The word distinct in a sentence

Synonym: clear, clear-cut, definite, different, dissimilar, diverse, exact, obvious, plain, precise, separate, unmistakable. Antonym: indistinct. Similar words: distinction, distinctive, distinguish, instinct, existing, assist in, consist in, distant. Meaning: [dɪ’stɪŋkt]  adj. 1. easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined 2. (often followed by `from’) not alike; different in nature or quality 3. constituting a separate entity or part 4. recognizable; marked 5. clearly or sharply defined to the mind. 

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1. It is necessary to keep these two issues distinct.

2. The two concepts are quite distinct .

3. The footprints are quite distinct; they must be fresh.

4. There is a distinct improvement in your English.

5. Manhattan is divided into distinct neighborhoods.

6. There was a distinct smell of gas.

7. What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct possibility.

7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. There are four distinct types.

9. The process has three distinct stages.

10. Keep the two ideas distinct.

11. His voice was quiet but every word was distinct.

12. The party split into two distinct groups.

13. The period can be divided into three distinct phases.

14. There was a distinct lack of urgency in his manner.

15. Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science.

16. Alcohol has a very distinctive smell; it’s quite distinct from the smell of wine.

17. She showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the idea of becoming a mother.

18. There are distinct echoes of Elvis Presley in his vocal style.

19. There’s a distinct smell of cigarettes in here.

20. His pronunciation is quite distinct.

21. The detention raised two distinct but closely linked questions.

22. She’s a personal assistant as distinct from a secretary.

23. Being tall gave Tony a distinct advantage.

24. Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.

25. Silk is distinct from rayon in every respect.

26. There is a distinct improvement in your spoken English.

27. Being 6ft 3in tall has some distinct disadvantages!

28. It is distinct that smoking is harmful to health.

29. Fortitude is distinct from valour.

30. The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the man who borrows, and the man who lends. 

More similar words: distinction, distinctive, distinguish, instinct, existing, assist in, consist in, distant, disturb, burst in, testing, distract, distress, district, distance, distribute, burst into, artistic, disturbing, abstinence, clandestine, distribution, realistic, by this time, Palestinian, in the distance, statistics, optimistic, statistical, sophisticated. 

distinct — перевод на русский


I distinctly recall seeing a pair of curved ones in your possession yesterday.

Я отчётливо помню, что вчера у вас была пара изогнутых ножниц.

I remember distinctly my father taking me for a piggyback ride.

Я отчётливо помню, как мой отец катал меня, взяв на себя.

— I distinctly heard him say that…

— Я отчетливо слышал, как он сказал…


Я помню это отчетливо.

I distinctly signaled I was making a left turn.

Я отчётливо сигналила, что буду поворачивать налево.

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It is not my fault. I distinctly told Sir Wilfrid no criminal cases.

Я четко сказал сэру Уилфриду — никаких уголовных дел.

Yes, but it’s not very distinct.

Да, но не очень четко.

«And now began a time… «dreamlike and delirious of which I do not suppose… «that I shall ever recover distinct recollection.

И вот началось время, похожее на сон и сумасшествие, которое я не думаю, что смогу когда-либо четко восстановить в своей памяти.

But I distinctly told them not to tell anyone.

Но я четко сказала им: не говорить никому.

I distinctly asked for something sweet.

Я четко заказывал что-то сладенькое.

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There are two distinct types on this planet?

На этой планете два разных вида?

«Four distinct languages, writing is unlike anything I have seen on earth.

«Четыре разных языка, совершенно не похожих на Земные языки, которые я видел.

There appear to be hundreds of distinct sources.

Похоже, там сотни разных источников.

And the vocalization of two distinct voices simultaneously?

И звучание двух разных языков в одно и тоже время?

See, he knew I could only survive so long with the knowledge and consciousness of two distinct people in one mind, so…

Он знал, сколько я смогу выжить с сознаниями и знаниями двух разных людей в одном разуме, так что…

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We pulled the lab reports from the NTSB, and the chopper’s engine tested positive for two distinct compounds.

Мы получили анализ от НКБП. В двигателе вертолёта нашли два различных вещества.

There are two distinct species on this planet.

На этой планете два различных вида.

There are ten distinct life units within it, all powerfully alive and vital.

Есть десять различных единиц жизни внутри него, все полны энергии.

Fx has two distinct roots

f(x) имеет два различных корня.

This particular one so far involves 15 distinct burners.

Конкретно эта включает в себя 15 различных телефонов.

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I detected her presence quite distinctly.

Я вполне определенно зарегистрировал ее присутствие.

No, no, I feel a distinct warming towards you now that you managed to give little Seabury one or two on the spot indicated.

Нет, нет. Я определенно расположен к вам, сэр Родерик,.. зная, что вы дали Сибери пару оплеух.

Something distinctly odd, didn’t you think, about that Dawn character this afternoon?

Что-то определенно странное, тебе не показалось сегодня, в этой девушке Дон?

That’s what makesbeing human so distinctly… wonderful.

Это делает существование человечества таким определенно… изумительным.

I must say, it’s looking distinctly underwhelming.

Должен сказать, это определенно не впечатляет.

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I’m sorry to say it, but for me there is… a distinct contradiction.

Прости, что говорю так, но для меня в этом есть некое явное противоречие.

I mean, I… there was this distinct…

То есть, я было явное

Is there anything distinct here or unusual?

Здесь есть что-нибудь явное или необычное?

Well,regardless,she has a distinct advantage in all tavern — based competitions.

Да неважно, у нее явное приемущество во всех барных соревнованиях.

Because there was a distinct lack of interest earlier.

Потому что раньше было явное отсутствие интереса.

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Have you noticed that the human race is divided into two distinct and irreconcilable groups?

Ты замечала когда-нибудь, что все человечество делится на две отдельные и непримиримые группы?

The city is divided into distinct areas.

Город разделен на отдельные районы.

I asked if you could analyse the two distinct patterns.

Я спросил, можете вы проанализировать две отдельные картины.

Obviously there are two distinct personalities wrestling for control.

Очевидно, у него две отдельные личности, ведущие борьбу между собой.

But there were some distinct differences. We are far from done testing here. There are endless matter, cliche and stereotypes we can get into.

Но есть отдельные отличия и мы далеко не закончили наши проверки если огромного количество клише и стереотипов которые мы можем проверить

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It is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you

С особым удовольствием представляю вам…

Over the past short while, I have had the distinct pleasure of getting to know this beautiful couple as they have written their vows.

За последнее время, для меня было особым удовольствием узнать эту замечательную пару, после того, как они написали обеты.

Well, this morning, I woke up with a distinct feeling that today would pose a unique challenge.

Ну, сегодня утром, я проснулась с особым чувством, что сегодня я буду решать уникальную задачу.

New York’s got a big database of open homicides, but a victim with all her teeth pulled is what you call a very distinct search criteria.

У Нью-Йорка есть большая база данных открытых убийств, но жертва с выдранным зубом это как раз то, что ты называешь особым критерием поиска.

We painted the decor white to create a distinct style.

Мы выкрасили декорации белым, чтобы создать особый стиль.

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Why, I-I distinctly told them that— uh-

Я же ясно им сказал, что…

Jeeves, I distinctly told you…

Дживс, я ясно сказал, чтобы…

I distinctly said the blue.

Я же ясно сказала — голубое.

Captain Martin felt, and I agreed with him, that his daught… his sister, rather, was not called upon to understand the young man too distinctly, if you follow me — that she might tolerate him on her father’s…

Капитан Мартин считал, и я был согласен с ним, что его дочь… вернее его сестра, не смогла ясно понять молодого человека, если ты улавливаешь, о чем я, она могла бы быть терпимей к нему, по мнению ее отца…

Although we distinctly heard his office window open and shut.

Хотя мы ясно слышали, как открылось и закрылось окно в его кабинете.

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There’s a distinct possibility.

Вполне возможно.

I think that’s a distinct possibility.

Думаю, это вполне вероятно.

I’d say that’s a distinct possibility.

Я бы сказал, что это вполне вероятно.

Given the close proximity of the murder sites, that is a distinct possibility.

Учитывая близость мест убийства, это вполне возможно.

That is a distinct possibility.

Это вполне возможно.

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There are six distinct four-box loops.

Всего есть шесть различных циклов с четырьмя коробками.

Suppose that the lines carrying distinct parallel rays met.

Предположим, что прямые, содержащие различные параллельные лучи, пересекаются.

These training and capacity-building programmes now include six distinct but interrelated programmes.

В настоящее время эти программы профессиональной подготовки и повышения квалификации состоят из шести отдельных, но взаимосвязанных между собой программ.

The process would have three distinct elements.

Указанный процесс будет включать в себя три отдельных элемента.

Bangladesh has six distinct seasons unlike the normal four distinct seasons.

У Бангладеш есть шесть отличных сезонов в отличие от нормальных четырёх отличных сезонов.

True life is something quite distinct and our heart indeed knows this.

Истинная жизнь — это что-то совершенно отличное, и наше сердце хорошо об этом знает.

Emotional and cognitive life are inseparable, but distinct.

Аффективная и когнитивная жизнь являются, таким образом, неразделимыми, оставаясь в то же время различными.

While our mandates remain distinct, we share many challenges.

Хотя наши мандаты являются различными, мы совместно занимаемся решением многих важных проблем.

These varieties are sometimes considered dialects but are actually distinct languages.

Эти разновидности, иногда считающиеся диалектами, но на самом деле являются различными языками.

She is a distinct, definite, positive personality.

Она является отдельной, отличающейся от всех, положительной личностью».

They had distinct personalities and strengths.

Каждая их них была отдельной личностью со своими сильными сторонами.

The stems have distinct smelling foliage when young.

У ребёнка состоит из отдельных позвонков, которые срастаются в юношеском возрасте.

However, migrants and refugees are distinct groups governed by separate legal frameworks.

Однако мигранты и беженцы представляют собой отдельные группы, регулируемые отдельными правовыми рамками , — говорится в договоре ООН.

Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite evidence suggest that Indonesian and Australian sharks represent distinct populations.

Исследования митохондриальной ДНК и микросателлитов показали, что акулы, обитающие в водах Индонезии и Австралии, принадлежат к отдельным популяциям.

Currently, Azerbaijan has 3 distinct tax regimes.

На данный момент, в Азербайджане существует три отдельных налоговых режима.

All our distinct perceptions are distinct existences, and the mind never perceives any real connection among distinct existences.

Итак, все наши отдельные восприятия являются отдельными существованиями и наше мышление никогда не постигает никакой действительной связи между отдельными существованиями».

While we see distinct ecosystems filled with distinct macroorganisms today, this is not the case at the microorganism level.

Хотя сегодня мы видим различные экосистемы, наполненные различными макроорганизмами, это не так на уровне микроорганизмов.

Short-, medium- and long-term pricing problems have distinct causes and require distinct remedial policies.

Краткосрочные, среднесрочные и долгосрочные проблемы, касающиеся цен, вызваны различными причинами и поэтому требуют различных решений.

For the length-63 case, distinct scrambling codes can be generated by selecting distinct values of ‘u’.

Для случая длины 63 различные коды скремблирования могут быть сформированы посредством выбора различных значений ‘u’.

At least six distinct HCV genotypes, or strains, are genetically distinct groups of the virus.

Существует, по крайней мере шесть различных генотипов HCV, или штаммы, которые являются генетически различными группами вируса.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат distinct

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word distinct, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use distinct in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «distinct».

Distinct in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word distinct in a sentence.

  1. These are not regarded as distinct.

  2. The region sees four distinct seasons.

  3. Three genetically distinct forms of B.

  4. He identifies four distinct rock types.

  5. Hence it is not recognised as distinct.

  6. Each course has a distinct visual theme.

  7. There are two genetically distinct forms.

  8. That clamour had a distinct London accent.

  9. The two subtypes are genetically distinct.

  10. These forms are not recognised as distinct.

  11. It is composed of several distinct geologic layers.

  12. The Jordan Subbasin has two distinct climate zones.

  13. The two ships were, nevertheless, distinct vessels.

  14. Morphologically, Megalograptus was highly distinct.

  15. It was retained as a distinct species related to O.

  16. The team focused on making the DNA stages distinct to convey its changing nature.

  17. Rotavirus E, which is seen in pigs, has not been confirmed as a distinct species.

  18. The break was 15 feet (5 m) deep in areas, consisting of three distinct channels.

  19. His followers later developed into a distinct Shi’a sect known as the Kaysanites.

  20. In 2015, the Cerro Fatal tortoises were described as a distinct taxon, donfaustoi.

  21. Finally, there is the distinct possibility that some of the reliefs are copied from earlier examples.

  22. The palate is flat, and there are distinct diastemata (gaps) between the upper canines and premolars.

  23. Environmental conditions remained favorable, with the eye becoming more distinct early on October 21.

  24. Three distinct social groups can be observed: the territorial males, bachelor herds and female herds.

  25. Segnosaurus was distinct among therizinosaurs in that the hindmost part of the dentary was toothless.

  26. Shatner hired Richard Snell as makeup supervisor, advising him to make each Klingon forehead distinct.

  27. The park’s waterfalls expose two distinct rock formations from the Devonian and Carboniferous periods.

  28. The Torajan people had little notion of themselves as a distinct ethnic group before the 20th century.

  29. The eye nonetheless remained distinct, and Emily maintained much of its intensity through September 2.

  30. Despite this standardization, ASL has regional, distinct accents similar to those of spoken languages.

  31. Five distinct methods of breaking up a marriage existed in the early modern period of English history.

  32. The hurricane’s structure began to decay on August 5, with the eye becoming less distinct by 12:00 UTC.

  33. An analysis published in 2014 cataloged 22 distinct types of vocalization in adults and 11 in neonates.

  34. Of the three major mountain ranges found in the forest, they are geologically distinct from each other.

  35. Instead of having vast barren landscapes, the designers opted to build distinct and interesting places.

  36. The awards were designed to be the final major element in the development of a distinct New Zealand Royal honours system.

  37. Recent genetic testing has confirmed the existence of three distinct forms, but currently these have no taxonomic status.

  38. Groves later noted that the coloration of the two species did not overlap, suggesting that the populations were distinct.

  39. The cheliceral morphology and visual acuity of the pterygotid eurypterids separates them into distinct ecological groups.

  40. Juvenile birds have more brown-tinged and uniform plumage; the darker colour around the lores and eyes are less distinct.

  41. Both sexes have separate dominance hierarchies; females have a distinct hierarchy while male rank is correlated with age.

  42. At this time, both Eris and Pluto were classified as dwarf planets, a category distinct from the new definition of planet.

  43. She is a distinct, definite, positive personality.» Hepburn’s third picture confirmed her as a major actress in Hollywood.

  44. These sterile cells, which are structurally distinct from the basidia, are further classified according to their position.

  45. They are the most phylogenetically distinct of the cheirogaleids, and considered a sister group to the rest of the family.

  46. Both the Māori people and the people of the Tuamotus recognized the figure of Canis Major as a distinct entity, though it was sometimes absorbed into other constellations.

  47. Its face and back are marked with a distinct stripe that runs over the crown and forks, leading to the eyes and ears, which leaves a white diamond pattern on the forehead.

  48. By 1994, four distinct plants operated on the 3,500-acre (14 km) site, producing a range of chemicals, and materials including polystyrene, polyethylene and polypropylene.

  49. From November 1945 until July 1947, Hobart spent nine months operating in Japanese waters over three distinct periods as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force.

  50. Rozhdestvensky recognized all of Maleev’s specimens as different growth stages of the same species, which he believed to be distinct from the North American Tyrannosaurus.

Synonyms for distinct

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word distinct has the following synonyms: chiseled, well-defined, clear, clean-cut, clear-cut, crisp, sharp, crystalline, defined, outlined, knifelike, razor-sharp, definite, precise, trenchant, decided, discrete, separate, distinguishable and different.

General information about «distinct» example sentences

The example sentences for the word distinct that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «distinct» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «distinct».

Definition of Distinct

different in an obvious way

Examples of Distinct in a sentence

My distinct work experience makes me the best candidate for the job.


Because of the chef’s distinct cooking style, his food is easily identified in a taste test.


Everyone’s DNA is distinct and unique.


When we sort the items, we place them in one of eight distinct categories.


To become the top store chain, the company must have a distinct image that sets it apart from its competitors.


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