The word dignity in a sentence

Definition of Dignity

a characteristic worthy of respect and esteem

Examples of Dignity in a sentence

The first lady’s quiet dignity made her a media favorite.


Even though the soldier saved many lives, his dignity would not allow him to accept a medal for doing his job.


The congressman tarnished the dignity of his position when he accepted money from the lobbyist.


Because I consider myself a person of dignity, I will not lie on the witness stand even to protect myself.


The losing basketball team showed a great deal of dignity when they cheered as their opponents accepted the trophy.


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Synonym: gravitas, lordliness, self-esteem, self-regard, self-respect, self-worth. Similar words: sign in, incognito, designing, magnitude, cognitive, indignant, significant, significance. Meaning: [‘dɪgnɪtɪ]  n. 1. the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect 2. formality in bearing and appearance 3. high office or rank or station. 

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1. Why take dignity to retain a changed heart.

2. Only a truly free person has human dignity.

3. She comported herself with dignity.

3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

4. He sat with such regal dignity.

5. She behaved with great dignity.

6. She spoke to him with quiet dignity.

7. The family faced their ordeal with dignity and courage.

8. He is a man of dignity and calm determination.

9. The dignity of the occasion was spoilt when she fell down the steps.

10. She comported herself with great dignity at her husband’s funeral.

11. She left the room with all the dignity she could muster.

12. On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.

13. I struggled to regain some dignity.

14. Arguing was beneath her dignity .

15. Her presence lent the occasion a certain dignity.

16. She had a strong sense of dignity.

17. She behaved with characteristic dignity.

18. He bore himself with dignity at a difficult time.

19. She bore herself with great dignity.

20. Work gave me a sense of dignity and self-worth.

21. Patients should be allowed to die with dignity.

22. He wasn’t hurt, but his dignity was punctured.

23. She kept her dignity despite the booing.

24. The sum ofbehavior is to retain a man’s own dignity, without in -truing upon the liberty ofothers. 

25. The sum of behaviour is to retain a man’s own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. 

26. He regarded the comments as an affront to his dignity.

27. He felt what he was being asked to do took away his dignity and self-respect.

28. Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity.

29. The failures and reverses which await men — and one after another sadden the brow of youth — add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.

30. We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity.

More similar words: sign in, incognito, designing, magnitude, cognitive, indignant, significant, significance, recognition, indignantly, indignation, significantly, unity, sanity, trinity, impunity, serenity, community, affinity, immunity, profanity, maternity, solemnity, paternity, fraternity, opportunity, Christianity, dig, dig out, dig in. 

dignity — перевод на русский


‘That fight remains ongoing, distinguished by its dignity, ‘fuelled by anger and by love ‘because children must be loved.

Их битва всё ещё продолжается, достоинство определяет её, а гнев и любовь придают силу, потому что дети должны быть любимы.

Now, my future wife has always regarded me as a man of some dignity.

Моя будущая жена всегда считала меня человеком, имеющим достоинство.

And honor and dignity.

Честь. Достоинство.

We’ve tried to make them free men and give them some dignity.

Мы старались вернуть людям свободу и достоинство.

And at all times the motto remained «Dignity.

И всегда и везде девиз оставался прежним … «Достоинство!

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Be not proud of prosperity,… do not complain in unhappiness,… bear the inevitable with dignity!

Какой бы ни была твоя судьба, следи за собой достойно!

All were frightened and took action in order to sink with dignity.

Все испугались и приняли меры достойно утонуть.

The Fuhrer’s soldiers are determined to oppose the enemy with dignity.

Солдаты фюрера полны решимости достойно встретить врага.

If science teaches us anything, it teaches us to accept our failures as well as our successes with quiet dignity

Если наука учит нас чему-нибудь,… ..так это умению принимать неудачи… ..так же, как успехи… ..спокойно… достойно… ..и благосклонно.

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=Can money really buy you dignity and intelligence?

=Можно ли купить чувство собственного достоинства и ум?

We do all know that each man has his dignity.

У всякого мужчины есть чувство собственного достоинства.

Don’t laugh at me, but I believe it to be dignity.

Не смейся, но, по-моему, я познал чувство собственного достоинства.

It’s dignity!

чувство собственного достоинства.

Dignity’s on me, friends.

Обеспечу вам чувство собственного достоинства.

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Never let wine or women distract your thoughts from battle, nor lose your mind and ruin the imperial army’s dignity.

Никогда не позволяй вину или женщинам отвращать свои помыслы от сражения, не теряй голову и не роняй честь императорской армии.

All we need is for this government to give an order to march and we will route the enemy and preserve the dignity of our empire.

Нам нужен только приказ правительства перейти в наступление. И мы сокрушим врага и сохраним честь нашей Империи.

We teach our children… that everyone is entitled… to respect and dignity.

Мы учим своих детей, что каждый заслуживает честь и уважение.

They can take our dignity, they can take all the hot women, but they will not take our jobs!

Они могут отобрать у нас честь, могут отобрать всех красивых женщин, но они не отберут у нас работу!

It’s time to restore dignity to the Farnsworth name.

Пришло время восстановить честь имени Фарнсвортов.

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Always one who just has contempt for decency and human dignity and tries to drag you down with them.

Всегда найдётся тот, кто презирает порядочность и человеческую гордость и пытается утянуть тебя за собой

Rather, we should make of a man’s dignity our foremost ally and caress it, soothe it, talk fondly to it and treat it like our dearest toy.

Не лучше пи обратить мужскую гордость в союзника потакать ей, лелеять ее обращаться с ней, как с драгоценной игрушкой.

But maybe every wounded dignity, which ends by placing the author in a mysterious space, is a benevolence for the work itself, because any major work must be like a temple in which the god is never present, but only felt and dubious.

Но, может быть, любая задетая гордость, которая приводит к тому, что автор начинает скрываться за завесой тайны, благотворна и для самой работы, ибо любая значительная работа должна быть подобна храму, в котором бог никогда не присутствует, но лишь ощущается и неясным образом угадывается.

The first reaction which is an insane dignity — the pride of catastrophe, is the only thing that gives you courage.

Первая реакция на это — это безумная гордость, гордость катастрофы, единственное, что вселяет в нас отвагу.

We did not think it would cause you a problem of pride. of dignity.

Мы не думали, что это заденет твою гордость.

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All we ask is to be treated with dignity and respect.

Мы хотим, чтобы к нам относились с уважением..

Mr. Johannson treats me with dignity.

Мистер Йоханссон относится ко мне с уважением.

But your father didn’t kill Generys, only buried her with compassion and with dignity,

Но твой отец не убивал Генерис только похоронил с сочувствием и с уважением

Here you’ll be treated with dignity.

Ну, по крайней мере здесь к вам будут относиться с уважением.

Mr Gazmán, I trust that all the inhabitants of this neighbourhood… will be treated with respect and dignity, and I mean ALL.

Мистер газмон, я надеюсь ко всем жителям этого района… отнесутся с уважением и благородством подчёркиваю — ко всем.

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People of Algeria, the Colonial Administration is responsible not only for impoverishing our people but also for corrupting and degrading our brothers and sisters, who have lost their sense of dignity.

Народ Алжира, колониальная администрация несет ответственность не только за обнищание нашего народа, но также за разложение и деградацию наших братьев и сестер, потерявших чувство собственного достоинства.

No dignity.

Лишённый собственного достоинства.

I was specific with him about dignity.

Вроде бы я окончательно ему высказала всё о чувстве собственного достоинства, и вот…

Can’t you at least die with a little dignity?

Ты что, не можешь хотя бы умереть с чувством собственного достоинства?

[People Talking, Laughing] You’ve got no dignity, Muriel.

У тебя нет собственного достоинства, Мюриэл.

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Because you’re exhibiting dignity in the face of defeat.

Потому что ты проявляешь благородство перед лицом поражения.

Not that there isn’t a quiet dignity in that or anything.

И это вовсе не скромное благородство или что-то типа того.

But you’re gonna take the high road, and you’re gonna give that woman the respect and dignity she refuses to give you.

Но вы достигнете высоких целей, и вы должны дать этой женщине уважение и благородство, которые она отказывается дать вам.

You know… many cultures value a person’s dignity over the truth.

Знаешь, во многих культурах благородство ценится выше честности.

Decades from now, people will remember your dignity and the majesty.

Десятилетия спустя люди вспомнят ваше благородство и величественность.

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Let’s just give it a shot just so I can have some dignity.

Давай просто попробуем, чтобы у меня осталось хоть немного достоинства.

— All he wanted was some dignity.

— Все, чего он хотел, это немного достоинства.

We can give these people some dignity.

Мы можем дать этим людям немного достоинства.

Try to find some dignity in the situation.

-Попытайся найти немного достоинства в этой ситуации.

We’re gonna get this ginger off you, find you a shirt and some dignity to go with it.

Сейчас мы уберем имбирь с тебя, найдем тебе рубашку и немного достоинства.

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Vulcan dignity?

Вулканское чувство достоинства?

Take the buyout now, and you can keep your dignity.

Согласись на выкуп сейчас – и хотя бы сохранишь чувство достоинства.

It’d force him to dry out, give him back his dignity.

Он излечился бы от алкоголизма, вернул себе чувство достоинства.

I am going to recover my dignity.

Я собираюсь вернуть свое чувство достоинства.

— We have no dignity!

— Нет! — Нет! У нас нет чувства достоинства!

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  • достоинство
  • достойно
  • чувство собственного достоинства
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  • уважением
  • собственного достоинства
  • благородство
  • немного достоинства
  • чувство достоинства

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dignity, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dignity in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dignity».

Dignity in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dignity in a sentence.

  1. What I’m looking for is dignity.

  2. Your dignity is being held hostage.

  3. I accepted with dignity, if not enthusiasm.

  4. He chose Murali as he wanted that dignity for the role.

  5. Those who face death with dignity and courage live an authentic life.

  6. These exchanges were attacked as beneath the dignity of the presidency.

  7. English railway officers have more dignity than to act in this manner.».

  8. Unlike most earlier Spanish art, Goya’s rejects the ideals of heroic dignity.

  9. Anthony contributed immeasurably to the advancement of human dignity in this nation.

  10. The dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.

  11. She wrote, «Incidences like these take away a woman’s dignity, her space and her freedom ..

  12. This has great dignity and depth, and at times an appropriate wildness or becoming levity».

  13. His quiet, natural dignity was an immense source of strength to me throughout those long hours».

  14. Eventually he repairs these interpersonal connections through the beauty and dignity of his work.

  15. Her courage and dignity touched journalists and relief workers, who put great efforts into comforting her.

  16. Lyautey had been granted the dignity of a Marshal of France in 1921 in recognition of his work in Morocco.

  17. The supreme mercy I can extend to them is to give them and sustain in them their dignity in dying and death.

  18. The sculptor intended, with the calf design, to inject a touch of humor while maintaining dignity and beauty.

  19. In China not only the emperor could do no wrong, but also his prestige and dignity had to be upheld at any cost.

  20. To Al Pacino, «Gary Cooper was a phenomenon—his ability to take some thing and elevate it, give it such dignity.

  21. This scene was unlike any other in films of that period, which treated meals with dignity and a sense of communion.

  22. For Biko, community development was part of the process of infusing black people with a sense of pride and dignity.

  23. She is particularly moved by the concept of an individual repressing their troubles and striving to maintain dignity.

  24. In his speeches, he cast the war as a «moral crusade to preserve the dignity of the state for the rights of individuals».

  25. All we desired was that our married happiness should carry with it a proper title and dignity for her, befitting my wife.

  26. If it cools you can’t do anything, so [the donor] is eager to have it taken warm and treated to be preserved with dignity.».

  27. On August 2, 2018, the church adopted the view that capital punishment is «inadmissible» as it violates the dignity of mankind.

  28. The girls have a pensive dignity as though they are pondering the burdens and joylessness of a future to be spent as caryatids.

  29. The sexes are meant by divine design to be different and complementary, each having equal dignity and made in the image of God.

  30. They are that the person conducts his or her life with dignity, with integrity, courage, and perhaps most of all, with modesty.

  31. Du Bois was something of a dandy he dressed formally, carried a walking stick, and walked with an air of confidence and dignity.

  32. But I consider it due to my honour as a loyal British subject and my personal dignity as a man to retire all my public positions.

  33. According to the Church, adultery and divorce are considered offenses against the dignity of marriage and are defined as follows:.

  34. JC’s Girls aims to convey to women in the sex industry that Jesus loves them, that they are beautiful, and that they have dignity.

  35. What he gave us was not material aid and democratic reform alone, but a new way of life, the freedom and dignity of the individual..

  36. Similarly, the artist Kiku Day charged in The Guardian that «[t]here is no scene where the Japanese are afforded a shred of dignity.

  37. The poet asks if it was better for Ahalya to remain physically a stone and retain her dignity rather than return to a stony marriage.

  38. On 27 October 939 Æthelstan, the «pillar of the dignity of the western world» in the words of the Annals of Ulster, died at Malmesbury.

  39. In Things Fall Apart, Igbo society condemns violence but Okonkwo’s ability to control his women is inextricably connected to his dignity.

  40. His squalid living conditions did not endear him to church authorities, who dismissed him for «undermining the dignity of the priesthood».

  41. Film critic Dilys Powell also saw the inherent dignity in the parts and wrote that Sellers had a «balance between character and absurdity».

  42. This was done to reestablish equal imperial dignity to the Empire of the Franks and what would later become known as the Holy Roman Empire.

  43. At first, Anne had objected to her daughter’s match with Frederick V of the Palatinate, regarding it as beneath the royal family’s dignity.

  44. WA Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan said he accepted that the police force had failed to provide for Dhu’s safety, welfare and dignity.

  45. In the minds of those who knew him, the greatness of his intellectual achievements will never overshadow the beauty and dignity of his life.

  46. Dawson wrote that he acted to preserve the King’s dignity, to prevent further strain on the family, and so that the King’s death at 11:55 p.m.

  47. With no pension to anticipate, he needed to earn a living and felt that it should be in a way that would uphold the dignity of his former office.

  48. After Owens heeded Carter’s instructions and attempted to bring dignity to the audition, Carter requested that he try it again «with less autism».

  49. Berryman understood the Americans and they understood him; he had a knack of avoiding friction without sacrificing Australian dignity or interests.

  50. The book contained Du Bois’s feminist essay, «The Damnation of Women», which was a tribute to the dignity and worth of women, particularly black women.

Synonyms for dignity

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dignity has the following synonyms: lordliness, gravitas, self-respect, self-esteem, self-regard, self-worth and .

General information about «dignity» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dignity that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dignity» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dignity».

достоинство, сан, благородство, звание, титул, знать, лица высокого звания


- достоинство; чувство собственного достоинства

with dignity — с достоинством, гордо
to maintain /to preserve/ one’s dignity — держать /вести/ себя с достоинством
to stand on /upon/ one’s dignity — держаться с большим достоинством; требовать к себе уважения
to humiliate smb.’s dignity — унизить чьё-л. достоинство
it’s beneath his dignity — это ниже его достоинства

- величие, величественность

the dignity of labour — величие труда
dignity of bearing — царственная /величественная/ осанка
to have an impressive dignity — иметь внушительный вид

- высокое положение, высокий пост
- титул; звание, сан, достоинство

dignity of chancellor — титул канцлера
to confer the dignity of a peerage — даровать /пожаловать/ звание пэра

- собир. лица высокого звания, знать
- редк. сановник
- положение звезды, когда она имеет наибольшую силу (в астрологии)

Мои примеры


to cashier of all dignity and power — лишать всех званий и полномочий  
to comport oneself with dignity — вести себя с достоинством  
to make a dent in smb.’s dignity — уязвить чью-л. гордость  
to possess dignity — обладать чувством собственного достоинства  
to maintain one’s dignity — сохранять достоинство  
to live in dignity — жить с достоинством  
to die in / with dignity — достойно встретить смерть  
an air of dignity — выражение достоинства  
grant of dignity — пожалование почетного звания  
to lend dignity — придавать достоинство  

Примеры с переводом

She acted with dignity.

Она вела себя с достоинством.

It was beneath his dignity to cheat

Обманывать было ниже его достоинства.

She bore herself with dignity.

Она держалась с достоинством.

Work gave me a sense of dignity and self-worth.

Работа дала мне чувство достоинства и самоуважения.

She handles her problems with grace and dignity.

Она решает свои проблемы с изяществом и достоинством.

She showed dignity in defeat.

Она показала, что умеет достойно проигрывать.

He wasn’t hurt, but his dignity was punctured.

Ему не было больно физически, но от его самоуважения не осталось и следа.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He felt it would be beneath his dignity to comment.

She was able to ask for their help without sacrificing her dignity.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dignitary  — сановник, прелат, сановный
indignity  — унижение, оскорбление, пренебрежение, унизительность

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