The word conventional in a sentence

Synonym: accepted, customary, established, formal, traditional, usual. Similar words: convention, invention, conversation, prevention, intervention, constitutional, convenience, a bone of contention. Meaning: [-ʃənl]  adj. 1. following accepted customs and proprieties 2. conforming with accepted standards 3. (weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy 4. unimaginative and conformist 5. represented in simplified or symbolic form 6. in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past 7. rigidly formal or bound by convention. 

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1. She’s very conventional in her views.

2. Months are a conventional subdivision of the year.

3. The chairman made a few conventional remarks.

4. She’s so conventional in her views.

5. Mine was a conventional family upbringing.

6. The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment.

7. Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.

8. Conventional wisdom has it that riots only ever happen in cities.

9. He made a few conventional remarks about the weather.

10. He didn’t fit the conventional image of a banker.

11. A conventional war would still cause unacceptable devastation.

12. The printer has several advantages over conventional printers.

13. What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life!

14. All the approaches mentioned so far are fairly conventional.

15. She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel.

16. Not everybody nowadays lives in the conventional nuclear family.

17. He is conventional in his approach to life.

18. The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro.

19. It’s not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.

20. As traffic grew, the conventional wisdom was that roads should be widened to make room.

21. His work brought him into conflict with more conventional scientists.

22. She gives the impression of being rather conventional, but under the surface she is wildly eccentric.

23. This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays.

24. The other houses are built to a more conventional design.

25. With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.

26. I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior.

27. Relative to atypical antipsychotic use(, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points.

28. Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barry more would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. John Barry more, American actor, J. 

29. We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.

30. It’s taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training.

More similar words: convention, invention, conversation, prevention, intervention, constitutional, convenience, a bone of contention, conversion, national, additional, functional, educational, conviction, nationalism, traditional, congressional, traditionally, institutional, international, instructional, mention, organizational, attention, not to mention, pay attention to, identification, convey, concentration, convert. 

Definition of Conventional

describing the standard or the norm

Examples of Conventional in a sentence

In many cultures, a handshake is a conventional greeting exchanged between people meeting for the first time.


We often eat breakfast for dinner instead of a conventional meat and potatoes meal.


Unlike her atypical sister who got married in a bathing suit, Karen is a conventional woman who chose a simple white wedding dress.


To win the marketing job, we’ll need to let go of our conventional ideas and think outside the box.


When I realized conventional medications didn’t ease my pain, I considered alternative therapies.


Other words in the Neutral category:

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word conventional, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use conventional in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «conventional». In addition, we also show how different variations of conventional can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are conventionalised, conventionalities, conventionality, conventionalized, conventionally and conventional—were. If you click on the variation of conventional that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Conventional in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word conventional in a sentence.

  1. It has no chorus in the conventional sense.

  2. She’s very conventional, and the salt of the earth.

  3. The ADF is equipped with conventional weapons only.

  4. Wooden construction biplane, conventional in layout.

  5. Hutton’s batting technique was orthodox and conventional.

  6. Tillage varies in intensity from conventional to no-till.

  7. In 1997, CHART was seen as an improvement over conventional radical radiotherapy.

  8. Thenceforth he adopted the conventional method of using «normalised» entry words.

  9. Within this conventional outline, Mozart engages in extensive structural innovation.

  10. The last time a project used a conventional rotary rig with air circulation was 1961.

  11. The CRTs replace conventional electromechanical instruments found on earlier aircraft.

  12. In Namibia, more diamonds are now collected from marine sources than by conventional methods on land.

  13. In blue light, conventional optical microscopes have a diffraction-limited resolution of about 200 nm.

  14. Some critics found the plot to be a conventional «unravel-the-secret» and «woman on a quest» thriller.

  15. Modernists such as Roger Fry criticised the conventional, secure structure that underpins the memorial.

  16. The large quantity of conventional explosive in each weapon demanded special care be taken in handling.

  17. Instead of one conventional front radiator, the Lotus 72 featured two, one on each side of the cockpit.

  18. Waves thus broke across their hulls with considerably less force than when striking a conventional hull.

  19. It is not a conventional symphony, but rather an extended meditation on the joy of human union and love.

  20. Because it would need to be fired only once, the barrel could be made lighter than the conventional gun.

  21. This stripped-down control scheme was implemented as a deconstruction of conventional control mechanics.

  22. Dick Armin said, «[U2] were interested in using strings, but not in the conventional style of sweetening.

  23. The New York–Montreal Adirondack received Turboliners on March 1, 1977, replacing conventional equipment.

  24. Morrison comments that even in this early work, conventional sweetness is enlivened by subtle dissonance.

  25. Inspired by triple step dancing patterns, «Don’t Stop» includes both conventional acoustic and tack piano.

  26. One of the primary criteria was that the target cities must not have been damaged by conventional bombing.

  27. There are fully decorated surfaces with frequent recesses and projections with deeper niches and conventional sculptures.

  28. The conventional means of assuring this was to nominate a politician from New York, then the largest state in population.

  29. This would be a largely conventional fight, known as the «war against professionals», that would continue until late 1968.

  30. The jet snow blowers can be faster and gentler than conventional removal methods, but they consume a large amount of fuel.

  31. Madhava Prasad states that Jai and Veeru represent a marginalised population that is introduced into conventional society.

  32. Professor Matthew Auer of Bates College casts doubt on the conventional wisdom that social media are open and participatory.

  33. The departure of Venables saw Tottenham return to a conventional management setup after two seasons of a two-tier structure.

  34. In the world of professional popular music, «Bixie» was an artist comparable to Kreisler in the field of conventional music.

  35. The 1849 version following a conventional overture layout, divided into a slow section («Lament») and a fast one («Triumph»).

  36. The report reiterated that in the absence of adequate conventional forces, the strategic air campaign was all that there was.

  37. The next two issues also contained mock newspaper stories; issue 215 contained more conventional material, including a Jerry Cornelius story written by Charles Partington.

  38. Black books were more highly regarded than conventional illuminated books of hours, and today art historians assume they were commissioned by the court of Philip the Good.

  39. Following the failure of the blitzkrieg, the conflict developed into a long-term conventional war, which lasted until 2003 and caused millions of deaths and massive damage.

  40. It is sometimes referred to as the coat of arms of Belarus, although in heraldic terms this is inaccurate as the emblem does not respect the rules of conventional heraldry.

  41. Several critics have argued that by combining elements of epic, Bildungsroman, and young adult fiction, Le Guin succeeded in blurring the boundaries of conventional genres.

Conventionalised in a sentence

Conventionalised is a variation of conventional, below you can find example sentences for conventionalised.

  1. Surviving Byzantine art is mostly religious and with exceptions at certain periods is highly conventionalised, following traditional models that translate carefully controlled church theology into artistic terms.

Conventionalities in a sentence

Conventionalities is a variation of conventional, below you can find example sentences for conventionalities.

  1. Fuller claiming that «90 per cent of the army was at work scraping off the reality of war and burnishing up the war-tarnished conventionalities of peace».

Conventionality in a sentence

Conventionality is a variation of conventional, below you can find example sentences for conventionality.

  1. Following a critical reappraisal, critics wrote about the poems’ conventionality and lack of originality.

  2. George preferred to stay at home pursuing his hobbies of stamp collecting and game shooting, and he lived a life that later biographers considered dull because of its conventionality.

  3. The crowd applauded, but the speech, according to Peskin, «however sincerely intended, betrayed its hasty composition by the flatness of its tone and the conventionality of its subject matter».

Conventionalized in a sentence

Conventionalized is a variation of conventional, below you can find example sentences for conventionalized.

  1. The final category of stage speech is conventionalized stage speeches (chengshi nianbai).

  2. They were published anonymously and heavily edited, with conventionalized punctuation and formal titles.

  3. Another conventionalized stage speech is the exit speech, which may take the form of a poem followed by a single spoken line.

Conventionally in a sentence

Conventionally is a variation of conventional, below you can find example sentences for conventionally.

  1. He is conventionally known by his temple name Taizong.

  2. The lower panels will have representations of foliage treated conventionally.

  3. The male characters in South Pacific are intended to appear conventionally masculine.

  4. The journalist Neal Ascherson described Crawford as «not conventionally intellectual».

  5. She did not smoke or drink, dressed conventionally and holidayed modestly in Scarborough.

  6. These dates conventionally delimit the period of each year when most storms form in the Atlantic basin.

  7. Whereas John Waters does not like romantic comedies, she wanted to tell a conventionally romantic story.

  8. Releases of conventionally reared hatchery steelhead pose ecological risks to wild steelhead populations.

  9. Below the groundwater level, the saturation of the ground made it unfeasible to dig the cellar conventionally.

  10. Woods described him as «not conventionally religious, although he had genuine religious feeling in broad terms».

  11. These dates conventionally delimit the period of each year when most tropical cyclones form in the Atlantic basin.

  12. The vocals are sometimes nasal, and the lyrics often shouted in an «arrogant snarl», rather than conventionally sung.

  13. Individual texts are conventionally known by a single uppercase letter and a name, such as Tablet C, the Mamari Tablet.

  14. Although Ace resumed using the «Ace Double» name in 1974, the books were arranged conventionally rather than tête-bêche.

  15. These dates conventionally delimit the period of each year when most tropical cyclones form in the eastern Pacific basin.

  16. Some of you may know that I am neither Christian nor Jewish nor Buddhist, nor a conventionally religious person of any sort.

  17. After the initial meeting with game designers, the album was written in the same way Midnight Syndicate conventionally write.

  18. The gear box of the 2300 was conventionally located adjacent to the engine and not (as with the Alfetta) across the rear axle.

  19. These dates conventionally delimit the period of each year when most tropical cyclones form in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.

  20. Traditionalists considered this a fashion faux pas, as a white tie is conventionally only worn with a white waistcoat and tails.

Conventional—were in a sentence

Conventional—were is a variation of conventional, below you can find example sentences for conventional—were.

  1. These poets—whose writing was characterized as family-friendly and conventional—were among the first Americans to build substantial popularity in Europe.

Synonyms for conventional

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word conventional has the following synonyms: accepted, received, customary, formulaic, stodgy, stuffy, formal, unoriginal, button-down, buttoned-down, conservative, square, straight, stereotyped, stereotypic, stereotypical, unimaginative, white-bread, ceremonious, established, orthodox, schematic, nonrepresentational, and traditional.

General information about «conventional» example sentences

The example sentences for the word conventional that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «conventional» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «conventional».

conventional — перевод на русский


In a community of 855 men and 8 women… conventional one-to-one relationships between men and women..

В обществе, где 855 мужчин и 8 женщин, Обычные отношения между мужчиной и женщиной невозможны.

They believe conventional warp engines damage subspace, so they’ve outlawed warp travel through their territory.

Они верят, что обычные варп двигатели разрушают подпространство, поэтому они объявляют незаконным проход на варпе через их территорию.

They have to crap on conventional things in order to create.

Они должны плевать на обычные вещи, чтобы иметь возможность творить.

And, by law, there has to be a conventional sign next to them, saying the same thing for when it’s dark and not windy.

И по закону, радом с ними должны стоять дублирующие обычные знаки на случай, если будет темно или не ветрено.

Now, this other fragment has conventional rifling.

Теперь, у других фрагментов обычные нарезы.

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And if I’m hard to reach… well, don’t make the conventional assumptions.

И если со мной трудно будет связаться… ну, не делайте традиционных предположений.

That’s why I’ve decided to pursue a more conventional work environment.

Вот почему я решил выполнять работу в более традиционных условиях.

Only if no conventional treatment has been given can a miracle be declared.

Говорить о чуде можно было только тогда, когда не применялось никаких традиционных методов лечения.

— It’s okay. There’s a lot of safe, conventional writers who find success writing textbooks.

Есть много простых, традиционных писателей которые становятся популярными и пишут учебники

To the ignorant or those in conventional industries, the recent Nucleus glitch may seem a failure… purely in the negative sense.

Для представителей традиционных отраслей случай с «Нуклеусом» может показаться провалом.

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You’ll see, with Cottafavi, the perceived magic is filtered through traditional film techniques. He lyrically exacerbates conventional forms.

Вот увидишь, у Коттафави приглушенная магичность наезда камеры ремодулирует чрезмерный лиризм общепринятых шаблонов.

Yet, there are scientists who can expand their thoughts well beyond conventional wisdom, and in doing so, see the bigger picture that is starting to come into focus.

Всё же есть учёные, способные выйти в своих суждениях далеко за пределы общепринятых взглядов. Видя, таким образом, большую картину, которая становится всё более чёткой.

Of course, just because they don’t have an alarm system doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about less conventional forms of security.

Конечно, факт отсутствия сигнализации не означает, что вам не придётся беспокоиться о менее общепринятых вариантах защиты.

She’s way beyond conventional morality.

— Нет, она выше общепринятой морали.

Well, conventional wisdom is he was demonstrating his own faith.

Ну, по общепринятой версии, он демонстрировал свою веру.

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Conventional internal combustion engine.

Стандартный двигатель внутреннего сгорания.

Conventional wisdom.

Стандартный подход.

— Yeah, it’s dated and conventional.

— Да, на древний и стандартный.

However… conventional investigation of these cases may decrease the rate of success.

Тем не менее стандартное расследование этих дел может уменьшить вышеупомянутый процент.



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In 1946 Timothy Leary was all set for a glittering but conventional career.

В 1946 году Тимоти Лири был готов к началу блестящей, но заурядной карьеры.

Before you came into my life, it was set on a course so dull, so conventional, so unrewarding that it would have been better if I had not lived at all.

Прежде, чем вы вошли в мою жизнь, она обещала быть такой унылой, такой заурядной и бесполезной, что было бы лучше не жить совсем.

He’s making you conventional and skittish.

Он делает вас заурядной и пугливой

But not conventional.

Но не заурядная.

However, the theme is too conventional, so we decided to give it 2nd prize.

Тем не менее, тема заурядна, поэтому мы решили дать ему 2-е место.

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Scrub brush, rocks, an abundance of mineral deposits, but no weapons in the conventional sense.

Жесткие кустарники, камни, обилие полезных ископаемых, но никакого оружия в привычном смысле этого слова.

It’s not stealing in the conventional sense of the word.

И не крала в привычном смысле этого слова.

Turning down conventional modeling jobs, booking sleazy gigs at private parties…

Отрицание привычной работы модели, участие в сомнительных мероприятиях на частных вечеринках…

And that’s why you need me, because I am willing to stare into the abyss beyond conventional morality and do what needs to be done to even that fucking table back up.

Поэтому я и нужен тебе, потому что я нырну в бездну, находящуюся за пределами привычной морали, и сделаю всё, чтобы выровнять этот долбаный стол.

There, our conventional perspectives of space and time strangely change.

Наши привычные взгляды на пространство и время причудливым образом меняются.

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He’s not conventional.

Он необычный.

Well, not conventional blackmail.

Необычный шантаж.

You know I’m not a conventional principal.

Ты ведь знаешь, я необычный директор.

I know it’s not the conventional choice, but it’s just so textured and rich and… and… and exciting.

Я знаю, что это необычный выбор, но эта песня такая текстурная, такая сильная и… и возбуждающая.

That’s why these are not conventional attacks.

Вот почему они атакуют столь необычно.

Wy do you have to be so conventional?

Ну почему ты должен быть таким обыкновенным?

It might amuse you to know that while you were upstairs having moose with me and Liv who, by the way, finds me very conventional I had Irina down here in that cage.

Знаешь, когда ты был наверху и ел стейк из лося со мной и Лив, которая, кстати, находит меня обыкновенным. Здесь, в этой клетке, была Ирина.

I’ve been trying to get your attention with conventional weapons,

Я пытался привлечь твоё внимание, с помощью обыкновенным оружием:

Either we act conventionally, and go home like everyone else,

Или мы поступаем обыкновенно, и едем домой как все остальные,

Having worked on French films of the most conventional and traditional kind,

Проработав на французских фильмах из самого обыкновенного и традиционного вида,

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Examples of how to use the word “conventional” in a sentence. How to connect “conventional” with other words to make correct English sentences.

conventional (adj): traditional and ordinary

Use “conventional” in a sentence

Why are conventional language classes so boring?
Nina is very conventional in her views.
That conventional treatment didn’t work.

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обычный, традиционный, стандартный, условный, общепринятый, обусловленный


- приличный, вежливый, светский

conventional manners — светские манеры

- обычный, привычный, общепринятый; традиционный

conventional conclusion of a letter — традиционное окончание письма
conventional phraseology — избитые фразы
conventional wisdom — общепринятая точка зрения; традиционный образ мыслей

- неодобр. консервативный; чурающийся новизны

Jane is very conventional about food [in the clothes she wears] — Джейн очень консервативна в отношении пищи [в одежде]

- обусловленный, оговорённый, договорённый

conventional rate — ком. условленный курс
conventional tariff — ком. конвенционный тариф

- находящийся в соответствии с договором, соглашением
- нормальный

conventional yield — с.-х. плановая урожайность; нормальный урожай

- спец. стандартный; удовлетворяющий техническим условиям
- условный

conventional sign — условный знак

- воен. обычный (о вооружении); неядерный, неатомный

conventional weapons — обычное оружие
conventional armed forces — обычные вооружённые силы (не оснащённые ядерным оружием)

- идущий в русле традиций; консервативный

conventional art — традиционное /консервативное/ искусство

- условный (об изображении); схематический, упрощённый

conventional design — условное изображение (солнца и т. п.)

Мои примеры


a conventional view of the world — консервативный взгляд на мир  
a lack of concern for conventional morality — безразличие к принятым нормам морали  
conventional obligations — договорные обязательства  
conventional symbols — условные символы  
conventional milling method — метод встречного фрезерования  
conventional mortgage — условная закладная  
conventional prison, ordinary prison — тюрьма общего режима  
conventional submarine — обычная подводная лодка  
conventional arms transfer — передача обычного вооружения  
conventional market — традиционный рынок  
conventional agrochemical market — традиционный агрохимический рынок  
conventional production methods — традиционные методы производства  

Примеры с переводом

Her views are remarkably conventional.

Её взгляды на удивление традиционны.

Jane is very conventional about food

Джейн очень консервативна в отношении пищи

He didn’t fit the conventional image of a banker.

Он не вписывался в традиционный образ банкира.

Most of her books are conventional detective stories.

Большинство её книг — обычные детективы.

Karen was very conventional about her views of marriage.

Карен была очень консервативна в своих взглядах на брак.

You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven.

Мясо можно приготовить как в микроволновой печи, так и в обыкновенной духовке.

He is conventional in his approach to life.

Он придерживается общепринятого подхода к жизни.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

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Different types of conventional regimes have resulted from this kind of cooperation.


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На базе такого рода сотрудничества сложились различные виды конвенционных режимов.


A high level of conventional crime is not the only challenge facing Africa.


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Высокий уровень общеуголовной преступности- не единственная проблема, с которой сталкивается Африка.


Such a method of argumentation significantly facilitates similarity of the constitutional and conventional values.


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Подобный способ обоснования существенно облегчает схожесть конституционных и конвенционных ценностей.


We observed conventional in experimental surgery sizes of endoprostheses(3×3 cm)

the rabbits were implanted.


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Соблюдали общепринятые в экспериментальной хирургии размеры эндопротезов, имплантируемых кроликам

3× 3 см.


The modified conventional deconvolution method using discrete orthogonal transformations is proposed.


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В работе предложена модификация метода условной деконволюции при использовании дискретных ортогональных преобразований.


Conventional war risks(if any in general) will be removed instantly.


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Угрозы условной войны( если таковые существуют вообще) будут моментально устраняться.


These monsters are attractive and can be pretty in the conventional sense of the word.


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Такие монстры привлекательны и могут быть симпатичными в общепринятом смысле этого слова.


Russian literature is the most free of all from the conventional lies of civilisation.

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Русская литература наиболее свободна от условной лжи цивилизации.

Power engineers of the Voronezh region took part in the elimination of a conventional emergency.

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Энергетики Воронежской области приняли участие вликвидации условной чрезвычайной ситуации.

Conventional farmers, processors and traders interested in organic.


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Конвенциональные фермеры, переработчики и представители торговли, заинтересованные в органических продуктах.


From the conventional point of view, such a gas does not exist in nature.


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В природе, с общепринятой точки зрения, такой газ не может существовать.


At worst, they will drop conventional bombs that don’t scare anybody.

Drip flow with pressure compensation

is less sensitive to counter-resistance compared to conventional dropper.


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Расход капельницы с компенсацией давления

менее чувствителен встречному сопротивлению по сравнению с конвенциональной капельницей.


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Capra pushes for western society to abandon conventional linear thought and the mechanistic views of Descartes.


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Капра призывает западное общество отбросить общепринятое линейное мышление и механистические представления Декарта.


Economic efficiency: conventional economic benefit 166590,8UAH.


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Экономическая эффективность: условный экономической эффект составляет 166590, 8 грн.


Such pathological reflexes are conventional and are formed in response to the negative external influence.


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Такие патологические рефлексы являются условными и формируются в ответ на негативные внешние воздействия.


Rated conventional short-circuit current 25 kA fuse link gL/gG 160 A.


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Номинальный ток короткого замыкания условный 25 кА предохранительная вставка gL/ gG 160 A.


Field data collection was carried out in the conventional methods and techniques of ichthyology.


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Сбор полевого материала производился общепринятыми в ихтиологии методами и способами.


Conventional digitalization of isometric line blue- negative anomalies, red- positive.


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Оцифровка изолиний условная синяя гамма- отрицательные аномалии, красная- положительные.


Type of cargo refers to: conventional, containerized, perishable and roll-on/roll-off vehicles.


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Типы груза: конвенциональный, контейнерный, скоропортящийся, транспортное средство с горизонтальным методом загрузки/ выгрузки.


The inside surface of the pot contains a conventional scale for cereal and water.


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На внутренней стенке чаши отображена условная шкала с пропорциями для крупы и воды.


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This is a new disease under the conventional«virtual chronic hallucinosis» name….


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Это проявление нового заболевания людей под условным наименованием« виртуальный хронический галлюциноз»….


An object under conventional name»The unified global network of the planet Earth»;


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Объект под условным наименованием« Единая глобальная компьютерная сеть планеты Земля»;


Results: 11895,
Time: 0.0499





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