The word cover as a noun

обложка, крышка, покрывало, покров, чехол, охватывать, покрывать, закрывать


- (по)крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак

a cover for a saucepan — крышка кастрюли
a cover for a chair — чехол для стула
glass cover — стеклянный колпак /футляр/

- конверт; обёртка (бандероли); упаковка (посылки)

under plain cover — в конверте /в бандероли/ без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте
under separate cover — канц. в отдельном конверте /пакете и т. п./
this is a receipt, the goods will be sent under separate cover — посылаем вам расписку, а товар будет выслан отдельно

- переплёт; обложка

soft [hard] cover — мягкая [твёрдая] обложка
to read a book from cover to cover — прочесть книгу от корки до корки

- убежище, укрытие (тж. воен.); прикрытие, «крыша» (для разведчика)

cover from fire — воен. укрытие от огня
cover from view — воен. укрытие от наблюдения
under cover — а) тайный; секретный; he kept his activities under cover
to take cover — найти убежище, спрятаться
to break cover — внезапно появиться; выйти из укрытия
the spy’s cover was to act as a bartender — шпион скрывался под видом бармена

- спорт. прикрытие, защита

ещё 12 вариантов


- покрывать, закрывать, накрывать (тж. cover up)

to cover a saucepan — закрыть кастрюлю
to cover up a baby — укутать ребёнка
to cover plants with straw — прикрыть растения соломой

- редк. покрывать (голову, плечи); укрывать

to cover one’s head — надеть шляпу
to remain covered — не снимать головного убора
pray be covered — арх. прошу надеть шляпу

- прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

to cover a retreat — прикрывать отступление
the warships covered the landing of the army — военные корабли прикрывали высадку армии
the father covered the boy from the fire with his own body — отец своим телом укрыл мальчика от огня

- спорт. держать, закрывать (игрока)
- прятать, скрывать

to cover one’s face with one’s hands — закрыть лицо руками
the enemy were covered from our sight by woods — лес скрывал от нас неприятеля
to cover one’s shame [confusion, annoyance, anxiety, mistake] — скрыть стыд [смущение, досаду, беспокойство, ошибку]
to cover (up) one’s tracks — замести следы

ещё 21 вариант

Мои примеры


a paper seat cover that crinkles with every move — бумажная накладка на унитаз, которая шуршит при любом движении  
the inside flap of a book’s cover — внутренний клапан обложки книги  
to break for cover — рвануть в убежище  
to give a cover coat — наносить последний слой лакокрасочного покрытия  
contour seat cover — чехол на сидение  
cover shoot — фотография с обложки журнала  
mattress cover — чехол на матрац  
under the same cover — в том же конверте  
air cover — воздушная защита  
to cover a wall with paper — оклеивать стену обоями  
to cover one’s tracks — заметать следы  
to cover evenly — ровно покрывать  

Примеры с переводом

Water covered the floor.

Пол был покрыт водой.

Cover up the soup to keep it hot.

Накрой суп (крышкой), чтобы он не остыл.

Cover yourself up, it’s cold.

Прикройся чем-нибудь, холодно.

Do you want another cover on the bed?

Тебе дать ещё одно одеяло?

The rules cover all cases.

Правила предусматривают все случаи.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Не суди о книге по её обложке.

He covered for me during my vacation.

Он заменял меня, пока я был в отпуске.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.

His success at backing winning horses has had the bookmakers running for cover.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cover in — закрывать, забрасывать землей
cover off — равняться в затылок
cover over — скрывать, прикрывать
cover up — прятать, укрывать, тщательно прикрыть

Возможные однокоренные слова

coverage  — охват, зона действия, прикрытие, освещение в печати, зона наблюдения
covered  — крытый, покрытый, закрытый, прикрытый, охваченный, укрытый, защищенный, в шляпе
covering  — покрытие, покрывало, покров, обшивка, покрывающий, сопроводительный
discover  — обнаруживать, открывать, находить, раскрывать, узнавать, доискаться
recover  — восстанавливать, оправляться, выздоравливать, извлекать, регенерировать
uncover  — открывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать, снимать, обнажать голову
undercover  — тайный, секретный, потаенный
coving  — свод, выкружка, выступание верхних этажей над нижними, галтель
overcover  — перекрывать, накрывать, покрывать полностью

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cover
he/she/it: covers
ing ф. (present participle): covering
2-я ф. (past tense): covered
3-я ф. (past participle): covered

ед. ч.(singular): cover
мн. ч.(plural): covers

  • 1
    cover girl


    хорошенькая девушка, изображение которой помещают на обложке журнала; журнальная красотка

    * * *

    журнальная красотка, хорошенькая девушка

    * * *

    хорошенькая девушка, изображение которой помещают на обложке журнала

    Новый англо-русский словарь > cover girl

  • 2

    1. n крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак

    2. n конверт; обёртка; упаковка

    under plain cover — в конверте без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте

    3. n переплёт; обложка

    4. n убежище, укрытие; прикрытие, «крыша»

    5. n спорт. прикрытие, защита

    6. n покров

    7. n поэт. покрывало, покров

    8. n лесной покров, полог леса

    9. n бот. покров семяпочки или семени

    10. n охот. нора, логовище

    11. n личина, маска

    12. n прибор, куверт

    13. n ком. гарантийный фонд

    14. n страхование

    15. n авт. покрышка

    16. n театр. замена; заменяющий актёр или -ая актриса; исполнитель из второго состава

    17. v покрывать, закрывать, накрывать

    18. v редк. покрывать; укрывать

    19. v прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

    20. v спорт. держать, закрывать

    21. v прятать, скрывать

    22. v покрывать; находить оправдания

    23. v книжн. покрыть, увенчать; запятнать

    cover a loss — покрыть убытки; взять на себя потерю

    24. v покрывать, обдавать

    25. v обивать; оклеивать

    26. v покрывать; распространяться; расстилаться

    27. v покрывать, охватывать; относиться

    28. v разг. заменять, подменять

    29. v держать под наблюдением

    30. v пройти, проехать

    31. v спорт. пробежать дистанцию

    32. v освещать в печати

    33. v предусматривать

    34. v ком. обеспечить покрытие; покрывать

    35. v страховать

    36. v карт. покрывать, крыть

    cover cloth — кроющий материал, переплётная ткань

    37. v принять пари; поставить

    38. v с. -х. случать, крыть

    39. v сидеть

    40. v воен. держать под обстрелом

    41. v держать под прицелом

    Синонимический ряд:

    4. clothes (noun) bonnet; capote; cloak; clothes; cosy; cowl; mantle; muffler; pall

    5. covering (noun) attic; ceiling; covering; hatch; house top; integument; roofing; umbrella

    6. furnishings (noun) awning; canopy; carpet; carpeting; curtain; drape; furnishings; rug; runner; scatter rug; throw rug

    7. mask (noun) camouflage; color; coloring; colour; colouring; conceal; disguise; disguisement; facade; face; false front; gloss; guise; mask; masquerade; pretension; pretext; put-on; screen; semblance; show; spread; veil; veneer; window dressing; window-dressing

    8. protection (noun) asylum; concealment; defense; guard; harbor; harborage; harbour; haven; port; pretence; pretense; protection; refuge; retreat; sanctuary

    9. shelter (noun) bower; copse; covert; growth; shelter; shrubbery; thicket; underbrush; woods

    10. wrapper (noun) capsule; case; casing; encasement; envelope; jacket; pod; sheath; wrapper; wrapping

    11. blanket (verb) blanket; crown; enwrap; overcast; overlay; spread over

    12. clothe (verb) cap; clothe; envelop; overspread; overwhelm; wrap

    13. coat (verb) case; coat; face; incrust; layer; paper; spread; stain; varnish; veneer

    14. conceal (verb) camouflage; cloak; conceal; disguise; enshroud; hood; mask; shroud; veil

    15. defend (verb) bulwark; defend; fend; guard; house; protect; safeguard; screen; secure; shade; shelter; shield

    16. deluge (verb) deluge; drench; engulf; inundate; overcome; pour; rain; shower

    17. hide (verb) bury; cache; ensconce; hide; occult; plant; secrete; stash

    18. include (verb) comprehend; comprise; contain; embody; embrace; encompass; include; incorporate

    20. pay for (verb) compensate for; counterbalance; defray; offset; pay for; suffice

    22. travel (verb) cross; do; journey; journey over; pass over; track; travel

    Антонимический ряд:

    exclude; expose; exposure; inside; reveal; unwrap

    English-Russian base dictionary > cover

  • 3

    1) (по)крышка; обертка; чехол; покрывало; футляр, колпак

    2) конверт; under the same cover в том же конверте

    3) обложка, переплет, крышка переплета; to read from cover to cover прочесть от корки до корки (о книге)

    4) убежище, укрытие; прикрытие; заслон; under cover в укрытии, под защитой; to take cover укрыться

    5) ширма; предлог; отговорка; личина, маска; under cover of friendship под личиной дружбы

    6) обшивка

    7) покров; under cover of darkness под покровом темноты

    8) comm. гарантийный фонд

    9) прибор (обеденный)



    1) закрывать; покрывать; накрывать; прикрывать; перекрывать; to cover a wall with paper оклеивать стену обоями; to cover one’s face with one’s hands закрыть лицо руками; to cover the retreat прикрывать отступление; to cover one’s tracks заметать свои следы

    2) укрывать, ограждать, защищать; he covered his friend from the blow with his own body он своим телом закрыл друга от удара

    3) скрывать; to cover one’s confusion (annoyance) чтобы скрыть (или не показать) свое смущение (досаду)

    4) охватывать; относиться (к чему-л.); the book covers the whole subject книга дает исчерпывающие сведения по всему предмету

    5) расстилаться; распространяться; the city covers ten square miles город занимает десять квадратных миль

    6) преодолевать, проходить (какое-л. расстояние); sport пройти (дистанцию)

    7) давать материал, отчет (для прессы)

    8) разрешать, предусматривать; the circumstances are covered by this clause обстоятельства предусмотрены этим пунктом

    9) покрывать (кобылу и т. п.)

    10) сидеть (на яйцах)

    11) целиться (из ружья и т. п.); держать под угрозой

    cover in

    cover over

    cover up

    * * *

    1 (n) конверт; обеспечение; покров; покрытие; покупка ценных бумаг при сделках на срок; срочный контракт для нейтрализации колебаний валютного курса; страхование

    2 (v) накрывать; накрыть; обеспечивать покрытие; обеспечить покрытие; осветить; освещать; покрывать; покрыть; распространяться; страховать

    * * *

    1) закрывать, покрывать 2) крышка 3) прибор

    * * *

    [cov·er || ‘kʌvə]
    крышка, покрышка; покрывало; защитник; обертка, чехол, футляр, колпак, кожух, обшивка; конверт; переплет; обложка; убежище, укрытие; личина, маска; отговорка, предлог; обеденный прибор
    покрывать, закрывать, накрывать; ограждать; подернуть, завесить, завешивать, скрывать, прикрываться; обтягивать, обтянуть; заметать (о снеге); распространяться; расстилаться, уставлять; охватывать, относиться

    * * *















    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) а) крышка
    б) обложка, переплет; одна сторона обложки
    в) футляр
    г) конверт
    д) покрывало
    2) а) убежище, укрытие; воен. прикрытие
    б) покров
    в) перен. ширма
    3) а) охот. укрытие, логово (зверя)
    б) растительный покров
    2. гл.
    1) накрывать
    2) защищать
    3) а) закрывать
    б) спорт закрывать, прикрывать (игрока соперника); прикрывать (участок поля)
    4) включать, содержать, охватывать; относиться (к чему-л.)
    5) освещать (события и т. п.) в печати, на телевидении, по радио
    6) лежать
    7) преодолевать, проходить (какое-л. расстояние); спорт пройти (дистанцию)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > cover

  • 4

    1. n сокрытие; укрывательство

    2. n надуманный предлог; маскировка

    3. n одежда, надеваемая поверх другой

    Синонимический ряд:

    disguise (noun) camouflage; deceit; disguise; facade; make-up; mask; masquerade; subterfuge

    English-Russian base dictionary > cover-up

  • 5

    dust-cover noun суперобложка (книги)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > dust-cover

  • 6

    1. n распространение; рост, увеличение

    2. n шутл. прибавка в весе

    3. n протяжённость, протяжение; широта, размах

    4. n разг. накрытый стол

    5. n разг. пиршество, обильное угощение

    6. n разг. роскошь напоказ

    7. n разг. покрывало; скатерть; простыня

    8. n разг. разворот

    9. n разг. амер. ком. разница, разрыв

    10. n спец. рассеивание

    11. n спец. диапазон отклонений; разброс

    12. v распространять; расстилать

    13. v раскладывать

    14. v развёртывать, раскрывать

    15. v мазать, намазывать

    to spread butter on bread, to spread bread with butter — намазывать масло на хлеб, мазать хлеб маслом

    16. v мазаться, намазываться

    17. v распределять, укладывать бетонную смесь

    18. v простирать, протягивать

    19. v распространяться, простираться

    20. v разносить, распространять

    21. v распространяться, получать распространение

    22. v давать рассрочку; отсрочить

    23. v накрывать

    24. v амер. подавать, сервировать

    25. v растягивать, тянуть

    spread out — растягиваться, вытягиваться; расширяться

    26. v затягиваться, растягиваться

    27. v спец. растягивать работу путём сокращения рабочих дней и часов

    растягивать, расширять; вытягивать, расплющивать, расклёпывать, разводить

    28. v разводить, раздвигать

    Синонимический ряд:

    4. diffusion (noun) amplification; diffusion; enlargement; expansion; extension; perfusion; radiation; suffusion

    6. expanse (noun) amplitude; breadth; compass; distance; expanse; extent; measure; range; reach; scope; space; stretch; sweep

    7. preserve (noun) conserve; jam; jelly; peanut butter; preserve

    8. circulate (verb) cast; circulate; diffuse; disperse; dispose; disseminate; distribute; emit; propagate; radiate; scatter; strew; ted

    9. circulated (verb) circulated; diffused; dispersed; disseminated; distributed; propagated; radiated; strewed/strewed or strewn

    10. cover (verb) coat; cover; gild; overlay; paint; pave; smear; varnish; veneer

    11. extend (verb) draw out; enlarge; expand; extend; fan out; lengthen; open; outstretch; sprawl; stretch; stretch out; unfold; widen

    12. gave (verb) carried; communicate; convey; gave; pass; transmit

    13. opened (verb) expanded; extended; fanned out; opened; outspread; outstretched; unfolded

    14. proclaim (verb) broadcast; declare; disburse; divulge; proclaim; publish

    16. travel (verb) get about; get around; go around; travel

    Антонимический ряд:

    collect; conceal; concentrate; condense; confine; contract; crowd; fold; gather; hush; shrink

    English-Russian base dictionary > spread

  • 7

    1. n люк

    2. n крышка люка

    3. n гидр. затвор

    4. n рыболовная ловушка

    5. n нижнее полотно секционной двери

    6. n шлюз; шлюзовый затвор

    7. v закрывать крышкой; задраивать

    8. n выведение

    9. n вылупливание

    10. n выводок

    11. v высиживать; насиживать

    12. v выводить искусственно

    13. v способствовать вылупливанию, проклёвыванию

    14. v вылупливаться, выводиться

    15. v выводиться

    16. v замышлять, тайно подготавливать

    17. v назревать; готовиться

    18. v вынашивать

    19. n штрих; штриховка

    20. n насечка

    21. v штриховать; гравировать

    22. v насекать

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. generate (verb) bear; breed; brood; cause; create; engender; father; generate; get up; incubate; induce; make; muster up; occasion; originate; parent; procreate; produce; provoke; sire; spawn; stir; touch off; work up

    5. plan (verb) conceive; concoct; contrive; design; devise; dream up; fabricate; fashion; formulate; invent; make up; plan; plot; project; scheme; think up

    English-Russian base dictionary > hatch

  • 8

    1. n шерстяное одеяло

    2. n попона

    3. n защитный слой

    4. n геол. поверхностный слой, нанос, покров

    5. n дорожное покрытие

    6. n густая подливка

    7. n китовый жир

    8. n воен. густой дым, задымление

    9. n воен. дымовая завеса

    10. n физ. оболочка; покрытие

    11. n физ. зона воспроизводства

    12. n физ. метеор. сплошная облачность

    13. a общий, полный, всеобъемлющий, без оговорок

    14. a спорт. одновременный

    15. v покрывать

    16. v подбрасывать на одеяле

    17. v охватывать, включать в себя

    18. v замять

    19. v амер. затмевать; оставлять в тени

    blanket policy — полис, перекрывающий все страховые случаи, генеральный полис

    20. v заливать густым соусом

    21. v воен. задымлять; создавать дымовую завесу

    22. v воен. накрывать огнём

    23. v воен. подвергать интенсивной бомбардировке

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. comprehensive (adj.) absolute; all-inclusive; comprehensive; powerful; sweeping; umbrella; unconditional

    2. cover (noun) afghan; bedspread; cloak; comforter; cover; mat; quilt; sheet; strip

    3. layer (noun) covering; layer; mantle; sheath; snowfall

    4. cover (verb) bury; cap; conceal; cover; crown; envelop; overcast; overlay; overspread; spread over

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > blanket

  • 9

    1. n крыша, кровля

    2. n кров

    3. n империал

    4. n ав. абсолютный потолок

    5. n горн. потолок

    6. n воен. разг. противовоздушная оборона

    7. n воен. разг. авиационное прикрытие

    8. v крыть, настилать крышу, покрывать

    9. v образовывать крышу, свод

    10. v дать кров, приютить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cover (noun) canopy; ceiling; cover; galvanized iron; protection; roofing; shelter; shingles; thatch

    2. home (noun) abode; cabin; dwelling; habitation; home; house; lodging; residence

    3. top (noun) apex; crest; crown; fastigium; peak; summit; top; vertex

    4. harbor (verb) chamber; harbor; haven; house; shelter; shield

    English-Russian base dictionary > roof

  • 10

    1. n штора, маркиза; жалюзи; ставень

    2. n собир. употр. гл. мн. ч. с во слепые

    3. n наглазники, шоры

    4. n предлог, отговорка; обман

    5. n разг. пьянка

    6. n охот. засидка

    7. n спец. заглушка

    8. n фото шторка

    9. n опт. диафрагма, бленда

    дымовая завеса; дымовой экран

    10. n воен. неразорвавшийся снаряд

    11. a слепой, незрячий

    12. a предназначенный для слепых

    13. a не видящий, не замечающий, не обращающий внимания

    14. a действующий вслепую

    15. a бессмысленный, безрассудный

    16. a невидимый, скрытный

    17. a горн. не имеющий выхода на поверхность

    blind drain — подземный дренаж, подземная, закрытая дрена

    18. a неясный, неразборчивый, слепо напечатанный

    19. a глухой

    20. a оканчивающийся тупиком, не имеющий прохода

    21. a стр. фальшивый

    22. a матовый

    23. a разг. пьяный

    24. a без цветов и плодов

    слепой, по приборам

    25. v ослеплять, лишать зрения

    26. v слепить глаза, ослеплять

    27. v ослеплять, поражать

    28. v затемнять

    29. v затмевать

    30. v скрывать, обманывать

    31. v фото диафрагмировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accidental (adj.) accidental; chance; random; unplanned

    2. concealed (adj.) concealed; confused; dark; disguised; hidden; obscure; remote; secluded

    3. dead end (adj.) blocked; closed; dead end; dead-end; obstructed; shut off

    4. dull (adj.) dead; dim; dull; flat; lackluster; lusterless; mat; muted; uncomprehending

    5. heedless (adj.) careless; heedless; ignorant; indiscriminate; oblivious; obtuse; thoughtless; unaware; uncritical; unenlightened

    6. impetuous (adj.) benighted; hasty; headlong; impetuous; irrational; rash; uncontrolled; undiscerning; unreasonable; violent

    7. intoxicated (adj.) alcoholized; cockeyed; drunk; drunken; fried; inebriated; inebrious; intoxicated; looped; muddled; pixilated; polluted; rum-dum; slewed; slopped; sloppy; soshed; sozzled; squiffed; stiff; stoned; tanked; tight; unsober; wet; zonked

    8. sightless (adj.) eyeless; purblind; sightless; stone-blind; unseeing; visionless; visually impaired

    9. ambush (noun) ambush; hiding place; pitfall; snare; trap

    10. cover (noun) blinder; blindfold; cover; curtain; disguise; screen; shade; shield; subterfuge; veil; venetian blind; visor

    11. decoy (noun) capper; decoy; shill; shillaber; stick

    12. ruse (noun) front; pretence; pretext; ruse; stratagem; trick

    Антонимический ряд:

    clear-sighted; conscious; cunning; discerning; discriminating; enlightened; keen; open; penetrating; perceptive; quick; rational; seeing; sensitive; sharp-eyed

    English-Russian base dictionary > blind

  • 11

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cover (noun) canopy; carpet; cover; curtain; rug; runner

    4. furniture (noun) carpeting; domestic things; fixtures; furniture; home decorations; household goods

    English-Russian base dictionary > furnishings

  • 12

    1. n завеса, пелена, покров

    2. n арх. мантия, одеяние, облачение

    3. n амер. гроб с телом

    4. v покрывать, окутывать

    5. v затемнять

    6. v надоедать, приедаться

    7. v пресыщать

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. gloom (noun) darkness; gloom; melancholy; oppression; sadness; shadow

    4. satiate (verb) cloy; disgust; fill; glut; gorge; jade; sate; satiate; stodge; surfeit

    Антонимический ряд:

    gaiety; refresh

    English-Russian base dictionary > pall

  • 13

    1. n защита, охрана, предохранение; ограждение; прикрытие

    2. n покровительство

    3. n охранная грамота; пропуск; паспорт

    4. n амер. свидетельство об американском гражданстве, выдаваемое морякам

    5. n разг. деньги, даваемые гангстерами полиции, политическим деятелям или должностным лицам за покровительство

    6. n разг. полит. -эк. протекционизм, покровительственная система в торговле

    7. n разг. ком. фин. акцептование; оплата

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cover (noun) asylum; cover; covert; harbour; haven; retreat; sanctuary; shelter

    2. defense (noun) aegis; armament; armor; bulwark; defence; defense; guard; safeguard; screen; security; shield; ward

    3. guardianship (noun) custody; guardianship; preservation; refuge; safekeeping; safety

    English-Russian base dictionary > protection

  • 14

    1. n козырёк

    2. n маска, маскировка

    3. n ист. забрало

    4. n кино директор, художественный руководитель

    5. n авт. защитный козырёк

    6. n фото видоискатель

    7. n спец. смотровое отверстие

    8. v редк. надевать маску; скрывать, маскировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cover (noun) blind; cover; curtain; screen; shade

    2. mask (noun) domino; doughface; false face; mask; vizard

    English-Russian base dictionary > visor

  • 15

    Синонимический ряд:

    metal cover (noun) bonnet; canopy; carp; cover; engine cover; front cowl; hood; metal cover; trunk lid

    English-Russian base dictionary > cowling

  • 16

    1. n обыкн. воен. засада, отряд, находящийся в засаде

    2. v обыкн. воен. устраивать засаду

    3. v обыкн. воен. нападать из засады

    4. v обыкн. воен. заманивать в засаду

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. ambuscade (noun) ambuscade; ambushment; camouflage; deception; hiding place; pitfall; snare; trap

    5. waylay (verb) ambuscade; ensnare; lay in wait for; set a trap; trap; waylay

    English-Russian base dictionary > ambush

  • 17

    n лёгкое постельное покрывало

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. cover (noun) afghan; blanket; cloak; comforter; cover; quilt; sheet; strip

    English-Russian base dictionary > bedspread

  • 18

    1. n покрышка; чехол; оболочка

    2. n укрытие, покров

    3. n воен. прикрытие

    4. n спец. обшивка, облицовка; покрытие

    5. n спец. изолирующая обмотка

    6. n спец. мазь, замазка

    7. n спец. с. -х. случка; спаривание

    8. n спец. бирж. покупка для покрытия обязательств по срочным сделкам

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. cover (noun) attic; case; ceiling; cover; hatch; integument; roofing; umbrella

    3. blanketing (verb) blanketing; capping; crowning; overcasting; overlaying; overspreading; spread over

    4. defending (verb) bulwarking; defending; fending; guarding; protecting; safeguarding; screening; securing; shielding

    5. hiding (verb) burying; caching; cloaking; concealing; ensconcing; enshrouding; hiding; masking; occulting; planting; secreting; shrouding; stashing; veiling

    English-Russian base dictionary > covering

  • 19

    1. n гавань, порт

    2. n убежище, прибежище, притон

    3. n воен. укрытый район ночёвки

    4. n спец. лоток для составления стеклянной шихты

    5. v стать на якорь; становиться в гавань

    6. v дать убежище, приютить

    7. v водиться

    8. v питать; затаить

    9. v выследить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cover (noun) asylum; chamber; cover; covert; house; protection; refuge; retreat; sanctuary; shelter

    2. port (noun) anchorage; breakwater; harbourage; haven; port

    5. hide (verb) conceal; hide; secrete; suppress; withhold

    6. house (verb) accommodate; bed; berth; billet; board; bunk; domicile; house; lodge; protect; put up; quarter; room; shelter

    Антонимический ряд:

    eject; exile; expel

    English-Russian base dictionary > harbour

  • 20

    1. n гавань

    2. n убежище, приют; пристанище

    3. v поставить судно в гавань

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cover (noun) asylum; cover; covert; harbour; hermitage; hideaway; home; hospice; protection; refuge; retreat; sanctuary; Shangri-la; shelter

    2. harbor (noun) anchorage; harbor; harborage; port; riding; road; roads; roadstead

    3. harbor (verb) chamber; harbor; house; roof; shelter; shield

    English-Russian base dictionary > haven


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • cover version — noun a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else they made a cover of a Beatles song • Syn: ↑cover, ↑cover song • Hypernyms: ↑recording * * * ˈcover version f56 [cover version …   Useful english dictionary

  • cover — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sth put on/over sth ADJECTIVE ▪ protective ▪ removable, reversible ▪ leather, plastic ▪ dust …   Collocations dictionary

  • cover — cov·er 1 vt 1: insure this policy cover s other family drivers 2: to give protection against or compensation or indemnification for doesn t cover flood damage vi: to obtain cover …   Law dictionary

  • cover — ► VERB 1) put something over or in front of (someone or something) so as to protect or conceal. 2) spread or extend over. 3) deal with. 4) travel (a specified distance). 5) (of money) be enough to pay for. 6) (of insurance) protect against a… …   English terms dictionary

  • cover charge — noun a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink • Syn: ↑cover • Derivationally related forms: ↑cover (for: ↑cover) • Hypernyms: ↑fixed charge, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • cover slip — noun a small and very thin piece of glass used to cover the specimen on a microscope slide • Syn: ↑cover glass • Hypernyms: ↑plate glass, ↑sheet glass • Part Holonyms: ↑slide, ↑microscope slide * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • cover point — noun Etymology: cover (I) + point 1. a. : a cricket fielding position between point and mid off b. : a player in this position 2. a. : a lacrosse position between point and first defense …   Useful english dictionary

  • cover girl — noun a very pretty girl who works as a photographer s model • Syn: ↑pin up, ↑lovely • Hypernyms: ↑photographer s model * * * noun, pl ⋯ girls [count] : an attractive young woman whose picture is on the front of a magazine * * * ˈcover girl f26 [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • cover letter — noun a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information • Syn: ↑covering letter • Hypernyms: ↑letter, ↑missive * * * noun, pl ⋯ ters [count] US : a letter that is sent with something to explain the reason for it or to give …   Useful english dictionary

  • cover plate — noun covering consisting of a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle • Hypernyms: ↑covering * * * noun 1. : a cover, hood, or head used to close in or cover over the end or top of a receptacle, chamber, or section of a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cover-up — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, massive ▪ government VERB + COVER UP ▪ be engaged in, be implicated in, be involved in ▪ …   Collocations dictionary



From Middle English coveren, borrowed from Old French covrir, cueuvrir (modern French couvrir), from Late Latin coperire, from Latin cooperiō (I cover completely), from co- (intensive prefix) + operiō (I close, cover). Displaced native Middle English thecchen and bethecchen (to cover) (from Old English þeccan, beþeccan (to cover)), Middle English helen, (over)helen, (for)helen (to cover, conceal) (from Old English helan (to conceal, cover, hide)), Middle English wrien, (be)wreon (to cover) (from Old English (be)wrēon (to cover)), Middle English hodren, hothren (to cover up) (from Low German hudren (to cover up)).

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the original sense of the verb and noun cover was “hide from view” as in its cognate covert. Except in the limited sense of “cover again,” the word recover is unrelated and is cognate with recuperate. Cognate with Spanish cubrir (to cover).


  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈkʌvɚ/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈkʌvə/
  • Rhymes: -ʌvə(ɹ)


cover (countable and uncountable, plural covers)

  1. A lid.
  2. (uncountable) Area or situation which screens a person or thing from view.

    The soldiers took cover behind a ruined building.

  3. The front and back of a book, magazine, CD package, etc.
  4. The top sheet of a bed.
  5. A cloth or similar material, often fitted, placed over an item such as a car or sofa or food to protect it from dust, rain, insects, etc. when not being used.
  6. A cover charge.

    There’s a $15 cover tonight.

  7. A setting at a restaurant table or formal dinner.

    We need to set another cover for the Smith party.

  8. (music) A new performance or rerecording of a previously recorded song; a cover version; a cover song.
  9. (cricket) A fielding position on the off side, between point and mid off, about 30° forward of square; a fielder in this position.
  10. (combinatorics, topology) A collection (or family) of subsets of a given set, whose union contains every element of said original set.
    Hyponyms: exact cover, partition

    The open intervals are a cover for the real numbers.

  11. (philately) An envelope complete with stamps and postmarks etc.
  12. (military) A solid object, including terrain, that provides protection from enemy fire.
  13. (law) In commercial law, a buyer’s purchase on the open market of goods similar or identical to the goods contracted for after a seller has breached a contract of sale by failure to deliver the goods contracted for.
  14. (insurance) An insurance contract; coverage by an insurance contract.
  15. (espionage) A persona maintained by a spy or undercover operative; cover story.
  16. (dated) A swindler’s confederate.
  17. The portion of a slate, tile, or shingle that is hidden by the overlap of the course above[1].
  18. In a steam engine, the lap of a slide valve.
  19. (construction) The distance between reinforcing steel and the exterior of concrete.

Derived terms[edit]

  • air cover
  • back cover
  • bed cover
  • bed-cover
  • blow someone’s cover
  • break cover
  • cloud cover
  • cover art
  • cover artist
  • cover band
  • cover board
  • cover charge
  • cover crop
  • cover drive
  • cover girl
  • cover ground
  • cover letter
  • cover meter
  • cover name
  • cover note
  • cover point
  • cover price
  • cover sand
  • cover shorts
  • cover slide
  • cover slip
  • cover stock
  • cover story
  • cover version
  • cover-girl
  • cover-shame
  • cover-slut
  • cover-up
  • deep cover
  • don’t judge a book by its cover
  • dust cover
  • edge cover
  • extra cover
  • first day cover, first-day cover
  • first flight cover
  • forecover
  • fourth cover
  • from cover to cover
  • gill cover
  • ground cover
  • head cover
  • jackass cover
  • mail cover
  • manhole cover
  • never judge a book by its cover
  • non-official cover
  • official cover
  • open cover
  • pickup cover
  • re-cover
  • slut-cover
  • snow cover
  • take cover
  • third cover
  • toilet cover
  • tonneau cover
  • umbrella cover
  • umbrella-cover
  • under cover
  • under the covers
  • vertex cover
  • you can’t judge a book by its cover
  • you can’t tell a book by its cover


  • Hijazi Arabic: كَڤَر(kavar)



  • Afrikaans: dekking
  • Albanian: kapak (sq) m
  • Arabic: غِطَاء(ḡiṭāʔ)
  • Armenian: կափարիչ (hy) (kapʿaričʿ), խուփ (hy) (xupʿ)
    Old Armenian: կափարիչ (kapʿaričʿ), խուփն (xupʿn)
  • Azerbaijani: qapaq (az), ağızlıq
  • Belarusian: ве́чка n (vjéčka), кры́шка f (krýška)
  • Bulgarian: капа́к (bg) m (kapák), похлупа́к (bg) m (pohlupák)
  • Catalan: tapa (ca) f
  • Cebuano: tabon
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 蓋子盖子 (zh) (gàizi),  (zh) (gài),  (zh) (zhào)
  • Czech: víko (cs) n
  • Danish: dæksel n, låg n
  • Dutch: deksel (nl) n, kap (nl) f
  • Esperanto: tegilo, fermoplato
  • Finnish: kansi (fi)
  • French: couvercle (fr) m
  • Galician: tapa (gl) f, cuberta (gl) f
  • Georgian: ხუფი (xupi)
  • German: Deckel (de) m, Abdeckung (de) f
  • Greek: καπάκι (el) (kapáki)
    Ancient: πῶμα n (pôma)
  • Hausa: murfi (ha)
  • Hebrew: מִכְסֶה (he) m (mikhsé)
  • Higaonon: tabon, taklob
  • Hungarian: fedő (hu), fedél (hu), kupak (hu), tető (hu), sapka (hu), burkolat (hu)
  • Irish: clúdach (ga) m, cumhdach m
  • Italian: coperto (it) m, coperchio (it) m
  • Japanese:  (ja) (ふた, futa), カバー (ja) (kabā)
  • Khmer: (please verify) បដណ្ដប់ (bɑtndɑp), គ្រប (km) (krɔɔp), គំរប (kumrɔɔp)
  • Korean: 뚜껑 (ko) (ttukkeong), 덮개 (ko) (deopgae)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: سھرقاپ(shirqap)
  • Lao: ກວມເອົາ (kūam ʼao)
  • Latin: operculum n
  • Latvian: vāks m
  • Lithuanian: dangtis m
  • Macedonian: капак m (kapak)
  • Maori: taupoki
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: хавтас (mn) (xavtas), бүрээс (mn) (bürees)
  • Persian: پوشش (fa) (pušeš)
  • Polish: przykrycie (pl) n, wieko (pl) n
  • Portuguese: tampa (pt) f
  • Russian: кры́шка (ru) f (krýška)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: по̀клопац m, ка̀пак m
    Roman: pòklopac (sh) m, kàpak (sh) m
  • Sinhalese: ආවරණය (si) (āwaraṇaya)
  • Slovak: viečko n, veko n
  • Slovene: pokrov (sl) m, pokrovka (sl) f
  • Spanish: tapa (es) m, cubierta (es) f
  • Swedish: lock (sv) n, skydd (sv) n
  • Tagalog: takip (tl), pantakip
  • Telugu: మూత (te) (mūta)
  • Thai: ฝา (th) (fǎa)
  • Turkish: kapak (tr)
  • Ukrainian: кри́шка f (krýška)
  • Uzbek: qoplama (uz), choyshab (uz)
  • Vietnamese: nắp (vi) ()
  • Zazaki: kapağ m


  • Afrikaans: skuiling
  • Azerbaijani: sığınaq, sığıncaq, daldalanacaq
  • Belarusian: укрыццё n (ukryccjó)
  • Bulgarian: укри́тие (bg) n (ukrítie)
  • Danish: gemmested n
  • Dutch: dekking (nl)
  • Finnish: suoja (fi), piilo (fi)
  • German: Deckung (de) f, Versteck (de) n
  • Greek:
    Ancient Greek: σκέπη f (sképē)
  • Hebrew: כיסוי / כִּסּוּי‎ m (kisui)
  • Hungarian: rejtekhely (hu), fedezék (hu), védelem (hu), menedék (hu)
  • Italian: copertura (it) f, nascondiglio (it) m
  • Latin: suffugium n
  • Lithuanian: paslėpti
  • Persian: رو پوشانی(ru pušâni)
  • Polish: przykrycie (pl) n, przykrywka (pl) f, ukrycie (pl) n
  • Portuguese: esconderijo (pt) m
  • Russian: укры́тие (ru) n (ukrýtije)
  • Slovene: kritje n
  • Spanish: escondrijo m, guarida (es) f
  • Swedish: gömma (sv) c, gömställe (sv) n
  • Ukrainian: укриття́ n (ukryttjá)

front and back of a book or a magazine

  • Afrikaans: voorblad, agterblad
  • Albanian: mbuloj (sq) m
  • Arabic: غِلَاف‎ m (ḡilāf)
  • Armenian: շապիկ (hy) (šapik), կազմ (hy) (kazm)
  • Azerbaijani: cild (az), üz (az)
  • Belarusian: во́кладка f (vókladka)
  • Bulgarian: подвързи́я (bg) f (podvǎrzíja)
  • Catalan: coberta (ca) f
  • Chakma: 𑄔𑄣𑄴 (ḍhāl)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 書皮书皮 (zh) (shūpí) (book), 封面 (zh) (fēngmiàn)
  • Danish: omslag n
  • Dutch: omslag (nl), (book) kaft (nl) m or n, cover (nl) (magazine)
  • Esperanto: kovrilo
  • Finnish: kansi (fi)
  • French: couverture (fr) f
  • German: (book) Einband (de) m, (magazine) Umschlag (de) m, Cover (de) n
  • Hebrew: כְּרִיכָה (he) f (krikha)
  • Hungarian: borító (hu), fedél (hu), címoldal (hu)
  • Irish: clúdach (ga) m
  • Italian: copertina (it) f
  • Japanese: 表紙 (ja) (ひょうし, hyōshi), ブックカバー (bukku kabā), カバー (ja) (kabā)
  • Khmer: (please verify) ដណ្ដប់លើ (dɑɑndɑpləə)
  • Korean: 표지(表紙) (ko) (pyoji), 겉장 (geotjang)
  • Latvian: vāks m
  • Lithuanian: viršelis m
  • Macedonian: корица f (korica)
  • Maori: kōpaki
  • Polish: okładka (pl) f
  • Portuguese: capa (pt) f
  • Russian: обло́жка (ru) f (oblóžka)
  • Scottish Gaelic: còmhdach m
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: на́словница f
    Roman: náslovnica (sh) f
  • Slovene: platnica f
  • Spanish: tapa (es) f, cubierta (es) f, portada (es) f
  • Swedish: omslag (sv) n, pärm (sv) c, framsida (sv) c
  • Thai: ปก (th) (bpòk)
  • Turkish: kapak (tr)
  • Ukrainian: обкла́динка f (obkládynka)
  • Vietnamese: bìa (vi) ()
  • Zazaki: kapağ m

top sheet

  • Armenian: ծածկոց (hy) (cackocʿ)
  • Azerbaijani: örtük
  • Belarusian: по́крыўка f (pókryŭka), по́крыва f (pókryva)
  • Bulgarian: кори́ца f (koríca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 床罩 (zh) (chuángzhào)
  • Dutch: sprei (nl)
  • Finnish: peite (fi), päiväpeitto (fi)
  • French: couverture (fr) f
  • German: Decke (de) f
  • Hungarian: takaró (hu), ágytakaró (hu), huzat (hu), terítő (hu)
  • Italian: coperta (it) f, lenzuolo piano m, copriletto (it) m
  • Japanese: カバー (ja) (kabā)
  • Korean: 커버 (ko) (keobeo)
  • Latvian: apklājs, apsegs, sega
  • Lithuanian: apklotas m
  • Polish: kapa (pl) f, narzuta (pl) f, pościel (pl) f
  • Portuguese: cobertor (pt) m, coberta (pt) f
  • Russian: покрыва́ло (ru) n (pokryválo)
  • Sardinian: manta f
  • Scottish Gaelic: còmhdach m
  • Spanish: sábana (es) f, cobertor m, colcha (es) f
  • Swedish: överkast n
  • Telugu: దుప్పటి (te) (duppaṭi)
  • Turkish: örtü (tr)
  • Ukrainian: покрива́ло n (pokryválo)

A cloth or similar material used to protect underlying items from dust, sunlight, insects etc. when not being used.

  • Irish: cumhdach m
  • Maori: poreku

setting at a restaurant table

  • Bulgarian: прибо́ри (bg) m pl (pribóri)
  • Czech: příbor (stolní)
  • Danish: kuvert (da) c
  • Finnish: kattaus (fi)
  • French: couvert (fr) m
  • German: Gedeck (de) n
  • Hungarian: teríték (hu)
  • Italian: coperto (it) m
  • Polish: nakrycie (pl) n
  • Portuguese: reserva (pt) f
  • Russian: прибо́ры (ru) m pl (pribóry)
  • Slovene: pogrinjek m
  • Spanish: cubierto (es) m
  • Turkish: sofra takımı (tr), kuver (tr)

music: rerecording of a previously recorded song see cover version

cricket fielding position

philately: complete envelope

legal: buyer’s purchase on the open market of goods similar or identical to the goods contracted for

espionage: persona maintained by an operative

Translations to be checked

  • Esperanto: (please verify) kovrilo
  • Hungarian: (please verify) fedezet (hu), (please verify) biztosíték (hu)
  • Ido: (please verify) kovrilo (io)
  • Indonesian: (please verify) tutup (id), (please verify) lingkup (id), (please verify) tudung (id), (please verify) sampul (id)
  • Irish: (please verify) araoid f
  • Japanese: (please verify) カバー (ja) (kabā)
  • Lao: (please verify) ຝາປິດ (fā pit)


cover (not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to the front cover of a book or magazine.
  2. (music) Of, pertaining to, or consisting of cover versions.


concerning a cover version

  • Finnish: cover-
  • Swedish: cover-


cover (third-person singular simple present covers, present participle covering, simple past and past participle covered)

  1. (transitive) To place something over or upon, as to conceal or protect.

    He covered the baby with a blanket.

    When the pot comes to a boil, cover it and reduce the heat to medium.

  2. (transitive) To be over or upon, as to conceal or protect.

    The blanket covered the baby.

    • 1913, Mrs. [Marie] Belloc Lowndes, chapter I, in The Lodger, London: Methuen, →OCLC; republished in Novels of Mystery: The Lodger; The Story of Ivy; What Really Happened, New York, N.Y.: Longmans, Green and Co., [], [1933], →OCLC, page 0016:

      A great bargain also had been the excellent Axminster carpet which covered the floor; as, again, the arm-chair in which Bunting now sat forward, staring into the dull, small fire.
    • 2013 May-June, Charles T. Ambrose, “Alzheimer’s Disease”, in American Scientist, volume 101, number 3, page 200:

      Similar studies of rats have employed four different intracranial resorbable, slow sustained release systems— []. Such a slow-release device containing angiogenic factors could be placed on the pia mater covering the cerebral cortex and tested in persons with senile dementia in long term studies.

  3. (transitive) To be upon all of, so as to completely conceal.

    Regular hexagons can cover the plane.

  4. (transitive) To set upon all of, so as to completely conceal.

    You can cover the plane with regular hexagons.

  5. (intransitive, dated) To put on one’s hat.
    • 1904, Rawdon Lubbock Brown, Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts:

      All the while he held his hat in his hand; and even until he had given his answer, when he covered and bade us be.

  6. (transitive) To invest (oneself with something); to bring upon (oneself).

    The heroic soldier covered himself with glory.

    • 1842, Henry Brougham, Political Philosophy
      the powers that covered themselves with everlasting infamy by the partition of Poland
  7. (of a publication) To discuss thoroughly; to provide coverage of.

    The magazine covers such diverse topics as politics, news from the world of science, and the economy.

  8. To deal with or include someone or something.
    • 2010 (publication date), «Contributors», Discover, ISSN 0274-7529, volume 32, number 1, January–February 2011, page 7:
      Richard Morgan covers science for The Economist, The New York Times, Scientific American, and Wired.
  9. To be enough money for.

    We’ve earned enough to cover most of our costs.

    Ten dollars should cover lunch.

  10. (intransitive) To act as a replacement.

    I need to take off Tuesday. Can you cover for me?

  11. (transitive) To have as an assignment or responsibility.

    Can you cover the morning shift tomorrow? I’ll give you off next Monday instead.

    He is our salesman covering companies with headquarters in the northern provinces.

  12. (music) To make a cover version of (a song that was originally recorded by another artist).
  13. (military, law enforcement) To protect using an aimed firearm and the threat of firing; or to protect using continuous, heaving fire at or in the direction of the enemy so as to force the enemy to remain in cover; or to threaten using an aimed firearm.
  14. To provide insurance coverage for.

    Does my policy cover accidental loss?

  15. To copulate with (said of certain male animals such as dogs and horses).
    • 1927, Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 (of 6)[1]:

      Among animals in a domesticated or confined state it is easy to find evidence of homosexual attraction, due merely to the absence of the other sex. This was known to the ancients; the Egyptians regarded two male partridges as the symbol of homosexuality, and Aristotle noted that two female pigeons would cover each other if no male was at hand.

    I would like to have my bitch covered next spring.

    The stallion has not covered the mare yet.

    Synonym: impregnate
  16. (chess, transitive) To protect or control (a piece or square).

    In order to checkmate a king on the side of the board, the five squares adjacent to the king must all be covered.

  17. To extend over a given period of time or range, to occupy, to stretch over a given area.
  18. To traverse or put behind a certain distance.
    • 1915, Aerial Age
      November 22 — Owing to bad weather all machines flew at a height of 5,000 feet and covered the 90 miles in just 90 minutes . November 23 — During fourth lap …
    • 1989, Robert K. Krick, Parker’s Virginia Battery, C.S.A.
      It had covered better than 840 miles in just a few hours more than seven days.32 The apparently clumsily managed shuffle through the various railroad nets …
  19. (sports) To defend (mark) a particular player or area.


  • For quotations using this term, see Citations:cover.

Derived terms[edit]

  • cover all of one’s bases
  • cover all of the bases
  • cover all the bases
  • cover one’s back
  • cover one’s bases
  • cover one’s feet
  • cover one’s tracks
  • cover someone’s ass
  • cover someone’s back
  • cover the bases
  • cover the buckle
  • cover the waterfront
  • cover up
  • cover-few
  • coverage
  • covered bridge
  • covered call
  • covered way
  • coverer
  • covering fire
  • covering letter
  • covering number
  • covering sickness
  • covering space
  • cut and cover, cut-and-cover
  • discover
  • duck and cover
  • edge covering number
  • Lindelöf covering theorem
  • re-covering
  • recover
  • self-covered
  • snow-covered
  • uncover
  • well covered
  • well-covered


  • German: covern
  • Danish: lave en cover


to conceal or protect

  • Arabic: غَطَّى(ḡaṭṭā)
  • Armenian: ծածկել (hy) (cackel)
  • Aromanian: acoapir
  • Asturian: anubrir
  • Azerbaijani: örtmək (az), bürümək (az)
  • Belarusian: пакрыва́ць impf (pakryvácʹ), пакры́ць pf (pakrýcʹ), прыкрыва́ць impf (prykryvácʹ), прыкры́ць pf (prykrýcʹ), укрыва́ць impf (ukryvácʹ), ўкрыва́ць impf (ŭkryvácʹ), укры́ць pf (ukrýcʹ), ўкрыць pf (ŭkrycʹ)
  • Bulgarian: скривам (bg) (skrivam), покривам (bg) (pokrivam)
  • Burmese: ကာ (my) (ka)
  • Catalan: cobrir (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 覆蓋覆盖 (zh) (fùgài),  (zh) ()
  • Czech: krýt (cs), přikrýt
  • Dalmatian: coprer
  • Danish: dække
  • Dutch: dekken (nl), bedekken (nl)
  • Esperanto: kovri
  • Extremaduran: cubril
  • Finnish: piilottaa (fi), peittää (fi), suojata (fi)
  • French: couvrir (fr)
  • Friulian: cuvierzi, cuviergi
  • Galician: abrigar (gl), cubrir (gl)
  • Georgian: დაფარვა (daparva)
  • German: decken (de), abdecken (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌳𐌹𐍃𐌷𐌿𐌻𐌾𐌰𐌽 (dishuljan)
  • Greek:
    Ancient: καλύπτω (kalúptō)
  • Guaraní: jaho’i
  • Hebrew: כיסה(kisá)
  • Hungarian: fed (hu), lefed (hu), befed (hu), burkol (hu), beburkol (hu), takar (hu), betakar (hu)
  • Icelandic: þekja (is)
  • Irish: cumhdaigh
  • Italian: coprire (it), nascondere (it)
  • Japanese: 覆う (ja) (おおう, ōu)
  • Kabuverdianu: bafa
  • Khmer: please add this translation if you can
  • Korean: 씌우다 (ko) (ssuiuda), 덮다 (ko) (deopda), 싸다 (ko) (ssada)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: داپۆشھ(dapoşh)
  • Latin: cooperiō, occulō, operiō (la), tego (la)
  • Latvian: segt
  • Lithuanian: dengti (lt)
  • Luxembourgish: couvréieren
  • Macedonian: покрива impf (pokriva)
  • Malay: menutup
  • Maori: taupoki, whakapūngenengene (with clothing), tūruru (against the cold), tāuhi, poreku
  • Mauritian Creole: kouver
  • Mongolian: бүтээх (mn) (büteex)
  • Nanai: бури-
  • Nepali: ढाक्नु (ḍhāknu)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: dekke (no)
  • Occitan: cobrir (oc)
  • Old English: þeċċan, wrēon
  • Old Javanese: tutup
  • Ossetian: бамбӕрзын (bambærzyn)
  • Polish: zakrywać (pl) impf, zakryć (pl) pf, przykrywać (pl) impf, przykryć (pl) pf, okrywać (pl) impf, okryć (pl) pf, skrywać (pl), zasłaniać (pl) impf, zasłonić (pl) pf, osłaniać (pl), osłonić (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: acobertar (pt), esconder (pt), ocultar (pt), cobrir (pt)
  • Quechua: qatay
  • Romanian: acoperi (ro)
  • Russian: закрыва́ть (ru) impf (zakryvátʹ), закры́ть (ru) impf (zakrýtʹ), накрыва́ть (ru) impf (nakryvátʹ), накры́ть (ru) pf (nakrýtʹ), покрыва́ть (ru) impf (pokryvátʹ), покры́ть (ru) pf (pokrýtʹ), прикрыва́ть (ru) impf (prikryvátʹ), прикры́ть (ru) pf (prikrýtʹ)
  • Sanskrit: स्कुनाति (sa) (skunāti)
  • Scottish Gaelic: còmhdaich
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: покривати impf, покрити pf
    Roman: pokrivati (sh) impf, pokriti (sh) pf
  • Sherpa: འགེབ (‘geb)
  • Slovak: kryť impf, prikrývať impf, prikryť pf
  • Slovene: pokriti
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: kšyś impf
  • Spanish: esconder (es), ocultar (es), abrigar (es), cubrir (es)
  • Swedish: täcka (sv), skydda (sv)
  • Tagalog: takpan
  • Telugu: మూయు (te) (mūyu)
  • Thai: ปก (th) (bpòk), กรูม (th) (gruum), กำบัง (th) (gam-bang)
  • Tibetan: འགེབས (‘gebs)
  • Tocharian B: wāl-
  • Tok Pisin: karamapim (tpi)
  • Turkish: örtmek (tr)
  • Ukrainian: покрива́ти impf (pokryváty), покри́ти pf (pokrýty), прикрива́ти impf (prykryváty), прикри́ти pf (prykrýty), укрива́ти impf (ukryváty), вкрива́ти impf (vkryváty), укрит́и pf (ukryt́y), вкри́ти pf (vkrýty)
  • Vietnamese: che (vi)

to be or set upon all of, so as to completely conceal

  • Hungarian: takar (hu), eltakar (hu), betakar (hu), borít (hu), elborít (hu), beborít (hu), lep (hu), ellep (hu), fed (hu), lefed (hu), befed (hu), leplez (hu), elleplez (hu), palástol (hu)

discuss, mention, deal with

provide enough money for

  • Armenian: ծածկել (hy) (cackel)
  • Azerbaijani: əhatə etmək
  • Bulgarian: покривам (bg) (pokrivam)
  • Dutch: dekken (nl)
  • Finnish: kattaa (fi)
  • French: couvrir (fr)
  • German: abdecken (de), decken (de)
  • Hebrew: כיסה(kisá)
  • Hungarian: fedez (hu), áll (hu), elég (hu)
  • Polish: pokrywać (pl)
  • Portuguese: cobrir (pt)
  • Romanian: acoperi (ro)
  • Slovene: kriti
  • Spanish: cubrir (es)
  • Swedish: täcka upp för

to have as an assignment or responsibility

(music) make a cover version

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 翻唱 (zh) (fānchàng)
  • Dutch: coveren (nl)
  • Finnish: coveroida (fi) (colloquial)
  • French: reprendre (fr)
  • German: covern (de)
  • Greek: διασκευάζω (el) (diaskevázo)
  • Hungarian: feldolgoz (hu)
  • Portuguese: cobrir (pt), tampar (pt)
  • Slovene: prirediti
  • Spanish: versionar (es)
  • Swedish: göra en cover (på/av)

protect by shooting

  • Armenian: ծածկել (hy) (cackel)
  • Azerbaijani: himayə etmək
  • Bulgarian: прикривам (bg) (prikrivam)
  • Danish: dække
  • Dutch: dekken (nl)
  • Finnish: suojata (fi)
  • French: couvrir (fr)
  • German: decken (de), Deckung geben
  • Hebrew: חיפה (he) (khipá)
  • Hungarian: fedez (hu)
  • Italian: coprire (it)
  • Polish: osłaniać (pl), kryć (pl)
  • Portuguese: cobrir (pt)
  • Russian: прикрыва́ть (ru) impf (prikryvátʹ), прикры́ть (ru) pf (prikrýtʹ)
  • Slovene: kriti
  • Spanish: proteger (es), apuntar (es)
  • Swedish: täcka (sv)

to provide insurance coverage for

copulate (of animals)

  • Azerbaijani: sürmək (az), basmaq (az), mayalandırmaq, dölləndirmək
  • Bulgarian: възкачвам (bg) (vǎzkačvam)
  • Danish: bedække
  • Dutch: paren (nl), dekken (nl), bestijgen (nl), bespringen (nl)
  • Finnish: astua (fi)
  • French: couvrir (fr)
  • Galician: montar (gl)
  • German: decken (de), bespringen (de), besteigen (de)
  • Hungarian: fedez (hu), meghág (hu)
  • Italian: coprire (it), montare (it), accoppiare (it)
  • Korean: 교미하다 (ko) (gyomihada)
  • Maori: whakaekeeke
  • Polish: kryć (pl)
  • Spanish: cubrir (es)
  • Swedish: betäcka (sv)

to extend over a given period/time/range, to occupy, to stretch over a given area

(sport) to defend a particular player or area

Translations to be checked

  • Esperanto: (please verify) kovri
  • Ido: (please verify) kovrar (io)
  • Indonesian: (please verify) menutupi (id), (please verify) melingkupi (id)
  • Japanese: (please verify) 覆う (ja) (おおう, ōu), (please verify) カバーする (kabā suru)
  • Romansh: (please verify) cuvrir


  1. ^ 1874, Edward H. Knight, American Mechanical Dictionary


  • Vorce, corve



Borrowed from English cover.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkɑ.vər/, /ˈkɔ.vər/
  • Hyphenation: co‧ver


cover m (plural covers, diminutive covertje n)

  1. A cover, cover song, cover version (rerecording of a previously recorded song, typically by a different artist).
  2. A cover, the front of a magazine or of the package of a storage medium.

Derived terms[edit]

  • coveren
  • coverversie



Unadapted borrowing from English cover.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkoʋer/, [ˈko̞ʋe̞r]
  • IPA(key): /ˈkoʋeri/, [ˈko̞ʋe̞ri]



  1. cover, cover version, cover song (rerecording of a previously recorded song)
    Synonyms: coverversio, koveri, lainakappale


Inflection of cover (Kotus type 6/paperi, no gradation)
nominative cover coverit
genitive coverin coverien
partitive coveria covereita
illative coveriin covereihin
singular plural
nominative cover coverit
accusative nom. cover coverit
gen. coverin
genitive coverin coverien
partitive coveria covereita
inessive coverissa covereissa
elative coverista covereista
illative coveriin covereihin
adessive coverilla covereilla
ablative coverilta covereilta
allative coverille covereille
essive coverina covereina
translative coveriksi covereiksi
instructive coverein
abessive coveritta covereitta
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of cover (type paperi)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative coverini coverini
accusative nom. coverini coverini
gen. coverini
genitive coverini coverieni
partitive coveriani covereitani
inessive coverissani covereissani
elative coveristani covereistani
illative coveriini covereihini
adessive coverillani covereillani
ablative coveriltani covereiltani
allative coverilleni covereilleni
essive coverinani covereinani
translative coverikseni covereikseni
abessive coverittani covereittani
comitative covereineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative coverisi coverisi
accusative nom. coverisi coverisi
gen. coverisi
genitive coverisi coveriesi
partitive coveriasi covereitasi
inessive coverissasi covereissasi
elative coveristasi covereistasi
illative coveriisi covereihisi
adessive coverillasi covereillasi
ablative coveriltasi covereiltasi
allative coverillesi covereillesi
essive coverinasi covereinasi
translative coveriksesi covereiksesi
abessive coverittasi covereittasi
comitative covereinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative coverimme coverimme
accusative nom. coverimme coverimme
gen. coverimme
genitive coverimme coveriemme
partitive coveriamme covereitamme
inessive coverissamme covereissamme
elative coveristamme covereistamme
illative coveriimme covereihimme
adessive coverillamme covereillamme
ablative coveriltamme covereiltamme
allative coverillemme covereillemme
essive coverinamme covereinamme
translative coveriksemme covereiksemme
abessive coverittamme covereittamme
comitative covereinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative coverinne coverinne
accusative nom. coverinne coverinne
gen. coverinne
genitive coverinne coverienne
partitive coverianne covereitanne
inessive coverissanne covereissanne
elative coveristanne covereistanne
illative coveriinne covereihinne
adessive coverillanne covereillanne
ablative coveriltanne covereiltanne
allative coverillenne covereillenne
essive coverinanne covereinanne
translative coveriksenne covereiksenne
abessive coverittanne covereittanne
comitative covereinenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative coverinsa coverinsa
accusative nom. coverinsa coverinsa
gen. coverinsa
genitive coverinsa coveriensa
partitive coveriaan
inessive coverissaan
elative coveristaan
illative coveriinsa covereihinsa
adessive coverillaan
ablative coveriltaan
allative coverilleen
essive coverinaan
translative coverikseen
abessive coverittaan
comitative covereineen



From English cover.


  • IPA(key): /kɔ.vœʁ/


cover m (plural covers)

  1. (colloquial) cover (rerecording)




  1. inflection of covern:
    1. first-person singular present
    2. singular imperative



Borrowed from English cover.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkɔ.vɛr/, /ˈka.vɛr/
  • Rhymes: -ɔvɛr, -avɛr
  • Syllabification: co‧ver


cover m inan

  1. (music) cover version (rerecording of a song)


Further reading[edit]

  • cover in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • cover in Polish dictionaries at PWN



Unadapted borrowing from English cover.


cover m or (rare) f (plural coveres)

  1. (music) cover version (rerecording of a song by another musician or group)
    Synonym: versão cover



Unadapted borrowing from English cover.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkobeɾ/ [ˈko.β̞eɾ]
  • Rhymes: -obeɾ
  • Syllabification: co‧ver


cover m (plural covers)

  1. cover, cover version
    Synonym: versión

Usage notes[edit]

  • According to Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) prescriptions, unadapted foreign words should be written in italics in a text printed in roman type, and vice versa, and in quotation marks in a manuscript text or when italics are not available. In practice, this RAE prescription is not always followed.



From English cover.


cover c

  1. (music) cover, cover song

Usage notes[edit]

The plural of this word could also be covers.


Declension of cover 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative cover covern cover coverna
Genitive covers coverns covers covernas

Derived terms[edit]

  • coverband


  • cover in Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL)


The gardener covered the soil with mulch.

The furniture had been covered in a protective cloth.

We covered the stains on the wall with a fresh coat of paint.

You should cover your mouth when you cough.

She covered her head with a scarf.

tables covered with white linen

Lakes cover much of the state.

The hikers covered long distances every day.

The bird may cover thousands of miles during its migration.


She placed a cover over the pan so that the oil wouldn’t spatter.

I put a cover on the sofa to protect it.

There’s a picture of the author on the book’s back cover.

The singer is posing in jeans and cowboy boots on the album cover.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

The two wolves have since spent their time hunting, sleeping and covering a lot of ground.

Dawn Stover, oregonlive, 12 Apr. 2023

The kitchen’s botanical wall covering depicts citrus and pomegranates and was one of his earliest designs, first printed in 1864.

Anna Logan, Country Living, 12 Apr. 2023

But the main issue is whether or not your vehicle will be covered under warranty for any damage caused by E15 usage, and in many cases, the answer is no.

Ben Wojdyla, Popular Mechanics, 12 Apr. 2023

Salespeople told him the system would cover all of his electric bills and ultimately pay for itself with a $37 monthly rate, and McClelland said the company promised to upgrade his electrical system.

Bailey Schulz, USA TODAY, 11 Apr. 2023

Per Bet Labs, NBA playoff favorites that receive a higher percentage of the betting handle than the betting tickets cover over 60% of the time, generating an 18.8% ROI for bettors.

Tanner Mcgrath, Chicago Tribune, 11 Apr. 2023

Reduce the heat to medium, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is partially cooked (still very pink in the middle), about 15 minutes.

Nandita Godbole, Washington Post, 11 Apr. 2023

These fans are all over the hotel, printed on the fabric lining the hallways and covering the doors that welcome guests to the lobby.

Maya Kachroo-levine, Travel + Leisure, 11 Apr. 2023

Heidi posed for a pic in only bikini bottoms and bunny ears, while covering her chest and showing off her totally toned abs and legs in the process.

Korin Miller, Women’s Health, 11 Apr. 2023

Her friend Jackie Kennedy wore one on the cover of Life magazine and the rest was preppy history.

Olivia Hosken, Town & Country, 31 Mar. 2023

Davis gained acclaim in 2014 for pitching in the Little League World Series, becoming the first Little League player to land on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

Marisa Ingemi, San Francisco Chronicle, 31 Mar. 2023

Even children living far from the front lines face regular air raid alerts that send them running for cover.

Kamila Hrabchuk, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

On Tuesday, the father of five, 41, shared a photo on his Instagram Story of his daughter Zaya Wade on the cover of DAZED’s March issue.

Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 30 Mar. 2023

At the semi-regular shows at the Ace Hotel downtown, fans shell out $15 for cover, tip twice that amount, and spend at least as much again at the bar.

Sonja Sharp, Los Angeles Times, 29 Mar. 2023

Bruce Springsteen was on the cover of them both.

Andy Greene, Rolling Stone, 27 Mar. 2023

It was featured on the cover of Vogue in 1963.

Anthony Demarco, Forbes, 26 Mar. 2023

This particular tableau includes tools for a frontal lobotomy, a copy of Inc. Magazine with disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes on the cover, and a box of Rely Tampons.

Anna Kaufman, USA TODAY, 26 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cover.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Spelling of Cover: The word cover is spelled c-o-v-e-r.

Definition of Cover: Cover functions as a verb and as a noun.

As a verb, cover has a variety of meanings. The most common meanings include: (1) to put something or someone on top or in front of something or someone to protect or conceal it; (2) to deal with a subject by examining the most important areas or events; (3) in terms of money, to have enough to pay the bill or cost; (4) to disguise or hide a fact or sound with another fact or sound; (5) in music, to record or perform an alternative version of an existing song performed by someone else originally; (6) to be or become coated in a layer of something.

As a noun, a cover is something that lies on, around, or over something, usually to protect or conceal it. It also refers to some type of shelter to which people go when in need of protection. In music, cover is used as a noun to describe the remake of a song originally performed by someone else.

Pronunciation of Cover: cover is pronounced kuv-er.

How to Use Cover in a Sentence

how to spell coverWhat does cover mean? In most uses of the word, cover is used as a verb meaning to shield, protect, guard or conceal something or someone.

In other contexts, the verb cover varies a bit but, generally, maintains the same sense of its meaning.

For example,

  • You should cover the salad so that flies do not get in it.
  • Do no walk in here because your boots are covered in mud.
  • The coach told him to cover the tallest player on the opponent’s team.

As a noun, a cover can refer to many things: from a lid or other material used to protect or conceal something, to an alternative version of a song originally performed by another artist, to an alternative identity intended to protect a person’s true identity.

For example,

  • The local band performed a cover of the famous band’s original.
  • They took cover from the storm in a nearby barn.

Phrases & Idioms That Use Cover

Cover up: To put on clothing or extra clothing to hide one’s body or to stay warm in the cold.

Cover (one’s) tracks: To conceal or hide one’s tracks or trace in order to evade followers or pursuers. 

Cover ground: To travel a certain distance at a satisfying pace. 

Take cover: To find something under, in, or behind which to hide and/or be protected from danger such as storms or gunfire.

Undercover: To conceal or protect one’s identity by assuming an alternative, false identity, as police officers often do. 

History of Cover

According to Merriam Webster’s, the first use of cover was in the 13th century.

The word comes from Middle English coveren which comes from Anglo-French coverir, covrir, and from the Latin word cooperire. The latter being formed from co- + operire meaning to close or cover.

Synonyms for Cover

Since cover is both a noun and verb and has several meanings as both parts of speech, it’s important to choose the right synonym for the given context.

Cover as a Noun:

  • Lid
  • Top
  • Roof
  • Covering
  • Guard
  • Blanket
  • Coating
  • Layer

Cover as a Verb:

  • Shield
  • Guard
  • Shelter
  • Coat
  • Traverse
  • Describe
  • Fund
  • Disguise

Outside Examples of Cover

  • There were roughly 1.75 million housing units in Harris County, but that includes apartment and condominium buildings, making it an imperfect figure to try to calculate what overall percentage of families are covered by flood insurance. –Chicago Tribune
  • City councilors in Charlottesville, Virginia, voted unanimously on Tuesday to cover two statues of Confederate war heroes in black fabric after ejecting spectators from a chaotic council meeting as residents demanded answers over how a recent white nationalist rally turned deadly. –Reuters


The word cover functions as both a noun and a verb. It has many meanings that are all related, though the nuance of the context is important.


  • 1 How to Use Cover in a Sentence
  • 2 Phrases & Idioms That Use Cover
  • 3 History of Cover
  • 4 Synonyms for Cover
  • 5 Outside Examples of Cover
  • 6 Summary

Britannica Dictionary definition of COVER


to put something over, on top of, or in front of (something else) especially in order to protect, hide, or close it

[+ object]

  • The gardener covered the soil with mulch.

  • The furniture had been covered in a protective cloth.

  • Be sure to cover the pot. [=put a cover on the pot]

  • He covered his face with his hands. [=he put his hands over his face; he hid his face behind his hands]

  • We covered the stains on the wall with a fresh coat of paint.

  • You should cover your mouth when you cough.

  • She covered her head with a scarf.

  • tables covered with white linen

  • He wears a hair piece to cover [=hide, conceal] his bald spot.

[no object]

used in recipes and instructions

  • The recipe said: “Reduce heat. Cover [=put a cover/lid on the pot/pan] and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.”

  • Place the seed in the hole and cover with soil.

[+ object]


to be spread over or on top of (something)

  • Water covered the floor.

  • Snow covered the hills.


to be over much or all of the surface of (something)

  • Lakes cover much of the state.

usually used as (be) covered

  • Much of the state is covered with lakes.

  • The wall is completely covered with graffiti.

  • His legs were covered in mosquito bites.

[+ object]


to pass over or through (an area, distance, etc.)

  • The hikers covered long distances every day.

  • The bird may cover thousands of miles during its migration.

[+ object]


to have (something) as a subject


to relate to or provide information about (a particular subject)

  • The course will cover the country’s early history.

  • an exam covering a semester’s worth of material

  • This material was covered in the book’s first chapter.

  • We’d better get started because we have a lot (of information) to cover in one hour.


to relate to or have an effect on (something)

  • The patent covers [=applies to] both kinds of devices/systems.

  • The term “house” covers a wide array of buildings. [=many different kinds of buildings can be called houses]

[+ object]


to report news about (something)

  • He is an experienced journalist who has covered several presidential campaigns.

  • She covers political news for the network.


to protect (someone) by promising to pay for loss, damage, etc.


to provide financial protection to (someone)

  • The policy covers the traveler in any accident.


to provide protection by promising to pay for (a problem, accident, etc.)


to provide financial protection against (something)

  • The policy covers water damage.

  • a policy covering loss by fire


to provide payment for (something)

  • My health insurance doesn’t cover this treatment/drug.

[+ object]


to have enough money for (something)

  • Your checking account balance will not cover the check. [=there is not enough money in your checking account to pay for the amount of the check]


to pay for (something)

  • He has enough money to cover tuition, but he can’t afford to buy the textbooks he needs.

  • This money should cover the cost of repairing the wall.

[+ object]


to guard or protect (something or someone) by being ready to shoot a gun or fire a weapon

  • The ships were covering approaches to the harbor.

  • Officer Blake’s partner yelled “Cover me!” and ran for the door.


to protect (yourself or someone else) from possible trouble or danger

  • He was trying to cover himself by lying about his involvement in the scandal.

  • (US, informal + impolite) He was trying to cover his ass/butt by lying.

[+ object]



to guard (an opponent) as part of your team’s effort to prevent the other team from scoring

  • He was assigned to cover the tight end.



to be in a position to receive a throw to (a base)

  • The shortstop was covering second base.

see also cover all the bases at 1base


[no object]


to help you by doing your job when you are away or not able to do it

+ for

  • A coworker covered for me during my vacation.

  • She’ll be out for a week, so the rest of us will have to cover for her.


to hide the truth or lie for someone

+ for

  • He covered for his friend, insisting that he hadn’t seen him all day.


[+ object]


to be responsible for selling or providing something to all the people in (an area) for a company, organization, etc.

  • One salesperson covers the whole state.


to provide something to (a group of people)

  • There should be enough of the vaccine to cover everyone.


[+ object]


to record or perform (a song that was previously recorded by someone else)

  • The band has covered many hits from the 1980s.

cover up


cover (something) up


cover up (something)


to cover yourself, part of your body, etc., with something (such as clothing or a blanket)

  • She quickly covered up with a robe.

  • She quickly covered herself up.

cover (something) up


cover up (something)


to prevent people from learning the truth about (something, such as a crime)


to hide (something)

  • They tried to cover up the crime/mistake/problem/scandal.

  • I think they stole the money and then lied about it to cover up their guilt.

see also cover-up

cover your tracks

see 1track

have (got) someone or something covered



to have done, gotten, or provided whatever is needed

  • Don’t worry about a thing. We’ve got you covered. [=we have taken care of everything that you might need]

  • You don’t need to buy soda for the party. We’ve already got that covered. [=we already have enough soda]

Britannica Dictionary definition of COVER



something that is put around or on top of another thing especially to protect, hide, or close it

  • She placed a cover over the pan so that the oil wouldn’t spatter.

  • I put a cover on the sofa to protect it.

  • a mattress cover

  • I lifted the cover of the box and peeked inside.

  • He unscrewed the cover [=top, lid] of the jar.



a blanket or sheet on a bed

usually plural

  • She was in bed lying under the covers.

  • He threw off the covers and rose to begin the day.



the outer part of a book or magazine

  • There’s a picture of the author on the book’s back/front cover.

  • The model appeared on the (front) covers of many weeklies.

  • She read the book from cover to cover. [=she read all of the book]

see also cover girl, cover story


the part of the case of a record album, CD, DVD, etc., that is seen from the outside

  • The singer is posing in jeans and cowboy boots on the album cover.


something that covers the ground or the sky


  • The ground was hidden under a cover of snow.

  • The moon was hidden behind a thick cloud cover. [=behind thick clouds]


  • areas of light plant cover [=areas in which there are few plants]

see also ground cover



a place or situation in which you are protected

  • The roof provided cover from the rain.

  • The soldiers sought cover behind the wall.

  • The officer ordered the soldiers to take cover as the enemy began shooting.

  • The hikers took cover under a tree and waited for the storm to pass.

  • The hikers ran/dashed/headed for cover as the storm approached.

◊ If you break cover, you come out from a place where you have been safe or hidden.

  • The rabbit suddenly broke cover and ran across the field.



something that prevents actions, information, etc., from being seen or known

  • The crime was committed under (the) cover of darkness/night. [=when it was dark; at night]

  • an official speaking to a reporter under cover of anonymity [=with the understanding that the reporter would not reveal the official’s name]



something that is not what it seems to be but is actually used to hide something else

usually singular

  • The business was a cover for a criminal gang.

  • Her job as a consultant was just a cover for her true identity as a secret agent.

  • He acts tough, but that’s just a cover. He’s a real softy underneath.

◊ A person who is under cover has his or her true identity hidden. The phrase usually describes a person (such as a police officer) who pretends to be someone else in order to get information.

  • The policeman went under cover to collect more evidence.

  • The agent was working under cover.

◊ To blow someone’s cover is to reveal someone’s true identity.

  • The agent posed as a consultant until someone blew her cover.

see also undercover



a recording or performance of a song that was previously recorded by someone else

  • a cover (version) of a popular song

  • a cover band [=a band that plays songs previously recorded by other performers]




cover charge

  • The nightclub has a $5 cover.





insurance coverage

  • a policy that provides cover [=(US) coverage] for loss by fire




protection from danger, an attack, etc.

  • They had to land in enemy territory without any air cover. [=protection by military airplanes]

  • traveling with the benefit of diplomatic cover [=the special protection that is given to a diplomat]





work done by someone other than the person who usually does it

  • A small crew will provide emergency cover during the strike.

under separate cover


in a separate envelope

  • The manuscript is being sent to you under separate cover.

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Weezer’s ‘El Scorcho.’ I’m in a ’90s cover band called ‘Straight 2 Video’ with members of the crew from ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ and we played this song at our wrap party. I grin from ear to ear every time I scream this song in my car.

Candice Accola



From Old French covrir, from Latin cooperīre to cover completely, from operīre to cover over.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Cover is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb cover in English.


Definition of cover in the English dictionary

The first definition of cover in the dictionary is to place or spread something over so as to protect or conceal. Other definition of cover is to provide with a covering; clothe. Cover is also to put a garment, esp a hat, on.




I cover

you cover

he/she/it covers

we cover

you cover

they cover

Present continuous

I am covering

you are covering

he/she/it is covering

we are covering

you are covering

they are covering

Present perfect

I have covered

you have covered

he/she/it has covered

we have covered

you have covered

they have covered

Present perfect continuous

I have been covering

you have been covering

he/she/it has been covering

we have been covering

you have been covering

they have been covering

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I covered

you covered

he/she/it covered

we covered

you covered

they covered

Past continuous

I was covering

you were covering

he/she/it was covering

we were covering

you were covering

they were covering

Past perfect

I had covered

you had covered

he/she/it had covered

we had covered

you had covered

they had covered

Past perfect continuous

I had been covering

you had been covering

he/she/it had been covering

we had been covering

you had been covering

they had been covering

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will cover

you will cover

he/she/it will cover

we will cover

you will cover

they will cover

Future continuous

I will be covering

you will be covering

he/she/it will be covering

we will be covering

you will be covering

they will be covering

Future perfect

I will have covered

you will have covered

he/she/it will have covered

we will have covered

you will have covered

they will have covered

Future perfect continuous

I will have been covering

you will have been covering

he/she/it will have been covering

we will have been covering

you will have been covering

they will have been covering

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would cover

you would cover

he/she/it would cover

we would cover

you would cover

they would cover

Conditional continuous

I would be covering

you would be covering

he/she/it would be covering

we would be covering

you would be covering

they would be covering

Conditional perfect

I would have cover

you would have cover

he/she/it would have cover

we would have cover

you would have cover

they would have cover

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been covering

you would have been covering

he/she/it would have been covering

we would have been covering

you would have been covering

they would have been covering

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you cover
we let´s cover
you cover

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.


Synonyms and antonyms of cover in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «cover» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «cover» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of cover to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of cover from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «cover» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

màn che

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of cover


The term «cover» is very widely used and occupies the 760 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «cover» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of cover

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «cover».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «cover» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «cover» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about cover


Famous quotes and sentences with the word cover.

Weezer’s ‘El Scorcho.’ I’m in a ’90s cover band called ‘Straight 2 Video’ with members of the crew from ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ and we played this song at our wrap party. I grin from ear to ear every time I scream this song in my car.

But if you cover the World Series on the news or do a feature on an Ali boxing match then all of a sudden ears go up all over the place and people say what the hell are you doing. The reason for that is that we’re doing something that people are really interested in.

In my very early days as a journalist, as a cub reporter on a local newspaper, I used to cover the district courthouse in Limerick city — all human life passed through that establishment, and my time there remains a source of inspiration.

If you take away the predators in the prairies and the national parks, you suddenly have an explosion of elk, and then you have a lack of the food source for the elk, so they strip all the ground bare and that takes away the cover, on and on and on and on. The whole food chain is disrupted.

I prayed like a man walking in a forest at night, feeling his way with his hands, at each step fearing to fall into pure bottomlessness forever. Prayer is like lying awake at night, afraid, with your head under the cover, hearing only the beating of your own heart.

For a long time, television said, ‘We won’t cover cricket unless you pay us to cover it.’ Then they said, ‘OK, the next rights are sold for 55 million dollars. The next rights are sold for 612 million dollars.’ So, it’s a bit of a curve, that.

I used to wear a lot of red lipstick, and when I got a pimple, I’d cover it up with eyeliner to turn it into a beauty mark.

I really think more fledgling novelists — and many current and even established novelists — should get out into the real world and cover local politics, sports, culture, and crime and write it up on deadline.

Now, I had been drawing all this time — especially in France of course — so, when I came back, my father gave me the chance to do a cover for one of the books he published.

Emphasize your strengths on your resume, in your cover letters and in your interviews. It may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people simply list everything they’ve ever done. Convey your passion and link your strengths to measurable results. Employers and interviewers love concrete data.


Discover the use of cover in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to cover and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Cover to Cover: Creative Techniques for Making Beautiful …

Provides step-by-step instructions for creating a variety of journals, albums, and books.


Judging a Book by Its Cover: Fans, Publishers, Designers, …

This collection examines the role of book covers in the marketing of popular fiction across the twentieth century and beyond.

Nicole Matthews, Nickianne Moody, 2007


Cover Letters that Blow Doors Open

Designed as the comprehensive guide to cover letter preparation, the 272-page book shows examples of exciting and door-opening cover letters. The main section of the book shows cover letters by field and industry.


Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Local Processes and Global …

In writing this book, current knowledge and understanding is reported on the rates, causes/pathways, impacts, future scenarios/models, policy implications and new research directions in the field of land-use/cover change.

Eric F. Lambin, Helmut J. Geist, 2008


Creating the Cover for Your Graphic Novel

Provides step-by-step instructions on drawing the cover of a graphic novel or comic, and teasing the story through illustration.


Changes in Land Use and Land Cover: A Global Perspective

This book analyses the impact of human activities on the Earth’s surface and environment.

William B. Meyer, B. L. Turner, II, 1994


Knock ’em Dead Cover Letters: Cover letter samples and …

Write a cover letter that will get you the interview In this newest edition of the bestselling cover letters guide, Martin Yate shows you how to dramatically increase your chances of landing an interview with a dynamic cover letter.


Elements of Information Theory

The Second Edition features: Chapters reorganized to improve teaching 200 new problems New material on source coding, portfolio theory, and feedback capacity Updated references Now current and enhanced, the Second Edition of Elements of …

Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas, 2012


Narrative, Violence, and the Law: The Essays of Robert Cover

«Bob Cover was and remains the dominant voice of his generation among legal scholars. These essays, each one magnificent in itself, are, when taken together, even more important. The wisdom they impart is forever.

Robert M. Cover, Martha Minow, Michael Ryan, 1992


By Its Cover: Modern American Book Cover Design

By Its Cover traces the story of the American book cover from its inception as a means of utilitarian protection for the book to its current status as an elaborately produced form of communication art.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term cover is used in the context of the following news items.

August Cover Revealed – Tacoma

Our cover story details more of the science behind the world and Tacoma’s existence, dives into some of the themes and issues the crew … «Game Informer, Jul 15»

U2 jam with U2 cover band on stage in Toronto

U2 enlisted the help of Toronto’s favourite U2 cover band, Acrobat, last night for a collaborative rendition of ‘Desire’. Check it out below. «Gigwise, Jul 15»

Oprah stuns on cover of ‘O’ in photos taken with iPhone

Magazine cover shoots take hours, lots of prep and tons of professionals — except for Oprah. The mogul looks absolutely fabulous at a … «New York Daily News, Jul 15»

‘Cosby blew his own cover

“Just the fact that this man finally in his own words blew his own cover, isn’t that fantastic?” said Victoria Valentino, who has accused Cosby of … «Independent Online, Jul 15»

Steve Austin Talks Wrestlemania 32, Says WWE 2K16 Cover Is An …

As noted, WWE Hall Of Famer and recently announced WWE 2K16 cover athlete “Stone Cold” Steve Austin recently did an interview with MTV … «Wrestlezone, Jul 15»

City watchdog wants new regulations to cover algorithmic trading

Managers responsible for algorithmic trading should be covered by a new accountability regime as part of a push to include traders working in … «Financial Times, Jul 15»

Vyapam scam: Despite a possible CBI probe, CM Chouhan is not in …

But, it would be difficult for MP Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan to get rid of accusations of foul play and cover-up in the scam. His role and … «Firstpost, Jul 15»

Must watch: Coolio and Black Sabbath cover T-Swift’s ‘Bad Blood’

An intrepid fan remade the pop star’s summer smash hit with 20 different impressions of popular artists from every genre imaginable in under 4 … «USA TODAY, Jul 15»

Look to perennials to cover a lot of ground

Ground covers also are used to cover problem spots where not much else will grow and in areas with foot traffic such as median strips. I like to … «Toronto Sun, Jul 15»

Cover letters count more than you think

A well-written cover letter has the potential to take your resumé from the bottom of the pile to the top. So says career expert Heather Huhman, … «Toronto Sun, Jul 15»


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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • cover [ˈkʌvə] сущ

    1. крышкаж, чехолм, кожухм

      (lid, case, casing)

      • terminal box cover – крышка клеммной коробки
      • cylinder head cover – крышка головки цилиндра
      • removable back cover – съемная задняя крышка
      • covers for mobile phones – чехлы для мобильных телефонов
    2. покрытиеср, покровм, прикрытиеср, освещениеср

      (covering, lighting)

      • cover zone – зона покрытия
      • permanent snow cover – постоянный снежный покров
      • sea ice cover – ледовый покров
      • political cover – политическое прикрытие
    3. обложкаж


      • album cover art – обложка альбома
    4. каверм

    5. охватм


  • cover [ˈkʌvə] гл

    1. охватывать, включать, охватить

      (include, encompass)

      • cover the years – охватывать период
      • cover the period – охватить период
    2. покрывать, покрыть

      (coat, will cover)

      • cover the costs – покрывать расходы
      • cover expenses – покрыть расходы
    3. распространяться


    4. закрывать, накрывать, прикрывать, прикрыть, накрыть, закрыть

      (close, lay, shield)

      • cover the face – закрывать лицо
      • cover the rear – прикрывать тыл
      • cover the retreat – прикрыть отступление
      • cover the pot – накрыть кастрюлю
    5. освещать, освещаться

      (illuminate, highlight)

      • cover the conflict – освещать конфликт
    6. рассматривать, рассмотреть


    7. занимать


    8. посвятить


    9. затрагивать


крышка cap, cover, lid, case, hood, top
обложка cover, jacket, envelope
чехол cover, case, jacket, slipcover, hood, covering
покров cover, covering, veil, coat, blanket, mantle
кожух housing, casing, cover, shell, case, shroud
прикрытие cover, protection, front, screen, coverage, shelter
оболочка shell, casing, skin, sheath, envelope, cover
колпак cap, hood, cover, bell, dome, bonnet
переплет binding, cover
покрывало cover, covering, veil, coverlet, spread, throw
конверт envelope, cover
укрытие shelter, cover, hideout, hideaway, hide, covering
покрышка tire, lid, cover, overlay, covering, casing
футляр case, sheath, casing, cover, housing, wallet
обшивка skin, covering, sheathing, casing, shell, cover
ширма screen, folding screen, cover, front, shield, blind
обертка wrapper, wrap, wrapping, cover, envelope, boot
маска mask, guise, disguise, cover, visor, cloak
убежище asylum, refuge, shelter, haven, sanctuary, cover
заслон screen, backstop, cover
куверт cover
защитник defender, back, protector, quarterback, advocate, cover
личина guise, mask, disguise, cloak, cover, likeness
место защитника cover, cover-point
отговорка excuse, pretense, subterfuge, pretext, evasion, cover
гарантийный фонд cover
крышка переплета board, cover
обеденный прибор dinner service, dinner set, cover
дно цилиндра cover
предлог pretext, excuse, preposition, guise, plea, cover
охватывать cover, embrace, span, comprise, grasp, envelop
покрывать cover, coat, spread, case, shield, cope
закрывать close, cover, shut, shut down, shut up, close down
прикрывать cover, screen, cloak, shelter, veil, blank
накрывать cover, lay, straddle
крыть cover, coat, cope, cap
распространяться spread, propagate, circulate, cover, travel, expand
защищать protect, defend, advocate, uphold, guard, cover
предусматривать provide, envisage, cover, call for, reckon for
укрывать harbor, cover, shelter, conceal, shield, secrete
прикрываться cover, take refuge, close down
перекрывать overlap, cover, span, overlay, shut, bridge
относиться treat, refer, belong, concern, relate, cover
скрывать hide, conceal, mask, cover, keep, disguise
давать материал instruct, cover
преодолевать overcome, surmount, cover, negotiate, get over, conquer
уставлять set, cover with, cover, set with
застилать cover, obscure, cloud
чехлить cover
ограждать protect, fence, cover, barrier, fence in, fence about
подернуть cover
завесить curtain off, cover
завешивать hang, curtain, cover
увешать cover
осыпать shower, heap, cover, load, pepper, inundate
обтягивать cover, swift
обтянуть cover
заметать sweep, cover, drift
расстилаться cover, run
отмахивать cover, wave away
прикрывать огнем cover
проходить pass, penetrate, go, run, cover, go by
держать под обстрелом command, cover
давать отчет give an account, report, render an account, cover
обложить tax, besiege, cover, face
сидеть sit, sit down, seat, fit, set, cover
держать под угрозой cover

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • cover гл

    • lid · cap · hood
    • encompass · embrace · comprise · comprehend
    • top · roof · hatch · awning
    • cover up · hide · shut · conceal · obscure
    • coat · jacket · cloak · mantle
    • casing · shell · shroud · sheath · pall
    • blanket · veil · curtain · carpet
    • extend · apply


  • binding, jacket, dust jacket, dust cover, wrapper
  • bedding, bedclothes, sheets, blankets
  • coating, coat, covering, layer, carpet, blanket, overlay, dusting, film, sheet, veneer, crust, skin, cloak, mantle, veil, pall, shroud
  • shelter, protection, refuge, sanctuary, haven, hiding place
  • undergrowth, vegetation, greenery, woodland, trees, bushes, brush, scrub, plants, covert, thicket, copse
  • front, facade, smokescreen, screen, blind, camouflage, disguise, mask, cloak
  • cover charge, entry charge, entrance fee, admission charge, price of admission
  • cover charge
  • top
  • cover song, cover version
  • covering, masking, screening
  • covering fire
  • covert, concealment, screen
  • binding, back
  • covering
  • blanket


  • protect, shield, shelter, hide, conceal, veil
  • cake, coat, encrust, plaster, smother, daub, bedaub
  • blanket, overlay, overspread, carpet, coat, mantle
  • deal with, consider, take in, include, involve, comprise, incorporate, embrace
  • report on, write about, describe, commentate on, publish/broadcast details of
  • mask, disguise, hide, camouflage, muffle, block out, stifle, smother
  • stand in for, fill in for, deputize for, take over from, relieve, take the place of, sit in for, understudy, hold the fort, sub for, pinch-hit for
  • pay (for), be enough for, fund, finance, pay back, make up for, offset
  • insure, protect, secure, underwrite, assure, indemnify
  • travel, journey, go, do, traverse
  • underwrite, insure
  • spread over
  • cover up
  • report
  • continue, extend
  • overcompensate, compensate
  • encompass, embrace, comprehend
  • hatch, incubate, brood
  • hide, shroud, enshroud
  • breed
  • wrap up
  • overlay
  • cross, traverse, cut through, track, get over, get across, cut across, pass over
  • address, plow, deal, treat, handle

Предложения со словом «cover»

So here they may access the water from the fogs that regularly cover these areas in the morning.

У них есть доступ к воде, содержащейся в тумане, который регулярно опускается на пустыню утром.

So I went to the library and I looked at the first cover drawn by Rea Irvin in 1925 — a dandy looking at a butterfly through his monocle, and we call it Eustace Tilley.

Поэтому я отправилась в библиотеку и посмотрела на первую обложку , созданную Ри Ирвином в 1925 году — денди, смотрящий на бабочку через свой монокль, мы называем его Юстасом Тилли.

But at the same time, they cover two-thirds of the earth’s surface.

Но в то же время они покрывают 2/3 поверхности Земли.

So even small changes to cloud cover could have profound consequences.

Так что даже малейшие изменения в облачном покрове могут иметь серьёзные последствия.

For example: What happens if you’re called to cover a dictatorship, like Augusto Pinochet’s regime in Chile or Fidel Castro’s in Cuba?

К примеру: что, если вам поручат освещать события в стране с диктатурой вроде режима Аугусто Пиночета в Чили или Фиделя Кастро на Кубе?

Or what happens if you’re assigned to cover the presidential elections of the primary superpower, and one of the candidates makes comments that are racist, sexist and xenophobic?

Что будет, если вам поручат освещать президентские выборы в сверхдержаве, где один из кандидатов позволяет себе расистские, сексистские и ксенофобские высказывания?

Or we simply cover our hair up with wigs and weaves, only to let our roots breathe in private where no one knows what’s really going on under there.

Или мы попросту закрываем волосы париками или накладными прядями волос, не давая коже головы дышать и снимая их только дома, где никто не увидит, что действительно происходит под всем этим.

When thinking about appearance-based covering , the study showed that 67 percent of women of color cover in the workplace based on their appearance.

Что касается внешности, результаты исследования показали, что 67% небелых женщин вынуждены скрывать на рабочем месте свою истинную внешность.

Mortality composting is where you take an animal high in nitrogen and cover it with co-composting materials that are high in carbon.

При компостировании органических отходов берётся тело животного, богатое азотом, и покрывается углеродными материалами, ускоряющими компостирование.

During a laying in ceremony, they gently place the body into the core and cover it with wood chips.

Во время церемонии погребения они помещают тело в ядро и покрывают его щепками.

But it fell out of fashion for a long time until SHoP Architects used it to cover the American Copper Building, a pair of twisting towers on the East River.

Но она давно вышла из моды, пока SHoP Architects не использовали ее, чтобы покрыть American Copper Building, пару скрученных башен на Ист — Ривер.

The oceans cover two-thirds of our planet.

Океаны занимают две трети поверхности нашей планеты.

Or you can cover up and apply insect repellent.

Или можете прикрываться одеждой и пользоваться репеллентами.

What was more, they actively cheated on the law and orchestrated cover-ups .

Более того, они отходили от буквы закона и утаивали нарушения.

I was living in London at the time — I was sent from London to Abuja to cover the World Economic Forum that Nigeria was hosting for the first time.

Я тогда жила в Лондоне, и меня отправили из Лондона в Абуджу освещать Всемирный экономический форум, проводившийся в Нигерии в первый раз.

Close your legs, cover yourself, we make them feel as though by being born female they’re already guilty of something.

Соедини ноги, Прикройся, как будто, родившись женщинами, они уже провинились в чём — то.

Simple turn-taking game where partners cover their face and then uncover it saying, Peek-a-boo!

Это простая игра со сменой ролей, когда участники закрывают лицо ладонями, и, открывая, говорят: Ку — ку!

I watched us cover the Ebola crisis.

Я следила за освещением кризиса Эболы.

Those visits are expensive, and in order to maintain her model, she’s got to see a lot of clients to cover costs.

Они стóят дорого, и чтобы сохранить свою модель и покрыть расходы, ей нужно принять множество пациенток.

Hala would frantically grab pillows and cover her children’s ears to block out the noise, all the while screaming herself.

Хала хватала подушки и отчаянно закрывала детям уши, чтобы оградить их от шума, и в то же время кричала сама.

But then by the end of the month, food stamps run out or hours get cut at work, and they don’t have the money to cover the basic cost of food.

Но к концу месяца талоны на продовольствие заканчиваются, или родители недополучают зарплату, и денег не хватает даже на самую простую еду.

She never had to duck and cover under her desk at school.

Ей никогда не приходилось прятаться под школьными партами.

We were trained to dodge, to wait, to cower and cover , to wait more, still, wait.

Нас научили уворачиваться, ждать, сжиматься, прикрываться и снова ждать, и ждать опять.

And then that baby grows up, and in order to fit into the family, to conform to the culture, to the community, to the gender, that little one begins to cover its soul, layer by layer.

А затем этот ребёнок растёт и, чтобы вписаться в семью, чтобы соответствовать культуре, сообществу, полу, этот малыш начинает скрывать свою душу, слой за слоем.

In siblinghood, that’s where we start assembling many of those first layers that cover our soul.

Именно в среде родственников мы начинаем собирать многие из тех слоёв, которыми закрываем свою душу.

So we use the trailer as cover and take the sewers

Пoэтoмy иcпoльзyeм тpeйлep в кaчeствe пpикpытия и пoйдeм чepeз кaнaлизaцию.

These Black Hawks cannot fly without Apache cover !

Эти Чёрные Ястребы не могут вылетать без прикрытия Апашей!

I could tell from the breaks in the cloud cover .

Я мог судить об этом по разрывам в пелене туч.

I got mortared and dived for cover on air.

Я попадала под минометный огонь и прыгала за укрытие.


Уинтроу осторожно расстегнул замочек, скреплявший створки деревянного книжного переплета.

How soon will the planes penetrate Russian radar cover ?

Как скоро самолеты войдут в зону действия русских радаров?

Her small budget from World Tribes would cover it.

Скромные средства, выделяемые ВОМП, допускали такой расход.

You got any other weapons and ammo for cover fire?

Есть у вас ещё пушки и боеприпасы для прикрытия?

A bus load of tourists in shorts is perfect cover .

Автобус, наполненный туристами в шортах, будет идеальным прикрытием.

I’ve literally been through this book cover to cover .

Я буквально прочёл всю книгу от корки до корки.

And you somehow knew I would cover for you.

И ты знала, что я стану покрывать тебя.

His scanty knowledge of anatomy didn’t cover dragons.

Его скудные познания в анатомии не распространялись на драконов.

Curious pieces of apparatus began to cover the grass.

На траве появились диковинные детали какого — то аппарата.

He sat down and took the cover off his plate.

Он сел на свое место и снял крышку с тарелки.

Connor trashed frank’s cover design For the next issue.

Коннору не понравился дизайн обложки Фрэнка для следующего выпуска.

Ruin your chances of being Miss Freak Show cover girl?

Разрушить свои шансы появиться на обложке Miss Freak Show?

You really think I can’t cover my tracks?

Ты действительно думаешь, что я не умею заметать следы?

Bari ran through the woods and thick brush cover .

Он пробежал через густые кусты, пробрался между деревьев.

Cast on his arm and legs would cover bullet wounds.

Гипс на его руке и ногах скрыл бы пулевые ранения.

That will cover the small deficit we’re operating under.

Это покроет небольшой дефицит, возникший в нашем бюджете.

I used to cover the math homework with my daughter.

Я помогал своей дочке с домашней работой по математике.

I said I’d cover you for a limited period.

Я сказала, что прикрою тебя на определённый период

It is wonderful when you feel the cover of this book, breathe on its smell and hear how pages are rusted.

Это просто чудесно, когда ты чувствуешь обложку этой книги, вдыхаешь ее запах и слышишь как шуршат странички.

The dead leaves cover the ground like a thick motley carpet, the roads are slippery and wet.

Опавшие листья покрывают землю толстым пестрым ковром, дороги скользкие и мокрые.

I very liked the painting of S.V. Gerasimov The Church of the Cover on the Nerl.

Мне очень понравилась картина С.В. Герасимова Церковь Покрова на Нерли.

But the most wonderful is the Church of the Cover on the Nerl.

Но самая удивительная — церковь Покрова на Нерли.

Its name comes from the holiday The Cover of Saint God`s Mother.

Её название происходит от праздника Покров Святой Богородицы.

The scientific and technological progress of the 20-th century has allowed people to overcome time and distance, to cover in the twinkle of an eye the vast expanse of our planet.

Научное и технологическое продвижение 20 — ого столетия позволило людям преодолевать время и расстояние, покрывать в мерцании глаза обширное пространство нашей планеты.

Underneath the cover was a piece of paper with a picture on it and some more letters.

Под крышкой оказалась бумага с рисунком и еще буквы.

Sometimes they cover it with mud and put it into the coals of a fire and bake it.

Иногда птицу покрывают глиной и кладут на угли и пекут ее.

The spines that cover almost every plant in this desert can provide protection and shelter for many animals.

Шипы, покрывающие почти каждое растение в пустыне, могут предоставлять защиту и убежище для многих животных.

Perfect cover for the kind of smuggling operations that have lined HR’s pockets.

Идеальное прикрытие ДЛЯ контрабандной деятельности, которая приносила деньги ЭйчАр.

They stopped long enough to lay their two fallen friends in the litters and cover them with blankets and oilcloth.

Всадники остановились, чтобы уложить друзей на носилки и прикрыть их одеялами и непромокаемой тканью.

The warrant should cover all those diplomas on his wall, some of the patient records, and his appointment book.

В ордере будут указаны все его дипломы, некоторые записи о пациентах, регистрационная книга.

How much longer are you gonna cover for Voight, at the expense of your own career and this entire department’s reputation?

Вы ещё долго будете покрывать Войта в ущерб своей карьере и репутации всего отдела?

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