The word corruption in a sentence

corruption — перевод на русский


Point number one: You obtained the concession by bribery and corruption. Eh?

Во-первых, вы получили эту концессию с помощью взяток и коррупции.

I will not allow my name to become a symbol of corruption.

Я не позволю, чтобы мое имя стало символом коррупции.

I had to confront cynicism, corruption.

Я должен был противостоять предрассудкам, коррупции…

But today we are a true democracy. Corruption no longer exists.

Но сегодня у нас царит демократия и коррупции больше не существует.

It was the rankest sort of corruption.

Это был банальнейший случай коррупции.

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and there is brawling in bars, there is indecency in public places, and there is corruption of the young, and now I see it all stems from here— it stems from the filth taught here in this very schoolroom.

и этот непристойный для общественного заведения бардак в баре… и это разложение молодежи… а теперь я вижу, что все корни здесь — в грязном преподавании в этой самой классной комнате.

I told him that if he didn’t give me the solution, I was not about influence peddling that I was tired of resources, bulging and corruption

Тогда я со всей решительностью заявил, что раз он не дает мне выбора, то я не собираюсь торговаться, что мне надоели развлечения, наглость и разложение.


Разложение, которое только начинается,

The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years.

Лига Теней сдерживала разложение человечества тысячи лет.

With the horror and corruption and ignorance and poverty and genocide and aids and global warming and terrorism and the family-value morons and the gun morons!

Весь этот ужас, разложение, безразличие, бедность, геноцид, СПИД, глобальное потепление, терроризм, дебилы с семейными ценностями, дебилы с пушками!

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Inside the center, my boys will be clean, and outside… … they’dbesurroundedbythesame corruption and crime and criminals.

За стенами центра дети будут так же видеть подлую продажность, преступления и преступников.

I will empower you to one end alone to give power back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that has crippled it

Я дам тебе власть ради одной только цели -— вернуть эту власть народу Рима… и победить продажность, которая овладела им.

Corruption and betrayal.

Продажность и предательство. Таков бьiл Антоний.

Injustice, cruelty, corruption.

Несправедливость, жестокость, продажность.

A compromise isn’t always dishonesty, flexibility isn’t always corruption.

Компромисс — не всегда бесчестье, Гибкость — не всегда продажность.

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Piracy, corruption and murder.

Пиратство, взяточничество и убийство.

No doubt Yun deserves to be punished for corruption.

Никто не спорит, что Юна следовало наказать за взяточничество.

Mr. Childs would like to prove my client is a murderer so he can prosecute him for corruption? Well, that is certainly novel.

Мистер Чайлдс хочет доказать, что мой клиент — убийца, чтобы посадить его за взяточничество?

In fact, I see that I myself am about to be arrested for corruption.

Кстати говоря, кажется меня самого сейчас арестуют за взяточничество.

He’s not responding to any of my e-mails about the judicial corruption piece I was gonna cover.

Он не отвечает на мои письма по поводу статьи о взяточничество судей, о которой я хотела написать.

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In a stunning revelation, mayor Melba Walker Shannon has been arrested by the DA for corruption charges… Oh, yeah.

Шокирующее откровение, мэр Велба Уолкер Шэннон взята под арест Окружной Прокуратурой по обвинению в получении взяток…

I’ve been e-mailing you about the judicial corruption piece that we discussed, and now I hear it’s been reassigned?

Я отправила вам сообщении о работе над темой взяток в судебной системе, мы это обсуждали, а сейчас я узнала, что вы её передали?

If they’re coercing the doctors and pharmacists with bribery, corruption and the rest of it, then… we’ve nailed them.

Если они давят на врачей и фармацевтов путем подкупа, взяток и такого прочего, то… мы их прижмём.

Well, a lot of it’s mixing, isn’t it, corruption by dealers.

Ну, много чего намешано, не так ли, взятки дилеров.

DC’s a dark and vile place full of bad, selfish people who have no interest in anything but corruption and blind power.

ДС это мрачное, мерзкое местечко, наполненное плохими, эгоистичными людьми, которых интересуют только взятки и слепая власть.

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Corruption, in the courtroom?

Подкуп, прямо в зале суда?

Murder, corruption, conspiracy.

Убийство, подкуп, заговор.

If it can be proven, what many of us suspect-— corruption, simony, the blatant sale of the sacred offices, and worse, the utter degradation of the office of the papacy in the eyes of the Christian world…

Если удастся доказать то, о чем многие из нас подозревают: подкуп, симония, неприкрытая торговля священными должностями, а хуже всего, полное уничижение папского звания в глазах христианского мира.

The Anti-Racketeering Unit are looking into the methods he used to break Jade-— bribery, corruption, coercion.

Полиция рассматривает методы, которые он использовал при работе с Джейд — подкуп, взятки, принуждение.

..wilful corruption of sporting officials and perpetrating an illegal betting scam.

…умышленный подкуп спортивных чиновников и организацию афёры с нелегальными ставками.

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You fought a war against the king’s corruption. Why stop now?

Вы сражались против порочности королевской власти, зачем же останавливаться?

We home-schooled him as long as we could to shield him from drugs and sex and corruption.

Мы обучали его на дому, сколько могли, чтобы уберечь от наркотиков, секса и порочности.

That idea doesn’t sit very well with Augustine of Hippo’s views about total human corruption.

Ёта иде€ не очень сочеталась с мнением јвгустина √иппонского о тотальной человеческой порочности.

I think the Omega’s a sign of corruption -— a mark that the darkness has fully taken over someone.

Думаю, Омега — это метка порочности, знак того, что тьма полностью завладела кем-то.

This is surely the mark of corruption.

Это явно признак порочности.

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She’s implying there was police corruption.

Она намекает на коррумпированность полиции.

Even that arrogant Italian man had one. The fact that his little brother committed suicide in shame of his corruption was always in the back of his mind.

Даже тот высокомерный итальянец переживал всё время покончившего с собой от стыда за его коррумпированность.

We show the corruption of the justice system.

Мы показываем коррумпированность системы правосудия.

The thorough corruption of local authorities, political assassinations, the massacres of entire villages and wildlife compounds…

Глубокая коррумпированность местных органов власти, политические убийства, вырезание целых деревень плюс дикие животные…

The Iran debacle, the corruption of your CIA… your credibility was the real casualty.

Фиаско с Ираном, коррумпированность вашего ЦРУ… нелегкое испытание вашего авторитета.

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Anyway, everyone gets corrupted. But I find some forms of corruption more pleasant—

В любом случае, все рано или поздно развращаются но на мой вкус некоторые формы разврата приятнее …

There was no corruption of morality or betrayal in my father’s days

Во времена правления моего отца не было ни разврата, ни предательства.

I am corruption incarnate, you piece of…

Я воплощение разврата, ты кусок…

Jesus hated corruption and greed.

Иисус ненавидит разврат и жадность

Corruption and greed.

Разврат и жадность.

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All the madness and rotting corruption which would have been mine.

Все безумие и гниющее искажение что иначе было бы моим.

My corruption has become too much for one man to bear.

Мое искажение стало слишком велико, чтобы его мог выдержать один человек.

Corruption in data set.

Искажение в наборе данных.

It’s a form of corruption.

Это способ искажения реальности.

Despite my efforts to set things right, these actions only culminated in further corruption of the timeline.

Несмотря на мои попытки всё исправить, эти действия повлекли ещё большие искажения временной линии.

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Отправить комментарий

коррупция, развращение, искажение, разложение, порча, испорченность, продажность


- порча, гниение

corruption of the body — разложение трупа

- развращённость, моральное разложение
- продажность, коррупция
- искажение (текста и т. п.)

corruption of blood — порча крови (ист. лишение гражданских прав лица, осуждённого за совершение тяжкого преступления, а также его потомков)

Мои примеры


the mafia’s corruption of public officials — подкуп мафией государственных чиновников  
a newspaper exposé of government corruption — разоблачительный газетный материал о коррупции в правительстве  
a glaring example of political corruption — яркий пример политической коррупции  
graft and corruption — взяточничество и коррупция  
the stench of corruption — тлетворный дух коррупции  
business corruption — коррупция в бизнесе  
corporate corruption — коррупция в корпорациях  
electoral corruption — коррупция на выборах  
labour corruption — коррупция в профсоюзах  
official corruption — должностная коррупция  
sport corruption — коррупция в спорте  
union corruption — коррупция в профсоюзах  

Примеры с переводом

Corruption is a two-way process.

Коррупция — это процесс, в котором участвуют две стороны.

People are concerned about corruption and social inequality.

Людей волнует коррупция и социальное неравенство.

He is facing charges of corruption.

Его обвиняют в коррупции.

It is disturbing to find evidence of widespread corruption.

Свидетельства широко распространившейся коррупции вызывают беспокойство.

The minister tried to answer the Opposition charges of corruption.

Министр пытался ответить на обвинения в коррупции, выдвинутые оппозицией.

Many politicians have fallen into the pit of corruption.

Многие политики опустились на самое дно коррупции.

Party bosses have a reputation for corruption.

Партийные боссы славятся коррумпированностью.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

There are rumors of widespread corruption in the city government.

…an opprobrious attack on the alleged corruption in the police department…

The mayor was elected on a promise to cleanse the city government of corruption.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

corrupt  — продажный, испорченный, развращенный, развращать, развращаться, портить
incorruption  — неподкупность

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): corruption
мн. ч.(plural): corruptions

Definition of Corruption

the act of corrupt; loss of purity or integrity by authority figures

Examples of Corruption in a sentence

The corruption within our government corrodes public confidence.


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While the government has reduced ‘license raj’ in many areas, corruption is still rampant in most areas

As senior citizens this is an area that can be tackled by reporting all cases of injustice, corruption (both giving and taking), flouting of rules and so on

It was, in fact, the collapse and corruption of the state that was leading to the new hard line

Cunning is the corruption of the mind

Wickedness is the corruption of the soul

Stop your assault, soldiers of corruption and devilry

For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption

Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption

He spoke of one who should not die and see corruption, yet David’s tomb was known

The corruption and the wickedness of the nations are ever increasing to a point of no return

that edge the shadow lands of corruption

sewing crafts that will cause harm and corruption in the daylight

The corruption in the southern provinces was one of the biggest problems facing Laurentia when she was mortal

Koruki had been into the heaven of the future, as far as the invasion of the mainlanders and the corruption of the Goddess

For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the


It turned out that what she picked up as a corruption was actually a breakdown in the entity’s hack so that something else was coming thru

Lately, too often even the Maker’s path was shadowed by the corruption

“A ring of dishonesty and corruption was recently uncovered in my royal court, within the ranks of my personal advisors

He left Roycen’s house as soon as forensics showed up, leaving behind a show of blood and corruption, one that he wished to run away from

So much death and corruption

The fall of many corporations and governments steeped in greed, corruption, domination, cronyism e

‘Cupsule’ was a corruption of the words ‘capsule’ and ‘cup’, and was used to refer to the standard drink receptacle used on spacecraft

During the continuance of this state of things, therefore, the corruption of justice, naturally resulting from the arbitrary and uncertain nature of those presents, scarce admitted of any effectual remedy

The whole expense of justice, too, might easily be defrayed by the fees of court ; and, without exposing the administration of justice to any real hazard of corruption, the public revenue might thus be entirely discharged from a certain, though perhaps but a small incumbrance

Where the fees of court are precisely regulated and ascertained where they are paid all at once, at a certain period of every process, into the hands of a cashier or receiver, to be by him distributed in certain known proportions among the different judges after the process is decided and not till it is decided ; there seems to be no more danger of corruption than when such fees are prohibited altogether

Those parliaments are, perhaps, in many respects, not very convenient courts of justice; but they have never been accused ; they seem never even to have been suspected of corruption

In order to increase their payment, the attorneys and clerks have contrived to multiply words beyond all necessity, to the corruption of the law language of, I believe, every court of justice in Europe

A like temptation might, perhaps, occasion a like corruption in the form of law proceedings

Thought processes can project into other dimensions causing corruption

Currently action may only be taken when corruption negatively affects overseer critical functions

It may not have been the most advanced AI but it was enough to be vulnerable to corruption – a quantum virus, for example

The uncertainty of taxation encourages the insolence, and favours the corruption, of an order of men who are naturally unpopular, even where they are neither insolent nor corrupt

The power and corruption, the democracy that is not real and the

In spite of all the laws against bribery and corruption, the bounty of the candidates, together with the occasional distributions of coin which were ordered by the senate, were the principal funds from which, during the latter times of the Roman republic, the poorer citizens derived their subsistence

There was once a time when any foreign country that tried to impose this sort of corruption anywhere in America would have been confronted by a Declaration of War

(Any parallels with the Roman Empire here?) Can there be any activity viler than the corruption of children? History does indeed repeat itself

AIs were not immune from malfunction, or worse still, corruption

Our military is under the command of Democrat fascists, the three pillars of which are corruption, incompetence, and tyranny

the case said, “We were in the middle of a corruption crime spree, and we wanted to stop it,” as justification for tapping his phone and finally pulling the plug on Blagojevich by arresting him

This inevitably meant the fatal corruption of TIAR

I say again, there is nothing which angers the common African more than corruption for the few chosen ones

Murder, rape, corruption and torture were the new order

Any private company that wants to do business with State has to be black owned or it will be excluded regardless of its experience, leading to massive corruption as seen in the process of constructing the 2010 Soccer World Cup Stadiums and numerous other reported cases

A wonderful opportunity to show the world that Africans got their act together was thrown away for the new gods of corruption and political correctness

The Nationalists were wary of the clever Indian shopkeepers and kept the Free State white, which is a form of corruption I suppose, and it did us no favours either with inflated prices

History shows that the moment that senior government officials think they are above the law all sorts of corruption takes place

The SAPS lost no less than two commissioners (political appointees) to corruption in the last ten years

Leadership, whether it is sought or thrust upon an individual, should balance the requirements of Duty and Ambition lest it promotes Corruption

(intellectual) level we are operating at, most of us have the ability to think and to reason clearly and to give proper pause to the consequences of our decisions; unless such processes have been either undermined by mental illness or moral corruption; that is to say, a nature that has either been or corrupted itself

NATO is unsuited for rogue nations lest it (too) devolves into a meaningless and (utterly) ineffective organization similar to the United Nations, for example, that has transformed itself over the years into an assembly characterized by corruption and (political) intrigue, parochialism, (national) self-interest, political posturing, factionalism and unstable alliances with openly hostile, refractory nations opposed to Freedom

probably because the ANC is correctly heavily criticised from all sides for corruption and nepotism

No one likes to read of your failures, and the new South Africa is a complete failure in terms of service delivery and corruption

It is less concerned, perhaps, with achieving total dominion over Humankind; its ultimate objective, being, the seduction and spiritual corruption of as many of the Faithful that lies within its Power

where arbitrary corruption attends to its self-inflicted wounds, a tragic reminder of our (political) leaders who have lost their moral compass…

It is unreasonable to assume that (natural) goodness is either capable of self or mutual corruption because what is (naturally) good seeks to promote ―good things‖ (only)

That an individual is (inherently) ―good‖ and that the corruption of (natural) goodness is understood within the context of conventional designs does not follow in the manner that (natural) goodness would never compromise itself inasmuch as it would be contrary to its (nature) to do so; each social unit being (naturally) good; that is to say, (natural) goodness, standing side by side with (natural) goodness, would (naturally) reject its mutual corruption as well as its own corruption and furthermore, the assumed absence of evil, understood as the antithesis of ―good,‖ would (otherwise) preclude the introduction of unwholesome examples seeking to promote a corrupting influence on (natural) goodness; moreover, were (natural) goodness

corruptible, the source of its corruption would (necessarily) lie beyond itself; that is to say, operating outside the parameters of (natural) goodness; some other agency (evil), whose intention would be the corruption of (natural) goodness

Evil is the corruption of Good

On the other hand, (Right) Reason would never allow any individual to voluntary seek his or her own (moral or spiritual) corruption without first giving that individual sufficient pause to consider its harmful effects

As far as I am concerned this was corruption for it made the selection process uneven

Should America one day recover its moral compass, Abortion will properly stand alongside Slavery as the most glaring examples of moral and spiritual corruption in our nation‘s history

Out of this came a new form of corruption called «detente» which was an utter failure borne out of desperation by weak men

Suharto did eventually get overthrown by an Indonesian public fed up with enormous cronyism, government corruption, human rights abuses, and lack of democracy

He finally died from heart failure while several of his family served prison terms for corruption and murder

The (point) being that although Evil is the purest expression of Bad; that is to say, its ultimate corruption, none of the examples cited above are proper examples of Evil but examples of human failings that, carried to an extreme, however, may devolve to Evil if not properly tended to

It is much more elegant in law to keep the expert witness away from the rest to prevent corruption of evidence

It is silly to think that in this day and age a president is able to commit corruption with impunity and to pay him to sort someone out or to smooth the way is called corruption

This unit is effective in the fight against crime and corruption

Early progressives wanted to reform politics and end corruption, but they assumed such corruption came from easily manipulated poor or nonwhite people unable to govern themselves

What I have observed, however, is a procession of global wars, famine, pestilence and disease, a decline in civility and (polite) manners, greed and rabid materialism, a diminution of moral and spiritual values, corporate and political corruption, consumer gluttony, disinterested parents and teachers, dysfunctional households, racism, steroids, offensive rap-music, pedophilia, teenage pregnancies and abortion, social unrest, selfishness and indifference, self-centeredness and conceit, the flaunting of immodest and indecent behavior and the glorification of stupidity in general

Democrats have been shamefully exploiting this unhappy event for political reasons; unyielding in their persistence that poverty and racism are (somehow) the underlying factors responsible for this (―avoidable‖) tragedy when, in fact, it was the result of ―unintended‖ consequences precipitated by decades of political cynicism, cronyism, mis-management, fiscal incompetence and (local) corruption at every conceivable level; this despite the forewarnings of field experts (Army Corps of Engineers) citing potential or probably breaches in drainage canal levees since the Johnson Administration

What: US Grant officially declared an end to the practice of exterminating Natives and replaced Indian Bureau agents with missionaries and military officers to end corruption on reservations

Finding numbers on how many lives were saved from improved conditions on reservations is much harder, but there definitely was less corruption

His missionaries did not break up the corruption, only lessened it

Its greatest repressiveness and corruption came later, actually after Carter left office

Already convinced of widespread corruption within the Samoza government, international reporters gave wide coverage to the conflict and abuses of civil rights by security forces

The government was again charged with corruption

Nevertheless, in an avalanche of events, the government was further hampered and weakened by feature stories that included accounts of atrocities by a government mired with rampant corruption, while the flow of arms from Russia and East Germany to the Sandinistas increased, creating a rebel army from the mobs of protesters

) On top of that, the economy had just collapsed in 2007 due to inequality, plus theft and corruption on the part of the banking and housing industries

However, when the fighting ended, they were again ignored: communism’s promise that all Nicaraguans were equal was reduced to political rhetoric by a government every bit as wrought with nepotism and corruption as the Samoza regime had been

Initially, Edgar was an effective team player, but as time wore on, the intractable corruption within the department sickened him

He knew that one lone cop, a hair’s breadth shy of five feet tall couldn’t single-handedly clean up the corruption entrenched in the OIJ, or so much as slow the increase in trafficking by removing an occasional smuggler

He would build an airtight case against Henderson that no amount of influence or corruption could sweep away, and he would then rub the system’s nose in it! It wasn’t going to be an easy task: snitches weren’t going to be any help this time

Add to that the corruption within the department and prejudice that preferred his skills remain in doubt, and his goal seemed impossible; but he wasn’t going to let that stand in his way

This had been true during the war, with much smuggling going on and all the corruption that entails

He maintained power both through sheer brutality and by enormous corruption

He was given an assignment unwanted by fellow detectives: partnership with the highly independent little Indian, which left him free to serve as the OIJ’s ambassador of corruption to the power brokers

He felt that it had to do with her innocence, her lack of corruption, that he felt so comfortable with her and somehow, safe

He assumed it was someone’s misguided attempt to bring him into the fold of corruption

Someone in the department would be Edgar’s bet but, regardless of who the murderer was, it was undoubtedly in some way associated with his up to the ears involvement in corruption

But that was fine, because Raul enjoyed hearing about the people he chased and the crimes they had committed – often joining him at his favorite Hotel Paradise booth for a beer and the latest stories of who did what to whom, and for how much – but Edgar’s unending stream of complaints about racism and corruption in his workplace often wore thin, leading to an early departure

It was one of those feature cases that captivate worldwide attention, but prejudice and corruption had excluded him from the team assigned to the case

He also knew as well as he knew the sun would rise in the morning that, if there was any truth to Michael’s story, official corruption would leak word to Gordon Edward, and the great man would gain political advantage when an OIJ investigation inevitably failed

They simply replaced the old system of greed and corruption by another, with themselves as top dogs

His countrymen, those who remained alive, were as fractious as before and the government as wrought with corruption

He needed only remember Edgar’s complaints of his encounters with rampant corruption within the department

Learn how to use corruption in a sentence and make better sentences with `corruption` by reading corruption sentence examples.

  • Read this and know what corruption is, then let us help by not participating in the process.
  • That experience on working the system has brought us further corruption.
  • That said, some of the worst hidden corruption is pretty disgusting.
  • The deep rooted police corruption and total self serving disregard for life is not my cup of tea.
  • Personalizes power, routinizes corruption and destabilizes the very idea of objective truth.
  • That’s what makes him even more dangerous and prone to corruption.
  • There is so much poverty, corruption, lack of opportunity, etc.
  • She’s cleaning up the agency and wiping out corruption.
  • One man’s war to wear bat ears, beat people up, and inspire a world against corruption and cruelty.
  • The corruption of Trump and his entire set of cronies just stinks more and more each day.
  • They know there’s all this corruption, and no one thinks to put a guard on the likely suspects.
  • Meanwhile Edeard, a young man living inside the Void, is challenging the corruption at its core.
  • Right now that focus is toxic with corruption and hints of treason.
  • Attorney Patrick Fitzpatrick led an investigation into public corruption.
  • What is interesting here is the level of corruption that Bishop starts kicking the covers from.
  • It’s outright betrayal and probable corruption.
  • Probably one disheartening thing is the corruption that existed and probably still exists.
  • So he gets a mulligan on corruption, incompetence and paranoia.
  • I also admired Sybil’s own stand against her own government corruption.
  • The author was aware of the alarming rate of corruption gripping the world we are in.
  • Corruption, betrayal, drama, it’s all here.
  • Corruption and evil flourish in this administration.
  • Corruption is interrelated with many other issues.
  • The intrigue and corruption of politics dates back to the ice man age as reflected in this novel.
  • Their corruption, legalized by a Congress all too eager to take its standard 2.
  • Well written focusing on a small town in the south and how corruption can affect anyone.
  • It provides interesting details of naval service including corruption in the dockyards.
  • First, evidence of massive corruption is not so clear cut as formerly assumed.
  • Corruption and its attendant dangers.
  • I’ve played Metroid corruption and Medal of Honor Heroes 2.
  • As long as big donations are allowed the corruption will be rooted in both parties.
  • I believe this author is trying to expose the corruption in the Roman Catholic system.
  • So with a man who is as corrupt as the word of corruption can go, Mr.
  • Capitalism can still exist and should exist but without the corruption, greed and pride.
  • Once the money flows, there’s a great risk of corruption and waste.
  • See inside corruption, murder, justice.
  • Also not addressing the corruption and neocolonial aspects of globalization.
  • It’s all here, the music, the politics, even the corruption.
  • Marcelo made me really think about the corruption of a pure soul and how tragic it can be.
  • It’s a land of scheming, corruption, and murder.
  • I knew that corruption was a problem, but I didn’t realise things were this bad.
  • In The Supernaturalist it is a sci world of corruption and disposable people.
  • Interesting to read about the influence of the church over government and the corruption of both.
  • Corruption is unveiled in the highest levels of the government.
  • If you are a cop, I don’t know if you would like it with all the police corruption.
  • This is a powerful story with a powerful protagonist fighting corruption in the workplace.
  • Feels like you could move the plot to any country with big rich families and corruption rampant.
  • By placing power in government we invite this kind of corruption.
  • To run the police department after its chief is caught in corruption charges.
  • Revenge is a path of destruction and corruption.
  • I mean you thought you saw corruption in Chicago.
  • With power came corruption and political intrigue.
  • Their corruption and collusion knows no bounds.
  • There is corruption overt and visible all over the place.
  • Dusky takes on political corruption and drug running.
  • However, the corruption of some of the Italian police remains a consistent theme.
  • I felt so bad for her because she is living in such corruption.
  • Soon after his arrest on international corruption charges Huey is found murdered.
  • It appears Pruitt can give Trump a run for his money on ‘The Art of corruption.
  • What is left is mob murders, betrayals, corruption and the like.
  • Trump corruption in the political arena seems also fabricated.
  • I mean, anything is possible in terms of corruption, but I didn’t find that believable.
  • It’s a tale of individualism, purity versus corruption, perceptions versus reality.
  • The rest is called corruption in other countries.
  • This man is the face of corruption and evil.
  • It makes you realize just how easy it is to loose a child in today’s society of corruption.
  • Was it due to corruption in Saigon.
  • Ample evidence of his career of corruption.
  • And hopefully, thank you for showing that hate and corruption have no place in our system.
  • Reading his works solidifies the workings of Politics and its corruption.
  • The charges include enterprise corruption, theft and grand larceny.
  • It’s a story of greed, corruption and the murderous ways of the Colombian drug cartels.
  • There’s the same atmosphere of secrecy, fear, government informants, corruption, hypocrisy, etc.
  • The corruption Chronicles mainly focuses on Obama since he heads the current administration.
  • The reason could be table corruption, which needs to be restored from backup.
  • He also pushed some controls on the banking industry, against unprecedented Republican corruption.
  • The only thing stopping us is the greed and corruption of a wealthy elite.
  • So when Carlotta is hired to look into Big Dig corruption, I had the story all set in my mind.
  • I am grateful to John Grisham for writing stories that reveal the corruption in our legal system.
  • The setting is South Africa, complete with warlords and corruption that I’m afraid is all too real.
  • It shows just how far back greed and corruption of the sith actually go.
  • This isn’t sport in all of its glory this is a corruption of the very nature of sport.
  • Together they must unlock Aria’s memory and expose the cruelty and corruption of the government.
  • There is no scandal, no corruption, and no conflict of interest.
  • They replaced a county government tainted by cronyism and corruption.
  • Due to Malin’s corruption, Lock’s wife left him and lives in London.
  • The procurement system at home for war materiel was rife with corruption.
  • Help secure the borders and eliminate corruption in your organization.
  • Or one could stay in the darkness and give their nod to corruption.
  • One reason for Rome’s decline was corruption and political instability.
  • This being Spain during a time of corruption and intrigue, he is capturing the ship for the king.
  • Economic aid to the Diem regime, it was doomed due to its internal corruption.
  • Even with those issues, Lords of corruption is a very good thriller.
  • The author dares to point a finger at the financial corruption within the Vatican.
  • And there’s plenty of explicit corruption detailed herein.
  • This is a chilly novel that revels in corruption.
  • This is a tale of corruption by religious colonialism.
  • This is a great police drama, a sadreview of corruption.
  • Suzanne Kidwell is a bulldog when it comes to reporting corruption.
  • You get immersed in a world of sin, corruption,and deception.

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