The word cover in a sentence

Synonym: comprise, conceal, consist of, contain, hide, include, involve, protect, shelter. Antonym: uncover. Similar words: uncover, cover up, recover, coverage, recovery, economic recovery, over and over, over. Meaning: [‘kʌvə]  n. 1. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something 2. bedding that keeps a person warm in bed 3. the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it 4. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book 5. a natural object that covers or envelops 6. covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container) 7. fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations 8. a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink 9. a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else 10. a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent). v. 1. provide with a covering or cause to be covered 2. form a cover over 3. span an interval of distance, space or time 4. provide for 5. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression 6. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory 7. travel across or pass over 8. be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism 9. hold within range of an aimed firearm 10. to take an action to protect against future problems 11. hide from view or knowledge 12. protect or defend (a position in a game) 13. maintain a check on; especially by patrolling 14. protect by insurance 15. make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities 16. invest with a large or excessive amount of something 17. help out by taking someone’s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities 18. be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of 19. spread over a surface to conceal or protect 20. cover as if with a shroud 21. copulate with a female, used especially of horses 22. put something on top of something else 23. play a higher card than the one previously played 24. be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game 25. sit on (eggs) 26. clothe, as if for protection from the elements. 

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(1) A ragged coat may cover an honest man. 

(2) Jadge not a book by its cover

(3) You can’t judge a book by its cover

(4) Never judge a book by its cover

(5) Judge not a book by its cover

(6) Cover your head by day as much as you will, by night as much as you can. 

(7) Under cover of the dark, the dog was stolen.

(8) He prophesied that a flood would cover the earth.

(9) Cover the pot and bake for an hour.

(10) He laughed to cover his nervousness.

(11) It’s cold and you should cover up warmly.

(12) Cover the bowl with an inverted plate.

(13) Cover the entire device to prevent water penetration.

(14) He tore at the cover of the parcel.

(15) Did you cover much ground on the hike?

(16) We use tiles to cover roofs.

(17) Cover the chicken with silver foil and bake.

(18) Be quick,( cover the blood stains over.

(19) Cover the table with a cloth.

(20) Listen, don’t judge a book by its cover.

(21) Screw the drain cover down tightly.

(22) He glued the cover to the book.

(23) Cover your mouth when you cough.

(24) A woodcock flushed from its cover.

(25) Your father took out insurance to cover the mortgage.

(26) She laughed to cover her nervousness.

(27) The attack began, sending residents scurrying for cover.

(28) Pour cider around the meat and cover with foil.

(29) Cover the chicken loosely with foil.

(30) Cover the saucepan and remove from the heat.

More similar words: uncover, cover up, recover, coverage, recovery, economic recovery, over and over, over, be over, get over, overall, oversee, all over, go over, governor, lay over, hand over, run over, over there, look over, make over, blow over, overlook, take over, talk over, turn over, moreover, overnight, overwhelm, think over. 

обложка, крышка, покрывало, покров, чехол, охватывать, покрывать, закрывать


- (по)крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак

a cover for a saucepan — крышка кастрюли
a cover for a chair — чехол для стула
glass cover — стеклянный колпак /футляр/

- конверт; обёртка (бандероли); упаковка (посылки)

under plain cover — в конверте /в бандероли/ без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте
under separate cover — канц. в отдельном конверте /пакете и т. п./
this is a receipt, the goods will be sent under separate cover — посылаем вам расписку, а товар будет выслан отдельно

- переплёт; обложка

soft [hard] cover — мягкая [твёрдая] обложка
to read a book from cover to cover — прочесть книгу от корки до корки

- убежище, укрытие (тж. воен.); прикрытие, «крыша» (для разведчика)

cover from fire — воен. укрытие от огня
cover from view — воен. укрытие от наблюдения
under cover — а) тайный; секретный; he kept his activities under cover
to take cover — найти убежище, спрятаться
to break cover — внезапно появиться; выйти из укрытия
the spy’s cover was to act as a bartender — шпион скрывался под видом бармена

- спорт. прикрытие, защита

ещё 12 вариантов


- покрывать, закрывать, накрывать (тж. cover up)

to cover a saucepan — закрыть кастрюлю
to cover up a baby — укутать ребёнка
to cover plants with straw — прикрыть растения соломой

- редк. покрывать (голову, плечи); укрывать

to cover one’s head — надеть шляпу
to remain covered — не снимать головного убора
pray be covered — арх. прошу надеть шляпу

- прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

to cover a retreat — прикрывать отступление
the warships covered the landing of the army — военные корабли прикрывали высадку армии
the father covered the boy from the fire with his own body — отец своим телом укрыл мальчика от огня

- спорт. держать, закрывать (игрока)
- прятать, скрывать

to cover one’s face with one’s hands — закрыть лицо руками
the enemy were covered from our sight by woods — лес скрывал от нас неприятеля
to cover one’s shame [confusion, annoyance, anxiety, mistake] — скрыть стыд [смущение, досаду, беспокойство, ошибку]
to cover (up) one’s tracks — замести следы

ещё 21 вариант

Мои примеры


a paper seat cover that crinkles with every move — бумажная накладка на унитаз, которая шуршит при любом движении  
the inside flap of a book’s cover — внутренний клапан обложки книги  
to break for cover — рвануть в убежище  
to give a cover coat — наносить последний слой лакокрасочного покрытия  
contour seat cover — чехол на сидение  
cover shoot — фотография с обложки журнала  
mattress cover — чехол на матрац  
under the same cover — в том же конверте  
air cover — воздушная защита  
to cover a wall with paper — оклеивать стену обоями  
to cover one’s tracks — заметать следы  
to cover evenly — ровно покрывать  

Примеры с переводом

Water covered the floor.

Пол был покрыт водой.

Cover up the soup to keep it hot.

Накрой суп (крышкой), чтобы он не остыл.

Cover yourself up, it’s cold.

Прикройся чем-нибудь, холодно.

Do you want another cover on the bed?

Тебе дать ещё одно одеяло?

The rules cover all cases.

Правила предусматривают все случаи.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Не суди о книге по её обложке.

He covered for me during my vacation.

Он заменял меня, пока я был в отпуске.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.

His success at backing winning horses has had the bookmakers running for cover.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cover in — закрывать, забрасывать землей
cover off — равняться в затылок
cover over — скрывать, прикрывать
cover up — прятать, укрывать, тщательно прикрыть

Возможные однокоренные слова

coverage  — охват, зона действия, прикрытие, освещение в печати, зона наблюдения
covered  — крытый, покрытый, закрытый, прикрытый, охваченный, укрытый, защищенный, в шляпе
covering  — покрытие, покрывало, покров, обшивка, покрывающий, сопроводительный
discover  — обнаруживать, открывать, находить, раскрывать, узнавать, доискаться
recover  — восстанавливать, оправляться, выздоравливать, извлекать, регенерировать
uncover  — открывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать, снимать, обнажать голову
undercover  — тайный, секретный, потаенный
coving  — свод, выкружка, выступание верхних этажей над нижними, галтель
overcover  — перекрывать, накрывать, покрывать полностью

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cover
he/she/it: covers
ing ф. (present participle): covering
2-я ф. (past tense): covered
3-я ф. (past participle): covered

ед. ч.(singular): cover
мн. ч.(plural): covers

The word (


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  1. Alien, the court, stalking the crew of an exploration spaceship. It was the,


    ,story of the issue of Astounding that is sometimes described as having ushered
  2. Space Center in French Guiana at orbital positions 46° East. The satellite will,


    ,Europe and significant part of Asian countries and Africa and will have
  3. Areas are 10 % to 50 % higher than nearby forested areas because snow does not,


    ,the trees as readily. Deciduous trees have an albedo value of about 0.15 to
  4. To the ground, where they are usually sheltered from the coldest nights by snow,


    , and make use of warm periods in winter for growth when the snow melts. Some
  5. The opinion of Robert Plant that the re-formed Led Zeppelin was more like a,


    ,band of itself than the original band. Slaves stated that he wanted the band
  6. Made table where he could place his notes and equipment inside a locking,


    , Worse still, his health deteriorated as he suffered severe headaches.
  7. Cress. Winter annuals are important ecologically, as they provide vegetative,


    ,that prevents soil erosion during winter and early spring when no other

  8. In the early 1990s due to the UK synth-pop duo Erasure who released a,


    ,extended play featuring versions of ABBA’s songs which topped the charts in
  9. Lyrics to Abbas 1976 instrumental track Arrival for Sarah Brightman’s,


    ,version recorded for her 2008 ‘Winter Symphony album. New English lyrics have
  10. Polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings,


    ,many subjects, including physics, metaphysics,poetry, theater,music, logic
  11. Parental employment. US states increasingly require private health insurance to,


    ,autism services, shifting costs from publicly funded education programs to
  12. In Down Under tour … and the media


    age of the quartet rivals that set to,


    ,the upcoming Royal tour of Australia «, wrote Variety),and is captured on
  13. Of a worthless playboy, by which he is known to the world, as an effective,


    , However, he is forced to give up Deign, knowing that she would not be ready to
  14. Inside, and it is followed by» All the animals, except Napoleon» took,


    ,; Orwell had the publisher alter this from» All the animals, including Napoleon
  15. Medical conditions in space. This study’s techniques are now being applied to,


    ,professional and Olympic sports injuries as well as ultrasound performed by
  16. Soon-to-be head of Kurosawa Production, to negotiate a loan in Japan that would,


    ,the film’s production costs. Shooting took more than eight months to complete
  17. That the account of natural death, given by Prices, was an ecclesiastical «,


    ,story» and that Emperor Marian (who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire from 450
  18. Of several American archaeologists in espionage in Mexico under their,


    ,as scientists. But by the 1940s,many of Boas’ anthropologist contemporaries
  19. To do several portraits of Mick Jagger, and in 1982 he designed the album,


    ,for the Diana Ross album Silk Electric. One of his last works was a portrait of
  20. Attack with an aikido technique. Use continuously seeks to regain balance and,


    ,vulnerabilities (e.g., an exposed side),while age uses position and timing
  21. However, unlike county-equivalents in the other 49 states, the boroughs do not,


    ,the entire land area of the state. The area not part of any borough is referred
  22. Recognised and embraced by other acts: Evan Dandy of The Lemon heads recorded a,


    ,version of» Knowing Me, Knowing You «, Sinéad O’Connor and Boyzone’s Stephen
  23. Variables Throughout the 1910s,quantum mechanics expanded in scope to,


    ,many systems. After Ernest Rutherford dis


    ed the nucleus and
  24. Wallowitch’s debut album, This Is John Wallow itch!!! (1964). He designed the,


    ,art for the Rolling Stones albums Sticky Fingers (1971) and Love You Live (
  25. I remember Robert Plant saying Led Zeppelin were a


    band now because they,


    ,all their own stuff. I think that hit the nail on the head. » However, on 3
  26. Deciduous forests: These forests of deciduous oaks and evergreen pines,


    ,the plateau of central Anatolia. *Central Anatolian (salt tolerant) plant
  27. Of Ruled Sid Sheikh, Ahmed Bey and Fatwa N’Sourer. Indeed, the conquest did not,


    ,all the current territory of Algeria until the early 20th century when the
  28. Cover that prevents soil erosion during winter and early spring when no other,


    ,exists, and they provide fresh vegetation for animals and birds that feed on
  29. And agricultural science The two terms are often confused. However, they,


    , different concepts: *Agriculture is the set of activities that transform the
  30. And when layered on objects, became quite hard upon cooling. This was used to,


    ,objects that needed waterproofing, Approximately 40 A. D. Discords described
  31. Full of energy and ambition. I remember Robert Plant saying Led Zeppelin were a,


    ,band now because they


    all their own stuff. I think that hit the nail on
  32. Magazine Interview that is still published today. The loopy title script on the,


    ,is thought to be either his own handwriting or that of his mother, Julia
  33. ASD, and PDD are often used interchangeably. The manifestations of autism,


    ,a wide spectrum, ranging from individuals with severe impairments—who may be
  34. A single,» Belle «, a duet with French singer Daniel Balancing. The song was a,


    ,of ABBA’s instrumental 1976 track» Arrival «. As the single» Belle» sold
  35. A remixed version of» Ring Ring» instead of» Honey, Honey «, and a,


    ,version of» Honey, Honey » by the act Sweet Dreams peaked at number 10. Both
  36. Cultural practices are used. Cultural practices include crop rotation, culling,


    , crops,intercropping, composting,avoidance, and resistance. Integrated pest
  37. Or, until mid-1864,pay commutation money. Many eligible spooled their money to,


    ,the cost of anyone drafted. Families used the substitute provision to select
  38. Numbering (#471) returned and placed alongside the volume-two number on the,


    , Other longtime, rebooted Marvel Comics titles, including Fantastic Four
  39. With proceeds going to the Youth Music charity in England. It featured all new,


    ,versions, notable tracks were by Madness (» Money, Money,Money» ), Culture
  40. As gifts to clients and friends. Copy #4,inscribed» Jerry» on the front,


    ,and given to Geraldine State, was used for a facsimile printing in 1987 and the
  41. Silk Electric. One of his last works was a portrait of Aretha Franklin for the,


    ,of her 1986 gold album Aretha, which was done in the style of the Reigning
  42. Including cerebral palsy, intellectual impairment, autism,and many others,


    ,varying degrees of communication impairment. AAC interventions are highly
  43. Anisum — anise, Levisticum official — lavage, Hacquetia epideictic — garden,


    ,plant Cultivation Many members of this plant group are cultivated, for various
  44. Health care centers in various locations around the Principality. Bus services,


    ,all metropolitan areas and many rural communities, with services on most major
  45. Status in Finland. The single» If I Thought You’d Ever Change Your Mind» ( a,


    ,of the Villa Black 60s song) became Fältskog’s biggest solo hit in the United
  46. Alaska has more than three million lakes. Marshlands and wetland permafrost,


    ,(mostly in northern, western and southwest flatlands). Glacier ice


  47. Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Master System, and Mobile phone * Top Spin 4 (On,


    ,of game) for Xbox 360,PlayStation 3 and Wii The Austro-Asiatic languages are
  48. Designed many album


    s for various artists starting with the photographic,


    ,of John Wallowitch’s debut album, This Is John Wallow itch!!! (1964). He
  49. Their bodies are nevertheless given decent burials in the orchard, with a,


    ,story given related to their deaths.; The Cows: Their milk is stolen by the
  50. Congress. The copies sent to the states for ratification were unsigned, and a,


    ,letter had only the signatures of Henry Laurens and Charles Thomson, who were

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cover — перевод на русский


Cover the problem for me.

Прикрой мне неприятности.

Keep your chin covered.

А ты прикрой челюсть.

Galavan, cover the warehouse skylights.

Кельвин, прикрой отключение склада.

Cover up their tent.

Прикрой свою палатку.

At least cover yourself, you stubborn fool!

По крайней мере, прикрой себя, ты упрямый дурак!

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She’s covered with rocks from head to foot.

Сюда одну, она покрыта камнями, так что глаза слепит.

When they wheeled out her body, it was covered with a sheet.

Когда они выкатили ее тело, она была покрыта простыней.

Hiroshima was covered in flowers.

Хиросима была покрыта цветами.

The gravestone was covered with moss.

Могильная плита была покрыта мхом

Readings indicate the entire planet is covered with growth like this.

Согласно данным, вся планета покрыта такой растительностью.

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— Nice picture of you on the cover there.

— Нет. — Ваше фото на обложке очень милое.

The trick is to soup up the title and get an interesting cover.

Весь фокус успеха продаж заключается в броском заголовке привлекательной обложке.

Never judge a book by its cover.

Никогда не судите по книге по обложке.

Of course, you were… on the cover of the Paris Vogue last month

Конечно, ты была на обложке парижского Вога… в прошлом месяце!

And this girl’s picture was on the cover.

А на обложке — фотография этой девушки.

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A thin layer of fertile soil now covers the plots.

Теперь поле покрывает тонкий слой плодородной земли.

— Maybe he’s covering up for his colonel.

Может быть, старший лейтенант покрывает полковника?

You tell one and cover it with another.

Одна ложь покрывает собой другую…

The sector that failed covers this area.

Затемненный сектор покрывает вот эту территорию.

When you’re old, it covers you like anything.

Взрослых покрывает в один миг.

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Keep us covered.

Обеспечить прикрытие.

It’ll give us good cover, huh?

Будет хорошее прикрытие, да?

The troops assigned to cover it had withdrawn.

Прикрытие, стоявшее подле пушек Тушина, ушло.

Right now Leo Newbigen is inside your Brain trying to cover up for himself.

Прямо сейчас Лео Ньюбиген внутри вашего «Мозга» и готовит для себя прикрытие.

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Why are you allowed to cover the Earth with a plague in cassocks?

Зачем позволил ты покрыть землю чумой в сутанах?

— Does this cheap parasite mean this much to you… that you’re willing to wreck everything to cover up for him?

— Нет, Билл. — Этот тунеядец так много значит для тебя, что ты хочешь всё разрушить только для того, чтобы покрыть его?

Cover up for him?

— Я, покрыть его?

Well, I’ll bring the money right over to cover it.

Я прямо сейчас принесу деньги, чтобы покрыть это.

Make that grifter work hard to cover his expenses.

Заставьте этого жулика работать, чтобы покрыть расходы.

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Now, you see, the human mind likes to cover its nakedness, too and keep its private thoughts to itself.

Никогда, слышите. Человеческий разум любит прикрывать свою наготу даже от себя, чтобы хранить свои тайны.

I can’t go on covering one crime with another.

Я не могу прикрывать одно преступление другим.

Shears, pick a spot on our side of the bank where you can cover Joyce.

Шерс, выбери место на нашей стороне, где ты сможешь прикрывать Джойса.

You keep me covered and watch those windows.

Ты будешь меня прикрывать. И следи за теми окнами.

He can chop firewood, and she can cover for him.

Она может прикрывать его, пока он колет дрова.

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Cover her mouth.

Закрой ей рот.

Now just stand back, and cover your eyes, please.

Теперь отойди назад и закрой глаза, пожалуйста.

Will you do as you’re told at once, cover your eyes — please.

Ты будешь делать сразу же, что тебе говорят, закрой глаза, пожалуйста.

When you’re crazy and praise yourself, and when your thoughts are evil, cover your mouth and be quiet.

Когда ты уже сходишь с ума, когда твои мысли опасны, закрой рот ладонью и молчи.

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Cover my head, please.

Накрой мне голову, пожалуйста.

Just cover your head.

Просто накрой голову.

Cover him, Ria.

Накрой его, Рия.

Cover me with it.

Накрой меня.

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The rest of you men take cover.

Остальные в укрытие!

If I was on the run and needed a cover, I might contact a lad like this.

Если бы я был в бегах и мне нужно было укрытие, я бы связался с этим парнем.

Take the horses to cover.

Коней в укрытие.

We’re going into those woods and take cover.

Пойдем в тот лес и сделаем укрытие.

All personnel, take cover!

Весь персонал, в укрытие!

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Definition of Cover

to place something over a surface, person, or object

Examples of Cover in a sentence

The nanny tried to cover the baby with a blanket, but the infant pushed it away with his hand.


Because the dirt road stays so muddy, the transportation crew will cover both lanes with lots of gravel.


The chef made sure to cover the dish with a glass top so that no flies or bugs could make their way onto the food.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Examples of how to use the word “cover” in a sentence. How to connect “cover” with other words to make correct English sentences.

cover (v, n): to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something; something that is put on or over something else, usually to protect it, to keep something in, etc.

Use “cover” in a sentence

I read the book from cover to cover.
The definition doesn’t cover all the meanings of the word.
His clothes were covered with dirt.
The floor was covered with dust.
The floor was covered with carpet.
You can’t judge a book by its cover.
One hundred dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
Your boots are covered in mud.
The article covered a wide range of topics.
He was covered with mud from head to foot.
The floor is covered with a thick carpet.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

I don’t post about cover art very often, since the bloggers who do..cover it pun intended better than I could. ❋ Jeff C (2010)

I would buy it for the cover alone, though I know the story would be worth the money, too. *returns to staring at cover* ❋ Unknown (2009)

Have had it for 1 week now and never out of the house — just noticed a slight rattle from the LHS of battery or battery cover on lower side — have not had battery out so don’t know if it’s a battery cover or combined cover+ battery. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The Jordan cover fits the mood perfectly of the book and the Martin cover is very atmospheric. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The secret to catching big bass in cover is to fish in and around the heaviest stuff with a large lure, and work the lure so it causes a commotion in the weedbeds and is easy for the fish to find. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Other patents that feature his name cover the designs of distinctive Apple products such as the iMac, the iPad and the iPhone. ❋ Don Clark (2011)

The Pulp of the Day blog uploads a new scanned-in cover from a classic pulp magazine or novel every day. ❋ Unknown (2008)

It’s the title cover from an online computer game called «Anarchy Online» that I … ❋ Unknown (2009)

Strung together across his back, the letters of his name cover nearly every inch of his No. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The title cover of Laura’s inspiring and beautifully bound book, «All is Well,» along with its contents of brilliant and contemplative photographs depicting all forms of nature captured with the lens of her eye, and so eloquently matched with the thoughts and sayings of many wise spiritual teachers, most assuredly captivated my heart and soul in a myriad of ways. ❋ Unknown (2008)

That red lace bra on the cover is the first red flag ❋ Unknown (2009)

Not to mention that the cover is a blatant rip-off of the artwork for the music group Presidents of the United States of America’s «These Are the Good Times, People» recording. liz mayberry ❋ Unknown (2009)

On the cover is a handsome cricketer holding a tea cup and wearing a very handsome cricket sweater. ❋ Jean (2009)

If your car is older, your choices become more restricted; however, insurer More Thn offers cover on cars up to 26 years old for short term cover and to any age if you have an annual policy. ❋ Unknown (2011)

UPDATE: The author of this book has contacted us, saying that the cover is an “uncorrected draft.” ❋ Unknown (2009)

I think the cover is awesome — for more from me on it than that, wait for the blog entry I wrote up for Tor. com to post. ❋ Mistborn (2010)

«[The Bloodhound] Gang covers «Its [Tricky]» by [Run-DMC].» ❋ Jay A (2003)

[Bro], [can you] [spot me] $5 for the cover? ❋ Matt (2003)

I got a [hot date], can you cover my shift on [Friday night]?
He told his mom that he’d been at my house all night. I covered for him.
Cover my back, I’m [goin’] in!!! ❋ Mandingoe (2005)

«The [robbers] [covered up] the [crime scene] really well» ❋ Kim (2003)

It [feels] [twice] as good [when I] cover. ❋ KirbyAtor (2003)

Oh shit, I forogt my cover. My [fucking head] is going to [freeze] because it’s so [freaking] cold. ❋ Joe (2003)

Their relationship is a complete cover… he’s [more gay] than [Sigfried] with an entire pack of [white tigers]. ❋ StraightAsAnArrow (2004)

uhh theres some ok covers but the worst one ive heard is [behind blue eyes] by [limp bizkit], they [butchered] a good song ❋ Sdafb (2003)

[Did you] cover [last night]? ❋ Annie (2005)

I tried to cover up my smoking by spraying perfumes and body sprays on my clothes and skin and breath [mints], drops, and gum in my mouth to hide the [yellowing] of my teeth and smelly breath. [It worked] for a little while until my mother found out. I guess I forgot to cover up after having a cigarette instead of having someone snitch about it like I previously believed. Remember, someone will find out what you’re doing even if you cover your behavior or addiction up. ❋ Karen Stickney (2007)


I explained that I wore “that cap” to cover an operation scar and the loss of hair from radiotherapy – this seemed to satisfy

The day was fine and warm but I was wearing a wool hat to cover my scars – rather odd in the circumstances so I was

Tempus Fugit [as featured on the cover of this section] works as a metaphor in that the mol usc — not known for its speed — has fossilised with the inexorable passage of time

Raw Sex Object is on the cover of Best Scandal Ever

Cover up the entrance and pat down the soil

Throw the cotton balls back into the tunnels and cover the entrance with a large rock

Hermann tried to cover his ears with his pillow, but then he was bothered by the sound of the whistling from his own nose

In this chapter, I will cover some basic methods of making your own organic fertilizers while showing you how we can help the earth (soil) reestablish the balance and restore the natural process by harness-

In such a scenario, there’s a definite need to cover for unforeseen medical expenses during the individual’s working years

In case of hospitalisation, the expenses that are incurred will be taken care of by this policy subject to the limit of the cover

The cover will be to the extent of the sum assured of the policy

This cover will also take care of pre as well as post-hospitalisation expenses like money spent on buying medicines and conducting medical tests

This is unlike the CI rider where the entire amount of CI cover is paid to the individual

The latrine boy had run for cover, if there was such a thing anymore

Ava couldn’t tell if she was just being chatty to cover her tracks

· The retirement planning need to cover not only you and your spouse but also your children and parents

You see, the humans only used fishing as a cover

On top of this place either a pretty rock or a nice clay pot to cover it, or simply mulch over, remembering where it is

After this the plastic cover is not needed

Cover the pile with clear plastic

He shows John the inside of the watch’s back cover

I grew up in an era when you would cover them up so people wouldn’t think you had been in jail

There was a little bit of water in an excavated pool, enough to grow enough vine to cover the lodge and fill the kegs within

He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall

He will cover me with His feathers, and under His wings i

His insurance should cover the damage I should think …’

home under His cover and blocked the way of the destroying angel

What can you do? Cross over into the cover of the mighty

» She pushed the double-starred Jammer’s cover over Melinda’s helmet and pushed her back to the jammer line, 30 feet behind the already formed line of blockers

The girl with the stain in her crotch from the locker room was wearing the pivot helmet cover

Those under the iron cover of shields survive

The same was true of much of the ground cover in the area

I realized also that the insurance policy I had wouldn’t cover this

Those extroverts who tried it never lasted long and Rosy was left to cover the holes in the schedule, rehire and retrain the next warm body for the job

My heart thumped against the thin, pale skin that barely seemed to cover my ribs

above all things, have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the

I awoke to the sound of the door being unlocked and, although it was agony to move now that my limbs had stiffened after the beating, I managed to kneel and cover my nakedness with the bottom of my blood-spattered tee-shirt

He wondered how Diam was arranging to cover other sensors, because too-late Bahkmar realized that they had to encapsulate all the ships instrumentation to keep the crew from noticing the effects of their intervention

They all grazed on ribbonleaves, the ground cover in areas of intermediate rainfall

With Byram Hermosa from the shop, he cruised down the narrow canal between the thick roots of towering apartment trees and into the open lake, bound for the Yakhan, determined to cover the fifteen hundred miles in a native week

A kranjan fears absolutely nothing and makes no effort to cover it’s tracks

‘I’ve been careful, saved sensibly so I can retire when I want to … and Joris left me … some …’ The phrase stuck in her throat; concentrating her attention on the plate in front of her, she hauled herself back together again under cover of sharing condiments

Although this book doesn’t cover all the ins and outs of

Kara reckoned it was a walk of two miles, three at most, from the side street where the Association was sited to the railway station and she had a good two hours in which to cover the distance

to cover a world and lay a carpet from here to the moon

It had a nostril ahead of each leg, far enough apart that a human didn’t cover them, with a flap around each that looked like a short horse’s ear

There was nothing running for cover, everything was quiet, and the house looked just like any other ordinary estate home on a hill

We have to hurry and cover as much distance as possible

to cover the cold, deep puddles

In the stirring grasses thin threads cover new green shoots

There was deep soil and ribbonleaf cover and keltoid brush she had to force her way through

I will do at least twenty two pages a week, giving me plenty of time to tie up any loose ends and organize cover

There was one shard of the frying pan big enough to cover the hole in the bottom so he put that in

That Nightday was made rather miserable by the fact that it rained for hours, a couple times hard enough to drown the fire and cover the sound of anything large that might come at them

cover you with love

Apparently it was all a front to cover the fear that ruled her

and calves, her arm pulls the cover back up,

They began to jog at an easy lope, trying to cover as much ground with as little exertion as possible

‘What sort of cover will we have?’

‘Will a fifty will cover it? As I said, your secret’s safe with me

But behind my uncle I could see a shining wall of glistening sea curving down to cover us and before I could make him understand, it hit us and he let me go

on the front cover, missing corners

Do you think you guys could cover it?»

It was interesting that he didn’t casually ask what he was doing this time of Nightday, but that wasn’t part of his cover

They bound the finished documents in real red leatherette and hand embossed the government’s coat of arms on each cover

The cloud cover is thick and the stars invisible

That should be enough to cover his tracks from anyone who was still on board

It seemed to take about ten seconds and half a dozen panic attacks to cover the distance

All the action was in Thom’s lab, and to do anything but watch he would have to get into there after all, re-mapping the controls and instruments at the hardware data layer and manually editing the micro-amp accounting to cover his tracks while he did that

«True,» Thom said, «but if you multiply by the number of samples it would take to cover the whole sphere around Sol, we can see that none of the impactors need to come from the Kuiper Belt

He was thinking of getting either the captain or Glayet here, but if it really was Ava driving this cherub that would be very embarrassing because she could easily cover her tracks

‘Worst case, we sell the stock at a loss and I’ll cover the rest through my tuition

Alastair is clearly moved by this, his grip on my shoulder tightens; I put my hand up to cover his

It took all of the young man’s guile and persuasion to coax and persuade his new paramour to keep her head above the duvet cover and to accept that it was, indeed, a very beautiful morning

Playtime is hell – the kids can’t go out into the playground because of the rain, so they’re all rampaging around in the hall and, lucky old you, it’s your turn to cover the phones

«That’s her excuse, but it’s a cover

‘This is a good book,’ I said as I tapped the cover and gave it to Vidya

the atoms on the cover

Yes, the cover was scary and dull at the same time, something possible only in

Anyway, this chapter will teach you all about the Soul Slayer and I will try to cover all your bases while keeping it brief and to the point

Undercut banks are a great location to find trout since this location provides them with excellent cover from predators

It was, of course, impossible that anyone had reported Alan missing, with the only two people who knew about the boy’s unnatural disappearance being complicit in the cover up

I reach across the table and cover his hand with mine

At least he arranged for his benefits to cover her, in spite of the fact that she disowned him

I lifted the menu to cover my face and avoid

his words, which explained why he would always cover

“Somebody want to help me lift this cover back into place?” Glayet asked as she grabbed onto the right end of the heavy cast iron cover to the controls of state

We left a skeleton staff at the office to cover phones but most people were able to get over there which is a measure of how popular Anna is … you should have seen Anna’s face as we walked into the room, Sally

There was a cover that kept the smell in

One outfit that they had to perform in was a very skimpy little loincloth that didn’t really cover anything during some of the moves

His reaction to her touch was most apparent and he stood there embarrassed, trying to cover himself

Cover To cloud relevancy of implication to self

The worst bit is fighting with the duvet cover … those things were really designed badly

I’ve tried all sorts of tactics … turning it inside out and grabbing hold of the corners of the duvet through the cover and trying to get the wretched thing to turn itself back the right way; winding the cover back over my arms and then grabbing the duvet and shaking hard … nothing seems to work

I always end up virtually buried inside the cover trying to straighten out the duvet so that it isn’t all clumped up in one corner

Remember the saying “you cannot judge a book by its cover

She shouldn’t be so impressed, Zhlindu would cover all these islands twice as high, in tens times as many stories of habitation

following two letters cover 7 essential values and vices (altogether

I barely remember Earth and when I try to picture it in my mind today I notice the fields covered with ribbonleaves and archwoods shading the houses

Isa: 6:2: Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he

covered his feet, and with twain he did fly

In case of medical insurance, the individual is covered only to the extent of the actual expenses incurred on medicine/hospitalisation (up to a maximum limit of the sum assured)

The walls were also covered with writing, both on and off the multiple whiteboards around the room

Without the help of insects, we would be covered with our own waste

The waters covered the house and the man was forced to sit on his chimney as the rain poured down and a helicopter came by and another man urged him to get in or he’ll drown

The insects bled Haques, little by little, until the great hunter died, shriveled and covered in his own blood and the bodies of those he had killed

It was at least an hour, but they might have covered a sixth of the distance back to habitation when her mount went down

A counter divides the room into an office for the secretary and a small waiting area with a few chairs and a coffee table covered with magazines

It was something that could be maneuvered into place around something and used to jack it up because the backbone was covered in tackle hooks

That subject is covered in the chapter on Pest controls

covered hands in his, and to her he whispered that simple phrase that brings life to the

Again all is covered in dust, but on the kitchen table are two plates, two cups, forks, spoons, a couple used paper napkins,

king-size bed is unmade and covered in dust

she couldn’t find a space anywhere near the covered walk way, and that meant the

By the time she reached the covered area by the main doors she was

Tables are covered with books, used paper cups and plates, half-eaten chunks of food covered with slowly crawling, lazy flies

I’d heard him coming but it was obvious that Liz hadn’t and she was shaken rigid … I saw his face when he spotted her though he covered it immediately … yes, it was the right thing to do, going and getting Liz

seemed to suggest that it was covered in Russian vine and honeysuckle and, here and

that rather than end up covered in scratches and have his Harris Tweed ripped and

By the time I hear Stephen’s car on the gravel outside the house, I have covered the whole of the carpet and heaped up the bits of furniture in a pile in one corner

his body was reduced to a heap of bones covered with skin with a huge

The ranks part for the MAIN GUARD, a muscular swarthy man with a bandanna on his head, dressed in military fatigues and covered in tattoos

He’s covered in the real thing and he knows his tats inside out

Bolt pushes along the fence row, snapping pictures as he walks of rocks, an acacia tree covered with windblown plastic bags, his shoe, a pile of garbage rotting in the sun, a dead sheep rotting in the sun

Bolt, covered in dust and fresh goat gore, sits on his ass in the mine field

Semi-detailed tattoos covered most of his face, neck and head

Finally he leaned forward a little, bringing his large beaked nose and inked skin into the light and revealing the swirl of art that covered his face and neck

Just one second later, with another impossible distance of road covered, he saw an

His face is covered in Ta Moko

«The way you’re dressed for one thing, I think you are the only other women in this room with her breasts covered

designed for hot, sultry Greek nights, and barely covered her modesty

graffiti covered passageway between the streets of her new place of abode

the rough shape of torso, limbs and head, all of them covered in what seemed to be a

The blood of the sacrifices only covered over the sins in the

His arm was covered in tattoos which showed up as dark shadows under the black light, but one mark fluoresced more brightly than the others

every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

shining as if someone covered her with sparkling mica

‘I’ll see your workload is covered

His skin looked like tree bark it was so covered in lines, webs and spirals

MacKenzie covered his eyes

He had blood on the inside of his visor and when he did finally lift his head from the console and look up, his face was half covered in it

My ever-present tears had dried on my cheeks by the time that I woke fully from my reverie, leaving my face covered with brittle tracks of tight skin

I felt rough fibres catching at the corners of my mouth as though I were being force fed a winding sheet, and then, as stars started to explode across my eyelids, I realised with a flood of relief that my head and shoulders were still covered by the sacking

Something flared up too bright and too close and between the gaps in his helmet visor not covered with the boneless alien appendages, he saw Wambach wielding a plasma cutter, swinging the clumsy, fat, meter-long cylinder like the hilt of a ridiculously out of proportion sword

I imagined him blowing smoke into my covered face

The structure of the conduits for the new control system that would interface with Chief Horcheese had been color-coded and now covered the ghostly, holographic ship like nerves coming together in a nexus at the center of the breaching ship’s bridge

covered with snow, or greet the visitors as they visit our assemblies

The bundles of control conduits feeding into Horcheese blocked the projection in a few places, but the bridge’s tactical display covered half the bridge

Soon it was not a thought, he was covered with flies

His walls are no longer covered in mirrors, but are made of just plain, white bricks

On the next landing we walked through another set of identical utilitarian swing doors and into a large open space, a space that covered the entire width and length of the building

The words came out of his mouth covered with spittle and blood

All of them, the grown stone and the shaftwood, had vine covered balconies on almost every floor and the blooms were a deep magenta and last year’s pods a rosy mahogany where they hadn’t been picked already

Book shelves covered three walls with doorways let into them here and there; a young woman stood apparently wrapt in the volume she was reading, a thirty-something man with a large backpack at his feet scanned the shelf above his head, neck craned, lips muttering silently as he concentrated

Maggots: If you dream of anything rotten and covered with maggots, you will hear about the death of a relative or a friend

We have covered our shame with fig leaves

God took an animal and covered the man and woman with the skins

was covered with diamonds so when Son slept the stones cut into his skin

Paint: If you are covered in paint, it means that you are a cunning person

The skirt that she was wearing was a last throw of a summer wardrobe designed for hot, sultry Greek nights, and barely covered her modesty

” said the soldier as he pointed to the fire pit which was now covered

There was no other place in the world than this dank, graffiti covered passageway between the streets of her new place of abode

An irregular mass elongated and stretched itself, revealing the rough shape of torso, limbs and head, all of them covered in what seemed to be a coating of thick, black, flowing cloth

With every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

Son covered himself in the blood of the wolf, so that all the predators

hair covered her face as she poured the wine

To get thru behind the main pier and Lastriss Point there is a canal of stone blocks, covered by the streets and plazas above except in a few atriums

It was dark, even the stars were covered by a blanket of cloud

«I think now is a thrilling time,» he whispered to her lips just before he covered them with his

Instead they ducked between the rows of cargo that now covered almost the whole deck

Now that it was SO close she could clearly see that it was covered in fire-streaked stone scales

he sits in a high sided, plastic covered chair

So they covered the whole thing in marble

and plastic covered Christmas cards

For a split second there was a pained look on her face, and then she covered it over and looked him straight in the eye

She covered him with a comforter

She put them in a breadbasket and covered them with a towel, and handed them to him

Some of the eggshell had fallen near by; it covered the spot where I was

Old Tom, covered in shavings and splinters,

She was in jeans and a windbreaker that covered a white tee shirt

The dark-edged murmur of a car engine is covered

It was covered with dead leaves and the soil they had decayed into

She wondered how long people would have tried to go on living here once the lake was covered with wildhull

«I’ll try not to smother her, I’ll try not to smother you either, but I do have an urge to…» he covered her lips with his

and Jimmy shoes from the covered market watch

It didn’t have fuzz however, it was covered in warty, saggy, skin, dust grey in color

We looked at life purpose in Chapter 16; life purpose can be called soul purpose, so we could say we have this covered

and covered with it hessian

A strange hat that covered

of this snow covered morning, the scratch and the wail

They were now in country that was nearly featureless, nothing but a flat floor covered with ribbonleaves

Daniel woke one morning and the mountain was covered in a blanket of snow, the air was cool, crisp and clean

It was deep, covered with lon and with a muddy bottom

infested with voles and covered by

They covered the skies at night, looking for the slightest movement

She had a light knit-wrap with her, but she hung that on the rail, leaving only her thin jersey covering her long and elegant body

” He snorted, covering his mouth

He placed the box over the alarm keypad, completely covering it, and then started entering random number combinations on his own keypad

A quick look outside told her that there was no one covering that side of the house, at least she hoped there wasn’t

John lies on his back resting with his eyes open, the sheets covering his body up to his waist

with our physical eyes His covering hand which separates, protects and

’ I said, covering the moment

I think he is covering another identity

This advanced technology had allowed it to make the fastest crossing ever to Satan’s Star, covering the eleven light years in under fifty years

Ridges of crumbling stone and cement bit into the thin skin covering my knees and I waited, letting the reality of this simple and basic reaction to the physical world wash through me

The light dimmed and before I could react again I felt Smiler’s breath against the rough cloth covering my face

In all my fifty years of being active in the church, a book covering this material has never crossed my desk and only one tract have I read

A respectable woman would never appear in public without her head covering

Countless machines hovering above them, covering the sky

«Those who listen are very interested in covering their tracks

What took more time was covering tracks

I fumbled with the edges of the black sack covering my head

An eerie haze was gradually covering everything, as the mystic light was fading away

Closing her eyes, fighting against the sharp disinfectant smell of the hospital, she forced herself to picture the interior of the bus … nauseating diesel fumes … a dingy, well used fabric covering the seats, chipped and faded paint on the accoutrements of metal … or was it plastic? She found it hard to tell sometimes … she heard again the chatter and laughter of the young people as they swayed along the aisle towards the door as the vehicle approached the bus stop

every precious stone was thy covering,

She got up from him and made sure she didn’t drip on the tarp covering the cargo

stone covering an opening in the wall

He was quite relieved to see that the falling snow was covering the

The landscape was becoming more built up as is drew nearer to the City … more farmsteads along the river, many with wharves selling produce, more large barn-like constructions doubtless used for craft activities, and, as they drew nearer to the city, glass houses covering vast areas of land, growing produce to be shipped to markets of London

covering their chests and legs and arms

It’s eyes were not on stalks, they were two big saucers right below it’s jaws with blinking scales covering them

of days when covering the cracks

The argument ceased abruptly when the adults saw the mess covering every inch of the kitchen and every last hair on their children’s’ heads

The shop was in a yard overlooking the bay and covering its low walls hung every type of linen designed for every household need

And as I moved through the deepening shadows, delicate frescos emerged depicting the life of Christ and covering every centimetre of ceiling and walls

And so they began, Alessandra, Alexis and Nikos, taking their time covering every detail and full of suggestions on how to overcome the looming threat from Kaliantikos

Naria stepped forward and took the box from Duncan, covering his hands with her own as she did so

tinfoil as a floor covering

Her hand was covering her mouth and she looked either

She leaned over the balcony and looked over the parapet onto the plain below; as far as the eye could see there was white covering the ground

“So you are telling me that Heymon has been covering up Thom’s discoveries?” Kelvin asked Ava

“He doesn’t think of it as covering up

A massive boulder on the inside was then rolled back across the entrance; one man climbed above it and pulled on a rope and a large black tarp unrolled, covering the entrance

argument ceased abruptly when the adults saw the mess covering

find a way to remove what is covering it such as making it want to be seen

‘I’m Sarah … I’m covering for Dilly

He has a king size bed with a very tasteful throw covering it which matches the curtains

The back garden is a mess of churned lawn, clearly the fallout of the builders who built the single storey extension on the back of the house covering what used to be a patio

He turns to the pages covering North Devon and scans the map, familiarising himself with place names and road numbers

Horrified, Chrissie watched, one hand covering her mouth, as Chas hauled himself out of Ozzie’s grasp, launching himself at Mickey yet again

’ she said as he lifted the bowl and checked the grid covering the plughole

covering from the crystal and placed her hands on

covering of the trees

’ He said, frowning at the floor covering

She watches as he loosens the fixing round the edge of the floor covering and helps roll it up

His best endeavours to keep various little bits of information from the probing policemen had failed miserably, they seemed to know when he was covering something over and the sheer effort required to keep a guard on his words was beginning to tell on him

He gradually became the face of Livingson Mercantile to delivery men and wholesalers when they passed through on their rounds covering their sales and delivery territories

Each one laminated and stuck to the wall somehow, covering every inch

She is pinned to the harsh walls of the domestic mausoleum by creeping vines, smothered in the leaf mould decay covering the floor of the untamed land at her feet

covering, every baseball card still intact and in its respective place

Cars come at me for all directions, and they all seem to know where they are going … unlike me … getting into the right lane is complicated as all the markings are painted on the road and the cars are covering them

likewise aided her in covering them

Heather on the stand next to his bed, and then at the baseball cards covering the

His footsteps were silent on the moss or mold-like plants covering most of the ground

Hartman’s tie had worked its way undone and the hair covering his bald

He received full marks during his Hundred year, largely due to it covering subjects and skills for which he had already demonstrated mastery

covering herself with the bedspread before I could get a good look

with a knitted afghan covering him all the way to the neck

knees covering her breasts, and her legs and feet obstructing the view of what Max

covering his eyes, shivering from fear

» Kit stated, standing up, «You’re always covering for them, you have to stop

of his coat covering his face

gesture on account of her coat collar covering her mouth

sanding, and cutting the wood that would eventually be a giant mural covering the

Andrew Holmes had been in Beijing since March 6th 2014 covering China’s “war on pollution” presented by Premier Li Keqiang at the annual gathering of the National People’s Congress

Gem couldn’t help but marvel at his physique, and the many layers of corded muscles covering his body

of the trees or the covering of the hole with the leaves and vines

Without hesitation, the young man summoned the full might of his power, covering himself from head to toe in azure flames

At the top there was a generous covering of snow,

The ash-filled clouds veiled the sun, covering the land in a dusk-like gloom even though it was not yet midday

She was much stranger than he would have imagined; a golden halo surrounded her body, which was that of a frail old woman, with fine, white hair covering her skin

«And what are you if not a mage?» Brice asked, stepping back and covering his nose, no longer able to endure the man’s odor

One of the fallen travelers knelt on the road, his hands covering his throat as a continuous stream of blood poured from his lips, nose and ears

But unlike them, she had chosen to replace her lost hair, covering every inch of her flesh with a churning mass of black snakelike tattoos

Covering their chests were dark breastplates molded to illustrate the skeletal framework of a human torso; a swelling ribcage, breastbone and the many interlocking sections of ones spinal cord

«Gross,» one of the younger children said, covering his eyes, unable to stand the sight of her

She met with others on her way, reds, blues, greens and grays, and unlike the children, they at least were able to mask their disgust, covering it with pleasant smiles — though she could still see them cringing inside, their minds retching

Barriers of web sought to keep him away but he plowed through them, not even blinking as a thick layer of web began covering his face

Here comes stinky man now,» the imp said, covering his nostrils

One of the imp’s hands was covering his miniature nose, while the other one was poking Alec’s rump with a stick

He then rolled over, covering his ears and eyes with the thick feathered comforter

Nathalia looked at the wad of sheets covering his groin and grinned

Yet, I strongly advise that you remove your masks if you do not wish to walk the city with a bulls-eye covering your face

Pinching his nose, the imp turned, a look of sudden realization covering his features

«Ouch! Come here you little fiend!» Alec said, swatting at the air with one hand while covering the claw marks on his cheek with the other

She leaned over the tower, covering her pointed ears beneath the fluffy black and white feathers of her collar

Hovering inches above the water, her wide eyes opened and before her, the rotting husk that was once Whimly fell back, a look of shock covering his bloated face

However, the one time they saw a large group in the distance and Axel made them hide in a depression in the landscape, gray plastic covering them

Fizzicist turned on his heel, hands covering his ears he made a run for the outside door

Exactly where Nathaniel and the scholars had spent the afternoon piling up a six-foot high line of dry brush and covering it with diesel and gasoline

His other hand held the bundle of cloth covering it

covering it in three great strides

sun, but not covering it

Keep it as brief as you can, while covering all the vital information

covering a lot of ground was never a problem until now

This sticky substance covers the leaves and provides nutrients for the mold to grow

The third stage covers the actual process of counseling

The covers are in disarray

Ivy covers part of the front wall of the house, giving it a solid, friendly feel

He was bathed in sweat, and the covers were

straining under the covers

them, He is with us today and He covers us with His clothes, makes the

He comes back to the bed, draws back the covers and helps me to my feet

Cloud that hovers and covers

Between the two of them, they manoeuvred her between the covers, Angie fussing over straightening the sheet and patting the pillows

He raised the covers, and was surprised that his clothes had been removed

Why can’t I sleep? I am so very tired … raising one hand from under the covers, I wearily wipe it over my eyes

I tuck it back under the covers and lie, staring at the ceiling … my mind freewheeling as the stars whirl through my head … a soft sound brings me back to reality …

She watches as I snuggle down under the covers

When Gilla comes back, she insists that I snuggle under the covers and get some rest

’ Gilla said, straightening the covers and tidying the bed generally

and a sodium glare that covers the mad twinkling

neither covers nor names

as I turn down bed covers

with boxes and loose dust covers,

My eyelids heavy, I hand it to her and snuggle down under the covers, bidding her a sleepy goodnight as she quietly leaves the room

«But I’m not your mother!» Desa yelled, «and I shouldn’t have to change your diapers! Now get your sorry little slut ass up and stand your shift like the adult you pretend you are!» Desa yanked the covers off her

He covers it with his own, returning the gesture

Hand-embroidered bed covers, chair covers, head covers, shirts and blouses of the national costume all decorated the yard, set off by a backdrop of rolling sea on one side and rolling hills on the other

’ I said, arranging the blanket the woman has left for me so that it covers me decently and praying that it will stay put

He climbed into bed and threw back the covers

‘What? Put seat covers all day

‘It covers every topic,’ I said and measured the thickness with the fingers of my

Before I can actually read the words, Jim covers the sheet, ‘No need to read it, Jo

Then he pulled her under the covers with him, and was aroused even more when she began to giggle

I debated whether to place my hand on Govind’s hand lying pale on the covers

He turned and lifted the covers and admired Rayne’s form as she slept beside him

It doesn’t help that the blasted thing is bigger than I am … so I’m on a loser for starters! It would seem that the world is divided into those people who can put on duvet covers without any trouble and those who cannot

Grabbing a handful of covers he wrenched them back

As I go into the bedroom, my bed beckons welcomingly … relaxed and sleepy, I undress and snuggle down under the covers

‘Hmm … well, that covers a fair amount

‘And that covers all the expenses?’

the covers, cleaned his head wound and used butterfly Band-Aids on the open tear

pictures on the covers

’ I went on, watching as an astonished expression covers his face

The companions clambered under the canvas covers and into the

Then I got close enough to read the tabloid covers and there was the woman on the front cover of a daytime drama tabloid

13He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall

back into bed, slipping under the covers and appearing to fall asleep

Vastly relieved, she quickly and quietly slipped into the room, put her damp towel to hang over the back of a chair and turned out the light before sliding under the covers careful not to disturb him

She sighs contentedly and snuggles under the covers, revelling in the luxury of the lie in

Never again will any man trespass on that territory, not if she has anything to do with it! The thought makes her smile; again she wriggles her limbs under the covers, enjoying the utter magnificence of the freedom

He sheathes the needles in their plastic covers

Wooden joints complain and the carpet slips where the runners are broken, but the sound of canned laughter covers his footfalls

The slow arousal of his waking breaks like a cobra strike, and his hand shoots up and covers Helen’s mouth

With that she slipped into bed and pulled the covers up to her neck

Heather pulled the covers to her neck with her free hand as she sat up in the

to see sleeping with the covers pulled over his head was not there

were under my covers

She was very frightened, and hid under the covers

White dust covers draped nearly all the furniture on the second floor

She felt the cool press of the feather pillow as she lay down and drew the covers up to her chin, her ginger hair resting over the side of the bed

She couldn’t even stand the sound of gunfire; just thinking about it made her want to hide back under her covers and never leave

Under the covers, Roman laid his arm under her neck, resting her head just

I the Lord hate divorce for it covers

2See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the

Situated on the Asian border, this is the 9th largest country in the world, and covers two time zones and five climate zones

With tropical, cloud, dry and oak forests, this tiny country covers 0

This guide covers only some of the ways you can make money with your own online business

They had worked up some very good covers of some very new stuff

river of love, and love covers a multitude of sin and carries

In spite of that he opened a few covers to see that they were what they said they were

«Galimoto thinks the smelly one is awake, though he tries to hide himself beneath the covers

Whether she was beneath the light of the sun or buried in the darkness of his covers, Nathalia always glowed, radiating a beauty that one needn’t have eyes to see, but could simply feel with one’s heart

She covers up for screw-ups, she denies when she’s blotto

Whilst I ate I pondered what the slide on the watch was so I reopened the rear covers and checked the where abouts it was positioned only to discover one of the half pates covered any chance of investigation

I re fitted the rear covers and tried to move the side slid, it would not move even though I pressed it in several directions

Many bots crowded around, pulling stanchions into position, pulling covers out of the way and positioning sensors required to ensure correct alignment

not covers you; on the contrary, you stand

He tucked the covers around my body, but when he tried to leave I stopped him

a curly hair, which covers sometimes his eyes,

I changed into a white satin slip, climbed under the covers and patted the blanket

Some had bright covers whilst others were cloth or leather-bound

It had impressive leather covers with metal clasps

3) The Great Allegheny Passage is a newly opened trail that is one of the most spectacular hiking and biking trails in the country that covers over 300 miles between Pittsburgh, Pa

He only bothered to strip down to his underwear before lying on top of the covers next to Russell and falling into a fitful sleep

Sebastian watched her head toss back against the covers as her back arched, urging him to go deeper

In the closest chair, Aspen slept, her head lying on her arms which were crossed on the covers of his bed

Now, I straightened linen covers and looked around at the love and care Joseph put into this room

I wrapped him in cool, wet covers

“Whaa?” She struggled to grasp the side of the bed so she could pull herself back under the covers

The code as it is laid out in the Bible also covers 12 letters per pass of the Old Testament and passes it 9 times or 12 x 9 = 108

The Old Testament covers the history as well as the prophesised future of the nation Israel

The bed covers were crumpled on the floor

! He bent down and touched the bed covers on the floor

I stripped off and crawled under the covers and my head had only just touched the pillow when I went out like a light and languished in a state of unconsciousness

The soiled bed covers he stuffed in a black refuse bag and left in a corner

pulled the covers over her head

the thin flannelette covers

‘U’ he would keep his head above the covers and in a last sleepy

Then my darling girl you and I would be sweethearts”, a tear rolled down my cheek and fell onto the bed covers

Head covers and other accessories are common among yard sales and in

” Our Yorkie quivered under the covers on someone’s lap

Whereas once Mitzi and Fritzi had slept under the covers at the foot of my parents’ bed on cold nights (we always wondered how they breathed down there), now Mitzi climbed onto my bed and settled himself on top of my wool comforter to sleep

He stared at the bed covers, trying not to let tears fall from his stinging eyes

Spelling of Cover: The word cover is spelled c-o-v-e-r.

Definition of Cover: Cover functions as a verb and as a noun.

As a verb, cover has a variety of meanings. The most common meanings include: (1) to put something or someone on top or in front of something or someone to protect or conceal it; (2) to deal with a subject by examining the most important areas or events; (3) in terms of money, to have enough to pay the bill or cost; (4) to disguise or hide a fact or sound with another fact or sound; (5) in music, to record or perform an alternative version of an existing song performed by someone else originally; (6) to be or become coated in a layer of something.

As a noun, a cover is something that lies on, around, or over something, usually to protect or conceal it. It also refers to some type of shelter to which people go when in need of protection. In music, cover is used as a noun to describe the remake of a song originally performed by someone else.

Pronunciation of Cover: cover is pronounced kuv-er.

How to Use Cover in a Sentence

how to spell coverWhat does cover mean? In most uses of the word, cover is used as a verb meaning to shield, protect, guard or conceal something or someone.

In other contexts, the verb cover varies a bit but, generally, maintains the same sense of its meaning.

For example,

  • You should cover the salad so that flies do not get in it.
  • Do no walk in here because your boots are covered in mud.
  • The coach told him to cover the tallest player on the opponent’s team.

As a noun, a cover can refer to many things: from a lid or other material used to protect or conceal something, to an alternative version of a song originally performed by another artist, to an alternative identity intended to protect a person’s true identity.

For example,

  • The local band performed a cover of the famous band’s original.
  • They took cover from the storm in a nearby barn.

Phrases & Idioms That Use Cover

Cover up: To put on clothing or extra clothing to hide one’s body or to stay warm in the cold.

Cover (one’s) tracks: To conceal or hide one’s tracks or trace in order to evade followers or pursuers. 

Cover ground: To travel a certain distance at a satisfying pace. 

Take cover: To find something under, in, or behind which to hide and/or be protected from danger such as storms or gunfire.

Undercover: To conceal or protect one’s identity by assuming an alternative, false identity, as police officers often do. 

History of Cover

According to Merriam Webster’s, the first use of cover was in the 13th century.

The word comes from Middle English coveren which comes from Anglo-French coverir, covrir, and from the Latin word cooperire. The latter being formed from co- + operire meaning to close or cover.

Synonyms for Cover

Since cover is both a noun and verb and has several meanings as both parts of speech, it’s important to choose the right synonym for the given context.

Cover as a Noun:

  • Lid
  • Top
  • Roof
  • Covering
  • Guard
  • Blanket
  • Coating
  • Layer

Cover as a Verb:

  • Shield
  • Guard
  • Shelter
  • Coat
  • Traverse
  • Describe
  • Fund
  • Disguise

Outside Examples of Cover

  • There were roughly 1.75 million housing units in Harris County, but that includes apartment and condominium buildings, making it an imperfect figure to try to calculate what overall percentage of families are covered by flood insurance. –Chicago Tribune
  • City councilors in Charlottesville, Virginia, voted unanimously on Tuesday to cover two statues of Confederate war heroes in black fabric after ejecting spectators from a chaotic council meeting as residents demanded answers over how a recent white nationalist rally turned deadly. –Reuters


The word cover functions as both a noun and a verb. It has many meanings that are all related, though the nuance of the context is important.


  • 1 How to Use Cover in a Sentence
  • 2 Phrases & Idioms That Use Cover
  • 3 History of Cover
  • 4 Synonyms for Cover
  • 5 Outside Examples of Cover
  • 6 Summary

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