The word decision in a sentence

Antonym: hesitation, pause. Similar words: envision, division, provision, precise, precisely, decide, decide on, acquisition. Meaning: [dɪ’sɪʒn]  n. 1. a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration 2. the act of making up your mind about something 3. (boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred 4. the outcome of a game or contest 5. the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose. 

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1. A solid bloc of union members support the decision.

2. The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions.

3. It was a painful and unpopular decision.

4. The ultimate decision lies with the parents.

5. It was a tough decision to make.

6. We’ll make our decision and contact the people involved.

6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

7. Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.

8. Loud protests were heard when the decision was announced.

9. Have they reached a decision yet?

10. The timing of the decision was a complete surprise.

11. We need a decision on this by next week.

12. Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision.

13. The higher court upheld the lower court’s decision.

14. We are in agreement with their decision.

15. The department deferred the decision for six months.

16. She argued him out of the decision.

17. Do not be pressurized into making your decision immediately.

18. The director resigned in protest at the decision.

19. Anti-abortionists are gloating over the court’s decision.

20. It was an agonising decision for him.

21. The boys had an altercation over the umpire’s decision.

22. The decision left us feeling deeply dissatisfied.

23. He revoked his previous decision.

24. It was a big decision to make.

25. We announced a decision formally recognizing the new government.

26. He said the decision was irrevocable.

27. The decision has been deferred indefinitely.

28. Your opinion will not affect my decision.

29. Please elucidate the reasons for your decision.

30. His decision can only be understood in context.

More similar words: envision, division, provision, precise, precisely, decide, decide on, acquisition, mansion, session, version, tension, pension, mission, appreciation, emission, invasion, recession, permission, expansion, commission, explosion, admission, dimension, extension, aggression, commissioner, dimensions, on occasion, discussion. 

Definition of Decision

a choice made after thinking about it and considering options

Examples of Decision in a sentence

Wendy couldn’t make a dinner decision, so her husband ordered pizza.


The couple’s choice to divorce was a hard decision for their children to accept.


The career criminal made the decision to leave a life of crime for many years.


After the banker looked over the paperwork, he made the decision to approve the loan.


At an early age, Alex made the decision to become a ballet dancer.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word decision, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use decision in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «decision».

Decision in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word decision in a sentence.

  1. With its decision in Monroe v.

  2. The decision ended his season.

  3. What will the decision be today?

  4. Despite the decision in Brown v.

  5. Supreme Court decision in Davis v.

  6. He gave no reason for his decision.

  7. Bob Gilruth approved my decision.».

  8. He based that decision on Wickard v.

  9. Hipper later recounted his decision:.

  10. Many factors influenced the decision.

  11. He knows he is right and so sticks by his decision.

  12. And whatever their decision is, I will abide by it.

  13. Not everyone agreed with the decision to use helium.

  14. Among the influences of the decision include Sega v.

  15. In his 1961 memoirs, Attlee explained his decision:.

  16. He said that this change of plan was the hardest decision of his military career.

  17. Copper, and it was a last-second decision by Carpenter to go with Richard Dysart.

  18. Waters later regretted the decision, believing he should have performed the song.

  19. He led a rally of 100,000 people to protest against the Muslim League’s decision.

  20. The respondents focused on Justice Gaudron’s decision in Lim, in which she said:.

  21. Reznor criticized their decision, citing the audio was also available through the iTunes application.

  22. He announced his decision to attend the school at a press conference at the Reebok All-American Camp.

  23. The State of Washington appealed the district court’s decision to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

  24. The subcommittees looked into the implications of the decision with regards to nuclear proliferation.

  25. Republicans promised concessions in exchange for Democratic acquiescence to the Committee’s decision.

  26. Analysis of Washington has focused on the decision in the broader context of procedural trial rights.

  27. On 16 April, Wilson met Papagos at Lamia and informed him of his decision to withdraw to Thermopylae.

  28. During 9 July, the decision was made that the division would launch a full-scale attack the next day.

  29. Chaplin was nonetheless anxious about this decision and remained so throughout the film’s production.

  30. These attacks were generally unsuccessful, which contributed to the decision to shift to firebombing.

  31. He remains firm, however, on his decision to stay out of the England team for the sake of his health.

  32. The decision proved controversial, particularly at Portsmouth, who had ended the season as champions.

  33. They did not tell Barkley of their decision until after he seconded Smith’s nomination for president.

  34. The decision to do so lies with the President of India, who also decides the period of such mourning.

  35. Antonia Fraser suggests that Catesby and Wintour’s decision to believe him should not be disregarded.

  36. In November, the decision to suspend construction was reaffirmed and steel from Lion was ordered transferred to Vanguard.

  37. She made the decision as she felt that having a child by another man would permanently ruin her relationship with Derwin.

  38. The decision to opt for a Japanese-made transmission led to the closure of the Woodville, South Australia assembly plant.

  39. The villagers then enter, with both sets of parents, wanting to know Mařenka’s decision («What have you decided, Mařenka?

  40. The decision to become a newspaperman, unexpected as it was, started Blaine on the road to a lifelong career in politics.

  41. In 1957, eight years after the first trial, the US Supreme Court’s Yates decision brought an end to similar prosecutions.

  42. Eventually, the NHL players were forced to follow the league’s decision and stay in their clubs during the 2018 Olympics.

  43. This decision would later become Football League policy in subsequent matches at Wembley between Welsh and English clubs.

  44. Following Diaghilev’s decision to delay the premiere until 1913, Stravinsky put The Rite aside during the summer of 1912.

  45. A series of study contracts were let, resulting in a decision that the IUS would be an expendable solid-fuel upper stage.

  46. In 2006, she said only that she would support a state’s decision to permit same-sex marriages, but opposed federally amending the Constitution to permit same-sex marriage.

  47. But when Nimitz learned of this he requested that the Third Fleet use the Luzon Strait, though Halsey was given discretion to make the final decision on his force’s route.

  48. Reznor stated of the decision «The promise of a world made better by computers and online connectivity has failed us in many ways, particularly when it comes to ticketing.

  49. The two front line companies had suffered heavy losses, and, according to Bean, Leane’s decision to retain a company in the rear of the village was shown to be a wise one.

  50. On 21 April, the final decision to evacuate Empire forces to Crete and Egypt was taken and Wavell in confirmation of verbal instructions sent his written orders to Wilson.

Synonyms for decision

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word decision has the following synonyms: decisiveness, determination, conclusion and .

General information about «decision» example sentences

The example sentences for the word decision that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «decision» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «decision».

decision — перевод на русский


If that’s your decision…

Если таково твоё решение…

Studying and drinking at the same time: good decision.

Учиться и в то же время пить — хорошее решение.

Him continuing to chase after me is a terrible decision, which makes me respect him even less.

Продолжать бегать за мной — ужасное решение, от этого я уважаю его ещё меньше.

— Listen carefully, Horace and you’ll understand my decision.

— Слушай внимательно, Хорас и ты поймешь мое решение.

I cannot bear the responsibility for a such a decision by myself and I therefore ask you to appear before your family council… the day after tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon.

Я не могу брать ответственность за такое решение на себя одного. Прошу тебя присутствовать на семейном совете послезавтра, во второй половине дня.

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In these custody cases, Mrs. Warriner… we often allow the final decision to rest with the party in question.

В делах об опеке, миссис Уорринер, мы часто даём право… — …принять решение опекаемому.

I don’t want you to go, Bea and I can’t agree with your father’s decision, but I know he’s thinking of your happiness.

Я не хочу, чтобы ты уходила. Я не в состоянии принять решение твоего отца. Но я знаю, думает он только о твоем счастье.

It is your decision.

Только ты можешь принять решение.

We have only to make a decision.

Мы должны принять решение.

I think it’s time to come to a decision,

Мне кажется, что настал момент, когда надо принять решение.

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I hate decisions.

Как я ненавижу принимать решения!

I was so frightened. I listened to other people. I let others make my decisions.

Я была так напугана, что позволила другим принимать решения за себя.

When I leave for New York next week, you’ll have to make decisions.

Да, но… Когда я уеду в Нью-Йорк, вам придётся принимать решения. Начните принимать их сейчас.

This is why the FLN has to make decisions concerning the civil life of the Algerian people.

Поэтому НФО вынужден принимать решения относительно гражданской жизни народа Алжира.

This authority gave me the right to make decisions.

Этот авторитет дал мне право принимать решения.

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— That’s my decision, my girl.

Это мне решать!

In these situations, we must make decisions.

Тут надо было решать, причем быстро.

— Is not for you to make that decision when you were with Nicholas.

— Но не тебе было это решать,… — … а Николасу.

Strictly your decision, gentlemen.

Решать вам, господа.

I’m just saying that I have to review many things in life, to make different decisions.

Просто я говорю, что многое в жизни пересматривать приходится, решать заново.

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Is your decision to go to Black Island?

Решили ехать на Чёрный остров?

Since you men haven’t reached a decision, the only proper thing for me to do is to put both my husbands in the guest room.

Так как мужчины ничего не решили, единственным верным шагом будет положить обоих моих мужей в гостевую комнату.

So, you would have ignored my decision?

Поэтому вы решили всё за меня.

It was their decision to go down.

Они сами решили спуститься вниз.

What is your decision?

Так что вы решили?

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You have to come to a decision.

Ты должна сделать выбор.

Have I made the right decision?

Правильный ли выбор я сделал?

A wise decision.

Отличный выбор.

With two such grooms, it’s a difficult decision indeed.

В тот момент, когда есть два знатных жениха выбор не легкий.

Mr. Halfon is right, Mr. Salvador. Don’t pressure me. It’s a difficult decision.

И, правда, мудрец Сальвадор не дави на меня, выбор труден.

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My decision is final.

* — Решение принято.

The decision is for your own good.

Решение принято и для вашего блага.

Decision made 14 June.

Решение принято 14 июня.

Still, got a 3-2 decision.

И всё же, решение принято 3 к 2.

I appreciate how you feel, but the decision stands.

Я понимаю, что вы чувствуете, но решение принято.

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Azal, the time for decision draws near.

Азал, близится время для принятия решения.

Then I will grant release on bail without payment until I reach a decision.

Тогда я выпущу Вас под залог без внесения залога до принятия решения.

According to Regulations of Article 39 a decision will be made on your case in five days

Согласно инструкциям, На основании статьи 39 Срок принятия решения составляет пять дней.

It sounds to me like we have to get more information to make this decision, folks.

Мне кажется, для принятия решения нам нужно получить больше информации, ребята.

While I’m faced with a decision, my program calculates the variables and I take action.

Когда я сталкиваюсь с ситуацией принятия решения, моя программа подсчитывает вероятности, и я приступаю к действию.

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It’s an important decision, isn’t it?

Выбрать занятие по душе, не так-то просто, верно?

Eddie’s having trouble making decisions.

Ему нелегко выбрать. Он до сих пор в шоке.

You’ve got to make a decision.

Ты должен выбрать.

I know, I know, but choosing the right good-luck charm is a very big decision.

Знаю, но очень важно выбрать правильный амулет, приносящий удачу.

Why can’t you just let the man make his own decisions?

Почему ты не можешь позволить мужчине, выбрать самому?

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Commander, the decision is ultimately yours, of course.

Коммандер, окончательное решение, разумеется, за вами.

And you won’t go back on that decision?

Это окончательное решение?

I’ve made my decision!

Ладно, хорошо. Я принял окончательное решение!

Primarily the person who made the actual decision was Jim Barksdale.

Главным человеком, который принял окончательное решение, был Джим Барксдэйл (Jim Barksdale).

I’m not sure exactly when Jim and the other senior managers made the actual decision, I believe it was in early January sometime.

Я не уверен точно когда Джим и другие старшие менеджеры приняли окончательное решение, по моему это было где-то в начале января.

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Отправить комментарий

решение, определение, решимость, решительность


- решение

- юр. решение, определение (суда; тж. judicial decision, decision of the court)
- решимость, решительность, твёрдость

look of decision — решительный взгляд /вид/
a man of decision — решительный человек
to act with decision — действовать решительно
to lack decision (of character) — быть нерешительным
to show great decision in smth. — быть твёрдым в чём-л.

- победа по очкам

to win (on) a decision — победить по очкам

- присуждение победы по очкам (на соревнованиях)

Мои примеры


execute the decision of the people — исполнять решения народа  
give a decision for the plaintiff — вынести решение в пользу истца  
decision making under certainty — принятие решений в условиях определенности  
to confirm smb. in his decision — поддержать кого-л. в его решении  
court decision — судебное решение  
crucial decision — ответственное решение  
to abide by the court’s decision — ждать решения суда  
a decision about / on — решение о  
arbitrary decision — произвольное решение  
clear-cut decision — чёткое решение  
crucial / momentous decision — важное решение  
ethical decision — нравственное решение  

Примеры с переводом

Have you made a decision?

Вы уже приняли решение?

I need to think about it. It’s a big decision.

Мне нужно подумать. Это очень серьёзное решение.

We made the decision to accept their offer.

Мы решили принять их предложение.

I’ll stick with my decision.

Я не отступлю от своего решения.

John applauded my decision.

Джон одобрил моё решение.

We left this decision up to her.

Мы предоставили ей решать этот вопрос.

The decision of the House of Lords is final.

Решение Палаты лордов является окончательным.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The ACLU filed a brief (=gave one to the court) opposing the decision.

Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): decision
мн. ч.(plural): decisions

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