The word depressed in a sentence

Synonym: blue, dispirited, down in the mouth, down, downcast, downhearted, indented, low, low-spirited. Similar words: depression, represent, for the present, press, impress, press for, representation, representative. Meaning: [dɪ’prest]  adj. 1. lower than previously 2. flattened downward as if pressed from above or flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces 3. low in spirits 4. having the central portion lower than the margin. 

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1. She became severely depressed after her mother’s death.

2. She felt lonely and depressed .

3. I realised I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic.

4. He began to feel depressed and helpless.

5. The thought of taking the exam again depressed him.

6. This failure leaves the child depressed and frustrated.

7. It makes me feel depressed.

8. The threat of war has depressed business activity.

9. The little girl depressed the button.

10. When he’s depressed he sits brooding for hours.

11. Try not to get depressed.

12. She was depressed and almost suicidal.

13. The sad story depressed me.

14. His sad news depressed us all day.

15. You mustn’t let yourself get depressed.

16. He was uncharacteristically depressed and ruminative.

17. He became very depressed and even got suicidal at one point.

18. Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.

19. i will make you happy when you are depressed. i will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!

20. He looked depressed but perked up when his friends arrived.

21. He was depressed and in a confused state of mind.

22. ‘I’m feeling really depressed.’ ‘The winter here has that effect sometimes.’

23. Crouch down(Sentencedict)(,hold your knees when you are depressed.Forgive others and yourself.

24. He was depressed because he had not passed the examinations.

25. I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade in the hot sun.

26. Expect to feel angry, depressed and confused. It’s all part of the mourning process.

27. I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress.

28. The soldier depressed the muzzle of a gun.

29. When she’s depressed she binges on chocolate.

30. She walked through the city centre with its drab, grey buildings and felt depressed.

More similar words: depression, represent, for the present, press, impress, press for, representation, representative, impression, impressive, embarrassed, assess, vessel, dessert, essence, entrepreneur, essentially, assessment, stress, dress up, preserve, address, actress, president, at present, Congress, distress, presumably, presidency, omnipresent. 

Definition of Depressed

feeling extremely sad and unhappy

Examples of Depressed in a sentence

The depressed mother decided to talk to a counselor about her feelings of unhappiness.


Because she is so depressed, Barbara cries in her bed all day long.


Medication helped the depressed man stop feeling so sad and get back to a normal life.


Because he was very depressed and sad, Mr. Cooper thought about suicide often.


After losing his job, the truck driver felt both hopeless and depressed.


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depressed — перевод на русский


I’m depressed, too.

У меня тоже депрессия.

Had your husband been depressed or moody lately, Mrs. Dietrichson?

У вашего мужа в последнее время была депрессия?

Then I get tired and depressed.

Потом приходят усталость и депрессия.

I’m too depressed to work.

Я уже несколько дней не слышу твою машинку. У меня депрессия.

Well, Igor’s very depressed.

У Игоря депрессия.

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The old man was depressed at the opening last night.

Старик вчера, на открытии, был очень подавлен.

I’m depressed.

Я подавлен.

I’m so depressed.

— Я так подавлен.

He was a little depressed, but that was about it.

Он был немного подавлен, но все же на ногах.

I tried, but it’s very depressing.

Я пытался, на я очень подавлен.

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You and Wagner… It was a little too depressing.

Ты и Вагнер — это чересчур депрессивно.

It’s too depressing.

Это слишком депрессивно.

The other way is depressing.

«Под другим углом» — депрессивно.

A little depressing, but I understand why, considering your mood.

Немного депрессивно, но я понимаю почему, учитывая ваше настроение.

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Very depressing having your own daughter married, and not be there.

Угнетает, когда дочь выходит замуж без тебя.

— This place is very depressing.

— Эта медлительность очень угнетает.

It has its depressing moments.

Это угнетает.

— Doesn’t depress me.

— Меня не угнетает.

Painting depresses me.

Живопись меня угнетает.

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I don’t know but it’s depressing. Well nobody says you have to look. Something tells me it’s time for me to show off my tenor.

не знаю но это грустно ну… никто не просит смотреть что то подсказывает мне, что пора похвастаться своим пением вы знаете «Желе мягче Джема»?

No, it’s depressing, but it’s not my fault.

Это грустно, но я в этом не виновата.

Bart, you are the closest thing to a man in my life and that’s so depressing I think I’m to cry.

Ты больше всех похож на мужчину. Это так грустно, сейчас заплачу.

ALLY: When I’m depressed, Renee makes me go dancing, I guess to cheer me up.

Когда мне грустно, Рене заставляет меня танцевать.

I was really depressed one Saturday night about 9:00…

Как-то вечером, часов в 9, мне было грустно и я—

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I’m feeling very depressed, and I would like to talk about what’s happening here.

Я ужасно расстроен и хотел бы поговорить о том, что здесь происходит.

— What are you feeling depressed about?

Чем ты расстроен?

I’m so depressed I’m going to slash my prices!

Я так расстроен что собираюсь порубить свои цены!

No wonder you’ve been so depressed, Bobby.

Понятно, почему ты так расстроен.

We were hanging out the other day, and he was kinda depressed, and we kissed.

Ну, мы недавно тусовались вместе, он был расстроен и я его поцеловала.

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Oh, how depressing.

Как уныло.

One girl talking about how much it sucked? Depressing and wrong.

А когда девчонка грузит на тему как ей все не нравится это уныло и неправильно.

Oh, Mum, this is so depressing.

Ну, мам, тут так уныло.

Sober’s depressing.

Уныло быть трезвым.

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— It’s really depressing, you know.

— Очень удручает, знаете ли.

It must be depressing for you when that sort of thing happens, eh, Poirot?

Вас, должно быть, удручает все это, Пуаро? А что именно?

It is so depressing to work alongside someone of your calibre. — When did you come up with this?

Это так удручает, работать рядом с профессионалом твоего калибра.

Sir, you’re really depressing everybody.

Сэр, вы ‘ RE действительно удручает всех.

It’s depressing all right.

Это удручает порядком.

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You got us both so depressed she asked me to drive her home after dinner.

«ы нагнал такую тоску что сразу после ужина она попросила отвезти еЄ домой.

Or are you keen on depressing the examiners to death?

Или ты хочешь вогнать экзаменаторов в тоску до смерти?

It’s too depressing.

Они нагнетают тоску.

Good, ’cause you were starting to depress the band.

Хорошо, потому что вы начинаете нагонять тоску на группу.

— The school paper is edging on depressing.

— Школьная газета тоску нагоняет.

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How depressing.


Must be depressing to be a bird… and know the hunting season is on.

Должно быть печально быть птицей… и знать, что сейчас охотничий сезон.

Pretty depressing.


And extremely depressing.

И чрезвычайно печально.

It’s not as bad as some, which is depressing all by itself.

Хотя не настолько дерьмова, как у некоторых, что само по себе печально.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word depressed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use depressed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «depressed». In addition, we also show how different variations of depressed can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are depressedmood. If you click on the variation of depressed that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Depressed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word depressed in a sentence.

  1. The cap center is often depressed.

  2. Head oval, slightly depressed, fuscous.

  3. However, Applewhite became very depressed.

  4. The low price of tickets also depressed income.

  5. The discussions left him discouraged and depressed.

  6. They could be depressed to −5° and elevated to +41°.

  7. By the summer of 2003, Lovering was feeling depressed.

  8. To operate, the keys are depressed with a closed fist.

  9. The guns could be depressed to −2° and elevated to 45°.

  10. However, she becomes depressed a few months afterwards.

  11. The guns could be depressed to −3° and elevated to 13.5°.

  12. Aubrey became depressed, and Stanton feared he was suicidal.

  13. His mother became depressed, withdrawn, bitter, and abusive.

  14. In severe cases, depressed people may have psychotic symptoms.

  15. By 1984 Terry-Thomas was increasingly depressed by his condition.

  16. He had become depressed, and by December, had scored only six goals.

  17. He began to think he would never play hockey again and became depressed.

  18. Strummer was depressed by both the album’s sound and critical appraisal.

  19. By 27 April, Christian was in a state of despair, depressed and brooding.

  20. Already in fragile health, the former king became gradually more depressed.

  21. Soon afterwards, she separated from him and, as a result, became depressed.

  22. The slump in his screen popularity hit Formby hard, and he became depressed.

  23. Phil gradually becomes depressed and desperate for a way to escape the loop.

  24. Hartwig’s family disputed the allegations that he was depressed and suicidal.

  25. Wherever he travelled, Jones drew huge crowds, but inwardly he was depressed.

  26. During this time, he was admittedly depressed and often had suicidal thoughts.

  27. The guns could be depressed to −7° and elevated to 13°, later increased to 15°.

  28. When it opened, the central reservation was a 20-foot (6.1 m) depressed median.

  29. The death of his favourite sister, Victoria, in December 1935 depressed him deeply.

  30. Now jobless and depressed after the death of her mother, according to journalist W.

  31. Jack is shown to be depressed, bearded, heavily drinking and addicted to oxycodone.

  32. Out of office, he was briefly depressed by the setback, but soon vowed to run again.

  33. According to him she was depressed before she met Lim, due to her family background.

  34. The guns had to be depressed to a fixed loading position, −5 degrees, between shots.

  35. After she left, Waterston become depressed, and his family began to suspect the affair.

  36. The turrets were traversed by electric motors, but were elevated and depressed by hand.

  37. Scott wrote short stories furiously to pay the bills, but became burned out and depressed.

  38. Although he enjoyed social success, he soon became depressed and unhappy with Oxford life.

  39. There is sometimes a broad umbo, and in older specimens, the cap is depressed in the centre.

  40. The locally built cannon can be elevated to 18 degrees or depressed to -7 degrees on the TAM.

  41. Olga was reportedly deeply depressed and lost a great deal of weight during her final months.

  42. Towards the end of his life, Heseltine became depressed by a loss of his creative inspiration.

  43. He remained at Allegheny for one year, returning home in 1860 after becoming ill and depressed.

  44. The brakes were not applied and the dead man’s handle was still depressed when the train crashed.

  45. When Thorpe’s mother died of childbirth complications two years later, the youth became depressed.

  46. In her diary she describes her feelings after her husband’s death: «I felt depressed and confused.

  47. Inhaúma reached the Paraguayan national capital on 3 January 1869, increasingly sick and depressed.

  48. Those with a depressed level of consciousness may need to be intubated and mechanically ventilated.

  49. Increasingly depressed, Cavendish died in 1592 somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, possibly a suicide.

  50. This devastates Chanda, who becomes depressed when Apu tells her that the money was not hard-earned.

Depressedmood in a sentence

Depressedmood is a variation of depressed, below you can find example sentences for depressedmood.

  1. Prescribed as an aid for smoking cessation bupropion reduces the severity of craving for tobacco and withdrawal symptoms such as depressedmood, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and increased appetite.

Synonyms for depressed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word depressed has the following synonyms: blue, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, down in the mouth, low, low-spirited, dejected, indented, concave and thin.

General information about «depressed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word depressed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «depressed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «depressed».

Examples of how to use the word “depressed” in a sentence. How to connect “depressed” with other words to make correct English sentences.

depressed (adj): unhappy and without hope

Use “depressed” in a sentence

She was so depressed.
The first day at school depressed me.
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became.
I feel depressed whenever I think about that problem.

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