The word dissatisfied in a sentence

1. Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune. 

2. She was dissatisfied with the job.

3. I’m dissatisfied with his answer.

4. I’m thoroughly dissatisfied with your work.

5. The decision left us feeling deeply dissatisfied.

6. That new plan dissatisfied everyone.

7. What are you dissatisfied with?

7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. If you’re dissatisfied with the service, why don’t you complain to the hotel manager?

9. Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

10. Did he mean he was dissatisfied with our service?

11. What are you dissatisfied about?

12. I overheard them say they were dissatisfied.

13. She was feeling very dissatisfied with her lot.

14. There was a dissatisfied look in the magager’s eyes.

15. She’s very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus.

16. He seemed dissatisfied with my explanation.

17. He was dissatisfied with the status quo.

18. His poor grade in English dissatisfied his teacher.

19. She’s very dissatisfied with her current job.

20. They were dissatisfied at not getting a better salary.

21. I hinted to him that I was dissatisfied with the results of their experiment.

22. He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age.

23. 82% of voters are dissatisfied with the way their country is being governed.

24. If you are dissatisfied with our service, please write to the manager.

25. The director, Ron Howard, was dissatisfied with Nicole’s response even after several retakes.

26. If you are dissatisfied with this product, please return it.

27. I have tried to write this story five times but I am still dissatisfied with me.

28. There are three reasons for my resignation. First, I am dissatisfied with my wages; secondly, the hours are too long; and thirdly, there is little chance of promotion.

29. He was suspended for one year because he head-butted the referee after the match for being dissatisfied with his judgment.

30. The manufacturers are reported to have received a litany of complaints from dissatisfied customers.

dissatisfied — перевод на русский


But I’m dissatisfied with myself.

Но я недоволен собой.

How can you be dissatisfied and happy at the same time?

Как ть можешь бьть недоволен, когда ть счастлив?

If he’s dissatisfied with your work, let him tell me about it.

Если он недоволен твоей работой, пусть мне об этом скажет.

Mr. Grant, it’s not my work that he’s dissatisfied with.

Мистер Грант, он недоволен не моей работой.

In the Dream City, the free place for all those who are dissatisfied with the modern culture, all physical needs are taken care of.

В Городе Мечты, свободном месте для всех тех, кто недоволен современной культурой, обеспечено удовлетворение всех физических потребностей.

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She’s become agressive, hostile, dissatisfied with something I still don’t understand.

Она стала агрессивной, враждебной, не понимаю чем неудовлетворённой

Anyway, for some reason, she suddenly became dissatisfied with our relationship. Well, describe the relationship. It was great.

затем, по какой-то причине, она внезапно стала неудовлетворенной нашими отношениями опишите их было отлично она приходила пару раз в неделю приносила еду или я что-нибудь заказывал у нас был секс, потом мы кушали потом, может, еще секс. смотря что шло по телеку

Or, in other words, I refuse to cry, to let myself get dissatisfied and depressed.

Другими словами, я отказываюсь плакать, позволять себе быть неудовлетворённой или пребывать в депрессии

Now I’m gonna have a boring life like my mother’s, be dissatisfied, and I’m gonna be normal.

Теперь я собираюсь прожить скучную жизнь, как моя мама, быть неудовлетворенной и обычной.

This encounter left me highly dissatisfied.

Я чувствовал себя очень неудовлетворенным этой встречей.

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I understand you’re dissatisfied with the money you’re getting here.

Насколько я понял, вас не устраивают деньги, которые я вам плачу.

Harold, it troubles me that you’re dissatisfied with the results of our efforts.

Гарольд, меня беспокоит, что тебя не устраивают результаты наших усилий.

She dissatisfied me and my husband.

Она не устраивала меня и моего мужа.

In what way dissatisfied you?

Каким образом не устраивала Вас?

If you are dissatisfied, feel free to head off and farm greener pastures. I’ve made my decision.

Если тебя это не устраивает, ты всегда можешь убраться на более благодатные пажити.

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No, no, he said he was dissatisfied and he was going back there.

Нет, нет, он сказал, что не доволен, и собирался вернуться.

I am dissatisfied with your performance.

Я не доволен вашими действиями в роли первого офицера, лейтенант.

I am extremely dissatisfied, Brigadier, with your conduct of this investigation, and with the behaviour of your, uh, associate.

Я очень не доволен, Бригадир, твоим поведением в отношении исследования, и поведением твоего, ах, партнера.

And she became dissatisfied with that?

И она осталась этим не довольна?

Shh! If you are in any way dissatisfied,

Если ты находишься в какой-то мене не довольной,

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Dissatisfied, are you?

Ты разочарован?

Apparently, Cartagia was dissatisfied with his performance this morning.

Очевидно, Картайя сегодня утром был разочарован в новой игрушке.

I invoke Ceres and Bacchus, you’ll not be dissatisfied.

Клянусь Церерой и Бахусом, ты не будешь разочарован.

Who was dissatisfied with his purchase.

Был разочарован покупкой.

Were you at anytime dissatisfied with our service?

Были ли вы хоть раз разочарованы в предоставляемых услугах?

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Definition of Dissatisfied

not happy or content

Examples of Dissatisfied in a sentence

Dissatisfied with the restaurant service, the man asked the terrible waitress if he could speak to her manager.


The dissatisfied customer was unhappy with her new haircut.


Dissatisfied with the paint job, the car owner took his peeling vehicle back to the shop.


The building contractor was fired after his boss became dissatisfied with his work.


Because it was so tight, the upset bride was completely dissatisfied with her wedding gown.


Other words in the Negative Connotation category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

недовольный, неудовлетворенный, раздосадованный


- неудовлетворённый, недовольный; выражающий недовольство

dissatisfied with /at/ smth. /at doing smth./ — недовольный чем-л.

Мои примеры


dissatisfied customer — недовольный покупатель, клиент  
dissatisfied party — потерпевшая сторона  
dissatisfied with — недовольный  

Примеры с переводом

She was dissatisfied by the poor service.

Она была недовольна плохим обслуживанием

He was dissatisfied with his neutral life.

Он был недоволен своей тусклой жизнью.

I had no reason to be dissatisfied with my success.

У меня не было причин быть недовольным моим успехом.

Many people are dissatisfied at / with not finding suitable jobs.

Многие люди не удовлетворены тем, что не могут найти подходящую работу.

Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

Исследования показывают, что более 81% преподавателей недовольны своей заработной платой.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the store prides itself on never allowing a customer to walk away dissatisfied…

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Use ‘dissatisfied’ in a sentence | ‘dissatisfied’ example sentences

1- Sara grew increasingly dissatisfied and more depressed.

2- Descartes was deeply dissatisfied with such uncertain knowledge.

3- He eventually grows dissatisfied and feels less fulfilled.

4- Tom delay was dissatisfied after limiting marginal energy.

5- But I went away feeling vaguely dissatisfied .

6- Einstein was dissatisfied with the reliance upon probabilities.

7- I understand you are unhappy and dissatisfied .

8- Many dissatisfied scientists took his side and astronomy changed.

9- You may find yourself dissatisfied with the company fairly quickly.

10- It is as though we are perpetually dissatisfied .

11- I am frequently dissatisfied with my job.

12- Indian political leaders were however dissatisfied by these reforms.

13- The patients are often dissatisfied with the reconstructed penis.

14- The villagers were dissatisfied with his performance.

15- Other contemporaneous writers were markedly dissatisfied with the jury.

16- However he was becoming dissatisfied with married life.

17- She seemed dissatisfied with anything I said.

18- The result was inevitable: you were dissatisfied .

19- Only 4 per cent were dissatisfied and 1 per cent very dissatisfied.

20- Only 4 per cent were dissatisfied and 1 per cent very dissatisfied .

21- But Allen was dissatisfied with his television career.

22- Are you dissatisfied with your penis size?

23- My wife states she is dissatisfied with our marital relations.

24- The answer is that they are dissatisfied with themselves.

25- Many people are dissatisfied with the present situation.

26- The gentry were almost as dissatisfied as the peasantry.

27- Stalin was dissatisfied with this Comintern approach.

28- There are those who are dissatisfied with me.

29- Among those surveyed, 40 percent were dissatisfied with their jobs.

30- They were dissatisfied with colonial life, opportunity and prospect.

31- On some points however, the commission was still dissatisfied .

32- Words that are dissatisfied with their current meaning.

33- Louise quickly became dissatisfied with her mother’s prolonged mourning.

34- But most nationalities of the monarchy remained dissatisfied .

35- The dissatisfied users aren’t just old people.

36- Have you grown dissatisfied with being the assistant?

37- Maybe they were dissatisfied with their current data provider?

38- The consumers, the pupils, were certainly dissatisfied .

39- dissatisfied users will probably advise against hearing aids.

40- British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. Are you dissatisfied with our decision?

41- It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied.

42- The couple were dissatisfied with their dinner, so they complained to the restaurant manager.

43- There is an escape clause in the contract which allows us to cancel it if we are dissatisfied with the product.

44- Many people in the former communist countries are said to be dissatisfied with the pace of economic reforms that were supposed to take place.

45- Already three years since I became an office lady.

46- It’s not as if I’m dissatisfied with my present lifestyle but, well .

47- .

48- .

49- She has a boyfriend she’s been going out with since high school but feels their relationship has become a matter of habit and is increasingly dissatisfied.

50- “His constant gesturing on the sidelines makes him look dissatisfied.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 –
Related Words:
satisfactory for – very satisfactory – perfectly satisfactory – highly satisfactory – satisfied – satisfied with – satisfied customer – dissatisfied – unsatisfied – satisfied smile – satisfied that – satisfied of – completely satisfied – fully satisfied – totally satisfied –

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