The word corporation used in a sentence

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What do we mean by corporation?

An entity such as a business, municipality, or organization, that involves more than one person but that has met the legal requirements to operate as a single person, so that it may enter into contracts and engage in transactions under its own identity. noun

Such a body created for purposes of government. noun

A group of people combined into or acting as one body. noun

A protruding abdominal region; a potbelly. noun

An artificial person, created by law, or under authority of law, from a group or succession of natural persons, and having a continuous existence irrespective of that of its members, and powers and liabilities different from those of its members. noun

The body, generally large, of a man or an animal. noun

A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to act as a single person, and endowed by law with the capacity of succession; a society having the capacity of transacting business as an individual. noun

See under Close. noun

A group of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. noun

In Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers’ and workers’ representatives. noun

A protruding belly; a paunch. noun

A business firm whose articles of incorporation have been approved in some state noun

Slang for a paunch noun

A body corporate, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.

The municipal governing body of a borough or city.

In Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers’ and workers’ representatives.

A protruding belly; a paunch.

1. Your business becomes successful to the point where you decide that you no longer want to take responsibility of it, however you decide to keep your status by renaming your position as CEO, CFO, etc. so that you can determine your own ridiculous salary and sell your stocks to «shareholders» who then take responsibility of your business. Furthermore, if your company is a bank you can then purposely go bankrupt so that the government can bail you out to give yourself a bonus in addition to your ridiculous salary because the taxpayers will pay it and they don’t have any say-so in the government. You can also donate money without paying taxes to a politician’s shell corporation so that nobody will ever know it was you «on record.» You also (wrongly) assume that the average taxpayer is too stupid to know what’s going on here.
2. An expletive used to describe anything that amounts to investment without return. Urban Dictionary

An entity that remains free to continue to do as it damn well pleases after being convicted of criminal activity that would have been a capital offense if an individual had committed it. Urban Dictionary

A fascist regime that is permitted to exist within a democratic society. Urban Dictionary

The real controllers of the world. and no its not just America.
Money controls everything. take control of a countries economy, u practically are the king. Urban Dictionary

Something that doesn’t really need to be greedy, but in reality, is.
CEOs in America make thousands of times more than their employees. In Britain, they only make about six times as much.
See that CD you just bought for $15? It cost about 1 cent to make it. How much does the artist get? About 50 cents or less per CD. How much goes into the laborers that made the CD? Well, seeing that it was either made by machines or minimum-wage workers (to assemble the case), the electricity/labor cost per CD is probably 5-10 cents. Let’s round up and say it’s a dollar total. So where’s the rest go? Into the corporation.
The Rock Against Bush CD cost $7 (if you buy it directly from the producer). That’s less than half the price of a typical CD. That shows that it is possible to have cheap CDs.
An ideal corporation always puts its employees before its executive office and always puts its consumers before its profit. But of course, none of this happens. We see people get laid off so that the exectuive’s stock can go up a half of a point. We see goods that cost a dollar to make being sold for twenty. We see them exploiting the children of third-world countries.
Don’t give me crap about how they want the job. It’s exploiting, regardless of whether they want it or not. Since when do Americans deserve more rights than Africans or Chinese?
Oh, and corporations basically have the government and media in its pocket. Corporations buy the presidency through donations. Enron donated $114,752 to the Republicans and $102,050 to the Democrats. Then, when they’re elected, the do whatever the corporation wants. Oh, and they control the media too. Microsoft controls NBC, Fox controls Fox news, etc. Liberal media my ass. It’s not a liberal media, it’s not a conservative media. It’s a profiteer media. Meaning, anything that will get them a profit, they will report. Urban Dictionary

Entity that can, and usually does, abuse its employees, investors, and customers. Led by individuals called executives, who care only about playing golf, porking each other’s trophy wives, and lining their own pockets. Urban Dictionary

Total ownage of all there is including your mind and your life.
All your base are belong to us.
And there is nothing you or anyone else can do. Urban Dictionary

1) An Extremely Good, Rock Only Night Club WIth It’s Own Under 18’s Night (Known As Kiddy Corp or K Corp) In Sheffield, England
2} These are legal entities created by the registration of appropriate incorporating documents with the supervising government office. These May be private (ownership sometimes held by specific individuals ,these are not traded on a public stock exchange) or public corporations (shares can be bought by everyday people). The Shareholders are protected from liability for faulty the actions of the corporation. Urban Dictionary

Noun. An ingenious device to aquire personal wealth
without personal responsibility. Urban Dictionary

Corporations in 3rd world countries pay on average 500-800% of the income people are making there. These companies build factories there because they can pay less for labor than they would in America, meaning they in turn can charge lower prices, and sell more. By the same token, the workers who work in them don’t do so to help the company, but because it’s 5-8 times the money they would make at the next best alternative.
Voluntarily entered agreement to mutual benefit…the alternative is to take the Susan Sarandon approach (that is, legislate the jobs there out of existence…»better they starve»). The entire reason a company would go halfway across the world is because it’s cheaper…using government Force to Coerce people into paying American wages will not mean the people there will be making more money…the companies simply won’t build plants there (how could they afford to pay more for wages and for shipping? and why would any person do that?)
Bottom line, companies do not exist to provide jobs and wages. Wal-Mart does not sell bread to me for $X because I want it for that price…they offer it because the $X is more valuable to them than the bread. By the same token, I don’t exist to provide income to Wal-Mart. I don’t shop at Wal-Mart because it needs my money…I buy the bread because I value the bread more than my $X. But at the end of the day, each of us can only OFFER the other our property…neither can coerce the other; we each have the power to refuse the deal and walk away.
The situation is no different in India. A company can show up and build a factory, open the doors, and OFFER to pay people X. If X is worth more than their labor (which it surely will be if it’s 5-8 times more than they’re making now), they may choose to accept the deal. Just as the company has no right to Force people to work for them (or to order them to work under certain conditions), the individuals have no right to Force the company to hire them or employ them under certain conditions.
(As a side note, whenever a company opens a new factory over there, people typically beat down the doors to get such «low paying» jobs…they offer bribes to the employers, offer to pay their first month’s salary in return for securing a job for a family member, etc. What we consider low paying here is actually an opportunity few of them would ever see, as it is more than any other place there pays them.) Urban Dictionary

How to use Corporation in a sentence as a noun

That’s as nonsensical as a large corporation justifying their political donations as an innocent, democratic expression of political preference.

Someone’s finally seen what Robert Heinlein wrote in Life-Line and essentially just paraphrased it:> There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary to public interest.

Neither individuals nor corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped, or turned back.

Then why would somebody running a large corporation hire more people than they thought would be needed to meet consumer demand?

Watching this situation unfold is especially poignant for me. I’m also being sued personally — despite my acting within the confines of a corporation — by a lawyer working on contingency.

» That is why it costs many millions of dollars to do the legal and accounting work to take a company public but only a couple of thousand to issue stock in a new corporation and only a few tens of thousands to raise a few million in a Series A private placement.

When I was a little kid, in the early 70s, the most impressive thing you could do was to work for a large corporation.

When I worked at a large corporation, I nearly automated all of my work and I was called lazy.

It’s the first postmodern corporation, cleverly designed to look like a free market.

The idea that an MBA can never be of any value to anything other than a large corporation is as ridiculous as the idea that a coder who learnt Java and the Waterfall method at college will never be able to learn Objective C and cope with Agile.

It’s so fundamental that even a major corporation does it incidentally.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Corporation | Corporation Sentence

  • Our corporation is considerably in debt.
  • Cases and materials in the law of corporation finance.
  • How can the stock of a company or corporation be increased?
  • Contract between the union and corporation is usually for only two years.
  • The corporation has a large law library for the use of the tenants.
  • A corporation may make an assignment just as may an individual.
  • Individual or corporation financial statement, short form.
  • Thus a corporation would say: «Here are a hundred tons of steel.

How To Use Corporation In A Sentence?

  • Bonds bear the same relation to the resources of a corporation that mortgages do to real estate.
  • The missionaries of our corporation performed their first labors of conquest in this territory.
  • He allowed no individual and no corporation to infringe his smallest right and escape unpunished.
  • This corporation now owned and controlled stage lines aggregating thirty-three hundred miles.
  • To both of these committees the trustees of the Carnegie Corporation are much indebted.
  • The island is rented from the Cardiff Corporation by a farmer who resides upon it.
  • In short, the interests of this corporation require that Mr. Shund be chosen chief magistrate.
  • The Fairbanks Morse Company was the pioneer corporation in this respect in Beloit.
  • In this country the power to be a corporation is a franchise which can only exist through the legislature.
  • He had been dropped from the board of more than one big corporation in which he had once had a potent influence.
  • A corporation must have a name by which it shall be known in law and in the transaction of its business.
  • Can you imagine the control of any other joint-stock corporation delivered over to those who have no stock or the least stock in it?
  • In ordinary times, an attack upon the stability of such a corporation as his would have been impossible.
  • The corporation entrusted with such power durst not be resisted, and the church was identical with the hierarchy.
  • The power of a corporation to mortgage its property is usually regulated by its character or by the general law under which it is organised.
  • I thus hold that to give property some voice in the control of a municipal corporation is but sense and justice.
  • The corporation employed him to paint the king’s arms over the gate of the town-house.
  • A corporation is a body consisting usually of several persons empowered by law to act as one individual.
  • I see that the shares of his corporation have had a most tremendous drop, so it seems as though there might be something in it.
  • That grown men should seriously hope to defeat the designs of a great corporation by any such puerile means was inconceivable.
  • Trade was then extremely individualistic; the artificial controlling power called the corporation was in its earliest infantile condition.
  • A separate corporation is organized by the same individuals, or a store is conducted by an individual who is a member of the mining corporation.
  • She was met by the stiffest of opposition, the opposition of a very old corporation strongly entrenched in the governing circles of both parties.
  • In the old days, a corporation or union going into a fracas was conscious of having a high casualty list among the mercenaries.
  • If all the members die the property interests pass to the rightful heirs, and under ordinary conditions the corporation still exists.
  • In the United States the power to be a corporation is a franchise which can only exist through the legislature.
  • As his Majesty has by this time been entertained at several Corporation luncheons, it is not invidious to give the tale.
  • We are opposed to such spirit and management of any corporation or enterprise as tends to oppress the people, and rob them of their just profits.
  • He heard no more of the ode, and the Mayor thought it advisable to roll up his address and take his Corporation home.
  • The third of the measures which placed colonial government on a popular basis was due to the governor of another corporation engaged in colony planting.
  • The captains tried to get the pilots to decree that no member of their corporation should serve under a non-association captain; but this proposition was declined.
  • Even down-town attorneys with almost national reputations as corporation lawyers would call him in as associate counsel in important cases in which a criminal element was involved.

Definition of Corporation

A body corporate, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. | The municipal governing body of a borough or city. | (historical) In Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers’ and workers’ representatives.

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Corporation sentence in english

«corporation in a sentence» at online dictionary. Definition of corporation in a sentence. What is another word for corporation in a sentence? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does corporation in a sentence? However, check corporation in a sentence at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:
  • Use corporation in a sentence | The best 408 corporation sentence …
  • Corporation in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…)
  • Corporation: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE
  • Corporation | Definition of Corporation by Merriam-Webster
  • Use “corporation” in a sentence | “corporation” sentence examples
  • Corporate | Definition of Corporate by Merriam-Webster
  • The Word «Corporation» in Example Sentences — Page 1
  • Definition of Professional Corporation by Merriam-Webster
  • corporation in a sentence — corporation sentence
  • How to use «corporation» in a sentence

1. Use corporation in a sentence | The best 408 corporation sentence …
How to use corporation in a sentence. Example sentences with the word corporation. The most voted sentence example for corporation is The corporation …

2. Corporation in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb…)
Corporation in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)Jul 16, 2016 … Corporation in a sentence · 1. Three companies were amalgamated into a corporation. · 2. Directors of a corporation are trustees for the …

3. Corporation: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE
1. Corporation tax cuts meant that the business could save money on levies and put it back into the company. · 2. Each corporation has their own dress code and …

4. Corporation | Definition of Corporation by Merriam-Webster
Corporation | Definition of Corporation by Merriam-WebsterCorporation definition is — a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild. How to use corporation in a sentence.

5. Use “corporation” in a sentence | “corporation” sentence examples
Use “corporation” in a sentence | “corporation” sentence examples · 1. The corporation has decided that no heavy-duty trucks are permitted to pass through the …

6. Corporate | Definition of Corporate by Merriam-Webster
Corporate | Definition of Corporate by Merriam-WebsterA bunch of corporate types in suits were sitting at the table in the conference room. He is one of the most powerful men in corporate America. The business is a …

7. The Word «Corporation» in Example Sentences — Page 1
English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word «Corporation» in Example Sentences Page 1 · [S] · [T] Corporations aren’t people. · [S] · [T]

8. Definition of Professional Corporation by Merriam-Webster
Definition of Professional Corporation by Merriam-WebsterExamples of professional corporation in a Sentence. Recent Examples on the Web Manhattan Gastroenterology is registered as a professional corporation with the …

9. corporation in a sentence — corporation sentence
corporation in a sentence — Use corporation in a sentence and its meaning 1. No one is sure how many corporations are doing it nationwide. 2.

10. How to use «corporation» in a sentence
How to use corporation in a sentence · The stakes rise as his personal life is sacrificed for the case, and everybody sides with the corporation to slant the …

  • Source: Google.
  • Conclusion:
    In final words, we are at the last stage of your query corporation in a sentence. Already you know about Use corporation in a sentence | The best 408 corporation sentence ….

    Sentences using the word corporation. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use corporation in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for corporation.

    • It should therefore be treated like a public-utility corporation. (16)
    • Meyer was one of the officers and directors of the Glenmore Hotel Corporation. (13)
    • And they can bring a civil suit against the corporation, which will do no harm. (13)
    • Gotz will be here to go on the stand if they want to get after the hotel corporation. (13)
    • You see I was not only the architect, but Graves made me the treasurer of the corporation. (13)
    • A highwayman seems an honest fellow compared with your honourable corporation of fly-catchers. (10)
    • The practice itself had changed, and had become mainly the legal business of a large corporation. (9)
    • As Mr. Hart was the treasurer of the Glenmore company, presumably he held stock in the corporation? (13)
    • You were an officer of the corporation which employed the Graves Company to build a hotel on your plans. (13)
    • The corporation was to be known as the Bank of North America; Thomas Milling was to be its first President. (18)
    • They urge that, being a close corporation, it stifles trade in the selling of news, and that it is not impartial. (16)
    • Probably he had already taken measures to get control of the abandoned property and had his corporation organized. (13)
    • That fiction of vested rights is the stock corporation under the genius and authority of the Common Law of England. (18)
    • The first questions put to him were directed toward gaining information about the corporation that owned the building. (13)

    Also see sentences for: association, brotherhood, fraternity, society.

    Glad you visited this page with a sentence for corporation. Now that you’ve seen how to use corporation in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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