The word discipline in a sentence

discipline — перевод на русский


What they need is discipline, not a life of luxury

Им нужна дисциплина, а не роскошь

Everything is discipline and order here

Здесь одна дисциплина и порядок

Discipline is the main thing

Дисциплина – вот что главное

Madame believes in rigid discipline.

У мадам железная дисциплина.

— That’s discipline.

— Это дисциплина.

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They’re highly disciplined and well-organized, but who knows!

Народ дисциплинированный, организованный, хотя чёрт их знает!

But a disciplined mind does not allow itself to be sidetracked by niggling psychological disorders like… claustrophobia.

Но дисциплинированный разум не позволит сбить себя с толку таким пустячным психологическим нарушением как клаустрофобия.

A disciplined mind…

Дисциплинированный разум…

Yours is remarkable, disciplined, orderly… on the surface, that is.

Ваш — замечательный, дисциплинированный, аккуратный… на поверхности, это так.

Disciplined, no loafing about, am I right?

Дисциплинированный, никакой праздности, верно?

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You may discipline me.

Можете наказать меня.

— Can’t you discipline him?

— Можешь наказать его?

You got a discipline issue with me, write me up or suspend me, and I’ll see you at the parent conference.

— Стоять! Я могу наказать так, что поедешь обратно в колонию.

Honey, before you discipline one of my players, I need to know about this.

Милая, перед тем, как ты собираешься наказать одного из моих игроков, я должен узнать об этом.

Yeah, she look strict, like she’s going to teach me a lesson. — Yes, discipline.

Она вся такая строгая, как-будто хочет меня наказать.

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Or he can be our son. But in that case, I’ll bawl him out and spoil him and discipline him and worry about him and love him. If we do get married, Carl, he’ll be our son.

или же он будет нашим сыном но в этом случае, я смогу ругать его и воспитывать… учить и беспокоиться и любить его… если мы поженимся Карл, он будет нашим сыном

If you did your job properly, I wouldn’t have to discipline the others.

Если бы ты честно выполнял свою работы, мне не пришлось бы воспитывать других.

He will be subjected to the discipline of kids hardly older than himself.

— Его будут воспитывать его же ровесники.

Wait. The boy needed discipline.

— Подожди, нужно же его воспитывать!

Look, at home, you get to be in charge, and you decide how we discipline the boys, what car we buy, everything.

Слушай, дома ты у нас главная, и решаешь как воспитывать мальчиков, какую машину купить, все.

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Discipline and the Bible.

Наказания и Библию.

We tried discipline, therapy.

Мы испробовали наказания, терапию.

Your mother doesn’t believe in physical discipline.

Твоя мама не верит в физические наказания.

Do you need some discipline?

Ты заслуживаешь наказания.

Power institutionalises mechanisms to discipline and punish criminals like in the jail systems of the past…

Власть наделяет законным статусом механизмы для надзора и наказания преступников, как в тюремных системах прошлого. Меня так торкнуло.

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From now on, if I make a mistake or I screw something up, you should feel free to discipline me in whatever way you see fit.

Отныне, если я ошибусь или напортачу, не стесняйтесь наказывать меня, любым способом, каким, посчитаете нужным.

But from now on, if I make a mistake or I screw something up, you should feel free to discipline me in whatever way you see fit.

Отныне, если я ошибусь или напортачу, не стесняйтесь наказывать меня, любым способом, каким посчитаете нужным.

I will discipline my child as I see fit.

Я буду наказывать своего ребенка так как считаю нужным.

Do those include the right to discipline Marco as you see fit?

Включают ли они в себя право наказывать Марко по своему усмотрению?

I had to discipline him from time to time, but I had nothing to do with his death.

Я был вынужден наказывать его время от времени, но я не имею никакого отношения к его смерти.

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Organize, coordinate, regulate, hierarchize, prohibit, negate, remove, stop, slow down, forbid, discipline.

Организовать, координировать, регулировать, иерархизировать, запретить, отказаться, ликвидировать, Остановить, замедлить, дисциплинировать.

— It’ll be your job to discipline them.

Ваша задача — дисциплинировать их.

It’s not easy to discipline a man here when over there we are stuck with more than 100 women.

Мужчин тут нелегко дисциплинировать. Когда нас тут закрыли, примерно с сотней женщин, день ото дня становилось все хуже и хуже.

Because you can’t discipline her, I have to be the ogre.

Из-за того, что ты не смогла дисциплинировать ее, мне приходится быть строгим.

And they can’t even discipline you!

И они не могут даже дисциплинировать тебя!

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The agony booth is a most effective means of discipline.

Кабина боли — самое эффективное дисциплинарное средство.

Yeah, and it’s just one discipline offence that gets you sacked.

Да, и это то дисциплинарное нарушение, за которое тебя уволят.

It was a discipline offence.

Это дисциплинарное нарушение.

Then you’ll get a command discipline, and I’m gonna take ten vacation days, but, uh, free time isn’t really your friend, is it?

Тогда вы получите дисциплинарное взыскание, а я — десять дней каникул, но, свободное время на самом деле вам не друг, да?

There is no excuse for a public incident like this. That said, issue all parties a command discipline, minimize the fallout and let’s move on.

Значит, всем объявить дисциплинарное взыскание, минимизировать последствия и на этом закончим.

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We maintain discipline.

У нас порядок.

I think we should have something about noncustodial parents and discipline.

Думаю, нам надо что-нибудь написать про раздельно живущих родителей и порядок встреч с ребёнком.

She really likes to be … disciplined.

Ей нравится… порядок.

We did not conquer zis backward country in order to bring it culture and discipline.

Мы не завоевывали эту отсталую страну с целью заполучить ее культуру и порядок.

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Any offenders caught with rations will be disciplined.

Все преступники, пойманные за едой, будут наказаны.

Any offenders still active during the dormancy period will be disciplined.

Преступники, проявляющие активность во время периода сна, будут наказаны.

All offenders in Detention Area Four if you do not cease this disturbance immediately you will be disciplined.

Всем преступникам в четвёртой зоне задержания, если вы немедленно не прекратите нарушать порядок, вы будете наказаны.

Any offender still active during the dormancy period will be disciplined.

Преступники, проявляющие активность во время периода сна, будут наказаны.

Once the agents have been retrieved from the authorities, they will be disciplined.

Как только агенты вернуться с задания, они будут наказаны.

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Definition of Discipline

a learned behavior that enables the individual to have control over their actions

Examples of Discipline in a sentence

Habitual runners have such strong discipline that they wake up everyday for their jog even when they’re sick or vacationing.


The dieting woman thought she had enough discipline to resist her favorite food but the freshly baked cookies were too tempting.


Soldiers learn discipline through a daily routine of exercise, arms training, and obeying their superiors.


It takes discipline and extreme studying to master all of the subjects needed to become a doctor.


William learned the discipline to control his breathing, temper, and reactions from several years of martial arts.


Other words in the Positive Connotation category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

дисциплина, дисциплинированность, дисциплинировать, наказывать


- дисциплина, порядок

school [military] discipline — школьная [воинская] дисциплина
iron discipline — железная дисциплина
to keep children under discipline — держать детей в руках
to enforce discipline — вводить жёсткую дисциплину
to keep /to maintain/ discipline — поддерживать дисциплину
to destroy /to undermine/ the discipline of the troops — подрывать дисциплину в войсках; деморализовать войска
discipline in space should be steel hard — дисциплина в космосе должна быть железной

- дисциплинированность, дисциплина

noted for his discipline — известный своим послушанием
to have a reputation for discipline — иметь репутацию дисциплинированного человека

- обучение, тренировка

intellectual discipline — тренировка ума

- воен. редк. муштровка, муштра
- отрасль знаний, дисциплина; дело
- наказание

discipline with the rod — наказание розгами

- церк. епитимья; умерщвление плоти
- бич, кнут
- церк. благочиние


- обучать, тренировать

to be disciplined by suffering /by adversity/ — пройти суровую школу жизни

- воен. муштровать
- дисциплинировать; устанавливать строгую дисциплину
- наказывать; пороть, сечь
- воен. подвергать дисциплинарному взысканию
- церк. бичевать; умерщвлять плоть; налагать епитимью

Мои примеры


firm / harsh / iron / severe / stern / strict discipline — строгая дисциплина  
lax / loose / slack discipline — слабая дисциплина  
violation of discipline — нарушение порядка  
military discipline — военная дисциплина  
cast-iron discipline — железная дисциплина  
to establish discipline — установить порядок  
to maintain / keep discipline — поддерживать порядок  
to undermine / violate discipline — нарушать порядок  
hard discipline — суровая дисциплина  
enforce discipline — обеспечивать соблюдение дисциплины; вводить жёсткую дисциплину  

Примеры с переводом

I’m trying to discipline myself to eat less.

Я пытаюсь приучить себя меньше есть.

She disciplined herself to exercise every day.

Она приучила себя каждый день делать зарядку.

Parents must discipline their children.

Родители должны заниматься воспитанием своих детей.

He can’t accustom himself to strict discipline.

Он не может приучить себя к строгой дисциплине.

She was disciplined for misbehaving in class.

Она была наказана за плохое поведение на уроке / занятии.

No part of early education is more important than the discipline of the imagination.

Нет ничего более важного в раннем образовании, чем тренировка воображения.

They were forced to submit to military discipline.

Они были вынуждены покориться военной дисциплине.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They were skilled, but wanting in discipline.

He seems unwilling or unable to discipline his children.

The troops were praised for their dedication and discipline.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): discipline
мн. ч.(plural): disciplines

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word discipline, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use discipline in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «discipline». In addition, we also show how different variations of discipline can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are discipline’s, disciplined and discipline—studies. If you click on the variation of discipline that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Discipline in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word discipline in a sentence.

  1. You must learn its discipline.

  2. He also improved discipline among the students.

  3. The program stresses discipline and performance.

  4. His father never allowed anyone to discipline him.

  5. There was none of the discipline we used to have ..

  6. There was too much discipline and routine involved.

  7. Kicker also praised Norwich’s tactics and discipline.

  8. They had no discipline, no concept of change control.

  9. Subsequently strict military discipline was enforced.

  10. These factories were death-traps; discipline was brutal, with regular executions.

  11. Many of the pupils were barely clothed and tested O’Reilly’s ability to discipline.

  12. Barrymore continued drinking and lacked discipline, which affected his performances.

  13. Like the KMT, it was a clandestine organisation held together with tight discipline.

  14. The elder is charged with keeping discipline and can ban individuals from attending.

  15. Fitts’ repression is exhibited through the almost sexualized discipline with which he controls Ricky.

  16. The editor of Wisden blamed Yorkshire’s poor discipline on a small group of approximately four players.

  17. Osteologist Ebba Düring has suggested that discipline and social cohesion collapsed during the sinking.

  18. Most significantly, at Delaware Bay he ordered two of his crew to be flogged for breaches of discipline.

  19. The continuation of strict wartime routines and discipline after the armistice frustrated the ship’s crew.

  20. Another Maratha leader, the general Santaji, inflicted the punishment for breaches in military discipline.

  21. Marxist historiography and African studies have also played significant roles in developing the discipline.

  22. It was assumed that children’s own parents would love them too much and would not properly discipline them.

  23. He became president of the Cougar Club booster organization and showed a newfound discipline in his studies.

  24. He did not enjoy teaching, and is said to have had difficulties in maintaining discipline in his classrooms.

  25. They were characterized as «wildcats» by Wałęsa, who desperately tried to impose discipline from the center.

  26. Francis Xavier College in New York City, where he was given light work as the assistant prefect of discipline.

  27. Washington used both reward and punishment to encourage discipline and productivity in his enslaved population.

  28. The Transvaal men were scandalised and returned home en masse, despite Kruger’s attempts to maintain discipline.

  29. As had happened two years previously in the raid on Cádiz, the discipline of the landing forces soon broke down.

  30. The role of frontline political commissars was reduced and old-fashioned ranks and forms of discipline were reintroduced.

  31. The Uruguayan team spent the four weeks preceding the match in a training camp, at which strict discipline was exercised.

  32. During his tenure, Mulledy enforced very strict discipline, prompting a mass walk-out of the older students in the school.

  33. Biles’s illness in 1833 resulted in Polk replacing him with Ephraim Beanland, who tightened discipline and increased work.

  34. As well as guarding against escapes and enforcing discipline, they oversaw prisoner work and instructed inmates in trades.

  35. They also knew that when discipline could be safely relaxed he would be quick to grant them some relief from the strain.».

  36. Attempts by the church authorities to discipline him failed, and he died after 25 years spent preaching and pamphleteering.

  37. The UT athletics department found no reason to discipline the players and they both played in the final game of the season.

  38. The lawsuit alleges that the LaSalle Parish School Board inadequately supervised students and failed to maintain discipline.

  39. Battery D was known for its discipline problems, and Truman was initially unpopular because of his efforts to restore order.

  40. In at least the early stages of their retreat, discipline amongst the French was poor; there are accounts of men being jostled off the bridge over the Garonne and drowned.

  41. Unlike the majority of the Texian volunteers, the Greys looked like soldiers, with uniforms, well-maintained rifles, adequate ammunition, and some semblance of discipline.

  42. Learning and training in compulsory figures instilled discipline and control; some in the figure skating community considered them necessary to teach skaters basic skills.

  43. According to Wellington, «The curious blend of classic with realistic outlook which had been imposed by the discipline of David was now losing both animation and interest.

  44. Despite these criticisms, work has continued in sociobiology and the related discipline of evolutionary psychology, including work on other aspects of the altruism problem.

Discipline’s in a sentence

Discipline’s is a variation of discipline, below you can find example sentences for discipline’s.

  1. A popular and «Falstaffian» professor, Kaske, along with the medieval studies program he founded, was credited by colleagues with producing the backbone of the discipline’s next scholastic generation.

Disciplined in a sentence

Disciplined is a variation of discipline, below you can find example sentences for disciplined.

  1. The Air Force generals who were disciplined were:.

  2. He was frequently disciplined in school for fighting.

  3. The voice, however is a disciplined one and speaks lines prepared for it ..

  4. John Allan alternately spoiled and aggressively disciplined his foster son.

  5. Because the Apollo 14 crew had accepted no money, they were not disciplined.

  6. After the incident, he was disciplined by being placed on reassignment on May 4.

  7. He was considered an above-average student and was not disciplined for his lapse.

  8. That’s usually my favorite, when the songwriting is disciplined but the recording is not.

  9. The most celebrated, disciplined and efficient was the Geheime Kabinettskanzlei in Vienna.

  10. The Wolverines’ 2005–06 team was a high percentage shooting, disciplined and balanced team.

  11. The crowd that gathered in St Peter’s Field arrived in disciplined and organised contingents.

  12. On 3 October, Donnell disciplined Iowa’s officers in response to findings in Milligan’s report.

  13. A more disciplined force, the Syrians repelled the rebel attack on Kufa and killed Shabib in early 697.

  14. One of the forwards on the national team, Eric Wynalda, said that Schmid’s organization on the field was disciplined.

  15. The F-FDTL’s morale and disciplinary problems have resulted in large numbers of soldiers being disciplined or dismissed.

  16. Kuhl, wrote to his own congressman, stating that he forgave Patton for the incident and requesting that he not be disciplined.

  17. Maggi, determined to make the 21st as disciplined as a regiment of Regulars, enforced stern standards for drill and dress parades.

  18. Henry arrives in his new suit, and Frank and Margaret give Blake a formal salute, but Henry chides Frank for being too disciplined.

  19. SeeD halts the Galbadian advance; Squall, Zell, and Selphie graduate to SeeD status, but Seifer is disciplined for his disobedience.

  20. The Church historian Adrian Hastings singles out Portsea under Lang as an example of «extremely disciplined pastoral professionalism».

Discipline—studies in a sentence

Discipline—studies is a variation of discipline, below you can find example sentences for discipline—studies.

  1. Modern group theory—an active mathematical discipline—studies groups in their own right.

Synonyms for discipline

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word discipline has the following synonyms: correction, subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study, bailiwick, branch of knowledge, , correct, sort out, train, check and condition.

General information about «discipline» example sentences

The example sentences for the word discipline that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «discipline» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «discipline».

Synonym: chastise, condition, correct, drill, exercise, groom, penalize, practice, prepare, punish, train. Similar words: principle, disc, discuss, discard, discourse, discount, disclose, discourage. Meaning: [‘dɪsɪplɪn]  n. 1. a branch of knowledge 2. a system of rules of conduct or method of practice 3. the trait of being well behaved 4. training to improve strength or self-control 5. the act of punishing. v. 1. train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control 2. punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience. 

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1 Adversity is a good discipline.

2 He needs a little discipline.

3 We need good discipline in our schools.

4 Discipline was the new coach’s secret weapon.

5 We won’t have any breach of discipline.

6 She was equally emphatic about the importance of discipline.

7 She keeps good discipline in class.

8 A decision was taken to discipline Marshall.

9 There should be better discipline in schools.

10 It is alien to the school discipline.

11 Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.

12 He’s always harping on about lack of discipline.

13 The book gives parents advice on discipline.

14 Science is an exact discipline.

15 Lack of discipline at home meant that many pupils found it difficult to settle in to the ordered environment of the school.

16 The soldiers showed perfect discipline under the fire of the enemy.

17 Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed.

18 Before dealing with specific cases,[] she spoke on the broad topic of «discipline«.

19 Discipline is the rock on which the game of golf is built.

20 Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.

21 Parents have the authority to discipline their children.

22 Several of the teachers were ineffectual at maintaining discipline.

23 Try to discipline yourself to write every day.

24 The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire.

25 Vigorous youth is subjected to rigorous discipline.

26 The school was criticized for having very poor discipline.

27 The headmaster ruled the school with a stern discipline.

28 Learning poetry is a good discipline for the memory.

29 With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline.

30 The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.

More similar words: principle, disc, discuss, discard, discourse, discount, disclose, discourage, discouraged, discretion, discussion, line, discharging, line up, outline, online, in line, airline, decline, discrimination, headline, deadline, gasoline, in line with, guideline, the front line, diplomat, multiple, diplomatic, science. 

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