The word delay in a sentence

Synonym: detain, hold up, postpone, put off. Antonym: hasten, hurry. Similar words: model, widely, delight, deliver, delivery, delicate, relax, guideline. Meaning: [dɪ’leɪ]  n. 1. time during which some action is awaited 2. the act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time. v. 1. cause to be slowed down or delayed 2. act later than planned, scheduled, or required 3. stop or halt 4. slow the growth or development of. 

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2. In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth’s a stuff that will not endure . 

3. He was champing with rage at the delay.

4. Delay is the deadliest form of denial.

5. His delay made the teacher angry.

6. All these measures must be carried through without delay.

7. The manager chided him for his delay.

8. The long delay had made me quite apprehensive.

9. The six-month delay will be costly for the company.

10. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.

11. The effect of this change will be to delay

12. Logistical problems may be causing the delay.

13. Don’t delay to write to him.

14. The delay is partly explicable by the road works.

15. We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.

16. His face showed his vexation at the delay.

17. Don’t delay! Book your holiday today!

18. He specified the reasons for the delay.

19. Donot delay anything that adds laughter and joyt oyourlife.

20. Trevor Steven entreated them to delay their departure.

21. We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience caused.

22. The passengers grew angry about the delay.

23. Sorry for the delay,( Mr Weaver.

24. This task permits no delay.

25. I’m sorry for the delay.

26. The passengers sat chafing at the long delay.

27. We hadn’t figured on a long delay at the airport.

28. Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.

29. We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.

30. Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now[], without delay.

More similar words: model, widely, delight, deliver, delivery, delicate, relax, guideline, clay, play, lay out, relate, lay off, lay up, layer, related, homeland, lay down, playoff, player, deliberately, relation, relative, lay over, display, elaborate, fair play, lay aside, play with, relatively. 

I apologize for the delay.
Я извиняюсь за задержку.

Sorry to delay your flight.
Извините, ч то задержали ваш рейс.

He should be executed without delay.
Его следует казнить без промедления.

However, 2021 represents three-year delay.
Однако 2021 год означает отсрочку в три года.

I will hold a celebration and delay them.
Я проведу фестиваль искусств и отсрочу вручение даров.

You delay, but time will not!
Ты можешь задержаться, а время нет!

But that should not be a reason for delay, if Ukraine is acting in good faith and committed to negotiating a fair deal.
Однако это не должно стать причиной затягивания переговоров, если Украина действует в духе добросовестного сотрудничества и хочет вести переговоры для заключения честной сделки.

Events in China are no reason for further delay.
События в Китае не являются причиной для дальнейших проволочек.

In the case of partial loss, damage or delay in delivery, from the date of delivery;
в случае частичной потери груза, повреждения его или просрочки в доставке,-со дня сдачи груза;

In its response to the questions on the initial report, the Government noted that there were different views on such matters within the population; she wondered whether those differences would further delay the legal reform necessary to eliminate discrimination.
В своих ответах на вопросы по первоначальному докладу правительство отметило, что население по-разному относится к этим вопросам; она интересуется, не приведут ли эти разногласия к еще большему затягиванию правовой реформы, необходимой для ликвидации дискриминации.

We would like to apologize for the delay in delivery.
Мы просим извинить за опоздание с поставкой.

This imbalance has already driven some governments to raise their retirement ages and change their pension policies to delay or reduce benefits and keep people in the workforce.
Этот дисбаланс уже вынудил некоторые правительства повысить пенсионный возраст и изменить пенсионную политику, чтобы оттянуть или сократить выплаты и удержать людей в составе рабочей силы.

The social and psychological costs of abrupt societal changes are usually the highest because of the delay in social mobilization.
Резкие перемены в обществе обычно оборачиваются наибольшими социальными и психологическими издержками из-за запаздывания реакций на них общества.

Any delay in completing reforms will ultimately slow the process of real convergence that EU officials rightly hold dear.
Любое промедление в завершении реформ, в конечном счете, приведет к замедлению процесса реального сближения, которым по праву дорожат в Европейском Союзе.

The final decision rested with the 2007 Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the Convention; nonetheless, if the present Conference endorsed his suggestion, preliminary cost estimates could be drawn up for the different phases without further delay.
Окончательное решение остается за Совещанием 2007 года Высоких Договаривающихся Сторон Конвенции; тем не менее, если бы нынешняя Конференция поддержала его предложение, то можно было бы без дальнейших отлагательств составить предварительную смету расходов по разным фазам.

In other words, external pressures, too, are likely to pull Libya in several different directions, which will only further delay an autonomous and sustainable state-building process.
Другими словами, внешнее давление также, скорее всего, будет тянуть Ливию в разных направлениях, что еще больше будет откладывать автономный и устойчивый процесс государственного строительства.

It would be a mistake of historic proportions to delay it.
Откладывание решения этой задачи может стать ошибкой исторического масштаба.

Adding a second vocal in the chorus and a delay in the bass it’ll sound German.
Если добавить второй голос и делэй в басе, получится звучание, как у немцев.

The defendant raised several defences against the application, relying, beside others, on an alleged lack of authority of its lawyer to conclude the arbitration agreement, the delay in rendering the award and a violation of due process, as well as of public policy for the non-application of the chosen law and principles.
Ответчик выдвинул несколько возражений против этого ходатайства, основывая их, в числе прочих, на том, что его адвокат якобы не имел полномочий заключать арбитражное соглашение, вынесение арбитражного решения было просрочено и надлежащая правовая процедура, а с ней и публичный порядок, были нарушены вследствие неприменения выбранного права и принципов.

The delay time may change.
Время задержки может измениться.


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delay — перевод на русский


What about our ten years delay on Venus?

А как же задержка в десять лет на Венере?

Any delay, even 24 hours, will wreck the value of the day.

Любая задержка, даже на 24 часа, изменит существующую цену.

There’ll be a delay.

Будет задержка.

Another delay, with only 42 minutes left.

Опять задержка. Осталось сорок пять минут.

«Delay caused by stop to refuel air.»

Задержка вызвана остановкой для дозаправки воздухом.

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A storm may delay the ship for weeks.

Буря может задержать судно на недели!

If it’s our duty to delay this column, why all the talk?

Если наш долг задержать эту колонну, то зачем болтать?

Just help me delay him 24 hours till my warrant arrives.

ѕомогите задержать его на сутки, пока не пришлют ордер.

I think we’d better pull back a mile or two and try to delay the attack.

Думаю, нам нужно отступить на милю или две и попытаться задержать атаку.

Well Cully and I could delay the Dominators’ work up there.

Калли, я могу задержать работу Доминаторов.

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The invasion of Osterlich will have to be delayed.

Плохие новости. Захват Остерлиха придётся отложить.

Could you delay this card game for 1O minutes…

Вы не могли бы отложить эту игру в карты на 10 минут…

My assistant and I must leave for an important engagement… that I can neither suspend nor delay.

Я и мой помощник должны идти по важному делу… его нельзя отменить или отложить.

A pair. Do you want a delayed countdown?

Нам отложить отсчет?

I suggest that any further research on your part be delayed until after we have diverted the asteroid.

— Да? Предлагаю отложить все исследования, пока не перенаправим астероид.

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Excuse me, I was somewhat delayed.

Прости, я немного задержался.

According to the ship’s log, he was delayed four days in Rangoon.

По данным судового журнала, он задержался в Рангуне на четыре дня.

I was delayed at a guy’s place, it was too late to go home.

Я задержался у одного парня, было поздно идти домой.

It doesn’t matter where you were delayed. You’re a grownup man.

Не важно, где ты задержался, ты взрослый человек.

Now, I wonder why he didn’t delay like we asked?

Итак, мне интересно, почему он не задержался, как мы его просили?

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Mr. Allenbury has been delayed by a ship phone call from America… — but he asked that you order. Do sit down.

Мистер Алленбери задерживается, ему позвонили из Америки, но он просил, чтобы вы заказывали.

You see, Mrs. Marko, Mr. Kidley is a little delayed.

Видите ли миссис Марко, мистер Кидли задерживается.

No, not decayed, madam, delayed.

Нет, миссис, не восдерживается, а задерживается.

Listen, can’t it happen that a plane is delayed?

— Может случиться, что и вылет задерживается.

Oh, I expect he’s been delayed at the glass foundry.

— Возможно, он задерживается на стекольном заводе.

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Captain, if I were going to hide an accident, I shouldn’t delay. Oh.

Капитан, если мы хотим скрыть эту случайность, не надо откладывать.

We cannot delay telling the Doctor now.

Дальше откладывать некуда. Надо все немедленно рассказать Доктору.

It’s too late. Tell him the attack must not be delayed.

Слишком поздно, бой нельзя откладывать.

Are we to suffer another delay thanks to the Centauri ambassador? Commander.

Мы опять должны откладывать переговоры из-за опоздания посла Центавра?

I needn’t delay my congratulations.

Так что я не буду откладывать свои поздравления.

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В этом случае, сэр, не будем вас больше задерживать.

I cannot bring myself to delay you, ma’am.

Я никак не могу задерживать вас, госпожа.

Well, we won’t delay you.

— Ну что же, не будем вас задерживать.

But we don’t want to delay you.

Но мы не хотим задерживать вас.

We wouldn’t want to delay dinner, sir.

Мы бы не хотели задерживать обед, сэр.

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He’ll grant you a delay.

Он вам предоставит отсрочку.

The Council of Ministers has voted to delay acceptance of Federation membership.

Совет Министров проголосовал за отсрочку принятия членства в Федерации.

We can delay the death duties so you can stay in the house for the time being, but inevitably, the state will take it and sell it at auction.

Мы можем дать отсрочку по выплате налога на наследство. Но за государством остается право выставить ваш особняк на аукцион.

Uh, Your Honor, we’re asking for a delay of eight hours.

А, Ваша Честь, мы просим отсрочку на 8 часов.

Your previous lawyers did no investigation, and Cuesta isn’t allowing a delay, so we’re gonna hit a few bumps.

Ваши предыдущие адвокаты не проводили расследования, а Куэста не дает отсрочку, так что мы еще набьем немного шишек.

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Look. Another Christmas Eve delayed by the pressure of business.

Смотри, вот ещё один сочельник… отложен из-за дел.

Launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions at the launch site.

Запуск шаттла был отложен… из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий на полигоне.

His plane was delayed a few hours, and he wanted me to come visit him at the hotel.

Его вылет был отложен на несколько часов, и он хотел, чтобы я приехал к нему в гостиницу.

WOMAN: (ON PA) All departing passengers for Flight Number 870, the plane will be delayed by one half-hour.

Вниманию пассажиров, ожидающих рейса 870. Ваш рейс отложен на полчаса. Мы приносим свои извинения…

Flight’s delayed.

Вылет отложен.

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Don’t you want to delay your death, o future corpses?

Разве вы не хотите отсрочить свою смерть, будущие покойнички?

I cut the transporter power. It was necessary to delay your beam-out until I could arrive.

Я отключил энергию транспортера, чтобы отсрочить вашу пересылку, до того момента, пока я не прибуду.

I hope this is not in anyway designed to delay the testimony of Eduardo Ruiz.

Надеюсь, что это не попытка отсрочить дачу показаний Эдуардо Руисом.

I’m just asking God to delay the rain.

Я прошу бога отсрочить дождь.

Delay the rain till 1 1 :30.

Отсрочить дождь до одиннадцати тридцати.

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Definition of Delay

to postpone something

Examples of Delay in a sentence

Due to the blizzard that came through the town, we knew school officials would either close the school or delay the start of the next school day.


Since the handyman was lazy, the homeowner knew he would delay the completion of the house remodel.


The president got sick quickly after lunch, so he decided to delay the meeting until 4 p.m.


Lightning was the only thing that would delay our soccer game until noon on Wednesday.


Only a stay of execution by the governor could delay the sentence for the murderer.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word delay, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use delay in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «delay».

Delay in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word delay in a sentence.

  1. The dispute did not delay work.

  2. The delay jeopardized the mission.

  3. Delay after delay slowed them down.

  4. The delay underscored Canada’s independence.

  5. The delay in diagnosis led to a worse outcome.

  6. There are different explanations for the delay.

  7. The Commission considered this to be an undue delay.

  8. The delay imposed at Taejon probably prevented a U.S.

  9. The reasons for the delay are debated among scholars.

  10. Constitution continued patrols, unaware of the delay.

  11. Meanwhile, Devers took steps to delay the French advance.

  12. The Park Service refused to redesign the LBC building, or delay its construction.

  13. The ensuing disruption and delay gave the Allies time to re-form their own lines.

  14. Additionally, the storm forced NASA to delay a shuttle launch in southern Florida.

  15. Of those species tested in the delay condition, parrots, rooks, and otters failed.

  16. Repairs were completed, and a further delay ensued as they awaited favorable winds.

  17. In the hope that delay would bring a different result, Republicans adjourned the Senate for ten days.

  18. The delay, which Scott attributed to «sheer bad luck», had consumed 6.1 long tons (6,200 kg) of coal.

  19. Then too, critics started to focus on Hamlet’s delay as a character trait, rather than a plot device.

  20. Many birds pair up in flocks before they reach sexual maturity and delay breeding for a year at least.

  21. In the meantime, the team was not announced at the scheduled time due to the delay caused by the veto.

  22. Baldwin rejected the request for delay, presumably because he preferred to resolve the crisis quickly.

  23. After some delay, the new stadium, Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, was completed and opened on 3 April 2019.

  24. Machinery problems were likely to delay the ships well past their intended delivery dates of 1943–1944.

  25. Rhodesia’s delay in justifying the appointment was also having a detrimental affect, Johnston asserted.

  26. The race organisers refused to delay the race, which went ahead without the majority of the FOCA teams.

  27. The start of the game was postponed 80 minutes due to a rain delay, pushing the start time to 9:17 p.m.

  28. Nelson and Robertson wanted to avoid workers’ strikes, which would delay the completion of construction.

  29. This was opposed by Gibbs as a mere ploy to delay justice; Mansfield concurred, and the trial proceeded.

  30. Much of Rome’s delay in coming to a decision involved the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith.

  31. The delay was due to factors such as Beethoven’s work on the Missa solemnis and his deteriorating health.

  32. Following Diaghilev’s decision to delay the premiere until 1913, Stravinsky put The Rite aside during the summer of 1912.

  33. The defense attorney’s actions resulted in a lengthy delay in the proceedings which the trial judge felt was unjustified.

  34. The delay proved costly to Williams and Toole, who were marched to the Mexican interior, beyond the reach of the Texians.

  35. This was due in part to the long delay before Sega made its software development kit available to third-party developers.

  36. The disturbance must not be better accounted for by Rett syndrome, intellectual disability or global developmental delay.

  37. On the other hand, Allied planners attributed the delay of a panzer division moving to Normandy in part to the deception.

  38. After a delay of almost a year, Stanford Memorial Church was dedicated on January 25, 1903, with «impressive ceremonies».

  39. A year-long debate occurred within the RAWCF as to what inscription should be placed on the memorial, adding to the delay.

  40. A few hours later, the delay was confirmed, as Pete Hines issued the statement that «Oblivion PS3 is now a Q1 2007 title».

  41. This led to a delay in transmitting the third series and an immediate cessation in the production of series four and five.

  42. In his autobiography, Darwin said he had «gained much by my delay in publishing from about 1839, when the theory was clearly conceived, to 1859; and I lost nothing by it».

  43. The case was heard by an ecclesiastical tribunal in London, but a delay in the submission of the papers to Rome meant that the annulment was not granted until 4 July 1936.

  44. Goldstein thought «Irreplaceable» sounded «a bit old-school»; an eighth note delay echo was placed on the song’s lead vocal at 341ms, using the Echo Farm plug-in software.

  45. In many Banksia species, the risk of this occurring is reduced by protandry: a delay in a flower’s receptivity to pollen until after its own pollen has lost its viability.

  46. The attack on Penang was a significant shock to the Entente powers, and caused them to delay the large convoys from Australia, since they would need more powerful escorts.

Synonyms for delay

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word delay has the following synonyms: hold, time lag, postponement, wait, holdup, check, retard, detain, hold up, stay and .

General information about «delay» example sentences

The example sentences for the word delay that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «delay» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «delay».

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