The word cool games

Of course they are! While the concept of word games might sound kind of dull, take a second to think about all the kinds of great word games that you played growing up. Games like Word Search and Hangman are absolute classics that almost everyone has played and loved! 

There are plenty of riffs on word games on our Word Games Playlist! Pretty much all of our playlists on Coolmath Games have fun spins on the ordinary genre, and the Word Games Playlist is no exception. Several titles are more like regular games that happen to have words as a part of them. As mentioned before, the game Misspelled is a game where you use magic to get through the levels. By spelling words correctly, you will be rewarded with abilities like extra platforms and more jumps. A few other games like this include Candy Word and Word Worm, both of which make spelling a whole lot more fun than you would think possible.

Maybe best of all, word games will improve your spelling without it feeling like school. Getting to learn while having fun can often be difficult, but word games are a great way to learn in an exciting way. Who knows, maybe playing something like Grabble or Word Detector will help you get a little bit better of a grade in your next spelling test without even feeling like you were studying. 

How to play the


online Mega cool game in the balls!


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Как играть в онлайн


Супер мега крутая игра в шарики!


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You made such a cool game, now you gotta play it.

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How to play the


online Cool game, on a typewriter.


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To conclude, it is a forward-thinking


and not a cool game as seen from 2015.

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Заключить, Это


вперед мышление и не крутая игра от 2015.

Add this cool game to your website, blog, forum for free.


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Установи эту классную игру на свой сайт, форум или блог бесплатно.


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Live a virtual life with Clara in this cool game for



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Жививиртуальной жизнью с Кларой в этот прохладный игры для классных девушек.

In this cool game, with excellent 3D graphics, you play as Hitman.


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В этой крутой игре, с отличной 3Д графикой ты играешь за Хитмэна.


In this cool game you can splitting to small spinners as in Agario.


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В этой крутой игре вы можете делиться на маленькие спиннеры как и в Агарио.


Play this cool game in full screen mode for free.


Play this cool game, you can disguise this doll as you wish.


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Поиграйте в эту классную игру, вы можете переодевать эту куклу так как вам захочется.


Ukrainian Yevgen Konoplyanka gave a cool game for the»Seville».

Check your attention and concentration skills by playing this cool game!

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Проверьте ваше внимание и концентрацию навыки, играя в эту игру прохладно!

A very cool game in which you must do jumping trampoline

and fall as close to the center of the target.


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Очень крутая игра, в которой вы должны сделать прыжки батут

и падают как можно ближе к центру мишени.


How to play the


online Very cool game in which you can play as one, and called his friend.


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Как играть в онлайн


Очень прикольная игра, в которою ты можешь играть, как один, так и позвав своего друга.


Very cool game in which you can play as one, and called his friend.


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Очень прикольная игра, в которою ты можешь играть, как один, так и позвав своего друга.


Try to complete each of the crazy races in first place in this super cool game.


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Попробуйте завершить каждый из сумасшедших гонок в первую очередь в этом супер крутая игра.


and meet up with characters from the animated film»Horns and hooves.


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и встретиться с героями мультфильма» Рога и копыта.


In this cool game with wonderful 3D graphics, you play like a soldier in the desert.


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В этой крутой игре с замечательной 3Д графикой, вы играете как солдат в пустыне.


How to play the


online Very cool game that lets you relax

and meet up with characters from the animated film»Horns and hooves.


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Как играть в онлайн


Очень прикольная игра, которая позволяет расслабиться

и встретиться с героями мультфильма» Рога и копыта.


Gif[/IMG][/URL] The Fairy will grant you 3

wishes if you will be able to play this cool game!

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Gif[/ IMG][/ URL] Фея даст вам 3 желания,

How to play the


online Cool game, we will be matured to shoot the penguins from Madagascar.


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Как играть в онлайн


Прикольная игра, к оторой мы будем стрелять по пингвинам из Мадагаскара.


How to play the


online Well, a very cool game, thanks to which you can escape from everyday problems,

learning and business.


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Как играть в онлайн


Ну очень классная игра, благодаря которой можно отвлечься от житейских проблем, учебы и дел.


Another cool game is that after a hard day Your hero has

decided to relax and went to the bar.


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Еще одна прикольная игра заключается в том, что после тяжелого трудового дня

Ваш герой решил расслабиться и отправился в бар.


Swing back and forth using your ragdoll

control skills to skin the ball into the goal in this cool game from bored.


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Качели назад и вперед,

используя ваши Ragdoll навыки управления на кожу мяч в цель в этой классной игре от скуки.


Description: It’s an ideal opportunity to play tennis with your most loved saints in the cool game Nick Tennis Stars.


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Описание: Это идеальная возможность играть в теннис с ваших самых любимых святых в прохладном игры звезды тенниса Ник.


Fight in different arenas with a friend, because this cool game you can play for 2 player.


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Сражайся на различных аренах с другом, поскольку в этоу крутую игру можно играть на 2 игрока.


In the cool game GOOGLE FEUD, you only need to use

your MOUSE to choose the category and KEYBOARD to type a word.


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В класнной игре GOOGLE FEUD тебе понадобится только МЫШКА,

чобы выбрать категорию и клавиатура для того чтобы вводить слова.


The acquisition of new vocabulary is essential in terms of overall language advancement. However, there is always a need to review active words from time to time in order to use them fluently in speech. Here, we will present a couple of great vocabulary revision games which will perk up every classroom. Through these games the learners will feel how fun, entertaining and effective the learning process can be.

1. Charades

Charades is a fun and cool revision game. Students need to practice their acting skills to explain the words. This game is extremely easy to organize with minimal advance preparation. The only thing to be ready for is to keep a collection of vocabulary cards for the words you have studied.

The class is divided into two teams. Each team member takes turns acting out one of the words from the vocabulary set and explains it by acting out the word. If his or her own team can’t guess the word, the opposite team gets the chance to guess it. Each right answer equals one point.

Skyeng ищет преподавателей английского. Подробности по ссылке: Skyeng

2. Pictionary

Pictionary is also an  entertaining game to play for vocabulary review. The rules are similar to those of charades except that instead of acting out the word, it is drawn on the board.

3. Bingo

Bingo can serve as a good revision game. From my experience, most of the groups/students like playing bingo because it gives them the chance to  reflect on the words they have digested.

Students are given a blank bingo board and are asked to put the review words into the squares randomly. The teacher puts the active words in a hat or a box, takes them out one by one and defines them. If the student has a word corresponding to the definition, he crosses it out on his bingo board. When someone gets five squares in a row, they should shout, “Bingo!”

Check these articles out as well:

4. A memory style

A memory style card game can be another effective way for reviewing vocabulary. It requires some preparation before the game starts. For each word to be reviewed, one card should have the target vocabulary word and another card should have the definition of the word. You also need to have a big playing grid where you put the words and their definitions face down.

Each person turns over two cards each turn trying to find a match. If the cards do not match, he turns them over again and the next person tries to find a match. If he succeeds, he keeps the cards and gets an additional turn. The player with the highest number of cards at the end of the game wins.

The game can be modified even further. If you have accumulated enough synonyms or antonyms to the target vocabulary, you can practice matching target words to their antonyms or synonyms.

5. Categories

Categories is another awesome revision game which will make students energized and empowered. What they need for the game is to draw 4-6 columns on their paper and write a category at the top of each column. Categories fit the topics covered during the course. For example, if you have covered the business topics of Marketing, Work and Leisure, Ethics, Human Resources, Travel, you write these topics as categories.

You time the students and ask them to write as many words as possible under each category. As a further modification, choose a random letter and write it on the board. Give students enough time to write down a word for each category that starts with that letter.

Экономьте время на подготовку к урокам и проверку домашних заданий со Skyeng. Удаленный формат занятий, защита от внезапных отмен и график, который настроен специально под вас. Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде. Подробности по ссылке: Skyeng

Преподавание в Skyeng: о выплатах и бонусах, которых нет в других школах

6. Letter scramble

Letter scramble will make students really competitive and super fast. What you need is to take a list of words that your students have recently learned and write a scrambled version of each on the board. Students need to unscramble the words on their paper. The first one to finish deciphering all the words wins.

7. Stop the bus

Stop the bus is a cool game my students adore.  I usually divide the class into 2-3 teams. One student from each team. This student sits on a chair facing his peers. Then from behind the student in the hot seat, show the other students a word from the lesson. The other students must try to describe what the word is without saying the actual word. And the student in the hot seat must guess.

The student who guesses the word shouts out “stop the bus” and checks the word with the teacher. If correct, the team gets a point. If wrong, other teams have the chance to guess the word by writing their versions on a piece of paper and passing the papers to the teacher.

8. Puzzles

Puzzles  is another cool and easy tool to review the material in an effective way. What I like about this way of vocabulary revision is that students can work in pairs or groups while trying to find words matching the definition in the crosswords. They learn by listening to each other, cooperating to find the right answer. In this way, they both review the material and improve their teamwork skills.

Follow this link to get templates of different types of puzzles.

We also recommend watching a video with Alexei Konobeev. The speaker shared games to help your students remember new vocabulary. These games do not require special training and you can adapt them to any age and level.

We hope that all these games would serve their best to liven your vocabulary revision sessions and make them more meaningful and effective.

Which of these games have you tried? Which ones have you picked up for your next revision slot?

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