The word conviction used in a sentence

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The draft resolution emerges from the conviction that mediation has enormous untapped potential.

В основе этого проекта резолюции лежит убеждение в том, что посредничество имеет огромный неиспользованный потенциал.

This conviction should be exterminated from people’s minds.

Это убеждение, по его мнению, необходимо искоренять из народного сознания.

Let me finally emphasise my strong conviction that public integrity cannot grow out of authoritarian pronouncements.

Позвольте мне, наконец, подчеркнуть мою твердую убежденность в том, что целостность общества не может вырасти из авторитарных высказываний.

But unlike them, we have conviction.

The source maintains that very few other elements could have sustained a conviction.

Источник отмечает, что имеется лишь весьма скудная дополнительная информация, на которой могло бы основываться осуждение.

His conviction was overturned after he had spent five years in jail.

Его осуждение было отменено после того, как он провел 5 лет в тюрьме.

Article 7 provides protections against arbitrary prosecution, conviction and punishment.

Так, статья 7 предлагает «существенные гарантии против произвольного преследования, осуждения и наказания».

Looking after your conviction is difficult.

Признать, что он сидит за убеждения — трудно.

They probably do so with sincere conviction.

И, скорее всего, они делают это с искренней убежденностью.

Yet many spoke from the heart and with full conviction.

Но немало было сказано и слов от самого сердца и с полным убеждением.

Doubtless it is because all modern culture and civilisation tend to that conviction.

Без сомнения, только потому, что вся современная культура и цивилизация приводят к этому убеждению.

Despite their differences of opinion, my colleagues support at least one conviction.

Мои коллеги, несмотря на различие их взглядов, придерживаются, по крайней мере, одного убеждения.

This is our obligation to ourselves, to our moral conviction.

В этом состоит наш долг по отношению к нам самим, к нашим моральным убеждениям.

They affirmed their conviction that effective international liability mechanisms were essential.

Они подтвердили свою убежденность в том, что чрезвычайно важны эффективные международные механизмы материальной ответственности.

Honduras reiterates its conviction that international conflicts must be settled by peaceful and diplomatic means.

Гондурас вновь заявляет о своей убежденности в том, что международные конфликты должны разрешаться с помощью мирных и дипломатических средств.

Due to her conviction, she quickly specialised in individual intensive training.

Вскоре, в соответствии со своими убеждениями, она начинает специализироваться в индивидуальном интенсивном обучении.

I’ve never questioned that conviction until now.

И я никогда не ставил эту убежденность под вопрос… до сегодняшнего дня.

Is that I really admire your conviction.

Это то, что я на самом деле восхищаюсь твоими убеждениями.

This decision is based on my conviction that I…

Это решение основано на моей убежденности в том, что я…

The conviction that our intentions are unquestionably good may sanctify the most questionable means.

Убежденность в том, что наши намерения, безусловно, хорошие, могут удовлетворить самые сомнительные средства.

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Definition of Conviction

a firmly held belief or opinion

Examples of Conviction in a sentence

The more you speak with conviction, the more your audience will value what you have to say.


He had such a lack of conviction of his suitability for the job that he skipped the interview entirely.


Even as he was tortured, he held onto his conviction that he would never betray his country.


Because Johnny’s words held so much conviction, Mrs. Greene believed that the dog really did eat his homework.


I always believe that my next weight loss program will be a smashing success, only to have my conviction dissolve the minute I get a whiff of a pizza or a brownie.


Cliff stands by his personal conviction that he will go to heaven because he attends church services every Sunday, no matter what.


If your voice expresses a tone of enthusiasm, confidence, and conviction, you will be assured of making the sale.


None of his friends share his conviction that they were all abducted by aliens last St. Patrick’s Day.


If you were really dedicated to this cause, you would have had enough conviction to recruit a much more substantial number of volunteers.


It has been his lifelong conviction that the only way to have a friend is to be a friend.


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conviction — перевод на русский


One, I fear, who dare not follow his own convictions… to their logical conclusion.

Тот, кто не приводит свои убеждения к логическому заключению.

Craig has convictions.

У Крэга есть убеждения.

And what you call cowardice in Francis, I know to be the courage of conviction.

А то, что ты называешь трусостью Франциска, уверена, есть мужество убеждения….

Doesn’t he love his Fatherland who makes sacrifices for his convictions, who is ready to mount the scaffold for them?

Конечно, разве не любит отечество тот, кто жертвует за убеждения, КТО ГОЛОВУ за НИХ кладет на плаху?

— My political convictions would… — Ah yes!

…мои политические убеждения запретили бы мне…

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I want an offense, a judgment, a conviction.

Мне нужно преступление, суд, приговор.

You’re only one man, but your conviction will be a salutary experience for millions.

Вы — всего лишь один человек, но ваш приговор послужит прекрасным примером для миллионов.

Got his conviction reduced from murder to manslaughter.

И приговор смягчили, убийство признали непредумышленным.

The appellate court overturned your conviction.

Апелляционный суд отменил ваш приговор.

on Toby Holmes’ conviction for the Cherry Tree Farm murders.

Она звонила на прошлой неделе, сказала, что у нее информация, что ставит под сомнения приговор Тоби Холмсу за убийства на ферме Cherry Tree.

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Listen, if he thought it would do him any good he’d arrest his own mother and get a conviction.

Слушай, если он решит, что это пойдет ему на пользу, он арестует собственную мать и предъявит обвинение.

If he was convicted then it is relevant Because the rules of evidence state That every conviction bears relevance

Если его виновность доказана, это имеет отношение к делу, по правилам дачи показаний — каждое обвинение должно быть обосновано достоверным источником или свидетельскими показаниями

We’ll get a conviction, followed by an appeal.

Мы получим обвинение, сразу за апелляцией.

A conviction on drug charges puts Towne and Bates… away for a lot longer than they ever would go for the rape.

Обвинение за наркотики отправят Тауна и Бейтса на более долгий срок, чем они могли бы получить за изнасилование.

He’s in Sing Sing for aggravated sexual abuse one, plus a separate fraud conviction.

Он в Синг Синг, за насилие первой степени при отягчающих обстоятельствах, … плюс отдельно обвинение в мошенничестве.

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-Why did you lie about that previous conviction?

-Нет, сэр. -Почему вы солгали о прежней судимости?

But what is perhaps more important— and relevant to this matter — are there two other convictions recorded against you?

Но, что более важно для данного дела, У вас есть еще две судимости.

What if he’s covered in tattoos and has four serious convictions?

Что, если он весь в наколках и у него четыре судимости?

Three convictions, right?

Три судимости, так?

As Mr. Barksdale has two prior convictions and is insisting that the effort to purchase… and transport the kilo was done on his own behest… and is refusing to cooperate against others in the conspiracy… the state is offering only the maximum allowable 20 years, Your Honor.

Поскольку мистер Барксдейл уже имеет две судимости и настаивает, что покупка… и перевозка килограмма совершалась по его личному пожеланию… а также отказывается давать показания против других участников заговора… штат предлагает максимально возможный срок в 20 лет, Ваша Честь.

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Once here, prejudices, convictions, compassion and even doubts must be put aside,

Запомните, предубеждения, осуждения сострадание и даже сомнения должны быть отложены в сторону.

If you get a conviction, will you ask for the gas chamber?

В случае осуждения вы будете просить газовую камеру?

Based on the defendant’s prior conviction… and the extreme possibility of flight due to the occupation, the state requests a bond of no less than 25,000.

На основании предыдущего осуждения подсудимого .. и крайняя возможность полета из-за оккупации, Государство просит узы не менее 25000.

This is an official investigation into the death of Elsie Rind and Leonard Spaven’s subsequent conviction.

Это официальное расследование смерти Элси Ринд и последующего осуждения Леонарда Спивена.

Not if there’s no conviction behind your words.

Не спрашиваете, если за вашими словами нет осуждения

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And to do it… we need a conviction.

» чтобы сделать это, нам нужен обвинительный приговор.

I’m sure we’ll get a conviction.

Я уверена, мы получим обвинительный приговор.

We need to find out about this bomb and disable it in case that jury comes in with a conviction.

И как-то обезвредить, если суд вынесет обвинительный приговор.

Any sort of conviction will cost House his license…

Любой обвинительный приговор будет стоить Хаусу лицензии.

She’s appealing her conviction.

Она обжаловала свой обвинительный приговор.

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And I want the first conviction on this animal.

Это дикарь должен быть осуждён.

Five arrests, three convictions.

Пять арестов, 3 раза осуждён.

— «An indictment is not a conviction.»

…»Обвинен не значит осужден.»

Roger didn’t do it. His convictions are a matter of public record, which provides a very compelling argument for reasonable doubt.

Он был осужден, и это широко освещалось, … что является очень серьёзным аргументом для разумных сомнений.

And I would only add that Mr. Barksdale’s extant conviction is his first.

Хочу только добавить, что мистер Барксдейл осужден впервые.

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It is therefore with deep conviction that I say to you:

Поэтому с глубочайшей уверенностью, я говорю:

With conviction, Mr. LaRusso.

С уверенностью Мр. ЛаРуссо.

Yes, I can say with conviction that I approve of National Socialism.

Да, могу сказать с полной уверенностью, что одобряю национал-социализм.

That is why you’re gonna lose. Because we possess the most powerful thing in the world: Conviction.

Вот почему ты проиграешь, потому что мы одержимы величайшей силой в этом мире… уверенностью.

Listen to me, I’m here to tell you, if you’re operating from a place of inner strength and conviction, anything is possible.

Теперь, послушай меня, Карэн. Я здесь, чтобы сказать тебе — если будешь руководствоваться внутренней силой и уверенностью, всё получится.

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I’ve never questioned that conviction until now.

И я никогда не ставил эту убежденность под вопрос… до сегодняшнего дня.

Your conviction is admirable.

Твоя убежденность восхищает.

It was his passion and conviction that drew me to him.

Его страсть и убежденность и привлекли меня.

I saw conviction.

Я видел убеждённость.

I suppose feeling a certain interest in a person necessarily engenders a conviction that she’s beautiful.

Полагаю, что интерес к определённому человеку поневоле рождает убеждённость, что он прекрасен.

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If you return to this area, I will personally ensure your conviction for theft and blackmail.

Если вы вернетесь в наши места, я лично прослежу, чтобы вас осудили за воровство и шантаж.

His last conviction was for breaking a bottle over a man’s head in a bar, almost killing him, for which Gates served four years in Sing Sing.

В последний раз его осудили за то, что он разбил бутылку о голову какого-то мужика в баре, чуть не убил его, за это Гейтс отсидел 4 года в тюрьме Синг Синг.

And after his conviction, there was only guilt.

И после того, как его осудили, было только чувство вины.

There were never any convictions, and the police eliminated Will from their enquiries early on.

Никого так и не осудили, и полиция почти сразу исключила Уилла из числа подозреваемых.

You’ll never get a conviction, not in my city.

Вы никогда не добьетесь того, чтобы меня осудили, не в моем городе.

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1) The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 

2) She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.

3) His conviction caused rioting in the streets.

4) His argument does not carry much conviction.

5) The High Court later quashed his conviction for murder.

6) He plans to appeal against his conviction.

7) The Court of Appeal set aside his conviction.

8) Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it. George Bernard Shaw 

9) As it was her first conviction for stealing,( she was given a less severe sentence.

10) Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don’t believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you’re wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.

11) It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.

12) The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.

13) His conviction was quashed in March 1986 after his counsel argued that the police evidence was a tissue of lies.

14) The appeal court overturned the conviction against her.

15) He will appeal against his conviction.

16) He appealed against his conviction for murder.

17) There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.

18) His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal.

19) They need strong evidence to secure a conviction.

20) Try to say that line with more conviction.

21) Nor did his denial carry conviction.

22) ‘We shall, sir,’ said Thorne, with conviction.

23) His conviction carried him along in his research.

24) He said he agreed but his voice lacked conviction.

25) This was her third conviction for cheating.

26) The spectacle of Xerxes’s defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.

27) Carpenter is free on bail while he appeals his conviction.

28) He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.

29) The most fearful enemy is not having a firm conviction.

30) The whole secret of the teacher’s force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.

More similar words: convict, fiction, convention, prediction, restriction, conversation, conventional, jurisdiction, dictionary order, connection, construction, victim, convince, environmental protection, convinced, conversion, invitation, action, section, auction, reduction, sanction, function, election, reaction, fraction, selection, infection, objection, collection.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word conviction, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use conviction in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «conviction». In addition, we also show how different variations of conviction can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are conviction—a. If you click on the variation of conviction that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Conviction in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word conviction in a sentence.

  1. The 1993 conviction of Collins’s husband, Dr.

  2. Those songs come out of conviction and suffering.

  3. To me Reform Judaism is an irresistible conviction.

  4. After seeing McTeague’s conviction, Schouler agrees.

  5. The first conviction of flag desecration occurred in 1999.

  6. In movement, especially, do they lack grace and conviction.

  7. Green has petitioned for a new trial twice since her conviction.

  8. United States, which upheld the conviction of the leader of the US Communist Party.

  9. In 1951, the same panel had originally overturned Remington’s conviction for perjury.

  10. Following the conviction, Dietrich was sentenced to a term of seven years imprisonment.

  11. Willson, formally requested a pardon, and Bradley issued it 10 days after the conviction.

  12. She was reassured by the writer-director’s conviction, «He guides everyone extremely well.

  13. Bell appealed his conviction, principally on the ground that he had been improperly tried as an adult.

  14. He fakes dissociative identity disorder (split personalities) to avoid conviction and keep Téa in his life.

  15. The House referred the charges to the Louisiana Senate, in which conviction required a two-thirds majority.

  16. Powers employed Brown as his legal counsel during his first trial, which ended in a conviction in July 1900.

  17. One man who attended the dinner noted that King «told his impossible tales with such an air of conviction ..

  18. On 15 February a reward was offered for the capture and conviction of John Squires and his unnamed associate.

  19. Winthrop moved to have her banished; in the ensuing tally, only the Boston deputies voted against conviction.

  20. Opposed by conviction to Federal funding for internal improvements, Polk stood strongly against all such bills.

  21. Ward’s conviction has been described by analysts as an act of establishment revenge, rather than serving justice.

  22. With this conviction in mind, he was a strong supporter of the League of Nations when it was set up after the war.

  23. As a child, Neal decided to avoid intemperate drinking and maintained this personal conviction throughout his life.

  24. Scales is the only Supreme Court decision to uphold a conviction based solely upon membership in a political party.

  25. Austin’s conviction for transporting liquor without a license was upheld by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

  26. His conviction was subsequently upheld by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Texas’s highest criminal court, in 1966.

  27. In May 1882, the territorial Supreme Court affirmed the conviction, and the execution was rescheduled for May 11, 1883.

  28. The bankruptcy of the Buonaccorsi Company led to Villani’s conviction and imprisonment in 1346, as he was a main partner.

  29. At Taft’s request, the Supreme Court reversed a murder conviction that Taft said had been based on inadmissible evidence.

  30. In an address to the Assembly, Johnson declared, «I have never had a stronger conviction on a question of public policy..

  31. At an appeal hearing more than thirty years later, Hanratty’s conviction was upheld after DNA evidence was found to match.

  32. The constitution of the Byzantine Empire was based on the conviction that it was the earthly copy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

  33. Failure to obtain a conviction tarnished the administration’s image, but Arthur did succeed in putting a stop to the fraud.

  34. Ottavio is presented as cold and impervious, but this was probably a device to show his strength of character and conviction.

  35. Federal courts cannot suspend a driver’s license, but may notify the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission of a DUI conviction.

  36. The trial judge’s failure to disclose all the wiretap records, Hand concluded, necessitated a reversal of Coplon’s conviction.

  37. The one conviction was a 1656 case of a man convicted of witchcraft and sentenced to 10 stripes and banishment from the county.

  38. As it turned out, Wilhelm did share his father’s conviction that the position of the chancellor was too strong and should be modified in favour of a more powerful Emperor.

  39. Former MP Elliot Morley was expelled on 8 June 2011, following his conviction on charges of false accounting in connection with the British parliamentary expenses scandal.

  40. The Indologist Philip Lutgendorf argued that Kapadia’s «dignity and conviction, as well as her effective body language and gestures, lift her character far beyond bathos».

  41. Kennedy speculates that Boult’s change of mind was due to a growing conviction that the orchestra would be «seriously jeopardized financially» if Russell remained in post.

  42. Sykes betrayed Sheppard to a Mr Price, a constable from the parish of St Giles, to gather the usual £40 reward for giving information leading to the conviction of a felon.

Conviction—a in a sentence

Conviction—a is a variation of conviction, below you can find example sentences for conviction—a.

  1. For the people it was a campaign of study and analysis, of exhortation and conviction—a campaign of search for economic and political truth.

Synonyms for conviction

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word conviction has the following synonyms: judgment of conviction, condemnation, sentence, strong belief and article of faith.

General information about «conviction» example sentences

The example sentences for the word conviction that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «conviction» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «conviction».

1) Conviction is being conscious of the wrongs that one has done and to decide not to repeat them in the future.

2) Given the evidence, it’s highly likely that your case will result in a conviction.

3) The police officer’s evidence was compelling and led to a conviction.

4) The police officer’s evidence was convincing, providing a solid case and leading to a conviction.

5) She has a similar conviction.

6) Shoplifting convictions have made it difficult for him to find a job.

7) People trust issues you present to them more when you speak with conviction and belief.

8) Conviction can be linked with the moral certainty that a person feels about something.

9) A conviction is a belief that one strongly holds; an opinion or belief.

10) People do not necessarily agree about what constitutes a conviction but it is often associated with being strong-willed, self-confident, and having an interest in pursuing one’s beliefs to the point where there is no turning back.

11) Some convictions might be religious, political, or personal.

12) Some convictions are based on social issues such as racism or sexism while others are based on personal experiences that they share with others in their life.

13) The meaning of conviction is to have a firm belief in something, usually based on a deeply held set of values.

14) The meaning of conviction is very subjective.

15) In law, conviction may refer to the decision to convict a person in court.

16) In religion, conviction could mean adherence to particular beliefs or a belief system as opposed to other such systems.

17) In literature, conviction could refer to having a firm belief that something is true and being passionate about your belief.

18) In psychology, conviction can be described as an unshakeable feeling of knowing something with certainty or not being able to doubt the truth of something in your own mind.

What does the word conviction mean?

According to Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Unabridged English Dictionary, and Cambridge Dictionary, the word conviction (pronounced kənˈvɪkʃən)  is a noun that has a couple of potential different meanings. First, the word conviction can refer to some strong belief or opinion. For example, someone can have conviction that their way of teaching is the best and only method for getting students to understand, while another teacher may have the opposite belief. This is often used to describe a political opinion or belief. Someone who is said to carry conviction has a strong belief in something. This could be a religious conviction or some other firm conviction.

The  word conviction can also be used to describe the process of finding a person guilty in a court of law. In this case, if someone is convicted, they are believed to be guilty of the crime that they are being tried for and will receive the appropriate sentence associated with said crime. A judge or jury will pass some judgment of conviction on the party that is being tried within the bounds of criminal law. Related words to the word conviction include convict, convicting, convicted, and more.

The word conviction also exists in many other languages. You may notice that some of these words look or sound similar to the word conviction. These cognates are formed when two words are of a similar origin. Many words in the English language began in other languages. This list of translations for the word conviction is provided by Word Sense.

  • Norwegian: overbevisning‎
  • Russian: убеждённость‎ (fem.), убежде́ние‎ (neut.)
  • Greek: πεποίθηση‎ (fem.), πίστη‎ (fem.)
  • Finnish: vakaumus‎
  • Swedish: övertygelse‎
  • Dutch: overtuiging‎
  • Slovene: prepričanje‎ (neut.)
  • Bulgarian: убеденост‎ (fem.)
  • Portuguese: convicção‎ (fem.)
  • Romanian: convingere‎, credință‎
  • Japanese: 信念‎ (shin’nen)
  • Polish: przekonanie‎ (neut.), przeświadczenie‎ (neut.)
  • German: Überzeugung‎ (fem.)
  • Czech: přesvědčení‎ (neut.)
  • Italian: convinzione‎ (fem.)
  • Spanish: convicción

What are synonyms and antonyms for the word conviction?

There are many different words that one can sue in place of the word conviction. These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that mean the same thing as another word or phrase. Since the word conviction has two different potential definitions, this means that it has two sets of synonyms. Synonyms are useful to know if you want to expand your vocabulary or if you are trying to avoid repeating yourself. Both of these sets of synonyms for the word conviction are provided by Thesaurus.

Definition #1: belief or opinion

  • belief
  • sentiment
  • eye
  • faith
  • principle
  • dogma
  • opinion
  • judgment call
  • reliance
  • tenet
  • slant
  • doctrine
  • creed
  • persuasion
  • feeling
  • mind
  • view
  • say so
  • confidence

Definition #2: sentence

  • rap
  • unfavorable verdict
  • assuredness
  • confidence
  • condemning
  • fall
  • guilty sentence
  • condemnation
  • determining guilt
  • firmness
  • fervor
  • sureness
  • earnestness
  • surety
  • assurance
  • reliance
  • certainty
  • certitude

Since the word convocation has two sets of synonyms, this also means that the word has two sets of antonyms. Antonyms are words and phrases that have the opposite meaning as a given word or phrase. These lists of antonyms for the word conviction are also provided by Thesaurus.

Definition #1: belief, opinion

  • discredit
  • perplexity
  • lack of confidence
  • quandary
  • demurral
  • disbelief
  • reluctance
  • irresolution
  • skepticism
  • indecision
  • hesitancy
  • hesitation
  • distrust
  • suspicion
  • faithlessness
  • disquiet
  • misgiving
  • dubiousness
  • incredulity
  • agnosticism
  • incertitude
  • dubiety
  • diffidence
  • problem
  • difficulty
  • lack of faith
  • wavering
  • ambiguity
  • apprehension
  • suspense
  • scruple
  • confusion
  • vacillation
  • mistrust
  • qualm
  • fear
  • uncertainty
  • faltering
  • dilemma
  • rejection
  • doubt

Definition #2: guilty sentence

  • exemption
  • letting off the hook
  • discharge
  • letting off
  • exculpation
  • freedom
  • absolvance
  • whitewashing
  • justification
  • sanitization
  • disburdening
  • exception
  • relief
  • pardon
  • vindication
  • exoneration
  • release
  • freeing
  • wiping the slate clean
  • liberation
  • dismissal
  • acquittal

What is the origin of the word conviction?

According to Etymonline, the word conviction has been used since the mid-15th century to describe the process of finding someone guilty of some charged offense. This word comes from the Late Latin convictionem which is the nominative Latin convictio meaning some proof or refutation. This is the noun form the the past participle stem form of the Latin verb convincere, meaning to overcome. This word comes from the pintensive prefix com and the root vincere, meaning to conquer. Vincere comes from the Proto-Indo-European root weik meaning to fight or conquer. The word conviction was first used to mean the mental state of being convinced in the 1690s, and was used to describe some firm belief since the year 1841. This word has been used in a religious sense since the 1670s.

How can the word conviction be used in a sentence?

The word conviction has many different applicable settings in different sentences. In this example, 6-year-old Theodosia insists to her parents that she wants to be a vegetarian. Her parents discuss this.

Mom: Theodosia says she’s a vegetarian now. Once she found out where all of her meals came from, she refused to eat them. What are we going to do?

Dad: What can we do? We’ve raised a daughter with strong convictions. I say we let her be a vegetarian. What’s the harm? So we eat a little more tofu?

In this next example, Theodosia’s mom and dad are watching the news.

News Anchor: In a shocking turn of events, there has been a conviction in the murder trial…

Overall, the word conviction has two different meanings. It can either refer to criminal convictions, in which some party being tried for a crime is found guilty. It can also refer to moral convictions, which are strongly held beliefs. Strong convictions are usually found in debates, religious settings, and politics.




Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

Strength into whose keeping it is given, making, in Goethe’s words, «every man strong enough to enforce his conviction,» — his _conviction_, mark! ❋ Various (N/A)

This conviction is the basis for many long-standing misconceptions about France and its system of social benefits. ❋ Debra Ollivier (2010)

It may be better to refrain from notifying the neighborhood, but of course you can never prevent others from notifying the neighborhood, since the conviction is a matter of public record. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This conviction is the source not only of Protestantism’s vitality and flexibility, but also of its lack of fixedness and its innate tendency toward schism. ❋ Unknown (2009)

ShelbyC: It may be better to refrain from notifying the neighborhood, but of course you can never prevent others from notifying the neighborhood, since the conviction is a matter of public record. ❋ Unknown (2010)

An expensive s. 18 trial with no guarantee of a conviction is a no-no. on July 22, 2009 at 10: 08 pm TheBinarySurfer ❋ Inspector Gadget (2009)

I wish McCain could give me a reason to vote for him, but I just dont hear the conviction is his words and his ideas dont deviate from our current policies enough to give me any hope for Americas future. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Typical of this conviction is the following extract from a KDG seminar, held in February 1979. ❋ Unknown (2008)

But now I have stopped this way of life based on what you call conviction in your culture, but we call it faith in our religion. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I won’t disagree with you that there are good reasons why holocaust denial should be legal in Germany, but the notion that this conviction is an alarming development is simply threaty. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Appellate reversal of a conviction is a remedial tool: it’s by far the most direct method that an appellate court has to send messages to trial judges, trial lawyers, and the police about what’s crucially important at criminal trials and in criminal investigations. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Police have released Debra Palfrey’s suicide note, in which she called her conviction a modern-day lynching. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Would that person still have a job while the conviction is appealed? ❋ Unknown (2005)

The only solid proof supporting the conviction is the testimony of an inmate who shared a cell with the defendant while he was awaiting trial, and who swears that the defendant confessed to the murder (a confession the defendant denies making). ❋ Unknown (2004)

[Stupidity] ❋ Larstait (2003)

[Law and Order: SVU] and [Conviction] will be my addictions [Summer] ’06. ❋ Kuluaorhj (2006)

[Chinaman]: I have heard Australian were brought as convicts to this [kangaroo] land from UK.
Shopkeeper: True Chinaman, just like you have arrived here to work as [chef] and kitchenhand.
Chinaman: But there is difference in being a convict and a chef isn’t it.
Shopkeeper: What difference they both have some skills and knowledge to contribute to the country isn’t it! ❋ Rocky1 (2006)

[you all] [live in] a convict [colony], a convict colony, a convict colony… ❋ John Bull (2006)

«The man was [convicted] of assualt and [sentenced]»
«Hey convict, hows [the 9] to 5 going?, better than the joint. ❋ Adam DeLoe (2005)

I was out for a beer [the other day], and met [a couple of] convicts, but when they mentioned they were [mates], I knew I was done. ❋ Sayshu (2006)

I was convicted that the man was [righteous], but then [the fuckin] brother [arrested] me. ❋ Ole, Sr. (2008)

oh shit, dude, [we suck], lets just give up playing instruments and never make fun of fallen [rebel] for being better than us ever again…thank you, [goodnight] ❋ Nik (2004)

She was always putting people’s convictions to the test, but was the kind of person that would still say that they were the ones [testing] her. She had no sense of what was to be held [sacred], since she held nothing sacred, that was probably why (that way you didn’t have to ask about a [nonexistant] reason). ❋ The Original Agahnim (2022)

Yo man, convict is [bangin] those black and [orange] [flags] ’round here. We better stay away. ❋ None (2006)

  • Use the word CONVICTION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You would put just conviction into it.

You seem anxious to undo my conviction. You worked so hard to get it.

It’s as good as a conviction.

One more conviction means… life for you.

I have the sincerest conviction that this whole affair…

They’ll rush his conviction, too.

I can get a conviction, too, for first-degree robbery.

First, because no really sufficient motive has ever been discovered for this crime, and secondly, because you yourself were elected to your present high office mainly through the public acclaim you received through the conviction of your own friend.

I’m not here in my official capacity… but I think I can say with conviction… that no devil or any man has come through this window tonight.

He ought to know by now you can’t get a conviction in this town.

He was all burned up because he couldn’t get a conviction, but wait till he gets his hands on Cortig.


But I affirm, with intense conviction the truth is on the march, and nothing will stop it.

Your Honor, I wish to offer into evidence these duly attested records of the arrest, conviction and imprisonment of the defendants, William Borno and James Meller on the charges and for the period just stated by the witness.

You’re a three-time loser. A fourth conviction, according to the law… means a life sentence.

It’s not a question of courage. It’s a question of conviction, of policy.

Not by conviction, because justice is as difficult to obtain as a publisher.

This is thought to refer to his theories in the hands of his students, and not to the so-called death threat he uttered at the time of his conviction to the nine men and three women who condemned him to die.

Such phenomenal agility carries conviction.

You were feeling pretty low over his conviction.

Can you get a conviction?

Since you’ve come with the conviction of my guilt nothing I might say would change your opinion.

conviction of most dangerous public enemy… bring more peaceful sleep.

To the quick conviction of the ambitious Mr. Cobb.

Maybe not murder, but there’s no question of a conviction on the robbery charge.

-Why did you lie about that previous conviction?

He never had a conviction except Charlie Kane in his life.

My first official act as governor of this state will be to appoint a special district attorney to arrange for the indictment prosecution and conviction of Boss Jim W. Gettys.

He hasn’t lost a conviction in his entire career.

It is my firm conviction Mrs. Pennington is a medical freak.

I can show Bryan, our DA, that if he goes around tryin’ to collect everybody he’ll have a tangled case but if he sticks to Wilmer here, he can get a conviction standing on his head.

We all believe, with the deepest conviction, that we shall have, at last, peace. ALL:

I have no conviction, if that’s what you mean.

Listen, if he thought it would do him any good he’d arrest his own mother and get a conviction.

S u bboso that’s as good a conviction as any

No risk, no danger, no chance of a conviction.

I, a capitalist by instinct, became a socialist by conviction.

Cops and robbers with rocks in the snowballs, brass knuckles and lead pipes and a roughneck conviction that can lick any man in the world.

I know how you feel about love about men I mean and I respect that feeling. It’s also my own conviction.

I have a deep conviction and a firm faith that that system and our form of government is the best that the world has yet produced for the common man.

I also came back with a firm conviction that these people were sincerely devoted to world peace, and that they and their leaders only wanted to live in a decent world as good neighbors in a world at peace.

On what do you base your conviction that war is so close, mr. Ambassador?

My lawyer tells me that you face a sure conviction which means a term in the penitentiary if…

And remember, madame, if you insist upon his arrest and fail to obtain a conviction, you will find yourself in a very, very difficult predicament.

«Therefore, the emperor’s government demands the conviction of the defendants for the crime of murder.»

His conviction is curious.

The prison governor Dartmore reports, sir, … Answering the question … Mr. Holmes, That the three music boxes were made by the same conviction, John Davidson.

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