The word develop in a sentence

Synonym: advance, flourish, grow, mature, progress. Antonym: decay, decline. Similar words: developer, developing, development, developmental, developing countries, envelope, level, all levels. Meaning: [dɪ’veləp]  v. 1. make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation 2. work out 3. gain through experience 4. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes) 5. come into existence; take on form or shape 6. change the use of and make available or usable 7. elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses 8. create by training and teaching 9. be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest 10. grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment 11. become technologically advanced 12. cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development 13. generate gradually 14. grow emotionally or mature 15. make visible by means of chemical solutions 16. superimpose a three-dimensional surface on a plane without stretching, in geometry 17. move one’s pieces into strategically more advantageous positions 18. move into a strategically more advantageous position 19. elaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme 20. happen 21. expand in the form of a series. 

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1. With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality;the elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. 

2. Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.

3. A lot of teenagers develop acne.

4. It is important to develop good study skills.

5. We will do our utmost to develop new markets.

6. It is the general’s role to develop overall strategy.

7. Dark-skinned people rarely develop skin cancer.

8. The nurse should try to develop empathy between herself and the patient.

8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.

10. The company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products.

11. Children usually develop speech in the second year of life.

12. Once you are injected you will—sooner or later—develop full-blown AIDS.

13. We are trying to develop a working partnership between local schools and industries.

14. Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street-credibility.

15. The council house is planning to develop the area to the east of the town centre.

16. Apparently some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour.

17. Since he turned 30 he’s started to develop a pot belly.

18. It helps children to develop an appreciation of poetry and literature.

19. She had the time and the inspiration to develop her talent.

20. You need to develop a positive mental attitude.

21. Researchers are collaborating to develop the vaccine.

22. Sickness may develop from inadequate fluid intake.

23. high-talent people lazy by nature, if, that is, not from efforts to develop his talents, his achievements would not have significant, sometimes, rather it would be better than him at the day low.

24. Extra doses of the hormone caused the animals’ reproductive organs to develop sooner than usual.

25. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.

26. Regular exercise is a good habit for kids to develop.

27. Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another «home» waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay «home».

28. It has cost them a great deal of money and time to develop this software.

29. Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals, why can’t he develop and harness other energy resources?

30. It’s hard to say at this stage how the market will develop.

More similar words: developer, developing, development, developmental, developing countries, envelope, level, all levels, revelation, slope, devote, device, below, feel out, devastating, belong to, novel, counselor, before long, svelte, in the long run, traveler, actively, relatively, effectively, exclusively, respectively, machiavellian, ever, even. 

Definition of Develop

to begin to cause something

Examples of Develop in a sentence

A relationship began to develop between two young people after they spoke on the phone for several weeks.


The young woman tried to develop a good habit of eating healthy by only buying organic fruits and vegetables from her grocery store.


A good rapport started to develop between a strict professor and his students when his pupils realized his efforts toward their education.


When the scientist began to develop a treatment for the deadly disease, the public knew it would only be a few years before a cure would exist.


After growing and cooking with cabbage from my garden, I began to develop a taste for the green vegetable.


Other words in the Increase category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

развиваться, развивать, разрабатывать, совершенствовать, совершенствоваться


- развивать, совершенствовать

to develop one’s business [memory, mind] — развивать дело [память, ум]
to develop a melody — муз. развивать тему

- развиваться, расти; расширяться (о деле, предприятии); превращаться

his character is still developing — его характер ещё не сложился окончательно
let things develop — пусть всё идёт своим чередом

- развиваться, проходить, протекать

the fever develops normally — лихорадка протекает /течёт/ нормально
the situation developed rapidly — события развивались стремительно

- начинаться

a developing snowstorm — начинающийся буран

- показывать, обнаруживать

to develop a passion for art — проникнуться страстной любовью к искусству
he developed symptoms of fever — у него обнаружились симптомы лихорадки
he developed a strange habit — у него появилась странная привычка
at school he developed a great gift for mathematics — в школе у него обнаружились недюжинные математические способности

ещё 19 вариантов

Мои примеры


well-developed breasts — хорошо развитая грудь  
to develop a market for the new mobile phone — создать рынок для нового мобильного телефона  
to develop a(n) (advertising) campaign — разрабатывать рекламную кампанию  
to develop cancer — заболевать раком  
to develop a character — развить чей-л. образ, разработать чей-л. образ  
to develop smb.’s capabilities — развивать чьи-л. способности  
to do exercises to develop muscles — делать упражнения для развития мышц  
to develop a habit — приобретать привычку  
to develop a taste for opera — полюбить оперу  
to develop a new product — разрабатывать новый продукт  
to develop a new drug against cancer — разрабатывать новое лекарство от рака  
to develop a design — разрабатывать проект  

Примеры с переводом

He developed quickly.

Он быстро развивался.

They developed a new technique.

Они разработали новый метод.

We have developed a new theory of evolution.

Мы разработали новую теорию эволюции.

Report the news as it develops.

Сообщайте новости по мере их поступления.

This tall tree developed from a small seed.

Это высокое дерево выросло из маленького семени.

He developed a rash.

У него обнаружилась сыпь.

He read great literature to develop his mind.

Он читал классическую литературу, чтобы развивать свой ум.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the new counselor is eager to develop a trustful fellowship with the troubled teens at the center…

…the committee’s incompatible goals—develop new projects and cut costs—meant that they got very little accomplished…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

developer  — проявитель, застройщик
development  — развитие, разработка, создание, строительство, рост, совершенствование, событие
overdevelop  — чрезмерно развивать, передержать
developed  — развитой, развитый
developing  — развивающийся, освоение, разрабатывание
developable  — способный к развитию, развивающийся, развертывающаяся поверхность
redevelop  — перестраивать, преобразовывать, перестраиваться, фото вторично проявлять

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: develop
he/she/it: develops
ing ф. (present participle): developing
2-я ф. (past tense): developed
3-я ф. (past participle): developed

Pulping seems like an incentive to too much turnover of stock and a disincentive to let a title develop a following before it’s replaced with the next hopeful big hit. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The Itahari-based Swagat Tol Bikas Sanstha (STBS) today honoured the elderly to what it calls develop positive and respectful attitude towards them, to mark its fourth anniversary. ❋ Unknown (2009)

There are also post-natal periods where the body and brain develop under the influence of massive amounts of hormones [or the lack thereof], such as puberty … [or menopause] For example, maybe some people are not “born” gay but are born predisposed to become gay during puberty. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I have seen Wilshere develop from a young age since coming to Arsenal from Luton; in this game, playing among top, experienced internationals, he showed great maturity and lovely qualities. ❋ David Pleat (2010)

Familial adenomatous polyposisis characterized by the presence of gastrointestinal polyps, abnormal tissue growths that develop from the lining of the large and small intestines, and less commonly, the stomach. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Here, the principal components of the brain develop and take form and the most basic cerebral functions start to organize. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Though tornadoes did not materialize overnight, the atmosphere remains humid and unstable and thunderstorms capable of rotating may once again develop this afternoon. ❋ Jason Samenow (2010)

In Connecticut Yankee, time travel lets Twain develop bitingly satirical comparisons between fifth-century England and nineteenth-century New England. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Can Club Penguin develop the communication skills of kids shy in real-life? ❋ Unknown (2010)

So one opportunity that could develop from the above would be better systems to supply to demand. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The last thing he will develop is that killer instinct. ❋ Unknown (2009)

There are also post-natal periods where the body and brain develop under the influence of massive amounts of hormones [or the lack thereof], such as puberty … [or menopause] ❋ Unknown (2010)

A sperm cell has no individual identity — a human being cannot develop from a sperm cell, and its genetic information can make a contribution to the identity of a person only in the presence of an egg cell. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Retinoblasts develop from a single cell during the early development of an infant in the womb. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Special Interests develop from the same source as Public beliefs. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The specific WT1-related condition that a person may develop is related to the type of alteration that he or she carries in one copy of the WT1 gene: ❋ Unknown (2009)

developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers… ❋ A Developer (2008)

Tara- do you want to go developmenting tonight?
Crystal- yea they just put up some new houses on the corner, same ol same ol..[vinyl siding], [two car garage], and a [white fence].
tara-damnit i was hoping for bricks.
crystal-we cant win um all ❋ Crystal Jiovanna (2007)

Simba: [Nala] did you catch that [antelope] you wanted for lunch?
Nala: Naw… I don’t want that [develope]! It was a mean son-of-a-bitch. ❋ Daawesomebeck (2011)

«[How do] I get a [login] area on [my website]?»
«You should hire a developer.» ❋ William Morgan (2005)

[Person 1]: “Is that a Developer?”
[Person 2]: “[I think so]” ❋ LegitValues (2021)

Walmarts [development] claimed to help the community, but just brought traffic and the destruction of [biota] [habitat]. ❋ CP1477 (2004)

The [developers] wanted to turn a hotel that was doing well until the [pestilence], which didn’t help any hotel, into an apartment complex. There was nothing new or original about their idea, just a lack of people to oppose them at a time when people were thought to be at their most vulnerable, especially people in the hotel business. It was an oppurtunistic time for some folks, including the developers, people making money off medical supplies, [vaccines], masks, and so on. ❋ The Original Agahnim (2021)

The Developers would say or do anything to get what they wanted, a few more [dollar signs] out of something. They would say something that had been around 10 years and [flourished] was in need of new life or that they were going to magically transform it into something new and exciting, even though it wasn’t needed, and a lot of people wouldn’t have wanted anything new, they liked/loved it the way it was before it changed, before the developers fucked it up. Just like there were people that liked something until they called it a game [changer], and fucked up everyone’s best efforts that they put towards it. ❋ The Original Agahnim (2021)

Developers never have the [interest] of the people from an [area] in mind, they have [dollar signs] in mind. Nothing else. ❋ Solid Mantis (2021)

In «The Adventures of [Huckleberry Finn]», [Harney] [Shepherdson] and Sophia Grangerford secretly slip off and escape across the river one night; this is a totally-unexpected developement which creates an uproar in both families. ❋ QuacksO (2019)

Examples of how to use the word “develop” in a sentence. How to connect “develop” with other words to make correct English sentences.

develop (v): to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced, larger, or strongerform

Use “develop” in a sentence

He has developed a new system for learning English.
He is planning to develop his business.
We need to develop a new kind of energy.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


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