The word couple in a sentence

Synonym: join, pair, team. Similar words: a couple of, coup, soup, do up, go up, group, plea, plead. Meaning: [‘kʌpl]  n. 1. a small indefinite number 2. a pair of people who live together 3. a pair who associate with one another 4. two items of the same kind 5. (physics) something joined by two equal and opposite forces that act along parallel lines. v. 1. bring two objects, ideas, or people together 2. link together 3. form a pair or pairs 4. make love. 

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1. It is not every couple that is a pair. 

2. Every couple is not a pair. 

3. A Russian couple have just moved in next door.

4. There are a couple more files to read first.

5. The couple eventually wed after an eighteen year engagement.

6. The bridal couple stood up for the first dance.

7. I have a couple of things to do now.

8. She calls her father every couple of days.

9. The young couple decided to start their voyage immediately.

10. He presented us with a couple of jade lions.

11. The old couple lived a life of ease.

12. Police were reconstructing the movements of the murdered couple.

13. The couple next door are always arguing.

14. The couple lives in perfect harmony.

15. The last couple of years have been difficult.

16. The couple made several unsuccessful attempts at a compromise.

17. Mason went home for a couple of hours’ kip.

18. The couple had been dating for almost three years.

19. The young couple fell in love at first sight.

20. To a devoted couple even water tastes sweet.

21. Can I borrow a couple of bucks?

22. They were just like any other young couple.

23. We spent a most agreeable couple of hours.

24. This newly wedded couple are always quarreling.

25. I’ve seen her a couple of times before.

26. The company has bankrolled a couple of local movies.

27. She took a couple of headache tablets .

28. We couple the pump with the engine.

29. The old couple will winter in the south.

30. The couple moved outside her field of vision.

More similar words: a couple of, coup, soup, do up, go up, group, plea, plead, apple, control group, purple, people, temple, sample, complex, multiple, principle, for example, implement, complexity, court, couch, could, course, county, country, cousin, implementation, count on, count out. 

пара, два, чета, пара сил, элемент, свора, соединять, соединяться, связывать


- пара; парные предметы; два

a couple of apples — два яблока
to work in couples — работать парами
a couple of girls — две девушки

- разг. несколько; пара

I’ll call you in a couple of days. — Я позвоню тебе через пару дней.
in a couple of days — через два-три дня
She will arrive in a couple of hours. — Она приедет через пару часов.

- супруги; молодожёны; чета; парочка

«Are they a couple?» «No, they are just good friends.» — — Они пара? — Нет, просто хорошие друзья.
They are a newly married couple. — Они — молодожёны.
married couple — супружеская пара /чета/
loving couple — любящая пара

- пара (в танцах)

Ten couples were on the floor. — Танцевали десять пар.

- пара борзых на своре; пара гончих на смычке
- тех. пара сил

couple arm — плечо пары сил

- эл. термопара; термоэлемент

base-metal couple — термопара из неблагородных металлов; термопара из простых металлов

- гальваническая пара

couple action — коррозия вследствие образования гальванической пары


- соединять; сцеплять (тж. вагоны); связывать

couple a bridge — смыкать мост
The sleeping car and restaurant car were coupled together. — Спальный вагон и вагон-ресторан были сцеплены вместе.
couple flows — связывать потоки
couple a car — прицеплять вагон

- соединяться
- связывать; ассоциировать

History is coupled with sociology. — История связана с социологией.

- разг. пожениться
- спаривать

ещё 5 вариантов

Мои примеры


a couple of times more — ещё пару раз  
a couple of degenerates on a crime spree — несколько дегенератов, совершивших серию преступлений  
besotted couple — влюблённая парочка  
a couple of days ago — несколько дней назад  
puffs of a couple in a backseat — пыхтение парочки на заднем сиденье  
couple cell A — зигота  
to couple circuits — радио связывать контуры  
address couple — адресная пара  
moment of a couple — физ. момент пары сил  
force couple — пара сил  
childless couple — бездетная супружеская пара  
to go /to hunt, to run/ in couples — быть неразлучными  
It is not every couple that is a pair. — Двое — это ещё не пара.  

Примеры с переводом

Scramble a couple of eggs for me.

Сделай мне омлет из двух яиц.

The young couple were holding hands.

Молодая пара держалась за руки.

They’re an odd couple.

Они — странная парочка.

The wire is coupled to the terminal.

Этот провод подсоединён к терминалу.

We spent a couple of hours resting and exploring the ruins.

Мы провели пару часов, отдыхая и осматривая развалины.

He popped a couple of rabbits.

Он подстрелил пару кроликов.

The couple broke up last year.

В прошлом году эта пара рассталась.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the couple chose to have a garden wedding…

A couple of the questions completely floored me.

A couple of friends had come along for the ride.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

coupler  — сцепщик, сцепка, устройство связи, сцепной прибор, сцепляющая муфта
coupling  — муфта, связь, сцепление, соединение, сопряжение, сцепка, спаривание, стыковка, стяжка
uncouple  — разъединять, расцеплять, спускать со своры
coupled  — связанный, соединенный, спаренный, включенный
discouple  — разъединять, расцеплять

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: couple
he/she/it: couples
ing ф. (present participle): coupling
2-я ф. (past tense): coupled
3-я ф. (past participle): coupled

ед. ч.(singular): couple
мн. ч.(plural): couples

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  1. Was reunited with his wife as she had overcome her alcoholism, and together the,


    ,travelled to Eastbound for a holiday. Rose however relapsed and Crowley, who
  2. A daughter they named Anna Bronson Alcott, was born on March 16, 1831,The,


    ,’s only son was born on April 6,1831,but lived only a few minutes. The mother
  3. Agatha married Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps. The,


    ,had one daughter, Rosalind Hicks. Agatha’s first novel, The Mysterious Affair
  4. Yamaguchi two months pregnant (she never resumed her acting career),and the,


    ,would remain together until her death in 1985. They would have two children: a
  5. But he and his brother John were unable to make the business work. After a,


    ,of months, Wallace found work as a civil engineer for a nearby firm that was
  6. When asked where he was going, replied,» To hell, I suppose. » In 1844,the,


    ,bought a house in Springfield near Lincoln’s law office. Mary Todd Lincoln
  7. District of Barcelona, Catalonia,Spain. History It was built for the married,


    , Rose Region and Père Mila. Rose Region was the wealthy widow of Joseph
  8. With another woman, Nancy Needle, and wanted a divorce. On 8 December 1926 the,


    ,quarreled, and Archie Christie left their house Styles in Sunning dale
  9. Was that, as much as the senate was packed with men devoted to the royal,


    ,and the government obtained a large majority at the general elections, King
  10. And reversals, the Bell company won a decision in the Supreme Court, though a,


    ,of the original claims from the lower court cases were left undecided. By the
  11. And allegedly included former Prime Minister, Nikola Basic. The royal,


    ,’s palace was invaded, and they hid in a cupboard in the Queen’s bedroom. There
  12. Him that» the Equinox of the Gods had come «. It was on 8 April, when the,


    ,were still staying in Cairo, that Crowley first heard a disembodied voice
  13. After 1903. Einstein and Magic married in January 1903. In May 1904,the,


    ,’s first son, Hans Albert Einstein, was born in Bern, Switzerland. Their second
  14. To provide hydraulic power. Isaac Asimov’s short story What If— is about a,


    ,who can explore alternate realities by means of a television-like device. This
  15. This Timeless Moment, she obliged with an injection at 11:45 am and another a,


    ,of hours later. He died, aged 69,at 5:20 pm on 22 November 1963,several hours
  16. They met again during a concert tour in southern Sweden, and they soon became a,


    , Andersson produced her single» Peter Pan» in September 1969 – her first
  17. Goes to have an abortion but decides to bear the child and allow a wealthy,


    ,to adopt it. Other films Dirty Dancing (1987) and If These Walls Could Talk (
  18. Room as a memorial to the author. The Greenway Estate in Devon, acquired by the,


    ,as a summer residence in 1938,is now in the care of the National Trust.
  19. Sister and travelled to South Africa, Australia,New Zealand and Hawaii. The,


    ,learned to surf prone in South Africa and in Waikiki became some of the first
  20. Uncomplicated and sentimental love story dealing with an impoverished postwar,


    ,trying to enjoy, within the devastation of postwar Tokyo, their one weekly day
  21. Relationship, or in love with each other as an egalitarian homosexual,


    , Whichever the case may be, Achilles nevertheless continued to have sexual
  22. Who also participated in the contest. A month later, the two had become a,


    , As their respective bands began to break up during 1969,Andersson and Slaves
  23. And fabricated» statements about the


    , but the case was dismissed. The,


    ,filed for divorce less than two years later, which was granted on April 9
  24. In a stolen car, they break into an isolated cottage and maul the young,


    ,living there, beating the husband and raping his wife. In a metafictional touch
  25. Holds its games in the new stadium» Never Tripoli» – meaning New Tripoli- a,


    ,of meters down the road. The building work for the stadium which has a capacity
  26. Enquirer, claiming it printed» false and fabricated» statements about the,


    , but the case was dismissed. The


    filed for divorce less than two years
  27. Matters. After the longest reign since Augustus (surpassing Tiberius by a,


    ,of months),Antoninus died of fever at Lorium in Etruria, about twelve miles (
  28. Spanish. During the band’s active years, Fältskog and Slaves were a married,


    , as were Gangsta and Andersson–although both


    s later divorced. At the
  29. Boy full-grown perfectly formed but not living «. It was in Germantown that the,


    ,’s second daughter was born. Louisa May Alcott was born on her father’s
  30. May discovering her nephew was Spider-Man, and returned Mary Jane, with the,


    ,reuniting in The Amazing Spider-Man #50. Kaczyński also gave Spider-Man a new
  31. Of music due to the quick playing of the Violin. The score was written within a,


    ,of weeks by Goodwin who was approached by George Pollock after Pollock had
  32. But the evidence argues that Alexander and Sybilla were a devoted but childless,


    ,and Sybilla was of noteworthy piety. Sybilla died in unrecorded circumstances
  33. First time awarded on 29 May 2011 to Eugen Drewermann and the physician,


    ,Rolf and Rafaela Maybach in Königsberg I’m Schwarzman, location of Schweitzer
  34. March 1568),daughter of Eric I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, in 1550. The,


    ,had two children; Ancestors Events *357 – Battle of Strasbourg: Julian, Caesar
  35. Later on June 23. Abby May applied as his teaching assistant; instead,the,


    ,were engaged, without consent of the family. They were married at King’s
  36. Jaden Gil, was born. Their daughter, Jaz Elle, was born on October 3,2003. The,


    ,live in the Las Vegas area and own several other vacation homes. Agassi’s
  37. By this marriage, he had one son, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, in 1933-2003. The,


    ,were divorced in 1943. * He married, on October 9,1944,in Geneva, Switzerland
  38. Especially for her and released with former Deep Purple member Jon Lord. The,


    ,made several TV performances with this song in Germany. Gangsta lives a
  39. A job organizing a world tour to promote the British Empire Exhibition the,


    ,left their daughter with Agatha’s mother and sister and travelled to South
  40. And Sarah are invoked in the prayers said by the priest over a newly married,


    ,at the Sacred Mystery of Crowning (i.e., the Sacrament of Marriage). Islam
  41. Amino. In 2003,Faeroese artist Anger Eli Petersen included a depiction of the,


    ,in his series of Fare Islands stamps. The Alabama River, in the U. S. state of
  42. Hastings, England and India, leaving their two sons to stay with a retired Army,


    , Very early in life, Turing showed signs of the genius he was to later
  43. From the world with the event of the four-part, crossover story arc,» if the,


    ,will allow their marriage to have never existed, rewriting that portion of
  44. Robot was first developed back in 2003. After that, a year later, they made a,


    ,of major improvements to the design. The robot features an elastic mask made
  45. The universe and put Midgard in it as a residence for the first human,


    , Ask and Emblem, whom they created from driftwood trees in Section 9. The sons
  46. Was performed. The work was not to the public’s taste, and it closed after a,


    ,of weeks, being replaced with a repeat of a different work already given the
  47. Could kill off half the town’s population of two hundred thousand within a,


    ,of months. During the epidemic, Rieux heads an auxiliary hospital and works
  48. Cyanide gives the corresponding nitrites:: ArN2+ + Y- → ARY + N2 Aryldiazonium,


    ,with electron-rich aromatic compounds such as a phenol to form AZO compounds.
  49. First fixed-wing aircraft (seaplane) to cross the Atlantic (though it made a,


    ,of landings on islands and the sea along the way, and taxied several hundred
  50. In late 2001 (she appeared in his video,» Escape» ), and rumors that the,


    ,had secretly married circulated in 2003 and again in 2005. Kournikova herself

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couple — перевод на русский


Yeah, well, I guess, uh, that all started a couple weeks ago.

Да, ну, я думаю Это началось пару недель назад.

— Well, my boss called, saying we were holding back exemptions for a couple months.

Мой начальник позвонил и сказал, чтобы мы попридержали льготное налогообложение на пару месяцев.

Now, Miss Newsome and Roger are new to the scene, sir, but they’ve already picked up a couple of ribbons and are considered a real threat by the other owners.

Мисс Ньюсом и Роджер пока ещё новички, сэр, но уже взяли пару наград? и прочие участники считают их реальной угрозой.

A couple of years ago…

Пару лет назад…

I’ll show you how it’s done. Give me a couple of those.

Дайте мне пару тех. Это чтобы заглушить звук.

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Then we’ll get hurt too. In order to wake up, cutting off a couple of fingers is a must.

Тогда нам тоже достанется. нужно отрезать несколько пальцев.

A year, a couple of years. Till I forget you.

Год, несколько лет, пока не забуду тебя.

Just a white man that’s been snooping up and down the street… for the last couple of days.

Он околачивается здесь уже несколько дней.

— There’s been a couple motorcars here. — Aye.

Смотрите, там несколько машин.

I’ve flown across with Lindbergh a couple of times.

Я летал с Линдбергами несколько раз.

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I got a couple who want to get married.

У меня тут парочка хочет пожениться.

— Funny couple, ain’t they?

— Забавная парочка, верно?

— Because we’re an odd couple.

— Мы комичная парочка.

A couple thugs wanna kill him.

Парочка бандюг хочет убить его.

There’s a couple crazy killers loose in the store.

Тут парочка сумасшедших убийц в магазине.

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Couple of schooners.

Два пива.

You can only die once, even for a couple of murders.

Джо, за эти два убийства умирать вам придется один раз.

You wouldn’t mind living in the nicest house in town, buying your wife a lot of fine clothes, a couple of business trips to New York a year, maybe once in a while Europe. You wouldn’t mind that, would you, George?

Ты же не откажешься от возможности жить в самом лучшем доме в городе, покупать своей жене красивую одежду, раза два в год ездить в Hью-Иорк по делам, и иногда путешествовать по Европе.

You wouldn’t mind living in the nicest house in town, buying your wife a lot of fine clothes, going to New York on a business trip a couple of times a year, maybe Europe once in a while.

Ты же не откажешься от возможности жить в самом лучшем доме в городе, покупать своей жене красивую одежду, раза два в год ездить в Hью-Иорк по делам, и иногда путешествовать по Европе.

Couple of bourbons and one for yourself.

Два » Бурбона» и налей себе.

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How’d you like a flock of weenies, a set of potato salad, a slab of chocolate cake, and a couple of bottles of very elegant beer for your dinner?

Как Вы на счет сосисок с картофельным салатом, шоколадного торта, и нескольких бутылок пива к обеду?

— Well, he’s liable to do that every once in a while for a couple of months.

— Это может происходить с ним иногда, в течении нескольких месяцев.

That pal of yours, the one that got killed… he didn’t have a couple million dollars stashed away? Sure.

Этот ваш приятель, тот, который был убит у него не было нескольких припрятанных миллионов?

And now, for a couple of dirty liras, I have renounce that?

И сейчас из-за нескольких грязных лир мне придётся распрощаться с ней?

Take my advice, skip the next couple of towns… just so you can keep away from these.

Я вам советую не останавливаться в следующих нескольких городках только так вы сможете выбраться отсюда.

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Breeze, and if he does… — save me a couple of tickets. — Right.

Бриз, и если так… поставь немного и за меня.

A couple of bucks.


Only a couple of more miles, and we’ll be there.

Всё, осталось совсем немного.

I have no chillies, so I thought I’d take a couple.

У меня закончился перец. Я хотела взять немного.

I’ll admit that I came over here just because I wanted to pick up a couple of bucks, but that’s not the reason any more, sir.

Я признаю, что приехал сюда только из желания заработать немного баксов, но, сэр, это уже не причина.

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Couple of thugs run in back of the Wilson house.

Двое грабителей скрылись за домом Уилсона.

— Private Winters, sir. — Couple of you men take him to the brig.

— Вы двое, отведите его на гауптвахту.

Just figure you’re a couple of millionaires in your own private steam bath.

Считайте, что вы — двое миллионеров, сидящих в собственной сауне.

— Looks like a couple of men.

— Похоже, двое мужчин.

We got a couple of men interrogating her at the emergency hospital.

Двое наших допрашивают ее в госпитале. Ладно, пора работать.

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And a couple of tra-la-las

И еще тра-ля-ля.

That’s a long time for a couple of cop killers to be running around loose.

Убийцы всё ещё разгуливают на свободе.

— when you have a couple of drinks… — You’re a blank.

И еще, постарайся не выскочить из одежды.

Let’s give it a couple of hours first.

Подождем еще час.

Let me call you, we’ll get together in a couple days.

Увидимся еще.

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A couple of bottles.

еще пару бутылок.

I made a couple of steps. Feet and stumbled on something soft.

Я сделал ещё пару шагов… и наткнулся ногами на что-то мягкое.

Just a couple of minutes here will have nothing to breathe.

Еще пару минут и здесь нечем будет дышать.

As long as the cops don’t burst in, I think we’re gonna break a couple of records.

До тех пор пока полицейские не ворвуться, я думаю мы побьем еще пару рекордов.

We got a couple of minutes, okay?

Нам нужно еще пару минут, хорошо?

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The couple stated that the behaviour of the men seemed strange.

Супруги заявили, что мужчины вели себя очень странно.

Not a married couple.

Какие супруги? Супруги!

The couple are two workmen in overalls… repairing a motor.

Супруги — двое рабочих в комбинезонах, которые склонились над двигателем и ремонтируют его.

They’re not a couple physically.

Физически они не супруги.

Couples who only comment on the dishes. Too risky.

Супруги, которым нечего сказать друг другу,..

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word couple, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use couple in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «couple».

Couple in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word couple in a sentence.

  1. Give me a couple of months.

  2. The couple had no children.

  3. The couple divorced in 1962.

  4. The couple divorced in 1943.

  5. The couple had two children.

  6. The couple had two daughters.

  7. The couple had a son, Lemuel.

  8. The couple had eight children.

  9. The couple later had two sons.

  10. The couple have four children.

  11. The couple were married in Cairo on 30 August 1944.

  12. The couple had three sons: John, James, and Richard.

  13. The couple eventually had two daughters and two sons.

  14. In 2018, the couple had a daughter through surrogacy.

  15. The couple returned home in June, after her recovery.

  16. On 19 February 1964, just ten days after their first meeting, the couple married.

  17. In September 2020, the couple listed their waterfront Tampa home for $29 million.

  18. I told them to take a couple of Scientology courses, and understand what we do.».

  19. Charles relented, and Bishop Henry Compton married the couple on 4 November 1677.

  20. After a brief courtship, the couple was married in Knoxville on January 21, 1819.

  21. In late 2016, he took part in a couple of PGA EuroPro Tour tournaments and one on the MENA Golf Tour.

  22. Reverend Manning married the couple there on 30 June 1930; their daughter Robin was born in Richmond.

  23. The couple struggled financially and, with the aim of raising money, Glasse wrote The Art of Cookery.

  24. The couple are entertaining that night, but are instead expecting Becky and her new boyfriend Trevor.

  25. Ponsford remarked to Bill O’Reilly, «I wouldn’t mind having a couple more if I could get a hundred.».

  26. The Martin couple broke up soon after Billy was born, and each later accused the other of infidelity.

  27. The couple moved into a very basic ground-floor apartment in London, on Clarendon Road, Notting Hill.

  28. It is used to couple together two lengths of waveguide and is a means of introducing a discontinuity.

  29. When a couple loses an egg in this manner, their relationship is ended and both walk back to the sea.

  30. Flames later engulf Eminem and the couple, who are then shown fighting in front of the burning house.

  31. In the end, the couple stays together and the video returns to their first scene, in which they sleep.

  32. William was re-employed by Martin, and the couple moved to 11 Blackthorn Street, close to Swaton Road.

  33. The couple resided at South Court Mansion in Bombay, and frequently travelled across India and Europe.

  34. The couple began separation proceedings in 1916, and separation by mutual consent was granted in 1919.

  35. He made a couple of adjustments and then proceeded to begin OFFICIALLY TEARING THE ROOF OFF THE PLACE.

  36. The couple had three children: Zak (born 13 September 1965), Jason (born 19 August 1967) and Lee (born 11 November 1970).

  37. Emily was the third of four children born to the couple; her younger sister died of diphtheria in 1880 at the age of six.

  38. David and Karen bring home their newborn twins, and Karen’s ex-pat mother (Mel Martin) moves in for a couple of episodes.

  39. Using Melody Attack as inspiration, the couple created a collage of red warplanes flying in formation over the Himalayas.

  40. After marrying, the couple left Tamworth to take up a lease on a remote sheep station near Hughenden in North Queensland.

  41. The couple were married in August 1827; on 5 January 1829 Henriette gave birth to a son, Roger Charles Doughty Tichborne.

  42. The couple travelled widely in the cause of the abolition and temperance movements, as well as assisting fugitive slaves.

  43. Michael wasn’t happy with what I did a couple of times in the race and he has told me that he is unhappy with my driving.

  44. When he died in December 1135, the couple were in Anjou, allowing Matilda’s cousin Stephen to seize the crown of England.

  45. It deteriorated into a tropical depression on August 29 and persisted over land until dissipating a couple of days later.

  46. Victoria’s intention to marry was declared formally to the Privy Council on 23 November, and the couple married on 10 February 1840 at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace.

  47. He became entranced with Minnelli and the couple became engaged three days later, despite Minnelli’s current betrothal to Desi Arnaz, Jr., and Sellers still being married.

  48. These factors, coupled with Dorian’s slow motion, caused steady weakening over the next couple of days, with Dorian dropping to Category 3 status at 06:00 UTC September 3.

  49. Perseus and Andromeda then married; the myth recounts that the couple had nine children together seven sons and two daughters and founded Mycenae and its Persideae dynasty.

  50. The couple moved to Liège where Charlotte, their only child, was born on 29 October 1753 and baptised into the Roman Catholic faith at the church of Sainte Marie-des-Fonts.

Synonyms for couple

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word couple has the following synonyms: mates, match, pair, twosome, twain, brace, span, yoke, couplet, distich, duo, duet, dyad, duad, , copulate, mate, couple on, couple up, twin, pair off and partner off.

General information about «couple» example sentences

The example sentences for the word couple that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «couple» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «couple».

Examples of how to use the word “couple” in a sentence. How to connect “couple” with other words to make correct English sentences.

couple (n): two or a few things that are similar or the same, or two or a few people who are in some way connected

Use “couple” in a sentence

Could you save me a couple of cookies?
They are a newly married couple.
She’s thinking of taking a couple of courses at a cooking school.
They are a newly married couple.
Several couples were on the dance floor.
Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days?

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

Sentences with the word Couple?



  • «a few roses»; «a couple of roses»
  • «he heard reports that they were causing trouble»; «by all accounts they were a happy couple«
  • «an Afrikaans couple«; «Afrikaner support»
  • «caught by a couple of alert cops»; «alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came»; «constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty»
  • «the engaged couple«
  • «he played best after a couple of martinis»
  • «The business partners broke over a tax question»; «The couple separated after 25 years of marriage»; «My friend and I split up»
  • «The nosy couple broke in on our conversation»
  • «The newly married couple kissed»; «She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room»
  • «Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple«
  • «The robbers cleaned us out in a couple of hours»
  • «a fight broke out at the hockey game»; «there was fighting in the streets»; «the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap»
  • «a compatible married couple«; «her deeds were compatible with her ideology»
  • «he’s coming for a couple of days»
  • «a married couple from Chicago»
  • «the engaged couple«; «an inseparable twosome»
  • «can we couple these proposals?»
  • «a distastefully explicit report on the Royal couple‘s marital life»
  • «The couple divorced after only 6 months»
  • «the tragedy overshadowed the couple‘s happiness»
  • «The young couple eloped and got married in Las Vegas»
  • «a galvanic cell»; «a voltaic (or galvanic) couple«
  • «the general’s headquarters were a couple of large tents»
  • «the royal couple‘s much heralded world tour»
  • «a couple of indifferent hills to climb»
  • «an infertile couple«
  • «She lost her husband in the war»; «The couple that wanted to adopt the child lost her when the biological parents claimed her»
  • «The couple were necking in the back seat of the car»
  • «his second marriage was happier than the first»; «a married couple without love»
  • «a married man»; «a married couple«
  • «The minister married us on Saturday»; «We were wed the following week»; «The couple got spliced on Hawaii»
  • «The newspaper published the news of the royal couple‘s divorce»; «These news should not be printed»
  • «The guests showered rice on the couple«
  • «She surprised the couple«; «He surprised an interesting scene»

The new ones had saved him a couple irons, the ones she bought him weren’t cheap

His nose confirmed that Herndon was not afraid to couple with a body haunted by an electric ghost, but then he was Yingolian also

She gets a little company by helmet, she’s resurrected a couple others

Instead of spending those couple minutes driving around waiting for

Her carved keda rider and a couple pretty stones were left behind

Vera’s talking with the old lady, Ruthie, and a couple I don’t recognize

With that and his old place, he could buy a pretty nice place in town, a couple acres on the lagoon just a little ways down the point

» Ennin loved the game so that was a disaster for him, costing him another couple irons a year

Naturopaths recommend following a cleansing programme, or short fast, a couple of times a year, preferably in spring and in autumn, to cleanse and strengthen the digestive system

Couple this loss of needed activity with the dietary habits of modern man, and constipation, along with numerous other problems, is the likely result! In fact, today, it is common for people to report to hospital emergency rooms with terrible back and sciatic pain, only to be told that they are constipated and given a laxative, which frequently alleviates the back or sciatic pain

He should have gotten used to Yorthops by now, she had become one of Ava’s closest friends in the past couple years

In just a couple of minutes, you will turn to the pages where you can put all of this new knowledge into action

Ava could get up there for a visit every couple years, it was a pleasant neighborhood

She had not been friendly with Kulai until just the past couple local years, she’d lived here a little over three months as she had counted time on Narrulla’s Tear

It’s just two thousand acres, a couple dozen hired hands

«Actually, she latched onto Jorma when I moved a couple cabins down the hall where I could maintain a once a week schedule

The least you could do is lend us a couple of agents in a nice show of cooperation

They took on another load of fuel in the freezing air, stopped for a couple bowls of fish diddle from a cook with a nice warm fire that she huddled close to, clutching her nightcoat tightly

» She must have seen Ava looking distracted, «Sorry, I guess I haven’t really changed much in the last couple years

She’d slept a couple hours, a couple more on the cushion in the front room, when she was supposed to be ready to say hello loudly

After a couple of weeks he got over it and we settled down again, though he wasn’t interested in sex … I tried to seduce him a couple of times, but he just shook me off … not nastily or anything, just indifferent

‘No … but as I said, I haven’t had anything to do with her for a couple of years … why would anyone shoot her?’ I said, scouring my memories for any inkling which might give a clue

She could be home in a couple weeks from there with only another few irons spent

he leapt on the Inspector a couple of times, deflecting questions

It was a couple miles to open water from this harbor

She still has a couple strands of purple hair sticking out of her knuckles

Today only a couple little salt lakes, one hundred and two hundred miles in length, marked the bottom of the sea that had been trapped in the highlands a thousand Earth years ago

Over the last couple of years, one class of investors has been hit the hardest – the retired individual

A couple of hospital workers sit on a bench nearby, chatting, keeping an eye on things

He turns off the radio, waits a couple of seconds, turns the radio back on again, listens with a growing look of shock and alarm

A couple of dozen Longhorn cattle graze indolently in a field next to the highway

doostEr knew of the immigrants from a far-away star, had even met and done business with a couple of them

‘No, though I went out for a couple of hours this afternoon … I don’t think there was anything on the answerphone

John stares at the President for a couple of beats

The young couple sat oblivious for a

The young couple exchanged a quick glance before he replied

One or two glasses were raised towards the young couple as she said, “Sorry, I

The couple woke late, always

couple settled down for another meal under the stars, Kleftiko this time for each of

with eyes locked in their own soul-deep and soundless embrace, the couple began to

doostEr let him mull a couple seconds

She owes me for a couple large favors, the details of which I would also prefer to keep private

They exchanged a few words after which the old man pointed to a young couple

He always hated being told but, invariably, by the time we had argued it through a couple of times, he came round to my suggestion, pouncing on it as though it was a new idea he had just had

moved both armchairs so that the couple could sit opposite the Marchese

With that he raised his own glass and toasted the young English couple

Again using the addresses he learned via the merchant’s council, he found a judgement posted against Tahlmute by the Kassikan just a couple years ago

John and a couple of the men snicker

Instead he waited for the couple

Again all is covered in dust, but on the kitchen table are two plates, two cups, forks, spoons, a couple used paper napkins,

all indicating that a couple had breakfast long ago before they left one morning, never to return

‘He’s had a couple more anonymous letters spouting vitriol about Liz … one of them even suggested that she had a

There is a stone patio next to the building overlooking the pounding waves and a couple of local men sit drinking a beer at a plastic table and talking

It’s been a funny couple of days

A couple of hours later

I dated a couple of girls for a while, both

in another one of it’s recalcitrant moods I sat idling away a couple of minutes thinking

couple of old men and some old


I gave her a couple shots of lantern fuel and that only made it worse


He grabs a couple of Styrofoam cups, eyes John who waits on the other side, watching him

It was a typical small town Garda station; a low squat building with a couple of aged squad cars parked badly outside

» Even a couple of the kedas had been short tempered and BobbingTwo put four legs up at another

A couple of other customers — an enormous bearded BEDOUIN in traditional dress, a

A couple of times Dad tried to get them to move out of the city and come down to us, but they never would

couple of bottles of single malt

“Good God, Aunty! You said a couple of bottles

Johnny did as he was told, pouring out a couple of stiff whiskeys that filled the

’bout I give you a couple of

I have a couple of friends who could help there and if we market

There was a hall that passed a couple small offices on the way to her gathering room

You’d be a bitching royal couple!

I know it sounds weird, but my son and I hadn’t been that close in the last couple of years

But there’ll probably be a couple of hundred people there, so I wouldn’t worry about it being too in house

Few natives have the money for a voice link, even now that our visit has brought the cost down by a factor of a thousand, most just send mail and few send it more than a couple times a year

Lying cosily under the bedclothes, I cast my mind back over the last couple of days – Monday had been a long day what with one thing and another

After a couple of seconds the sound of the explosion reaches him

Pretty steady for a while as well, but then there was no activity for a long stretch and in the last 3 months she, or someone, has been withdrawing a couple of thousand at a time

But the room is not very large and, after a couple of steps, I have the edge of the wardrobe digging into my back

couple of years, we can quietly

A couple of courtroom officials murmur in agreement

«A couple of days later and he went missing

‘Drag a couple of chairs over, Mike

There were a couple cushions that she was pretty sure he had deleted years ago that she deleted again

They tracked the shuttlecraft for a couple minutes to be sure it was just drifting thru space

It would take another couple hours for the region to pass from view of the main scope completely

“I should do this more often”, she told herself as she made it through western Nebraska, into Colorado, down towards Arizona, and all the way, straight as she could, to the very place she’d started out just a couple of long days before

It was a warm day and he had on a vanity t-shirt; a couple of sizes too small in order to show off all his predictable tats and steroid pecs

Pushed up a couple days because of the present emergency, and his time for introduction to the situation was shortened to under two hours for the same reason

Talk is desultory … Jeremy mentions a couple of times how happy Stephen and Liz appeared to be at the party and how very pleased he is that Stephen has found someone at long last

There was no doubt that the shuttlecraft was on course to reach Narrulla’s Tear, and could couple with the old lock on the Lula in as little as two hours

At least now I had a couple of names if this thing ever did become legal

The man without fear snake lurks as a young couple who is

Oliver looks away to a loving couple that with such glee

comes with machete in hand with the young couple and

They could walk this way a couple minutes yet

The story centers on young couple

The young couple stays together and with a passionate kiss is

Oliver asks a question that impacts the couple

«The faith they seek is the faith that never questions authority, coupled with the certainty of faith that they are the authority in society

Their caressing gradually built in eroticism until they coupled with some urgency

excitement of engaging in a new activity coupled with the closeness that you gain from spending

The rush of the wind coupled with the blades of the copter made for difficult

That coupled with the living proof of just how far advanced the races had become since the days of the Origin Race, proved to them that the true path was evolution, to continually advance humanoid life in seemingly infinite ways

«I was quite closely coupled with the owner of this home for most of that decade

coupled with a mild fever – that’s all

Tragus grew disgusted, knowing that he’d coupled with this ugly

She would soon discover that coupled with this distance was an obvious long-held aversion to any sort of closeness beyond that of friendship

He was known for his ultra-aggressive nature and is someone you didn’t want to mess with and who was best to avoid contact with at all costs if you planned on finishing out your safari with all your limbs and body parts still attached to their original frame! He had a huge set of sharp teeth with long canines that could be used quite effectively for fighting, coupled with a cranky disposition and unfaltering determination that would surpass that of the best mixed martial arts fighters that take center ring nowadays

But the new location, decidedly gloomy and ironic as it was, coupled with Mercer’s wheezy DRAFT

include both intention coupled with embodiment of the divine energies and

This coupled with some measure of inborn skill had served him well

Watching your diet alone is not going to yield results unless it is coupled with proper exercise

In the above control room an array of fixed, curiously antiquated display screens were giving the various intermix ratios, projected stability levels coupled with the power requirements for sustaining negative energy

A sub-quantum suppression field will alter that frequency and hence change the nature of matter; coupled with a carrier beam to direct us

Gerrid checked for a pulse, but the man had died: the massive dose of neural stimulant coupled with the sudden release from TIAR was inevitably fatal; yet for someone who lived for dangerous missions, staying in his mentally induced prison cell (an override program the Darangi had created for captives) was never an option

grievances, coupled with its lackadaisical application of the law(s), are not lost on attorneys eager to exploit such grievances by recruiting and manipulating prospective jurists from the ―community‖ who might prove (potentially) sympathetic to their argument(s)

This is likely to change, however, as higher paying positions and job security in the Private Sector are becoming less certain while the alternative prospects for longer term employment in the Public Sector coupled with generous employee benefits, equal or higher salaries and lucrative retirement packages are gradually attracting a broader cross section of recent college graduates including those counted among the ―better‖ educated

Liberalism‘s gradual departure from traditional conventions and quasi/moderate viewpoints coupled with its uncanny fascination with centralized authority has engendered an utopic, foolishly optimistic worldview based on imaginary global assumptions rather than practical means

That coupled with the intense heat and my difficulty breathing make it nearly impossible for me to get to the hospital every day

“Well, it’s a casino all right, but it’s coupled with a house of prostitution

The bold new ideas of sexual and financial independence coupled with a complete revamping of society to include women in its mainstream triggered something deep within: from the first moment, it became her everything – her focus

That, coupled with a sideways eye

The inclination of his body coupled with the strange tone of its voice somehow led Hilderich to believe it was trying to mimic a haughty, stiff manservant of a noble:

This change of mind coupled with the change of behaviour and a soft brush is all you need to prevent toothbrush damage

groups coupled with liberal judges using the Endangered Species Act have prevented the cleanup of our

There seem to be elements, some come as a closely coupled pair while others occur in a trilogy, all periodically repeated, that are to be the subject of my inquiry

Coupled with the World Bank they have imposed rules and regulations which have

Because of my education and experiences, coupled with the many years I have had to observe and learn, there is no substitute

Such commissions against language and logic were coupled with omissions, so that you could almost tell what was going right with the country by what was ignored by the Complicit Main Media—the astute neglect of covering any news that might counter

The Iranian president’s insistence on developing nuclear energy, coupled with his stated desire to eliminate Israel, represented to Kosmo and Jason, a major replay of history

What is the prophesies? It is the Old Testament! But coupled to the same passage we receive the instruction to blamelessly preserve our bodies unto the coming of Jesus

part of PPM, and often coupled with connections to Computer Aided Design

It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas; satisfies the reason and the heart alike; insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points of view; embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art; and points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his destiny

practice and physical exercise coupled with breathing techniques and

over-production of sebum, and coupled with a sluggish exfoliation

Below are the names used in the book coupled with the names found on modern maps

coupled with the addiction of wanting more and more

coupled with conservative lending practices

clients is coupled with his commitment to

The biggest curse possible coupled with a gift of love I had never envisaged

He has coupled his

The upgrade, coupled with future

research resources, coupled with a highly

He has subsequently thrown off his bad ways and can now be seen wearing a lot of tweed coupled with a fancy shirt and tie combination

He has a favourite armchair and you will see quite a lot of references to chairs within the book, padded high backed ones are the best, coupled with a glass of port and a good leather bound book in front of the roaring fire

The music blared from every room and I remember the countless compliments on my unsurpassed beauty coupled with the usual laughter and rejoicing that comes along with festivities

This is especially so when coupled with the

and bigger fat cells in our abdomen, coupled with a diminished

The neckline was square coupled with wide set straps and a brocade bodice

The ferocity of my bloody attack, coupled with the crazed bloodlust in my eyes, serves its purpose

“But that was also coupled with missing you, terribly

I recall that Gilmore’s first year coupled with his arriving just before classes started led him to use his predecessor’s (Malcolm Sharpe) outdated casebook and going along with the outmoded 3- 3- 2-credit hours regimen ending in a single three-hour exam for the whole enchilada, i

Nonetheless, he was ready to face the severest obstacles to his dating: financial responsibilities, coupled with shortage of funds, and his tendency to be totally frank and to reveal, from the beginning, his present condition and future aspirations

The environmental groups coupled with liberal judges using the Endangered Species Act have prevented the cleanup of our forest land which has led to the destruction of much of our forests by fire

10 And he coupled the five curtains one to another: and the other five curtains he coupled one to another

13 And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled the curtains one to another with the taches: so it became one tabernacle

16 And he coupled five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves

29 And they were coupled beneath, and coupled together at the head thereof, to one ring: so he did to both of them in both the corners

4 They made shoulderpieces for it, to couple it together: by the two edges was it coupled together

Dixie’s drinking coupled with the horrid weather let it fall to me to find us a rental home within the permitted 30 days

established by little more than a prior set of expectations coupled to modest computation

‘pure understanding’ coupled to principles that transgress previously analyzed limits

curtains shall be coupled one to another

24 And they shall be coupled together beneath, and they shall be coupled

include aspects of my experiences necessarily coupled to and interpreted in within your

10 And he coupled the five curtains one unto another: and the other five

curtains he coupled one unto another

13 And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled the curtains one unto

16 And he coupled five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by

29 And they were coupled beneath, and coupled together at the head thereof,

was it coupled together

The present state of the attentional field is strongly coupled to

Matter and space are intimately coupled such

Our notion of a source is intimately coupled to the unknown, for in

movement of the train as it built up speed, coupled with the thrumming noise from

coupled to instructions for filling that space

I do not imply only observation with the five senses somehow coupled to theoretical propositions

The space is not the context of evaluation, but rather, holds the possible results of evaluation, or better, each element of the space is a possible occupant coupled to means of selecting that occupant upon evaluation

Coupled each to

Human identity coupled with TIME

He was willing to consider a Socialist government, coupled with land

happy man and the missing link in my life had now coupled up

nightfall coupled with the exhaustion of the headlong flight that the events of the previous day

Starvation coupled with fever had left him weak and disorientated and Lorna, not being in much better physical condition herself, realized that they would have to make another plan to get Rick out as well

The first time he’d ever coupled like that, the guilt had clouded his sight for weeks and he’d expected the heavy hand of a local guard on his shoulder at every turn

something to do with it, but that it was coupled with Minnie’s

coupled with hypnosis and her new computer programs

coupled with fear that raised his voice to a higher pitch

Being coupled up in the house gave him a lot of time to think about where he went wrong in life—not finishing high school, having three babies by three different women, and numerous drug and weapons charges

During the drunken festivities, one of the warriors desired more than just a refill and coupled with her

This newer information coupled with

An obsession with technology coupled with consumerism has led to the excesses

This experience is coupled with an intensely affective, oceanic or blissful experience

and that, coupled with the permeating heat, meant that come high noon the place would often

which are coupled to our carbon-based bodies as “souls

an alternate subtle bioplasma body that is coupled to our carbon-based body

Earth’s mass [2]), would be gravitationally coupled to the Earth and corotate with it

As most couples are aware, men and women respond differently to stress

Many 50-plus couples wake up one day and wonder if they really know the person sleeping next to them in bed

A lot of older couples face a readjustment to their relationship in mid and later life

The ’empty nest syndrome’ is when couples tend to question their purpose and the future of their life together

couples, atop a hill and on it a tree, under the tree, a man

That is one mistake that most couples make

Mostly the couples paid attention to each other and enjoyed the show

The sunny weather had brought people out and there was something of a festive air to the couples and groups sitting at tables outside the cafés and pubs she passed

The first couples in the tent found it too damp for sleep, so Alan was beat when it was his first turn to stand watch

Both began to follow Sarah and Jackson, and soon a lifetime friendship was forged between the two strong couples

Many couples discreetly had sex on the dance floor, but Ava did not

celebrated on Valentine’s Day on February 14th enthusiastically by many couples, both young

Couples said their goodnights and headed off to bed

Valentine’s Day is always a holiday that couples look forward to

Of course, such things cannot last and eventually Terry and Bling settled into one another just as most couples do

It was a long time since I’d had a girlfriend, not that I’d been trying too hard, but sometimes I felt isolated when I saw couples having fun and all I could do was bury my head in a book and feel sorry for myself

“My lady, we have always conducted DNA tests on all couples seeking to mate permanently

Several couples held hands

It is weird yet wonderful sitting there in the quiet church, where generation after generation of couples just like us have sat going through the same service … facing the same future … some would have been happy

better for couples to couple with couples

Many couples began to leave their tables and go into a large room off the dining area

Bling settled into one another just as most couples do

In the basement there were already several couples making out on the

A few couples were ambling the paths and trails here and there

It ended up being only couples with the exception of Heather

It’s impossible for Alastair and I to see each other and everywhere you go, there are families and couples out enjoying themselves

Some couples were always dancing if there was music playing

People live in big groups of family and friends, usually ten or more to a house, usually as couples

Jmory and Tuong were doing it long and slow on the table they’d been sitting at, while chatting with two other couples

There were still quite a few couples on the benches also, maybe working up enough appetite for more food

At the times of the native’s mid-shift meals there were quite a few people at these tables, at other times a few conversations, sometimes some board games or couples flirting

couples promenaded aimlessly, showing off the latest

The following Wedenday (so called because Dort couples were married mid week), Beauty took the lads to Mesapit town

Others in couples or groups

Once she relaxed and thought about how many couples on the ship hadn’t met until the afterlife, she noticed that she enjoyed working with Thom

But there was a friendship there and it gave them each access to situations that are generally peopled by couples

She’d seen this with other warring couples

It was a known fact that once married, the fun and games gradually dry up and married couples make love less and less often

Much later, the married couples bore children

After these came the royal children; there were ten of them, and the little dears came jumping merrily along hand in hand, in couples: they were all ornamented with hearts

The five couples and seven children followed like a duck leading her chicks to water

Dotted around were people, some with their trouser legs rolled up or skirts hitched up above their knees; couples soaking up the sun together or rolled in an intimate embrace

The venue was not crowded; a few scattered groups of mainly university students and a handful of couples hung about the bar area

one witnessing that most couples sat there in their convenient

This is the most prevalent type of golfer, and these players can usually be found playing in couples and foursomes

couples but not in yourself? It must be rare that occasionally one

In the chaos of barking dogs and slamming doors, kids and couples cooed over the kittens

We did a little dealing, and both couples left happy

A few couples began to show, but mostly there were groups of unaccompanied guys and

In this restaurant there were only couples and groups

We had special studies for women, for couples, for new Christians; in fact every aspect of my new life was covered and I felt so much more mature and so invigorated

Whenever or wherever there is a true opportunity for reconciliation between parents and/or married couples – every effort should be made

With the proliferation of divorce, separation and births out of wedlock, many marriages are occurring to couples where one or both parties already have children

It is one of the causes of high divorce rates among second marriages between couples who already have children

Everybody was dressed in early 20th century attire; the ladies wore long dresses, couples walked arm-and-arm, and the men sported white straw hats like the kind they used in the political campaigns of the seventies

Bill O‘Reilly, playing the role of Devil‘s Advocate the other evening on The Factor, raised the argument on one of his segments that adopted children raised in a warm and loving environment by (numinous) Gay/Lesbian couples would be a preferable alternative to a violent, dysfunctional household, however traditional

Couples were arm in arm, and a young mother was pushing a baby carriage with a hungry infant crying to be fed

For middle age couples that are still raising families, who have children in college or carrying home mortgages, on the other hand, such reductions in salary can be devastating; especially for those who have grown accustomed to certain lifestyles

This market phenomenon will assume special importance in the future for late marrying couples who will be raising families well into their forties or early to middle fifties

When he was home, she used his name and social stature to experience life as Caroline LeClerc, the socialite who, together with her husband, mixed with other influential couples

namely, that of couples inhabiting a home and having a family

She talked about the Latin derivation of the words “inter” and “digit” and then did a rationalization quick step about the sanctity of marriage and the consensual nature of adult couples

All around him couples danced yet, in some inner-known world

A ragged cheer went up from clumps of youthful aliens here and there, and they came running out to the center, forming up in couples, trios, quads and odd-numbered formations

Farmers with their horse-drawn carts, women with large bundles on their backs, couples like themselves, carrying suitcases, some with small children tagging along, all were bound for their own destinations

Now, it seems to be almost the norm, even among Christians, that couples live together and sometimes even have children before they get married

Men, usually men, sometimes couples, would come in and we would entertain them until they chose one of us

his men, the three couples moved inside

In an almost subconscious form of denial, he ignored her comments and continued to press his own argument, “It’s pretty common these days for couples to be married while still in college

More people sat in this section: couples, the group of

What started to stand out to me was that the girls in those couples were pretty, cute, nice looking, and all of that shiznit, BUT THE GUYS in those couples were straight up goofy looking emmer effers

You could tell that when the girls in those “opposite couples” got older that they would get prettier

However, the guys in those “opposite couples” were going to remain nerdy and ugly looking dudes

Then it occurred to me that I have seen some older “opposites attract couples” about town or wherever – and they were married

For example, I know there is one of these hot chick -ugly guy couples at my church

After they were out of my line of sight, a weirdo was skating by with his couples skating partner

(One of those “opposite attracting couples” I had told you about earlier

While they were couples skating, this dude was holding her shirt by the neckline

Witty Dee and Muffy finally spotted me and waved as they did another couples skate lap around

Couples skate ended and, “Give it to me baby” by Rick James was thumping through the system

couples that provided genuine friendships to our family during this

Hopefully in the near future, in most civilized countries, couples will be educated in their responsibilities and duties before they become the father and the mother of a new human being

Then came an exercise: we were rearranged into new couples

Otherwise the love couples who have lived on Earth for half a century wouldn’t still like each other as clearly as in its youth, the fountains would be languishing in dismal parks without cause, and the ruins of an ancient castle would fail down to the underground and became an exhibit of the museum that is stored in the bowels of planet for millions and billions of years

They walked together to the car, the two couples making their way through the parking lot

couples do not discuss their sexual wants and needs

Across the globe, million and millions of couples have sex every

While sex is for most couples, a private intimate affair, there is ample

couples can have sex in a spinning spaceship; the Hospital Room equipped with operating

I’ve been told there used to be a few couples but either one or both of the people involved have left the club, or both are still here but have separated

We SHOULD display the fruit of the Spirit while we are outside of our homes, but don’t «relax» at home! Your home is your greatest ministry! If you are going to be «real» anywhere, PLEASE be real at home! How many couples scream at each other on the way to church, then go in and sing «Blest Be The Tie That Binds»? How many times have we disrespected our husbands or neglected our children, yet how sweetly we talk to «Sister Sarah» on the phone about how she can better her walk with God?? We have this idea that it is okay to be rude and downright self-centered in our homes, but we would never speak that way to our preacher

“Most married couples have insurance policies and, from what I can tell, everybody that knew Terry fought with him on a regular basis

and fathers with children, a few elderly couples, and even two dogs and a cat

Couples who practice this, have learnt the secret of sex transmutation

You needed the companionship that other couples share

Brookdell Cottage was lit up once more with cosy lights that beckoned romantic couples to steal away for a secluded weekend of fun and frolicking

Upstairs, behind her, many of the bedrooms were occupied, at the moment by couples in the throws of passion

«There are plenty of couples around who don’t have sex with their marriage, Monica

Don’t people shift to such homes as couples? Or are you separated?”

A nose rudder began to bite a little soft sand and they began to come around much more quickly, accompanied by painful groans from the coupling knuckles that joined the raft sections together

Oh he certainly felt an attraction to Luray, had been feeling it strongly all day and would certainly enjoy every second of coupling with her

What he noticed the most was how much she was effected by their coupling

Then Tragus would realize she’d only pretended to enjoy coupling with him and that it still was rape

There were more hold ups and every time we moved off again the buffers would crash together hard enough to rattle your teeth and make your ears ring and the coupling chains would jangle and clank as they swayed when the engine pulled off

To say that two people are having sex when we mean they are coupling, having coitus, intercourse, or whatever, is to continue down the slippery slope of euphemisms

«Hang on a minute,» I shouted, clicking the hydraulic coupling into place

The cables and coupling held, despite the swaying and dragging weight on the back

the coupling of the last car

coupling of a small Chamber staff and a

5 Fifty loops shall you make in the one curtain, and fifty loops shall you make in the edge of the curtain that is in the coupling of the second; that the loops may take hold one of another

10 And you shall make fifty loops on the edge of the one curtain that is outmost in the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the curtain which couples the second

12 Fifty loops made he in one curtain, and fifty loops made he in the edge of the curtain which was in the coupling of the second: the loops held one curtain to another

17 And he made fifty loops on the uttermost edge of the curtain in the coupling, and fifty loops made he on the edge of the curtain which couples the second

edge of another curtain, in the coupling of the second

make in the edge of the curtain that is in the coupling of the second; that the

outmost in the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the curtain which

other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod

Pack ice had clustered around the point where the coupling was to be made, and the operation was postponed

the coupling: likewise he made in the uttermost side of another curtain, in the

coupling of the second

the curtain which was in the coupling of the second: the loops held one curtain

coupling, and fifty loops made he upon the edge of the curtain which coupleth

What could this coupling between theory and

you will have to use a rubber coupling for this

coupling up over the top most vent or top stack

rubber coupling below the tee to ease the union

measure to the inside of the coupling socket

with the body of the repair coupling

with the bends or the straight coupling

Coupling that lack with the use of airpower which lacks mass, surprise, and consistency and you have a situation that wastes lives and money

After such a passionate coupling, sleep hadn’t come to Moshe as quickly as it had for Sari, who lay in the careless sprawl of utter contentment

The mind-executioner had for a while lain in spirit between them, both in his overpowering of Ralph’s actions and in his ravishment of Simon’s mind, but then later that no longer mattered, as the colours forged in their coupling were strong enough to overcome his memory

After such a passionate coupling, sleep hadn’t come to Moshe as quickly as it had for Sari,

He understood already that Ralph’s next coupling would not find him as important as she had been

not to the Standard Model (SM), with gauge coupling constant g and dark fine structure

Mark was a diligent and attentive lover and had easily roused her to enjoy their coupling

Model (SM), with gauge coupling constant g

After that every date ended up with a frantic coupling somewhere around town

Loveless coupling with a stranger is pitiable, not something to excite jealousy

memory of their earlier coupling ran wild through her mind,

They made an unusual coupling, borne out of necessity rather than any common interests: Walter protected Timmy from the bigger boys being, at 14, 2 years older, while Timmy provided friendship in return

When their first frantic coupling was over, they held one another tightly and fell asleep…both at peace for the first time in months

I’m not suggesting the closing down of Vatican City and having a moving garage sale, but this preoccupation with the affordability of coupling might be a bit 94

I really should write a healthy lifestyle book to explain all the ins and outs of healthy eating and living, but a simple solution to the obesity problem is simply cultivating and maintaining healthy eating habits and coupling that to regular exercise

There were other telling clues for the conclusion reached on this colonial coupling, including the fact that these children all wanted to be on some denomination of U

The media contribute to this coupling, although that’s probably not the right word – maybe it should be called Ménage à Whatever

You are just old enough now to start coupling with girls and the master wants you to start now, to maximize the chances that the girls you sleep with will become pregnant quickly

He walked her to the side of the house where a guard grabbed her and bound her arms behind her back with a magnetic coupling lock

One was carrying two sets of magnetic coupling locks

Change, change, no delete that, computer, try reversing the coupling energy

Based on Kitara’s reaction, Garcia felt that he should have been embarrassed, but he had less discomfort at admitting a coupling with machine than he did admitting he appreciated, and even preferred, a variety of species as opposed to having just one partner for an entire life time, something which was still socially frowned upon

aspects of potential partners with each profile generating possible combinations of genetic coupling that might produce the best offspring; it was a biological imperative bred into him

results of coupling with Karsat

— Couplers: Coupling nozzles are needed to hold the icing tips in the bag

thoughts and desire better than any other coupling of species

Examples of specific coupling were noted between Spock and Chapel, and Chekov and Landon

Yet something was holding them back from coupling

At the moment, Rebecca objects to coupling with me, and this has caused her to leave the clinic

Her dream of coupling with Monty was shattered, and she feared that even his life was in danger

We were about to ask for coupling

“Do the human females understand that they are coupling with two human males who were accused of aiding and abetting the escape of a slave, were punished, and now have been restored to the regular work force?”

Some in the group announced they were thinking of following suit and coupling

That night, Rebecca reported to her family that Monty and Alicia had spoken to the Doctor, and he had agreed not to disclose the corpse’s true identity, nor to insist on coupling with Rebecca

Coupling is fine, we do it on Earth

finished all the coupling operation

my commands, the coupling mechanisms to the ship

coupling the behavior of ions in the electrical field with membrane technology

game, events always ended with sexual coupling

another, and so on until the whole lot had been paired off and were coupling all over the field

Another tooth coupling 5 is located at a distance from 6, which is coaxially mounted on the rod 16 and connected to two discs 4 and 7

The expansion of the gas causes the cylinder 8 to move down until the butt tooth coupling 6 engages with the tooth coupling 5 and thus rotates by means of the large-pitch thread the spacer 4 and the shield 12 at 180°

Components are assembled using the usual coupling elements or glued to the body

Coupling with her beautiful laughter, Nangong Ping looked in awe

“Great, the interlink coupling is really loose, that explains why the Ceriddium wasn’t mixing correctly

Intercession then, is binding of the believing spirits to the messenger’s (CPTH) and coupling with him so as to ascend them to the Godly Presence, as the spirits of the honourable companions bound up to and coupled with his pure chaste spirit (CPTH) entering into God’s through him, so they accompanied him in this world, in the interval between death and doomsday, and shall keep accompanying him in the hereafter

To such spiritual coupling with God’s Envoy the Noble Verses refers as God says: {Verily, the prophet is always communicating with Allah, and His angels are communicating with him

1- Man may proceed to think and consider in this universe voluntarily, coupling this thinking and consideration with truthfulness in seeking the truth as we have already seen and there, his thinking will lead him to magnify these creatures

all the couples to go off and start their coupling

He clarified through the verses of the Holy Qur’an that intercession can be achieved only by the believer, and it begins from this world and lasts for him into the afterlife; and that intercession is the binding of one spirit to another, derived from the word ‘couple’, which indicates that a thing binds itself to another, coupling with it and adhering to it

Intercession then, is the binding of believing spirits to the Envoy (cpth), and coupling with him so as to ascend to the Godly Presence, just as the spirits of the honourable companions bound themselves up to and coupled with his pure chaste spirit (cpth), entering into God’s Presence through him, and so they accompanied him in this world, in the interval between death and Doomsday, and shall keep accompanying him in the hereafter

I would highly recommend coupling your research with

Appreciating God’s messenger (cpth) and coupling with him enables your spirit to enter into God’s Presence through him and to rise in the abodes of the Godly love

Intercession then, is binding of the believing spirits to the messenger’s (cpth) and coupling with him so as to ascend them to the Godly Presence, as the spirits of the honourable companions bound up to and coupled with his pure chaste spirit (cpth) entering into God’s through him, so they accompanied him in this world, in the interval between death and doomsday, and shall keep accompanying him in the hereafter

Intercession then, is binding of the believing spirits to the messenger’s (cpth) and coupling with him so as to ascend them to the Godly Presence, as the spirits of the honourable companions bound up to and coupled with his pure chaste spirit (cpth) entering into God’s through him, so they accompanied him in this world, in the interval between death and doomsday, and shall keep accompanying him in the hereafter

This is a witness to the pictures and appearances of matters in this world of darkness and secrecy, and is not a witness to the facts in the world of light and glory; that is, the magicians’ states are contrary to the states of those who see by God’s light through coupling with God’s messenger (cpth)

This is what my mother, Cyrana, told me: that she was the issue of a brief coupling between Demeter and a mortal man

flavored liqueur, the warmth spreading through her belly and coupling with the sexual

There were wretched portrayals of the fall of man, beasts fornicating with humans as they descended to hell, men coupling in godless orgies

Coupling: That which connects together; uniting in couples; fastening or embracing

She beat him on his behind pitilessly and my friend said that the beating together with the spectacle of his mother»s coupling aroused him so much it caused him to ejaculate

He looked across at me, and his eye appraised my watch-chain, and then he incidentally spat and said something to the other convict, and they laughed and slued themselves round with a clink of their coupling manacle, and looked at something else

They’d been on-site, already coupling their hoses to the fire mains that crisscrossed the Delthak Works, and the first streams of water had gone hissing into the flames even before he reached the disaster

At first the local matchmakers were continually coupling his name with one or other of the eligible ladies, but as years passed and Dr

We were out of sight of London now and the soldier had loosed a bottle of whiskey from his kit bag and, after initial reluctance, the young woman who had been forced to share our company took as elegant a sip as one could manage while we were balanced over the coupling of two railway carriages

, Coupling of CO2 and Ice Sheet Stability over Major Climate Transitions of the Last 20 Million Years, «Science», dicembre 2009

“Just before the Europans attacked this base during the last Opposition, they activated the Disrupter, coupling it to the moon’s magnetic field, which is relatively weak compared to that of Earth



  1. соединять (связывать)
  2. сцеплять

Синонимы: interlink, catenate, articulate, link.


  1. пара (парочка, сочетание, чета)
  2. свора

Множ. число: couples.

Синонимы: twain, tway, coupla.


  1. в сочетании

Синонимы: coupled, somewhat, combine, combined.


  1. двое
  2. несколько
  3. два

Синонимы: multiple, twin, more, several, both, handful, twice, some, multi, twain, two, number, few.

Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I couple We couple
You couple You couple
He/She/It couples They couple
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I coupled We coupled
You coupled You coupled
He/She/It coupled They coupled


couple of times
пара раз

couple of days
парочка дней

German couple
немецкая чета


I’ve been there a couple of times.
Я был там пару раз.

The couple put their house on the market.
Пара выставила свой дом на продажу.

I just want to stay here for a couple of hours.
Я просто хочу остаться здесь на пару часов.

I am going to stay here for a couple of days.
Я собираюсь остаться тут на несколько дней.

Tom died a couple of years ago.
Том умер несколько лет назад.

I have a couple of friends who used to live in Boston.
У меня есть парочка друзей, которые раньше жили в Бостоне.

I have a couple questions.
У меня есть пара вопросов.

They lived a couple of years in Spain.
Они прожили несколько лет в Испании.

I just have a couple of questions.
У меня лишь несколько вопросов.

«Have you ever been to New York?» «Yes, I’ve been there a couple of times.»
«Вы когда-нибудь были в Нью-Йорке?» — «Да, я бывал там несколько раз».

More and more married couples share household chores.
Всё больше и больше супругов распределяют между собой обязанности по дому.

Everyone formed couples and began dancing.
Все разбились по парам и начали танцевать.

Many couples end in divorce.
Много пар заканчивают разводом.

Everywhere you look you can see young couples kissing.
Куда ни посмотришь, можешь увидеть молодых парочек целующимися.

There were several couples on the beach.
На пляже было несколько пар.

One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006.
Ожидается, что в 2006 году в Шанхае поженятся сто пятьдесят тысяч пар.

There were a lot of young couples in the park.
В парке было много молодых парочек.

Same-sex couples should be able to get married.
У однополых пар должна быть возможность женитьбы.

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But for this you will need to cope with a couple of logical problems.


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Но для этого вам нужно будет справиться с парочкой логических задач.


A couple brings up their daughter Anna Voronova.

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Чета воспитывает дочь Анну Воронову.

For Easter the couple of Emperors has left Jerusalem, i.e. Constantinople.

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На Пасху чета императоров покинула Иерусалим, то есть Константинополь.

We got a name from a couple of witnesses at your dad’s office.

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У нас есть имя от парочки свидетелей в офисе твоего отца.

The couple seated themselves on the opposite side,

and intently but surreptitiously scrutinized her clothes.

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Чета села с противоположной стороны, внимательно,

но скрытно оглядывая ее платье.

You can set display of cat, love couple, birds, and animation.


context icon

Можно настроить отображение кота, влюбленной парочки, птички и анимацию.


The book»OUR Imperial couple» with dedication.


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Книга» НАША императорская чета» с посвящением.


I mailed the pages to a couple folks on the outside.

You never said something you didn’t mean after a couple of drinks?

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Вы что, никогда не говорили что-нибудь, чего не имели в виду, после парочки стаканчиков?

KQ Marriage(Marriage); royal couple Royalty.


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K- Q Марьяж( Marriage); Королевская чета Royalty.


The last one was founded and managed by couple Onisim and Aliona Popescu.


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Последнее основано и управляется супругами Онисимом и Аленой Попеску.


You just thought you would act like a schmuck in front of a couple detectives.

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Вы просто решили повалять дурака перед двумя детективами.

Well, you know Frank

is not gonna leave here without a couple thousands.

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Ну, ты знаешь Фрэнк не собирается уходить отсюда без парочки штук.

One of us could always say, I want to be a couple again.

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Один из нас всегда может сказать о своем желании снова стать супругами.

Two days ago, I had a beer with a couple of the RAF pilots.

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Позавчера я пил пиво с двумя летчиками из Королевского корпуса.

Couple Duca has 12 bank accounts.


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Супругам Дука в банках принадлежат 12 счетов.


Only a couple of sites have reported data.


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Данные были сообщены только по нескольким участкам.


I remember him playing with a couple of these kids in the park, and.

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Я помню как он играл с двумя детьми в парке, и.

Except for a zombie, a gnome, and a couple of cute vampires.

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Кроме зомби, гнома и парочки милых вампиров.

At the end of the novel, he and Belly become a couple.

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В конце второго фильма Мэнни и Элли становятся супругами.

We sat at the bar with a couple, Pirelli, and I suddenly became hot.

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Мы сидели в баре с четой Пирелли, и мне вдруг стало жарко.

Pips are important for a couple of reasons.


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She’s stuck talking to a couple of Peter’s investors.

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Сама она застряла за беседой с двумя инвесторами Питера.

I have known this couple for many years.

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She got on a boat with a couple of guys.

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Она забралась в лодку с двумя парнями.

Napoleon III met the couple at Boulogne and accompanied them to Paris.

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Наполеон III встретил чету в Дюнкерке и сопровождал до Парижа.

You should be open to anything with a couple«X» chromosomes, dude.

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Нужно быть доступным любой особи с двумя Х- хромосомами, чувак.

The Lord could at least kill him a couple of days later.

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Бог мог бы убить его хотя бы двумя днями позже.

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