The word diet originally meant things that people usually eat but


олимпиады школьников

английскому языку

учебный год


друг! Желаем успеха!


Task I.

The title of the article below is ‘The History of Dieting’. 
Paragraphs B-H are in the wrong order. Decide on the correct order for them.
The first and the last paragraphs are correct:

A.   The word diet originally meant
‘things that people usually eat’, but, these days we use the word to mean an
eating pattern or programme designed to change something.

B.   But it has taken a long time to find
out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to some increase in understanding.
When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages, sailors
started to spend many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease
called ‘scurvy’. Eventually, it became clear that they needed fruit or
vegetables to survive. Today, we know that Vitamin C is the reason.

C.   But when did it all start? There is a
story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of England, had become so fat
that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank alcohol
instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

D.   Although the discovery helped their
lives, there was much more that wasn’t known. Nobody knew, for instance, why
some people got obese and others didn’t, or what to do about it.

E.    Now, it may or may not have worked
for him, but we can’t really recommend it as an approach for most people. It’s
the kind of food you eat that matters because different foods contain different
things our bodies need.

F.    However, despite all these, we
usually say ‘diet’ about losing weight. This is certainly the area where the
money gets spent and it has a long history.

G.   We could be talking about any one of
many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding different chemicals, like
salt, and there are diets to increase certain things, like potassium. There are
even diets to help people put on weight.

H.   Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called
Wilbur Arwater began investigating how food consisted of proteins, fats, and
carbohydrates. He found he could measure the heat value of these by burning
them and called a unit of this heating a ‘calorie’.

I.      This measurement he created can be
seen as the start of modern food science and dieting. Since then, knowledge has
come quickly- some people say too quickly!



Task II.

Complete these sentences using the correct form
of one of the words below:

Travel           journey           trip            flight  
         voyage            cruise            tour

Do you agree that ……….broadens the

Do you enjoy going on day ……….into
the countryside?

What do you take with you on long

Does anyone in your family go on

Do you get seasick on long……….?

Do you think that air……….is safe?

Our business ……….to Brussels was

As soon as they arrived, they went
on a ……….of the city.

We were told at the airport that
the……….to Rome had been cancelled.

10. Instead of going to an island, we went on a luxury
_____around the Mediterranean.

11. The safest and quickest way to ……… by aeroplane.

12. The old captain has spent his life making……….to the
Far East.


Task III.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
word in capitals:

There is little ……….when you have to share a tent with someone. PRIVATE

The rushing water in the river had made the banks ……….SLIP

Tom Franklin, the famous explorer, has a ……….to become  anxious before
setting off on an expedition. TEND

The ……….of Mount Everest was the greatest achievement of his life.

This is the restaurant where most of the town’s rich and …………..people

The duty of the police is the ……….of law and order. MAINTAIN

The soldiers had nothing they could use to ……….their tea. SWEET

The expedition leader had underestimated the……….of the river. WIDE

The first time you see the great stone circle rising out of Salisbury
Plain is an ……….moment. FORGET

10.   The
photographic film was held in a special ……….CONTAIN.


Task IV.

Put the verbs in brackets into a correct tense:

A new addiction 1)……….
(recently/emerge)- to soap operas- and the world’s first clinic to treat people
obsessed with the soaps 2)………. (open) next week. Victims 3)………. (come) from
every walk of life- from company directors to cleaners. Symptoms of addiction
4)……….  (include) refusing to miss an episode and watching recorded episodes
again and again. One victim 5)………. (explain) how he 6)……….  ( become) addicted
five years ago. His obsession 7)……….  ( be) so bad that he 8)………. (be) unable
to keep a steady relationship. “When my friends 9)………. (come round), I was more
interested in the soaps. It was almost as if the people on TV 10)………. (become)
my friends instead.”



the word which should not be in the sentence:

Eg. 0.
She has been had her house repainted.

The pictures they were donated to
the gallery by the Queen.

He had his nose be broken while
playing cricket.

If only she had been caught that

Take my business card in case you
will want to contact me.

Sophia wanted to know what time
did they returned home the previous night.

Despite of being pressed for time,
he listened to her complaints.

My school it is so far away that I
have to travel two hours to get there.

You should have try to treat
customers more politely.

We enjoy going for fishing from
time to time.  

 Simon was being happy because he
had been offered a scholarship.   

If anyone person calls, tell them
to call back in an hour.


Task VI.

Choose the appropriate
idiomatic expression to substitute for the italicized  word/words
in each sentence below:

The other students in Judy’s class
criticize her unfairly because she enjoys doing homework and
helping her teacher.

Put her down;    b) go in for her;
   c) look up to her

In computer code a binary number
10010001 represents a letter, number, or other character on a
computer keyboard.

Looks on;    b) stands for;    c)
figures out

We’ve run out of milk so we’ll not
be able to have
it at dinner-time.

Have on;    b) run up to;    c) do

Occasionally Mary enjoys driving up to the mountains and camping
by herself.

Every now and then;    b) over and
over again;    c) once in a blue moon

I was ready to go to
bed when someone knocked on my apartment door.

Bound to; b) feel like; c) about


Task VII.

Choose one of the beginnings below and write
your own story based on it. Try to describe events in an entertaining way.  You
should write 200 — 250 words.

The Box’: I was walking down the street when I saw a
small wooden box by the road. Suddenly, I heard a voice say, ‘HELP! LET ME OUT
OF HERE!’ To my surprise, the voice was coming from the box.

Millions of footprints’: I was walking in the woods when
suddenly I saw something strange on the path ahead. There were millions of tiny
footprints (крошечные следы) coming out of the bushes, crossing the path,
and disappearing into the bushes on the other side. I decided to follow the

An old lamp’: While digging in the dirt, I found an old
dirty lamp. I started to wipe the dirt off, when, suddenly, a genie (джин) appeared and promised to grant me three wishes.

Тема «Здоровое питание. Отношение к диетам. Прошедшее совершенное время».
Тип урока: комбинированный.Цели урока.

  • Совершенствование навыков чтения про себя.
  • Развитие навыков монологической речи и логического мышления.
  • Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

Оснащение. Карточки с раздаточным материалом, учебник.
Используемая литература.

  • Е.С.Музланова, Е.И.,Кисунько«Английский язык .Письмо». Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ,Астрель, Москва 2014.
  • ExamExcellence,OxfordUniversityPress
  • Интернет-ресурсы.

Ход урока.

I.Проверка домашнего задания.

В сильных группах сочинение на тему «Здоровое питание. Отношение к диетам» в слабых-диктант.

II.Письменный анализ сочинения «Здоровое питание. Отношениекдиетам».

Nowadays people think they are too fat even if their doctors disagree. They think the best way to improve their fitness is following a diet. But is dieting really so effective and healthy?

On the one hand, if you want to lose weight it is very important to keep your eye on what youeat. To begin with, you should cut out snacks and desserts, which add weight without boostingenergy levels. Besides, you ought to cut down on fat as it is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity. Finally, you may count the number of calories you eat every day, which may substantially reduce the amount of food you eat and help to lose weight.

On the other hand, strict dieting may be dangerous. Firstly, the lower the calories eaten perday, the harder it is to get the daily requirements of proteins and vitamins. In addition, excessive dieting causes muscle loss and this loss may be from your heart with severe consequences. Moreover, dieting lowers your metabolic rate, so when you return to your normal food intake, you will put on weight even faster than before.

To conclude, I believe that to stay healthy everybody should follow a sensible, well-balanceddiet that gives their body exactly what it needs. However, I think the best way of keeping fit is doing sports. If you do regular exercise, you can eat and drink whatever you want because you are burning it all off.

Части текста


Введение (1абзац) Сформулирована проблема (В настоящее время многие люди думают, что они слишком полные, и считают, что лучший способ избавиться от лишнего веса-это диета.

Далее задан

вопрос, ставящий под сомнение эффективность и пользу диеты.

Основная часть (2абзац) Автор дает советы по поводу правильного питания: во-первых, следует сократить количество перекусов и потребление десерта (причина-добавляют вес без повышения энергетического уровня); во-вторых, необходимо уменьшить потребление жира (причина-один из главных факторов ожирения). И наконец, можно подсчитывать калории, потому что это значительно сократит потребление пищи и поможет сбросить вес.
Основная часть(3абзац) Автор говорит об опасности диет и подтверждает свое мнение следующими аргументами:

  1. чем меньше потребляемых калорий, тем меньше белка и витаминов;
  2. вызывает потерю мышечной массы, что может привести к суровым последствиям (повлиять на сердце);
  3. понижает метаболические процессы-поэтому когда вы возвращаетесь к нормальному потреблению пищи вы можете набрать вес быстрее чем до диеты.
Основная часть(4абзац) В данном эссе нет 4 абзаца
Заключение (4 -5 абзац) В заключение автор призывает к разумной, хорошо сбалансированной диете. Далее он добавляет, что лучший способ оставаться стройным-этоспорт.Причина-если регулярно заниматься спортом, то можно есть и пить все, что захочется, потому что в данном случае лишние калории сгорают.


The title of the article is the ‘History of dieting’.Paragrahs B-H are in the wrong order. Decide on the correct order for the paragraphs, and write the letter next to the number below. The first and last paragraphs are correct.

A.The world ‘diet ‘originally meant ‘things that people usually eat ‘but these days we use the word to mean an eating pattern or program designed to change something.

B. But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what they are. Sea travel led to some increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages, sailors started to open many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease called ‘scurvy’. Eventually it became clear they needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that vitamin C is the reason.

C. But when did it all start? There’s a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

D. Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or what to do about it.

E. Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really recommend it as an approach for most people. What’s important is the kinds of food you eat, because different foods contain different things our bodies need.

F. However, despite all this, we usually say ‘diet ‘about losing weight. This is certainly the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history.

G. We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase the amounts of certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight.

H. Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began investigating how foods consisted of proteins, fats,andcarbonhydrates.He found that he could measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a ‘calorie’.

I. This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and dieting. Since then, knowledge has come quickly-some people say too quickly.


1.The world ‘diet ‘originally meant ‘things that people usually eat ‘but these days we use the word to mean an eating pattern or program designed to change something.

2. But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what they are. Sea travel led to some increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages, sailors started to open many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease called ‘scurvy’. Eventually it became clear they needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that vitamin C is the reason.

3. But when did it all start? There’s a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

4. Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or what to do about it.

5. Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really recommend it as an approach for most people. What’s important is the kinds of food you eat, because different foods contain different things our bodies need.

6. However, despite all this, we usually say ‘diet ‘about losing weight. This is certainly the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history.

7. We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase the amounts of certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight.

8. Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began investigating how foods consisted of proteins, fats,andcarbonhydrates.He found that he could measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a ‘calorie’.

9. This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and dieting. Since then, knowledge has come quickly-some people say too quickly.

 IV.Грамматика. Прошедшее совершенное время.

1. Повторение правила.

Прошедшее совершенное время употребляется:
a. Для выражения действия, закончившегося до указанного момента времени в прошлом, который может быть выражен точной датой, часом и т.д.:

We had finished our work by five o’clock. Мы (уже) закончили свою работу к пяти часам.

b. Для выражения действия, предшествовавшего другому действию в прошлом:

Не hadwrittenthreelettersandwasjuststartingonthefourth, whenthedoorwassuddenlyflangopenandElsie Claytonrushedintotheroom.Он написал три письма и только принялся за четвертое, когда дверь вдруг широко распахнулась, и Элси Клейтон стремительно вошла в комнату.

Утвердительная форма прошедшего совершенного времени образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола tohave в прошедшем времени had и причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) смыслового глагола:

Не had written a letter when I came in. Когда я вошел, он (уже) написал письмо.

They had come back by two o’clock yesterday. Вчера к двум часам они (уже) возвратились.

Для образования вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол tohave ставится перед подлежащим, а причастие прошедшего времени смыслового глагола — после подлежащего:

Had he written a letter when I came in? Had they come back by two o’clock yesterday?

Для образования отрицательной формы после вспомогательного глагола tohave ставится отрицательная частица not:

Не had not written a letter when I came in. 
They had not come back by two o’clock yesterday. 
В разговорной речи употребляется сокращенная отрицательная форма:


2.Тренировочные упражнения.

Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму PastPerfect.

  1. He never … (be) to Oxford before. (Он никогда раньше не был в Оксфорде.)
  2. When I found my camera the butterfly already … (flyaway). (Когда я нашел фотоаппарат, бабочка уже улетела.)
  3. Sandra … (suffer) from pneumonia for many years. (Сандра страдала от пневмонии в течение многих лет.)
  4. Tony … (not appear) on TV before that. (Тони никогда раньше не появлялся на ТВ.)
  5. My cousin … (buy) the tickets before we came. (Мой кузен купил билеты до того, как мы пришли.)
  6. I was too tired because my working day … (start) atsix. (Я слишком устал, потому что мой рабочий день начался в шесть.)

Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму PastSimple и PastPerfect, обращая внимание на последовательность действий.

Н-р:   When my mum … (appear), my father already … (start) the car.  – When my mumappeared, my father had already started the car. (Когда мама появилась, мой папа уже завел машину.)

  1. When the police … (arrive), we already … (catch) thethief.
  2. Jack … (finish) the test before the bell … (ring).
  3. When Anna … (come) to say good-night, her children already … (fallasleep).
  4. Scott already … (prepare) the dinner when her husband … (get) homefromwork.
  5. When Brad and Susan … (get married), they … (know) each other for 3 years.
  6. She … (not enjoy) the film because she … (read) thebookbefore.
  7. Our apartment … (be) in a mess because I … (have) a birthday party the night before.
  8. We … (not go) to a restaurant because we … (spend) all our money on clothes.
  9. Mary … (can’t go) skating after she … (break) herleg.
  10. Larry … (be late) because he … (get stuck) in a traffic jam.

Составьте предложения, выбрав начало из первой части и окончание – из второй. Переведитеполучившиесяпредложения.

Н-р:  1 — c    His parents were angry because he hadn’t phoned them for several months. (Его родители были рассержены, потому что он не звонил им несколько месяцев.)


  1. His parents were angry because …
  2. Therosesdiedbecause …
  3. When we arrived at the cinema …
  4. Bob was late for the train …
  5. The electricity was switched off …
  6. Thestudentwashappy …


  1. because we hadn’t paid the bill.
  2. the film had already started.
  3. he hadn’t phoned them for several months.
  4. because he had passed all his exams.
  5. because he had forgotten his passport.
  6. I hadn’t watered them for several weeks.

V.Подведение итогов урока и домашнее задание.

  1. Сообщение на тему «Здоровое питание. Отношение к диетам» В слабых группах-подготовиться к диктанту.
  2. Повторить правило «Прошедшее совершенное время ».


You will hear a student called Josh Brady talking about visiting South Africa as part of his university course in botany. For questions 1-7, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.


As well as his research project, Josh planned to write a (1) ……………for a website while he was in Africa.

Josh’s group planned to check out a particular region after a (2) ………………that had occurred there.

Josh was surprised to see (3) ……………………being grown in the first area they visited.

Josh describes the vehicle they travelled in as a (4) …………………………when they went in search of specimens.

Josh uses the word (5) …………………………to give us an idea of the shape of the leaves he found.

Josh was particularly impressed by one type of flower which was (6) …………… in colour.

Josh uses the word (7) ……………………… to convey his feelings about an area of vegetation he studied.

Josh really appreciated the view he got from the (8) …………………  of his accommodation.


You are going to read a magazine article in which five career consultants give advice about starting a career. For questions 9-18, choose from the consultants (A – E). The consultants may be chosen more than once.

Which consultant makes the following statements?  


Keep your final objective in mind when you are planning to change jobs.  


It takes time to become familiar with the characteristics of a company you have joined.    


You should demonstrate determination to improve your job prospects.        


Make sure your approach for information is positive in tone.  


It is not certain that you will be given very much support in your job initially.      


Stay optimistic in spite of setbacks.  


Promotion isn’t the only way to increase your expertise.  


Ask for information about your shortcomings.  


Some information you are given may not give a complete picture.  


It will be some time before you start giving your employers their money’s worth.  

Starting out on your career

Are you a graduate trying to plan out the best career path for yourself?  We’ve asked five careers consultants to give some tips on how to go about it.

Consultant A

A university degree is no guarantee of a job, and job hunting in itself requires a whole set of skills.  If you find you are not getting past the first interview, ask yourself what is happening. Is it a failure to communicate or are there some skills you lack?  Once you see patterns emerging it will help you decide whether the gaps you have identified can be filled relatively easily. If you cannot work out what the mismatch is, get back to the selection panel with more probing questions, and find out what you need to do to bring yourself up to the level of qualification that would make you more attractive to them: but be careful to make this sound like a genuine request rather than a challenge or complaint.  

Consultant B  

Do not be too dispirited if you are turned down for a job, but think about the reasons the employers give.  They often say it is because others are ‘better qualified’, but they use the term loosely.  Those who made the second interview might have been studying the same subject as you and be of similar ability level, but they had something which made them a closer match to the selector’s ideal. That could be experience gained through projects or vacation work, or it might be that they were better at communicating what they could offer. Do not take the comments at face value: think back to the interviews that generated them and make a list of where you think the shortfall in your performance lies.  With this sort of analytical approach you will eventually get your foot in the door.

Consultant C  

Deciding how long you should stay in your first job is a tough call. Stay too long and future employers may question your drive and ambition. Of course, it depends where you are aiming. There can be advantages in moving sideways rather than up, if you want to gain real depth of knowledge. If you are a graduate, spending five or six years in the same job is not too long provided that you take full advantage of the experience. However, do not use this as an excuse for apathy. Graduates sometimes fail to take ownership of their careers and take the initiative. It is up to you to make the most of what’s available within a company, and to monitor your progress in case you need to move on. This applies particularly if you are still not sure where your career path lies.  

Consultant D  

It is helpful to think through what kind of experience you need to get your dream job and it is not a problem to move around to a certain extent. But in the early stages of your career you need a definite strategy for reaching your goal, so think about that carefully before deciding to move on from your first job. You must cultivate patience to master any role. There is no guarantee that you will get adequate training, and research has shown that if you do not receive proper help in a new role, it can take 18 months to master it.  

Consultant E  

A prospective employer does not want to see that you have changed jobs every six months with no thread running between them. You need to be able to demonstrate the quality of your experience to a future employer, and too many moves too quickly can be a bad thing. In any company it takes three to six months for a new employee to get up to speed with the structure and the culture of the company. From the company’s perspective, they will not receive any return on the investment in your salary until you have been there for 18 months.

This is when they begin to get most value from you – you are still fired up and enthusiastic. If you leave after six months it has not been a good investment – and may make other employers wary.

The title of the story is “The History of Dieting”. Paragraphs B-H are in the wrong order. Decide on the correct order for the paragraphs, and write the letters next to the numbers 19-25. The first and the last paragraphs are correct.

  1. A
  1. I
  1. The word ‘diet’ originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’, but these days, we use the word to mean an eating pattern or programme designed to change something.
  2. But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to some increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages, sailors started to spend many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease called ‘scurvy’. Eventually, it became clear that they needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that vitamin C is the reason.
  3. But when did it all start? There’s a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.
  4. Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or what to do about it.
  5. Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really recommend it as an approach for most people. What’s important is the kinds of food you eat, because different foods contain different things our bodies need.
  6. However, despite all these, we usually say ‘diet’ about losing weight. This is certainly the area where the money gets spent.
  7. We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase amounts of certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people to put on weight.
  8. Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Arwater began investigating how foods consisted of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. He found that he could measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a ‘calorie’.
  9. This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and dieting. Since then, knowledge has come quickly – some people say too quickly!

Use of English

There are 10 unnecessary words in the text below. If the line is OK, put “ok“

  1. Many everyday objects are being given their names for
  2. a reason. The Biro (a ballpoint pen) was invented by
  3. Georg and Josef Biro, so that it was named after them.
  4. The sandwich, on the other hand, it was named after the
  5. 4th Earl of Sandwich in 1762. Despite of the fact that the
  6. idea of eating slices of meat between slices of bread was
  7. not a new one, the Earl of Sandwich made it popular. He
  8. would ask to be served this dish at his card table so that
  9. he could play all the day. Morse code (the use of long
  10. and short sounds to send the messages along a wire) was
  11. been invented y Samuel Morse in 1844 and Bermuda
  12. shorts were so named because they at first became popular
  13. in Bermuda. So, next time you will use an everyday
  14. object, why not to stop and think about where its name
  15. came from? You might be surprised!

Choose the number for each sentence to make it correct. Some numbers are extra and some numbers can be used several times.

0   1    2    5   6   7   9   10   11   12   19   88

  1. Mary talks about work all the time. He has a ___-track mind.
  2. I’ve been playing the old ___ since I was a little boy.
  3. Steve used to have a ___-to-five. Now he’s a consultant with flexible hours.
  4. A stitch in time saved ___; and now that she was going to live in the country there was a chance for her to turn over a new leaf!
  5. I’m not complaining. Everything is sevens and ___.
  6. Harry could put ___ and ___ together quicker than most men

People use different repeating words to describe some notions.  Put the number of the appropriate variant to finish the situations below.  Three constructions are extra.

(1) arm-in-arm (2) door-to-door  (3) heart-to-heart  (4) toe-to-toe (5) eye-to-eye

(6) hand in hand  (7) head-to-head (8) finger-to-finger  (9) hand-to-hand

  1. After  the  crime,  the  police  went  ___  interviewing  everyone  in  the neighborhood.
  2. Mark and I have been successful partners for ten years because we see ___ on everything.
  3. The  actors  and  writers  worked  ___  to  create  a  brilliant  theatrical production.
  4. Meg and Angela went ___  the whole day over which one of  them was going to name their new dog.
  5. Chris and I finally had a ___ talk about all our differences.
  6. When Joe and Bob argue, they go ___ for hours.
  1. What is the longest river of The UK?

a.  the Severn

b.  the  Avon

c.  the Thames

d.  the Clyde

  1. The Great Fire happened in …

a. 1736

b. 1666

c. 1814

d. 1665

  1. Which Street in London is called “newspaper street”?

a.  Oxford Street

b.  Fleet Street

c.  Downing Street

d.  Regent Street

  1. Match parts of the UK with their Patron Saints (ответ запиши в виде цепочки букв и цифр)

a. England

1. St. David

b. Scotland

2. St. George

c. Wales

3. St. Andrew

d. Northern  Ireland

4.St. Patrick

  1. Not all hours in our life are happy. What is a Happy Hour? (write the answer using your own ideas)
  2. A Honey Do List is not a recipe for making honey. What is it then? (write the answer using your own ideas)
  3. What is the national Scottish musical instrument?
  4. Which of these capitals is the capital of an independent state: Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin or Cardiff?


Write a report about the work of your school canteen. Write 100-140 words. Use the paragraph plan to organize your ideas. Plan what you`re going to write in the four paragraphs:

Paragraph 1 – opening

Paragraph 2 – introduction.

Paragraph 3 – positive things

Paragraph 4 – negative things

Paragraph 5 – conclusion

Don’t forget to check the review for mistakes (grammar, punctuation and spelling).



Read the text and make the correct variant

The word ‘diet’ originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’, but, these days, we use the word to mean an eating pattern or pro­gramme designed to change something.

We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase amounts of certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight .

However, despite all these, we usually say ‘diet’ about losing weight. This is certainly the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history .

But when did it all start? There’s a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really reeommend it as an approach for most people. What’s important is the kinds of food you eat, because different foods contain different things our bodies need.

But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to some increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages, sailors started to spend many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease called ‘scurvy’. Eventually, it became clear that they needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that Vitamin C is the reason.

Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or what to do about it.

Then, in the 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began inves­tigating how foods consisted of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.He found that he could measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a‘calorie’.

This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and dieting. Since then, knowledge has come quickly — some people say too quickly!

Завдання 1.

The word diet means things that people usually eat.

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