The word country girl

Typically hot, hardheaded, determined, always polite. Remembers her manners but will drop them on a dime to teach someone ‘What’s right’. Loves horses, knows how to ride, good cook, traditional type women that can still hold their own. Look just as natural in jeans and boots as they do in dresses. From farm family, or area, loves animals and children.

Usually underestimated and mistaken for the southern type. A country girl will often be referred to as ‘the one that got away’. Country girls offer their men the typical lovers traits, with an added challenge thrown in. Often a country girl will have a man that provides well enough, but will constantly be pushing to provide just as well.

They believe in ‘honesty is the best policy’ and are typically humble unless challenged.

Never will you see a country girl waiting to find someone who will take care of her.

You can find country girls in the mid-west region of the USA. You’ll be lucky to find one on the coast, as a country girl feels most at home in the mid-west.

From eHow:

Act sweet but have a strong side. Country girls retain all the charm and gentility of an old-fashioned gal, and mind their manners. But they can also be strong-willed when they need to be, protect the family farm or property, milk the cows, drive a tractor or operate the town post office by themselves.

A country girl knows how to use pots and pans. She bakes cakes for birthdays and special occasions, and picks the apples for her home-baked apple pie herself.

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Typically thought of as a redneck, daddy’s girl, but in reality, usually an average girl of the south. She wears cowgirl boots, not neccasarily on a regular basis. She’s alright with wearing dresses and lookin pretty, but, just like any other girl, prefers jeans. Country Girls coome in all shapes and sizes, and are typically not whores, meaning, some are virgins some aint. country girls love their Jason Aldean and you can’t forget Sugarland, so, yes, they love country music, but they don’t limit what they listen to, to jus that, they also like pop-hits, just as much. Most, I’d say, go to church, half or more, don’t really give a damn though. They just go cause it’s more of a ritual of the south than anything.

Most Northeners & Californians, mistake country girls and rednecks, so let me make it clear, Polk County, TN = rednecks whereas most other counties in TN, have country girls and boys, and not so many rednecks.

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Typically a white girl who grew up in the city. She listened to Taylor Swift on the radio one day and she somehow turned into a country girl. Her favourite things to do is ‘mudding’ and ‘four wheelin’. She is only attracted to white males.

She will do ANYTHING to cement her status as a country girl.

If her standing as a country girl is ever questioned, she will build a poo fort in the forest and eat insects while sleeping in the poo fort to prove her mettle as a country girl.

A ‘country girl’ also hasn’t worked a day in their lives as they all grew up in the city.

City Girl: Yee haw! I’m a country girl lookin’ for a country boy that can handle me!

Hick: This chick is so ratchet. I’ll just screw her and move onto someone who is real wife material.

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Imaginary expectation of what a girl from some shithole in the middle of nowhere is like. They are just average teenage girls that will never be anything more than a fat housewife in the future, which the «country boy» will settle for. They are exactly like the «basic» bitches found in the city only they claim to be tomboys and join in backwoods activities such as mudding, bonfiring and hunting and only actually go once or twice. These girls commonly boast about being country on social network sites and apps such as Facebook, instagram and Twitter. They also listen to shitty modern pop-country music and bring a radio everywhere they go because they absolutely HAVE to listen to it every day. Around the age of 25-26 the constant alcohol intake gets to them and they begin to gain weight, also around this time they dont mention being «country» anymore and begin to have children to complete the cycle.

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A girl who grew up in the country and loves it. Usually listens to country music, might ride a truck or wear Wranglers. No, she doesn’t necessarily have to know how to ride horses to be a country girl, since many country girls live on a farm without animals, just many crops. Chances are she has worked in the fields and helped with harvest. Perhaps she likes fishing and hanging with country boys.

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country girl

Общая лексика: крестьянка

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «country girl» в других словарях:

  • Country Girl — may refer to: Country Girl (Primal Scream song), 2006 Country Girl (Faron Young song), 1959 Country Girl (Dottie West album), 1968 Country Girl (Olivia Newton John album), 1998 Country Girl , a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young from Déjà Vu …   Wikipedia

  • Country Girl (Shake It for Me) — Single by Luke Bryan from the album Tailgates Tanlines Released …   Wikipedia

  • Country Girl (Dottie West album) — Country Girl Studio album by Dottie West Released 1968 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Country Girl (Primal Scream song) — Country Girl Single by Primal Scream from the album Riot City Blues Released …   Wikipedia

  • Country Boy and Country Girl — Country Boy Country Girl Studio album by Jimmy Dean and Dottie West Released December 1970 …   Wikipedia

  • Country Girl (Faron Young song) — Country Girl is a 1959 single by Faron Young, written by Roy Drusky. The single was Young s fourth number one on the country chart. Country Girl stayed on the charts for thirty two weeks. The B side, I Hear You Talkin , would peak at number… …   Wikipedia

  • Country Girl (Olivia Newton-John album) — Country Girl Greatest hits album by Olivia Newton John Released 1998 …   Wikipedia

  • Country Girl (album) — Infobox Album Name = Country Girl Type = Album Artist = Dottie West Released = 1968 Recorded = Genre = Nashville Sound Length = Label = RCA Records Producer = Chet Atkins Reviews = Last album = What I m Cut Out to Be 1968 This album = Country… …   Wikipedia

  • A Country Girl — Infobox Musical name = A Country Girl subtitle = or Town and Country caption = Hayden Coffin as Geoffrey Challoner music = Lionel Monckton Paul Rubens lyrics = Adrian Ross Percy Greenbank book = James T. Tanner basis = productions = 1902 West End …   Wikipedia

  • Rock My World (Little Country Girl) — Infobox Single Name = Rock My World (Little Country Girl) Cover size = Border = Caption = Artist = Brooks Dunn Album = Hard Workin Man A side = B side = Released = December 14, 1993 Format = CD Single Recorded = Genre = Country Length = 3:42… …   Wikipedia

  • The Country Girl —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différentes œuvres portant le même titre. The Country Girl est un film américain réalisé par Frederick Sullivan en 1915. The Country Girl est le titre original du film américain Une fille de la province …   Wikipédia en Français

country girl — перевод на русский

Oh, how cute the country girl

О, какая симпатичная деревенская девушка

Probably a country girl with no relatives here.

Вероятно деревенская девушка без здешней родни.

I guess I’m a country girl at heart.

Наверное, в душе я деревенская девушка.

I know that you’re just this, like, nice country girl who grew up on a stream or whatever but don’t you know what I’m talking about?

Дорогая, я понимаю, что ты милая деревенская девушка, которая выросла на кукурузном поле или где там? Но разве ты не понимаешь, о чем я говорю?

Clifford Odets’ «the country girl.»

Клиффорда Одета «Деревенская девушка»

Показать ещё примеры для «деревенская девушка»…

Country Girls

Деревенские девчонки

Country girls

Деревенские девчонки

Country girls They don’t even know what a blackboard is!

Деревенские девчонки Даже не знают, что такое школьная доска!

Country Girls!

Деревенские девчонки!

Oh, Danielle, you poor little country girl.

Ах, Даниэлла, жалкая деревенская девчонка.

Показать ещё примеры для «деревенские девчонки»…

If I must marry, could I not wed, say, a good, honest country girl?

Если я обязан жениться, могу ли я выбрать славную честную селянку?

How many divisions will this «good, honest country girl» provide us?

И много ли земель мы получим за вашу селянку?

I mistook you for a good, honest country girl, and now I see you didn’t want to overawe a plain soldier.

Я принял тебя за добрую честную селянку, но теперь вижу, что ты тогда решила не смущать простого солдата.

You look a real country girl like that!

Ты выглядишь как настоящая селянка!

An honest country girl who loves you.

Честной селянкой, которая вас любит.

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деревенская девушка

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деревенской девушке

деревенская девчонка

крестьянская девушка

деревенскую девушку

деревенской девушкой

провинциальная девушка



Country Girl

деревенской девочкой

деревенской девчонке

деревенская девочка

деревенской девчонкой

But one day, a country girl forgets to close it — begins to flow and forms a lake.

Но однажды, одна деревенская девушка забывает закрыть его — вода льется и образует озеро.

A simple country girl, ladies and gentlemen.

For this country girl, that was so attractive.

My look is really based on a country girl‘s idea of glam.

You’ve married a country girl without a penny to her name.

He told us a joke about a country girl, who was seduced and jilted by a city slicker.

После этого он рассказал нам анекдот о деревенской девушке, соблазненной и покинутой городским ухажером.

In this large-scale ballet spectacular, a modest country girl finds herself on an unbelievable adventure.

В этом колоссальном балетном зрелище скромная деревенская девушка проходит через невероятные испытания.

Probably a country girl with no relatives here.

I guess I’m a country girl at heart.

The way I look was really a country girl‘s idea of what glamour was.

Her character in the movie was Odile, a strange country girl with hypnotic powers.

Она получила роль в фильме Одиль, странная деревенская девушка с гипнотическими способностями.

Why you’re mighty sensitive for a country girl!

In the story the country girl Mizuho dreams in the next life to be a capital boy.

По сюжету деревенская девушка Мицуха мечтает в следующей жизни стать столичным мальчиком.

Her books are now being published in twelve countries, truly a dream come true for a little country girl from Levan, Utah.

Сейчас ее книги издаются на тринадцати языках, это действительно мечта для маленькой деревенской девушки из Левана, штат Юта.

A wide-eyed, country girl comes to the big city (New York).

Для этого простая деревенская девушка отправляется в большой город — в Нью-Йорк.

It is a healthy place! This is a dress up game with a country girl.

Corinne is a country girl from Gascony who dreams of being a musketeer in France.

Bernadette Soubirous, a simple country girl from Lourdes claimed that the Virgin appeared 18 times to her.

Бернадетт Субиру, простая деревенская девушка из Лурда, утверждала, что ей 18 раз являлась св.

Simple country girl Lisa wants to make a career in Hollywood.

You lovely, healthy, obliging country girl.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Country Girl(s) may refer to:


  • Country Girl (memoir), a 2012 book by Edna O’Brien


  • A Country Girl, a long-running British 1902 musical
  • Country Girls (band), a Japanese female idol group


  • Country Girl (Dottie West album) or the title song (see below), 1968
  • Country Girl (1970 Billie Jo Spears album)
  • Country Girl (1981 Billie Jo Spears album)
  • Country Girl (Miriam Makeba album) or the title song, 1978
  • Country Girl (Rebecca Hollweg album) or the title song, 2015
  • Country Girl (Zahara album) or the title song, 2015
  • Country Girl, by Jeannie C. Riley, or the title song, 1970


  • «Country Girl» (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song), 1970
  • «Country Girl» (Dottie West song), 1968
  • «Country Girl» (Faron Young song), 1959
  • «Country Girl» (Primal Scream song), 2006
  • «Country Girl» (Rissi Palmer song), 2007
  • «Country Girl (Shake It for Me)», by Luke Bryan, 2011
  • «Country Girl», by Black Sabbath from Mob Rules, 1981
  • «Country Girl», by Brinsley Schwarz from Despite It All, 1970
  • «Country Girl», by Nazareth from Nazareth, 1971
  • «Country Girls» (Jess Moskaluke song), 2019
  • «Country Girls» (John Schneider song), 1984
  • «Country Girls», by Little River Band from After Hours, 1976

See also[edit]

  • The Country Girl (disambiguation)

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  1. Country Girl

    «Country Girl» is a song by the band Primal Scream. It was released as a single on May 22, 2006 and is the first released from the band’s eighth album Riot City Blues. After a successful debut on the downloads chart, the single was propelled to #5 in its first full week of release, becoming the band’s highest charting in their career as well as their first UK Top 5 entry and their third Top 10 single.
    The song was frequently used by ITV during their coverage of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, alongside the Kasabian cover version of David Bowie’s «Heroes» and Valerie by The Zutons. It also features on The Janice Long Review Show.

How to pronounce country girl?

How to say country girl in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of country girl in Chaldean Numerology is: 1

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of country girl in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of country girl in a Sentence

  1. Yeon Ryu:

    So looking at Lexi Thompson as a rookie to play this tournament so well, Im really proud of Lexi Thompson as a fellow competitor and same country girl as well.


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Are we missing a good definition for country girl? Don’t keep it to yourself…

  • She has been successful in Arkansas politics by riding both sides of the fence, with her country-girl southern drawl, constantly wanting and getting it both ways by being a Democrat in Washington and running as a conservative in Arkansas.

    Arkansas Senate Race Offers Lessons for Rest of U.S.

  • The spotlight only works when you grip the handle a certain way, and as I pointed it in Maggie’s general direction, standing there bare-legged in the dark, the bold light glanced off a sight that, country-girl though I have become through the years, actually brought back all my city-girl upbringing uselessness in a flash of utter terror.

    Deanie Mills: How To Kill A Two-Headed Snake

  • The Duke was alone in his study, when one of his gentlemen acquainted him, that a country-girl, from Scotland, was desirous of speaking with his Grace.

    The Heart of Mid-Lothian

  • “A country-girl, and from Scotland!” said the Duke;

    The Heart of Mid-Lothian

  • O the uproar that was made, and the thanksgivings that were sung, about the capture of this one poor country-girl!

    A Child’s History of England

  • Happy was the country-girl who could engage the young squire as her partner!

    The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves

  • It surprises even myself considering I was only a peasant with the education of a country-girl, that I spontaneously admired things of that kind.

    Time Regained

  • «Well, I just don’t know,» Shirley kneeling backwards, breasts propped on the back of the seat, one big smooth country-girl hand on Slothrop’s shoulder for balance.

    Gravity’s Rainbow

  • «Two royal officers contending against a poor country-girl,» said Alete.

    International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850

  • Refreshments were soon set before us, and while partaking of them I gathered from our hostess that she was a Vermont country-girl, who, some three years before, had been induced by liberal pay to come South as a teacher.

    Among the Pines or, South in Secession Time

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Yevheniya was very interested in


unusual paintings of the country girl, particularly


works she did for herself.


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Ее очень заинтересовала необычная живопись крестьянской девушки, особенно те работы, которые та делала для себя.


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Because I must confess that in some districts of the country girls are taken from schools early.

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Так как, должен откровенно признаться, что в некоторых районах страны проявляет себя такой факт, как ранний уход девочек из школ.

If you want to meet someone from the country girls you choose, you should get a membership on



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Если вы хотите, чтобы встретить кого-то из стран девушек вы выбираете, Вы должны получить членство на сайте.

In many parts of the country, girls under 14 are forced into marriages with men

old enough to be their fathers and grandfathers.


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Во многих частях страны девочек в возрасте до 14 лет заставляют выходить замуж за мужчин,

которые по возрасту могли бы быть их отцами и дедами.


Also in


Northern part of the country, girls of ages as low as nine years, depending on


age of attainment of puberty, are given out in marriage.


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Более того, в северной части страны даже девятилетних девочек, в зависимости от достижения ими половой зрелости, выдают замуж.


While many


do not have access to schooling and are reduced to street petty trading,



the country

are often made to work during class hours. For instance,



north of the country, girls pick mangoes rather than attend classes during


harvest season.


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В то время, как многие


не имеют доступа к школьному образованию и заняты мелкой уличной торговлей, их сверстники в сельской местности зачастую вынуждены работать во время уроков,

например на севере страны в период сбора урожая девочки собирают манго, а не посещают занятия.


Can you come up with an unusual style for a girl from the country of fairies?


Vocational Institutions are located all over the country to cater for girl mothers.


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По всей стране располагаются учреждения профессиональной подготовки, предназначающиеся для молодых матерей.


online Can you come up with an unusual style for a girl from the country of fairies?


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Как играть в онлайн игру:

Сможешь придумать необычный стиль для девушки из страны фей?


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Girl Scouts across the country and here in East Tennessee are now taking part.

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Девочки— скауты по всей стране и здесь, в Восточном Теннеси, в настоящее время принимают участие.

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relevant authorities in the country of origin could not offer protection and there was no alternative region in that


to which the girl could return without becoming a social outcast,

asylum was granted.


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Если соответствующие власти страны происхождения не предоставляют защиты и отсутствует какой-либо другой регион в


куда девочка может вернуться, не становясь социальным изгоем, то тогда предоставляется вид

на жительство.


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В масштабах всей страны тайские девушки и юноши получили равный доступ к образованию.


during which they can gain familiarity with


workings of companies and institutions involved in future-oriented areas of


career spectrum, such as professions in


natural sciences and technology.


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По всей стране девочки, учащиеся с пятого по десятый класс школы, могут участвовать в проекте» День девочек⁣

«, в ходе которого они могут знакомиться с работой компаний и учреждений в различных ориентированных на будущее профессиональных областях, в частности, в области естественных и технических наук.


In academic year 2007- 2008,

there were 255.083 students in lower secondary schools across the country, girls were 112.911,

boys 142.172, if compared to 2006- 2007,


number of students increased 6.516 equal to 2,62 per cent,


increased 3.767 equal to 3,45 per cent, boys increased 2.749 equal to 1,97 per cent.


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В 2007/ 08 учебном году в средних школах первой ступени(

неполное среднее образование) во всей стране обучалось 255 083 учащихся,

из них 112 911 девочек и 142 172 мальчика; по сравнению с 2006/ 07 учебным годом число учащихся увеличилось на 6516, или 2, 62 процента,


на 3767, или 3, 45 процента, мальчиков- на 2749, или 1, 97 процента.


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