The word defendant in a sentence

Definition of Defendant

person prosecuted or sued

Examples of Defendant in a sentence

The plaintiff sued the defendant for damages.


The defendant hired a lawyer to defend against the plaintiff’s accusations.


They dropped the case because the defendant is not mentally fit to stand trial.


Our attorney urged the lawyer to send the defendant to jail.


Bill took the witness stand to testify against the defendant.


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defendant — перевод на русский


What did the defendant do?

Что сделал обвиняемый?

You said you saw the defendant standing beside the body of the lunchroom proprietor.

Вы заявили, что видели, как обвиняемый стоял рядом с телом хозяина кафе?

The defendant will rise and face the jury.

Обвиняемый, встаньте и выслушайте вердикт.

The state will prove that the defendant, Michael Ward deliberately, willfully, intentionally and with malice aforethought murdered Albert Meng on the night of May 17.

Обвинение докажет, что обвиняемый Майкл Уорд, сознательно, добровольно, преднамеренно, по злому умыслу убил Альберта Менга в ночь 17 мая.

-The defendant will refrain.

Обвиняемый, воздержитесь от заявлений!

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Gentleman of the jury, I cannot believe… that a doubt has not entered your minds by now… and if this is not strong enough for an acquittal… think of the defendant’s ill-starred redity and lamentable childhood.

Господа присяжные, я полагаю, что сомнение уже зародилось в вас, и если оно еще недостаточно сильно, чтобы решить, то подумайте о поведении и о прискорбном детстве подсудимого.

The Prosecution has offered testimony by which it hopes to prove .. Beyond any reasonable doubt, the guilt of the defendant.

Обвинение предоставило доказательства и показания свидетелей, с помощью которых желает безоговорочного признания вины подсудимого.

I was more frightened than the defendant.

Я был напуган больше подсудимого.

The marshal will produce before the tribunal the defendant Hahn.

Судебный исполнитель представит суду подсудимого Хана.

The marshal will produce the defendant Hofstetter before the tribunal.

Судебный исполнитель представит суду подсудимого Хофштеттера.

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…Eva Hermann, Defendant, Emil Hermann.

…≈ва √ерман, ответчик Ёмиль √ерман.

Plaintiff and defendant then have the liberty to make other marriages, if they so desire.

С этого момента истица и ответчик смогут вступать в новые браки.

If Your Honor please, it is my belief that the defendant is innocent… and I intend to enter a plea accordingly.

≈сли ваша честь позволит, € думаю, что ответчик невиновен. я предполагаю, что, в св€зи с этим, его надо оправдать.

I-I can’t remember who’s plaintiff or who’s defendant.

Я уже не могу вспомнить, кто истец, а кто ответчик.

The defendant is not guilty, but somebody in this courtroom is.

Ответчик не виновен, но кое-кто в этом суде — виновен.

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Your Honour, the defendant has been under such stress that he is not aware…

Ваша честь, подзащитный пребывает в таком нервном напряжении, — что не отдает себе отчета…

Your Honour, the defendant is not aware of what he is saying. He is not aware of the implications.

Ваша честь, мой подзащитный не отдает себе отчета в своих словах, он не осознает, какими могут быть последствия его высказываний.

You are the defendant?

Вы подзащитный? Меня зовут К.

My defendant was born…

Я начинаю. Мой подзащитный родился…

The defendant has attempted to kill me. Of course…out of childish curiosity!

Подзащитный пытался меня убить, но, разумеется, из чистого любопытства.

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She had evidence against the defendant.

У нее были доказательства против подозреваемого.

I’ve known the defendant a number of years.

Я знаю подозреваемого уже много лет.

I followed the track down to an old gamekeeper’s hut and found the defendant with 80 grams of marijuana and 20 grams of cocaine.

Я пошел по его следам до старой лачуги егеря и обнаружил там подозреваемого с 80 граммами марихуаны и 20 граммами кокаина.

Your Honor, we have a witness that puts the defendant at the scene of the crime.

Ваша честь, у нас есть свидетель, который видел подозреваемого у места преступления.

Given the charges, you can represent the defendant.

Вы можете представлять интересы подозреваемого.

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— I suppose she might. — And yet you maintain that while you were collecting material… For your articles, the defendant was so overcome by your manly charms… your magnetic personality and beauty… that without any encouragement from you, she dreamed up a fraudulent marriage to you… and threw her considerable fortune at your feet.

— И вы утверждаете, что пока вы собирали материал для статей, ответчица была так покорена вашим мужским обаянием, красотой… и магнетизмом, что без всякого воздействия с вашей стороны она выдумала этот обманный брак… и бросила свое значительное состояние к вашим ногам!

And at some point, Miss Rogers, you and the defendant became lovers?

И в какой-то момент, мисс Роджерс, вы и ответчица стали любовницами? Да.

Now, Miss Rogers, when you allege that the defendant pretended to be gay…

Мисс Роджерс, вы утверждаете, что ответчица притворялась лесбиянкой…

Likewise, counselors, I have been informed that both the defendant and prosecution witnesses have been live-tweeting this trial.

Более того, советники, мне сообщили, что обе стороны — и ответчица, и свидетели обвинения — комментировали это судебное разбирательство на Твитере в реальном времени.

The defendant never admitted to adultery with Kang Do Kyung.

Ответчица не была уличена в половой связи с Кан До Гёном.

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And the defendant’s counsel, are you ready?

Защита тоже готова?

And further, you’ll see that the defendant has not been charged with any offense in these matters relating to sexual or physical assault.

— Сэр, защита считает, что все заявления против подсудимого были голословными.

Your Honor, motion to continue the defendant’s bail until sentencing?

Ваша честь, защита ходатайствует о залоге до вынесения приговора.

Your Honor, the defendant has made it very clear he believed he paid for these various hotel sessions with Amber Madison.

Ваша честь, защита выявила, что совершенно очевидно, что он заплатил за все сессии в номерах отеля с Амбер Мэдисон.

Defendant lawyer, you can start examination.

Защита может начать допрос.

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We the jury, find the defendant Clifford Pyncheon, guilty as charged. No, no!

Мы, присяжные, признаем подсудимого виновным.

On the charge of killing Slater Morrison… we find the defendant, Myrl Redding, not guilty.

По обвинению в убийстве Слэйтера Моррисона мы признаем подсудимого Мирла Реддинга невиновным.

On the charge of two counts of armed insurrection… in the killing of Daisy Mathes… we find the defendant, Myrl Redding, guilty as charged.

По обвинению в двух случаях вооруженного мятежа и убийстве Дэйзи Мэтис мы признаем подсудимого Мирла Реддинга виновным по всем пунктам обвинения.

In the matter of The People of the State of Illinois vs, Lincoln Burrows, on the count of murder in the first degree, we find the defendant guilty.

мы признаем подсудимого виновным.

Lee, We find the defendant guilty on all counts.

Мы признаем подсудимого виновным по всем статьям

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Tara Wilson for the defendant, Your Honor.

Защитник Тара Уилсон, ваша честь.

William Gardner, Your Honor, for the defendant.

Уильям Гарднер, Ваша честь, защитник.

The defendant will confine himself to questioning the witness.

Защитник должен ограничиться допросом свидетеля.

How does defendant plea?

Защитник, какое ваше заявление?

— My judgment is for the defendant.

— Ты знаешь эту песню? — Мой приговор для защитников.

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We, the jury, find the defendant Bernie Tiede, guilty of murder as charged.

Мы,присяжные, считаем обвиняемого Берни Тиде виновным в убийстве.

In the matter of The State of Ohio v. Matthew Jamison Gayles, on three counts of aggravated murder and one count of attempted murder, we the jury find the defendant

В деле штата Огайо против Мэттью Джеймисона Гейлса, по трём пунктам убийства с отягчающими обстоятельствами и по пункту о попытке убийства, мы считаем обвиняемого,

Count one… conspiracy to commit kidnapping or false imprisonment. We the jury find the defendant, Joshua Peyton, not guilty.

По первому пункту обвинения, заговор с целью совершения похищения и незаконное удержание, мы, присяжные, считаем обвиняемого, Джошуа Пейтона, невиновным.

On count two… aiding and abetting a kidnapping or false imprisonment, we the jury find the defendant, Joshua Peyton, not guilty.

По второму пункту, пособничество в похищении и незаконном удержании, мы, присяжные, считаем обвиняемого, Джошуа Пейтона, невиновным.

In the case of the people of Oregon versus Donald Nidaria on the charge of murder in the first degree, we find the defendant Donald Nidaria guilty.

В деле общественность Орегона против Дональда Нидария, обвиняемого в убийстве первой степени, мы считаем обвиняемого Дональда Нидарию виновным.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word defendant, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use defendant in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «defendant». In addition, we also show how different variations of defendant can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are defendant’s, defendants, defendants’ and defendants—with. If you click on the variation of defendant that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Defendant in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word defendant in a sentence.

  1. The eleventh defendant, Robert G.

  2. It accords a criminal defendant «the right ..

  3. Henry Heward was named as a rioter but not as a defendant.

  4. Landis sentenced each defendant to twenty years in federal prison.

  5. Secondly, did the defendant carry out this killing with reflection?

  6. Scales was the only defendant convicted under the membership clause.

  7. The play’s protagonist and lead female role is the defendant, Karen Andre.

  8. Usually a defendant in the courts, he was the plaintiff in at least three cases.

  9. United States), provided that the defendant enter into the plea deal voluntarily.

  10. The wager of battle was not always available to the defendant in an appeal of murder.

  11. Pearry Green was a defendant in multiple criminal cases concerning his financial dealings.

  12. The summons was served the following month, and the defendant filed its answer on December 3.

  13. He also appeared in court on several occasions, variously as plaintiff, defendant, and witness.

  14. The police officers who arrested Lamb also agreed that the defendant had been unusually cool and silent.

  15. Ihrig speculates Gollnick was disgusted by Humann’s lobbying and perhaps even sympathized with the defendant.

  16. George Darby told the court that in his conversations with Lamb the defendant had changed his story three times.

  17. The defendant had given wildly conflicting stories to different doctors, Duchesne said, yet had convinced each one.

  18. Under threat of immediate execution, the illiterate defendant signed an abjuration document that she did not understand.

  19. Jarvis was listed first as a defendant in the lawsuit and used this to promote his social status among the governing elite.

  20. Landis charged the jury that it «was the duty of the defendant diligently in good faith to get from the Chicago & Alton ..

  21. Youtsey, the only defendant not to appeal his sentence, was paroled in 1916 and pardoned in 1919 by Democratic governor James D.

  22. President Kennedy commuted his sentence on Christmas Eve, 1962, making Scales the final Smith Act defendant released from prison.

  23. The perceived rise in the rate of acquittals may be related to sympathy for the defendant or declining confidence in legal authorities.

  24. Raymond Baby was not named as a defendant possibly because he was considered too young to be responsible for his actions, as he was 17 or 18.

  25. States relied on a fear that two defendants would both «swear the other [out]» of the charge to prevent either defendant from being convicted.

  26. In an episode lasting three hours, the defendant had smashed over 100 windows, set fire to blankets and broken plumbing, causing cells to flood.

  27. In two cases after Washington, the Court pulled back from its broad principle that a defendant in a criminal proceeding has a «right to a defense».

  28. The manufacturer of the harness system had also been named as a defendant in the case but was dismissed from the case after the settlement was reached.

  29. If the defendant was defeated but still alive, he was to be hanged on the spot; not even the King could pardon him from the divine judgment against him.

  30. The search produced a May 1986 telex from Iran-Contra defendant General Richard Secord to North, discussing the gathering of information against LaRouche.

  31. An appeal of murder was brought in Dublin in O’Reilly v Clancy in 1815, three years before Ashford v Thornton, and the defendant demanded the wager of battle.

  32. Maryland (1963) used the Due Process Clause to require the state prosecution authorities to disclose evidence that is favorable to a defendant prior to trial.

  33. Cardozo did not absolve the defendant who knowingly unleashes a destructive force, such as by shooting a gun, just because the bullet takes an unexpected path.

  34. The defendant, Billy Jo Lara, was charged for acts that were criminal offenses under both the Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe’s laws and the federal United States Code.

  35. If admitted to special probation, the defendant will be subject to 18 months to 5 years of intense probation and residential treatment as an alternative to prison.

  36. Shand’s examination of the various Board members appearing for the defendant revealed the Board’s maladministration, pettiness and its acceptance of rumour as fact.

  37. It is not enough, he found, to prove negligence by the defendant and damage to the plaintiff; there must be a breach of duty owed to the plaintiff by the defendant.

  38. Damages were sometimes given as an ancillary remedy, such as in Browne v Dom Bridges in 1588, where the defendant had disposed of waste inside the plaintiffs woods.

  39. If a physician attests that the defendant is an alcoholic, the court may impose inpatient treatment for up to 30 days, outpatient treatment for up to 60 days, or both.

  40. Ashford sought for the Court to rule that the evidence against Thornton was strong and that the defendant was thus ineligible to wage battle; Thornton sought the opposite.

  41. In Palsgraf, Cardozo wrote for a 4–3 majority of the Court of Appeals, reversing the appellate judgment and directing that the case be decided for the defendant, the LIRR.

  42. He isolated the Texas law’s distinction between the co-defendant testifying for the state while being barred from testifying for the defendant as having «no justification».

  43. Woods was not interested in what he called Rand’s «highfalutin speeches», preferring the dramatic conflict to focus on concrete elements, such as whether the defendant had a gun.

  44. Diminished capacity was abolished as a defense to a charge, but courts allowed evidence of it when deciding whether to incarcerate, commit, or otherwise punish a convicted defendant.

  45. Freer’s testimony concluded the prosecution’s case, and as the defendant declined to exercise his right to himself make a statement to the court, the defence began calling witnesses.

  46. One of these boosted him to national prominence for his role in the prosecution of Big Bill Haywood, and the other, with Borah as the defendant, placed him at risk of going to prison.

  47. He was initially to be a defendant in the proposed «Prisoners of War» Trial, but was eventually included in what became known as the Ministries Trial of the subsequent Nuremberg trials.

  48. Against police opposition—because, they said, «certain developments» might arise—the magistrate bailed each defendant in the sum of £500, and required them to surrender their passports.

  49. It used to be common for a state underage drinking charge to be downgraded to a municipal ordinance violation in order for the defendant to avoid a criminal record and a suspended license.

  50. Scalia maintained that every element of an offense that helps determine the sentence must be either admitted by the defendant or found by a jury under the Sixth Amendment’s jury guarantee.

Defendant’s in a sentence

Defendant’s is a variation of defendant, below you can find example sentences for defendant’s.

  1. The defendant’s solicitor complained of these, alleging it made it hard to find an unbiased jury.

  2. Plaintiff was standing on a platform of defendant’s railroad after buying a ticket to go to Rockaway Beach.

  3. Illinois (1988), the Court held that «countervailing public interests» could also outweigh the defendant’s compulsory process rights.

  4. Washington (defining a criminal defendant’s confrontation right under the 6th Amendment), and his majority opinion in District of Columbia v.

  5. Hewett concluded by arguing that all of these cases had diminished the protections of the jury and of the defendant’s right to have his own defense.

  6. Hewett’s main criticism was based on the Court’s lack of a standard on which to evaluate whether certain evidence was «material» to a defendant’s case.

  7. In the realm of criminal procedure, this doctrine eventually came to protect the defendant’s ability to «present exculpatory evidence and testimony of witnesses».

  8. Hand balanced these views with important decisions to protect a defendant’s constitutional rights concerning unreasonable searches, forced confessions and cumulative sentences.

  9. A divided Court upheld the trial judge’s preclusion of the witness, adding a new framework for balancing a defendant’s right to a robust defense with a series of other factors.

  10. Illinois (1988), in which the Court said that «countervailing public interests», like the need to move through cases quickly, could be balanced against a defendant’s right to present witnesses.

  11. Valenzuela-Bernal (1982), the Court held that an argument by the government that it had an interest in deporting illegal aliens (some witnesses in the case) outweighed the defendant’s right to «eye witness testimony».

  12. The case entered the standard legal casebooks, from which law students learn, in the early 1930s, usually to illustrate the necessary connection between defendant’s misconduct and plaintiff’s injury in negligence cases.

Defendants in a sentence

Defendants is a variation of defendant, below you can find example sentences for defendants.

  1. None of the defendants testified.

  2. Selected works by Smith Act defendants.

  3. None of the defendants denied their guilt.

  4. After two trials, the defendants were acquitted in 1883.

  5. In April 1953, Judge Thacker found the defendants guilty.

  6. Christopher Alexander Hagerman represented the defendants.

  7. The defendants were represented by the Thomas More Law Center.

  8. After a 10-month trial, the jury found all 11 defendants guilty.

  9. Some vocal supporters of the defendants spoke out in their defense.

  10. Public opinion was overwhelmingly against the defendants in New York.

  11. He ordered the book destroyed, with the defendants to pay court costs.

  12. He agreed to testify against any of the other assault defendants at trial.

  13. In 1922, the charges against the defendants were dropped by the government.

  14. Judge Medina attempted to maintain order by removing disorderly defendants.

  15. All three defendants were found guilty of murder and sentenced to be hanged.

  16. The defendants at the 1949 trial were released from prison in the mid-1950s.

  17. Many of these defendants had difficulty finding attorneys to represent them.

  18. Landis quickly dismissed charges against a dozen defendants, including one A.C.

  19. The second-tier defendants were prosecuted in three waves: 1951, 1954, and 1956.

  20. Six defendants subsequently had their cases dropped and one was found not guilty.

Defendants’ in a sentence

Defendants’ is a variation of defendant, below you can find example sentences for defendants’.

  1. The hedging by the principal accuser certainly weakens the defendants’ case».

  2. Judge John Sirica excused Nixon’s presence despite the defendants’ objections.

  3. The defendants’ witnesses testified Mackenzie told them he exaggerated the damage.

  4. The defendants’ lawyers read a statement apologizing to the Barker family and to the town.

  5. It was given to benefit the Civil Rights Congress (CRC), which was funding the defendants’ legal expenses.

  6. When the defendants returned to court on August 29, Landis listened with patience to the defendants’ final pleas.

  7. It sits at the center of a legal debate over whether trial penalties abridge defendants’ Sixth Amendment right to trial.

  8. Critics argue that the trial penalty has the effect of depriving defendants’ of their Sixth Amendment right to «a speedy and public trial».

  9. The three-judge panel reviewed and rejected each item, affirming the defendants’ convictions and sentences unanimously on January 22, 1990.

  10. The defendants’ request for summary judgment dismissing the case was not granted, and the trial began in Franklin circuit court on August 4, 1987.

  11. He introduced the phrase «presumed innocent until proven guilty», insisting that defendants’ accusers and their evidence be thoroughly tested in court.

  12. Other evidence—the blood samples, religious objects, drugs, and the notes with Ng and Ghazali’s names—conclusively proved the defendants’ involvement.

  13. The five attorneys who volunteered to defend the communists were familiar with leftist causes and supported the defendants’ rights to espouse socialist viewpoints.

  14. The defendants’ supporters wanted Robinson to pursue a criminal trial because they thought it would reduce the amount of money Mackenzie would be awarded in the civil trial.

  15. He also drew the jury’s attention to the gaps in the defendants’ memories, where they were so precise about some of their observations, but could not remember other, key, details.

Defendants—with in a sentence

Defendants—with is a variation of defendant, below you can find example sentences for defendants—with.

  1. Above all, Clarke indicated, the defendants—with the exception of Stanley Wilson—saw what they had been told to expect: «the eye saw what it expected or sought to see ..

Synonyms for defendant

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word defendant has the following synonyms: suspect.

General information about «defendant» example sentences

The example sentences for the word defendant that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «defendant» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «defendant».

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Accordingly, the defendant could not refuse payment under article 58.

Таким образом, ответчик не мог отказаться от платежа в соответствии со статьей 58.

Currently the defendant is not working.

И на данный момент ответчик нигде не работает.

Howard, risky move letting the defendant testify.

Говард, это рискованный шаг, позволить подсудимому дать показания.

RUSADA will appear in court as the defendant.

Теперь уже Русакова Т. предстанет перед судом в качестве подсудимой.

This could result in hardship for the defendant.

Это, к сожалению, может поставить ответчика в затруднительное положение.

The first letter from those representing the defendant offered a choice between arbitration and litigation.

В первом письме, полученном им от представителей ответчика, предлагался выбор между арбитражем и разбирательством в судах общей юрисдикции.

Representative of the defendant recorded that preliminary contract included only subject.

Представители ответчика отмечали, что в предварительном договоре был описан только его предмет.

Currently the defendant is not working.

К тому же в настоящее время ответчик не работает.

This applies especially if the defendant is unrepresented.

Особенно это актуально в том случае, если ответчик работает неофициально.

The costs awarded against the defendant were very significant.

Общая сумма расходов, требуемых с ответчика, оказалась весьма существенной.

The plaintiff had contracted to charter ships from the defendant.

Истец заключил договор, по которому он обязался фрахтовать суда у ответчика.

The plaintiff in turn sued the defendant for damages.

Истец, в свою очередь, предъявил иск ответчику, требуя возмещения понесенных убытков.

In a counterclaim the defendant also sought damages.

Ответчик предъявил встречный иск, в котором он также потребовал возмещения убытков.

Now imagine you are the defendant.

Сейчас я полагаю, что Вы являетесь ответчиком.

Any financial penalties that might be awarded against the defendant.

З. Любые денежные санкции, которые могут быть наложены на ответчика .

The Court therefore granted the defendant summary judgment.

В этой связи суд удовлетворил ходатайство ответчика о вынесении решения в порядке упрощенного судопроизводства.

In other words the defendant in a civil case must help his opponent collect evidence that will defeat the defendant.

Другими словами, ответчик в гражданском деле должен помочь своему противнику собрать доказательства, которые могут обвинить ответчика.

Defender of the defendant and the defendant are always the latest.

The plaintiff’s son signed a contract with the defendant for the purpose of taking part in the defendant‘s enterprise.

Сын истца подписал договор с ответчиком, с тем чтобы принимать участие в предприятии ответчика.

When it comes to filing claims to the defendant from creditors, the courts most often stand on the side of the defendant.

Когда речь идёт о предъявлении ответчику претензий от кредиторов, суды чаще всего стоят на стороне ответчика.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат the defendant

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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The defendant threatened a guest lecturer at the university.

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Ответчица угрожала приглашенному лектору на территории университета.

Was the defendant made aware that the motion hearing was scheduled for today?

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Подсудимая была предупреждена что слушание о прошении назначено на сегодня?

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And at some point, Miss Rogers, you and the defendant became lovers?

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И в какой-то момент, мисс Роджерс, вы и ответчица стали любовницами?

The defendant wasn’t aware it was a symptom of PMS.

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Miss Rogers, when you allege that the defendant pretended to be gay.

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Мисс Роджерс, вы утверждаете, что ответчица притворялась лесбиянкой.

Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?

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The defendant requested to evade the local lawyer and hire a Russian attorney.

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Подсудимая потребовала отвода местного адвоката и изъявила желание нанять русского юриста.

The defendant claims that Mehcad was stalking her, that he was going to rape her.

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Обвиняемая утверждала, что Мекад преследовал ее, что он собирался изнасиловать ее.

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Might I remind the court, the defendant is presumed innocent?

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Могу ли я напомнить суду, что подзащитная предполагается невиновной?

Perhaps the defendant should take one of his helicopters, Your Honor.

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Может подзащитному следует воспользоваться одним из своих вертолетов, ваша честь.

I am ordering the guards to return the defendant to solitary.

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Приказываю охране вернуть подсудимую в одиночную камеру.

What did you tell the defendant Nancy Driscoll?

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So you didn’t make a stop at the home of the defendant?

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Then I want to hear each of your cases against the defendant.

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Потом я хочу услышать ваши обвинения против подсудимой.

Did the defendant give you any special instructions with respect to this drug?

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Обвиняемая дала вам какие-либо специальные инструкции насчет этого лекарства?

If the statement was a determining factor, the defendant would simply be acquitted.


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Если заявление подследственного имело определяющее значение, то он будет просто освобожден.


How do you know the defendant Sydney Thompson?

And your relationship to the defendant Natasha Siviac?

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В каких отношениях вы с подсудимой Наташей Сивиак?

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The defendant was sentenced to mandatory labor under Article 282.

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Обвиняемая была приговорена к обязательным работам по ст. 282 УК.

Results: 3729,
Time: 0.038





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