The word deteriorate in a sentence

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Neither of these assertions were demonstrated and the situation continued to deteriorate.

Ни одно из этих утверждений не было подтверждено фактами, и положение продолжало ухудшаться.

A contingency plan was developed for 1996 should the situation continue to deteriorate.

На 1996 год был разработан план действий при возникновении непредвиденных обстоятельств, если ситуация будет продолжать ухудшаться.

The security situation could well deteriorate again.

Положение в плане безопасности также вполне может вновь ухудшиться.

Take special care of your health as it can deteriorate.

Значит, нужно обратить внимание на своё здоровье, поскольку оно может ухудшиться.

Too soft fruits will say that inside they begin to deteriorate.

Слишком мягкие плоды будут говорить о том, что внутри они начинают портиться.

Concern was expressed that as products deteriorate and the responsibility of non-conformity might cause problems.

Было выражено беспокойство в связи с тем, что, поскольку продукты портятся, могут возникнуть проблемы в связи с ответственностью за несоответствие.

When countries are pressed economically, social conditions predictably deteriorate.

Когда страны находятся в тяжелом экономическом положении, социальные условия, как и следует ожидать, ухудшаются.

Peace and security continued to deteriorate.

Положение в области мира и безопасности продолжало по-прежнему ухудшаться.

He’ll develop emphysema, which means his lungs will gradually deteriorate.

У него развивается эмфизема, а это значит, что состояние лёгких будет постепенно ухудшаться.

This friendship needs to be nurtured, because if neglected it will inevitably deteriorate.

Эта дружба должна иметь развитие и взращиваться, потому что, если ею пренебречь, она неизбежно станет ухудшаться.

Facts bear out that the overall security situation continues to deteriorate.

Факты говорят о том, что общая обстановка с точки зрения безопасности продолжает ухудшаться.

The critical tools and computer systems needed to produce information deteriorate unless they are maintained.

Важнейшие инструменты и компьютерные системы, необходимые для подготовки информации, ухудшаются, если их не содержать в исправности.

Prison conditions were alarming and continued to deteriorate.

Вызывают тревогу условия содержания в тюрьмах, которые продолжают ухудшаться.

However, many people complain that they quickly deteriorate carrots and wither.

Однако многие люди жалуются на то, что у них быстро портится морковь и вянет.

Likewise, parts that are unused gradually deteriorate.

Те из них, что не используются, постепенно ухудшаются.

If no action is taken, natural resources will deteriorate further.

Если ничего не предпринимать сейчас, то ситуация с природными ресурсами будет и дальше ухудшаться.

Just as cranberries contains benzoic acid and when did not deteriorate.

Так же, как и брусника содержит бензойную кислоту и ни когда не портится.

That’s because our bodies just kind of deteriorate over time.

Так происходит потому, что наши тела просто таковы по типу, что портятся с течением времени.

Plus, materials such as wire insulation can deteriorate over time.

Плюс, материалы, такие как изоляция провода, могут ухудшаться с течением времени.

He can neither improve nor deteriorate.

Их жизнь от этого никак не улучшится и не ухудшится.

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Definition of Deteriorate

to lessen in value or ability

Examples of Deteriorate in a sentence

Since Jan stopped attending piano practice, her playing skill has started to deteriorate.


Because Pam drank in excess for many years, her liver started to deteriorate when she reached the age of fifty.


The value of your car begins to deteriorate as soon as you drive the vehicle off the lot.


It was hard for me to watch my mother deteriorate when the cancer cells invaded her body.


I asked the doctor if he knew why my health had begun to deteriorate.


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Most Searched Words (with Video)

1. Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions.

2. His health began to deteriorate quite seriously.

3. Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.

4. We could see his health deteriorate week by week.

5. His hearing began to deteriorate.

6. There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.

7. After that night, the family began to deteriorate.

8. Regionally yields deteriorate further north-down by 15 %.

9. Back home their relationship started to deteriorate.

10. Her physical and mental condition would deteriorate.

11. Consequently, some patients allowed their conditions to deteriorate.

12. Without glamour, diversity, wit and experiment, disco can deteriorate into the most boring music of all time.

13. The second ICU, in allowing the patient to deteriorate, has performed less well.

14. Manuel’s voice had started to deteriorate, but the cracking horns cover any gaps and reinvigorate the songs.

15. Premises might be allowed to deteriorate by the proposed assignee. 3.

16. His health began to deteriorate seriously towards the end of 1826 and he died at South Bank 17 February 1827.

17. Sadly the situation did deteriorate during the seven-year war and lots of schools closed as the troubles increased.

18. Faults occur at less frequent intervals and this means that human maintenance expertise can deteriorate through lack of practice.

19. If the dispute drags on, conditions in the city could deteriorate.

20. For this, in turn, gnawed away at her mind, then she began to deteriorate in body too.

21. They are made of lead and painted gold to resemble the real thing but the crude copies rapidly deteriorate.

21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

22. Strathclyde regional council even decided to hold an auction because the ruthless Government have allowed it to deteriorate.

23. If food is kept for too long its taste will deteriorate and, more importantly, it may become harmful.

24. It was a marriage made in heaven that seemed to deteriorate to hell in a hurry.

25. If man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat. Mark Twain 

26. A bloody disgrace the way the whole area been allowed to deteriorate.

27. Through the late 1930s and 1940s, buildings were sold or left to deteriorate, though still occupied by stars.

28. The alternative route down the locks became virtually impassable as the locks were allowed to deteriorate.

29. Either the settlement was abandoned now, or the huts had been allowed to deteriorate during the winter.

30. Older people were also left unimpressed with mobile phone text messaging, believing that it caused spelling to deteriorate.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word deteriorate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use deteriorate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «deteriorate». In addition, we also show how different variations of deteriorate can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are deteriorated and deteriorates. If you click on the variation of deteriorate that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Deteriorate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word deteriorate in a sentence.

  1. Around this time, his health began to deteriorate.

  2. In 1582, Day’s health began to deteriorate quickly.

  3. The Duke of Argyll’s health continued to deteriorate.

  4. Ashmole’s health began to deteriorate during the 1680s.

  5. From the moment it was complete it began to deteriorate.

  6. This caused French–Natchez relations to deteriorate further.

  7. The physical state of the buildings continued to deteriorate.

  8. These would not be used in battle and were left to deteriorate.

  9. The political situation in England rapidly began to deteriorate.

  10. However, in January 1811, Victor’s position began to deteriorate.

  11. After the completion of the series, Wong’s health began to deteriorate.

  12. At about the same time in December, Tresham’s health began to deteriorate.

  13. Gloucester was immediately bled, but his condition continued to deteriorate.

  14. Satellite imagery showed that the cloud pattern began to rapidly deteriorate.

  15. Chopin’s health continued to deteriorate, particularly from this time onwards.

  16. Meanwhile, relations continued to deteriorate between the king and Parliament.

  17. In the tree swallow, some components of the immune system deteriorate with age.

  18. The plaque was removed in 1893 by the property’s owner and left to deteriorate.

  19. England began to become demoralised and their fielding continued to deteriorate.

  20. Following the completion of Joan of Arc, Etty’s health continued to deteriorate.

  21. It continued to deteriorate, and in 1935 the weight limit was reduced to two tons.

  22. Jinnah’s condition continued to deteriorate despite the Eid prayers of his people.

  23. The report warned that if no action was taken the region would rapidly deteriorate.

  24. His health continued to deteriorate and he died in the late evening of June 6, 1891.

  25. The work at Muncey Mission was stressful on Jones, and his health began to deteriorate.

  26. The situation in India continued to deteriorate throughout the summer and autumn of 1947.

  27. It predicted that without intervention the entire South Florida ecosystem would deteriorate.

  28. As Wood’s working life took a turn for the better, his domestic life started to deteriorate.

  29. Following Teller’s discovery of this, his relationship with his advisor began to deteriorate.

  30. On his return trip home, he contracted influenza and his health began to deteriorate rapidly.

  31. Brown’s form started to deteriorate in 1937–38; he scored only 400 runs at 36.36 for the season.

  32. The colour, aroma, and taste of frozen porcini deteriorate noticeably if frozen longer than four months.

  33. Within a short time after taking up residence in Sunpu Castle, Lady Saigō’s health began to deteriorate.

  34. Morningside Park quickly began to deteriorate, and complaints of vandalism were recorded as early as 1905.

  35. The status of charity for the poor and infirm diminished, and beggars saw their circumstances deteriorate.

  36. As Namco’s financial state continued to deteriorate, Ishimura pressured Nakamura into supporting the merger.

  37. Despite its reputedly healthy climate, her health continued to deteriorate, and she died on 4 February 1853.

  38. Later that day, the inner core of deep convection began to deteriorate, while the eye decayed in appearance.

  39. His budget could not support such a cost, yet he could not allow the country’s favorite ship to deteriorate.

  40. He had been troubled greatly when, at Vendôme, he watched a schoolmate’s mental condition deteriorate severely.

  41. After the previous race at Talladega (the 2006 Aaron’s 499), the track’s condition was beginning to deteriorate.

  42. Wind shear caused the system to deteriorate, and the circulation degenerated into a tropical wave on September 11.

  43. His relationship with his coach, Toe Blake, continued to deteriorate because of Plante’s persistent health problems.

  44. The overall cloud pattern began to deteriorate, with the eye becoming less distinct and the convection less symmetric.

  45. They arrived on the fourth day after the incident, and by the fifth day Slotin’s condition started to deteriorate rapidly.

  46. Ada’s health continued to deteriorate, and the couple spent some time in South Africa in an attempt to aid her recuperation.

  47. The storm continued to deteriorate while moving across India, before it completely dissipated over Maharashtra on 10 November.

  48. Around the same time, the cyclone’s structure began to deteriorate, with multiple circulation centres appearing on radar imagery.

  49. While awaiting the first delivery of stone, Simson noticed that the battlefield landscape features were beginning to deteriorate.

  50. He returned to Rangoon to seek medical treatment but his health continued to deteriorate; therefore, he retired at the age of 37.

Deteriorated in a sentence

Deteriorated is a variation of deteriorate, below you can find example sentences for deteriorated.

  1. Relations deteriorated between Jones and J.

  2. The situation deteriorated further in 1948.

  3. In the 1960s, the Duke’s health deteriorated.

  4. His condition deteriorated in the following days.

  5. Like Route 66, it has deteriorated and is closed.

  6. She had deteriorated mentally and was nearly blind.

  7. Within a few days his condition deteriorated sharply.

  8. Olivia deteriorated into a remnant low on October 13.

  9. Her condition deteriorated, and she died in September.

  10. By 1569, relations with the Habsburgs had deteriorated.

  11. His health deteriorated in 1861 and he died on August 28.

  12. Calhoun’s and Jackson’s relationship deteriorated further.

  13. With the decline in membership, the building deteriorated.

  14. During the war years, Lloyd’s public image had deteriorated.

  15. Meanwhile, Pedro I’s relationship with Bonifácio deteriorated.

  16. In 1992, Ray’s health deteriorated due to heart complications.

  17. His wife’s health deteriorated, and she died of cancer in 1956.

  18. By May 1512, the French position had deteriorated considerably.

  19. Mary Boulton’s health deteriorated, and she died in August 1759.

  20. Harriet’s health deteriorated, and she took to drinking heavily.

Deteriorates in a sentence

Deteriorates is a variation of deteriorate, below you can find example sentences for deteriorates.

  1. Pete and Jenny’s marriage deteriorates when she reveals she had a crush on Adam.

  2. He grows in public stature as he sheds his loneliness and often his work deteriorates.

  3. If the weather deteriorates pilots are sometimes unable to complete a cross-country flight.

  4. With so many vessels, the air quality around these whales deteriorates and impacts their health.

  5. Pete and Jo’s marriage deteriorates when she sleeps with a co-worker (Richard Armitage) on a work weekend away.

  6. Of what he kept, much has not survived, as it was photographed on 35mm nitrate film, which deteriorates and is flammable.

  7. The resulting sulfur-metal bonds inhibit the proper functioning of the enzymes involved; human health deteriorates, sometimes fatally.

  8. Hoffman again showed his willingness to reveal unattractive traits, as the character ages and deteriorates, and committed to a deeply psychological role.

  9. The pH of the meat increases if the springbok is under stress or cropping is done improperly; consequently, the quality deteriorates and the colour darkens.

  10. The paper they are printed on deteriorates when it comes in contact with acidic materials, so storage boxes, folders, and mounts must be of neutral pH or alkaline.

  11. He turns to Agent Diana Fowley (Mimi Rogers), his former love interest, for help before his mental health rapidly deteriorates and he is transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

  12. Alternatively, as the applied dry paint deteriorates, it peels, is pulverized into dust and then enters the body through hand-to-mouth contact or contaminated food, water, or alcohol.

  13. The limitation of this topology is that performance (particularly insertion loss) deteriorates with increasing fractional bandwidth, and acceptable results are not obtained with a Q less than about 5.

Synonyms for deteriorate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word deteriorate has the following synonyms: , devolve, drop and degenerate.

General information about «deteriorate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word deteriorate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «deteriorate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «deteriorate».

Should the situation deteriorate further, the organization’s programmes may be affected adversely.


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Дальнейшее ухудшение положения может негативно повлиять на программы организации.


Surely, coils will deteriorate eventually and should be replaced in time.


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Конечно, со временем койлы будут изнашиваться, и их важно вовремя заменять.


Interpanel joints can deteriorate and cause a gradual displacement of the panels.

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Межпанельные швы могут разрушаться и по причине постепенного смещения панелей.

Even if that happens, it will deteriorate in the coming days.


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Даже если это произойдет, он будет разрушаться в грядущие времена.


Economic indices in the country deteriorate, but still indicate its steady growth.


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Экономические показатели в стране ухудшаются, но по-прежнему указывают на ее стабильный рост.


If health conditions deteriorate, the persons affected are entitled to repeated compensation.


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Если состояние их здоровья ухудшится, то пострадавшим должна быть выплачена повторная компенсация.


Resin parts may deteriorate, and cause them to fall out or water to leak.


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Могут разрушиться и отвалиться полимерные детали, а также возможна утечка воды.


Office, which employs the wizard must be spacious,


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Кабинет, в котором работают мастера, должен быть просторным,

в противном случае ухудшится качество.


Plastic parts may deteriorate, and cause them to fall out or water to leak.


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Могут разрушиться и отвалиться пластиковые детали, а также возможна протечка воды.


These type of cataract often deteriorate faster than the other types.


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Этот тип катаракты часто ухудшается быстрее, чем другие типы.


You know how fast things deteriorate when there’s an»I love you» out of the bag?

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Ты представляешь как быстро все ухудшается когда» я тебя люблю» сказано?

Once the drug has worn off, the original problem remains,


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Как только действие препарата прекращается, изначальная проблема остается,


Without the addition of preservatives, how can juice not deteriorate so long?


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Без добавления консервантов, как может сок не портиться так долго?


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Мы не можем позволить телам портиться из-за жары.

If a funding shortage persists,

the reclamative condition of agricultural land will deteriorate;


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При сохранении проблемы нехватки финансовых средств

мелиоративное состояние сельскохозяйственных земель будет ухудшатся;


As you age, ear structures deteriorate‘and your balance gets worse.

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Как мы стареем, структуры внутреннего уха деградируют и наш баланс ухудшается.

History teaches us that disagreements can deteriorate over time and lead to insoluble conflicts.


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Как учит нас история, разногласия со временем могут обостряться и привести к неразрешимым конфликтам.



Also peat production may deteriorate water quality and ecology;


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Торфодобыча может также ухудшать качество вод и состояние окружающей среды в тех или иных районах;


There are some factors that deteriorate the condition of spider veins, such as:

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Существуют некоторые факторы, которые ухудшают состояние вен паука, такие как:

While stirring, avoid excessive foaming, which may deteriorate application properties.


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Во время размешивания необходимо избегать чрезмерного вспенивания, что может ухудшить свойства, связанные с нанесением.


They attack cell membranes, inactivate some important enzymes and deteriorate physiological functions.


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Так они атакуют клеточные мембраны, деактивируют некоторые важные ферменты и ухудшают физиологические функции.


This could threaten the output ratio of the implant and deteriorate its performance.


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Это может поставить под угрозу выходную мощность импланта, и ухудшить его работу.


This will impair accuracy and may also deteriorate functionality of the Equotip 550.


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Это снизит точность и может также ухудшить функциональность прибора Equotip 550.


Indeed, high heat or humidity are nefarious for furs and can deteriorate them.


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Действительно, сильная жара или влажность пагубны для ваших мехов и рискуют их повредить.


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In the first half of relations with another person can deteriorate, however, in the second-

things will get better, just need to be patient and often confidential talk with his half.


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В первом полугодии отношения с близким человеком могут ухудшиться, тем не менее во втором-

все наладится, нужно лишь быть терпеливым и чаще доверительно разговаривать со своей половинкой.


Many low-income countries had also

seen their external balances of payments further deteriorate owing to a combination of lower non-food

and higher food prices in world markets.


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Во многих странах с низким

уровнем дохода также наблюдается дальнейшее ухудшение платежного баланса из-за сочетания низких цен на непродовольственные товары

и высоких цен на продовольственные товары на мировых рынках.


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