The word convince in a sentence

Synonym: assure, guarantee, make certain, persuade, pledge, promise. Similar words: convinced, convict, conviction, convenience, province, convey, convert, conversion. Meaning: [kən’vɪns]  v. make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something. 

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1. How can I convince you ?

2. He has managed to convince even the sceptics.

3. It’s hopeless trying to convince her.

4. Her arguments didn’t convince everyone, but changes were made.

5. He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.

6. We were able to convince the students of the need for wider reading.

7. Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians.

8. The government must still convince the sceptics that its policy will work.

9. I have given over trying to convince him.

10. Thomas, she sensed, could convince anyone of anything.

11. She utterly failed to convince them.

12. We failed utterly to convince them.

12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

13. They argue heatedly, but neither could convince the other.

14. He managed to convince voters that he was for real.

15. It was well-nigh impossible for him to convince her that he was right.

16. If he doesn’t manage to convince them, it won’t be for want of trying .WHICH WORD?

17. The government must still convince the sceptic that its policy will work.

18. He has to convince a judge that he wasn’t going to abscond with the money.

19. I tried to convince them, but they weren’t the least interested.

20. Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.

21. I couldn’t convince him no matter how hard I tried.

22. But he now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious plan.

23. His doctor tried to convince him that he wasn’t really ill and that it was all in the mind.

24. Agricultural companies have failed to convince consumers that GM foods are safe.

25. She used all her powers of persuasion to convince Tilly that it was the right thing to do.

26. He was unable to convince the sceptics in the audience.

27. It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.

28. He could not convince those who held the money bags that his idea was viable.

29. There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as religion, by per-suading others we convince

30. Autosuggestion is the power of mind over matter — if you convince yourself that you are cured, you will be.

More similar words: convinced, convict, conviction, convenience, province, convey, convert, conversion, convention, conversation, conventional, concept, concede, concert, concern, conceive, conference, conception, concerning, consequence, in consequence, concentrate, concentration, concentrating, saving, divine, serving, envious, envision, in view of. 

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Only convinced people can convince others.

Лишь тот, кто искренне убежден в чем-то, может убедить других.

Those you convince can become your bridges to reach the experts.

Тех, кого вы убедить может стать вашим мосты, чтобы добраться до специалистов.

Keep trying, you might convince me.

Продолжай меня убеждать, возможно, у тебя получится.

Communicate and convince in a situation, often under pressure.

Уметь правильно общаться и убеждать в любой ситуации, чаще всего под давлением.

They convince themselves that just building their career.

Они убеждают себя в том, что всего лишь строят свою карьеру.

You cannot convince them to let the prisoners escape.

Вы не сможете убедить его, чтобы он позволил заключенным сбежать».

Understandably, these positions hardly convince those who support the moratorium on testing.

Вполне понятно, что такая позиция едва ли убеждает тех, кто выступает за мораторий на испытания.

I think you can convince us to understand its secret.

Я думаю, можно убедить нас в том, чтобы понять его тайну.

Their fruity flavor can probably convince everyone and therefore you should try this recipe immediately.

Их фруктовый аромат, вероятно, может убедить всех, и поэтому вы должны попробовать этот рецепт сразу.

Nothing you say will convince me.

Ничто из того, что ты говоришь, меня не убедит.

Ethos is how you convince an audience of your credibility.

Этос — это то, как вы убеждаете аудиторию в правдивости своей речи.

You’ll never convince me otherwise.

И ты никогда не убедишь меня в обратном.

I knew you’d convince him.

Я знал, что ты сможешь его убедить.

But maybe others can convince them.

Но, возможно, другие смогут их убедить.

Unless we can convince them it’s a fake.

Если только мы не сможем убедить их, что это подделка.

You could’ve helped me convince him.

Кей, ты могла бы помочь мне убедить его.

Good, now go convince her.

Хорошо, а сейчас иди и убеди её.

Now perhaps he can convince you.

Теперь, возможно, он сможет убедить вас.

Sam, I cannot convince one man.

Сэм, я не могу убедить одного единственного человека.

Cranfield finally convince, once and for all.

Кренфильд всё-таки убедил девятерых убить меня, раз и навсегда.

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to convince smb. of one’s sincerity — убедить кого-л. в своей искренности  
to convince smb. of one’s errors — заставить кого-л. осознать свои ошибки  
to speak with half convince — говорить неуверенно  
convince a voter — убеждать избирателя  
convince an opinion — убеждать мнение  
convince of errors — заставить осознать свои ошибки  
convince of sincerity — убедить в своей искренности  
convince of — убеждать в; убедить в  
convince oneself — убеждаться; убедиться; показать  
convince the public — убеждать общественность  

I’m convinced (that) she’s lying.

Я уверен, что она лжёт.

It’s useless to try to convince her.

Бесполезно пытаться её убедить.

He convinced me that the story was true.

Он убедил меня, что история была настоящей / правдивой.

I was unable to convince her to stay.

Я не смог убедить ее остаться.

They convinced us of their innocence.

Они убедили нас в своей невиновности.

I’ve been trying to convince him to come with me.

Я пытался убедить его пойти со мной.

To declaim is easier than to convince.

Разглагольствовать намного легче, чем убеждать.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

I/you/we/they: convince
he/she/it: convinces
ing ф. (present participle): convincing
2-я ф. (past tense): convinced
3-я ф. (past participle): convinced

Definition of Convince

to talk someone to into doing or believing something

Examples of Convince in a sentence

Even though his drinking was a problem, no one could convince the alcoholic to get help.


I tried to convince my friend to wear the red dress instead of the blue since it looked more flattering.


Protesters tried to convince the congressman to vote against the bill through loud protests and moving letters.


Try as she might, the woman could not convince her husband to take her on a vacation.


The police tried to convince the deranged man to put the gun down so that no one would get hurt.


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convince — перевод на русский


I just came to try to convince you to come back.

Я пришла чтобы убедить тебя вернуться обратно, в лагерь.

Try to convince me to come back, to the camp?

Убедить вернуться, в лагерь?

I think she might be trying to convince someone to join her.

Думаю, она пытается кого-то убедить к ней присоединиться.

He manages to convince his boss and mentor Paul Davidson with Union Film to support him in making his artistic dream come true of producting an elaborate film drama.

Ему удается убедить своего руководителя и наставника Пауля Давидсона и «Унион Фильм» поддержать в осуществлении старой творческой мечты— создании полноценной драматической картины.

I’ll convince him.

Я попробую убедить его. -Нет.

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Well, I’m convinced.

Ну, а я убеждён.

I was convinced that it was I who had killed her.

Я был убежден, что имено я убил ее.

And if the Captain’s convinced, there ain’t nobody that can unconvince him.

А если капитан убеждён, его не разубедить.

No, it’s no use, Mr. Hurley, I’m convinced I didn’t even see the license number.

Нет, думаю, это бесполезно, м-р Херли. Я убеждён, что не видел номер машины

The patient is convinced he is possessed by a demon, an incubus which dominates his actions and makes him carry out its will.

Пациент убежден, что в него вселился демон, Инкуб, который управляет его действиями и подавляет его волю.

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You’re not a very convincing liar, Steve.

Ты не очень убедительно лжёшь Стив.

I’m not convinced but I want to believe you.

Не очень убедительно, но я готова вам поверить.

Not very convincing.

Не очень убедительно.

A convincing lie told to a guard who finds me desirable.

Убедительно соврала охраннику, который находил меня желанной.

Your hypothesis about Otranto Castle being identical to Otrhany Castle near Náchod sounds very convincing.

Ваша гипотеза о том, что замок Отранто является ни чем иным, как Отрханским замком Близ Нахота, звучит очень убедительно.

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This, I’m convinced, is fine.

Уверен, вот кто — настоящее чудо.

I am convinced that my nephew will carry on in my footsteps, to the good of us all.

Я уверен, что мой племянник продолжит дело так, как мне, как нам бы этого хотелось.

I’m convinced that the pardon wipes out the wound and the wrong committed.

Уверен, прощение смывает оскорбление и причиненные обиды.

Eugene was convinced that Reynolds had stolen the Bill of Sale.

Юджин был уверен, что Рейнольдс украл купчую.

No positive proof, but I’m convinced that the giant sucks up energy like a sponge, feeds on it, is a walking storehouse of energy!

Прямых доказательств нет, но Я уверен, что гигант поглощает энергию, как губка, Он словно питается ей, и также является хранилищем энергии!

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You don’t have to convince me, Trudy.

Тебе не нужно убеждать меня, Труди.

Yes, Th…the more Tlotoxl doubts you, you more you must convince Autloc that you are Yetaxa.

— Да. Чем больше Тлотоксол сомневается, тем больше тебе надо убеждать Отлока, что ты — Етакса.

Convincing Arabs is the least of my problems.

Убеждать арабов — моя задача.

Why convince you you’re not well?

Зачем убеждать вас, что с вами не все хорошо? .

At last, at last, I shall convince the world with my documentary voice!

Ќаконец, наконец, € буду убеждать мир моим документальным голосом!

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Are flowers what it takes to convince her?

Если уговорить ее помогут цветы —

Tries to convince her to stay two, or three days.

Постарайся уговорить ее задержаться на два или три дня.

Since your daughter went to Bagdad and acquired bad habits there, we should convince her that she never visited Bagdad.

Раз царевна попала в Багдад и там набралась дурного, значит, надо ее уговорить, что она не попадала в Багдад.

If you could give me a cheque it would be much easier for me to convince my wife who is not very happy about this marriage.

Что вы! Но все-таки, если бы вы мне сейчас подписали чек на эту сумму, мне было бы куда легче уговорить мадам Барнье, которая как будто не очень склонна дать согласие на ваш брак.

I’ll try to convince him.

— Замолчи! Постараюсь уговорить.

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Mr. Turner’s finally become convinced that your intentions are good.

Мистер Тернер, наконец, убедился в твоих серьезных намерениях.

Now, are you convinced?

Теперь убедился?

Convinced? I should imagine you are.

Ну что, убедился в этом?

I’ve discussed this situation with her and I am convinced that she is the right one for this job.

Я обсудил с ней ситуацию и убедился, что она — та, кто нужно для этой работы.

I saw them myself! I understood them and was convinced. I loved them!

Я видел их сам, их познал и убедился:

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Let me go, and I’ll convince you of the contrary, Carmus.

Пустите, и я сумею переубедить вас, Кармус.

Maybe I could convince you.

Может быть, я смогу переубедить тебя.

Mr Descombes, it’s up to you to convince your son! Talk to him!

Месье Декомб, постарайтесь переубедить вашего сына!

Unless I can convince you otherwise.

Пока не смогу переубедить вас.

Well, it was difficult to convince them as to what they were going to see, and then in the end I had to use my checkbook to get them there.

Было довольно не легко их переубедить, но в итоге, если вас это действительно интересует, я воспользовался… своей чековой книжкой, и они согласились.

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Anything to convince them Margot wasn’t lying after all.

Лишь бы они поверили в то, что Марго не лгала.

It was necessary to convince you… her desire to stay is an honest one.

Это необходимо, чтоб вы поверили, что она искренне хочет остаться.

What else can I say to convince you that I’m just…

Что ещё мне нужно вам рассказать, чтобы вы поверили, что я…

If I had cloven hoofs and a pointed tail, would you be more convinced?

Будь у меня копыта и хвост, ты бы поверил?

— He wasn’t convinced.

-Он мне не поверил.

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He felt bitter… because when he had tried to convince them in June… they hadn’t listened to him.

Был рассержен, потому что в июне, когда он их уговаривал, его не послушали.

Maciek tried to convince me to return to making films.

Только Мачек уговаривал меня вернуться к нормальной жизни, чтобы вернулась к режиссуре, к «официальной жизни»

I just came from convincing Mom to have sex with Dad.

Я только что уговаривал маму заняться сексом с папой.

I usually have to convince you to take those cases.

Обычно я уговаривал тебя взять такие случаи.

Took a lot of convincing, but Suzanne’s agreed to be your assistant.

Я долго ее уговаривал, и в конце концов, Сюзан согласилась стать твоей помощницей.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word convince, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use convince in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «convince».

Convince in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word convince in a sentence.

  1. In an attempt to convince Mr.

  2. His words did not convince the king.

  3. The report helped to convince the U.S.

  4. I didn’t wanna convince anyone it was good.

  5. Eventually, Collins was able to convince U.S.

  6. Only history itself can convince you of such a truth.

  7. Foraker met with McKinley, but failed to convince him.

  8. During the session, Morrow was often able to convince C.

  9. Sparrow wants it to convince Jones to call off the Kraken.

  10. Here they failed to convince the cardinals to elect a new pope.

  11. Eventually, British merchants were able to convince Parliament to repeal the tax.

  12. By Reid’s account, he had to convince his premier not to quit «hundreds of times».

  13. The members of the Cabildo tried to convince him to give his support, but he left.

  14. Borman’s testimony helped convince Congress that Apollo would be safe to fly again.

  15. Haug stated that, «It was a big thing to convince the others that we needed a singer.

  16. When Shatner tried to convince Bennett to reconsider, the producer insisted on a meeting at his home.

  17. This attempt to convince the French that he might have some kind of diplomatic immunity did not work.

  18. Lisa and her new love interest Colin hold a seminar where they convince the town to clean up the lake.

  19. Meanwhile, Hannah deals with Emma’s new baby by trying to convince her parents to let her keep the baby.

  20. Kioe Lie tries to convince his wife to sell her jewellery, thus allowing him to return the stolen money.

  21. In 1957, the young animator started trying to convince people that the story could be told in animation.

  22. Clark had to produce written authorization from Ross to convince the delegates to nominate someone else.

  23. Karan takes pictures of Rama and Musa together to convince Anna that Rama betrayed him and shot Francis.

  24. Cubans also tried to convince FRELIMO to agree to train their guerillas in Zaire, which Mondlane refused.

  25. He tried to convince John Rolph and Thomas David Morrison, two other Reform leaders, to lead a rebellion.

  26. The only way to prevent this is to talk to the creator of the games and convince him not to destroy them.

  27. To convince the executives otherwise, he shows them the remaining unedited footage that only he has seen.

  28. However, Finnerty was eventually able to convince the authority to allow filming in one of their stations.

  29. He attempts to convince Todd and Zach to confess their crime, and comes close to confessing to his lawyer.

  30. She visited him twice, in 1952 and 1955, but could not convince him to be more assertive about his release.

  31. Nicky desperately tries to convince Felix that his life was not a failure, but Felix’s mind is too far gone to understand.

  32. Brown helped convince Spielberg to stick with the project, saying that «after [Jaws], you can make all the films you want».

  33. The incident was a blow to Stelmach’s efforts to convince the world that Alberta’s oil sands were environmentally friendly.

  34. After optioning the novel’s film rights, Jacobs spent over three years trying to convince filmmakers to take on the project.

  35. Saperstein’s efforts for his first 12 episodes were enough to convince Lat to continue working with Matinee for the project.

  36. The boys are skeptical, so Cartman decides to dress up as the creature the next morning in order to convince and scare them.

  37. Ignatius convinced Pierre to become a priest, but was unable to convince Francis, who had aspirations of worldly advancement.

  38. Roosevelt to convince him that the Manhattan Project should be shared with the Soviets in the hope of speeding up its results.

  39. Launcelot Smither, a Gonzales resident in town on personal business, to help Castañeda convince the settlers to follow orders.

  40. Because of this, Sam is unaware that supernatural beings exist, and Dean must convince him of the truth when he asks for help.

  41. Jäckh attempted to convince the police to surrender the body using his authority as a Foreign Office official, but they refused to do so before the homicide squad arrived.

  42. Rowling’s endorsement of homosexuality and an anti-faith agenda was straight from Rita Skeeter’s notebook and part of their endless campaign to convince the public that Ms.

  43. Biller said that the Klingon version of Torres was more manipulative than Beauty from the fairy tale because she uses her sexuality to convince Sulan to follow her demands.

  44. After the failure of Cooper’s endeavor, Priestley attempted to convince other friends to move to Northumberland, particularly those he had made in America, but to no avail.

  45. He also awarded the title «Queen of Kings» to Cleopatra, acts that Octavian used to convince the Roman Senate that Antony had ambitions to diminish the preeminence of Rome.

Synonyms for convince

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word convince has the following synonyms: convert and win over.

General information about «convince» example sentences

The example sentences for the word convince that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «convince» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «convince».

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Examples of convince in a Sentence

He convinced me that the story was true. They convinced us of their innocence. I managed to convince myself that I was doing the right thing. We convinced them to go along with our scheme.

What is an example of convince?

The definition of convince is to persuade someone with evidence or argument. An example of convince is an attorney presenting evidence to get jurors to believe his client is innocent. … To persuade to do something. We convinced him to see a doctor.

What is a convince person?

Convince means to talk someone into something, or win someone over. A person convinces by making an argument—you can convince your parents to let you go to the movies by promising you’ll do all your homework the next day. A thing can convince as well.

Is there a word Convincible?

To conquer; overpower.

What is persuade sentence?

transitive verb. 1 : to move by argument, entreaty, or expostulation to a belief, position, or course of action. 2 : to plead with : urge. Other Words from persuade Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About persuade.

25 related questions found

What are the 3 types of persuasion?

Aristotle determined that persuasion comprises a combination of three appeals: logos, pathos, and ethos. Anyone seeking to persuade an audience should craft his/her message with facts (logos), tapping an argument’s emotional aspect (pathos), and presenting his/her apparent moral standing (ethos).

What is persuade example?

The definition of persuade is to convince someone to do or think something. An example of persuade is when you make a strong argument for why your idea is right and your argument convinces your boss to implement your idea. … That salesman was able to persuade me into buying this bottle of lotion.

What is the difference between convincing and Convincible?

As adjectives the difference between convincible and convincing. is that convincible is capable of being convinced or won over while convincing is effective as proof or evidence.

What does Persuasible mean?

adjective. capable of being persuaded; open to or yielding to persuasion.

What does the word persuadable mean?

: capable of being persuaded.

How do I convince my skills?

  1. Communication. Good communication skills are the foundation on which you build other persuasive skills. …
  2. Emotional intelligence. …
  3. Active listening. …
  4. Logic and reasoning. …
  5. Interpersonal skills. …
  6. Negotiation. …
  7. Focus on trust. …
  8. Be aware of your surroundings.

What are some persuasive words?

10 Powerfully Persuasive Words Your Customers Want to Hear

  • Free. If you think «free» is sleazy and overused, think again. …
  • Exclusive. Everyone want to be in the «in» crowd. …
  • Easy. As sad as it is, Mayberry doesn’t exist anymore, at least in most parts of the world. …
  • Limited. …
  • Get. …
  • Guaranteed. …
  • You. …
  • Because.

How can we convince someone?

6 ways to persuade anyone of anything

  1. Be confident. Your first step is to remain and project confidence throughout the entirety of your appeal. …
  2. Introduce a logical argument. People are easily persuaded by logic. …
  3. Make it seem beneficial to the other party. …
  4. Choose your words carefully. …
  5. Use flattery. …
  6. Be patient, but persistent.

How do you convince someone to believe you?

8 Ways to Make People Believe What You Tell Them

  1. Tell the truth. …
  2. Tell the whole truth. …
  3. Don’t over-context the truth. …
  4. Freely confess ignorance. …
  5. First, listen. …
  6. It’s not the words, it’s the intent. …
  7. Use commonsense anchors. …
  8. Use the language of the other person.

How do you convince someone to accept your ideas?

These five steps will help you to successfully apply the art of persuasion.

  1. Give people a reason to listen to you. …
  2. Show people that you truly care about them and their needs. …
  3. Give people a reason to trust you. …
  4. Present your ideas in terms of pros and cons that will connect with your audience.

How do you convince someone over text?

Match message and medium: One useful rule of thumb is: if the message is difficult to understand, write it; if it’s easy, put it in a video. Avoid forewarning: don’t open up saying “I will try and persuade you that…” If you do, people start generating counter-arguments and are less likely to be persuaded.

What is an argument to convince?

Arguing to Convince: Gaining assent from others through case-making. … Arguing to convince requires us to make a case, to get others to agree with what we think. While inquiry is a cooperative use of argument, convincing is competitive. We put our case against the case of others in an effort to win the assent of readers.

Is advice persuasive?

As verbs the difference between persuade and advise

is that persuade is to successfully convince (someone) to agree to, accept, or do something, usually through reasoning and verbal influence compare sway while advise is to give advice to; to offer an opinion, as worthy or expedient to be followed.

Is conviction and persuasion the same thing?

Conviction concerns the end of influencing mental states by the means of reason, whereas persuasion concerns the end of influencing behavior by the means of emotion.

How can I be persuasive?

8 Tips for Better Persuasive Writing

  1. Pick a topic you’re passionate about. You’ll do your best persuading when it’s something you truly believe in. …
  2. Know your audience. …
  3. Hook the reader’s attention. …
  4. Research both sides. …
  5. Be empathetic. …
  6. Ask rhetorical questions. …
  7. Emphasize your point. …
  8. Repeat yourself.

How do you use persuade?

  1. persuade somebody to do something Try to persuade him to come.
  2. persuade somebody Please try and persuade her.
  3. She’s always easily persuaded.
  4. I’m sure he’ll come with a bit of persuading.
  5. persuade somebody into something I didn’t want to go, but my friends persuaded me into it.

What are persuasive skills?

Simply put, persuasion skills refer to the skill of changing or influencing the behaviors, beliefs or attitudes of someone or a group towards another idea, person or event. The art of persuasion usually involves reasoning, sharing feelings, and cleverly conveying information.

What are the 2 types of persuasion?

  • 1 Ethos. Ethos is used to demonstrate good character and credentials. …
  • 2 Pathos. Having established character and credentials, the second type of persuasion is pathos. …
  • 3 Logos. Logos, the third type of persuasion, is the proof of the speech or point being made. …
  • 4 Statistics. …
  • 5 Deliberation. …
  • 6 Refutation.

What are the 4 methods of persuasion?

The Four Modes of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos, & Kairos.

What is the most powerful form of persuasion?

Pathos: Strategy of emotions and affect. Pathos appeals to an audience’s sense of anger, sorrow, or excitement. Aristotle argued that logos was the strongest and most reliable form of persuasion; the most effective form of persuasion, however, utilizes all three appeals.

In the decades since, she’d tried to convince everyone, including herself, that she disliked him and had sent him away

He continued to argue about it, trying to convince her the missing aluminum was going to disrupt the world’s economy

While he tried to convince her, she studied the menu

“We are working with the Super Chip to convince the bank’s computers to take ten dollars from five million different accounts and place it in our own, anonymous offshore account

I don’t think he would be trying to convince me to give him another chance if he was with Venna

Because he still wanted this job, he had to convince himself that there was still some chance it was a legitimate job

Though it is gratifying that she and Adrian care that much – Adrian had even come on the phone at one point trying to convince me that they had space – silly man!

He thought he understood what Tahlmute was trying to do, convince Estwig this had something to do with boring academia, and tried to help with that impression

properly we could push nine if we can convince the punters that it’s mostly

«So I could be legal?» Glenelle asked her, «or at least you’re trying to convince me that there is some wisp of a chance I could be legal, if Gordon’s Lamp was destroyed

And one in particular who he had fallen for but never found a way to convince to be his

He tried hard to convince himself that he wasn’t missing something

After I finished the cigarette I lay back on the mattress and tried to convince myself that it was all a symptom of loneliness, a freaking-out under duress

«If he can’t stay here, then I can’t stay here!» Every ounce of me wanted to reason with her, convince her to stay, but I know Sabrina would never relent, not this time

Why would they keep you fed and dry? You convince yourself that there is a point

While they waited for breakfast he tried to convince her there could be some hope of catching that paperwork before Venna did

Her thin skirt was already dry enough so she wrapped that around her and strolled forward to find Alan trying to convince Luray to tell of her adventures in the Troubled Times

If those girls stayed with him, they won’t try to convince him Earth was a drug dream any more

“You don’t have to convince me, Steve,” she said, softly putting her hand on Steve’s shoulder

Physically she was so desirable that this should be easy, intellectually he had to convince his mind that this was the only way he was going to keep Desa, but emotionally he could only think Desa was trying to find a way to loosen the strings that bound them

They convince themselves that they were raped

He had tried to convince Ava to wait, that he would only be gone a half hour, an hour at the most

But you have to convince your dad

Instead she pointed to the petition, “Better read it over, I’m handing it to the bishop unless you can convince me some statement needs to be changed

I went down to the club to convince him our problems could be solved if we allowed Kaliantikos to control the tourism

Alessandra would ride her Yammy south to convince Captain Dimitris in Stephanos town of our idea then coming straight back up to the beach — a helluva journey

“Do that, at least it will get the captain’s attention, something I’ve been trying to convince you of all along

“You shouldn’t second guess yourself, and how were you to know this war would happen? Yes we might have guessed that Alan’s hack would take over the Brazilian expedition when it got there, but how were we to know they would convince the Brazilian establishment to put a viral complex transmitted from that hack into production?”

She tried to convince Ro that she should refuse her father’s request, but she would not

“I’m the one you had to convince,” Ava said

Ava tried to convince him this meant they were on a hot trail here and should follow that

“Actually, I was hoping that you would use posthole diggers, although I had to convince your mother; she wanted you to use your hands and fingers,” said their father without expression

parents and convince them of what a great opportunity this is for you

There is no recourse of any kind except to convince a higher council in the Kassikan

From what she’s let drop, it seems her ex-husband deceived her, lied to her and, having driven her to attempting suicide, lied to her psychiatrist as well, trying to convince both of them that she was crazy

He was convinced that there were aliens living down his shower-drains because his comic books said so, and he was trying to convince Madhavari of this

The fact that she was able to convince herself of that was what let her get away with it wasn’t it? Get away with it until now

was probably trying to convince him that the earth really didn’t circle the sun or

The guys were walking up the hill, Sharni was still walking with them, and still trying to convince them that society in Yoonbarla wasn’t broken just because Mappu and the Bit were in it

All that was left to do was to convince Mike of it

Sarah continued, “I wish I could convince Jameson to subscribe to at least a part-time presence at the school; it is so instructive for younger boys to have a role model of sorts, especially as they reach ten and eleven

She was going to have to find a way to convince him the estate was just what they had been waiting for

“That sounds pretty deviant to me!” She had to convince herself to calm down again

Why hadn’t she been able to convince Mike to do this for her, he was the one with the degree in accounting, she thought as she twirled the pencil between her fingers, gazing down on the numbers that blurred before her tired eyes

“When will you convince Harry to ask for your hand?” She posed without prelude to Kaitlyn’s spontaneously blushing cheeks

The facts he knew agreed with what she told him enough to convince him that there really was advanced biological knowledge on the planet

business – trying to convince me to buy more of his wine

Although, she still wasn’t able to convince him, he was a required part of the picture

She’d spent most the week in Salt Lake, with hopes that with the extra time, she’d be able to convince Mike to come along as well

Jesse took a seat at the kitchen table and asked, «So did you manage to convince him to move?» catching her off guard

» Who was she trying to convince, them? They could see it from the outside, and even if she couldn’t, they could see a separation occurring, but the battle did manage to change the subject

Normally, I have finished already my two years employment contract last March 27, 1979 but my employer tried to convince me to renew my contract for another two years with them as they said they still need my services, so I stayed

But because my auntie keep on writing to my sister and even my employer herself wrote to me also and sent the employee meant contract to sign my signature, they tried to convince me to accept it

Sometimes she’s trying to convince me to be the same with her, but I always refuse so she always says that she doesn’t want to go out with me

Kaha tried to convince her they were ‘all fixed up’ but they hadn’t looked it to him

I knew we had been writing longer since they didn’t ask exactly how long, I figured that three years would convince them we were serious

Johnny kept trying to convince Coach that he could

“Maybe you should come in and convince me some more

“Good, I’m glad something might help convince you I’m telling you the truth

After the first couple of weeks of Beth trying to convince her to go back to work, only to be told the same thing repeatedly, she’d even stopped coming by

At one time he tried to convince her that he thought the plastic-stringed ones sounded ‘just about as good’ as the metal-stringed, roller-pitched classics which had made the modern yandrille what it is

“I’ll return to fight at your side, father,” Drau’d stated, doing his best to convince his father – and himself – that they would meet again

He tried to convince himself that it was a good thing he had left, and that Drau’d would be safer with the Council

The common complaint, that luxury extends itself even to the lowest ranks of the people, and that the labouring poor will not now be contented with the same food, clothing, and lodging, which satisfied them in former times, may convince us that it is not the money price of labour only, but its real recompence, which has augmented

I had to convince Mrs

He couldn’t actually think of a way to convince her

convince her to co-operate — with the assistance of an

It is a strategy of the enemy to try to convince God’s people to

«I’m still trying to convince Klarrain to help overbid the monsters

I thought a higher fee and being on the side of right would convince you, but I can see it hasn’t

«If you can find a panel of scientists from several leading universities who can convince me I have to give up that theory, I will support the lost basin theory

Desa’s intellect was just fast enough to convince her that she couldn’t take that chance

I don’t know what possessed me to think I could convince him to stop without telling him the truth, I just thought he’d never believe it and probably think I was burned out on ‘acid

Behind him, Bri Lynn was trying to convince the stubborn Theodorous to remove his armor and choose which weapon he loved the best

«But let me tell you something, after hearing that native girl Desa speak in the cabin of an animal-drawn coach, and Jason from the pulpit, I think Desa would convince more of the masses than Jason on matters of religion and she says she’s hardly interested in religion

“Now, are you ready to leave this place, One Elf?” Anon asked, not sure what more he could do to convince him

It would take another starship attack to convince her

Eventually, Brontes was able to convince them their intentions were benign, and ushered them towards the rest of the group

But if we can’t convince a majority of citizens that our preference is the right choice, then maybe we haven’t thought out the best course

In order to convince my wife that my

But despite his best efforts, he couldn’t convince the young elf-ling that she was heading to her death

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and tried to convince his wife

What we are Witnessing here is simply the unbelievable—and indeed, there would Be no way for the full unconscious mind to convince the conscious mind Of its lucid existence—such a matter could only be pursued by two of The one, or as a matter of faith

But if Theoton didn’t want her now, she’d convince him to take her case before the council

Nothing would convince this

medical certificate, and then convince the professor that I was

It didn’t take long to convince Savannah to meet with my coven

It can still convince them, but

She’d have a quiet word with Philemon, convince him to rest his swollen feet another

And to convince you that it would be unjust to force me back to a brutal master

Of course potential recruits were becoming harder to convince lately

Compare the present condition of those estates with the possessions of the small proprietors in their neighbourhood, and you will require no other argument to convince you how unfavourable such extensive property is to improvement

” Maybe she wants to convince me that we should elope, he thought

And that he’ll convince his followers, our brethren, to do the same

A handful of gleaming coins and a warm smile would be more than enough to convince the carriage driver to take her most of the way — just a bit further beyond the point at which the road split and the way upward to Meridia’s famed shrine came into view

” He turned and looked at her with tears in his eyes; his arms limp at his sides, almost as if he were giving up trying to convince her

” She tenderly touched his face as she tried to convince herself that it was merely the fantasy of an old man in the heat of the moment and not serious at all

Later that evening in Darniil’s quarters Zarko had the opportunity to convince his future brother-in-law of his sincerity to learn about and adopt the worship of their God, Yahweh

And Hermes would convince Odysseus’s love-smitten captor to relent

They weren’t convinced, but eventually settled into drowsiness in the sun

He might have been a little harsh on Herndon in telling it and made him sound more convinced of Venna’s role

Teenagers usually exhibit the generation gap and question those views with which they are not convinced

Her return from Sinbara had convinced her that she was a city girl, what was she doing out in this desert at the onset of dark? Sinbara was an urban wonderland compared to this

‘What’s she like?’ I asked, more convinced than ever that my only son is getting emotionally involved with this woman and not entirely sure how I feel about it

He was convinced that if anyone had stolen anything, it would be mentioned in that magazine

What sort of time do you think you might get here?’ I asked, mollified though not entirely convinced

doostEr worried that the city fathers had convinced the local news outlets to only say that he had run into the wilds so people would stop worrying

‘He’s convinced that you’ll never speak to him again

He was more convinced than ever that the old girl was on the batty side of the

to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He

‘He’s convinced that Sadler’s alibi is founded on a false basis

everyone saw that for themselves and was convinced

‘Yes … Emma rang – Mum spoke to her for ages but convinced her that you were okay in the end

Travis didn’t look convinced, but he took out a note pad and began to jot down a map with a Biro

doctors, always talk about their disease and are convinced that divine heal-

«I’m convinced enough that we are baseline that I have no interest in wasting time trying to find a hack out of it

She winked to her younger brother but he wasn’t convinced

His opening ‘How are things with you?’ opened the flood gates, with me listing all the things I’d convinced myself I’d got wrong

She’s not convinced, but even Betty has to admit that, by the time we’ve finished, the hall looks festive

He was fairly convinced at this time that the women were not with them

I’m convinced she had to be at that dive bar with her psycho father

» Enrico was very convinced of that, Bahkmar was not

I was convinced that there were other people here, other hostages

I convinced myself that I had missed this first chance at establishing contact with my darling brethren

convinced that this person does not have any devious intentions, you could send your

Apollo’s convinced it had to, he could feel it

He was convinced there were more rain clouds on Mars than here

He was convinced she loved him, in some sense at least, but in almost everything, she was a native and he was a foreigner

«What don’t you believe in, there was a man called Jesus Christ who had some friends who wrote down some wise words he preached? Are you convinced that man is the true son of God?»

She had to be convinced that her android was all that was needed

Nlara had been with Vyinga for years and had just told them she was the one who first convinced Vyinga to sail again

It was bad enough that she had to go along with his starship story even though she was pretty convinced that all he had wrong with him was a bad trip on RNAcid and that eldritch device someone had found

‘However, I’m convinced that it’s Gerisse Stowman who’s running the show

She whickers at me conversationally as I work and I’ve convinced myself she’s pleased to see me

If she had complained about sex with you and been miserable, I probably would not have asked for this, but she could not have convinced me you were sexually useless even if she did complain because she seems so satisfied

but we are convinced that the said threat

«We wouldn’t be here discussing them unless we were already convinced of that,» Althart said

He was convinced that this could help them when they were in battle

she is convinced of victory, wearing a dress

I was away a lot, which suited Sanna, she was able to pursue her work and I convinced myself that it was sufficient

Seeing the messenger bird, has brought it home to me with stunning force that by the end of today, I shall have to face my uncle … and I am less convinced that he will be delighted by my news

Ten short minutes each day—so very little time to devote to Yoga, but how rich will be the rewards, so rich that I feel convinced that many of you will soon want to get up even earlier to devote yet more time to this healthful study

‘Then let’s fool the Antis into believing that we have all four Elements and, once they have been convinced, we can find a reason for Lintze to visit the area and retrieve the Element safely

He bowed with great humility and smiled though I wasn’t convinced he had any idea what I was talking about

Having convinced him I am settled, Berndt rides off to inform his mother of his change of status, his promises that he will be back within the week if he can, ringing in my ears as I watch him leave

The years of conditioning and polite remarks made to him by family friends and retainers were so ingrained that he was convinced that he was the only sane person walking the city streets that night

She was convinced that time had now come

Still, I’ve only known him a little over a year, he’s just a kid and he’s only with me because he was convinced he needed a guide to Zhlindu

I convinced myself I could keep my part of the bargain, as I saw it

I convinced myself that I could adapt

Terry was convinced that he could hear the air around them crackle and fizz with electricity

Everyone in the team camp, in the media and on the streets was convinced that this would be Terry’s championship

He was convinced that if the tree was chopped down he could make real use of the land and be rid of the screaming rooks to boot

Ever since then the head chef insisted on ordering fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables for banquets and special occasions through old Ted’s niece, and all the while the unsuspecting Ted had been convinced that his niece was strangely obsessed by fresh fruit and vegetables

Girls seemed to like him and Tom was as convinced of his own beauty as he was certain that every pretty girl in the room really wanted to be on his arm

He was convinced that the simplest and best way to find his perfect partner in life would be to announce his desire to marry to the world by way of a celebrity photo-shoot

I’m no hero, of that there is no doubt, I could never stand alone but then, together with the village, single-minded, I was convinced we had a chance

In public the old girl bristled with an imperious air of confidence and hard-nosed, old-world defiance, but Annie was convinced that her private inner sanctum would be a shambling mess of decrepitude and cat infestations, full of strange smells and unfamiliar utility furniture that dated from the middle of the previous century

Ever since the moment when Helen convinced her daughter that she had knocked her step-brother’s head off, Lucy sought solace in her own company in her bedroom

She was so convinced that she would win the chance to meet the boy who sang her song that when the news reader eventually introduced the story towards the end of the early evening bulletin Lucy nearly fainted

He convinced his people, his courtiers and his councils that the

I’m not convinced; I still think it’s sad

I’m very convinced that ship out there,” he pointed to the dot representing the bogie on his screen, “is the Curitiba and that it means to take action against us, if it hasn’t already

Kelvin was still convinced it wasn’t worth the weight and sure it wasn’t worth the worry of contamination

the great sadness of the afternoon, was convinced that the rich old

I am convinced that the organs in the body really

out, she thought, and slowly she convinced herself that it would be

If no one from any other universe disturbed her, she could be totally convinced she was in the heaven she believed in while she was really in a processing node back in the League

The more he thought about it, the more he became convinced that was the case

‘I convinced myself that I had the music and Jake and a pretty good friendship with Karen so I wasn’t so badly off

was convinced he was devouring himself from the inside out

«Ava convinced me of that,» he said, and saw that name pained her

He was now convinced she was the one who had Ava encapsulated

Archibald grew up so convinced that a long nose was the most

it does so, I am convinced that the energetic basis of

He would have had a chance against those, what chance did he have against this? He had known in his heart all along that Thom was right, because Thom was convinced he was right

retainers were so ingrained that he was convinced that he was the

She was convinced that time

convinced that he would at last find a clue to the whereabouts of

we lived with our Heavenly Father, I’m convinced we

The scientists won’t be touching the device circling Earth, she convinced them the result wasn’t worth the risk

man himself, they were all convinced that their own survival in

convinced were they of the document’s merits, that they promised

The cleaning takes all morning, partly because I keep stopping to drink some water … I’m feeling bloody minded and refuse to take painkillers for the headache I am convinced had its origins in that bottle of wine

Still not convinced Kai insisted on having a warrior in the house at all times, (in close proximity to Mistress Sera)

Terry was convinced that he could hear the air around

the team camp, in the media and on the streets was convinced that

He was convinced

were convinced that these luscious fruits could not be of a domestic

niece, and all the while the unsuspecting Ted had been convinced

am absolutely convinced that trapped emotions are

person is convinced that they are (Christian) or are (Satanic

Girls seemed to like him and Tom was as convinced of his

He was convinced that

Yes, I’m convinced that she was talking about herself earlier on

was convinced that her private inner sanctum would be a shambling

It was one of the factors which convinced me that I didn’t want Kevin around any more

’ Dave suggested, ‘I’m convinced that you’ve got the ability

CARRIE: Many times, women change their minds about having sex after they’ve had it, and their guilt and shame convinces them that they had not wanted it

In reality, as convinces they are

This is a sales page that convinces potential affiliates why they need to

that the goal is certain and second, it convinces other

“All the data I have collected convinces me that he is using the Great Allegheny Passage hiking trail that goes from here to Columbia through the Laurel Mountains

She sounds so genuine she almost convinces me

When he says a lie he speaks from his own language because he is a liar and the father of it and because I tell you the truth you do not believe Me; Who of you convinces Me of sin? and if I say the truth why do you not believe Me? he who is of God hears God’s words therefore you do not hear them because you are not of God

inside of me that convinces me that it has, and will fulfill all of

“The futility of Steng’s attempt convinces Screwy-driver this is going to be an easy kill

Cast off what yoke convinces thee that Someone else should take the lead

convinces them that it is a good and a

” I hope what follows convinces you that those who raved about the book are justified in their comments

He convinces a young journalist Erik Kernan Jr

He convinces people

The Holy Spirit convinces, but the perpetrator chooses to deny His voice

It is the Holy Spirit Who will convince this person, just like He convinces us of sin

huge bubble-shaped formations, Mobius loops and fractal geometry) convinces me that

she convinces you of it as well

The one who convinces his fellow beings that he can secure the attainment of their goals (and, thus, provide for their needs satisfactorily) – becomes a leader

thus effects his degradation to birth in lower forms, the other convinces

He convinces himself she needs help, and he is the only one who can help her

Your body convinces you you want it, and then during it you hardly feel like you’re even there, your mind wanders, the sensations become muted

“What masochistic idealism convinces one to love the sadistic leader?” The enemy child grew into an endless supply of eager young patriots swearing their allegiance to kill only in the name of humanity, but not limited only to humans

the numbers don’t support it and my ideology convinces me it’s not good for either of us

The Adversary convinces them that the

We can also see his power when, with Hermes’ help, Ulysses manages to get Circe to succumb to his will and he convinces her to restore his companions to human form

The one that convinces me the most is that Hades represents the place where humanity’s deepest guilty feelings are kept and whose existence is not even imagined

strategy is effective because it convinces potential customers that these people are real

8 The girl convinces her frightened mother that she is not hurt

When I am contented, and everything is just as I like it, I can philosophize beautifully, and do it with a hearty sincerity that convinces both myself and the person listening to me; but when the bad days come, the empty days, the disappointing, chilly days, behold Philosophy, that serene and dignified companion so long as the weather was fine, clutching her academic skirts hastily together and indulging in the form of rapid retreat known to the vulgar and the graphic ass kedaddling

gets rescued by a mystery man who convinces him to join

So the fact that scattered wreckage was reported convinces me that the object had been man-made here on earth

He disappears and months later a new, tall, red stranger appears and the druid somehow convinces me he’s really the same person

He eases you into a false sense of security and convinces you what you are doing isn’t wrong and by the time you realize it it’s too late

“A person convinces himself he can, but it is a grave error

“I know my business, Phil,” Fiona said, “And every word you’ve uttered convinces me that you have something

This is the sort of argument that convinces judges

When a university course convinces like a slumbering woman and child convince,

is that it leads to a form of living that convinces us that we are not responsible for anything

“But if you can fake your death in a way that convinces the police…”

«That seems to me as hazardous as uncertain, and convinces me that my scheme is far

Sometimes he almost convinces himself that he can see through the smoldering skeletons of the seafront mansions at the northwestern corner of the city to the rooftop of his house

He almost convinces himself it stands

I use nothing but soap and water until one of those mall beauticians stops me on my way to buy a pretzel to tell me how bad I look and convinces me to lavish my face with an expensive cream that makes me immediately break out, probably because my face is not used to being cared for and is panicking

Maybe it’s the desperation in my voice that convinces her

What convinces is when one sees a being dear to one, bound up with one’s own life, before whom one was to blame and had hoped to make it right’ (Prince Andrew’s voice trembled and he turned away), ‘and suddenly that

That’s what convinces, that is what has convinced me,’ said

All I say is that it is not argument that convinces me of the necessity of a future life, but this: when you go hand in hand with someone and all at once that person vanishes there, into nowhere, and you yourself are left

Not that sort of victory which is defined by the capture of pieces of material fastened to sticks, called standards, and of the ground on which the troops had stood and were standing, but a moral victory that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his opponent and of his own impotence was gained by the Russians at Borodino

It convinces me that Earth is still in her swaddling-clothes, and stretches forth baby fingers on every side

“However that may be, I have private information which convinces me that Mr

And he convinces himself that it is so

In the last years of George’s life, Tolstoi was in correspondence with him; in his letter to him of 1894 Tolstoi among other things wrote: “The reading of each one of your books clarifies for me much which formerly was not clear to me and convinces me more and more of the truth and practicality of your system” [translated from the Russian from a translation from the English

What convinces is when one sees a being dear to one, bound up with one’s own life, before whom one was to blame and had hoped to make it right” (Prince Andrew’s voice trembled and he turned away), “and suddenly that being is seized with pain, suffers, and ceases to exist

That’s what convinces, that is what has convinced me,” said Prince Andrew

All I say is that it is not argument that convinces me of the necessity of a future life, but this: when you go hand in hand with someone and all at once that person vanishes there, into nowhere, and you yourself are left facing that abyss, and look in

Not that sort of victory which is defined by the capture of pieces of material fastened to sticks, called standards, and of the ground on which the troops had stood and were standing, but a moral victory that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his opponent and of his own impotence was gained by the Russians at Borodinó

Since, then, every dictate of sense and reflection convinces me of the utter futility of this system, as a means of coercion, on Great Britain, I shall not hesitate to urge its abandonment

Naturally very timid, a proper and pleasant familiarity with them is a sure inroad to their confidence, and the knowledge of them thus gained convinces us that they are capable of comprehending and grasping ideas of knowledge

She was melted by Herndon convincing her that he still hungered for her

‘When was this, Doreen?’ I asked as casually as I can, trying to be convincing as a gossip

‘Adrian had a devil of a job convincing Emma that she had to go home

Her reason was rather convincing, she hadn’t seen the Acropolis in quite a while and she wanted to visit an old friend

They had to show him pictures before he would believe it, but the video of a theirops getting picked up in its jaws and chunked down in three bites was convincing

Just take the pictures during Noonsleep when everyone is in bed and an overgrown ruin would be pretty convincing

«They are convincing him that a whole lifetime of memories can be synthesized

No one had ever come up with any convincing evidence, nothing that couldn’t be explained as drafty chimneys or electrical storms

‘Saves me having to come up with something long, learned and convincing

In the two hours between finishing the evening’s murderous chores and Ken’s return from the pub, Helen Roach’s insidiously persuasive skills were brought to bear on her daughter, convincing Lucy that she had killed her step-brother, but that her mother loved her so much that so long as Lucy never uttered another word on the subject of Alan’s disappearance, then she would protect her forever and a day

Most people are quite happy to comply with the request, curious as to who received the anonymous letters and what they had said … I become pretty convincing at not having a clue … if they only knew …

She had never seen such a convincing replica of ancient Earth, complete with the smells and sounds of the livestock, the limited but vibrant palette of colors and an aroma that told her that the drain trap had not yet been invented

which is simply not as good and through years of convincing yourself it is

It sounds convincing enough, except Shaun has a pretty clear recollection of the weekend’s dealing

Roman had a way of convincing you of things

“As you can see, Kaitlyn was quite convincing when she insisted that she pursue public performance

Me … a pretty ordinary, middle-aged woman … and he wants me… me with all my insecurities and idiocies … He’d been surprised when he’d realised my age … nasty moment … half expected him to make excuses and run away … underestimated him seriously … made a point of convincing me that age gap does not matter … remarkably efficient at convincing … his hands … phew … quiver at the thought … must be getting used to it … starting to retain some basic mental functions whilst thinking of him (thank goodness) … laugh

hard time convincing his colleague that co-operating with

When it became apparent that there was no convincing her that they would all be cyborg-slaves on Planet Fnord by sundown, Sunil bitterly tossed his apple away, and it flowed down the stream until it rested on a small road by the embankment, and was swiftly run over by a passing horse carriage

” If it wasn’t for that device, she might have sounded a lot more convincing

In the beginning, he allowed himself to be deluded by her youthful beauty, convincing himself they were a pair of young lovers, not some ignorant boy enthralled by an immortal

She approached him in secret, convincing him that she felt a passion for his cause that was similar to his own and conscripting him into service, providing him will all the necessary resources the man would need to carry out his quest

A discussion which ended only after convincing the elf that all he would be destroying while defecating was the elf’s sense of smell

His presence among them was all the convincing they needed for them to hail him as the savior of the Seventh World

Our tanners, besides, have not been quite so successful as our clothiers, in convincing the wisdom of the nation, that the safety of the commonwealth depends upon the prosperity of their particular manufacture

«I think once he sees you’re present here in Heaven you’ll be pretty convincing,» Ava said

much better) nor convincing

marketing, the most convincing publicity is that based

ease Chloe’s delirium as I’d done for half a month since hauling her onto this raft? Would I shade her with my own blistered back? Would I drip most of our precious stock of water onto Chloe’s lips? Or would Eris prevail, convincing me to throw myself into the flat and empty sea

It’s equally great, is it not, as the duty toward guests? You described this with such stirring fervor yesterday, I’m certain you’ll have little trouble convincing Tragus

one and it would be more less convincing, because

And every time a bright-eyed woman of High Rock heritage would grace the city, Sorex had a way of locating her among the crowd forthwith and convincing her – or at least vigorously attempting to – that his family’s inn was an oasis

thorough and convincing exposition

He’d tried talking Maileena out of tagging along with him one more time while they were on their way here, but her stubbornness made him realize that she was one of those types with a will of iron that no amount of convincing will probably affect

He shrugged his shoulders and said, almost poetically, “Maybe it was I who needed convincing

” She didn’t sound convincing, not even to herself

” He tried to sound convincing, but failed

They knew the family was opposed to their union, so they’d prepared for all possible angles and hoped that they would be convincing

She tried hard to sound convincing

It was you I heard inside my head, convincing me that I needed the drugs to

Anybody who begins a sentence with a ‘well’ like that is clearly in need of further convincing

The Huntress had been wrinkling away from the cluster, since the Elf retired to her boudoir to change, toward another much smaller stellar dust cloud so similar in density to the Waghtnin it made a most convincing stage for their show

She had been convincing herself that it was never too far away now

It took some convincing and even a demonstration that was almost disastrous when one of the Elders, Clive Roberts, inadvertently took it to the next level

“I have to admit, you are a convincing young man

You’ll end up not only convincing yourself but the

Scott took almost an hour contemplating his limited options and formulating a convincing story, until there was only one thing for it

“Yes,” but his voice wasn»t too convincing

” I took this in thinking bloody hell the whole Division must have landed and I knew that this put the Battalion in a better position than on the first few days but it still didn’t sound all that convincing

Danielle before, and there wasn’t much chance of Danny convincing her this time

Church? The laity could be conquered by convincing

His freedom on this project remained an almost convincing illusion

President Ivanov was someone who had been democratically elected – though could there have been a more stark illustration of the flawed nature of democracy? In centuries past, people voted for the radical alternative seemingly out of desperation, for whoever seemed convincing enough that they alone held the key to a better future

’ But she knew she seemed about as convincing as a rattlesnake trying to befriend a mouse

He gives cogent and convincing, and perhaps irrefutable reasons for his prediction

He said, ‘Very convincing

To her child ears it all sounded very convincing

Hell, I remember when I saw a river full of water the first time and it took a lot of convincing from the teacher to make me believe it could be river since it was full of water

Then it took some convincing and I thank God that he took me seriously for I said it in a joking way but was indeed very serious

The Community has been held hostage by the custodial promises of Big Government whose convincing arguments have superceded the enterprising values and ideas that many of them would otherwise find appealing, if not economically rewarding, were they not held politically captive by their tempting designs

As said before they do not share with mates and it will take some convincing to have me believe anything else

He stood in front of me for a few seconds convincing me of his sincerity, then he turned and went to console his wife

Soffen accomplished this remarkable feat by convincing Cherva that she needed help to collect fresh plants and herbs with which to treat the sick

It can’t be long now,’ he repeated over and over again, finally convincing me that the worst was behind me

“Kate, I tried to, but I do not think I was as convincing as you are right now! Based on your reaction, I have no doubt it is William

I was that child and it took some convincing from the perplexed teacher

There also probably is no other US president who succeeded in convincing historians and commentators he was skilled when he repeatedly failed not only at doing good for the country, but even at his own self declared goals

“It’s damned convincing, if it is

It sounded like a convincing cry of desperation, when she reenacted the scene

Still, the sight of a couple of bombs under my wings must have appeared pretty darned convincing

Hilderich thought to himself that he found Amonas to be very convincing and reassured himself before feeling unmistakably hungry, his stomach sounding like a cauldron on fire with nothing inside the broth but bubbling water

The difficulty lay in convincing the others

With the files he copied from my Port Authority offices added to what he already had, he could have made a very convincing argument to indict you both

She was without any convincing argument to send authorities to prove his guilt, had no life to go back to and hired killers hunted her

It is absolutely seamless, and very convincing—maybe even a little too convincing

Hospitality rarely denied that request if the display was open and respectfully convincing enough

Your editor-in-chief was very pleasant on the phone and quite convincing

He had suggested that Ea could walk for a while after their last stop, and her feeble attempt to complain that he would slow her down didn’t seem very convincing

“We can still make it, but we’ll have to hurry!” Zoran exclaimed trying to sound convincing, but Hilkea had a way of looking at him when he said things like that

“I can reason with them,” said Nicole trying to sound convincing with little effect

He had been convincing, as usual, Abraham thought, for the time came when we all left that place

“But, yes, I have some reasons that are really convincing, at least to me, for thinking that the ideas, all of them, were gifts

It turns out that economists have made some quite convincing arguments that the inefficient things are at least somewhat more likely to get axed

rendered a Mantra, convincing the Brahmin of Swamiji’s omniscience

“Hmmm…not terribly convincing, but at least it’s a story,” said Michelle

“Oh, I think most people think his proof isn’t particularly convincing

’ But, as I’ve already argued, it seems to me that the minimal intrusion principle eliminates the possibility of a truly convincing proof of the existence of God

So the music stopped, the seat was occupied and those who could not renew their grasp upon it were ground underfoot in such a convincing manner that those who had quickly occupied it would feel secure enough to dispose of any competing heirs without fear of reprisal

Of course I could be wrong in this, but the logic alone seems convincing

He seemed eminently sincere in his protestations and convincing to many in his proofs of authenticity

Man’s mind has constructed a “virtual reality” almost as convincing as the “natural” thing

She placed him on the table in front of the plate and after some convincing, persuaded him eat the squashed food, but then he ate quickly

He took some convincing, but then he believed me

When she paid cash, she told a convincing story of an enraged ex-boyfriend who would track her through her credit cards and how she didn’t want to leave a record

The evidence is not convincing

He shakes his head again, and I wonder, suddenly, if this is how he comforts himself: by convincing himself that the bad things he’s done don’t matter

Orphenn tried convincing the others to go back with him and rescue Cinder,

convincing establishment elites that fostering all religions would lead to political and economic prosperity, just as intolerance would guarantee decline

/ October 15, 2019/ Usage

convince versus persuade

What’s the Difference Between Convince and Persuade?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Convince and Persuade?
  • 2 Using Convince in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Persuade in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Convince vs. Persuade
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Convince vs. Persuade
  • 7 Article Summary

Convince and persuade have similar meanings. In fact, many dictionaries and thesauruses list this pair of words as synonyms. However, there are subtle differences in the definitions and connotations of these two words.

Convince is a verb that means to make someone believe something is true.

  • The parents convinced the child that Santa was real.

Persuade is also a verb. It means to influence someone to choose to do something.

  • Her parents persuaded her to go to the dance, even though she had a phobia of social events.

Now, let’s go over a few ways you can use these words in your sentences.

Using Convince in a Sentence

When to use convince: Convince is a verb that refers to making someone think something is true.

For example,

  • Scientists had to work hard to convince the public that some pesticides were causing health problems in humans.
  • Everyone on the jury thought the defendant was guilty, until his lawyers convinced them otherwise.

This word differs from persuade in that convince deals with a person’s beliefs in his or her own mind. You can convince someone that something is true or false, but you cannot convince someone to do something. On the other hand, you can persuade someone to do something but not to believe something. This traditional distinction has become weaker and weaker over time. Nowadays, many people ignore it altogether. However, to follow the rules of standard English it is best to preserve this distinction.

Because of this difference, you should use the collocation convince of and persuade to.

Using Persuade in a Sentence

When to use persuade: Persuade is a verb that means to influence someone to decide to take an action. People usually persuade others to do something through cajoling, appealing to the other person’s emotions, or presenting logical arguments as to why something would be good or bad to do.

For example,

  • Her best friend persuaded her to take Spanish class even though she preferred French.
  • The leader of the cult persuaded all of his followers to drink poison and commit mass suicide.

It is important to note that one can be persuaded to do something yet still not be convinced that it is a good idea. Consider the amendment to the last example, The leader of the cult persuaded all of his followers to drink poison and commit mass suicide, although not all of them were convinced this would help them reincarnate.

Remembering Convince vs. Persuade

There are two different ways to remember which word is which.

Convince comes from the Latin word for to prove that something is true or false. The con signifies with and vince is related to the word victor. You can remember that convince means to make someone believe something is true, and that it relates to a mental decision, not a physical action, by the fact that convince and mind both share the letters in.

Persuade means make someone do something. You can remember that this is a physical act rather than a mental one because persuade and made both end in ade. They persuade him to do it/They made him do it.

Outside Examples

  • A man held at gunpoint was able to convince his captor to drop him off at work before taking his car to rob a Walgreens. –Denver Post
  • While Trump wants to cut individual rates in most brackets, he said he is convinced that the best way to drive the U.S. gross domestic product to 4% or 5% growth is by lowering corporate rates… –USA Today
  • Today and every day we are the targets of salespeople, marketers, advertisers, fundraisers and (heaven knows) politicians trying to persuade us to buy something, do something or think a certain way. –LA Times
  • It is unlikely that he could persuade people to change their minds, but he could try to mobilize his base. –Vanity Fair

Quiz: Convince vs. Persuade

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either convince or persuade.

  • I couldn’t _______________ them of that fact.
  • The politician couldn’t _______________ them to do anything about it.
  • The words of the poet ___________________ many people that pollution was an injustice.
  • Rachel Carson helped ________________ politicians to outlaw a harmful pesticide.
  • It can be hard to ___________ toddlers to go to bed on time.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use convince or persuade? These words have similar meanings, yet they aren’t exactly the same.

  • Convince means to make someone think something is true but doesn’t relate to a person’s actions.
  • Persuade means to influence someone to take an action, but doesn’t relate to believing something in one’s mind.

Remember this distinction when choosing which word to use. Don’t let the fact that many professional publications ignore this distinction confuse you.

Answers from Quiz 

  • convince
  • persuade
  • convinced
  • persuade
  • persuade

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