The word crisis in a sentence

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1. The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. 

2. It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips. 

3. The National Assembly has discussed the crisis.

4. She publicly denounced the government’s handling of the crisis.

5. An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.

6. The Democrats have emerged triumphant from the political crisis.

7. They will often rally in a crisis.

8. We provide help to families in crisis situations.

9. She’s always to the fore at moments of crisis.

10. Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect.

11. The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.

12. The crisis was resolved by negotiations.

13. The crisis had a negative effect on trade.

14. The crisis reached its climax in the 1970s.

15. Throughout the crisis he retained his composure.

16. Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.

17. Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.

18. That incident will surely bring on a crisis.

19. The country’s leadership is in crisis.

20. The President intervened personally in the crisis.

21. A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.

22. You can always depend on Michael in a crisis.

23. A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable.

24. When a crisis comes they have gone.

25. His research will document how the debt crisis occurred.

26. A new man was appointed to handle the crisis.

27. Warships were sent in as the crisis deepened.

28. Her handling of the crisis fills me with admiration.

29. The report gives an update on the currency crisis.

30. The Communist Party was facing an identity crisis.

More similar words: financial crisis, surprising, surprisingly, script, critic, critical, criteria, describe, visitor, visible, criticize, subscriber, division, envision, decision, as is, promising, provision, description, subsist, persist, assist, resist, insist, prescription, inquisitive, acquisition, advertising, emphasis, consist. 

crisis — перевод на русский


Korea will fall into a crisis.

Корею настигнет кризис.

— This is a mid-life crisis, Abe.

Это же кризис среднего возраста, Эйб.

— It’ll be a diplomatic crisis!

-Это будет дипломатический кризис!

You are in a crisis?

А у вас здесь кризис? Еще нет.

And they say there’s a morality crisis.

Вот вам и кризис морали.

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Tonight we have to organize meeting, we must form crisis unit.

Надо вечером собраться. Мы должны сформировать кризисный штаб.

It’s an important day here in New York City for all women at the opening of the Cynthia Griffin Crisis Center for Women.

КРИЗИСНЫЙ ЦЕНТР ДЛЯ ЖЕНЩИН, имени Синтии Свонн Гриффин. Это важный день, для всех женщин здесь, в Нью-Йорке открывается Кризисный центр для женщин имени Синтии Гриффин.

Crisis management, just get it done.

Кризисный менеджмент, главное — сделать.

National crisis committee?

Национальный кризисный комитет?

I… it’s what we therapists call a crisis point.

Это был просто, выражаясь психологическим языком, кризисный момент.

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Too much of it doesn’t help in a crisis.

Даже если нас будет больше, то это не поможет решить этой проблемы.

Oh, major crisis.

Очередные проблемы.

Bit of an administrative crisis.

— У Джона небольшие проблемы.

Only, there’s a bit of a crisis at home, so if you see him…

Только вот, у него дома кое-какие проблемы, так что если увидите его…

No, I’m having a crisis.

Да нет, понимаете, у меня проблемы.

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Goku-san and the others are facing their greatest crisis right now!

Гоку и остальные сейчас находятся в кризисной ситуации!

Who’s brave, and resourceful, and thinks of others in a crisis.

Храбрая, находчивая и думает о других в кризисной ситуации.

Nobody is cooler in a crisis.

Никто так не спокоен в кризисной ситуации.

You may have helped to avert a national crisis.

Вы, возможно, помогли в решении кризисной ситуации.

And I have been a guidance counselor in this school for over 30 years, and I know when a student is in crisis.

И я была школьным психологом в этой школе больше 30 лет, и я знаю, когда учащийся находится в кризисной ситуации.

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— The second rule in a crisis:

— Второе правило в критической ситуации…

Crisis brings out the best in you.

Покажи себя в критической ситуации.

Yeah, your crisis is why I’m calling.

Ага, ну, я звоню как раз по поводу вашей критической ситуации.

Okay, this m is in crisis.

Ок, этот мужчина в критической ситуации.

Staying here is a perfect example of you making a bad crisis decision.

Оставаться здесь — это прекрасный пример плохого решения в критической ситуации.

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At the start of December, a new crisis, more violent than the last, struck.

В начале декабря обрушился новый криз, серьезнее, чем предыдущий.

I need to see Dr. B. I’m in crisis.

Мне надо увидеть доктора Б. У меня криз.

It’s a hypertensive crisis.

Это гипертонический криз.

Cushing’s plus stress equals hypertensive crisis.

Кушинг плюс стресс, равно гипертонический криз.

She had a hypertensive crisis because it’s been at least six hours since she had her last drink.

И её гипертонический криз произошёл потому, что прошло уже больше шести часов с тех пор, как она пила в последний раз.

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My dear Coco, in a crisis .. One omits a bow or two.

Моя дорогая Коко, во время кризиса не до сантиментов.

He has to give a speech on keeping cool in a crisis.

Ему нужно толкнуть речь о том, как не паниковать во время кризиса.

But I can tell you this… 12 years ago, I needed an officer that I could count on in a crisis someone who would support and obey my decisions without question someone who was willing to trust my judgment

Но я могу сказать Вам вот что… 12 лет назад я нуждался в офицере, на которого я мог бы положится во время кризиса. В ком-то, кто поддержал и выполнил бы мое решение, не задавая вопросов. В ком-то, кто был готов довериться моим суждениям, и этим кем-то оказался Уилл Райкер.

But I don’t care, because i thrive in crisis mode.

Но мне все равно, потому что во время кризиса я полон сил.

You know how you’re always saying I know what to do in a crisis?

Ты знаешь как ты всегда говоришь я знаю что делать во время кризиса?

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The doctor says my crisis is already far behind me.

Доктора говорят, что кризис миновал.

The crisis, for now, is over.

На сегодняшний день кризис миновал.

The crisis Is over.

Кризис миновал.

The crisis has passed!

Кризис миновал!

The crisis has passed.

Кризис миновал.

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I sent the servants away because of the crisis

Я отправил всех слуг из-за этой ситуации.

In this moment of crises… we must take extraordinary measures.

Чрезвычайные ситуации требуют чрезвычайных мер.

Avoid discussion of the bomber’s… present crisis in order to prevent him… from exercising his God-like power to destroy and kill…

Да, да, да, избегать обсуждения с подрывником текущей ситуации, чтобы избежать использования его божественной силы для убийств и разрушений

Well, I would say Chester’s Mill is in more than a crisis, so… you and I need to get to work.

Я бы сказал, что Честерс Милл даже в худшей ситуации, чем кризис, так что… тебе и мне нужно работать

-Once you’ve done time, you’re never sure with yourself, even if I know I didn’t do anything wrong, there’s this crisis in the world they write a lot about it.

Если однажды человек что-то сделал, он уже никогда не будет чистым. …даже если ничего не сделал плохого, в мире такая ситуация об этом много пишут.

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It seems a small crisis is brewing in the South China Sea.

Похоже, в водах Южного Китайского моря наступил кризис.

There is a crisis, with its conséquences

Наступил кризис, который принесет ужасные последствия.»

Michael is heading to America, where its primary method of execution is also in crisis.

Майкл направляется в Америку, где в этой сфере наступил кризис.

His crisis of faith came early.

У него рано наступил кризис веры.

This is a crisis situation.

Наступил кризис.

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- кризис

economic [financial, industrial] crisis — экономический [финансовый, промышленный] кризис
the general crisis of economy — общий кризис экономики

- критический, решительный момент; перелом

to bring to a crisis — довести до критического состояния
things are coming /drawing/ to a crisis — наступает критический /решительный/ момент
the Battle of Waterloo was a crisis in Napoleon’s career — битва при Ватерлоо была переломным моментом карьеры Наполеона

- мед. кризис, криз

last year’s state budget crisis — прошлогодний кризис государственного бюджета  
a coolheaded response to the crisis — хладнокровная реакция на кризис  
to avert crisis — предотвратить кризис  
crisis of overproduction — кризис перепроизводства  
agricultural crisis — кризис сельского хозяйства  
exchange crisis — валютный кризис  
international crisis — международный кризис  
economic crisis — экономический кризис  
to underestimate the depth of a crisis — недооценивать глубину кризиса  
energy crisis — энергетический кризис  
from one crisis to another — от кризиса к кризису  
ramifications of a crisis — последствия кризиса  

When will the crisis come to a head?

Когда кризис достигнет своего апогея?

She’s a woman who can think fast in a crisis.

Это женщина, которая умеет быстро соображать в критической ситуации.

The crisis flattened the market.

Кризис снизил активность на рынках практически до нуля.

An economic crisis is looming on the horizon.

Экономический кризис уже не за горами.

We must act soon to end this crisis.

Мы должны действовать быстро, чтобы положить конец этому кризису.

The country now faces an economic crisis.

Сейчас страна стоит перед лицом экономического кризиса.

The crisis had eventuated favourably.

Кризис успешно преодолён.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word crisis, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use crisis in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «crisis».

Crisis in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word crisis in a sentence.

  1. The crisis brought the U.S.

  2. The immediate crisis was ended.

  3. The coin crisis in Britain continued.

  4. Kerr was following the crisis closely.

  5. A second crisis arose on 30 July 1832.

  6. This coincided with the Sputnik crisis.

  7. Henry III’s reign was in crisis in 1258.

  8. By the end of August, the crisis subsided.

  9. In early November, the Suez crisis erupted.

  10. The 2006 crisis left the F-FDTL «in ruins».

  11. Cage underwent an artistic crisis in the early 1940s.

  12. During the Apollo 13 crisis, Lunney played a key role.

  13. By August 1944, the manpower crisis had come to a head.

  14. The sectional crisis had also deepened in the past year.

  15. A minor crisis developed due to a shortage of jerry cans.

  16. The next year Minnesota faced its own crisis as the Dakota War of 1862 broke out.

  17. Almost all of the 2nd Battalion’s soldiers were dismissed during the 2006 crisis.

  18. In 1665, Charles was faced with a great health crisis: the Great Plague of London.

  19. At that time, Charles was lucid for about a month and able to help with the crisis.

  20. If a crisis occurred on a day far from a critical day, a relapse might be expected.

  21. The economic crisis also made it difficult for the university to hire a sufficient number of faculty.

  22. According to the United Nations, Chad has been affected by a humanitarian crisis since at least 2001.

  23. After completing the work, Rilke experienced a severe psychological crisis that lasted for two years.

  24. Alexander III’s unexpected death in a riding accident in 1286 precipitated a major succession crisis.

  25. He had already turned his attention to politics in 1832, during the great crisis over the Reform Bill.

  26. The economic crisis, known as the South Sea Bubble, made George and his ministers extremely unpopular.

  27. Dutton’s four-year project chronicles the midlife crisis that sparked his quest to rediscover Simpson.

  28. Two years later, Catherine faced a new crisis with the death of Charles IX at the age of twenty-three.

  29. The first international crisis Harrison faced arose from disputed fishing rights on the Alaskan coast.

  30. The crisis flared again two years later when the Canadian military called for overseas reinforcements.

  31. The crisis eventually led—after Edward’s death—to the removal of the Lords’ right to veto legislation.

  32. Baldwin rejected the request for delay, presumably because he preferred to resolve the crisis quickly.

  33. He attempted to settle the crisis permanently by forcing the barons to agree to the Treaty of Kingston.

  34. The main consequence of the crisis was that the clergy no longer saw any benefit in upholding Pedro II.

  35. By using such «indignant rhetoric,» Nixon had «weakened his own position» when the Fund crisis erupted.

  36. He took his seat on March 23, 1861, as the Senate had been called into special session to deal with the secession crisis.

  37. By 1918, the number of front line infantry within the British Army in France had decreased, leading to a manpower crisis.

  38. Sifton had papered over, if not in fact healed, this rift, and it did not burst open again until the conscription crisis.

  39. Edward had been asked to mediate an end to the crisis over the succession, or the Great Cause as it was known in England.

  40. The ensuring Danzig crisis sent the desired message to the French and improved the Polish Navy’s access rights to Danzig.

  41. Physically brave, he was often at his best on pitches which were difficult for batting, and when his team faced a crisis.

  42. Having failed to solve the underlying crisis in the long term, «the atmosphere of distrust and intrigue still continued».

  43. As the year wore on, Michigan found itself deep in financial crisis, nearly bankrupt because of the high militia expenses.

  44. This damaged American confidence in its technological superiority, creating a wave of anxiety known as the Sputnik crisis.

  45. The governor general or monarch may, though, in certain crisis situations exercise their power without ministerial advice.

  46. James publicly confirmed his conversion to Catholicism in 1673 and as heir to the throne, this led to a political crisis that dominated English politics from 1679 to 1681.

  47. Planning permission for the first stage of developments was granted in April 2008, but in October, the club delayed the project as a result of the global financial crisis.

  48. Page handed down his last budget on 22 August, which hinted at the burgeoning debt crisis and introduced a new tax on entertainment and theatres to help cover the deficit.

  49. However, the construction of Stanley Park was delayed following the economic crisis of 2008 and the subsequent recession, which directly affected the then American owners.

  50. The next year followed a similar pattern, though the summer cruise to Norway was interrupted by the Agadir crisis; as a result, the summer cruise only went into the Baltic.

Synonyms for crisis

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word crisis has the following synonyms: .

General information about «crisis» example sentences

The example sentences for the word crisis that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «crisis» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «crisis».

Examples of how to use the word “crisis” in a sentence. How to connect “crisis” with other words to make correct English sentences.

crisis (n): a time of great disagreement, confusion, or suffering

Use “crisis” in a sentence

There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year.
We’re in the middle of a crisis.
We suffered heavy losses in the financial crisis
There was a financial crisis in 2009.

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Expert on crisis management and business process optimization.

Member of the Spanish Judicial Network of Experts in Crisis Management.


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Участник Испанской судебной сети экспертов по антикризисному управлению.


A practice-oriented online course on crisis management and business development.


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Практический корпоративный онлайн курс по антикризисному менеджменту и развитию бизнеса.


A hands-on course on crisis management.


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Kosovo crisis— Donor Alert and Addenda 1 and 2 d.


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КРИЗИС В КОСОВО- Мобилизация доноров и Добавления 1 и 2 d.


Joint crisis initiatives of the United Nations system.


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Совместные антикризисные инициативы системы Организации Объединенных Наций.


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Rape and violence crisis centres were established across the country.


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По всей стране созданы антикризисные центры по изнасилованиям и насилию.


External debt crisis and development;


Crisis Centers for Women in Distress have been set up Islamabad,

Vehari and Sahiwal.


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Антикризисные центры для женщин, оказавшихся в беде, созданы в Исламабаде,

Вехари и Сахивале.


External debt crisis and development(continued) A/C.2/52/L.8 and A/C.2/52/L.58.


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КРИЗИС ВНЕШНЕЙ ЗАДОЛЖЕННОСТИ И РАЗВИТИЕ( продолжение) A/ C. 2/ 52/ L. 8 и A/ C. 2/ 52/ L. 58.


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Someone who needs crisis management.

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The role of the innovation potential of the company in crisis management.


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Роль инновационного потенциала предприятия в антикризисном управлении.


Makes him a highly sought after crisis manager.

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I’m in need of some crisis management.

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Rural women can also seek help from crisis centers in the urban areas.


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Проживающие там женщины могут также обращаться за помощью в городские антикризисные центры.


Then an economics degree, diploma» crisis manager.


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Затем получила экономическое образование, диплом специалиста« антикризисный менеджер».


Indications for use of waters of Baden-Baden is quite crisis.

Keywords: preventive marketing, crisis measures, areas of improvement.

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Ключевые слова: превентивный маркетинг, антикризисные меры, направления совершенствования.

Our team of activists

have won the competition for the best team in a crisis situation.


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Наша команда активистов выиграли в конкурсе за лучшую команду в антикризисной ситуации.


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We have got this crisis, and he’s out drinking every day.

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Мы здесь по уши в кризисе, а он пьет каждый день.

These themes were discussed against the background of the Kosovo crisis.


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Эти темы обсуждались на фоне кризиса в Косово.


Crisis prevention requires detailed and prompt information on debt structure.


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Для предотвращения кризисов требуется своевременное представление подробной информации о структуре долга.


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He’s having a crisis of conscience.

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