. That’s different from American cities. «Downtown» is only an American expression. In other countries «city center» should be correct.

    As it is used outside of America, it should be «city centre».


    • #34

    I mean in other countries it’s fashionable and expensive to live in the city center. It’s not cheap poor housing. It’s an expensive and desired area to live and work. People with less money may work there but live outside the city center. That’s different from American cities.

    It is certainly not different in the biggest city in America. The center of the city of New York is the island of Manhattan, and a residence in Manhattan (whether downtown, uptown, or midtown) is highly desirable and far more expensive than a similar residence in other parts of the city or the surrounding area. Similarly, the old downtown heart of Boston is desirable and expensive, and there isn’t any part of Philadelphia more fashionable and expensive than the old parts of «Center City» — or haven’t you ever been on, say, Delancey Street between Third and Fourth?


    • #35

    It is certainly not different in the biggest city in America. The center of the city of New York is the island of Manhattan, and a residence in Manhattan (whether downtown, uptown, or midtown) is highly desirable and far more expensive than a similar residence in other parts of the city or the surrounding area. Similarly, the old downtown heart of Boston is desirable and expensive, and there isn’t any part of Philadelphia more fashionable and expensive than the old parts of «Center City» — or haven’t you ever been on, say, Delancey Street between Third and Fourth?

    This is also true of San Francisco, but not of Los Angeles. It’s difficult to point to the city center of a city that covers nearly 1,300 km2 (500 square miles). «Downtown» Los Angeles is being re-developed into a very fashionable area but it isn’t at all like Manhattan or San Francisco.

    Pedro y La Torre

    • #36

    I once asked a passer-by in Ottawa which bus I should take to get to the «city centre» and was met with nothing but a look of bemusement. It would seem that «downtown» is the sole commonly understood term in North America.


    • #37

    I think that in Australia I saw «CBD» (= Central Business District) for the same concept. Is that used anywhere else?

    Very late response. Yes, the abbreviation has been used in Singapore. There used to be an Area Licensing Scheme where cars were charged for entering the CBD. This has been replaced by a kind of congestion charge (called ERP or electronic road pricing here), so the term CBD has fallen slightly away on the wayside.


    • #38

    I’ve never heard anyone round here use «downtown» in the sense of «in the city centre».

    «Down town» is used in parts of the UK, but only to indicate movement: «I’m going down town» [two words] means «I’m going to the town/city centre».

    We don’t have «uptown» either.

    Yes, in the U.K. (Sussex) down town in two words, but I seem to remember saying «I’m going down the town to do some shopping.» (And it was literally down because we lived on a hill).

    sound shift

    • #39

    Lately I’ve seen «downtown X» and «downtown Y» (where X and Y are cities located away from the UK) in the travel section of UK newspapers.

    Keith Bradford

    • #40

    I think that the key phrase there is: X and Y are cities located away from the UK.

    In the UK we don’t talk about cities much — as has been noted earlier, many people even use «town» to mean London whereas «the City» is specifically the financial area of London.

    Up town was the expression used to refer to Wolverhampton town centre when I lived near there. We rarely wrote up town on paper, but I think we would have used two separate words. It meant, literally, up


    the town since Wolverhampton is on a hill. Downtown was a song by Petula Clark and meant nothing at all.

    sound shift

    • #41

    Lately I’ve seen «downtown X» and «downtown Y» (where X and Y are cities located away from the UK) in the travel section of UK newspapers.

    And now we’ve got «downtown Beirut» on the BBC’s website (and few things are more British than the BBC).

    • #42

    Brits never use «downtown»

    It’s not advisable to say ‘never’ on this forum, Gwald.

    Some smarty-pants is always going to come along and say ‘I do’.

    I do.:) Having lived in the USA for two years it sort of sounds natural.

    As it is used outside of America, it should be «city centre».

    Also ‘town centre’ for smaller urban areas.

    • #43

    [This post and the following ones have been added to a previous thread covering the same topic. Please read down from the top. DonnyB — moderator]
    Hi all,

    Is «downtown» uniquely American? Do British people use this term to refer to the central part of a city?

    Many thanks!

    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2019


    • #44

    It’s North American. I guess it originated with «downtown Manhattan», the southern part of Manhattan Island, New York City, which is Manhattan’s largest business district.


    • #45

    My only knowledge is Downtown, the pop musical hit of 1964, written by British composer Tony Hatch, sung by British songstress Petula Clark, and recorded at Pye Studios in Marble Arch (London) :)


    • #46

    The central business district of New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) is called the CBD, for (surprise!) Central Business District. I don’t think New Orleanians use the expression «downtown», but I could be mistaken.

    sound shift

    • #47

    Is «downtown» uniquely American? Do British people use this term to refer to the central part of a city?

    We don’t use it when we’re talking about our own cities, and most of us never use it at all. Our cities don’t have districts that are officially called «Downtown» (with a capital «d») and we don’t say «I’m downtown» or «I’m going downtown». However, some British journalists have been known to reject normal British usage (goodness knows why:rolleyes:) and use «downtown» instead when writing about a city outside the UK: «downtown Zurich», etc.

    Vincent Tam

    • #48

    <thread merge>

    downtown vs town center

    as far as I know, they are meaning the same thing. But I am not very confident about this.

    and which one is more commonly used where you live.

    Thanks a lot!

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2023

    • #49

    I don’t really see much difference. Both refer to the busy commercial area of a large town or city. It often depends on local usage. In some places, people use “downtown” and so that’s what you’d say. In my town, people tend to say “<town name> center,” so that’s what I would say.

    Vincent Tam

    • #50

    I don’t really see much difference. Both refer to the busy commercial area of a large town or city. It often depends on local usage. In some places, people use “downtown” and so that’s what you’d say. In my town, people tend to say “<town name> center,” so that’s what I would say.

    Thanks, anthox. that is very good to know

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