The word culprit in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


But perhaps there is another culprit.

Однако, есть, вероятно, другой виновник.

But, the biggest culprit was me.

The culprit cannot be a professional criminal.

Преступник ни в коем случае не может быть профессиональным злодеем.

A culprit is first waiting to hear the music and then proceeds with recordings using them for his own benefits afterwards.

Преступник сначала дожидается такой музыки, затем записывает ее, после чего использует в своих интересах.

However, there is usually another culprit.

Тем не менее виновный, как правило, есть.

The culprit or culprits should be punished.

Я уверен, что виновный или виновные будут наказаны.

Experts say sun damage is the biggest culprit.

Эксперты говорят, что ущерб от солнца является крупнейшим виновником.

I think we finally found the culprit.

Eleven percent think there is some other culprit.

9% уверенны в том, что есть другие виновники.

Now we know H pylori is the culprit.

Теперь мы подозреваем, что Н. pylori является виновником.

Any of these could be the culprit.

В этом процессе любой из них может быть виновником.

When the problem disappears you probably have your culprit.

Если проблемы внезапно исчезнут, вы, вероятно, нашли виновника.

The other culprit is the media.

И вторые виновники — это средства массовой информации.

It only took two days to find the culprit.

Тем не менее, потребовалось всего две недели, чтобы найти виновного.

Water may well be the culprit here.

И да, вода здесь тоже может выступать виновником.

Rubbish kills marine wildlife, and plastic in particular is a top culprit.

Мусор убивает морскую флору и фауну, и пластик, в частности, является главным виновником.

But viruses could likely be the culprit for food contamination.

Но вирусы, вероятно, тоже могут быть виновниками загрязнения пищевых продуктов.

Instead, daily urine tests suggested another culprit.

Вместо этого ежедневный анализ мочи помог выявить другого «виновника».

One possible culprit is the cholesterol-lowering drug simvastatin.

Одним из возможных виновников является препарат для снижения уровня холестерина симвастатин.

I was determined to catch the culprit.

Я решительно настроился на то, чтобы установить виновника.

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Definition of Culprit

the individual or thing responsible for an offense or crime

Examples of Culprit in a sentence

The severe drought is the culprit behind the death of the orange trees.


After much research, scientists identified the culprit of the disease as a genetic disorder.


Fortunately the culprit was arrested without anyone being harmed.


According to civil rights leaders, the police only put forth effort to capture a culprit when he is a member of a minority race.


The mechanic said the culprit of my car’s flapping noise was a frayed fan belt.


As the culprit ran from law enforcement officers, he fell and broke his ankle.


Until the doctor identifies the culprit of the infection, he cannot determine a course of treatment.


The arson investigator determined a faulty wire was the culprit behind the fire.


During a press conference, the police shared a sketch of the culprit believed to be responsible for a series of burglaries.


The winner of the board game is the person who first identifies the culprit behind the murder.


Other words in the Crime category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

виновник, преступник, виновный, обвиняемый


- виновный; преступник
- юр. обвиняемый; подсудимый

Мои примеры


culprit frequency — паразитная частота  
screen the real culprit — укрывать истинного преступника  

Примеры с переводом

Police finally managed to catch the culprit.

В конце концов, полиции удалось поймать преступника.

The culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit.

Преступник принялся бежать, а полицейский сорвался за ним в погоню.

The police eventually located the culprits.

В конце концов, полиция обнаружила /определила местонахождение/ преступников.

High production costs are the main culprit.

Основной причиной (проблемы) являются высокие производственные затраты.

The police caught the culprit a mere two blocks from the scene of the crime.

Полицейские задержали обвиняемого всего в двух кварталах от места преступления.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): culprit
мн. ч.(plural): culprits

Random good picture Not show

1. Are you the culprit who broke this window?

2. Police finally managed to catch the culprit.

3. Someone broke a cup: who was the culprit?

4. The hunt is on for the culprit.

4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

5. The culprit came clean after long questioning.

6. The police put the culprit in jail.

7. He knows the culprit but is not letting on.

8. High production costs are the main culprit .

9. The culprit will be whipped when he is found.

10. The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.

11. Police collared the culprit as he was leaving the premises.

12. Plaque is the culprit that causes tooth decay.

13. That past was the real culprit.

14. Some say automation is the main culprit.

15. Later I discovered that the culprit was the battery.

16. Poaching is increasingly seen as the main culprit.

17. But woe betide the culprit who trespasses on the wrong side of 50.

18. The most elusive culprit remains the built-in contradictions of the capitalist system.

19. The culprit: an educational program he had installed for his 3-year-old daughter.

20. The researchers now believe they have identified the culprit: a previously unknown strain of herpes virus.

21. He becomes obsessed with catching the culprit, but what happens when he does?

22. Witnesses were told Hauptmann was the culprit, and then they were ushered in to view him.

23. The police are now on the scent of the culprit.

24. Keep the kitchen clear of all sources of bacteria, not forgetting the biggest culprit of all?the dishcloth.

25. About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.

26. As usual, the blame shifted to the trainee who worked for the culprit.

27. The ramparts are also popular among gophers and ground squirrels, whose Byzantine burrows are often a key culprit in levee breaks.

28. Some money was taken from my desk yesterday. I think I know who the culprit is.

29. He thought it was a phone pest until police collared the culprit with a phone tap.

30. They spoke of witnesses being coerced into changing their testimony to peg Simpson as the culprit.

More similar words: sculpture, priority, environmental protection, faculty, culture, secular, print, prize, prior, prime, price, cultural, molecule, write, priest, speculate, calculate, difficult, critic, ritual, inherit, particular, curriculum, articulate, comprise, prior to, prisoner, privacy, primary, write up. 

culprit — перевод на русский


But he’s the culprit, I swear to you.

Ќо он преступник, кл€нусь.

When you got the report from the neighbors… that Kazuyo was abducted and taken away in a van, did you know that the culprit would end up at the mansion?

Когда вы получили свидетельские показания соседей… что Казуйо затолкали в фургон и увезли в неизвестном направлении, как вы догадались, что преступник в конце концов, окажется в особняке?

Do you know why the culprit peels off the skin of his victims?

Вы не знаете зачем преступник сдирает кожу со своих жертв?

Here is the culprit, as photographed by our nanny-cam satellite.

Вот преступник, которого заснял наш спутник-нянька.

And the culprit, whoever it is, is in this room.

И преступник, кем бы он ни был, находится в этой комнате.

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I’ll denounce the real culprit.

— Я найду настоящего виновника.

..and not too tricky, once you think back, to trace the culprit.

— это не очень сложно организовать и не очень сложно, начав думать в ретроспективе, отследить виновника…

Once you’ve identified the culprit, you can file a formal complaint. Oh, that’s him.

Как только вы определите виновника, сразу можете подать официальную жалобу.

And of course she would try to find the culprit, right?

И естественно, она бы стала искать виновника, правильно?

If we can find the source of that money, won’t that be a clear indication of the culprit?

разве это не будет чётким указанием на виновника?

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At 18:00, bring me the culprit no matter if sabotage or negligence or sign this statement… resigning from your department.

Либо вы приводите мне виновного, неважно саботаж это или нет, либо вы подписываете этот документ, в котором вы объявляете о своей отставке.

And if I present you the culprit now?

А если я выдам вам виновного?

Go ahead and jeer. We’ll lay the culprit by the heels soon enough.

—мейтесь, смейтесь, джентльмены, скоро мы схватим виновного за руку.

— The end… The culprit’s punishment is included in the ticket price.

В детективах виновного всегда наказывают.

I’m sure the police will do their best to find the culprit and return your heirlooms, but…

Я уверена, что полиция сделает все возможное, чтобы найти виновного и вернуть семейные реликвии, но…

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Well, whoever the culprit is, uh, we have no wish to soil this noble event by filing a formal protest.

Кто бы ни был виноват у нас нет желания омрачать это благородное событие подачей формального протеста.

He is the culprit.

Это он виноват.

I know who’s the culprit already.

Я уже знаю, кто виноват.

If it happens to misfortune or Iván Marcos, we can say that is the culprit.

Если с Иваном или Маркосом случится беда, мы сможем сказать, кто виноват.

I was the big culprit.

Во всем виноват я.

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If he’s the culprit, he hides souvenirs in the crypt under the church.

Если он убийца, то прячет награбленное в склепе под церковью.

Since they are identical twins… in a horrible and violent crime scene… It makes sense that there is no DNA on the culprit to be found…

Если она убийца тогда понятно почему мы не обнаружили ДНК убийцы на месте преступления.

The culprit is… in our heart [The famous words of a famous comedian]

Убийца? 53)}Коронная реплика популярного комика

Do you think the culprit did that?

Может это убийца?

The culprit threw it away somewhere and the battery died…

Убийца куда-то выкинула его и аккумулятор сдох.

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I’m the ideal culprit.

Идеальный подозреваемый.

Chief culprit is Ted Bannister.

Основной подозреваемый Тед Баннистер.

We’re having trouble finding out what infection your husband has, and the most likely culprit is an STD.

Мы затрудняемся определить, какая инфекция у вашего мужа. Наиболее вероятный подозреваемый — венерическое заболевание.

Did you know that the culprit was chemically castrated?

Вы знали, что подозреваемый был химически кастрирован?

Oh, if it’s any consolation, I may have found a possible demon culprit.

О, если это послужит небольшим утешением, я, возможно, нашел вероятного демона подозреваемого.

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Well, I think we found our culprit.

Ну, думаю мы нашли причину.

Seems we’ve found the culprit of Mr. Sherman’s fate.

Похоже, мы нашли причину смерти мистера Шермана.

The redactions on this screen-shot cut off data that would let us know what the culprit was going after.

Вы спрятали от нас часть данных, которые помогут нам, узнать, причину взлома.

The culprit behind the mysterious illness was the lead found in the girls’ powder.

Причина загадочного недуга таится в пудре, которой пользуются девушки.

Oooh, Oh yeah, that’s your culprit.

Ну вот и причина.

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Until we knew the culprit, the information was no good.

Пока мы не узнали обвиняемого, информация была бесполезной.

Inspector Japp, in the course of the investigations, it reviewed the quarter of the culprit in Styles Court. — Did it find anything?

Инспектор Джепп, в ходе расследования вы обыскали комнату обвиняемого в Стайлз-корт, вы нашли там что-нибудь?

Get that culprit!

Арестовать обвиняемого!

I think I found the culprit.

Кажется, я нашел обвиняемого.

You can torture yourself, or you can help us put the culprit in prison.

Вы можете мучить себя или помочь нам посадить обвиняемого.

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Have they found the culprits yet?

А злоумышленников так и не отыскали?

We need to follow Jung Woo, and we will find both culprits and Dr. Kim.

Нам нужно проследить за Чжон У и тогда мы найдём и злоумышленников, и доктора Кима.

If we follow Jung Woo, we will find culprits as well as Dr. Kim.

Нужно проследить за Чжон У и тогда мы найдём и злоумышленников, и доктора Кима.

We seem to have found the culprit.

Похоже, нам удалось обнаружить злоумышленника.

I knew then that the culprit was someone close to me.

Я знала, что злоумышленник — кто-то из моего окружения.

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the woman that’s about 5’3″ and about 5’11» while wearing secret shoes is the culprit.

Значит, из 3 сегодняшних женщин преступница та, у которой рост 160 см и около 180 см в туфлях?

Sawada Eri is the culprit?

Нет вероятности, что преступница — Савада Эри?

Obviously she was the culprit!

Ведь очевидно, что преступница она!

We’re being planted a dead man, and the culprit is not put in jail.

Нам покойника подбрасывают, а преступницу в тюрьму не сажают.

And in the case of the woman who’s stolen my heart, the culprit… was Millicent Gergich.

А что касается дела о женщине, укравшей моё сердце, преступницей была Миллисент Гёргич.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word culprit, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use culprit in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «culprit».

Culprit in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word culprit in a sentence.

  1. The culprit was never identified.

  2. Although murder was suspected, no culprit was identified.

  3. To protect his father, Soemadi declares himself the culprit, and he is exiled.

  4. Enraged, he demands that his officials produce the culprit or face banishment for life.

  5. The culprit, John Francis, was detained and condemned to death, although he was later reprieved.

  6. One argument for the health issues involving Thoroughbreds suggests that inbreeding is the culprit.

  7. After an attempt is made on Homer Simpson’s life, Bob is released from prison to help find the culprit.

  8. Trost’s endorsement cited Smith’s statement to the NIS as further evidence that Hartwig was the culprit.

  9. As the cover-up begins, a copy-cat killing occurs, but McNulty quickly identifies and arrests the culprit.

  10. The culprit was never found, but was considered more likely to be a disgruntled employee than an Axis spy.

  11. The drastic reduction in northeastern Atlantic copepod stocks during the late 1960s may be another culprit.

  12. Parsons backed up Tisdale’s version of events; Atherton would be cast firmly as the culprit in this affair.».

  13. The fire had been deliberately set on the roof, and Gallini offered a reward of £300 for capture of the culprit.

  14. The Master starts to whip her, but Lad intervenes and takes the whipping himself, knowing Knave was the culprit.

  15. The lad does cut his finger off when the event takes place in Thurso, where a water kelpie is identified as the culprit.

  16. Mucus production in the airways is a major culprit in the morbidity and mortality of DPB and other respiratory diseases.

  17. The cause of her early death was never determined, and while murder was suspected at the time, no culprit was identified.

  18. Despite extensive enquiries and several arrests, the culprit or culprits evaded capture, and the murders were never solved.

  19. When the real culprit confesses, Kijé is pardoned by the tsar and reinstated in the imperial court with the rank of colonel.

  20. When the culprit arrives in sick bay to finish them off, Kirk and Spock discover that the killer is Spock’s protégé, Valeris.

  21. Z, a fellow competitor and Zayat-bred colt, may have been the culprit; the pair were kept together in Florida as younger horses.

  22. Mant believed that while Corbett may have played a joke on Fingleton in naming the culprit, he would not have done so with his wife.

  23. A smoking arquebus was discovered in a window, but the culprit had made his escape from the rear of the building on a waiting horse.

  24. Despite a search of the area, no other sections of her body were ever found, and neither the victim nor the culprit were ever identified.

  25. Consequently, it is easier for writers to construct solutions based on a wealthy culprit rather than one involving a Whitechapel resident.

  26. The film uses a Tamil saying «Kolaiyum Seival patthini» (a virtuous wife may even kill her own husband) as a clue to the identity of the culprit.

  27. Author Alan Haynes views Tresham as the most likely culprit, but raises the possibility that Cecil penned the letter himself, to protect a source.

  28. They add that it is reasonable to assume that if a snakebite victim had a raised aPTT and signs of haemolysis, then a king brown snake is the culprit.

  29. Dolan starts to uncover evidence pointing to Iris’s guilt, but a strange twist at Iris’s planned public confession results in Dolan’s arrest as the culprit.

  30. The culprit was eventually revealed to be Elton Blake, an actor who had been cast as Roy in a television series about the Rovers, but who blamed him for his dismissal.

  31. Australian cricketer Bill O’Reilly wrote that during the 1948 tour of England, he and Fingleton confronted Warner, who apologised as he no longer believed Fingleton to be the culprit.

  32. One of Bosbyshell’s underlings at the mint stole gold bars and, as they were not all recovered when the culprit was arrested, Bosbyshell was held responsible for the loss by virtue of his office.

  33. In response to questions from the senators, Moosally stated that he believed the explosion was an intentional act, but that he could not support Milligan’s conclusion that Hartwig was the culprit.

  34. The Americans thought that Nhu was the real culprit, but told the Ngô family that they were removing Carver from the country for his own safety, thereby allowing all parties to avoid embarrassment.

  35. Many of the Puritans had been convinced that there was a single destructive prophetic figure behind all of the difficulties that the colony had been having, and Hutchinson had just become the culprit.

  36. These people say the real culprit behind many of the reported incidents—including the famous 1916 shark attacks in New Jersey that may have served as inspiration for Jaws—may be the lesser known bull shark.».

  37. He soon learns the culprit is his arch-enemy, Sideshow Bob, who is incarcerated in Springfield State Prison, sent the notes, wanting revenge on Bart for imprisoning him twice («Krusty Gets Busted» and «Black Widower»).

Synonyms for culprit

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word culprit has the following synonyms: perpetrator.

General information about «culprit» example sentences

The example sentences for the word culprit that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «culprit» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «culprit».

A culprit, under English law properly the prisoner at the bar, is one accused of a crime. The term is used, generally, of one guilty of an offence. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

A significant lack of AAA software seems to be the main culprit, although many consumers still point to the high price, which is prohibitive.


Can Street find the culprit on her own without becoming a target herself?


There is compelling evidence that the atmosphere’s rising CO2 content — which alarmists consider to be the chief culprit behind all of their concerns about the future of the biosphere (via the indirect threats they claim it poses as a result of CO2-induced climate change)- is most likely the primary cause of the observed greening trends.


… I hate chalking up «differences in understanding» to semantics, when the more likely culprit is simply a lack of comprehension.


A bacterial organism is the most common culprit in UTIs; and a majority of the time the bacteria gets transferred from the lower bowel and into the opening of the urethra (this happens easier in females due to the proximity between the two).


As it turns out, the whole island is being covered in this strange goop, with the culprit being a Mario doppleganger attempting to frame Mario for the ordeal.


Altogether, it’s very likely that these potential culprits are progenitors derived from the bulge stem cells.


Bellerin was the main culprit on the first goal as he left Daniels in acres of space and then made an awful attempted tackle but there was also no pressure on the player crossing to him and that was typical as the home team were brighter and better in every way from the very start.


In light of the new findings, FDA officials say concern has shifted to melamine, a chemical used in industrial and commercial plastics, as a possible culprit.


The system has weakened by 3.5 per cent over the past 140 years and the culprit is probably human-induced climate change, scientists report in today’s issue of the journal Nature.


Patient signalment, historical details, and physical examination findings can provide clues to which allergy is the likely culprit.


According to Wall, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the culprits who have «stolen» Congress from the American people.


If your baby wakes up crying and refuses a pacifier, teething is usually the culprit.


Could church be the culprit for my hustling these days?


Turns out the culprit was a downed tree at the end of the block that took the power lines right to the ground.


They were then presented with a lineup composed of two rows of three photos and were told that the culprit may or may not be present in the lineup.


In fact, antibiotics are the biggest culprit for dysbiosis, but other things like chronic stress and environmental stressors (e.g., pesticides) also contribute.


Hypothyroidism is another most common culprit for a golden retriever.


Doctors suspect the workplace ranks among the biggest culprits in spreading the virus.


On the day of the Xtreme Dream Games, will Brian be able to catch the real culprit and clear his name?If you like your middle grade fiction with a twist of Hitchcock, you’ll love 8th Grade Fugitive!


Some suggest dark matter is to blame, but black holes may be the culprit


I have tried to research what the culprit might be but to no avail.


Commercial real estate loans that went bad have been blamed as one of the largest culprits to about 400 bank failures since the financial crisis in 2008, according to a new report by Deutsche Bank AG analysts.


But if you’re starting from scratch, it’s best to fully cook any addition that might release moisture into the eggs — mushrooms, tomatoes, and summer squash or zucchini are common «wet» culprits than can water down your eggs.


A lack of magnesium is also one of the culprits behind chronically low sex drive — click here for my tips on how to combat this problem specifically with this mineral and other supplements.


Evan Brand: Yeah, so unless you have a different direction to go with this thing, we should probably talk about some of the causes and culprits of leaky gut.


In The Impostor’s Trail, we find Sean Kruger living out his golden years when a culprit Kruger feels responsible for losing six years ago pops up on the radar.


I think the town itself was so isolated and experienced so many hardships over time, that focusing their energy on one culprit made the residents feel more in control of their lives.


According to companies that are being pulled in for a chat surrounding the government plans, roughly a year after the Foreign Secretary William Hague’s Cyber Crime summit in London, the coalition could introduce a system of insurance that would require the owners of PC’s to take out cover against data loss and the costs of investigation to identify the culprits.


Older coal-fired facilities — the biggest culprits — could be retrofitted so as to trap the carbon before it leaves the smokestack.


Now, a new study identifies the likeliest culprit behind the plateau — and singles out what may have kick-started the latest methane jump.


Experts believe the main culprit is that slowing retail sales are starting to catch up to the industry, especially in some hard-hit sectors where sales growth has turned negative.


It’s sugar, overall high GI carbs, stress levels, and trans fats that appear to be the MAIN culprits responsible for heart disease.


The Flesh & Fructose video identified fructose as a culprit to gout attacks, but the discussion and reports only focused on added sugar.


While depreciation is the true culprit, it is often not something a car buyer can control.


According to What To Expect, toddlers experiencing sleep disruptions might also be up against that old culprit called «teething» as those canines and some molars start to push their way out.


Capitalism, rather than speculation, was the real culprit.


Too many carbs are the main culprits behind the excess belly fat that is a sure sign of fatty liver.


Those tiny, annoying, flying bugs that return every spring and summer to ruin our evenings are the culprits for infecting and spreading heartworms in our pets.


The old Ben Franklin adage failing to prepare is preparing to fail is too often the culprit behind these disappointing results.


Sometimes the culprit is overwork and high stress, sometimes it’s a medication, like the Pill or an antidepressant.


Davies, now at the Litwin-Zucker Center for the Study of Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders in Manhasset, New York, suspects a different culprit.


She is determined to make the culprit share her horrible feelings of profound grief and loss.


Recent research has identified the likely culprit.


That’s right: the grains you’re consuming are stored as fat in your body and they’re what most Paleo experts believe are the main culprit in why you’re overweight.


I had more serrano juice so I tried another approach, to confirm that heat was indeed the culprit.


After months have passed without a culprit in her daughter’s murder case, Mildred Hayes (Academy Award winner Frances McDormand) makes a bold move, painting three signs leading into her town with a controversial message directed at William Willoughby (Academy Award nominee Woody Harrelson), the town’s revered chief of police.


However, only 16 per cent reported actually achieving their financial budget, and the $ 1.3 trillion in Canadian mortgage debt is likely a primary culprit.


«The main culprit behind rapidly rising house prices is the GTA’s unbalanced market — housing supply can not meet demand — not foreign buyers,» Tim Hudak, CEO of the Ontario Real Estate Association, said in a statement on Thursday.


The top two reasons for giving a negative review were also unearthed during the study, as 92 % of its users said that posting «misleading profile information and outdated photos» were the primary culprits.


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The culprit was going after the diamond that,

uh, Dublin always carries on him.

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Преступник охотился за бриллиантом, который Даблин всегда носил с собой.

If your machine runs and then freezes,

bad memory might also be the culprit.


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Если ваша машина работает, а затем замирает,

плохая память также может быть виновником.


Do you know why the culprit peels off the skin of his victims?

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Вы не знаете зачем преступник сдирает кожу со своих жертв?

Help me find the culprit or the culprits!

Until we knew the culprit, the information was no good.

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Пока мы не узнали обвиняемого, информация была бесполезной.

And I don’t think the culprit is waiting for them to speak!

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И я не думаю, что преступник будет ждать, пока они заговорят.-… Ты, сукин сын!

The police won’t find a culprit, so they will stay on his trail.

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Не найдя виновного, полиция не бросит этот след. Несмотря на свое алиби.

And the Billboard Award for top song goes to… Kid Culprit and Noni,»Masterpiece.

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И награда» Билборд» за лучшую песню достается Киду Калприту и Нони за песню» Шедевр.

Remember, though, that the aim is to identify a problem not a culprit.


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Помните, однако, что цель заключается в выявлении проблемы, а не виновного.


Such detention does not, however, release the culprit from the obligation to pay compensation.


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Однако такое содержание под стражей не означает освобождения виновного от обязательства выплатить компенсацию.


The owners of the stolen property forgave the culprit before the court proceedings;


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Владельцы украденного имущества простили виновника в ходе судебных разбирательств;


According to Jimmy, I think we may have found our culprit.

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Благодаря Джимми, я думаю мы нашли виновного.

Without a culprit, I’m the suspect.

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He had also been portrayed to the press as the culprit.


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В дополнение к этому его представили прессе в качестве виновника.


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With the culprit dead, the case is as good as closed.

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The culprit must provide fair compensation to the victim for the loss of her virginity.


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Виновный обязан выплатить справедливую компенсацию жертве за потерю невинности.


A culprit of a flood also has to sign an act.


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Виновник затопления тоже должен поставить подпись в акте.


I have become convinced that one such behemoth is our culprit.

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Я убедился, что один из таких бегемотов и есть наш преступник.

You pursue the culprit and maintain visual contact Until the authorities arrive—

standard operating procedure.

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Ты преследовал преступника и держал его в поле зрения до прибытия представителей власти.

I believe the culprit was. someone whose acquaintance he sought not to expose.

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Я думаю, что виновный… был человеком, знакомство с которым он решил не раскрывать.

Rune stones will tell us which team our culprit plays for.

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Руны на камне скажут нам за какую команду играет наш преступник.

Upset by the mess, OCD May ejected the culprit.

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Расстроенный беспорядоком, CD Мэя выбрасывает виновника.

And with the grandfather as only culprit.

But the culprit can not be none other than the wily Mr. Fox!


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Но виновник не может быть никто иной, чем хитрый г-н Фокс!


It has come to my attention that the culprit is sitting here right next to you.

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Как дошло до моего сведения, преступник сидит рядом с вами.

And rumour has it that the culprit still lives.

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И слухи говорят, что виновный до сих пор жив.

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Results: 233,
Time: 0.0362





His eyes found the culprit and she was every bit as unpleasant as he had feared; cavernous dripping allergy prone nose, mounds of shapeless, colorless, big New England hair, and a body so laden with fat that only the bare outline of a human form could be seen beneath

They are often tagged as the culprit in the case of wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and

When he saw the door, he threw a fit, ranting and waving his hands in the face of the culprit

He started his engine, then came back to the door and gave it one last mighty kick and told the culprit to get off his bus

consequences if this Bailli hadn’t found the culprit so

Dalton told me the story one night, about how her sister Lizzy had disgraced the family name and had been sent off with the culprit, whom she’d, indulged

revealed the culprit – a souvenir donkey that let out a

Odd, isn’t it? The culprit is our

he became a culprit without blame

Alcohol was a culprit at The Boar’s Head

Instead, she had all but exonerated the culprit and taken all the blame and shame on herself

to water as they bellowed, “drop your weapon, and put your hands in the air!” I saw the culprit of

The culprit had then appeared in all his menace, even accentuated by the effect of the strobe

The wily priest always has a pre-selected victim named in the silent revelation; one who is either rich or unpopular, and though the dead man has probably died of colic and stomach-ache, the culprit may be put to death for witchcraft, or heavily fined, whichever is deemed expedient

The culprit could expect a fatherly talking to from his sergeant afterward for his horrible liberal ways

Obviously that would lead to revenge or a broken finger for the culprit

I remember one memorable case where a frozen chicken came with alarmingly accuracy towards us, but we sorted it fatherly out by forcing the culprit to apologise, and holding the frozen chicken against her head until it was melted

Such murders are not difficult to investigate as the culprit does not see such an act as murder, but as a pre-emptive strike to defend himself and his family

Survival is a serious matter, but in an indirect way we had the culprit to thank

lonely hot wife who only see him as the culprit of her not living the life

One can see who the culprit was more clearly by looking to the north

I was about to accept the punishment and the Hail Mary’s that went along with it, when Andy steps out front, says he was the culprit

They had been told there was a fifty-fifty chance that a culprit chemical might be identified

Prasad states that nicotine is not the culprit and if you want to stop smok-

— What’s a demon in the city, the culprit is Gabriel and

” All along, Sierra had been blaming Angie for sending her those angry threats, but here they were, facing the real culprit

It was Sierra, who had gone on the air to tell her audience that the letter-writing culprit had been caught, and lo and behold, it was an Obeah woman herself

“The camera! It could show the culprit!”

M: Search for the culprit within

The suspected culprit now lives in North Vancouver and works as a

“Millie?” I turn to her, then realize she is not the culprit

confidence, and that, therefore, the most likely culprit had to be Merle

Once the warrant is in hand (maybe two or three days in the future) they can arrest the culprit

that God is to blame for this murder—He is the true culprit

In this midrash, Cain represents the universal culprit

In reporting crime, it would omit the racial identity of the culprit; simultaneously, it began, in 1945, a program to employ Negroes as reporters

2,000 euros for the inquiry of the culprit

“It appears that Lord Talbot is the culprit, but he seems to have some other source feeding him

Why are these properties often in a state of disrepair? Truthfully, there are many reasons but the primary culprit in this situation is money

My sight restored, I saw that the culprit was Lope

The two men left in a hurry, hoping they weren»t too late to catch the culprit

Maybe the culprit wouldn’t care about our soldiers’ long term health, but whether or not he did, neither Mitchell nor Adams experienced any kind of trauma that would have risked a long term injury

So, considering that, maybe the culprit did have some motive in keeping our men intact

another has said that inappropriate care is the biggest culprit in out-of-control

The axe which was the culprit was stuck into the seat and had gone in through the driver’s side window

Stuffy nose can also be considered as a culprit since it limits the space in

Even though, more than likely the footage would show the culprit to be a wild animal, a bunch of teenagers or something to that effect

Avenworth, we will show you that Miss Tik is the culprit in this affair and that she stole the formula

Are you sure she is responsible for these manifestations? Are you sure that she is the culprit? Is it possible that you have other enemies?

Before one of them could turn around to see who the culprit was that interrupted their cipher, Brian pulled out his Smith and Wesson 40

There and then, he decided Osbairne was the culprit

In most cases, the culprit behind this are not your fingers

After several weeks undercover they pinpointed the culprit, a company vice president and set a trap

The culprit sits in the chair and has to take the beating dished out by the lads surrounding him, if he runs he must be a dog, if he stays he still has some heart, he takes his beating and it»s forgotten

So I suspected the culprit was an otherkind

‘That angel was interrogated the next day and released that same day, so I thought nothing was going on and that it really was a human culprit

A number of arrests were made but no single person could be identified as the culprit and charged

On seeing the lion, the small folk recognised the true culprit and, ignoring Siri, they ran over to the body

What I heard on the news was that there was a sole survivor and he or she was believed to be the culprit

close to extinction; modern technology was the main culprit

been noted as a culprit

A convicted culprit could die in detention

Billy was well aware one person was manipulating these accidents, and mistakes, but proof was handed over with the culprit, so each was taken in without a problem

At first he thought it was from the cold desert night, but after a few minutes he realized what the true culprit was

And I sincerely hope you find out who the culprit is

his mother was the main culprit of his problems

When he was knocked flat on his back it was only then he could look up and identify the culprit as Worm

Wall Street is a culprit of the highest order as are the financial institutions that allowed the mortgage crisis to erupt

More recently, I was involved with another incident, which revolved around another credit card, a phone bill, the attorney general of my state, some culprit yet to be identified and an internet service provider (ISP)

stress and fear was the likely tiring culprit

was the major culprit of the restroom conspiracy against me

There may be a student in the class who deplores what took place and even knows who did it but says nothing for fear of retaliation by the culprit

this could easily turn messy, and I don’t know whether he’d go after the real culprit or blame Rufus for it

The culprit was blatantly obvious and made no appearance

They seem to always nail the culprit

Only it wasn’t exactly like Japanese Aircraft Carrier Task Groups painted with national colors all over, clearly representing the culprit nation

Immediately following this, is the fatal shot at Z313, shot#13where, again, ballistics would make it the driver as the culprit for the fatal head shot

The red light began to flash Murray leapt to the console only one screen had been activated and the culprit a big grey kangaroo hopped away as they watched, Murray waited for the camera to switch itself off, before finishing his sentence

process of deduction, again, tells me that the most likely culprit is

and for the time being, that culprit was one Jeremy Foster, hermit and

The State Department is the real culprit in this crisis

However, the real culprit was methodology; beta was used as a tool for predicting

) Karan and Kiara were impressed by this plan, but they had doubts that the real culprit may change the labels in the collecting van

I’ll provide you with a thorough description of the culprit, and then your government will ensure that he is apprehended on sight

Fear is the main culprit behind discrimination, the child of people lacking confidence in their own strength and security, and perceive in others a threat to their own position or culture

‘Thanks …’ the soldier whispered, ‘And ask the station to initiate a search for the culprit, will you

In this way, she was able to isolate the school paper as the culprit for today’s faint

The culprit of evil,

culprit, because half the boys in school were wearing flannel shirts at

But the culprit and his buddies were able to identify the

On the same day, the village headman and the village folks called for a meeting to find out the culprit

That AH-4 found the culprit Japanese mortar men after a minute of searching, blasting the enemy crew with a salvo of 3-inch rockets and silencing it for good

He had been unable to save him, and more than that a friend of his was the culprit who killed him

However, there is one reason that I believe is the culprit

The KOSTROMA had been rightly considered as the nemesis of the defunct Earth Federation and the chief culprit in the fall of the Zembelo regime

Chief Justice and members of the council!In my view decision to declare one accused or a culprit cannot be announced before hearing both sides at light…

that sugar and saturated fats are the culprit for this

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