The word doctor in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word doctor, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use doctor in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «doctor».

Doctor in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word doctor in a sentence.

  1. The Canadiens’ team doctor, Dr.

  2. A doctor, he practiced in Salem.

  3. At this the doctor exclaimed, «Oh!

  4. His father is a native doctor at Agra.

  5. A Tribune reporter met doctor William J.

  6. Priya is his childhood friend and doctor.

  7. He conceals this practice from his doctor.

  8. In case a doctor was needed, Major Charles H.

  9. Behrman to work with Rand as a script doctor.

  10. A local doctor declared her survival miraculous.

  11. The doctor returned at 11:00 am and found the body.

  12. In Green River, Wyoming, there was a Chinese doctor.

  13. His father worked as a coachman to a Cambridge doctor.

  14. He received an honorary doctor of laws degree from St.

  15. I ran across the hall and called in a woman doctor, Dr.

  16. A prison doctor came and said it was too late, as McCain was about to die anyway.

  17. His doctor ordered him to rest and refrain from writing and other mental activity.

  18. He refused to send for a doctor for four days before embarking on his return trip.

  19. Wodehouse a doctor of letters the University has done the right and popular thing.

  20. A year later, the faculty of the university awarded him an honorary doctor of laws.

  21. His early ambition to be a doctor was curtailed when his father died and he had to leave school early.

  22. Towards the end, she was bedridden and did not receive any visitors, apart from her doctor and nurses.

  23. It took a doctor more than 24 hours to diagnose acute appendicitis and a surgeon operated immediately.

  24. Matthew calls the doctor, who promises to phone in a prescription to the pharmacist the following day.

  25. When Katsuro defecates, Lindsay is forced to swallow his excrement while the doctor watches in delight.

  26. His younger brother William became a successful doctor, leaving most of his estate (£30,000) to Garrow.

  27. But the doctor who had examined her body concluded that she was killed before she resisted any assault.

  28. However, he attended for only a year and a half as he changed his mind about wanting to become a doctor.

  29. When he was interviewed that year, he said that «one doctor said I’ve got about four more years to live.

  30. She became engaged to a builder named John and took a job as a children’s nanny for a doctor in Croydon.

  31. He felt ill when he arrived in Paducah on election day, and a doctor diagnosed him with a «tired heart».

  32. He engaged Louis Weitzenkorn, the author of the previous hit Five Star Final, to act as a script doctor.

  33. Harold was a medical doctor and the political activist who founded the League of Coloured Peoples (LCP).

  34. In 1995, Davidson gained permission to have the skeleton examined by a medical doctor at the university.

  35. The week after Punk left WWE, his wife April Mendez convinced him to get the lump checked by her doctor.

  36. The story focuses on the respected London doctor Henry Jekyll and his involvement with Edward Hyde, a loathsome criminal.

  37. Unable to become a doctor due to a lack of medical schools in the Congo, he found work as a minister, teacher, and nurse.

  38. Lamb’s conversation with the doctor continued incoherently, with Lamb «leaping from topic to topic», in Yaworsky’s words.

  39. Tuke was a psychiatric doctor with whom Druitt played cricket, and Druitt’s mother was committed to Tuke’s asylum in 1890.

  40. Barrichello’s tongue blocked his airway during the crash and emergency work done by FIA doctor Sid Watkins saved his life.

  41. She called a doctor, who prescribed some medicine and Victoria went out to fill the prescription at a nearby pharmacist’s.

  42. She also appeared briefly as a doctor in one of the year’s biggest hits, the Harrison Ford-starring thriller The Fugitive.

  43. There, he suffered a heart attack, but he had to be persuaded to see a doctor and he refused to be admitted to a hospital.

  44. He had failed to summon a doctor immediately and, upon questioning, had given outlandish excuses for his failure to do so.

  45. He was the fifth of six children of wealthy society doctor and financier Robert Darwin and Susannah Darwin (née Wedgwood).

  46. The local doctor deemed it suspicious and ruled out suicide, and police arrested a neighbour who had been unable to satisfactorily explain several bloodstains on his coat.

  47. In the pilot episode, a seduction scene with a doctor and a young woman ends when she is revealed to be a corpse, and several women die after being admitted for treatment.

  48. Even discounting this, the symptoms observed in Lamb were not consistent and the doctor did not think he had evidence conclusive enough to certify Lamb as mentally unsound.

  49. When Parliament resumed, he collapsed on the floor of the House and was forced to use a walking stick; his doctor advised him that he required six months of rest to recover.

  50. He stayed in the Adlon, the city’s most fashionable luxury hotel, while his sister Hanna lived with her doctor husband in the prosperous suburb of Westend in Charlottenburg.

Synonyms for doctor

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word doctor has the following synonyms: doc, physician, MD, Dr., medico, Doctor of the Church, Doctor, , repair, mend, fix, bushel, furbish up, restore, touch on, sophisticate and doctor up.

General information about «doctor» example sentences

The example sentences for the word doctor that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «doctor» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «doctor».

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  1. An episode of Star Trek: Voyager called» Heroes and Demons «, the holographic,


    ,chooses ‘Schweitzer’ as a potential name for himself. *In 2006 Jeff McCarthy
  2. Prince Osaka Dashiki of Japan (b. 1887) *1983 – Theodore Stephan ides, Greek,


    , and naturalist (b. 1896) *1984 – Richard Cornwall, British actor (b. 1910)
  3. The Virgins’ Corner» ), where he played the assistant of a fake mystical,


    ,traveling from town to town, who reminisce about their travels, when a group of
  4. Flank O’Brien, Irish humorist (b. 1911) *1967 – Dang Van NGC, Vietnamese,


    , and intellectual (b. 1910) *1968 – LEV Davidic Landau, Russian physicist
  5. 38.5 % of the patients alternative therapies were discussed with their medical,


    , Edward Ernst, Professor of Complementary Medicine at the University of Peter
  6. Ukrainian politician and general (b. 1871) *1945 – Sigmund Rancher, Nazi,


    , ( b. 1909) *1946 – Jim White, discoverer of Carlsbad Caverns (b. 1882) *1950
  7. It for the screen. The Quiet Duel starred Toshiba Minute as an idealistic young,


    ,struggling with syphilis, a deliberate attempt by Kurosawa to break the actor
  8. Hiding in California in 1911. Ishim was the last of the AHI Indian tribe. His,


    , Saxon Pope, learned many of Ishi’s archery skills, and passed them on. The
  9. That occasion. Other drug use Crowley developed a drug addiction after a London,


    ,prescribed heroin for his asthma and bronchitis. His life as an addict
  10. To join his family in Pa via, convincing the school to let him go by using a,


    ,’s note. Einstein applied directly to the Eidgenössische Polytechnic Schulz
  11. Umberto Giordano, Italian composer (d. 1948) *1878 – George Whipple, American,


    , and Nobel laureate (d. 1976) *1884 – Peter Fraser, former Prime Minister of
  12. After preaching this sermon, Paneloux is taken ill. He refuses to call for a,


    , trusting in God alone. He dies. Since his symptoms did not seem to resemble
  13. Michał Sędziwój,1566–1636),a Polish alchemist, philosopher,medical,


    ,and pioneer of chemistry. According to some accounts, he distilled oxygen in a
  14. 960–1297 AD),a sampan is clearly seen lying beside an account book and,


    ,’s prescriptions on the counter of an apothecary’s (Fabio). The similarity
  15. Fitzgerald, English writer (b. 1916) * 2000 – Jerry Bighorn, Polish-Swedish,


    , researcher and politician (b. 1925) *2002 – Alexander Lobed, Russian general
  16. Easier for her if she return home to die instead of remaining at Scarborough. A,


    , consulted the next day, indicated that death was already close. Anne received
  17. Of 19 December, when,being so weak, she declared:» if you will send for a,


    , I will see him now «. It was far too late. At about two o’clock that afternoon
  18. Well as early children’s literature. His father, Dr. John Akin, was a medical,


    , historian, and author. His grandfather, also called John Akin (1713–1780)
  19. Morphine for his asthma and bronchitis many years earlier. He and his last,


    ,died within 24 hours of each other; newspapers would claim, in differing
  20. With a medical degree, Schweitzer made a definite proposal to go as a medical,


    ,to work at his own expense in the Paris Missionary Society’s mission at
  21. d. 1890) *1827 – Ramón Meters Balances, Puerto Rican politician, medical,


    , and diplomat (d. 1898) *1842 – Elizabeth Bacon Custer, wife of George
  22. Their fullest statement. A conceited and materialistic, foreign-trained young,


    , Sumoto, is forced to become an intern at the clinic under the stern tutelage
  23. Basis of a link between his steroid use and his later heart problems. As the,


    ,had never examined him personally, Schwarzenegger collected a US$10,000 libel
  24. Who reminisces about their travels, when a group of women decides to propose the,


    ,for sainthood. The movie was set in the 1920s rural Mexico. Arab has made many
  25. French statesman (d. 1877) *1813 – James McCune Smith, African-American,


    , and abolitionist (d. 1865) *1819 – Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Cuban
  26. The drama that he shifted the focus from the title character, the alcoholic,


    ,played by Takashi Chimera, who had already appeared in several Kurosawa movies.
  27. Well as the operation of several specified» major bodily functions. » Required,


    ,visits are not to be held against anyone with a disability. Political pressure
  28. And all those who appeared on brief and superficial inspection by an SS,


    ,not to be completely fit. Auschwitz II-Birkenau claimed more victims than any
  29. In the SS. The infamous Joseph Mengele, for example, was a combat field,


    ,in the Waffen-SS before transferring to Auschwitz after being wounded in combat
  30. The Society Of The Evangelist Missions of Paris» who was looking for a medical,


    , However, the committee of this French Missionary Society was not ready to
  31. Thorndike, American psychologist (b. 1874) *1957 – Carl Flaubert, German Nazi,


    ,(b. 1898) *1962 – Hermann Hesse, German-born Swiss writer, Nobel Laureate (
  32. As guinea pigs for testing new drugs. The most infamous,


    ,at Auschwitz was Josef Mengele, known as the» Angel of Death «. Particularly
  33. Swiftly discharged, officially on medical grounds, but it is suggested that a,


    ,who noticed his reluctance to join the Armed Forces deliberately failed the
  34. In which he was able to express himself freely. A gritty realistic story of a,


    ,who tries to save a gangster (yakuza) with tuberculosis, it was also the
  35. See the person again. Room works to combat the plague simply because he is a,


    ,and his job is to relieve human suffering. He does not do it for any grand
  36. Procedures may also be selected due to legality, regional availability, and,


    , or patient preference. Reasons for procuring induced abortions are typically
  37. Followed, where he starred alongside Rajesh Hanna. Bachchan’s role as a,


    ,with a cynical view of life earned him his first Film fare Best Supporting Actor
  38. Tissue building. » In 1999,Schwarzenegger sued Dr. Will Heep, a German,


    ,who publicly predicted his early death on the basis of a link between his
  39. The plague). When Panel contracts the plague himself, he refuses to call a,


    , He dies according to his principles, trusting in the providence of God and not
  40. The finished novel, but when the book was done, she was so exhausted that her,


    ,ordered two weeks’ rest. Her continued use of the drug for a number of years
  41. Of respondents in the United States had sought the services of both a medical,


    ,and an alternative medicine practitioner. The same survey found that 96 % of
  42. Fountain of Hyacinth) but began taking it once more late in his life, again on,


    ,’s prescription for his respiratory difficulties. Racism Biographer Lawrence
  43. He had told anyone of his plans to dedicate the rest of his life to work as a,


    ,in Africa, he said: Criticism of Schweitzer was nonetheless still
  44. Cause, which may require their removal. If foreign objects are not the cause,a,


    ,will incise and drain the abscess and prescribe painkillers and possibly
  45. This marks the site where Clement was originally buried. Four years later,a,


    ,of the town named Plato and his brother Antioch us also became celebrated
  46. Of an alternative medicine practitioner also sought the services of a medical,


    ,in the past 12 months. Medical


    s are often unaware of their patient’s
  47. Of himself on trial before the Athenians: he says he would be like a,


    ,prosecuted by a pastry chef before a jury of children. Two coups briefly
  48. Dignity» deals with the trial of a man who killed a late-term abortion,


    ,; the storyline was inspired by the assassination of abortion provider George
  49. Actor and director. Biography Arab was born in Mexico City, the son of a,


    , He directed the films. Arab appeared in the 1972 Mexican film El rincón de leis
  50. Bell had worried that the flight was too dangerous and had arranged for a,


    ,to be on hand. With the successful flight, the AEA disbanded and the Silver

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doctor — перевод на русский


! — I’m a doctor.

— Я доктор.

Doctor of old poems.

Доктор старых поэм.

Doctor becomes a patient, huh?

Доктор стал пациентом, да?

Rebecca, your doctor in New York is a quack.

Ребекка, ваш доктор из Нью-Йорка шарлатан.

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Today it is not the Devil, but rather a famous actor, a popular clergyman or a well-known doctor, who disturbs the calm of the night.

Сейчас это уже не Дьявол, а известный актёр, духовное лицо или врач, который также может нарушать ночной покой.


Профессор Зиверс, городской врач — Густав Ботц

Quickly, we need a doctor.

Нужен быстро врач.

Well, that’s the kind of a doctor I am when I take a fancy to a patient.

Ну, я вроде врач… и мне взбрело в голову проверить пациентку.

«Her doctor wants her to have a complete change.

Ее врач советует полностью сменить обстановку.

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All right, Doctor.

Хорошо, Док.

-Hello, Doctor. Sorry to be late.

— Привет, док.

I know, Doctor.

Я знаю, док.

I’m very sorry, Doctor, but I must do it.

Простите, док, но я вынужден.

Is it bad, doctor?

Ему плохо, док?

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Be more careful with it in the future, Doctor.

В будущем обращайтесь с этим предусмотрительней, г-н доктор!

-Thank you, Doctor.

Большое спасибо, г-н доктор.

I don’t know, Doctor.

— Я не знаю, г-н доктор.

Doctor, you weren’t needed before, but now it’s time.

Г-н доктор, я и так ждал до последнего, но теперь уже пора.

You must admit, Doctor, that Lent’s wife, his widow rather… was not exactly blameless in her behaviour.

Надеюсь, г-н доктор, вы согласитесь с мнением, что поведение супруги Лента, то бишь вдовы, достойно порицания.

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— Your cognac, doctor

— Ваш коньяк, господин доктор.


Господин доктор…

But, Doctor…

Но, господин доктор…

Yes, Doctor.

Да, господин доктор.

Doctor, a cup of hot coffee.

Господин доктор, кофе дл0

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Doctor, could that be a flying saucer?

Профессор, это не похоже на летающую тарелку.

Doctor, this is it!

Профессор, посмотрите!

Doctor, I beg you, tell me about Elisabeth.

Профессор, прошу вас расскажите об Элизабет.

The doctor is coming now. We’ll get a second opinion, and you’ll get better.

Сейчас придёт профессор, что-нибудь нам посоветует,..

No, the doctor isn’t here.

Нет, профессора нет. Но я его ассистентка.

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I don’t need a doctor.

Мне не нужен доктор.

Boys, Kuksi needs a doctor.

Пацаны, Кукси нужен доктор.

I gotta find a doctor.

Нам нужен доктор!

You don’t need a doctor for this.

Тебе не нужен доктор для этого.

I think that I need a doctor!

Кажется мне нужен доктор!

We’d better get a doctor.

— Ну что там еще? Нужно позвать врача.

I begged him to go for the doctor,but he fell on the couch and passed out.

Он пришел пьяный в пять утра. Я лежала на полу. Я умоляла его позвать врача, но он не обратил на меня внимания.

Put him in my room, he needs a doctor.

Мы положим его в моей комнате. Нужно позвать врача.

Must be treated by a doctor.

Надо позвать врача.

Why haven’t you had a doctor look at him?

Почему ты не позвала врача?

The project was the brain child of the late Walter Pahnke, a Harvard theological scholar also qualified as a medical doctor.

ѕроект был порождением покойного «олтера ѕанке, гарвардского богослова и медика.

There’s no doctor here who understands these things.

Здесь нет больше ни одного медика, кто разбирался бы в подобных вещах.

Villette had dinner in a restaurant at 9. Examining his stomach, the doctors found that he couldn’t have died before 11:30.

Вилетт ужинал в ресторане в девять, исследуя содержимое его желудка, медики выяснили, что он не могумереть раньше половины двенадцатого.

Is it nothing major for a doctor when someone loses two fingers?

Для медиков потерять два пальца — это пустяки?

Your mother will come and, as a doctor, she’ll explain to you that these are just complications because of a flu.

Придет мать, она тебе, как медик, объяснит, что это у тебя осложнения на почве гриппа.

Anyway, your father doesn’t like his doctor.

В любом случае, твоему отцу не нравится его лечащий врач.

You know that young doctor I was telling you about, well he’s got an idea he wants to keep me alive.

Мой лечащий врач вбил себе в голову, что я должен бросить курить.

I’ve promised my doctor for sometime that I would leave when I could. I now realize I can’t.

Я обещал приехать своему лечащему врачу, как только смогу.

Anyhow, I’ll need to meet again with her, all her relatives, her doctor — whoever’s been around her since her son’s death.

Хорошо, я ознакомлюсь с этими документами. В любом случае, я бы хотел встретиться… и поговорить с самой сеньорой, с родственниками, со всеми родственниками, с лечащим врачом, и со всеми людьми, которые были с ней после смерти ее сына.

Nurse, could I see the doctor for a moment?

Я могу поговорить с лечащим врачом?

Отправить комментарий

доктор, врач, эскулап, шабер, скребок, лечить, фальсифицировать, подделывать


- доктор, врач

doctor’s overall — медицинский халат
family doctor — домашний врач
ship’s doctor — судовой /корабельный/ врач
to see a doctor — сходить к врачу
to send for a doctor — послать за врачом; вызвать врача
to call in a doctor — вызвать врача
who is your doctor — кто вас лечит?

- знахарь
- доктор (учёная степень)

Doctor of Philosophy [Law, Medicine] — доктор философии [юридических наук, медицины]
to take one’s doctor’s degree — получить степень доктора

- законник, законовед, знаток законов
- учёный богослов, теолог

ещё 12 вариантов


- разг. лечить, врачевать

to doctor smb. (for rheumatism) — лечить кого-л. (от ревматизма)
to doctor oneself with tranquillizers — лечиться транквилизаторами

- заниматься врачебной практикой
- лечиться; принимать лекарство
- разбавлять (напитки)

to doctor beer with water — разбавить пиво водой

- фальсифицировать (продукты)
- подделывать

to doctor accounts [election returns] — подделывать счета [результаты выборов]

- подправлять, чинить на скорую руку; ремонтировать; налаживать (машину)

to doctor a cart — починить тележку
to doctor a photo — вырезать (что-л.) на фотографии

- редк. присуждать докторскую степень

Мои примеры


a doctored photo of the actress — поддельная фотография этой актрисы  
the lone doctor in the entire county — единственный врач на всю округу  
to call (in) a doctor — вызвать врача  
doctoral / doctor’s degree — докторская степень  
head doctor — главный врач  
doctor’s office — кабинет врача  
to doctor an old clock — чинить старые часы  
doctor on duty — дежурный врач  
to go to the doctor’s — пойти к врачу  
doctor of divinity — доктор богословия  
doctor blade coatings — наносимые ножевым устройством покрытия  
doctor blade mechanism — механизм ракеля  

Примеры с переводом

The doctor will see you now.

Доктор сейчас вас примет.

The doctor must see him at once.

Врач должен немедленно осмотреть его.

My head reels, doctor.

Доктор, у меня кружится голова.

You want to see a doctor.

Тебе следует пойти к врачу.

Let me by, I’m a doctor.

Пропустите меня, я доктор.

The doctor is off-duty today.

Это врач сегодня не принимает.

Next the doctor examined his back.

Потом врач осмотрел его спину.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He refused to go near a doctor.

Has your doctor been certified?

…ran posthaste for the doctor…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

doctoral  — докторский
doctorate  — докторская степень, докторат, присуждать степень доктора
doctorship  — положение и функции доктора, положение доктора наук,

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: doctor
he/she/it: doctors
ing ф. (present participle): doctoring
2-я ф. (past tense): doctored
3-я ф. (past participle): doctored

ед. ч.(singular): doctor
мн. ч.(plural): doctors

Definition of Doctor

a person who uses medicine to treat people’s health issues

Examples of Doctor in a sentence

The doctor will see several sick patients at his clinic before lunchtime.


Because she wants to become a doctor when she grows up, the little girl always pretends to heal her sick baby dolls.


The doctor prescribed medication to help the patient get over a severe bout of the flu.




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Apprehensive: In a Sentence

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Heresy: In a Sentence

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