The word culture has many different meanings

Read the text and complete it with the phrases that follow (a-h) There is phrase you don’t have to use. What Is Culture? The word culture has many different meanings. Some people it is term that can referred to music, visual arts and literature. For others culture includes knowledge, beliefs, values, morals, laws, customs and traditions and different patterns of human behaviour. They are learnt by members of social groups and (1)… .Thus culture helps civilizations to survive. Culture reveals itself through its products like our written languages, buildings, works of art and other man-made objects. Archaeologists find broken pots, (2)… .These artifacts reflect the culture of the civilzations which used them. But culture is more than that. Through culture we understand what is acceptable and what is not, (3)… .It helps to estimate our actions, to socialize: it shapes our personalities teaches us rules of behaviour. Culture is a collective phenomenon and cannot exist in a single individual, (4)… .Being an important part of every society, it creates a feeling of belonging and togetherness. Every society has a different culture, which gives it identity and makes it unique. When people speak of Italian, Russian or Japanese culture, they are referring to the shared language, traditions and beliefs that set each of these peoples apart from others. In most cases, (5)… do so because they acquired it as they were raised by parents and other family members who have it. In spite of the vast diversity, there are certain elements of culture that are universal, (6)… no matter where they live. For example, all people use a language consisting of a limited set of (7)… all people use age and gender to classify people (baby, teenager, senior citizen, man, Woman etc) all people make jokes and play games, all create art. Culture is constantly changing, and each generation brings something new to its development. Moreover, different cultures have a tendency to exchange certain cultural elements.
a) those who share your culture
b) which makes them similar to each other
c) what is good and what is bad
d) it is shared by people
e) Sounds and grammatical rules f) passed down through generations
g) they are shared by all cultures around the world
h) tools, jewelry and other things

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Все правильно и связано?
1.The word culture has many different meanings.
2.for Some people it is term that can referred to music, visual arts and literature.
3.Culture reveals itself through its products like our written languages, buildings, works of art and other man-made objects
4.Archaeologists find broken pots tools, jewelry and other things
5.But culture is more than that
6.Through culture we understand what is good and what is bad
7.Every society has a different culture, which gives it identity and makes it unique.
8.In spite of the vast diversity, there are certain elements of culture that are universal, they are shared by all cultures around the world no matter where they live.
9.Culture is constantly changing, and each generation brings something new to its development

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English speaking countries culture and traditionals

The word culture has different meanings, перевод текста.

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English speaking countries culture and traditionalsThe word culture has different meanings, перевод текста?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
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Все правильно и связано?

1. The word culture has many different meanings.

2. for Some people it is term that can referred to music, visual arts and literature.

3. Culture reveals itself through its products like our written languages, buildings, works of art and other man-made objects

4. Archaeologists find broken pots tools, jewelry and other things

5. But culture is more than that

6. Through culture we understand what is good and what is bad

7. Every society has a different culture, which gives it identity and makes it unique.

8. In spite of the vast diversity, there are certain elements of culture that are universal, they are shared by all cultures around the world no matter where they live.

9. Culture is constantly changing, and each generation brings something new to its development

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Главная » Английский язык » Все правильно и связано? 1. The word culture has many different meanings. 2. for Some people it is term that can referred to music, visual arts and literature. 3.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Культура/ Culture с переводом на русский язык.

Culture Культура
In the modern world people are judged not only by what they do but how they do it. Life in the society is impossible without everyday contacts and meetings, so all relationships depend on the way people behave and treat each other. Human relations and communication skills are important. В современном мире людей судят не только по тому, что они делают, но как они это делают. Жизнь в обществе невозможна без повседневных контактов и встреч, так что отношения зависят от того, как люди ведут себя и относятся друг к другу. Человеческие отношения и коммуникативные навыки важны.
That’s why along with education, people should develop cultural issues. The word “culture” has many meanings. One of the most common explanations refers to the spiritual and material achievements of the humanity. Вот почему наряду с образованием, люди должны развивать в себе и навыки культуры. Слово «культура» имеет много значений. Одно из самых распространенных объяснений относит его к духовным и материальным достижениям человечества.
There are many types of culture. For example, folk culture, popular culture, corporate culture, elite culture, etc. They are all closely connected. Folk or national culture is like a habit of people. It is the everyday life and routine of certain group of people. Elite culture is well-developed and many-sided. It is the attitude towards art, architecture, theatre, music, literature. Popular or mass culture gives people standards to be what they like. It is especially suitable for young people. Corporate culture is collective beliefs and value systems of a certain company. Различают много типов культуры. Например, народная культура, массовая культура, корпоративная культура, элитарная культура и т.д. Они все тесно взаимосвязаны. Народная или национальная культура как привычка людей. Это повседневная жизнь и рутина определенной группы людей. Элитный тип культуры хорошо развит и многогранен. Это отношение к искусству, архитектуре, театру, музыке, литературе. Популярная или массовая культура задает людям стандарты того, что им нравится. В особенности это относится к молодежи. Корпоративная культура – это коллективные убеждения и система ценностей определенной компании.
Thus, all types of culture require certain model of behavior or set of rules for social conduct. However, one thing is common for all people. It’s politeness – the most important sign of any culture. It’s not only saying “Excuse me”, “Sorry”, “Good morning”, “Bless you”. Politeness is something that should be developed in every sphere of life. For example, greeting people you know in the street, wishing your friend a nice day, offering a seat to old people – these are all signs of politeness. Таким образом, все типы культуры требуют определенной модели поведения или ряда правил социального поведения. Тем не менее, одно является общим для всех людей. Это вежливость – самый важный признак любой культуры. Это не только слова «простите», «извините», «доброе утро», «будьте здоровы». Вежливость это то, что должно проявляться во всех сферах жизни. Например, приветствовать знакомых на улице, желать другу хорошего дня, уступать место старшим – все это признаки вежливости.
So, living a civilized life in accordance with culture isn’t as difficult as it might seem. Как видно, жить цивилизованной жизнью в соответствии с культурой не так сложно, как кажется.

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