The word differ means

Asked by: Abbey Wuckert DDS

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(63 votes)

From Middle English differren, from Old French differer, from Latin differō (“carry apart, put off, defer; differ”), from dis- (“apart”) + ferō (“carry, bear”).

What is the origin of the word differ?

differ (v.)

and directly from Latin differre «to set apart, differ,» from assimilated form of dis- «apart, away from» (see dis-) + ferre «to bear, carry,» from PIE root *bher- (1) «to carry.» Meaning «disagree, be of contrary opinion» is from 1560s.

What do u mean by differ?

intransitive verb. 1a : to be unlike or distinct in nature, form, or characteristics the law of one state differs from that of another. b : to change from time to time or from one instance to another : vary the number of cookies in a box may differ.

What is the meaning of differ in geography?

Difference, Geographies of. Difference is a measure by which individuals, societies, and even nations seek to distinguish themselves. It is a measure of separation (as being unlike someone) and distinctiveness.

What is a different word for Whereas?

Find another word for whereas. In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for whereas, like: while on the contrary, while, although, considering that, though, since, when, when in fact, insomuch as, however and because.

20 related questions found

What do you call someone who is different?

eccentric, individualist, unconventional, off-center, free spirit, nonconformist, recusant, bohemian, freethinker.

What does historia mean?

The Greek word historia originally meant inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry. … Histories, on the other hand, are records of events. That word refers to all time preceding this very moment and everything that really happened up to now.

Who is the father of geography?

b. Eratosthenes — He was a Greek mathematician who had a profound interest in geography. He was the founder of Geography and holds the credit to calculate the circumference of the Earth. He also calculated the tilt axis of the Earth.

What is the best definition of geography?

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it. … Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change over time.

How do you use the word differ?

  1. [intransitive] to be different from somebody/something. They hold differing views. A differs from B French differs from English in this respect. …
  2. [intransitive] to disagree with somebody. differ (with somebody) (about/on/over something) I have to differ with you on that.

What does the word differ mean in math?

Difference is the result of subtracting one number from another. … So, difference is what is left of one number when subtracted from another. In a subtraction equation, there are three parts: The minuend (the number being subtracted from) The subtrahend (the number being subtracted)

When to use differ or differs?

‘Differ’ is a verb that means ‘be unlike or dissimilar’; ‘disagree’, for example: Tastes differ. She differs from her sister in the colour of her eyes. I must differ from your opinion on the matter.

What does the word trigger?

1a : to release or activate by means of a trigger especially : to fire by pulling a mechanical trigger trigger a rifle. b : to cause the explosion of trigger a missile with a proximity fuse. 2 : to initiate, actuate, or set off by a trigger an indiscreet remark that triggered a fight a stimulus that triggered a reflex.

What does do not differ mean?

1 often foll by: from to be dissimilar in quality, nature, or degree (to); vary (from) 2 often foll by: from or with to be at variance (with); disagree (with)

Is differ and different the same?

To differ means to be different. To differentiate means to make (someone or something) different in some way. Differentiate also means to see or state the difference or differences between two or more things. Below are examples of each.

Who is the first geographer in the world?

The first spot has to go to the man who coined the term geography, Eratosthenes (c. 275–194 BC). He created one of the earliest maps of the known world between 276-195 BC, but his greatest contribution was the concept of latitude and longitude.

Is now as the father of human geography?

Ans. Carl Ritter is the Father of Human Geography.

Why is geography the mother of all sciences?

Geography is often times called the “mother of all sciences” because geography is one of the earliest known scientific disciplines that date back to the original Homo-sapiens who migrated out of eastern Africa, into Europe, Asia, and beyond. … A cartographer is someone who is skilled in the science and art of map-making.

Who is called the father of history?

Herodotus has been called the “father of history.” An engaging narrator with a deep interest in the customs of the people he described, he remains the leading source of original historical information not only for Greece between 550 and 479 BCE but also for much of western Asia and Egypt at that time.

What are the 3 types of history?

What Are The Different Types Of History?

  • Medieval History.
  • Modern History.
  • Art History.

What is history one word?

Explanation: Answer in one line: the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. History also means the whole series of past happenings related with a particular person or period.

What does a different person mean?

If two people or things are different, they are not like each other in one or more ways.

How do you say someone is rare?


  1. 1 exceptional, few, infrequent, out of the ordinary, recherché, scarce, singular, sparse, sporadic, strange, thin on the ground, uncommon, unusual.
  2. 2 admirable, choice, excellent, exquisite, extreme, fine, great, incomparable, peerless, superb, superlative.
  3. 3 invaluable, precious, priceless, rich.

How do you use the word unique?

highly unusual or rare but not the single instance.

  1. The machine’s unique design prevents it from overheating.
  2. Every boring hour in life is unique.
  3. His style of singing is rather unique.
  4. I am ordinary yet unique.
  5. This phenomenon is unique in nature.
  6. Sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period.

отличаться, отличать, различаться, различать, разниться, расходиться во мнениях


- отличаться; различаться

to differ from each other — отличаться друг от друга
to differ in appearance — быть непохожими
to differ from smb. in age — отличаться от кого-л. по возрасту

- редк. отличать; различать
- расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

the witnesses differed — свидетели не соглашались друг с другом; показания свидетелей расходились
to differ from /with/ smb. — не соглашаться с кем-л., оспаривать чьё-л. мнение
to differ in opinion — расходиться во мнениях
to differ about the issue /on the point/ — расходиться (во мнениях) по этому вопросу
to agree to differ — оставить попытки убедить друг друга; остаться при своём мнении (о спорящих)
I beg to differ — позволю себе не согласиться

- спорить, ссориться

tastes differ — посл. ≅ о вкусах не спорят; у каждого свой вкус

Мои примеры


to differ in phase — отличаться по фазе  
two Greek words which differ only in accentuation — два греческих слова, различающиеся только ударением  
to differ good from bad — отличать хорошее от плохого  
subtlety in distinguishing wherein things agree and wherein they differ — тонкость различения сходства и несходства вещей  
differ in sense — различаться по направлению (о векторах)  
differ in kind — различаться по своей природе  
differ in degree but not in kind — отличаться степенью, но не качеством  
they differ in size but not in colour — они различаются по размеру, а не по цвету  
customs differ from country to country — в каждой стране свои обычаи  
agree to differ — отказаться от попыток убедить друг друга  

Примеры с переводом

The number of cookies in a box may differ.

В коробках может оказаться разное количество печенья.

Tastes differ.

О вкусах не спорят.

She differs from her sister in the colour of her eyes.

У её сестры другой цвет глаз.

I must differ from / with your opinion on the matter.

Моё мнение по этому поводу расходится с вашим.

Opinions differ.

О вкусах не спорят. / У каждого своё мнение.

The two brothers differ in their judgment of this piece of music.

Мнения двух братьев об этом музыкальном произведении разделились.

I beg leave to differ with you, sir.

Позвольте мне с вами не согласиться, сэр.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

These two tests differ in only one respect

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

difference  — разница, различие, разность, разногласие, отличать, вычислять разность
different  — различный, разный, другой, отличный от, необычный, неодинаковый, непохожий, не такой
differing  — отличаться, отличать, различаться, различать, разниться, расходиться во мнениях

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: differ
he/she/it: differs
ing ф. (present participle): differing
2-я ф. (past tense): differed
3-я ф. (past participle): differed

intransitive verb



: to be unlike or distinct in nature, form, or characteristics

the law of one state differs from that of another


: to change from time to time or from one instance to another : vary

the number of cookies in a box may differ


: to be of unlike or opposite opinion : disagree

they differ on religious matters

I beg to differ with your interpretation.


Example Sentences

The two schools differ in their approach to discipline.

my brother and I differ markedly in the way we handle money

Recent Examples on the Web

Regulations on otter trapping differ by state.

Joseph Biebert, Outdoor Life, 3 Apr. 2023

Pyramid schemes differ from Ponzi schemes, in which people give money to an organizer who pays out earlier investors with money from new investors.

Kelli Smith, Dallas News, 31 Mar. 2023

The hosts’ topics overlap — classified documents in President Biden’s garage, George Santos, Tucker Carlson — but their emphases differ.

Lili Loofbourow, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

The bans differ from other gun laws in a key way.

Mark Berman And Todd C. Frankel, Anchorage Daily News, 30 Mar. 2023

In France and Turkey, the policy issues and personalities differ.

Ned Temko, The Christian Science Monitor, 30 Mar. 2023

Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have called for action after a shooting at a Nashville elementary school on Monday, but the two parties differ on what steps should be taken.

Nicole Fallert, USA TODAY, 29 Mar. 2023

Attendance between both ceremonies will also differ greatly, as King Charles’s guest list is said to be significantly smaller than his mother’s.

Isiah Magsino, Town & Country, 4 Apr. 2023

How does your butter differ from what most people are accustomed to on the table?

Kristine M. Kierzek, Journal Sentinel, 3 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘differ.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English differren, differen, borrowed from Middle French & Latin; Middle French differer «to be different,» borrowed (with conjugational change) from Latin differre «to carry away in varying directions, spread abroad, postpone, delay, be unlike or distinct,» from dif-, assimilated form of dis- dis- + ferre «to carry, convey»

The meanings of Latin differre, in particular the sense «to be unlike or distinct,» copy those of Greek diaphérein, formed with the cognate verb phérein «to carry.» English differ is not distinct etymologically from defer entry 1; the two were originally variants with stress on either the first or last syllable, with the meanings «delay» and «be unlike» eventually being restricted to one of the two variants.

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of differ was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near differ

Cite this Entry

“Differ.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on differ

Last Updated:
7 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Other forms: differs; differed; differing

To differ is to be different, or to vary. Your list of favorite movies might differ from your sister’s, especially if you like romantic comedies and she likes action films.

Gas prices differ from state to state, and sometimes even from one side of the street to the other. Opinions on politics can often differ within a single family, and sometimes food preferences differ so much that no one can decide where to eat lunch. The verb differ can mean simply «be unlike,» but it can also mean «clash» or «dissent.» The Latin root, differre, combines dis, «away from,» with ferre, «carry.»

Definitions of differ

  1. “These two tests
    differ in only one respect”

  2. verb

    be of different opinions

    “I beg to


    disagree, dissent, take issue

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘differ’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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  • 1


    В значении ‘отличаться от’ употребляется differ from: English differs from French, the second edition of the book differs from the first. В значении ‘не соглашаться, быть другого мнения’ употребляется differ with (реже differ from): I’m sorry to differ with (from) you. В этом значении differ может употребляться без дополнения, например, I beg to differ ‘извините, но я с вами не согласен’, we must agree to differ ‘нам друг друга не переубедить’.

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > differ

  • 2

    2) не соглаша́ться, расходи́ться (from, with); ссо́риться;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > differ

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > differ

  • 4

    English-Russian dictionary of modern abbreviations > differ

  • 5


    differ не соглашаться, расходиться (from, with); ссориться; to differ in opinion расходиться во мнениях; I beg to differ извините, но я с вами не согласен differ отличаться differ различаться; отличаться (часто differ from) differ различаться differ расходиться во мнениях differ не соглашаться, расходиться (from, with); ссориться; to differ in opinion расходиться во мнениях; I beg to differ извините, но я с вами не согласен let’s agree to differ пусть каждый останется при своем мнении

    English-Russian short dictionary > differ

  • 6

    ˈdɪfə гл.
    1) отличаться( from — от кого-л., чего-л.;
    in — в чем-л.) ;
    различаться( чем-л.) She differs from her sister in the colour of her eyes. ≈ У ее сестры другой цвет глаз. The two brothers differ in their judgment of this piece of music. ≈ Мнения двух братьев об этой вещи разделилось.
    2) не соглашаться (from/with — с кем-л.) ;
    иметь другую точку зрения (on/about — на что-л.) I must differ from/with your opinion on the matter. ≈ Мое мнение по этому поводу расходится с вашим. Tastes differ. ид. ≈ О вкусах не спорят. Syn: disagree
    3) колебаться, варьироваться( о качестве, количестве чего-л.) ;
    разниться, различаться The number of cookies in a box may differ. ≈ В коробке может быть разное количество печенья. Syn: vary
    различаться — to * from each other отличаться друг от друга — to * in appearance быть непохожими — to * from smb. in age отличаться от кого-л. по возрасту (редкое) отличать;
    различать расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться — the witnesses *ed свидетели не соглашались друг с другом;
    показания свидетелей расходились — to * from /with/ smb. не соглашаться с кем-л., оспаривать чье-л. мнение — to * in opinion расходиться во мнениях — to * about the issue /on the point/ расходиться (во мнениях) по этому вопросу — to agree to * оставить попытки убедить друг друга;
    остаться при своем мнении (о спорящих) — I beg to * позволю себе не согласиться спорить, соориться > tastes * (пословица) о вкусах не спорят;
    у каждого свой вкус
    differ не соглашаться, расходиться (from, with) ;
    to differ in opinion расходиться во мнениях;
    I beg to differ извините, но я с вами не согласен ~ отличаться ~ различаться;
    отличаться (часто differ from) ~ различаться ~ расходиться во мнениях
    differ не соглашаться, расходиться (from, with) ;
    to differ in opinion расходиться во мнениях;
    I beg to differ извините, но я с вами не согласен
    let’s agree to ~ пусть каждый останется при своем мнении

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > differ

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > differ

  • 8


    1. 1) отличаться; различаться

    to differ from smb. in age — отличаться от кого-л. по возрасту

    2. 1) расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

    the witnesses differed — свидетели не соглашались друг с другом; показания свидетелей расходились

    to differ from /with/ smb. — не соглашаться с кем-л., оспаривать чьё-л. мнение

    to differ about the issue /on the point/ — расходиться (во мнениях) по этому вопросу

    to agree to differ — оставить попытки убедить друг друга; остаться при своём мнении ()

    2) спорить, ссориться

    tastes differ — ≅ о вкусах не спорят; у каждого свой вкус

    НБАРС > differ

  • 9

    1. v отличаться; различаться

    2. v редк. отличать; различать

    3. v расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

    the witnesses differed — свидетели не соглашались друг с другом; показания свидетелей расходились

    4. v спорить, ссориться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. be unlike (verb) be unlike; conflict with; contrast; diverge; modify; not conform; not look like; qualify; take exception

    3. disagree (verb) contradict; digress; disagree; dispute; fight; object; oppose

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > differ

  • 10


    1) различаться; отличаться (часто differ from)

    2) не соглашаться, расходиться (from, with); ссориться; to differ in opinion расходиться во мнениях; I beg to differ извините, но я с вами не согласен; let’s agree to differ пусть каждый останется при своем мнении



    * * *

    (v) отличаться; различаться

    * * *

    * * *

    [dif·fer || ‘dɪfə]
    отличаться, различаться, разниться; отличать, различать; расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться, ссориться

    * * *








    * * *

    1) отличаться); различаться (чем-л.)
    2) не соглашаться (from/with — с кем-л.); иметь другую точку зрения (on/about — на что-л.)
    3) колебаться, варьироваться

    Новый англо-русский словарь > differ

  • 11



    1) отличаться ; различаться

    She differs from her sister in the colour of her eyes. — У её сестры другой цвет глаз.

    The two brothers differ in their judgment of this piece of music. — Мнения двух братьев об этом музыкальном произведении разделились.

    2) не соглашаться ; иметь другую точку зрения

    I must differ from / with your opinion on the matter. — Моё мнение по этому поводу расходится с вашим.


    3) колебаться, варьироваться ; разниться, различаться

    The number of cookies in a box may differ. — В коробках может оказаться разное количество печенья.



    Tastes differ. — О вкусах не спорят.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > differ

  • 12


    1) расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

    differ from smb.

    2) отличаться, различаться

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > differ

  • 13



    отличаться, различаться

    I differ from you here. — Здесь я с вами не согласен. /Тут наши мнения расходятся.

    Tastest different. — О вкусах не спорят

    differ in character

    — their views differ

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > differ

  • 14

    Англо-русский технический словарь > differ

  • 15


    1) различаться; отличаться

    Politics english-russian dictionary > differ

  • 16

    1) отличаться, различаться, разниться

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > differ

  • 17

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > differ

  • 18

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > differ

  • 19



    1) отличать(ся), различать(ся)

    2) расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

    3) различаться, колебаться, варьироваться

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > differ

  • 20

    1) отлича́ться

    2) расходи́ться во мне́ниях

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > differ


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Differ — Dif fer, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Differed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Differing}.] [L. differre; dif = dis + ferre to bear, carry: cf. F. diff[ e]rer. See 1st {Bear}, and cf. {Defer}, {Delay}.] 1. To be or stand apart; to disagree; to be unlike; to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • differ — differ, vary, disagree, dissent mean to be unlike or out of harmony. Differ stresses the fact of unlikeness in kind or nature or in opinion but does not indicate except through the context the extent or degree of divergence {the houses in the row …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • differ — is widely used without any complement: • While their aims and activities differ slightly, all are clubs in the sense of recruiting members R. Brown, 1993. It can be followed by from in the meaning ‘to be unlike’: • These languages…differ from the …   Modern English usage

  • differ — ► VERB 1) be unlike or dissimilar. 2) disagree. ● agree to differ Cf. ↑agree to differ ● beg to differ Cf. ↑beg to differ ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • differ — I (disagree) verb be discordant, be incongruent, be inharmonious, bicker, cavil, clash, conflict with, contend, contradict, dispute, divide on, hold different views, object, oppose, protest, raise objections, reject, repudiate, take exception,… …   Law dictionary

  • differ — late 14c., from O.Fr. differer (14c.) and directly from L. differre to set apart, differ, from dis away from (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + ferre carry (see INFER (Cf. infer)). Two senses that were present in Latin have gone separate ways in English… …   Etymology dictionary

  • differ — [v1] be dissimilar, distinct alter, bear no resemblance, be distinguished from, be off the beaten path*, be unlike, clash with, conflict with, contradict, contrast, depart from, deviate from, digress, disagree, divaricate from, diverge, diversify …   New thesaurus

  • differ — [dif′ər] vi. [ME differen < OFr differer < L differre, to carry apart, differ < dis , apart + ferre, to bring, BEAR1] 1. to be unlike; be not the same: often with from 2. to be of opposite or unlike opinions; disagree 3. Archaic to… …   English World dictionary

  • Differ — Dif fer, v. t. To cause to be different or unlike; to set at variance. [R.] [1913 Webster] But something ts that differs thee and me. Cowley. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • differ — UK [ˈdɪfə(r)] / US [ˈdɪfər] verb [intransitive] Word forms differ : present tense I/you/we/they differ he/she/it differs present participle differing past tense differed past participle differed 1) to be different from something else differ from …   English dictionary

  • differ — dif|fer [ dıfər ] verb intransitive 1. ) to be different from something else: differ in: The two animals come from the same family but differ in body shape and breeding habits. differ from: English differs from Spanish in that it is not… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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