The word cure in a sentence

Synonym: heal, remedy, restore. Similar words: secure, sinecure, incur, curb, curio, recur, occur, curve. Meaning: [kjʊə]  n. a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain. v. 1. provide a cure for, make healthy again 2. prepare by drying, salting, or chemical processing in order to preserve 3. make (substances) hard and improve their usability 4. be or become preserved. 

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1 No herb will cure love.

2 The only cure for grief is action. 

3 To know the disease is half the cure

4 Prevention is better than cure.

5 Sleeping is the best cure for waking troubles. 

6 A crown is no cure for the headache. 

7 Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. 

8 They say a good sweat will cure a cold.

9 Antibiotics is effective to cure throat infection.

10 There is still no cure for AIDS.

11 The search for a cure goes on.

12 There is no instant cure for this condition.

13 The only real cure is rest.

14 He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury.

15 Prevention and cure are both attended to.

16 Aspirin is a wonderful cure for colds.

17 The patient got a radical cure in the hospital.

18 The medicine is an effective cure for a headache.

19 At one time the doctors couldn’t cure TB/cure people of TB.

20 She tried to cure the pain in my knee by putting manual pressure on the joint.

21 There is no known cure but the illness can be treated.

22 People say it can cure colds,( but I’m a bit of a sceptic.

23 He says he can cure me but I still doubt him.

24 I can’t promise a miracle cure, but I think we can improve things.

25 They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.

26 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

27 It’s good if you begin crying, that’s the sign of cure.

28 It is my belief that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.

29 Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for Aids.

30 It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure.

More similar words: secure, sinecure, incur, curb, curio, recur, occur, curve, curl up, curious, current, curtain, accurate, currency, accuracy, security, curiosity, recurrent, currently, curriculum, accurately, blackcurrant, sure, curriculum vitae, azure, allure, injure, figure, bureau, nature. 

кюре, лечение, лекарство, излечение, лечить, исцелять, вылечивать, исправлять


- лекарство, средство

cure for a cough — средство от кашля
cure for unemployment — меры против безработицы

- лечение; курс лечения

the hot water [grape] cure — лечение горячими ваннами [виноградом]
a disease beyond /past/ cure — неизлечимая болезнь
to undergo a cure — пройти курс лечения
to take the cure — амер. а) пройти курс лечения от алкоголизма или наркомании; б) отказаться от удовольствия, дурной привычки и т. п.; исправиться

- излечение

the doctor cannot guarantee a cure — доктор не ручается за выздоровление

- приход; паства
- попечение (о пастве)
- вулканизация (резины)
- отверждение (пластмассы)
- выдержка (бетона)
- странный тип, чудак


- вылечивать, излечивать, исцелять

to cure a patient — вылечить больного
to cure a disease [a headache] — излечить /вылечить/ от болезни [от головной боли]
to cure drunkenness [laziness] — излечить от пьянства [от лени]
to cure smb. of bad habits — отучить кого-л. от дурных привычек

- вылечиться, излечиться, исцелиться

his grief soon cures — его горе быстро проходит, он недолго страдает

- заготовлять впрок; консервировать; солить, сушить, вялить

to cure fish — коптить рыбу
to cure bacon — солить бекон

- вулканизировать (резину)
- отверждать (пластмассы)
- выдерживать (бетон)

what can’t be cured must be endured — посл. приходится мириться с тем, чего нельзя исправить

Мои примеры


idealistic people who try to cure all of our society’s ills — идеалисты, которые пытаются излечить все беды нашего общества  
ongoing efforts to find a cure for the disease — продолжающиеся попытки найти лекарство от этой болезни  
to cure concrete — выдерживать бетон  
to steam-cure concrete — пропаривать бетон  
to take the cure for alcoholism — пройти курс лечения от алкоголизма  
the cold-water cure — лечение холодной водой  
a cure for the headache — средство от головной боли  
to cure (a) disease — лечить болезнь  
effective cure for headache — эффективное лекарство от головной боли  
to cure enamel by baking — сушить эмаль в печи  
hard to cure — трудноизлечимый  
to cure meat — консервировать мясо  

Примеры с переводом

Prevention is better than cure. посл.

Предупреждение лучше лечения.

He is past cure.

Он неизлечим.

Time cured him of his grief.

Время излечило его горе.

He was beyond cure.

Он был неизлечим.

Many types of cancer can now be cured.

Многие типы рака уже излечимы.

He has pointed out a method of cure.

Он указал на метод лечения.

There is no easy cure for loneliness.

Не существует простого лекарства от одиночества. / От одиночества избавиться всегда непросто.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The infection can be cured with antibiotics.

Attempts to cure unemployment have so far failed.

Nothing could cure her of her impatience with Anna.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

curable  — излечимый, исцелимый
curate  — викарий, второй священник прихода, приходской священник
cureless  — неизлечимый
curing  — лечение, вулканизация, исцеление, выдержка, консервирование, уход за бетоном
curious  — любопытный, любознательный, странный, курьезный, пытливый
curly  — вьющийся, кудрявый, курчавый, волнистый, изогнутый
curer  — коптильщик, исцелитель
undercure  — недостаточное отверждение, недодержка, недовулканизировать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cure
he/she/it: cures
ing ф. (present participle): curing
2-я ф. (past tense): cured
3-я ф. (past participle): cured

ед. ч.(singular): cure
мн. ч.(plural): cures

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cure, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cure in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cure».

Cure in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cure in a sentence.

  1. There is no cure for Tourette’s.

  2. As of 2021, no cure is known for DLB.

  3. Alice uses some of the anti-virus to cure Olivera.

  4. There is no cure for polio, but there are treatments.

  5. Charles sent his best doctors to cure him, but Alphonse died.

  6. The bird’s blood and feathers were also used to cure diseases.

  7. Now the cure rate’s almost up to 80 per cent in younger patients.

  8. To atone for this turn of events, he becomes a doctor to cure her.

  9. Some people in the country believe dried slow loris can cure cancer.

  10. An attempt to improve her health by taking a cure at Malvern failed.

  11. There is no cure for Tourette’s and no single most effective medication.

  12. To cure this, he attends support groups, posing as a sufferer of diseases.

  13. The shocks, he assured her, would cure headaches and drive away evil spirits.

  14. However, this failed to cure his habit and he eventually became a chain smoker.

  15. In spite of the improved prognosis when treated, DPB currently has no known cure.

  16. Surgical resection offers the only potential chance of cure in cholangiocarcinoma.

  17. Shelley describes her journey as a pilgrimage, which will help cure her depression.

  18. I’m sure we would have found a cure for cancer 20 years ago if we had really tried.

  19. Freeze, who had been developing a cure but has since been kidnapped by the Penguin.

  20. With the assistance of his wife, Elaine Marley–Threepwood, Guybrush seeks out a cure.

  21. In January 1975, he agreed to meet Ono, who claimed to have found a cure for smoking.

  22. Conversely, the gods could cure righteous people of illness or even extend their lifespans.

  23. Marie discovers psychoanalysis and tries to cure her sister Philippa’s leather belt fetish.

  24. Freeze tells Batman that he has created a cure, but it is rendered useless via instability.

  25. There was no known cure, but in about 20 percent of cases the condition went away by itself.

  26. Haejangguk is a kind of soup eaten as a hangover cure, and means «soup to chase a hangover».

  27. A British doctor, Robert Thomas, suggested clitoridectomy as a cure for nymphomania in 1813.

  28. Early palliative care is recommended even for those receiving treatment that aims for a cure.

  29. Surgery with the intention of a cure is only possible in around one-fifth (20%) of new cases.

  30. The rising Sun heals his infirmity; and there stands Hephaestus on Lemnos, watching the cure.

  31. The foreigners, having fallen sick, beseeched a cure for illness from a local tribal chieftain.

  32. Through the magical healing texts, her efforts to heal her son are extended to cure any patient.

  33. Matt Roush of TV Guide said that the program was an «uncommon cure for the common medical drama».

  34. Casting status effect-MysTech on party members will cure them if afflicted by enemy status spells.

  35. The player becomes immune to Corprus by contracting the disease and surviving an experimental cure.

  36. The Cure’s name derives from Drake’s song «Time Has Told Me» («a troubled cure for a troubled mind»).

  37. He has 40 days to collect items throughout Melkhior the Wizard’s castle and brew a cure for his curse.

  38. There is also a medical robot trying in vain to find a cure for the virus that killed the ship’s crew.

  39. He added, «Todd is a marvelous character to play because he could commit genocide, or find a cure for AIDS.

  40. Surgery may be performed on the pancreas in such cases, whether in hope of a cure or to alleviate symptoms.

  41. In the 1920s, thorium’s radioactivity was promoted as a cure for rheumatism, diabetes, and sexual impotence.

  42. Skinner later tells Scully that there is a cure for Mulder’s disease, but does not explain Krycek’s demands.

  43. Such a therapy has revolutionized the treatment of peptic ulcers and has made a cure to the disease possible.

  44. She underwent therapy but claims it was her participation in local theater plays that helped cure the attacks.

  45. Rastas believe that their music has healing properties, with the ability to cure colds, fevers, and headaches.

  46. As Guybrush prepares to cure the pox with La Esponja Grande, he finds Morgan murdered in de Singe’s laboratory.

  47. In general, wearing slow loris bones is considered good luck and the meat is sometimes thought to cure leprosy.

  48. I am not a dreamer, and I am not saying that this will initiate any kind of definitive answer or cure to cancer.

  49. All sales from the song went towards research for the cure of Batten disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder.

  50. Lucy, still believing she has only been drugged, is then killed by Dean, as there is no known cure for vampirism.

Synonyms for cure

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word cure has the following synonyms: remedy, curative, therapeutic, bring around, heal and .

General information about «cure» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cure that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cure» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cure».

Definition of Cure

to bring about good health after an illness or a disease

Examples of Cure in a sentence

Gene replacement therapy seems promising in regards to the treatment and cure for various diseases.


There was no way to cure the late stage cancer patient, but hospice care is making his final days as comfortable as possible.


Researchers hope that a cure for cancer is found through the funds raised by Pennies for Patients.


Herbal remedies often cure illnesses as well, if not better than pharmaceutical options.


No cure for the disease was found, but a vaccine was invented to stop people from contracting it.


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cure — перевод на русский



По сути, мэм, я думаю, что мог бы вылечить мисс Ливви…

— I know what’ll cure it.

Я знаю, чем это вылечить.

If I can’t cure him, my best friend…

Если я не могу вылечить своего лучшего друга…

Can you cure Guljan?

Можешь ты вылечить Гюльджан?

And somehow, we’re going to cure it!

И мы собираемся его вылечить

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He gave you a Band-Aid, not a cure.

Он выписал временное решение, не лекарство.

In that chest, I found a cure for both the body and soul.

В этом сундуке я нашел лекарство и для тела, и для души.

Stein-Pils cure.

Штайн-Пилс лекарство.

There’s a cure to be taken from fall to spring.

Это лекарство принимают с осени и до весны.

And can the Doctor discover a cure? He says so.

Доктор сможет найти лекарство?

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I mean, for a doctor to want to cure diseases of people’s minds instead of their bodies.

Врачу желательней лечить болезни в умах людей, а не в телах.

O, be sick, great greatness, and bid thy ceremony give thee cure!

О, захворай, величье, И пышности вели себя лечить.

But I’m not asking you to cure her.

Но я не прошу вас лечить ее.

Next time, cure all the polio you want, but don’t catch it!

И на будущее, можешь лечить полиомиелитников сколько угодно, но сам, смотри, не заражайся!

I’ll cure him all right, but not with your depth psychology and your disastrous understanding for…

Я буду лечить его, все правильно, но не твоей глубинной психологией и не твоими идиотскими методами…

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That means that your cure is already beginning.

Это означает, что твоё лечение уже началось.

Yes, prevention is better than cure.

Да, профилактика лучше, чем лечение.

Sabetha alone knows the cure.

Лишь Сабета знает лечение.

Is there no cure?

Никакого лечение?

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That can’t cure a cold.

Этим простуду не излечить.

I might have a chance of curing him.

Постараюсь излечить его.

We need someone who can find the reason for your belief and cure it.

Нам нужен человек, который сможет найти причину твоей веры и излечить её.

To cure him of the sickness in his soul.

Излечить болезнь в его душе.

Only strictness can cure you.

Тебя может излечить только строгость

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But, by trying to cure themselves, the Hurdanos sometimes die.

Однако пытаясь самостоятельно вылечиться, хурданяне часто гибнут.

But you told me she seemed so anxious to be cured.

Но ты говорил, она хочет вылечиться.

Well, you’re like something I’ve caught… and can’t quite cure myself of.

Ну, ты… будто я подцепила какую-то болезнь и никак не могу до конца вылечиться.

— There’s no cure.

— От этого нельзя вылечиться.

Three cunning plans to cure thy ailment.

Три коварных плана, чтобы вылечиться.

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I am sorry. But I think I can cure that. Turn around.

Извините, но думаю, что смогу это исцелить, повернитесь.

Yet could I cure their madness now?

Но я смогу их исцелить.

No, there’s nothing the matter with Clare that a happy marriage will not cure.

Нет ничего настолько серьезного в Клэр, чего нельзя было бы исцелить счастливым браком.

You must cure our daughter, Uncle Giuseppe!

Вы должны исцелить нашу дочь, Отец Джузеппе!

Only you can cure him.

— Только ты можешь его исцелить.

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But am I cured now?

— ƒа. Ќо € теперь здоров?

In less time than you can imagine he’ll be entirely cured.

Очень скоро Он будет полностью здоров.

When Ursus awakens, he’ll be cured.

Когда Урсус проснется, Он будет здоров.

I was cured, all right!

Я наконец-то здоров!

What am I supposed to do with it, now I’m cured?

Что я должен делать с ним сейчас, когда я уже здоров?

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Here is a cure for your suffering

Здесь средство от твоих страданий.

It’s the best cure for a headache.

Это лучшее средство от головной боли.

He confided in me that he and his team discovered a cure for polio

Он мне рассказал, что его исследовательская группа открыла средство от полиомиелита

Sure-fire cure for a hangover, Harry.

Стопроцентное средство от похмелья, Гарри!

Aye. Brown paper and paraffin oil is the only cure for a contrary leg.

Оберточная бумага и парафиновое масло — единственное средство от болей в ноге.

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Ever since surgery began… man’s destiny has been to suffer… in order that he might be cured.

Со времен открытия хирургии … человеку судьбой суждено было страдать для того, чтобы он излечился.

Said I was cured.

Сказал, что я излечился.

No, Aunt Dahlia, I didn’t tell him I was hellbent on stealing his painting in order that his son might be cured of chronic dyspepsia so that his daughter-in-law would allow my aunt to publish said daughter-in-law’s latest novel in her magazine for ladies.

Нет, не сказал, тетя Делия. Я не сказал, что я должен украсть его картину,.. чтобы его сын излечился от хронического расстройства пищеварения,..

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