The word conversation in latin

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    DICTIO (-ONIS) (F)

    SERMO (-ONIS) (M)


    DIALOGUS (-I) (M)


    FABULA (-AE) (F)




    English-Latin dictionary > CONVERSATION

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    English-Latin dictionary > CONVERSATION: HOLD A CONVERSATION

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    English-Latin dictionary > EXCHANGE CONVERSATION

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    English-Latin dictionary > TOPIC OF CONVERSATION

  • 5

    conloquium (coll-), ii, n., conversation, speech, 1 C. 15:33.*

    English-Latin new dictionary > colloquium

  • 6

    conloquium (coll-), ii, n., conversation, speech, 1 C. 15:33.*

    English-Latin new dictionary > conloquium

См. также в других словарях:

  • conversation — [ kɔ̃vɛrsasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1537; « relation, rapports, genre de vie » 1160; lat. conversatio « fréquentation » 1 ♦ Échange de propos (naturel, spontané); ce qui se dit dans un tel échange. ⇒ discussion, entretien, région. palabre. Conversation… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • conversation — CONVERSATION. s. f. Entretien familier. Conversation agréable, douce, aisée, enjouée, badine, sérieuse, galance, intéressante. Conversation ennuyeuse, longue, sèche, aride. Entrer en conversation. Être en conversation. Lier conversation. Renouer… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

  • conversation — Conversation. subst. f. v. Entretien familier. Agreable, douce, aisée, enjoüée conversation. conversation ennuyeuse. longue conversation. seche, aride, guindée. entrer en conversation. estre en conversation lier, noüer conversation. se plaire à… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • Conversation — Con ver*sa tion, n. [OE. conversacio (in senses 1 & 2), OF. conversacion, F. conversation, fr. L. conversatio frequent abode in a place, intercourse, LL. also, manner of life.] 1. General course of conduct; behavior. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] Let… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Conversation — Conversation. In der seinen und gebildeten Gesellschaft ist die Conversation der Hauptreiz der Unterhaltung, das belebende Element derselben. In ihr findet der Austausch der Ideen Statt. sie ist der Kampfplatz, wo Meinungen, Ansichten, Maximen… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • conversation — UK US /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən/ noun [C] ► a discussion with someone about a particular subject: have a conversation »We believe the company has the resources it needs, but if more is needed, we ll have that conversation …   Financial and business terms

  • conversation — (n.) mid 14c., living together, having dealings with others, also manner of conducting oneself in the world; from O.Fr. conversation, from L. conversationem (nom. conversatio) act of living with, from conversat , pp. stem of conversari to live… …   Etymology dictionary

  • conversation — [kän΄vər sā′shən] n. [ME conversacioun < OFr conversation < L conversatio < pp. of conversari: see CONVERSE1] 1. the act or an instance of talking together; specif., a) familiar talk; verbal exchange of ideas, opinions, etc. b) an… …   English World dictionary

  • conversation — I noun articulation, causerie, chat, collocution, colloquial discourse, colloquy, communication, confabulation, conloquium, consultation, conversing, deliberation, dialogue, discourse, discussion, dissertation, exchange, exchange of views,… …   Law dictionary

  • conversation — conversation, converse communion, communication, *intercourse, commerce, traffic, dealings, correspondence Analogous words: conversing, talking or talk, speaking or speech (see corresponding verbs at SPEAK) converse vb talk, *speak Analogous… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • conversation — et familiarité, Consuetudo, Conuersatio, Vsus. Conversation ordinaire, Vsus quotidianus …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

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That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

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Deponere vos secundum pristinam conversationem veterem hominem qui corrumpitur secundum desideria erroris.

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word,

they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

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Similiter mulieres subditae suis viris ut et si

qui non credunt verbo per mulierum conversationem sine verbo lucri fiant.

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

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Nemo adulescentiam tuam contemnat sed exemplum esto fidelium in verbo in conversatione in caritate in fide in castitate.

Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers,

they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ.

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Sed cum modestia et timore conscientiam habentes bonam ut

in eo quod detrahunt vobis confundantur qui calumniantur vestram bonam in christo conversationem.

Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you?

let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.

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Quis sapiens et disciplinatus inter vos ostendat ex bona conversatione operationem suam in mansuetudine sapientiae.

Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold,

from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

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Scientes quod non corruptibilibus argento vel

auro redempti estis de vana vestra conversatione paternae traditionis.

Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow,

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Mementote praepositorum vestrorum qui vobis locuti

sunt verbum dei quorum intuentes exitum conversationis imitamini fidem.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness.

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Cum haec igitur omnia dissolvenda sint quales oportet esse vos in sanctis conversationibus et pietatibus.

Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles:

that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify god in the day of visitation.

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ut in eo quod detractant de vobis tamquam de malefactoribus ex bonis operibus considerantes glorificent deum in die visitationis.

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;

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Sed secundum eum qui vocavit vos sanctum et ipsi sancti in omni conversatione sitis.

For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews’ religion,

how that beyond measure i persecuted the church of god, and wasted it.

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Audistis enim conversationem meam aliquando in iudaismo quoniam supra

modum persequebar ecclesiam dei et expugnabam illam.

Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh,

fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

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In quibus et nos omnes aliquando conversati sumus in desideriis carnis nostrae facientes voluntates carnis

et cogitationum et eramus natura filii irae sicut et ceteri.

For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of god,

we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward.

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Nam gloria nostra haec


testimonium conscientiae nostrae quod in simplicitate et sinceritate dei et non in sapientia carnali sed

in gratia dei conversati sumus in mundo abundantius autem ad vos.

Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ:

that whether i come and see you, or else be absent, i may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

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Tantum digne evangelio christi conversamini ut sive cum venero

et videro vos sive absens audiam de vobis quia stetistis uno spiritu unianimes conlaborantes fide evangelii.

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Last Update: 2020-08-01

Usage Frequency: 1


Last Update: 2020-07-28

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


confabulatus, confabulatus conversation;

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


our conversation is in heaven


conversatio nostra in coelis

Last Update: 2021-11-28

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


telephonema, telephonematis telephone conversation;

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


collocutorius, collocutoria, collocutorium of conversation;

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


discussion, talk, common talk, conversation, rumor

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


confabulatio, confabulationis conversation; discoursing together;

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


i commit to writing, that conversation, received entrust


mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus entrust

Last Update: 2018-07-21

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the chiefs had a conversation about the death of belimicus


principes de morte belimici sermonem habebant

Last Update: 2021-06-08

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


voice of the people is the voice of god but voter end the conversation


vox populi vox dei sed veter sermonem finitu

Last Update: 2023-02-19

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


and delivered just lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:


et iustum loth oppressum a nefandorum iniuria conversatione erui

Last Update: 2012-05-06

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


exhedra, exhedrae conversation-hall; hall with seats; (exedra);

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;


sed secundum eum qui vocavit vos sanctum et ipsi sancti in omni conversatione siti

Last Update: 2012-05-06

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


collocutorium, collocutorii parlor, visiting room; collocutorius, collocutoria, collocutorium of conversation;

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


that ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;


deponere vos secundum pristinam conversationem veterem hominem qui corrumpitur secundum desideria errori

Last Update: 2012-05-06

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,


cum haec igitur omnia dissolvenda sint quales oportet esse vos in sanctis conversationibus et pietatibu

Last Update: 2012-05-06

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sermo, sermonis conversation, discussion; rumor; diction; speech; talk; the word;

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


collocutio, collocutionis conversation (private), discussion, debate; conference, parley; talking together

Last Update: 2022-11-22

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


for ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the jews’ religion, how that beyond measure i persecuted the church of god, and wasted it:


audistis enim conversationem meam aliquando in iudaismo quoniam supra modum persequebar ecclesiam dei et expugnabam illa

Last Update: 2012-05-06

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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Home>Words that start with C>conversation>English to Latin translation

How to Say Conversation in LatinAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say conversation in Latin, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Latin better.

Here is the translation and the Latin word for conversation:


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«Conversation in Latin.» In Different Languages, Accessed 12 Apr 2023.



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Definition, Meaning [en]

conversations — the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words.

Other translation options [v1]

sermo conversation, speech, discourse, talk, discussion, report
colloquium colloquium, interview, dialogue, conversation, talk, converse
commutatio change, changing, alteration, exchanging, conversation, reverse
commutatus change, changing, exchanging, alteration, conversation, reverse
conmutatio changing, change, exchanging, alteration, conversation, reverse
conmutatus changing, change, exchanging, alteration, conversation, reverse
confabulatus conversation, confabulation
collocutio conversation, dialogue, converse, talk, talking, chat
conlocutio conversation, converse, talk, talking, chat, dialogue
dictio expression, diction, saying, speech, utterance, delivery
sermocinatio conversation, talk, discussion, chat
dialogus dialog, dialogue, conversation
confabulatio conversation, converse, talk, chat, parley, colloquy
fabula story, Myth, play, fable, tale, drama
conloquium interview, conversation, converse, parley, talk, colloquy

Examples: conversations

while also dealing with my commitment issues… trying to avoid all these awkward conversations .

dum etiam de negotiis meis negotiis tradendis… omnia haec inconvenientia colloquia vitare conatur.

Once you block someone, they no longer have access to your friend list and won’t be able to start conversations with you or see things you post on your profile.

Cum aliquem obstruis, accessum ad amicum tuum iam non habent nec colloquia tecum incipere possunt nec res tuas in profile tuum stipes videre.

All our conversations are in confidence.

Omnes sermones nostri in fiducia sunt.

Our research has shown that professional conversations are most effective in a private trusted space, so conversations in groups won’t be visible until you’ve joined the group.

Investigatio nostra ostendit colloquia professionalia efficacissima esse in spatio secreto confisi, ideo colloquia in coetibus non apparebunt donec coetui coniungas.

Political conversations with our family and friends uncovered a level of polarization that many of us had not previously experienced.

Colloquia politica cum familiaribus et amicis nostris detexerunt ordinem polarizationis quam multi antea experti erant.

Fine, your creative ads may start conversations , but I contend my computer generated ads are more persuasive any day.

Fine, praeconia tua creativa colloquia incipere possunt, sed contendo meum computatrum generatum praeconia quolibet die esse persuasiva.

On the subject of woman’s power she could talk endlessly, and it always seemed as if she were trying to frighten some one in these conversations .

De potestate mulieris sine fine loqui poterat, semperque videbatur quasi aliquem his sermonibus terrere conaretur.

Theoretically, we should really be sentimental and sad and should be carrying on deep conversations .

Theoretice vere sentientes et tristes esse debemus ac alta colloquia gerere debere.

People often lament that digital communication makes us less civil, but this is one advantage that online conversations have over in — person ones.

Saepe deplorant communicationem digitales nos minus civiles facere, sed hoc unum commodum est quod colloquia online in-homines habent.

And my boys were curious as to why the event was being organized, and this led to some very interesting family conversations .

Pueri autem mei curiosi erant cur res disponeretur, et hoc ad colloquia familiaria valde interesting ducebatur.

U.S. penal code 634.8 — laws and regulations regarding wiretapping do not apply to patently unlawful conversations .

US Codex poenalis 634.8- Leges et ordinationes de wiretapping non applicant patent colloquia illicita.

But we need to have these conversations .

Sed necesse est ut haec colloquia habeamus.

All those years you were working together, Your little secret conversations .

Tot annis simul operabas, sermones tuos secretos.

And conversations with moralizing strangers do not make people change their behavior.

Colloquia et colloquia cum alienis moralibus non faciunt mores suos mutant.

I have told you of my conversations with Crale and with Elsa.

De colloquiis meis cum Crale et cum Elsa dixi tibi.

Tony loathed parties. He hated the endless, boring conversations , the boastful men and the predatory women.

Carmen perosum est. infinitas oderat, sermones taedet, viros gloriosos et mulieres praedatorias.

Running voice prints against recorded prison conversations .

Vestigia vocis currens contra notata colloquia carceris.

Don’t eavesdrop on my private conversations , okay?

Noli auscultare in colloquiis privatis meis, bene?

Even if I was Dr. House, physician — patient confidentiality protects me from annoying conversations .

Etiam si Dr. House essem, secreto medico-patiens me ab molestis colloquiis custodit.

Somehow, we have to have complex astrophysical engineering conversations , using nothing but a still frame camera, from 1996.

Nescio quomodo colloquia astrophysica implicatos habere debemus, nihil aliud quam cameram adhuc machinam utentes, ab anno 1996.

We had one of those amazingly deep conversations … where you feel like you really get to know someone.

Habuimus unum ex illis colloquiis mirifice profundis… ubi sentis ut vere aliquem cognoscere.

The nanny’s mom died, and I had to spend the whole day sprinting around the house trying to avoid having conversations with her.

Momi matrimonialis mortuus est, et totum diem circumfusi vacare habui, ne colloquia cum ea haberem.

Yes, well… I’m sure your conversations are just riveting.

Ita, bene… Certus sum colloquia tua iactare solum.

Why don’t we have bunk bed conversations ?

Cur colloquia profugi non habemus?

While it is a high — energy dark comedy, the show opens conversations about dark issues, including bullying, teen suicide, sexual assault, and violence in schools.

Dum est summus industria obscura comoedia, spectaculum aperit colloquia de quaestionibus obscuris, incluso truculenta, teenm suicidii, sexualis oppugnationis, ac violentiae in scholis.

Awkward Conversations With Parents is a six — episode series produced by The Screen Patti.

Inconvenientia Colloquia Cum parentibus est series sex episodium a Eppur Patti producta.

While at St Peter’s, Tutu had also joined a pan — Protestant group, the Church Unity Commission, and served as a delegate at Anglican — Catholic conversations in southern Africa.

Dum apud Sanctum Petrum, Tutu etiam coetus pan-protestantes, Ecclesiae Unitas Commissioni coniunxit, et in Africa meridionali colloquiis Anglicano-catholicis delegatus functus est.

The bulk of the book narrates Mack’s conversations with Papa, Jesus, and Sarayu as he comes to terms with Missy’s death and his relationship with the three of them.

Moles libri narrat Mack colloquia cum Papa, Iesu et Sarayu dum congruit cum Missy mortem et eius relationem cum tribus illis.

In January 2018, Open Whisper Systems and Microsoft announced the addition of Signal Protocol support to an optional Skype mode called Private Conversations .

Mense Ianuario MMXVIII, Open Systema Susurri et Microsoft additae Protocollum signum denuntiavit subsidii ad libitum Skype modum vocatum Secretum Colloquia.

There are a number of ways to monitor telephone conversations .

Multi modi sunt colloquia telephonica monitoris.

In July 2020, C.K. announced the release of an audio series of conversations between himself and girlfriend Blanche Gardin.

Mense Iulio 2020 CK emissionem nuntiat auditionis seriem colloquiorum inter se et amicam Blanche Gardin.

Informally solicited proposals are typically the result of conversations held between a vendor and a prospective customer.

Propositiones intimae sollicitatae sunt plerumque effectus colloquiorum inter venditorem et emptorem prospiciens.

Bialik founded Grok Nation in August 2015 for people of different ages and backgrounds to have conversations on contemporary issues.

Bialik Grok Natione Augusto 2015 condita est pro diversis aetatibus et subiectis habere colloquia de rebus hodiernis.

Hangouts allows conversations between two or more users.

Hangouts colloquia permittit inter duos vel plures utentes.

Herodotus’ colorful account of the battle has provided history with many apocryphal incidents and conversations away from the main historical events.

Herodotus varia praelii narratione historiam cum multis apocryphis incidentibus et colloquiis ab praecipuis historicis rebus praebuit.

IP telephony uses a broadband Internet service to transmit conversations as data packets.

IP telephonia servitii interretialis emissarii utitur ad colloquia tradenda sicut fasciculi notitia.

The conversations centre around aspects of songwriting, inspiration, instruments, the recording processes, recording equipment and post — production.

Colloquia circa aspectus cantilenae, inspirationis, instrumenti, instrumentorum, processus recordationis, instrumenti et post-productionis recordantes.

During this period, the NSA reportedly had been eavesdropping on Thurmond’s conversations , using the British part of the ECHELON project.

Hoc tempore, NSA nuntiavit colloquia Thurmond auscultare fuisse, utens parte consilii Britannicae ECHELON.

In 2012, Watson disputed a request to release recordings of conversations with his attorney.

Anno 2012, Watson petitionem disputavit ut colloquia cum suo attornato dimitteret.

Smith has said that he is generally uncomfortable with interviews and conversations with strangers and does not express an interest or desire to engage in either.

Cicero dixit se fere incommodum esse cum colloquiis et colloquiis cum extraneis et non exprimit usuram vel studium exercendi in utroque.

On September 30, 2015 Microsoft announced that they would merge Lumia Conversations with Microsoft Surface Blog to form the new Microsoft Devices Blog.

Die 30 Septembris 2015 Microsoft nuntiaverunt colloquia Lumia se miscere cum Blog Microsoft Superficie ut nova Blog machinae Microsoft formarent.

As World War II began, Ciano and Viscount Halifax were holding secret phone conversations .

Cum Bellum Orbis Terrarum II incepit, Ciano et Vicecomes Halifax secreta telephonica colloquia tenebant.

From conversations with Francisco, Dagny and Hank realize he is hurting his copper company intentionally, although they do not understand why.

Ex colloquiis cum Francisco, Dagny et Hank cognoscunt se societatis aeneae laedere studiose, etsi cur non intellegunt.

Some of Escher’s many tessellation drawings were inspired by conversations with the mathematician H. S. M. Coxeter on hyperbolic geometry.

Nonnullae ex multis tessellatis delineationibus Escher afflata sunt colloquiis cum HSM Coxeter mathematico geometriae hyperbolicae.

Join Ed Randall and Rico Petrocelli for wide — ranging conversations on baseball’s rich and fascinating history as they talk with legendary players and personalities.

Iungere Ed Randall et Rico Petrocellis colloquia divulgata de baseballis historicis divitibus et fascinantibus sicut cum fabulosis histrionibus et personalitatibus loquuntur.

Brandeis attacks the proposition that expanding the Fourth Amendment to include protection of telephone conversations was inappropriate.

Brandeis propositionem oppugnat, quae quartae emendationis amplificandae tutelam in colloquiis telephonicis includendis indecens fuit.

Compartmentalization refers to the ability and ease of cross — conversations .

Compartmentalization refert ad facultatem et facilitatem in transversis colloquiis.

In May, McCord assigned former FBI agent Alfred C. Baldwin III to carry out the wiretapping and monitor the telephone conversations afterward.

Mense Maio, McCord Alfred C. Balduinus III agentem pristinum FBI assignavit ut colloquia telephonica pertractanda ac monitoria postea perficiat.

To promote the show, Zee TV launched ‘Galat Galat Galat’, a marketing campaign which drives conversations about the misinterpretations of Islam.

Ad spectaculum promovendum, Zee TV ‘Galat Galat Galat’, expeditionem venalicam immissam, quae colloquia de interpretationibus Islamicae agit.

The primary features of HipChat are chat rooms, one — on — one messaging, searchable chat history, image sharing, 5 GB of file storage, and SMS messaging for one — on — one conversations .

Primaria lineamenta HipChat chat conclavia sunt, unum in uno nuntio, investigabiles historiae chat, communicatio imaginis, 5 GB tabulariorum repositionis, et SMS nuntius pro uno in uno colloquio.

Jimmy as Mitt Romney and Dion Flynn as President Obama have one — on — one private conversations about their Presidential debates.

Jimmy as Mitt Romney et Dion Flynn sicut Praeses Obama unum in uno colloquia privata de contionibus praesidentialibus habent.

Thanks to the Sony Pictures hack in 2014, it was revealed that Sony and Marvel were having conversations about potentially sharing Spider — Man.

Gratias Sony Pictures hack anno 2014 revelatum est Sony et Mirari sermones habere de potentia Spider-Man communicantes.

On April 11, 1974, the House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the tapes of 42 White House conversations .

Die 11 mensis Aprilis anno 1974, Domus Committee iudicialis subpoenata perspicilla 42 Domus Albae colloquiorum.

When used in conversations via email or instant messenger it may be used as a sarcasm mark.

Cum in colloquiis per inscriptio vel nuntius instantis adhibitus est, adhiberi potest tamquam cavillatio nota.

An ongoing TVF series about Jeetu and his conversations with his father — often about technology, relationships, and families in India.

Series permanentis TVF de Jeetu et colloquiis cum patre — saepe de technologia, relationibus et familiis in India.

Winston Churchill holds conversations with American president Roosevelt in his secret loo.

Winston Churchill colloquia cum praeside Americano Roosevelt in secreto suo habet.

User stories can be expanded to add detail based on these conversations .

Fabulae usoris ampliari possunt ut singillatim ex his colloquiis addere possit.

In his essay, Logic and Conversation , Grice went on to explain and defend an explanation of how conversations work.

In eius commentario, Logico et Colloquio, Grice pergit ad explicandam et defendendam explicationem quomodo colloquia laborant.

Notably, many people engage in multiple conversations as a direct response to the requests of others.

Egregie multi multiplicia colloquia exercent sicut directa responsio ad postulata aliorum.

Video conference software has been used not only for virtual teams in large companies, but also for classrooms and casual conversations .

Vide programmata colloquii adhibita non solum pro iugis virtualis in magnis societatibus, sed etiam pro Integer et fortuita colloquia.

Chai Sutta Chronicles is TVF’s Jim Jarmusch — inspired series about conversations between friends.

Chai Sutta Chronicles est TVF scriptor Jim Jarmusch inspiratus series de colloquiis inter amicos.

Speech analytics provides categorical analysis of recorded phone conversations between a company and its customers.

Locutio analytica praebet analysim categoricam memoriae telephonicae colloquii inter societatem et clientes eius.

These conversations between both presidents were translated by Betancourt’s only child, Virginia Betancourt Valverde, who served as interpreter and confidant to her father.

Haec colloquia inter utrumque praesides a Betancourt unico puero, Virginia Betancourt Valverde, translata sunt, quae interprete et fidenti patri suo functus est.

There are numerous tools for adding content, monitoring content and conversations including Twitter’s own TweetDeck, Salesforce.

Multa instrumenta addantur ad contenta, vigilantia contenta et colloquia inclusa propria Twitter TweetDeck, Salesforce.

Speech act theory has been used to model conversations for automated classification and retrieval.

Theoria agendi loquelae adhibita est ad formandas sermones pro classificatione et retrieval automated.

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