The word design means different things to different people

1.то, что дизайн?
слово дизайн означает разные вещи для разных людей.одно определение, данное дизайнер ричард сеймур «сделать жизнь лучше для людей».

2.то, что дизайнеры?
ученые могут изобрести технологии, производители могут сделать продукты, инженеры могут сделать их работу и продавцы могут продать их.однако только дизайнеры могут объединить все эти вещи.дизайнеры очередь идея во что — то, что является желательным, коммерчески успешных и повышает ценность жизни людей.

3.важным элементом дизайна.
хороший дизайн начинается с потребностями пользователей.хороший дизайн выполняет.дизайн не должна быть новой, различных или впечатляющие, чтобы быть успешной на рынке, но она должна удовлетворять потребности.тем не менее,верно также и то, что нередко приводит к методам разработки инновационных продуктов и услуг.

4.неверные представления о дизайне.»многие люди заблуждения о дизайне.журналы зачастую используют слово дизайн, когда они означают стиля и моды.например, когда они показывают тостер или открывашка, которые хорошо спланирована, приводит к тому, что люди думают, что дизайн — это только о том, как это выглядит.дизайн также о том, что происходит.в действительности, как продукт выглядит — то, что происходит в конце продукт процесса развития.

5.ограничения на дизайнеров.
дизайнеров, в отличие от артистов, не только за свои творческие чувства.они работают в коммерческой среде, которая означает, что многие вопросы для обсуждения.дизайнеры должны задать себе вопросы, такие, как:»это продукт действительно хотел?»,» как это отличается от всего остального на рынке?»,» это выполнять надо?»,» это будет слишком дорого производить?»и» это безопасно?»

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Hello, dear readers!

It’s been very long time since I last wrote here. Sorry about that, I was busy a little bit. Meanwhile a new semester started and we already have plenty of boring academic stuff to do in all subjects. Our English classes are not an exception: we have a lot of tasks for our homework, and this semester is going to be full of reports, essays and presentations. So, I thought it would be a good idea to publish my homework right here. Any objections? 😉 Then, let’s get started!

The first task that our English teacher, Victoria Vladimirovna, gave us, is to prepare an article on the topic “What is design?”. I’ve done a little research on the net. Take a look at what I found.

Report: What is Design?

What is Design?

Design is everywhere – and that’s why looking for a definition may not help you grasp what it is. The word design means different things to different people. There are broad definitions and specific ones – both have drawbacks. Either they are too general to be meaningful or they exclude too much.

Wikipedia gives the following definitions:

  • (noun) a specification of an object, manifested by an agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a particular environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of requirements, subject to constraints;
  • (verb, transitive) to create a design, in an environment (where the designer operates).

One definition given by designer Richard Seymour is ‘making things better for people‘. It emphasises that design activity is focused first on human behaviour and quality of life, not factors like distributor preferences. But nurses or road sweepers could say they, too, ‘make things better for people‘. There may be no absolute definitions of design that will please everyone.

Scientists can invent technologies, manufacturers can make products, engineers can make them function and marketers can sell them, but only designers can combine insight into all these things and turn a concept into something that is desirable, practical, commercially successful and adds value to people’s lives.

There are many misconceptions about design. Magazines often use the word design when they mean style or fashion. For example, when they show a toaster or bottle opener which is well designed, the result is that people think that design is all about how things look. Design is also about how things work. In reality, the way how a product looks is something that (usually) happens at the end of development process.

Designers, unlike artists, can’t simply follow their creative feelings. They work in a commercial environment, which  means there are many points to consider. Designers have to ask themselves questions such as: ‘Is the product really wanted?‘, ‘How is it different from everything else on the market?‘, ‘Does it fulfil a need?‘, ‘Will it cost too much to manufacture?‘ and ‘Is it safe?

Design is fundamental. People often need reminding that everything around us is designed and that design decisions impact on nearly every part of our lives, be it the environments we work in, the way we book holidays, or the way we go about getting the lid off the jam jar. When those things work, it’s taken for granted, but, as Bill Moggridge, founder of international consultancy IDEO, says: ‘A lot of trial and error goes into making things look effortless‘. And I completely agree.

List of words

  1. drawback – problem or disadvantage;
  2. to accomplish – to achieve or complete successfully;
  3. misconception – a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding;
  4. to fulfil – carry through: put in effect; “carry out a task”; “execute the decision of the people”;
  5. creative – relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work;
  6. insight – an understanding of this kind;
  7. to get the lid off a jar – to open a jar;
  8. emphasise – underline, strengthen in the meaning.


P.S. Can you give any example of the best or the worst design? Each answer is appreciated.

The word design means different things to different people. In many cases, it bases on the perception of an individual towards a specific product or object. People tend to think of design as a noun. For example, “that’s a good design,” however the plan is a verb within the current context of Design and Technology.

It’s a way of looking at the world, it’s not an “it” but rather a “how.” A method of doing things. It’s the process of converting an idea to the real world application whether we’re talking about the app you’re using or the car you’re driving.

Since the incorporation of Design and Technology in the UK curriculum in 1989, we have seen an increase in the quality of engineers produced by the school system. Being taught from a very early age, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in math and physics in a real-world scenario. Taking the abstract and bringing it into an applicable model that is easier to understand.

Furthermore, students can learn about the technologies used within the design process that make their everyday tools and products. It provides deeper insight into what makes our world work and creates a more profound appreciation within the minds of the students.

Stimulating the Creative Process

Within a world where technology is becoming ever more inexpensive, the creative process is becoming more critical. It is because of technology, as with any tool, is only as good as the person who is operating it.

Design & Technology teaches people to utilize their creative processes to solve real-world problems. It shows you problem-solving and motivates you to look outside the box of the conventional to find a solution that will work for a particular problem.

This skill also translates well into other sectors within society, providing students with a more robust approach to their particular discipline.

A Future within the Workplace

Another aspect we must consider is that the combined niches of the “Creative” sector within the UK is worth roughly five hundred billion pounds per year. Furthermore, there is a massive demand for labor with these particular skill sets.

Seeing that roughly 1.9 million new engineers will need in the decade leading up to 2022, this means that within a world that is becoming ever more automated, the security in employment becomes a significant benefit of Design & Technology.

Many people who cling to the “old ways” have been made redundant. By this, we mean that their function within society is no longer valuable seeing that technology is replacing the need for physical labor.

For those who have a background in design & technology, they have a more secure future with a potential for higher earnings than that of many other industries. Additionally, understanding that there is a considerable demand, and the sheer versatility of the subject matter, students with this background will have a myriad of choices when selecting a career path.

Solving the World’s Problems

Technology has increased the efficiency of humanity like never before. We face significant catastrophic potential problems, and it is subjects like Design & Technology that will cultivate the skills needed to solve these issues.

From issues relating to the environment, disease, infrastructure and so forth, it is the mentality that instills by design & technology that will provide the framework to address these robust problems.

Whereas many people look at the world’s problems and try to figure out why; engineers, creative people, and inventors see at solutions not yet thought of and asks, “why not?”

It is the very premise that we desperately need within a world that is expanding at an accelerated pace. From topics such as global warming or overpopulation, to even more alien concepts such as government and corruption; design & technology will provide the mindset to address these problems and make the world more efficient.

Better by Design

We cannot fathom how the world will be within the next decade. Technology has allowed humanity to connect like never before. We are finally in a position where we can design a future that meets the needs of everybody. Where the old ways of the privileged no longer hold humanity in a choke hold.

Now, the individual is empowered, and ideas have more value than ever before. Design and Technology provide humanity the necessary tools to become better, more efficient have less impact on our surroundings.

Something as simple as urban farming and hydroponics, designed by engineers and scientists, have revolutionized the production of food that can feed an ever-growing population. Smart cars, smart houses, and smart technology are increasing our efficiency while decreasing our negative impact on the world.

Author: Joan Young is an aspiring journalist and copywriter with deep interest in sociology, inventions and technological progress. In a spare from travelling minute, she provides online tutoring sessions to international students and finds immense pleasure in witnessing their writing progress. Currently he is working for, a custom essay writing service.


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The word «design» means different things for different people.

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The word «design» means different things for different people.

One definition given by designer Richard Seymour is ‘making things better for people’.

Scientists can invent technologies,

manufacturers can make products,

engineers can make them work,

and salespeople can sell them.

However, only designers can combine all of these.

Designers turn an idea into something that is desirable,

commercially successful and adds value to people’s lives.

Good design begins with the needs of the user.

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advertising certainly increases a product’s sales. These days,
advertisers have come up with new ways of promoting their products.
For example, product placement is now common. This is advertising in
TV programmes or films by having a character use a particular
product. Interesting development is the use of famous personalities
to endorse a product. The basketball player, Michael Jordan,
endorsed Nike products and wore them while playing. David Beckham,
the footballer, endorsed Police sunglasses. Maybe the most effective
advert is probably TV commercial, but it is very expensive. If an
organization wants to have a 30-second TV advert during the annual
Superbowl game in the United States, they have to pay about $2,5

has to be attention-grabbing and powerful. You need a strong image
that is eye-catching, catchy slogan, a joke or something shocking.
It can be a short story telling inspirational tale that is witty,
humorous or sophisticated. Good advertisements often take us to some
exotic or romantic.

logo is very important. Part of what makes a good advertisement is a
clear symbol that people immediately identify with the company. A
good slogan also helps you make a connection. But the important
thing is that advertisement has to be effective and persuasive. It
must get customers interested, make them want the product and
motivate them to go out and buy it.

love the adverts and watch them in the same way as any entertainment
programme.Studies show that children influence about 50 percent of
things that families buy, so they are an attractive target for
advertisement has a persuasive message, to encourage them or their
parents to spend as much money as possible on the product or
service. Many advertisements promote food that is a lot higher in
fat, salt and sugar than healthier alternatives. Many companies
target children with offers of free toys, models of cartoon
characters, gimmicky packaging and interactive websites.


word design means different things to different people. The most
famous definition is making things better for people. Scientists can
invent technologies, manufacturers can make products, engineers can
make them work and salespeople can sell them. However, only
designers can combine all these things. Designers turn an idea into
something that is desirable, commercially successful and adds value
to people’s lives.

design begins with the needs of the user. A good design fulfills a
user’s need. A design doesn’t have to be new, different or
impressive to be successful in the market place, but it must fulfill
a need. However, it is also true that design methods often lead to
innovative products and services.

people have misconceptions about design. Magazines often use the
word design when they mean style or fashion. For example, when they
show a toaster or bottle opener which is well designed, the result
is that people think that design is only about how things look.
Design is also about how things work. In reality, the way a product
looks is something which happens at the end of a product development

unlike artists, can’t simply follow their creative feelings. They
have to ask themselves questions such as: Is the product really
wanted? Will it cost too much to manufacture? Is it safe and
environmentally-friendly? Designers work in a commercial
environment, which means there are many points to consider.

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