The word dictionary download

Толковый словарь английского языка, Oxford=Oxford Concise School Dictionary, 40 000 слов и выражений, Хокинс Д., Делаханти Э., Макдональд Ф., 2008.

   Словарь содержит 40 000 слов и словосочетаний с толкованиями значений и примерами употребления в современной английской речи, а также дает много информации грамматического, лексического и этимологического характера.
Предназначен для изучающих английский язык на продвинутом этапе и преподавателей английского языка.

Толковый словарь английского языка, Oxford=Oxford Concise School Dictionary, 40 000 слов и выражений, Хокинс Д., Делаханти Э., Макдональд Ф., 2008

aback adverb
taken aback surprised.
[from Old English on baec = backwards]

abacus (say ab-a-kus) noun (plural abacuses)
a frame used for counting with beads sliding on wires.
[from a Greek word abax meaning ‘slab’. An early form of abacus was a slab of wood with a coating of dust, for writing on and adding up figures]

abandon verb (abandons, abandoning, abandoned)
1 give up ♦ We never abandoned hope.
2 leave something without intending to return ♦ Abandon ship! abandonment noun.

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Скачать книгу Толковый словарь английского языка, Oxford=Oxford Concise School Dictionary, 40 000 слов и выражений, Хокинс Д., Делаханти Э., Макдональд Ф., 2008 —, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

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Дата публикации: 12.09.2019 06:45 UTC


словарь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Хокинс :: Делаханти :: Макдональд

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  • Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика, Циммерман М., Веденеева К. — Фрагмент из книги: А вместе с ним и The positive charge will be reduced, and with it the coulombic attraction … Англо-Русские, Русско-Английские словари
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Dictionary for PC (also known as “The Free Dictionary by Farlex”) is an education and reference application developed by Farlex, the creators of several dictionaries, library, and definition listing platforms that are visited by over 50 million online users every month.

The app supports not only English but a total of 13 international languages and has the ability to translate words into 40 languages. It supports advanced search, incredibly detailed report for each found term (including synonyms, antonyms, related words, and pictures), multilingual interface, create and manage bookmarks, syncing bookmarks via Windows account function, and much more.

While the core functionality of the app is of course centered on the easy discovery of search terms and learning much about their definitions, use in sentences, and even similar words historical versions of the English language, this streamlined app also offers users an easy and fun way to discover new words in the well-designed main dashboard screen that features several fun activities and showcases such as Word of the Day, Idiom of the Day, Spelling Bee, Match Up game, Article of the Day and Quote of the Day.

In addition to the comprehensive support for words regularly used in common conversations and written text, this app also has in-depth and detailed support for specialty terms that are used in modern Medicine, Legal, Financial, and other modern professions.

The user interface of this English Dictionary is built upon the best practices found in the Windows “Modern” apps, enabling users with both mouse and touch controls to easily discover all of its features, search for words and find their meaning. The main interface is separated into several tabs located on the far-left corner of the app, with an eye-catching search text box always present on the top. Users can bookmark pages, share the content they found interesting via social networks, and even play fun games and earn points and badges that will showcase the level of their knowledge.

As part of the Windows 11/Windows 10 Store, all that users need to download and install this app is to visit its official page on Windows Store and click the large blue “Get” button. In addition to supporting the development effort of the Farlex company, the usage of this app will also benefit hungry children through The Free Dictionary’s integrated partnership with the World Food Program charity. The Dictionary app from Farlex is 100% FREE and can be used on all modern PCs running Windows 8, 10, and 11.

Features and Highlights

  • Search multiple English dictionaries, featuring extensive definitions, audio and phonetic pronunciations, usage sentences, etymologies, and more.
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  • Get in-depth info from specialty dictionaries: Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, and Idioms, plus multiple encyclopedias and even Wikipedia. Quickly toggle between them by using the source icons.
  • Access dictionaries in 13 other languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, Greek, Arabic, Polish, Turkish, and Russian.
  • Translate English words into more than 40 languages, ranging from Afrikaans and Arabic to Urdu and Vietnamese, plus dozens of other translation options.
  • Learn something new with fresh daily content, including Word of the Day, Idiom of the Day, This Day in History, Quote of the Day, Today’s Birthday, and more.
  • Browse multiple thesaurus sources, featuring synonyms, antonyms, related words, even pictures.
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  • Navigate the app in a dozen languages with a multilingual interface.
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  • Play word games, including Spelling Bee and Match Up, plus Words Within Words and Hangman in multiple languages.
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Download Dictionary Latest Version

Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins (Oxford Quick Reference), 3rd Edition

Название: Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins, 3rd Edition
Автор: Julia Cresswell
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Серия: Oxford Quick Reference
Год: 2021
Страниц: 528
Язык: английский
Формат: True EPUB
Размер: 10.1 MB

Newly updated to incorporate recent additions to the English language, the Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins provides a fascinating exploration of the origins and development of over 3,000 words in the English language. Drawing on Oxford’s unrivalled dictionary research programme and language monitoring it brings to light the intriguing and often unusual stories of some of our most used words and phrases.

The A-Z entries include the first known use of the term along with examples, related lexes, and expressions which uncover the etymological composition of each word. Also featured are 22 special panels that give overviews of broad topic areas, 5 of which are completely new and that variously cover words from Oceania, word blends, eponyms, and acronyms. New findings in the OED since the previous edition have also been added, including emoji, mansplain, meeple, meme, and spam.

An absorbing resource for language students and enthusiasts, but also an intriguing read for any person interested in the development of the English language, and of language development in general. It also includes an extended introduction on the history of the English language.

Скачать Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins, 3rd Edition

Категория: Английские словари

Освоив азы иностранного языка, у многих учащихся возникает необходимость увеличения своего словарного запас, повышения грамотности, приобретения уверенности в общении на английском. Данное пособие направлено на совершенствование англоязычных знаний, на развитие умений изъясняться на иностранном.

Oxford Wordpower Genie Dictionary

Oxford Wordpower Dictionary содержит более 45 тыс. слов, словосочетаний и выражений английской речи, среди которых представлено более 500 новых слов. Издание включает множество различных определений современных популярных тематик, среди которых, например, смартфоны, подкасты, социальные сети, программирование и другие. Раздел Exam Tips содержит информацию, необходимую для подготовки к экзаменам. В отдельный раздел в словаре также выделено синонимы, которые позволяют разнообразить и расширить язык. Издание оснащено удобным поиском.

Глоссарий включает шестнадцать страниц с отдельными тематиками, слова которых предложены с цветными иллюстрациями. На 48 страницах словаря размещены упражнения на отработку знаний англоязычной грамматики.

Категория: Английские словари
Год выхода: 2001
Формат: MDS, MDF
Язык: английский
Размер файла: 133 Мб

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