The word dominant means

доминирующий, господствующий, доминанта, основной признак


- господствующий, основной, преобладающий

dominant idea — главная идея
dominant position — ключевая /командная/ позиция

- правящий, наиболее влиятельный

dominant party — правящая партия
the British were formely dominant in key administrative posts in India — на ключевых административных постах в Индии раньше преобладали англичане

- господствующий над местностью, возвышающийся

dominant hill — господствующая /командная/ высота
dominant tree — лес. маячное дерево (дерево, господствующее над общим уровнем леса)

- доминантный, доминирующий, основной

dominant factor — доминирующий фактор
dominant character — доминантный признак

- муз. доминантовый, относящийся к доминанте


- доминанта, основной признак
- муз. доминанта
- зоол. лидер в группе животных

Мои примеры


the dominant female of the pack — доминирующая самка в стае  
a firm that is a dominant player on Wall Street — фирма, которая является одним из главных игроков на Уолл-Стрит  
basic / dominant theme — главная тема  
dominant cause — основная [доминирующая] причина  
dominant estate — господствующий участок  
dominant form — доминантная форма  
dominant element — доминирующий градообразующий элемент; главенствующий элемент  
dominant enterprise — центральная компания  
dominant feature in today’s newspaper — основная тема сегодняшнего выпуска газеты  
dominant firm — фирма, занимающая ведущее положение в определенной области  
dominant force — господствующая сила; преобладающая сила; доминирующая сила  
dominant foreign monopoly — господствующая иностранная монополия  

Примеры с переводом

It is the dominant culture in the region.

Эта культура господствует в данном регионе.

The company is now dominant in its market.

Сейчас компания господствует на своём рынке.

The dominant male gorilla is the largest in the group.

Доминирующий самец гориллы является самым крупным в группе.

Spain was poised to become the dominant power in Europe.

Испания была готова стать доминирующей силой в Европе.

Japan became dominant in the mass market during the 1980s.

В течение восьмидесятых годов Япония стала доминировать на массовом рынке.

The disease is under the control of a single dominant gene.

Данное заболевание контролируется одним доминантным геном.

Some alleles are dominant over others.

Некоторые аллели доминируют над другими.

Gradually the different groups of people coalesced into one dominant racial group.

Постепенно эти различные группы людей объединились в одну господствующую расовую группу.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The growing deficit was a dominant theme in the election.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Other forms: dominants; dominantly

Dominant means to be in control. In a wolf pack, one male wolf fights the others, wins, and becomes the dominant wolf in the group.

Dominant derives from the Latin dominus which means «lord or master.» If you grew up with a Latin mass, you will recognize this as one of many words for God. If you’re dominant, it means you treat others as if you’re their master. You can also use dominant to describe something frequent or common. For example, when cell phones first came out, their dominant use was for making calls. Now cells phone do so much more, some people hardly make calls on them at all.

Definitions of dominant

  1. adjective

    most frequent or common


    predominant, prevailing, prevalent, rife


    coming at short intervals or habitually

  2. adjective

    exercising influence or control

    “television plays a
    dominant role in molding public opinion”

    dominant partner in the marriage”


    ascendant, ascendent, dominating

    most powerful or important or influential


    able to control or determine policy


    responsible for making and enforcing rules and laws

    overriding, paramount, predominant, predominate, preponderant, preponderating

    having superior power and influence


    having or showing a desire to control or dominate

    sovereign, supreme

    greatest in status or authority or power


    (sometimes followed by `to’) not subject to or influenced by


    of or characteristic of high rank or importance

  3. noun

    (music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale

  4. noun

    an allele that produces the same phenotype whether its paired allele is identical or different


    dominant allele

    see moresee less

    type of:

    allele, allelomorph

    (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character

  5. adjective

    (of genes) producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘dominant’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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How do you explain dominant?

Dominant refers to the relationship between two versions of a gene. Individuals receive two versions of each gene known as alleles from each parent. If the alleles of a gene are different one allele will be expressed it is the dominant gene. The effect of the other allele called recessive is masked.

What is the meaning of dominant person?

The definition of dominant is a person who is in a position of power or who is exhibiting powerful or controlling tendencies. An example of dominant is a strong and powerful CEO.

What is dominant in a relationship?

Dominance is a relationship that consists of a partner having authority over the submissive and holding power and control. … A dominant/submissive relationship revolves around mutual pleasure where one partner the submissive willingly submits their power and control to the dominant.

What is dominance example?

A classic example of dominance is the inheritance of seed shape (pea shape) in peas. Peas may be round (associated with allele R) or wrinkled (associated with allele r). In this case three combinations of alleles (genotypes) are possible: RR and rr are homozygous and Rr is heterozygous.

What is a dominant man in a relationship?

A dominant person in a relationship tends to make the majority of decisions big and small such as where to eat or go on vacation. Their partner tends to take a subordinate role and support them through these decisions. Typically subordinate people in a relationship seek dominant partners for stability.

What is a dominant attitude?

1 adj Someone or something that is dominant is more powerful successful influential or noticeable than other people or things.

How can a person be dominant?

How to Manage a Dominating Personality on Your Team

  1. Work on your own self-awareness. …
  2. Encourage others to talk. …
  3. Create boundaries.
  4. Politely cut them off and redirect. …
  5. Confront colleagues privately. …
  6. Don’t allow interruptions. …
  7. Other options for managing team dynamics with a dominating personality.

See also what happens when two tectonic plates collide

How do you deal with a dominant person in a relationship?

Be clear and assertive:

You should deal with them head on and never leave things unresolved. Says Minnu Bhonsle relationship expert “Be clear and assertive while you are communicating to your partner. Let him/her know that it is okay for them to express concern but not go overboard with it.”

What are the 3 types of dominance?

There are different types of dominance: incomplete dominance co-dominance and complete dominance.

What are the dominant traits in humans?

Human Dominant Traits

  • Dark hair is dominant over blonde or red hair.
  • Curly hair is dominant over straight hair.
  • Baldness is a dominant trait.
  • Having a widow’s peak (a V-shaped hairline) is dominant over having a straight hairline.
  • Freckles cleft chin and dimples are all examples of a dominant trait.

What does recessive mean in simple terms?

Kids Definition of recessive

: being or produced by a form of a gene whose effect can be hidden by a dominant gene and which can produce a noticeable effect only when two copies of the gene are present Blue eye color is a recessive trait.

How do you tell if a guy is a dominant?

11 Signs of a Dominant Man

  1. He exhibits self-control and self-discipline. …
  2. He knows (and uses) the power of body language. …
  3. He knows he’s a work in progress and he does the work. …
  4. He doesn’t waste time or energy complaining. …
  5. He knows what he wants. …
  6. He’s patient but relentless. …
  7. He leads by example. …
  8. He takes risks.

What is the meaning of a dominant woman?

: a woman who physically or psychologically dominates her partner in a sadomasochistic encounter broadly : a dominating woman.

How do you stop a dominant person?

6 Ways to Prevent Your Colleagues From Dominating the…

  1. Don’t let them get started. …
  2. Once they start don’t interrupt. …
  3. Listen with neutral reaction. …
  4. Respond only to the core issue. …
  5. Respond inversely to their contributions. …
  6. Don’t let them summarize.

How do I live with a dominant husband?

  1. Stay calm while handling husband’s controlling behaviour.
  2. Control and change yourself.
  3. Be vocal about the harm of control on you.
  4. Express the hurt caused by their controlling nature.
  5. Co-operate with each other at professional relationship sessions.
  6. Find out the reasons behind their dominating nature.

See also what is the dish containing legumes most often eaten in the caribbean called?

What trait is dominant?

(In genetic terms a dominant trait is one that is phenotypically expressed in heterozygotes). A dominant trait is opposed to a recessive trait which is expressed only when two copies of the gene are present. (In genetic terms a recessive trait is one that is phenotypically expressed only in homozygotes).

What are recessive traits in humans?

Human traits with possible monogenic or oligogenic inheritance patterns

Dominant Recessive
Facial dimples * No facial dimples
Able to taste PTC Unable to taste PTC
Unattached (free) earlobe Attached earlobe
Clockwise hair direction (left to right) Counter-Clockwise hair direction (right to left)

Is black a dominant gene?

Moreover brown body color is the dominant phenotype and black body color is the recessive phenotype. Figure 3: Different genotypes can produce the same phenotype. Researchers rely on a type of shorthand to represent the different alleles of a gene.

Is being hairy a dominant gene?

There are two types of genetic traits: dominant and recessive. … If you happen to be a hairy person you can guarantee that your children will also inherit this particularly fuzzy trait because it’s caused by a dominant gene.

Is body hair inherited from mother or father?

Your parents provided one allele per gene at time of your conception (then these alleles paired to form your hair texture genes). It is the interaction among these alleles not one specific gene that determined the character of your hair.

Which gene is the most dominant?

Genes from your father are more dominant than those inherited from your mother new research has shown.

What is the term heterozygous mean?

(HEH-teh-roh-ZY-gus JEE-noh-tipe) The presence of two different alleles at a particular gene locus. A heterozygous genotype may include one normal allele and one mutated allele or two different mutated alleles (compound heterozygote).

What is dominant and recessive traits?

Dominant and recessive traits exist when a trait has two different forms at the gene level. The trait that first appears or is visibly expressed in the organism is called the dominant trait. The trait that is present at the gene level but is masked and does not show itself in the organism is called the recessive trait.

What is another word for recessive?

What is another word for recessive?

shy diffident
meek shrinking
timorous unassuming
blushing silent
unassured self-conscious

How do you know if someone is dominating you?

More often than not a person who is emotionally dominating has deeply-rooted insecurities and issues surrounding control. As psychotherapist Emily Roberts MA LPC tells Bustle they’re often quick-tempered lack regard for your time and emotions and often blame others for their feelings and problems.

How do I deal with a dominant girlfriend?

Here are 5 ways to deal with a dominating girlfriend.

  1. Know When To Ignore Her. © Thinkstock. Dominating girls often treat their men as slaves. …
  2. Use Humour. © Thinkstock. …
  3. Make Her Feel Insecure. © Thinkstock. …
  4. Sometimes Just Say It. © Shutterstock. …
  5. Talk To Her Friends. © Shutterstock.

See also what would the mitochondria be in a city

How do you know if you’re an alpha female?

Signs You’re an Alpha Female

You volunteer to lead meetings and events. You love encouraging others to succeed because you know their success is also your success. You’re confident in your abilities even with things you’re not familiar with. People often ask you for advice or help.

What careers are female dominated?

Here’s a list of the top 10 female-dominated occupations according to the most recent data from the BLS:

  1. Preschool and kindergarten teachers. …
  2. Dental hygienists. …
  3. Speech language pathologists. …
  4. Dental assistants. …
  5. Childcare workers. …
  6. Secretaries and administrative assistants. …
  7. Medical records & health information technicians.

How do you talk to a dominant personality?

What are the signs of a controlling woman?

15 Signs of A Controlling Woman

  • She needs to know where her partner is at all times. …
  • She insists on knowing your passwords. …
  • She’s constantly snooping in her partner’s things. …
  • She’s trying to monitor or even manage her partner’s other relationships. …
  • She wants to be together all the time.

What are the signs of a controlling wife?

What are the signs of a controlling wife?

  • Isolation from family and friends.
  • Making you feel like you must earn good treatment.
  • No Respect For Privacy.
  • Jealousy And Paranoia.
  • Frequent Criticism.
  • Frequent Threats.
  • Constantly making you feel guilty.
  • Being in a bad mood when things do not not go their way.

When a man is controlled by his wife?

It’s also an increasingly dated old fashioned word as a husband is considered uxorious if he lets his wife “control” him.

What are recessive genes?


Recessive is a quality found in the relationship between two versions of a gene. Individuals receive one version of a gene called an allele from each parent. If the alleles are different the dominant allele will be expressed while the effect of the other allele called recessive is masked.

Who has stronger genes mother or father?

Genetically you actually carry more of your mother’s genes than your father’s. That’s because of little organelles that live within your cells the mitochondria which you only receive from your mother.

What is the meaning of the word DOMINANT?

Word of the Day (dominant) 200 BM Daily Vocabulary | 2019

Dominate | Definition of dominate

Are Your Traits Dominant?

By convention, the term dominant hemisphere refers to the cerebral hemisphere that is organized functionally to express language. ❋ Michael Alan Taylor (1993)

I don’t really like the word dominant at this stage, to be honest, because there is a long, long way to go,» Vettel said.» ❋ Unknown (2011)

The coach used the word dominant to describe Williams’ effort. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The original interlude ends on a sustained E, which is the dominant of the chorus ‘key, hence the term dominant pedal (or pedal point). ❋ Unknown (2009)

HAMBURGER: … refers to the dream, if you will, the dream of Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman and others in the White House of establishing what they called dominant majority. ❋ Unknown (2006)

They didn’t want to come to you or to me or to the what they call the dominant media and talk about things like gay rights or stopping advancement of gay rights or abortion or things like that. ❋ Unknown (2004)

White South Africans, which he described as the dominant class in terms of economic and education factors, were seen to be unwilling to change, he told a conference in Bloemfontein on anti-racism, anti-sexism and good practice in schools. ❋ Unknown (2000)

In the background, casually dominant, is a sports-car dealership; «JAGUAR» is the only word we see. ❋ Jan Herman (2010)

Defecting is called a dominant strategy in a game with this payoff matrix. ❋ Martin A. Nowak (2011)

It might be a weird combination of all sorts of stuff like a mix of his religious beliefs and his need to remain dominant over others. ❋ Unknown (2010)

McLaren began that year in dominant form, but were running a special ‘brake-steer’ system, which applied differential braking force to the rear wheels as an aid to direction-change. ❋ Gordon McCabe (2009)

I’m thinking given how feral-like her psy talent seems to be, a strong dominant is the only dude who could hope to stand up to her. ❋ Nalini Singh (2009)

Only in dominant nations is the loyalty of capitalists ensured. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The right of that indigenous majority to a land which they are ethnically and culturally dominant is not wholly unreasonable, as it’s not unreasonable for Native Americans or Amazonian tribes. ❋ Dungeekin (2009)

Only one of the many follicles the fluid-filled sac containing the egg stimulated each month matures fully and is called the dominant follicle. ❋ Mark L. Fuerst (2010)

The best kind of dominant is [confidant] and [mature] in their [street life], too. ❋ Aileen (2003)

[Josh] is dominant at [life]. ❋ Rp123123123 (2006)

I am a #dominant female.[I like men] to do what [I say] [no questions asked] ❋ MistressLarissa (2019)

jack: [ok then] its [sorted]
[greg]: dominant ❋ KIWI (2005)

[Pornstar]:I’m gonna go to Dominics [in a little bit] you wanna cum
Other [pornstar]:sure why not ❋ Savy My Nigga (2019)

Dominic stood on the [tub] [but naked] and told me to come here I got closer and he [swacked] me in the face Oh my god I love it when he does that ❋ Respect The 90’s Baby (2021)

He came [all over my face] and then started smacking me around with his [leaking] cock
Wow I wanna fuck Dominic that [sounds fun] ❋ Bend Over And Take It Raw (2021)

[Omg] [dominic] is [so sexy] ❋ Test Her Limit Bruh (2020)

Damn I walked in an [dominic] was getting [mounted] by this [sexy ass] chick man I can’t fucking stand that guy ❋ The Giant Clam ;) 💦💧 (2022)

I [feel like] Dominic is [holding back] [something] ❋ Assume The Position (2019)



From Middle French dominant.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈdɒmɪnənt/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈdɑmənənt/


dominant (plural dominants)

  1. (music) The fifth major tone of a musical scale (five major steps above the note in question); thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on.
  2. (music) The triad built on the dominant tone.
  3. (genetics) A gene that is dominant.
    • 1930, R. A. Fisher, J. H. Bennett, The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection (page 50)
      Finally, if we suppose provisionally that the mutant genes are dominant just as often as they are recessive, selection will be far more severe in eliminating the disadvantageous dominants than in eliminating the disadvantageous recessives.
  4. A species or organism that is dominant.
    • 1966, John R. Bassett, Southern Forest Experiment Station (New Orleans, La.), Thinning loblolly pine from above and below
      Landowners cannot afford to cut submerchantable trees, yet many hesitate to cut merchantable dominants and codominants at the risk of downgrading the residual stand.
  5. (BDSM) The dominating partner in sadomasochistic sexual activity.
    Hyponym: dominatrix
    • 2011, Jayne Rylon, Mistress’s Master (page 65)
      His story was a fable you told dominants in training to stress the importance of comprehending the depths of your submissive’s needs.


  • dominator


  • Polish: dominant


tone of a musical scale

  • Bulgarian: доминанта f (dominanta)
  • Czech: dominanta f
  • Dutch: dominant (nl) m or f
  • Finnish: dominantti (fi), huippusävel (fi)
  • Greek: δεσπόζουσα (el) f (despózousa)
  • Hungarian: domináns (hu)
  • Polish: dominanta (pl) f
  • Portuguese: dominante (pt) f
  • Russian: домина́нта (ru) f (dominánta)
  • Swedish: dominant (sv) c


  • Polish: dominant (pl) m


dominant (comparative more dominant, superlative most dominant)

  1. Ruling; governing; prevailing
    The dominant party controlled the government.
    • 1849–1861, Thomas Babington Macaulay, chapter 12, in The History of England from the Accession of James the Second, volume (please specify |volume=I to V), London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, →OCLC:

      The member of a dominant race is, in his dealings with the subject race, seldom indeed fraudulent, [] but imperious, insolent, and cruel.

  2. Predominant, common, prevalent, of greatest importance.
    The dominant plants of the Carboniferous were lycopods and early conifers.
    • 2009, H. Stephen Stoker, General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, page 10
      All other elements are mere «impurities» when their abundances are compared with those of these two dominant elements.
  3. (of a hand) Preferred and used with greater dexterity than the other, as the right hand of a right-handed person or the left hand of a left-handed one.
  4. (medicine) Designating the follicle which will survive atresia and permit ovulation.
  5. (music) Being the dominant
    Dominant seventh


  • (ruling, governing): imposing
  • (predominant, common): prevalent


  • (ruling): obedient, submissive (one who obeys); defiant, rebellious (one who defys)

Derived terms[edit]

  • co-dominant
  • dominant seventh
  • dominant seventh chord


ruling, governing

  • Bulgarian: преобладаващ (bg) (preobladavašt), господстващ (bg) (gospodstvašt)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 主要的 (zhǔ yào de)
  • Czech: převládající m, dominantní (cs) m (genetics)
  • Dutch: dominant (nl)
  • Esperanto: dominanta
  • Finnish: vallitseva (fi), hallitseva (fi)
  • French: dominant (fr)
  • Galician: dominante (gl) m or f
  • German: dominant (de)
  • Greek: κύριος (el) m (kýrios)
  • Hebrew: דומיננטי (he) (dominant’i)
  • Italian: dominante (it)
  • Japanese: 支配的 (shihaiteki)
  • Latin: dominans, praevalens
  • Malay: dominan
  • Polish: dominujący (pl)
  • Portuguese: dominante (pt)
  • Rapa Nui: mau
  • Romanian: dominant (ro) m or n, dominantă (ro) f
  • Russian: преоблада́ющий (ru) (preobladájuščij), госпо́дствующий (ru) (gospódstvujuščij), домини́рующий (ru) (dominírujuščij)
  • Swedish: dominant (sv)
  • Tagalog: nananaig



dominant (masculine and feminine plural dominants)

  1. dominant



Borrowed from French dominant, from Middle French dominant.


  • IPA(key): /ˌdoː.miˈnɑnt/
  • Hyphenation: do‧mi‧nant
  • Rhymes: -ɑnt


dominant (comparative dominanter, superlative dominantst)

  1. dominant
    Synonym: overheersend
  2. (genetics) dominant


Inflection of dominant
uninflected dominant
inflected dominante
comparative dominanter
positive comparative superlative
predicative/adverbial dominant dominanter het dominantst
het dominantste
indefinite m./f. sing. dominante dominantere dominantste
n. sing. dominant dominanter dominantste
plural dominante dominantere dominantste
definite dominante dominantere dominantste
partitive dominants dominanters

Derived terms[edit]

  • dominantie



  • IPA(key): /dɔ.mi.nɑ̃/



  1. present participle of dominer


dominant (feminine dominante, masculine plural dominants, feminine plural dominantes)

  1. dominant

Derived terms[edit]

  • vent dominant


  • Turkish: dominant

Further reading[edit]

  • “dominant”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



  • Rhymes: -ant


dominant (strong nominative masculine singular dominanter, comparative dominanter, superlative am dominantesten)

  1. dominant


Positive forms of dominant

Comparative forms of dominant

Superlative forms of dominant

Further reading[edit]

  • “dominant” in Duden online
  • “dominant” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache



Borrowed from English dominant.[1]


  • IPA(key): /dɔˈmi.nant/
  • Rhymes: -inant
  • Syllabification: do‧mi‧nant


dominant m anim

  1. (biology) dominant (species or organism that is dominant) [+case = ] [+ prep (case) = ]



  1. ^ Mirosław Bańko; Lidia Wiśniakowska (2021) Wielki słownik wyrazów obcych, →ISBN

Further reading[edit]

  • dominant in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • dominant in Polish dictionaries at PWN
  • dominant in Narodowy Fotokorpus Języka Polskiego



From French dominant.


dominant m or n (feminine singular dominantă, masculine plural dominanți, feminine and neuter plural dominante)

  1. dominant




From French dominante.


  • IPA(key): /dɔ.mi.nɑnt/



  1. dominant
    Synonym: baskın


predicative forms of dominant

present tense
ben (I am) dominantım dominant mıyım? dominant değilim dominant değil miyim?
sen (you are) dominantsın dominant mısın? dominant değilsin dominant değil misin?
o (he/she/it is) dominant / dominanttır dominant mı? dominant değil dominant değil mi?
biz (we are) dominantız dominant mıyız? dominant değiliz dominant değil miyiz?
siz (you are) dominantsınız dominant mısınız? dominant değilsiniz dominant değil misiniz?
onlar (they are) dominant(lar) dominant(lar) mı? dominant değil(ler) dominant değiller mi?
past tense
ben (I was) dominanttım dominant mıydım? dominant değildim dominant değil miydim?
sen (you were) dominanttın dominant mıydın? dominant değildin dominant değil miydin?
o (he/she/it was) dominanttı dominant mıydı? dominant değildi dominant değil miydi?
biz (we were) dominanttık dominant mıydık? dominant değildik dominant değil miydik?
siz (you were) dominanttınız dominant mıydınız? dominant değildiniz dominant değil miydiniz?
onlar (they were) dominanttılar dominant mıydılar? dominant değildi(ler) / değillerdi dominant değil miydiler?
indirect past
ben (I was) dominantmışım dominant mıymışım? dominant değilmişim dominant değil miymişim?
sen (you were) dominantmışsın dominant mıymışsın? dominant değilmişsin dominant değil miymişsin?
o (he/she/it was) dominantmış dominant mıymış? dominant değilmiş dominant değil miymiş?
biz (we were) dominantmışız dominant mıymışız? dominant değilmişiz dominant değil miymişiz?
siz (you were) dominantmışsınız dominant mıymışsınız? dominant değilmişsiniz dominant değil miymişsiniz?
onlar (they were) dominantmışlar dominant mıymışlar? dominant değilmiş(ler) / değillermiş dominant değil miymişler?
ben (if I) dominantsam dominant mıysam? dominant değilsem dominant değil miysem?
sen (if you) dominantsan dominant mıysan? dominant değilsen dominant değil miysen?
o (if he/she/it) dominantsa dominant mıysa? dominant değilse dominant değil miyse?
biz (if we) dominantsak dominant mıysak? dominant değilsek dominant değil miysek?
siz (if you) dominantsanız dominant mıysanız? dominant değilseniz dominant değil miyseniz?
onlar (if they) dominantsalar dominant mıysalar? dominant değilseler / değillerse dominant değil miyseler?

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