The word determined means

определенный, установленный, решительный, полный решимости, непреклонный


- решительный, полный решимости; непреклонный

determined character — а) твёрдый характер; б) решительный человек
determined chin — волевой подбородок
he is more determined than ever — он настроен более решительно, чем когда-либо раньше
determined attack — решительный удар

- определённый, установленный

determined price — определённая /твёрдая/ цена

Мои примеры


a struggle against a determined enemy — борьба против решительно настроенного противника  
Whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one was to be determined individually. — Были ли они сообщниками в высшей степени, или же в меньшей, должно было определяться индивидуально.  
determined who was the responsible party — определили, кто же был виновной стороной  
determined resolution — твёрдая решимость  
determined foes — непримиримые враги  
determined / fierce / stiff / strong / vehement opposition — сильное, яростное сопротивление  
to be determined by a quadrature — определяться квадратурой  
determined / fierce / stiff resistance — решительное сопротивление  
determined delinquent — признанный (по суду) делинквентом  
ambiguously determined лог. — неоднозначно определенный  
uniquely determined лог. — однозначно определенный  
determined weight — определенный вес  
ambiguously determined — неоднозначно определенный  

Примеры с переводом

She was determined to win.

Она была настроена на победу.

She is a very determined woman.

Она очень решительная женщина.

I was determined to get at the truth.

Я был полон решимости докопаться до истины.

They determined to leave immediately.

Они решили немедленно уехать.

She was making a determined effort to give up smoking.

Она предпринимала решительные действия, для того чтобы бросить курить.

We determined on lying by for a day.

Мы решили денёчек отдохнуть.

She is determined to finish law school.

Она полна решимости получить юридическое образование.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The library was closed down despite determined opposition.

She’s determined to get the deadwood out of the company.

She was determined to browbeat everyone into believing her.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

determinism  — детерминизм
undetermined  — неопределенный, нерешенный, нерешительный
determiner  — определяющее слово
determining  — определять, устанавливать, решать, решаться, измерять, детерминировать
determinable  — определимый, устанавливаемый, истекающий, подлежащий прекращению

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  • British

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ dih-tur-mind ]

/ dɪˈtɜr mɪnd /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


resolute; staunch: the determined defenders of the Alamo.

decided; settled; resolved.

Grammar. (of a phonetic feature) predictable from its surrounding context.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of determined

First recorded in 1490–1500; determine + -ed2


de·ter·mined·ly [dih-tur-mind-lee, -muh-nid-lee], /dɪˈtɜr mɪnd li, -mə nɪd li/, adverbde·ter·mined·ness, nounpost·de·ter·mined, adjectiveun·de·ter·mined, adjective

Words nearby determined

determinate, determination, determinative, determinator, determine, determined, determiner, determinism, deterministic, deterred, deterrence Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does determined mean?

Determined means firmly set in one’s decision or course of action, especially with the aim of achieving a particular goal.

Someone who’s determined to do something is extremely motivated and unlikely to quit or change their mind. Someone who’s determined in general has a very strong desire to achieve their goals.

Someone who’s determined in this way is said to be showing determination—the quality of being firm in one’s purpose.

Determined is also the past tense form of the verb determine, meaning to decide or settle in an authoritative way or conclude after observation. The term undetermined uses this sense of the word. Something that’s undetermined has not been conclusively decided or settled. (It’s not used to describe someone who’s not particularly motivated.)

Example: I am absolutely determined to finish this race, even if I have to crawl across the finish line.

Where does determined come from?

The first records of the word determined as an adjective come from around 1500. The adjective comes from the past tense form of the verb determine.

When something has been determined, this often means that it has been decided or settled in some final or permanent way. When someone is determined, it usually means that they have made a decision to do something—they’ve made up their mind and they can’t be talked out of it. Someone described as determined pursues their goals with dogged persistence. When a task requires hard work, sacrifice, and dedication, it calls for a determined person to achieve it.

Did you know … ?

How is determined used in real life?

The word determined is typically used in a positive way to describe someone as sticking to their goals through hard work.

This movement is full of passionate, determined students willing to fight for change. Happy Sunday!💛

(Photos from New York, Florida, and Connecticut)

— Students Walkout Against Gun Violence (@studentswalkout) February 25, 2018

2020 marks the 5th anniversary of the #GlobalGoals! We can be the 1st generation to end extreme poverty, the decisive generation in the battle against climate change & the most determined generation to fight injustice & inequality. But there’s much work to do & every year counts!

— Global Goals (@GlobalGoalsUN) September 8, 2020

All human beings have the capacity to be determined and to direct that determination in whatever direction they like. Realizing we have this potential gives us a fundamental strength, enabling us to deal with any difficulty, whatever situation we are facing, without losing hope.

— Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) June 30, 2020

Try using determined!

Which of the following words could be used to describe someone who is determined?

A. stubborn
B. persistent
C. tenacious
D. all of the above

Words related to determined

decisive, dogged, purposeful, resolute, resolved, serious, single-minded, steadfast, strong-willed, stubborn, tenacious, bent, decided, firm, fixed, obstinate, pat, persevering, set, settled

How to use determined in a sentence

  • “In my 10 years investing I have witnessed few teams more passionate, determined, and capable of revolutionizing an industry,” said Eniac’s Tim Young in a statement.

  • A commonly understood interpretation of the law that allowed camping below the high-water mark was determined to be “overbroad and unconstitutional,” according to a 2010 essay that Juras wrote on the topic.

  • Many others are so determined to vote — and be seen doing it at the first available chance — that they are enduring hours-long lines despite the other voting options available.

  • During her long recovery process she said she found strength from the people around her and she became determined to give back to the community in some way.

  • However, Ryan was determined to save Paul’s life so the two signed up to participate in a kidney swap.

  • “Someone is determined to keep Bill Cosby off TV,” she continued.

  • But Ramos seemed only more determined to become a police officer.

  • Divided and drained by war, Syrian Christians are determined to celebrate for the first time in four years.

  • But when she called back, Brinsley was determined to tall her about his minted screenwriter status.

  • They also love Christmas, and are determined to make it cheerful and to give gifts.

  • The significance of time is determined by the movement of any selection, or, in other words, the rhythm.

  • But the strength of his arm, and the bravery of his heart could not have defended him long against their determined attack.

  • Wharton smiled at this littleness in so great a man, but determined that he should feel the power he despised.

  • They determined that an offensive war should be carried on against them, and voted to raise 90 men!

  • The seeds, however, are so small that the variety to which they belong cannot be determined except by planting or sowing them.

British Dictionary definitions for determined


of unwavering mind; resolute; firm

Derived forms of determined

determinedly, adverbdeterminedness, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  • 1 What does the word determined?
  • 2 What does determination mean in simple words?
  • 3 What is an example of determine?
  • 4 How is someone determined?
  • 5 What is a determined person called?
  • 6 What does not determine mean?
  • 7 What is another way of saying determine?
  • 8 Is it determine if or determine whether?
  • 9 What is the meaning of determine in mathematics?
  • 10 What does determine mean science?
  • 11 What is meaning of determine whether?
  • 12 Where do we use if?
  • 13 How do you ask a question using Whether?
  • 14 What does determined mean in law?
  • 15 What are the 3 modal expressions?
  • 16 How do you use reported speech?
  • 17 Should if if grammar?
  • 18 What are models INE English?
  • 19 What do you call the words can could will would shall should etc?
  • 20 What are the semi modals?
  • 21 What are the 9 modal verbs?
  • 22 Is need a modal?
  • 23 How do you say modal verbs?

Determined means firmly set in one’s decision or course of action, especially with the aim of achieving a particular goal. Someone who’s determined to do something is extremely motivated and unlikely to quit or change their mind.

What does determination mean in simple words?

1 : firm or fixed intention She set out with determination to complete the journey. 2 : an act of deciding or the decision reached Has the jury made a determination? 3 : an act of making sure of the position, size, or nature of something a determination of location.

What is an example of determine?

The definition of determine is to set limits, make a decision or find out exactly. An example of determine is measuring a piece of fabric before cutting it to size. An example of determine is deciding to paint your house a certain color.

How is someone determined?

A person who is determined has a firmness of purpose and the resolve to achieve a goal. It is a fixed intention or resolution to overcome obstacles. For example, a person may be determined to graduate from college and get a degree despite financial hardships.

What is a determined person called?

resolute Add to list Share. Use the adjective resolute to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way.

What does not determine mean?

Not Determined means that insufficient information was available to determine the risk involved or inconclusive or conflicting evidence precluded such determination. Sample 1.

What is another way of saying determine?

Some common synonyms of determine are decide, resolve, rule, and settle.

Is it determine if or determine whether?

If and whether are often interchangeable, but have distinct uses. For clarity, it is best to use whether in reference to a choice or alternatives (“we’re going whether it rains or not”) and if when establishing a condition (“we will go if it doesn’t rain”).

What is the meaning of determine in mathematics?

(Mathematics) (tr) geometry to fix or specify the position, form, or configuration of: two points determine a line.

What does determine mean science?

(Science: logic) to define or limit by adding a differentia. … (Science: physics) to ascertain the presence, quantity, or amount of; as, to determine the parallax; to determine the salt in sea water.

What is meaning of determine whether?

to discover the facts or truth about something: determine whether/why/how, etc.

Where do we use if?

In speaking, we often use if to introduce a polite request. If is usually followed by modal verbs will, would, can or could when it is used to be polite: If you’ll just tell Julie that her next client is here. (Can you tell Julie that …)

How do you ask a question using Whether?

Both whether and if can be used to introduce indirect questions of the type that expect a ‘yes/no’ answer: She asked if/whether I liked jazz. Use whether, but not if, before an infinitive: She can’t decide whether to marry him.

What does determined mean in law?

In legal use, determination usually implies the conclusion of a dispute or lawsuit by the rendering of a final decision. After consideration of the facts, a determination is generally set forth by a court of justice or other type of formal decision maker, such as the head of an Administrative Agency.

What are the 3 modal expressions?

The 3 Categories

  • Modals of Possibility: can, could, may, might.
  • Modals of Deduction: could, may, must.
  • Modals of Expectation: shall, should (rarely), will, would.

How do you use reported speech?

We can use if or whether to report indirect yes-no questions and questions with or. If is more common than whether: Call the bakeries around town and find out if any of them sell raspberry pies. I rang Peter from the station and asked if I could drop in to see him before going back or if he’d meet me.

Should if if grammar?

Should is often used in conditional clauses expressing possibilities, suppositions etc. By using should in the if-clause we are suggesting that something is unlikely or not particularly probable. If you should run into Mathews, tell him that he owes me $100.

What are models INE English?

Modals – Modals are special verbs that are different from normal verbs. They are never used alone and are always followed by a principal verb. They provide additional information about the principal verb. They are used to express certainty, possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity, and ability.

What do you call the words can could will would shall should etc?

The English modal verbs are a subset of the English auxiliary verbs used mostly to express modality (properties such as possibility, obligation, etc.). … The principal English modal verbs are can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, and must.

What are the semi modals?

A verb that functions to some extent like a modal verb, typically in the way it forms negative and interrogative constructions. English semi-modals include need and dare. ‘The marginal modal verbs, sometimes called semi-modal verbs, are dare, need, ought to, used to. ‘

What are the 9 modal verbs?

There are nine modal auxiliary verbs: shall, should, can, could, will, would, may, must, might.

Is need a modal?

In the other format, need behaves as a modal verb, like can, could, must should, etc. It has the same forms as modal auxiliary verbs: the third person singular has no s, questions and negatives are made without do. In this format, need is followed by an infinitive without to: You needn’t bother to change the sheets.

How do you say modal verbs?

«Elsie!» said he, in a tone a little less severe, but quite as determined, «I see that you think that because you gained your point in relation to that song that you will always be allowed to do as you like in such matters; but you are mistaken; I am _determined_ to be obeyed this time. ❋ Martha Finley (1868)

«Young George was of so unsettled a disposition,» says Smith, «that his father, being fully aware of his extraordinary talents, was determined to force him to get his own living, and gave him a guinea, with something like the following observation: ‘I am _determined_ to encourage your idleness no longer; there — take that guinea, and apply to your art and support yourself.’ ❋ Shearjashub Spooner (1834)

It scared me, how good he was, his movements sure and efficient, his expression determined and free of doubt. ❋ ROBIN WASSERMAN (2009)

Tariq turned to Maritza next, his expression determined but washed of malice. ❋ Tananarive Due (2003)

After a few months, dependent on the term determined upon in the marriage contract, the young husband returns to his father-in-law’s house, to whose family he is now considered to belong, and takes up his permanent residence there. ❋ John M. Garvan (N/A)

François Hollande’s voice was deliberately grave, his expression determined, as though he were turning the page on the unfocussed nature of the post-primary period, the glitches and the vagueness that put the brakes on a soaring take-off. ❋ The Huffington Post News Editors (2012)

François Hollande’s voice was deliberately grave, his expression determined, as though he were turning the page on the unfocussed nature of the post-primary period, the glitches and the vagueness that put the brakes on a soaring take-off. ❋ The Huffington Post News Editors (2012)

And yet Clapperton had come up this term determined to lay himself out for his side, and be the most popular prefect in Fellsgarth! ❋ Talbot Baines Reed (1872)

Alli dives into the new term determined to put her boiler room «bad girl» past behind her. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Two of the PTA Presidents elected among themselves from time to time for a term determined by them; one of whom must be capable of expressing themselves in French, and the other of expressing themselves in the English language ❋ Unknown (2009)

If tried and convicted, Borowiecki could lose his officer commission and could be ordered to prison for a term determined by a military judge, Arellano said. ❋ Unknown (2008)

“Let’s go,” Rosalyn then urged, her expression determined as she clutched a heavy brass candlestick in her hand. ❋ MELANIE GEORGE (2004)

The first section of the term determined their origin and classified them in the great family of the Slav peoples. » ❋ Unknown (2008)

It is not clear if the government argued that the identity of the target was important and that this could not be determined from the non-classified information and access to the classified information would disclose state secrets. ❋ Unknown (2010)

As explained above, the reason this mission has been under development for over 3 years and this still has not been determined is because the development contract for the mission never stipulated that raw material would be generally and widely released. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And this scale of wages, so determined, is so low that the mother and her three children can live only in positive beastliness and semi-starvation, till decay and death end their suffering. ❋ Unknown (2010)

«[Turn] the world in to your [dance floor], [determinate] d-determinate.» ❋ YaGirlCailey (2017)

[NEVER GIVE UP]!-thats all determination is… ❋ Abdumac (2006)

although you feel like nothing [matters] anymore and life is lost, the feeling of being with your closest and [truest] friends fill you with [determination].* ❋ Someone Familiar (2016)

I am determined to [accomplish] my dreams and goals no matter what [I have to go] through, I will [succeed]. ❋ TheInnerVoice (2015)

The girl smiled as she saw [the surprise] on her friends faces. They never thought she could [determinate] that [feat]. ❋ Comet Wishing Star (2011)

[youre] [filled] with [determination] ❋ Fbi Open Oof (2020)

Without [determination] and being willing to accept failure, you will never [have a word] added into urban dictionary, even if your word is [not published], don’t give up, try to define another word it may work out better for you. ❋ Went Wilson (2012)

[Gotta] [turn] the world into your [dance floor], determinate. ❋ BigDaddyDonger (2019)

Playfully [crinkling] through the [leaves] [fills] you with DETERMINATION. ❋ Blueberry Sans (2016)

Greg [Jenning] ran with a [broken leg], that’s [determination] ❋ Rominik (2011)


: having reached a decision : firmly resolved

was determined to become a pilot

is determined not to let it happen again



: characterized by determination

… will deter all but the most determined thief.Security World


Example Sentences

We are making a determined effort to correct our mistakes.

his determined opponent would not be bluffed or shaken

Recent Examples on the Web

If Fry is initially determined to paint within the legal lines, Gold and her wire fox terrier Dagobert are more willing to bribe, seduce and do whatever’s necessary.

Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 5 Apr. 2023

Girl, 16, Dies in Australia Shark Attack After Jumping Into Water to Swim with Dolphins: ‘We Are Devastated’ A rescue helicopter was called to take the girl, who was determined to be in stable condition, to Hervey Bay Hospital around 4:40 p.m., according to Queensland Ambulance Services.

Maria Pasquini, Peoplemag, 4 Apr. 2023

With a simple exchange of documents, Finland on Tuesday became NATO’s 31st member state, a strategic defeat for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who was determined to block the alliance’s expansion but instead galvanized Finland to join amid Moscow’s devastating war in Ukraine.

Steven Erlanger, New York Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Invoking perhaps the most reified of texts in a freewheeling sense allows Dacus into the looseness that defines all three of their brushes with more determined dogmas.

Vulture, 4 Apr. 2023

The administration has often seemed determined to live down to that adage in the balloon affair.

The Editors, National Review, 4 Apr. 2023

Kristian Coates Ulrichsen, a Gulf expert at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, said the Saudis are determined to keep oil prices high enough to fund ambitious mega-projects linked to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030 plan to overhaul the economy.

CBS News, 3 Apr. 2023

After the drive back to Orlando that was slowed by several crashes on Interstate 75, Bellamy said his only wish is that the group could have gone to Tallahassee sooner to have a greater chance at softening the bill, even if Republican senators were determined to pass it.

Desiree Stennett, Orlando Sentinel, 2 Apr. 2023

More remains were found Oct. 19 and were determined to be those of the same person, the coroner’s office said.

Julianne Mcshane, NBC News, 29 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘determined.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1513, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of determined was
in 1513

Dictionary Entries Near determined

Cite this Entry

“Determined.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on determined

Last Updated:
8 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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