The word distribution in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word distribution, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use distribution in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «distribution». In addition, we also show how different variations of distribution can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are distributional, distributions, distributionship and distribution—became. If you click on the variation of distribution that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Distribution in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word distribution in a sentence.

  1. The true distribution of P.

  2. For most of its distribution, B.

  3. In addition to its distribution, B.

  4. Its distribution overlaps that of M.

  5. The problem was one of distribution.

  6. On Madagascar, the distribution of M.

  7. The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution.

  8. Inland, its distribution is not well known.

  9. Its distribution in Asia is poorly studied.

  10. The reasons for this distribution is unclear.

  11. Described as having a circumboreal distribution, R.

  12. The geographical distribution is around the equator.

  13. Geastrum pectinatum has a cosmopolitan distribution.

  14. Although its distribution broadly overlaps that of T.

  15. The limits of the distribution are poorly understood.

  16. As a result, the diversity of plant life is very low and limited in distribution.

  17. It has a limited global distribution but is generally common throughout its range.

  18. Its distribution is patchy, with populations often being isolated from each other.

  19. The bee-eaters have an Old World distribution, occurring from Europe to Australia.

  20. A chief distribution engineer is stationed at the regional headquarters at Tennur.

  21. Tyler signed the Tariff of 1842 on August 30, pocket vetoing a separate bill to restore distribution.

  22. On 2 November 2010, Lions Gate Entertainment secured the North American distribution rights to Dredd.

  23. Thus, it set the record for the highest distribution fee received by any Bollywood film at that time.

  24. The N Brown Group, and children’s toy distributors Toy Options have distribution centres in the town.

  25. However, Rough Trade boss Geoff Travis liked the mix and gave the release wide distribution in the UK.

  26. Boletus edulis has a cosmopolitan distribution, concentrated in cool-temperate to subtropical regions.

  27. In 2007, the site became the retail company’s only packing and distribution centre for non-bulk items.

  28. William Herschel was the first astronomer to attempt to determine the distribution of stars in the sky.

  29. Samples in other area of distribution have shown no evidence of hybridisation in spite of cohabitation.

  30. Climatic changes and competition with introduced species may have led to the shift in its distribution.

  31. The current distribution reported by the World Spider Catalogue includes Southeast Asia and New Zealand.

  32. The distribution of the dole ceased to be conducted inside the church; it was moved to the church porch.

  33. The ravens also paid attention to reward distribution: they stopped cooperating when being cheated upon.

  34. Nothing is known of the conditions that affect its distribution, as its biogeography is as yet unstudied.

  35. Walter Wilson Froggatt and Robert John Tillyard erroneously included South Australia in its distribution.

  36. The flux distribution in the range 0.5–2.5 μm is flatter than in the main ring; the halo is not red and may even be blue.

  37. The science fiction trade journal Locus commented in an early review that distribution of the magazine seemed to be weak.

  38. He also endowed a distribution of bread to the poor residents of Chichester, a gift that continued into the 20th century.

  39. These social systems are affected by three main ecological factors: distribution of resources, group size, and predation.

  40. With the company in need of a broad commercial success, EA invested in Accolade in 1997 and took over their distribution.

  41. In March 1944 Fleming oversaw the distribution of intelligence to Royal Navy units in preparation for Operation Overlord.

  42. The orbital distribution of the asteroids reaches a maximum at an eccentricity of around 0.07 and an inclination below 4°.

  43. In 1920 the final distribution of the ships was settled among the Allied powers under the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

  44. Royalties and distribution fees, which accounted for $52.9 million in 2018, made up the Workshop’s biggest revenue source.

  45. The coins increased in price after 1936, their value helped by the wide distribution of the mintage, with no known hoards.

  46. Linezolid’s plasma protein binding is approximately 31% (range 4–32%) and its volume of distribution at steady state averages 36.1–47.3 liters in healthy adult volunteers.

  47. Older classification schemes wrap Lepilemuridae into Lemuridae and Galagidae into Lorisidae, yielding a four-one family distribution instead of five-two as presented here.

  48. The bluebuck was confined to the southwestern Cape when encountered by Europeans, but fossil evidence and rock paintings show that it originally had a larger distribution.

  49. This difference in weight distribution would allow a person to cross an area of ice while crawling that might otherwise collapse under their body weight while standing up.

  50. The studio worked alongside Marvel director of development Ruwan Jayatilleke, an early champion of the project, to assist in the distribution and publication of the novel.

Distributional in a sentence

Distributional is a variation of distribution, below you can find example sentences for distributional.

  1. Her PhD thesis proposed unsupervised methods for aligning texts and mining dictionary translations in different languages by distributional properties.

Distributions in a sentence

Distributions is a variation of distribution, below you can find example sentences for distributions.

  1. Several species show clumped distributions.

  2. Natural disasters can confound age distributions.

  3. Logarithms also occur in log-normal distributions.

  4. Age distributions may also be skewed by migrations of adults.

  5. Note that other distributions could lead to other decays with respect N.

  6. The size distributions of the Kuiper belt objects follow a number of power laws.

  7. Many of these fern species are very rare and have highly restricted distributions.

  8. Clouds at different levels have different compositions and particle size distributions.

  9. Until 1979, the Queen made two distributions of money in leather purses to each recipient.

  10. Three subspecies of the sea otter are recognized with distinct geographical distributions.

  11. Populations of diamonds from different sources have distributions of δC that vary markedly.

  12. To understand painted turtle adult age distributions, researchers require reliable methods.

  13. This produces the separation of binaries into their two observed populations distributions.

  14. Their distributions are thus fragmented, with little evidence of intermingling of subpopulations.

  15. In that area, they have patchy, mosaic-like distributions and in general prefer different habitats.

  16. Its distribution corresponds to the High Mountain Domain, a region defined on the basis of plant distributions.

  17. The distributions were consolidated so as to reduce the physical strain of the ceremony on the Queen as she aged.

  18. More general distributions of matter (or charge) are obtained from this by convolution, giving the Poisson equation.

  19. Oryzomys couesi and at least six more narrowly distributed species with peripheral distributions together form the O.

  20. In a third experiment, a year later, the same cooperation task was administered but now with different food distributions.

Distributionship in a sentence

Distributionship is a variation of distribution, below you can find example sentences for distributionship.

  1. Agnew pursued other business interests: an unsuccessful land deal in Kentucky, and an equally fruitless partnership with golfer Doug Sanders over a beer distributionship in Texas.

Distribution—became in a sentence

Distribution—became is a variation of distribution, below you can find example sentences for distribution—became.

  1. The film was a critical success and—despite not receiving a wide distribution—became a cult classic.

Synonyms for distribution

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word distribution has the following synonyms: , dispersion and statistical distribution.

General information about «distribution» example sentences

The example sentences for the word distribution that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «distribution» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «distribution».

Character 12
Hyphenation dis tri bu tion
Pronunciations /ˌdɪstɹəˈbjuːʃən/

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What do we mean by distribution?

The process of distributing or the condition of being distributed, especially. noun

The process of marketing and supplying goods, especially to retailers. noun

The transmission of inherited property to its heirs after taxes, debts, and costs of the estate have been paid. noun

Something distributed; an allotment. noun

A spatial or temporal array of objects or events, especially. noun

The geographic occurrence or range of an organism. noun

The geographic occurrence or range of a custom, usage, or other feature. noun

A characterization of the occurrence of the actual unique values in a set of data (as in a frequency distribution) or of the theoretical unique values of a random variable (as in a probability distribution). noun

A generalized function used in the study of partial differential equations. noun

The act of dividing or parceling out; allotment in shares or according to requirement; apportionment; division among several: as, the distribution of an estate among the heirs; the distribution of justice or of alms; the distribution of parts in a play. noun

That which is distributed or apportioned. noun

The act or process of separating and arranging, or the special arrangement secured; separation into distinct order, parts, or classes; systematic or natural arrangement: as, the distribution of printing-types into their boxes (see distribute, II., 2); the distribution of plants into genera and species. noun

The act of spreading out as over a surface; in printing, the spreading of ink in an even film over the inking-rollers and the inking-table. noun

In rhetoric: Enumeration of several persons or things, with attribution to each of a special office, function, or characteristic. noun

The classification of the topics of a discourse by dividing them under different heads: now more commonly called division. noun

In logic: The distinguishing of a universal whole into its several kinds or species: thus differing from division, by which an integral whole is distinguished into its several parts. noun

The acceptation of a term in a general sense to apply to many individuals. noun

In architecture, the arrangement of a plan with reference to walls and open spaces, or to the various services and uses to which the different apartments of an interior are destined; also, the artistic combination of masses, ornaments, wall-openings, various kinds of masonry, etc.— noun

In political economics, the division of the aggregate produce of the industry of any society among the independent individuals who compose it.— noun

In steam-engines, the operation by which steam is admitted into and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston. noun

An act of distributing or state of being distributed.

An apportionment by law (of funds, property).

The process by which goods get to final consumers over a geographical market, including storing, selling, shipping and advertising.

Anything distributed; portion; share.

The result of distributing; arrangement.

The total number of something sold or delivered to the clients.

The frequency of occurrence or extent of existence.

The apportionment of income or wealth in a population.

The way in which a player’s hand is divided in suits, or in which a particular suit is divided between the players.

A probability distribution; the set of relative likelihoods that a variable will have a value in a given interval.

A subset of the tangent bundle of a manifold that satisfies certain properties; used to construct the notions of integrability and foliation of a manifold.

A set of bundled software components; distro.

The process or result of the sale of securities, especially their placement among investors with long-term investment strategies.

The resolution of a whole into its parts.

The process of sorting the types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases.

(steam engines) The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston: admission, suppression or cutting off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam prior to the next admission.

A rhetorical technique in which a subject is divided into multiple cases based on some property or properties, and each case is addressed individually.

Dealing drugs, dealing the good shit. Urban Dictionary

A release of a software Urban Dictionary

Plural form of the Urban Dictionary word «Distribute.»
Distribution of course referring to the act of providing more than one lady friend with the «goods» in close chronologic succession, therefore supplying a volume of distribution worth being proud of. Urban Dictionary

A term coined by a single man who has become increasingly desperate by his single marital status, who then decreases his standards and doesn’t care who the girl is or what she looks like. He then proceeds to offer up the distribution of his penis in any conversations he has with his friends that involves the subject of a single lady who might be a willing recipient. Urban Dictionary

Toking up with people , selling marijuana. You are distributing the peace because weed makes people negotiate and come to peace with each other. Urban Dictionary

When you break a number up in to parts to add or multiply faster if you know your facts Urban Dictionary

1) Drug dealer or Street Pharmacist.
2) A dealer who usually deals marijuana and psyhadelics, such as acid and shrooms. Urban Dictionary

In the social sciences, refers to the effectiveness with which a social benefit reaches its intended beneficiaries. When most of the cost of a particular social good is absorbed by intermediaries, such as scalpers and profiteers, distributional efficiency is low. Urban Dictionary

A derogatory idiom for medical doctors. This refers to their relationship to drug companies. Urban Dictionary

A person who be on your dick recruits other people to be on your dick Urban Dictionary

Synonym: dispersion, statistical distribution. Similar words: distribute, contribution, district, restriction, distinction, attribute, administration, contribute. Meaning: [‚dɪstrɪ’bjuːʃn]  n. 1. (statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence 2. the spatial property of being scattered about over an area or volume 3. the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning 4. the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer. 

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1. They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.

2. Its inaccessibility makes food distribution difficult.

3. The Christmas party culminated in the distribution of presents.

4. The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.

5. The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.

6. What is the main element that decides the distribution of wealth?

7. The UN is supervising the distribution of aid by local agencies in the disaster area.

8. Her company has signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement.

9. IQs within the population show a normal distribution.

10. The company has worldwide distribution channels.

11. The present distribution policy demotivated people.

12. The videos were packaged up[], ready for distribution.

13. The company wants to invest in new distribution facilities.

14. Unequal distribution of wealth may cause division in society.

15. The distribution is as tabled below.

16. These birds have a wide geographic distribution.

17. Pines have a very wide distribution.

18. These birds have a wide geographical distribution.

19. He was arrested on drug distribution charges.

20. Roads are used for local distribution of goods.

21. There are inequalities in wealth distribution.

22. The distribution of passports has been a slow process.

23. The promissory notes were purchased for distribution to investors.

24. It is the parameter of distribution.

25. Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.

26. After applying the cream, comb through to ensure even distribution.

27. The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began.

28. The company has decided to use Belfast as its distribution base.

29. The key focus of the marketing mix will be on price and distribution.

30. The goods have been sitting in a warehouse for months because a strike has prevented distribution.

More similar words: distribute, contribution, district, restriction, distinction, attribute, administration, contribute, contributor, contribute to, distract, distress, evolution, execution, pollution, resolution, institution, prosecution, constitution, revolutionary, institutional, constitutional, frustration, instruction, destruction, construction, discrimination, demonstration, instructional, tribe. 

We should see that equitable distribution takes place between our children, as far as possible well before we leave this world

You should exit a fund when you need money or the funds performance does not satisfy you or when you want to modify the portfolio distribution

His shunning was for ‘participating in the synthesis and distribution of shonggot

It’s where these scavengers crate their spoils ready for distribution

The house was stripped of the appropriate electronic devices and following a brief forensic examination of hard drives, flash disks and sundry other items of magnetic storage, the Detective Superintendent in command of the vice squad charged the young man with a number of crimes related to the storage and distribution of banned materials

garage and a Shilling Shop distribution warehouse

man with a number of crimes related to the storage and distribution

The owner of the stock which employs a great number of labourers necessarily endeavours, for his own advantage, to make such a proper division and distribution of employment, that they may be enabled to produce the greatest quantity of work possible

In consequence of better machinery, of greater dexterity, and of a more proper division and distribution of work, all of which are the natural effects of improvement, a much smaller quantity of labour becomes requisite for executing any particular piece of work ; and though, in consequence of the flourishing circumstances of the society, the real price of labour should rise very considerably, yet the great diminution of the quantity will generally much more than compensate the greatest rise which can happen in the price

There are, indeed, a few manufactures, in which the necessary rise in the real price of the rude materials will more than compensate all the advantages which improvement can introduce into the execution of the work In carpenters’ and joiners’ work, and in the coarser sort of cabinet work, the necessary rise in the real price of barren timber, in consequence of the improvement of land, will more than compensate all the advantages which can be derived from the best machinery, the greatest dexterity, and the most proper division and distribution of work

He endeavours, therefore, both to make among his workmen the most proper distribution of employment, and to furnish them with the best machines which he can either invent or afford to purchase

The whole value of the great wheel of circulation and distribution is added to the goods which are circulated and distributed by means of it

Unaltered Electronic-only copying and distribution for personal and non commercial used is authorized without limitation

The productive powers of the same number of labourers cannot be increased, but in consequence either of some addition and improvement to those machines and instruments which facilitate and abridge labour, or of more proper division and distribution of employment

It is by means of an additional capital only, that the undertaker of any work can either provide his workmen with better machinery, or make a more proper distribution of employment among them

This natural law of succession, accordingly, took place among the Romans who made no more distinction between elder and younger, between male and female, in the inheritance of lands, than we do in the distribution of moveables

Our North American colonies were never supposed to contain more than 3,000,000; and France is a much richer country than North America; though, on account of the more unequal distribution of riches, there is much more poverty and beggary in the one country than in the other

They tend not to destroy, but to preserve, what it is in most cases advantageous to preserve, the natural division and distribution of labour in the society

Most of the formulas for lightweight concrete strength are based on the hypothesis of stresses distribution between components of lightweight concrete under their destruction

All the different regulations of the mercantile system necessarily derange more or less this natural and most advantageous distribution of stock

Both these kinds of monopolies derange more or less the natural distribution of the stock of the society ; but they do not always derange it in the same way

Every derangement of the natural distribution of stock is necessarily hurtful to the society in which it takes place; whether it be by repelling from a particular trade the stock which would otherwise go to it, or by attracting towards a particular trade that which would not otherwise come to it

That pertains to the distribution of water

The first of these formularies, which, by way of eminence, he peculiarly distinguishes by the name of the Economical Table, represents the manner in which he supposes this distribution takes place, in a state of the most perfect liberty, and, therefore, of the highest prosperity; in a state where the annual produce is such as to afford the greatest possible neat produce, and where each class enjoys its proper share of the whole annual produce

Some subsequent formularies represent the manner in which he supposes this distribution is made in different states of restraint and regulation ; in which, either the class of proprietors, or the barren and unproductive class, is more favoured than the class of cultivators ; and in which either the one or the other encroaches, more or less, upon the share which ought properly to belong to this productive class

Every such encroachment, every violation of that natural distribution, which the most perfect liberty would establish, must, according to this system, necessarily degrade, more or less, from one year to another, the value and sum total of the annual produce, and must necessarily occasion a gradual declension in the real wealth and revenue of the society ; a declension, of which the progress must be quicker or slower, according to the degree of this

The works constructed by the ancient sovereigns of Egypt, for the proper distribution of the waters of the Nile, were famous in antiquity, and the ruined remains of some of them are still the admiration of travellers

Those of the same kind which were constructed by the ancient sovereigns of Indostan, for the proper distribution of the waters of the Ganges, as well as of many other rivers, though they have been less celebrated, seem to have been equally great

Slaves, however, are very seldom inventive ; and all the most important improvements, either in machinery, or in the arrangement and distribution of work, which facilitate and abridge labour have been the discoveries of freemen

The nuclear generator’s maximum output had been factored in with any variable modulation of the TE device distribution nodes, which were now vibrating at an imperceptible rate

It was only a matter of collection and distribution

They traded mostly in wool, tobacco, and livestock though the Mithrim Mountains had provided nearly a third of the iron distribution throughout the Free Lands for the last four hundred years

Could it possibly be due to the fact that, a few years prior to that special election, his shakedown — artist father managed to extort from the prior owners, a good share of the Chicago beer distribution rights for Jesse, Jr

much about it because I was wrapped up in the distribution

American relief efforts have resulted in the ignominious death of eighteen United States servicemen dispatched to oversee the distribution of food

Each day cauldrons of soup were made, but distribution led to fierce riots, in which weak buffeted with strong in a struggle for the precious decoction that was exhausted before one-fiftieth of the crowd had been served

He’s lashing out at a system that he perceives as unjust, due to an inequitable distribution of resources

The distribution of payments to various officials within Costa Rica would be entrusted to him

He supports San José legislators who labor on a bill that, if enacted, will require equitable distribution of tax revenues among all the provinces

His duties allowed him access to the prisoners’ quarters to supervise the distribution of food, and he was able to confirm that a young blonde woman was being held at the camp

therefore, to see maintained that wholesome distribution of powers established by the Constitution for

federal government that just sends the money to states for distribution

regular basis for the UN to administer the distribution of foreign aid in addition to their other dues

This seems to be the opposite of the entropy that governs all inorganic organization where concentrations of energy move toward an even distribution, whereas life seems to be a collector of energy, depositing and holding it within the various organic structures that make up the many forms of life

The Project besides applying the solution, will maintain the process in a continuous way, because all will participate of way active or passive in the activities to generate wealth with equable distribution through the income

distribution of the wealth and

Besides, the new systematics of distribution of income solves the problem of this beneficiary person’s family because all its members are also registered as beneficiary people

Those people accomplish what no country obtained to do it, in other words, to end with the social injustice of which they are victims and to eliminate the lack of the income and also to end with the very bad wealth distribution anywhere in the world

The results are immediate because that new systematics accomplishes the wealth and the well-being in a simultaneous way and it causes the appearance and the circulation of products and services with abundance and equable distribution of the income

and the respective competence distribution, as well as the

This process occurs with the recognition of the product and service that are being offered by the economic agents or social agents through the cycle of the distribution of income

The purpose of histogram is to show the distribution of data

Hypothesis test selection is based on type of data, Normal distribution (parametric) or Non Normal Distribution (non parametric) and the number of samples to compare

Data type: Ratio, Distribution: Normal Distribution (in normality tests the samples shows P value greater than 0

Under such a regime does the Constitution remain a guiding and limiting factor in judicial decisions? Does it continue to uphold the limitation and distribution of power in government as intended? Does it have any meaning at all? Yes, it has meaning

visitors the Baldwin Distribution facility at

Baldwin Distribution is a member of the

When these conditions occur, singly or in multiples, the social pulse can be taken according to their density and distribution along the scale of values suggested above

The model for the Pilgrims’ scheme of production and distribution was that laid out by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his classic work The Republic; socialism by another name

probable distribution of those electrons over a given area in a given amount of time, but quantum

lubricant field, we are also involved in the distribution of piping, which includes another seven distribution points, and we also have a small chain of employment offices located in several cities

was female, the group as a whole recalled past lives with a sexual distribution that was roughly

In addition to sex distribution, Dr

The use of birth control, advances in agriculture, global distribution of goods, world wide communications, better education and great advances in health and medicine, are some that come to mind

management of the means of production and distribution of goods

On the other hand, in Europe, the distribution of wealth was a problem, bringing about the rise of socialist movments

I told Merritt that I was troubled, in disbelief, because everyone on our internal distribution list at the lab got this same letter, but with enclosures

He later changed the COD to “acute ethanol poisoning” due both to the absolute BAC and the “frequency distribution” of the alcohol in tissues which indicated that Mike had chugged the pint of Southern Comfort which his drinking companion that night, certainly “no friend”, had bought for Mike and then left him alone

credit to growing economies, as well as possess the literacy necessary to run estates and new industries such as liquor, furs, timber, and grain distribution

For otherwise the distribution is unequal, and contrary to equity

For equal distribution, is the law of nature; and other means of equal distribution cannot be imagined

They realize that the control of property distribution is the ultimate source of power in the state

nationalize the means of production and distribution? If there is to be a minimum wage, should there also be worker productivity requirements? Which branch of government

Under Communism, bureaucrats dictate production and distribution

Getting back to my father’s business, by the mid-1950s despite distribution in only 23 states, the Duncan Hines cake mixes were number two among all brands in sales

had the other distribution corporation

distribution based in Belo Horizonte, with taxes incentives

primary distribution points for the energy in the body that run from

Hospital, the Food and Clothing Distribution Center, The

The chakras are the seven primary distribution points for the

* His intention was to put in practice in America, communities founded on the principles of “equal distribution of enjoyments and of labors

that the agricultural distribution centers alone would, even at three percent, show

transportation network of distribution

hypothesize that besides a skewed physician distribution the reasons for this

The universe (as we know it) would not exist if there was an equal distribution of matter and anti-matter

of two) with respect to the central axis of the galaxy, which is correlated more with the distribution of low

galaxy, which is correlated more with the distribution of low mass X-ray binaries than

that the distribution of dark matter in ‘halos’ around galaxies is expected to

some of their charge Collisions can alter the charge distribution of Q-balls

The city office was primarily concerned with marketing and distribution and really did not have a lot of dealings with Jacob or the chauffeur, Mark

The man in the window then sent you to the cash register which was on the opposite side of this distribution agency

This led them to a pharmaceutical distribution company where he apparently worked during the day

Definition of Distribution

the provision of goods and materials to multiple recipients

Examples of Distribution in a sentence

Multiple people won the contest held by the state, but they would have to wait for the prize distribution to take place a month later.


The teacher will often assign a student to distribution duty, perhaps considering the passing out of papers the least a student could do to assist them.


The distribution of medical aid and food to disaster victims is always a logistical nightmare, with the greatest difficulty being safe transport to afflicted areas.


In elementary school, students are often obligated to engage in the distribution of cards and candy with their classmates on Valentine’s Day.


The distribution of products from the factory to the stores is a major part of the company’s business operation.


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