The word diversity in a sentence

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1. Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature.

2. Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not diversion.

3. There is need for greater diversity and choice in education.

4. Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?

5. The organization promotes racial tolerance and unity in diversity.

6. Many employers seek diversity in their staffs.

7. There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies.

8. Two of our greatest strengths are diversity and community.

9. Tyrannies do not allow diversity and disagreement.

10. The exhibition is designed to reflect the diversity of the nation and its regions.

11. We have nothing against diversity; indeed, we want more of it.

12. The producer was under pressure to maintain a diversity in his output.

13. There is a wide diversity of views on this subject.

14. Diversity is of fundamental importance to all ecosystems and all economies.

15. His object is to gather as great a diversity of material as possible.

16. The increasing racial diversity of the US is reflected in the latest census statistics.

17. Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture.

18. The curriculum will take account of the ethnic diversity of the population.

19. There is a need for greater diversity and choice in education.

20. There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.

21. He urged me to diversity and not keep all my money in one investment type.

22. Solidarity and diversity are both desirable objectives.

23. This was not just a matter of ethnic diversity.

24. I have the greatest respect for linguistic diversity.sentence dictionary

25. This was no celebration of diversity.

26. There would be diversity within unity.

27. The attempt to create unity or accommodate diversity.

28. The exhibition on India fails to capture the great diversity of this fascinating country.

29. The essence of New York is its extremity and diversity.

30. She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures.

More similar words: diverse, version, ever since, conversion, controversial, anniversary, Persian, persist, dived, density, intensity, sensitivity, ever so, oversee, versus, reverse, sensitive, inquisitive, perspective, liver, controversy, driver, conversation, deliver, delivery, receiver, give rise to, over and over, divide, divine. 

Definition of Diversity

an assortment of different types

Examples of Diversity in a sentence

The zoo contains a large diversity of animals.


The chocolate box contains a diversity of flavors.


Filled with diversity, my neighborhood contains people of many different races.


As the school has a mandatory dress code, there is no diversity in student wardrobes.


As a teacher, Bridgett has to deal with a large amount of diversity in her inner city classroom.


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The geometric method gains firm understanding of a few principles but is incapable of understanding the diversity all around us.

Геометрический метод дает твердое понимание некоторых принципов, но неспособен понять разнообразие всего вокруг нас.

What a marvelous diversity in the images various cultures saw in this particular constellation.

Какое дивное разнообразие изображений различные культуры видели в одном и том же сочетании звезд.

The diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment.»

Столь велико разнообразие природных явлений, и столь богаты сокровища, которые хранит небо в совершенном порядке, что человеческий ум никогда не будет испытывать недостатка в пище.»

Anyway, we’re off to celebrate Craggy Island’s ethnic diversity.

Ладно. Мы пошли праздновать этническое разнообразие острова Крагги.

Well, I believe in diversity on my staff.

Ну, я верю в разнообразие в моем штате.

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Diversity and opportunity.

Многообразие и возможности.

Well, Lewis and Sharon said it-— diversity and opportunity and freedom and freedom.

Что ж, Льюис и Шэрон сказали… многообразие и возможности и свобода и свобода.

I’ve championed diversity on NBC.

Я всегда защищал этническое многообразие на NBC.

It’s just… diversity is in our DNA, right?

Многообразие заложено в нашей ДНК.

It means that in a world of excellence, old and unexceptional qualifies as diversity.

В мире совершенства старость и ординарность сойдут за многообразие.

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You know, looking over the names on this list, I’m not sensing a lot of ethnic diversity.

Глядя на этот список имён, я не вижу этнического разнообразия.

As I was trying to say the other day, this company has a long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.

И как я пытался сказать вчера, в этой компании существует давняя традция этнического разнообразия и взаимодействия.

He heads our diversity and hiring initiative.

Он возглавляет отдел этнического разнообразия и прием на работу.

You were told about this lack of diversity in a staff memo two years ago, and you’ve done nothing.

Вам говорили об этой нехватке этнического разнообразия в служебной записке два года назад, и вы не сделали ничего.

Look, to be honest, there’s no diversity in the food world.

В кулинарных шоу нет этнического разнообразия.

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Oh, hey, well, diversity, everybody. Let’s do it.

Ну что ж, толерантность, все, покажем им.

At Diversity Today, our philosophy is about honesty and positive expectations.

Философия нашей компании «Толерантность сегодня» включает в себя честность и положительные ожидания.

Well, here I am thinking that you actually cared about diversity training.

Я-то решил, что вас действительно волнует толерантность.

Diversity… is the cornerstone of progress, as I’ve always said.

Толерантность — краеугольный камень прогресса, как я всегда говорил.

I… it’s diversity day, Jim.

У нас день толерантности, Джим.

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What in the hell’s diversity?

Что такое равноправие?

Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.

Если я не ошибаюсь, равноправие — это старинный деревянный корабль, который использовался во время Гражданской Войны.

Diversity means that times are changing, and with that in mind…

Равноправие значит, что времена меняются, и помня об этом…

A lot of you have been hearing the affiliates complaining about a lack of diversity on the news team.

Многие из вас слышали жалобы об отсутствии равноправия в команде новостей.

So they can pass themselves off as equal opportunity employers. So they can claim to be about diversity.

Чтобы сойти за политкорректных нанимателей, за приверженцев равноправия.

Uh, instead, we need to celebrate our diversity.

Вместо этого надо радоваться нашим различиям.

Come on! Let’s celebrate diversity, right?

Радуемся различиям!

Greendale’s Oktoberfest has never drawn huge crowds, probably due to our diversity.

Октоберфест Гриндэйла никогда не собирал толпы народа, возможно, из-за наших различий.

The Church can’t be seen to be getting involved in matters of diversity.

Церковь не мοжет быть вοвлечена в вοпрοсы всяких различий.

I don’t need a lecture on diversity right now.

Мне сейчас не нужна лекция о различиях.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word diversity, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use diversity in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «diversity». In addition, we also show how different variations of diversity can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are diversity’ and diversity—an. If you click on the variation of diversity that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Diversity in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word diversity in a sentence.

  1. Ethnic diversity is minimal in Navenby.

  2. Recent research states that genetic diversity in H.

  3. The highest diversity occurs in Mexico and the Andes.

  4. Proboscidean diversity declined during the Oligocene.

  5. Bacteria display a wide diversity of shapes and sizes.

  6. A great deal of diversity exists between strains of H.

  7. As a result, the diversity of plant life is very low and limited in distribution.

  8. Considerable morphological diversity existed among wolves by the Late Pleistocene.

  9. A large diversity of flora can be seen, preserved in the form of pollen and spores.

  10. Of the three ecoregions it is the richest in terms of freshwater species diversity.

  11. I marvel often as I think over the diversity & perfection of the contrivances.».

  12. The wide range of oceanic climates yielded a large diversity of fauna that coexisted with Mosasaurus.

  13. In the Middle East, golden jackals from Israel have a higher genetic diversity than European jackals.

  14. It was produced as part of Nickelodeon’s commitment to feature cultural diversity in its programming.

  15. Honoré de Balzac was drawn to a diversity of interests throughout his life, from business to politics.

  16. Apologists for the movement note its ethnic diversity and argue that it encompasses a variety of views.

  17. The diversity of marine life decreased when the climate near the K–Pg boundary increased in temperature.

  18. Despite this lack of diversity, Mann’s time with the Packers was largely free of overt racial incidents.

  19. Around this time, Cretoxyrhina coexisted with a radiating increase in diversity of fauna like mosasaurs.

  20. Although the mean interbreeding level became 0.119, a potential gene diversity (GD) of 92% was retained.

  21. The ranks’ diversity sometimes led to confusion when messages or directives were not properly understood.

  22. Usually, a greater diversity of frogs occurs in tropical areas than in temperate regions, such as Europe.

  23. In an article published in January 2015, she expressed her views on diversity and being a global citizen.

  24. Subsequent evolutionary radiation and speciation has created the diversity of Malagasy lemurs seen today.

  25. Plensa feels that by using faces, he can represent the diversity of the city both in ethnicity and in age.

  26. Such low genetic diversity may have been a characteristic of koala populations since the late Pleistocene.

  27. The return of English-speaking Rwandan refugees in the 1990s added a new dimension to the country’s linguistic diversity.

  28. Sheep are one of the few animals where the molecular basis of the diversity of male sexual preferences has been examined.

  29. Even on Earth, the diversity of eclipses familiar to people today is a temporary (on a geological time scale) phenomenon.

  30. Allelic diversity was measured at 2.7–3.3 in the subpopulations sampled, and heterozygosity was in the range 0.386–0.467.

  31. Increased foliage corresponds to increased faunal diversity, including the diversity and complexity of lemur communities.

  32. Because of its elevation, Mauna Kea has the greatest diversity of biotic ecosystems anywhere in the Hawaiian archipelago.

  33. Shapiro noted the diversity of her work, mentioning her contributions to music «for everyone from Foxy Brown to Noreaga».

  34. It has been suggested that the extinction of Cretoxyrhina may have helped the further increase the diversity of mosasaurs.

  35. In conclusion, he felt that the book had «shown that Orchids exhibit an almost endless diversity of beautiful adaptations.

  36. This recent colonization from a relatively limited southern population may account for the reduction of genetic diversity.

  37. The town is well known for its religious diversity, and it features several temples and one of the most famous ones being sri ranganatha swamy temple,mosques and churches.

  38. The 2011 survey noted that the firm had established a non-discrimination policy and had introduced diversity training that included training related to sexual orientation.

  39. Time has now sufficiently dispersed the mists of criticism for us to be able to see the truth, to enjoy all his music, and to rejoice in the rich diversity of its panoply.

  40. There is relatively high diversity and abundance of reptiles, including the military dragon (Ctenophorus isolepis gularis) and the sand goanna (Varanus gouldii flavirufus).

  41. Competition from introduced species and the effect of clearing, grazing and pasture improvement has led to a decline in the diversity of native flora and fauna in the area.

Diversity’ in a sentence

Diversity’ is a variation of diversity, below you can find example sentences for diversity’.

  1. Social policy included proposals for an early form of multiculturalism and promotion of ‘cultural diversity’ and bilingualism.

Diversity—an in a sentence

Diversity—an is a variation of diversity, below you can find example sentences for diversity—an.

  1. Fungi typify that diversity—an estimated 250,000 species—of which only 5% have been described—occur in Australia.

Synonyms for diversity

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word diversity has the following synonyms: diverseness, multifariousness, variety and .

General information about «diversity» example sentences

The example sentences for the word diversity that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «diversity» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «diversity».

To have healthy soil you must have a diversity of bacteria and minerals, which is not possible when using chemicals

This is done by providing your soil with plenty of good rich compost, by regular mulching and by promoting a biological diversity

It will be this diversity that will automatically control the infestation of any one insect

To regain balance we must stop relying on chemicals to control our pests but instead rely more on maintaining a balanced ecosystem, diversity rich with bacteria and enzymes

Living soil allows for a functional diversity of organisms

Functional diversity is how organisms cooperate with each other

The Greater the diversity the greater the balance

individual, and it calls out the diversity in people

If the diversity of Saint Augustine’s preoccupations

Though all capitals are destined for the maintenance of productive labour only, yet the quantity of that labour which equal capitals are capable of putting into motion, varies extremely according to the diversity of their employment; as does likewise the value which that employment adds to the annual produce of the land and labour of the country

it is a window to the richness and diversity of India

This not only serves to explain our common heritage, but also the diversity of life found on our planet

To dream that you are eating a wafer suggests that you need more diversity and spontaneity

Form a greater awareness of life expressing itself in diversity on the Earth, and become aware of your connection with the planets in the Solar system

It is fruitful for us to acknowledge that life is not a series of random occurrences, with a little sprinkle of good luck and bad luck thrown in for diversity

3 billion years ago, starting with the simplest life form and evolving over time into the diversity we see around us today

feminist managers Clinton appointed to the upper echelons of the agency, who then went on to require that Middle East analysts spend their time knitting diversity quilts

Diversity is a good thing in itself, in that it recognizes the differences every individual brings to the schoolroom, the workplace, and every other social setting

I believe that there is more «strength through diversity than homogeneousness

We, as a people, have, on a very disturbing level, grown increasingly less ―diverse‖ in spite of our presumed diversity

Does modern society fear competition because of an uncertain, cynical apprehension of the potential ―consequences‖ or unintended results that such competition might otherwise occasion? Although I am not qualified to answer this question, it would appear that replacing genuine with common talents for the sake of social/cultural diversity will eventually compromise (true) intellectual diversity that our schools once promoted

Its cultural diversity (and social mobility), for that matter, has never prevented children from every walk of life from learning and achieving success

Understood in this manner, diversity does not seek to diminish the collective value of other cultures considered separately, however as a whole

Geographically sprawling and covering a diversity of terrain, one minute you were downtown, and then you were out in the country in about five minutes

Gonzalez had trouble finding work for two years before he became a diversity recruiter at Texas Tech University over the protests of much of the faculty and student body

The diversity of foods of various nationalities also correlated the event with Lucille’s love for traveling

Are we one in this diversity?

There are those who (like me) think that the diversity and inclusiveness of the Kirk has been one of its greatest strengths

Besides, it terrorizes the citizens with high duties tributary, high interests and diversity of laws that suppress vested rights with inhospitable economic actions as justification of stabilizing the economy or fear of international economic retaliation

It’s clear that God is not interested in beings who act like robots, nor cares for uniformity; hence, He has created this huge diversity of animals, plants, and humans of different colors, languages, carvings and thoughts, philosophies which even have different perceptions of Him -Who is the same for everyone

In turn that is because of genetic diversity which occurred there and nowhere else

students, it wasn’t to overthrow the regime, but more to highlight a diversity of view

“The other day Jason went on about his notions of diversity

“Just what is your idea about diversity there, Jason?”

thus showing the diversity of the real archaeological situation

Such diversity is caused primarily by the influence of the emotional division

As he shook my hand, he asked, “How’s that for cultural diversity

The cultural diversity in the

and the diversity of industry in the Texas

A black doctor receives a glowing feature story in the New York Times to demonstrate how well diversity in medical school admissions is working out

Shortly thereafter an Arkansas white boy, not a member of any diversity clan, is brutally raped for hours by two homosexual men and left to die

To report such an incident might take a certain glow off the glamour of multicultural diversity

Diversity proponents say they work to protect the sensitivities of their “diverse” student body

At the same time they seem to feel it necessary to decrease the diversity inherent in the language their diverse student body reads and speaks

What is then left, Ravitch asks, “to help us understand character, life circumstances and motives” of fictional or historical figures? What has resulted from these “diversity” requirements she says is “a bureaucratic system that removes all evidence of diversity

The constrained vistas that follow are called sensitivity and diversity, and passed off as education

lity and diversity are the play of the mind only

Multiplicity and diversity are in

M: The diversity is in you only

Misled by the diversity of names and shapes,

Diversity without separateness is the Ultimate that the mind can

The world is rich in diversity, but your feel-

Unity in diversity is natural and good

Odyssey Resumed ought to be read not only for the measured movements of its prose and its lyricism, but also for its respect of the immense diversity of every phenomenon, including the most elusive of all: human happiness

Diversity Officer whose primary responsibility is to liaise with key influencers in

It is, in Roger’s view, the ideal location for an international program in Spain, with the environment of a small city, rich in artistic monuments and folkloric life that provides students with the opportunity to develop an introductory perspective on the diversity of life and customs of ancient and modern Spain

Convinced that international education is the wave of the future when world reciprocity and inter-cultural cooperation are destined to be the norm rather than the exception, Roger hopes to show to his students that diversity of cultures is not a hindrance to progress but rather a vigorous drive toward success

The diversity and accessibility of locations is one of the main

giraffe and a diversity of

apartheid it has emerged as a collage of its diversity

The key to the Socialist Party’s success in the 1910s was unity in diversity

trying to create a one God state- diversity

Department of Energy issued its “Strategic Plan For Diversity

But he also knew that with a mountain comes something else, diversity of climate, soil, and vegetation

» «Hear» he said «the diversity of the mountains and of the twelve nations

“There was so much diversity of backgrounds and organizations,” says Llunas

The knowledge of God’s love gives off such a diversity of incredibly delightful fragrances

In smaller cities, the diversity of music

cell? Science has been telling us that the diversity in life-forms is produced

Hampton International swells in size and diversity

As she started reading it Peter explained he had to draft a new diversity policy for work

He liked the diversity of life and that is why he got involved with Amanda

Assignments for such lengths of time allow for some integration in communities, so that we got to know the area inside out, learned to appreciate the diversity of cultures as well as the differences in medical care and in the process developed an incredible network of friends and colleagues

NOT imply that «anything goes» but rather allows diversity to be accommodated in analysis

diversity than any of the other quintessential questions

Diversity The aspects of the experience of reality can be interpreted as

either interdependent (unity) or as functionally autonomous (diversity)

Within twenty years a small number of theatrical companies backed either by public money or wealthy entrepreneurs would have control of theatres, providing blockbuster sure-fire successes at the expense of daring, experimental diversity

These are the voices of diversity,

The other side of sameness is diversity

Thanks to its diversity and different facets and types, yoga

Yet this very diversity has led to some confusion,

This crossing indicates that you have used your diversity to your advantage

The sheer scale and diversity of London only hits you when you live in it, Matthew discerned

He found that there was quite a diversity of Irish men working in the industry

“Sadly for man,” said the seer, “the diversity of life won’t lend to encapsulate dharma into a vaunted mantra to grant him moksha

2 «In this way you may experience a perfected unity of spirit purpose and spirit understanding growing out of the mutual consciousness of the identity of each of your indwelling Paradise spirits; and you may enjoy all of this profound spiritual unity in the very face of the utmost diversity of your individual attitudes of intellectual thinking, temperamental feeling, and social conduct

What is the real difference between their religion and ours? Why is it we are at such diversity of belief when we all profess to serve the same God?» And when Thomas had finished, Jesus said: «While I would not ignore Peter’s question, knowing full well how easy it would be to misunderstand my reasons for avoiding an open clash with the rulers of the Jews at just this time, still it will prove more helpful to all of you if I choose rather to answer Thomas’s question

Today we make no record of the teachings of this gospel of the kingdom lest, when I have gone, you speedily become divided up into sundry groups of truth contenders as a result of the diversity of your interpretation of my teachings

Always we may have diversity of intellectual comprehension and interpretation, even varying degrees of socialization, but lack of spiritual brotherhood is both inexcusable and reprehensible

is a sine qua non for understanding the commonalities of female experience, as are specifics for understanding the diversity

When the funding allows, shuffle off to a different state or country as a means of engaging children in valuable cultural exchanges that open their eyes to the world’s true diversity

diversity they encounter, some mingle with the people

What little nerve he had once had was gone, and he was now a stuttering moron in the face of diversity

relate our diversity and differences and still reflect the true

of social interaction and diversity

They can accept the miraculous diversity of the universe –

In front of me is a peculiar funnel-like formation which seems to be geological in origin; however, it is heavily encrusted with a layer of life that appears to lack the usual diversity seen elsewhere; mainly tube-worms but crabs also

Make diversity the means for God’s people to equip one another to translate other cultures for world missions

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